The Atkinson County Board of Education met in regular session June 27, 2013 at 6:00 P.M.

Board members present: Mark McKinnon, Perette Morris, Jearldean Summerlin and Betty Drayton Williams.

Mr. Cochran opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Ms. Summerlin Board Chairperson, called the meeting to order.

Ms. Drayton Williams made a motion to approve agenda as presented. Mr. McKinnon seconded; vote was unanimous.

Information items discussed: Investors Management Company (IMC) Superintendent’s Information

Ms. Drayton Williams made a motion to approve the May 23, 2013 board minutes as written. Ms. Morris seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Morris made a motion to approve the May 2013 Financial Report as presented. Ms. Drayton Williams seconded; vote was unanimous.

Mr. McKinnon made a motion to adopt the proposed budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 as presented. Ms. Drayton Williams seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Morris made a motion to approve the purchase of printer cartridges as presented by Mr. Cochran and Mr. Harrell. Mr. McKinnon seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Drayton Williams made a motion to approve the student handbooks as presented. Ms. Morris seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Drayton Williams made a motion to approve recommendations and resignations as presented. Ms. Morris seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Drayton Williams made a motion to approve facility use request as presented. Ms. Summerlin seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Morris made a motion to approve the following policy as first reading, JGFGB – Concussion Management. Mr. McKinnon seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Drayton Williams made a motion to approve the first reading to rescind policy, GBN – Professional Personnel Separation. Ms. Morris seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Morris made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss personnel. Ms. Drayton Williams seconded; vote was unanimous.

Ms. Drayton Williams made a motion to return to open session. Mr. McKinnon seconded; vote was unanimous. Mr. McKinnon made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Drayton Williams seconded; vote was unanimous.

______Board Chairperson Superintendent