The Following Items Are in the General Orders
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The following items are in the General Orders. Some are kept on the web site and you will need to download off this site separately. ITEM WHERE YOU WILL FIND IT General Orders In this one click Veterans & Family Report Program In this one click Americanism Program In this one click Hospital Progam In this one click Legislative Program In this one click Membership Program In this one click Scholarships Program In this one click Youth Activities Program In this one click Historian In this one click Ways and Means In this one click Chief of Staff In this one click Roaster changes In this one click Auxiliary President form In this one click Treasurer Information In this one click VOD Banquet form On web site under News / Events Program Book form for Council On web site under Post meetings Agenda for Winter Conference In this one click PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE – January/February 2017 TAKING CARE OF VETERANS while BEE-ING KIND TO ONE ANOTHER Happy New Year! From my house to yours, may this coming year bring you all the things that make a happy & healthy life for you. LIFE MEMBERSHIP COST: Remember that a 15% increase for life membership dues went into effect 1/1/2017. Please go on line and print the new membership applications which reflect that change. ANNUAL MEMBERS: Remember those annual members who failed to pay their 2017 dues are no longer members and cannot attend meetings nor hold officer positions. Please contact them and see if they need assistance in paying these dues. We don’t want to leave any member behind!! PREPARATION FOR YEAR-END REPORTS: In January, each auxiliary president should make a copy of the year end reports for each auxiliary chairman. Ask the chairmen to complete this form and bring it to the February meeting. At the February meeting, determine what needs to be done in each Program to be able to complete the year-end report by the first of April. Year-End Reports due in the chairmen’s hand by April 15. Each district’s VOICE OF DEMOCRACY and PATRIOT PEN scholarship winners have been turned in to Department and now is the time for you to make your reservations for the February Council of Administration (C of A) meeting and banquet. If you can only attend one meeting a year, this one banquet will have you coming away feeling so positive about the youth of Missouri and these programs we work so hard toward each year. I hope to see you February 3 – 5 in Jefferson City. Your second VA hospital donation is due in February. HOSPITALIZED VETERANS, those in VETERANS HOMES, and local hospital or nursing homes – don’t forget the family members of veterans – Valentine’s Day is one of our great days to spend time either in auxiliary groups or with our Youth Groups giving out cards, candy and hugs. Spend time talking with them. Ask them, what is the coldest day they remember, biggest amount of snow they have seen, etc. TIME is the best thing we offer to our veterans and their families. MEMBERSHIP – As always, we cannot remain a strong organization without our members. For the next two months, please work on former members who, for some reason didn’t pay continue their membership in 2014, 15, and 16. Former 2014 & 2015 members would be signed up as “rejoins”. Those who were member in 2016 have until June 30 to “catch up” and be continuous members with all privileges of other members, including cancer grants. UPCOMING ELECTIONS – Do you know our by-laws as amended July 22, 2015 permit nominating committees for our auxiliary election in April? One sentence on page 68 of the 2016 and 2017 By-Laws, Sec. 804A is the only place this is mentioned. There are no instructions on how to do this. The Demeter Manual states this committee could consist of 3 – 5 members, either appointed by your President and approved by the members, by election by the members, or simply let the President appoint the committee. If your auxiliary feels this could benefit you in getting officers to accept positions, you may want to try this. I belong to another organization that utilizes this method to aid annual elections. The President appoints a five-person committee in Oct. so they can present their nominees at our Nov. meeting. During the December meeting the President says: “The position of President is open for nominations. Our committee has submitted the name of Elvis Presley. Are there any further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Hearing no further nomination, ………………………………etc.” I’m just throwing this out as many auxiliaries struggle each year to fill these important positions and this is an excellent way to start addressing it ahead of time. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY TO EACH OF YOU. Hugs, Hazel Attested by:
Hazel Linneberger Jeri Sherwood President, Dept. of Mo Secretary, Dept. of Mo. VFW Auxiliary VFW Auxiliary VETERANS & FAMILY SUPPORT DEPARTMENT OF MISSOURI January & February - 2017 Vera G. Harrison, Chairman Promotional Material 17550 West Prairie Grove Rd. Home – 660-347-5391 La Monte, MO 65337 Fax – 660-347-5226 Cell – 660-641-2232 [email protected] THE MILITARY & VETERAN FAMILY HELPLINE- 1-800-313-4200!!!!!!!!! [email protected]. LIKE HONEY, SPREAD THE WORD!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I can’t believe we are half way thru our fiscal year. I am sure all of you are working hard for our veterans, service members and their families!! I can’t wait to hear all the wonderful things you have done!! Remember, April 15th is the deadline for yearend reports! VFW VETERANS AND MILITARY SUPPORT PROGRAMS: DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR DONATIONS GO?
UNMET NEEDS – 33 GRANTS - $70,250.
MILITARY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM – 55 GRANTS AND 16,700 IN ATTENDANCE. A total of 28,551 Veterans, Military Members & their families were supported through the Veterans and Military Support Programs during the month of November 2016. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DONATION? NATIONAL VETERANS SERVICE – The VFW (NVS) helps veterans, service members and their families obtain the benefits they deserve – at no cost. These VFW Service Officers recover more than $1 billion annually in VA benefits for veterans and their dependents. My husband’s cousin joined the VFW because of a VFW Service Officer in Columbia who helped him get his benefits. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DONATION? “BUDDY”® POPPY – Most of you have already had your Poppy drives and used the little red flower in all kinds of creative and interesting ways. Please continue to do so and be sure to report it. At the Winter C of A in February, we will be having a “Buddy”® Poppy contest and the theme will be VALENTINES. At the JUNE Convention we will have a Poppy contest with 3 categories. Category 1 – Public Promotion of Poppy Campaign. Category 2 – Memorial or Inspirational Displays. Category 3 – Artistic or Decorative Use of Poppies. The winning displays in each Category will be going to National Convention in New Orleans. (Please keep that in mind). Thank you!! VFW NATIONAL HOME FOR CHILDREN – You will be receiving this material in the middle of December. Health and Happiness donations deadline is December 31st. Check and make sure you have made your donation of at least ten cents per member based on last years ending membership quota. Are you a life member of the National Home? Life memberships are $35. Every Auxiliary member should be a life member of the National Home. I will have applications and other materials at the Winter C of A. Thank you!!
I want to thank you for the great work that you are doing for our Organization and if you have any questions, give me a call or send me an e-mail. Remember, we are here because of “OUR” Veteran and we have the obligation to take care of the HERO’S and their families. GOD BLESS YOU ALL… AND GOD BLESS AMERICA……
We, in the SHOW ME STATE are: Taking Care of our Veterans While “BEE”-ing Kind to One Another!
Vera Americanism Department of Missouri Janet Barlar 10865 Co. Rd. 3310 Rolla, Mo. 65401 [email protected] 573-261-1948 January-February Promotional Materials I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We are on the downhill slide and we need to make sure we get all our planned projects done. April will be here before you know it and it will be time to do our year-end reports. I am very confident that each auxiliary has done an outstanding job promoting patriotism and meeting our goals for the year.
I still need your help with my video project. I am still in desperate need for more photos to make the video using pictures of our student athletes showing the proper behavior when the colors are presented and when the National Anthem is played. I know that many of you attend different sporting events in your communities. Some of you probably have children or grandchildren that participate in sporting events. All you must do is snap a picture! Once I receive enough pictures, I will put the video together and put it on our Department website and Facebook page. I am still offering an incentive for helping me. I will have the giveaway at the February C of A for the first Chairman in each membership group that sends me pictures. You may send the pictures to me via email or regular mail. I am also asking that each Americanism Chairman send me the number of letters you sent out to your athletic directors and coaches by the second week in January.
Do you have plans ready for Presidents Day projects? Presidents Day is February 20th. If you have not done a coloring contest. This would be a great opportunity to do one. I do have pictures on the Department website that that you may use, or, you may use your own pictures.
I have been asked to explain how the flags should be displayed during your meetings. If you are FACING the President’s station, the Auxiliary is on the far-right side. In the middle is the American flag and on the far-left side is the other American flag. The American flags should be set slightly higher than the Auxiliary flag.
Last, but not least, a new law has been passed by the Missouri Legislature, House Bill 1750. It requires that all public schools to say the Pledge of Allegiance once a day. I am asking that all Americanism Chairman check with their local schools to make sure that each classroom has an American flag. If not, it would be a great project for your Auxiliary to purchase the flags for each classroom that does not have one. I have seen them as cheap as $1.39 for a 12” by 18” flag. If you need help finding these online, I am just a phone call away and am willing to help you search.
As Harry Truman said, “America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and on unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.”
Thank you for all your hard work for spreading patriotism around our communities. If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Janet Barlar
Taking Care of our Veterans While “Bee”-ing Kind to One Another Department of Missouri January-February Promotion Hospital Program 2016-2017
Rebecca Wischmeyer, Department Chairman
Taking Care of Our Veterans While “BEE”-ing Kind to One Another
2016-2017 Program Goals: Volunteer Service in Medical Facilities Volunteer Recruitment & Recognition Veterans Voices Writing Project Military Suicide Awareness
Our year is over half done, this is the time to take that Year-end Report out to look at it to make sure your Auxiliary has done all of the requirements for this year.
Don’t forget about the VA’s Salute to Hospitalized Veterans’ week starts February 12- 18th. Check with your VAVS Representative what your Auxiliary can do to make this week special for our hospitalized veterans.
The Military Suicide Awareness. Veterans Crisis Line, run by Veterans Affairs, can assist veterans and their families with many issues. This problem is an ongoing concern evey day. If you know a veteran in crisis Call 1-800-273-8255, press 1 or Start working with the Behavior Health Suicidal Coordinator at your nearest VA Medical Center. I am having the Suicidal Coordinator come to the VFW Auxiliary Winter conference in February to speak on the latest on the Suicidal prevention at the VA. We are losing 22 veterans a day from suicide. THIS RATE HAS TO BE STOP! Each of our members needs to know the FIVE Signs of Awareness. Our National Commander in Chief and our National President has this special project for us to make aware of our behavior disorders. Please review this website. . Personality Change : Sudden or gradual changes in the way someone typically behave Agitation: When someone sees uncharacteristically angry, agitated, or moody Withdrawal: Withdrawn or isolated from other people; pulling away from family and friends Poor Self-Care: Has stopped taking care of themselves and may engage in risky behavior Hopelessness: Seems overcome with hopelessness and overwhelmed by their circumstances.
I sat down with the Secretary of the VA, Bob McDonald in October in Washington D.C. about what he is working on to improve the care of the VA. He is aware of the problems of the staff at the VAs’. Years and years of the same stuff going on and it times time to get it back on the right track. Any veterans have a problem at the VA in the care or their eligibility should call his office or email: [email protected]. He is hoping to involve the family in the veterans care. He feels they should have an input in that veteran’s care.
Don’t forget that the Hospital Volunteer of the Year needs to be sent to me before the end of February so I can send the winner onto National. It needs to be on the form that is in the Department program book. We have some great hospital volunteers in our state. Let us get them recognized. February is the month for your 2nd hospital donation. Reviewing the donation stats there are a few of Auxiliaries that have sent their donation in at all. These donations go to our VA Medical Center and Missouri Veterans Homes. Please send something to get you credit to our Department Treasurer, Jerri Sherwood. We need volunteers in our VA Medicals, Nursing Homes and Missouri Veterans Home. It is our volunteers that can make a difference in the lives of our hospitalized veterans and also can assist the VA staff in caring for those veterans to make the VA care a better system.
During this year “Unwavering Support for Uncommon Heroes” by “Taking Care of Our Veterans While “BEE”-ing Kind to One Another” in 2016- 2017 by volunteering in our hospital program.
904 Bourn Ave Cell: 573-999-3666 Columbia, MO 65203 Email: [email protected] LEGISLATIVE Nancy Smith DEPARTMENT OF MISSOURI 6539 E. Outer Rd. JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 GENERAL ORDERS Norwood, MO 65717 "Unwavering Support for Uncommon Heroes" (417) 766-2448 [email protected] Happy New Year! Let's all celebrate a new year of working for our Veterans and their families. The elections brought big changes to our leadership at both the national and state levels, and we must work hard to be sure that this means good news for our Veterans. Both our Governor and Lt. Governor are Veterans, and they understand our cause. You need to be sure to have your Representatives and Senators (both Missouri and US) in your contact list. This will make it much easier for you to contact them in a hurry if requested by the VFW. Have you sent the newly elected people a letter or card of congratulations and introduction? Do you have the name of the legislative assistant who will be your primary contact? Be ready to hit the ground running as the new legislative sessions begin. As you know, April 15, 2017 is the deadline for submitting year-end reports. Now is the time to check the categories to see that you are making progress toward your goals. Gather documentation and pictures and get ready to tell me about all that hard work your Auxiliary has done to promote our legislative goals. You should report any work your Auxiliary members did for the election process. Did someone work at the polls? Did they vote? Did they take someone to vote? Did they work campaign events for the candidate(s) of their choice? And, as usual, I want to remind you about the importance of subscribing to the VFW Action Corps Weekly. Please be sure that every member with internet access has subscribed! It is so easy. Go to the VFW website and look under the tab "VFW in DC". Remember it isn't just about elections. Many of our programs depend on our legislative work. Legislative bodies fund VA Hospitals and Veterans' Homes. Veterans' educational benefits require legislative approval of funding. If we are working diligently in the legislative realm, we can be sure that we are looking out for our wonderful Veterans, their families and their communities. Keep up the good work! I am so happy that our Missouri Auxiliaries are.... "Working hard for Veterans while "beeing" kind to one another!"
DEPARTMENT OF MISSOURI Membership Chairman Brenda Bryant MEMBERSHIP & LEADERSHIP. PO Box 177, Hawk Point, MO 63349 January/February Promotional Material Phone: Home -636-338-4857 Cell – 573-694-2799 Email: [email protected]
DECEMBER 31 HAS COME AND GONE AND HERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU NEED TO BE AWARE OF: ALL VFW Men’s Auxiliaries have closed. If you have a men’s auxiliary in your area and they have not signed up for your Auxiliary, GO AFTER THEM! Remember, they have just lost their organization and they are not happy about this. Keep working on them to get them signed up for your Auxiliary. If they really care about our Veterans, they will join, it just may take some time for the hurt to heal. Any Auxiliary member that hasn’t paid their dues, is now a member NOT IN GOOD STANDING. They are no longer eligible for a cancer grant or the benefits of being a member. Life Membership fees have gone up. As soon as we have the amounts, we will put them on our web site and in general orders.
It is our goal not to leave any member behind! If you still have members that have not paid their dues, it is time to talk to them personally not by email or mail. Call or visit their homes and find out why they have not paid. If they are having financial or personal problems, consider taking money from your relief fund and help by paying their dues.
Do you carry a membership application with you? New members can be found everywhere you go. Talk to people at any group you belong to and encourage them to honor their veteran by becoming a member of the VFW Auxiliary. Let them know what exciting things your Auxiliary is doing. Numbers are important when our National Commander goes before congress and ask for benefit that our Veterans deserve. EVERY MEMBER COUNTS! We are the greatest Veterans organization because of our numbers and we need to keep it that way.
AWARDS: Have you checked your program material to make sure you are achieving all the awards we are offering? Here are some you should be watching: National will send $50 to each Auxiliary that makes their 100% plus. You must achieve this by June 30. Already, Missouri has 29 Auxiliaries that have made 100% plus. We have 15 Auxiliaries that are 100%. All they need is ONE MORE MEMBER and they will receive $50 from National. Isn’t it worth it? Department level - A BIT OF HONEY AWARD: Check out all the ways you can get your name entered, into a drawing for four quilts. I have heard from a lot of you, but I’m sure there are lots more of you that can enter. Check your program book for ways to enter.
Department Winter Conference in February: We will have our first two drawings for Auxiliaries that reach their 100% by December 20, 2016 and February 1, 2017. Every Auxiliary that is 100% will go into this drawing and we will draw out one Auxiliary for December 20 and one Auxiliary for February 1. The winning Auxiliaries will receive $100. Remember: Dues must be in our Dept. Treasurer Jeri’s hands by the above dates. So, if you are mailing, you must mail early so they are not late.
NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH If the winning Auxiliaries are 100% plus (at least one member over 100%) We will double the money! You will receive $200 instead of $100!
If you win the first drawing, your Auxiliary goes back in for the next drawing, so you could come home with $400. So, the sooner you get your 100% plus the better chance you have at getting big money. Treasurers your drawing will be in May.
Keep those dues a coming….
I want to thank all of you that have been working membership this year. Since the beginning of the year you have surpassed the past three year’s highest percentage for the months of July through November. This could not happen without all the outstanding work you are doing. Membership isn’t an easy program, but with membership we can make a difference in the lives of our Veterans.
What a great job you and the students have done. The Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen entries have been judged on the Auxiliary/Post and District levels and the best are now at Department for final judging. Thank you all for getting this program done.
Make plans now to attend the Department meeting February 3rd thru 5th. The Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen banquet will be the highlight of the meeting, where we will honor all the district winners and hear the 1st place department winner’s speech. The form for the banquet is in this mailing so please distribute it to your members. The deadline for the Banquet is January 23rd, 2017 to Department Headquarter.
The deadline for the Continuing Education Scholarship is just days away. Please get those applications in to VFW AUXILIARY HEADQUARTERS by February 15, 2017. Any applications received after that date will not be considered. One scholarship will be awarded to one eligible member or dependent in each conference.
But we are not done. Now is the time to follow up on the Young American Patriotic Art Contest. Contact those teachers as the deadline of March 31, 2017 is just around the corner. Check with the teachers to make sure they have all the information for the students.
The Missouri Past National President Scholarship is available for those seniors who will be graduating this year. The Department of Missouri VFW Auxiliary gives two scholarships in honor of our two Past National Presidents. Make sure to share the application with the seniors in your area. The winners will be announced at the Department Convention in June.
We all know how expensive continuing an education can be. Our Scholarships give some financial help to those who deserve a little help. Remember, taking advantage of what the VFW Auxiliary has to offer is the best way to show “Unwavering Support for Uncommon Heroes” for their sacrifice and service. Education Scholarship is just another way we can be “Taking care of our Veterans while Bee… ing kind to one another”.
We’re hoping for a great new year! Thank you for all you do to promote our Scholarship Program.
Patricia Burge Missouri VFW Auxiliary Scholarship Chairman Post office box 39 Pomona Missouri 65789 1-816-590-4898 “Bee” Wise: Involve Include and Educate our Youth JANUARY AND FEBRUARY GENERAL ORDERS YOUTH ACTIVITIES 2016-2017
Have you checked your Voice of Democracy Winners to see if they are eligible for the Auxiliary? Give them an annual membership as an added award. What better way to involve our youth?
Have you checked at the Art Department of your local school to see how many Young American Patriotic Art entries you will be able to pick up? Remind them of the deadline.
When sending in your Youth Groups Supporting our Veterans Citation applications PLEASE make sure all spaces are filled. Keep track of what you send me. I do not keep track and you will need to know how many you sent to put on your yearend report.
Making valentine’s for the residents of our Veteran’s Homes, Hospitals and nursing homes? The residents like getting them as much as the young ones like making them.
The possibilities to involve, include and educate our youth are endless. Lets find a way to get them involved in Taking Care of our Veterans while “Bee”-ing Kind to One Another.
Judith Hutchison, Youth Activities Chairman RR 72 Box 293, Norwood, MO 65717 Phone: (417) 250-1342 Email: [email protected] Historian's Corner (Jan/Feb 2017) Photography helps people to see. Berenice Adams You might have noticed that I made a change to the photo that I have been using, and that sisters and brothers is me when I was a baby. I chose this because at the February Department meeting, you as members will be given the chance to pick the cutest baby from our Line officers, Department Chairman and District Presidents. Tickets are 8 for $5.00 to vote and you can vote as many times for whomever you want. I am the only one who knows who the baby in the photos are. All monies raised will be given to the Ozarks Honor Flight, the special project for our Department President, Hazel. The display is tentatively scheduled to be set up in the back of the room where the medallion ceremony is being held on Friday evening. It will also be out in the area where Ways and Means is on Saturday morning until approximately 10:00, and which time, it will be moved to our meeting room. There will be NO voting done during the meeting. VFW members can vote, so please share this information with them. Voting ends when we return after lunch. The top two winners will be announced after the Ways and Means drawing. And you all thought your time to vote was over. Well, it isn’t – cast your vote for the cutest baby and support a great cause.
If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them. Yet, I will not tell who the baby in any photo is. Do you have your camera ready to take some photos of those winners from our VOD/PP program ? A good historian is always prepared – camera, check, battery, check, memory card in with room for photos, check, camera lid off, check, extra battery, check and a backup memory card, check. Also, let’s get out there and take some photos of President Hazel as she makes her official visit to your district or auxiliary as she will be back out on the highway here in Missouri. My contact information is: Mary K. Thurman 32482 State Highway 248 Aurora, MO 65605 [email protected] 417-207-2631
Taking care of our veterans as we are "bee-ing" kind to One another." WAYS AND MEANS
BEEEEEEEEE generous and supportive of our Department by bringing your baskets to the Ways and Means table AFTER 7:30 am and before 8:00am on Feb 4, 2017 Asking Dist 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17 and 18 to contribute
Thank you, Fontella Wilke Ways and Means Chairman
Extension Missouri VFW Auxiliary January/February 2017 December 5th, we had the honor of instituting VFW Auxiliary 5651 - New Melle in District 9. They have started with 39 members and are still working on getting more. Congratulations to Post 5651 for seeing what an asset a VFW Auxiliary would be to them. We look forward to working with President Sam Morrison, his slate of officers and the members of this Auxiliary.
December 12th, we will be instituting VFW Auxiliary 3772 in Mexico. Congratulations to their officers and members. We also look forward to working with them. Both of these Auxiliaries are eager to start assisting their Post and working on our programs for our Veterans.
To help our new Auxiliaries, I would like to “shower” them with information that works for the Auxiliary. So I am asking all the Auxiliary Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurer, or any member of the Auxiliary to send me projects, programs, etc. anything that worked for your Auxiliary. I will compile all the information into a notebook and present it to them so they have an ideal of how other Auxiliaries work. Please have this information to me by March 1st, 2017. Those who either e-mail me ([email protected]) or sends information to my home address, will be placed in a drawing for a special gift to be presented at our Department Convention. So please get out you pencil and paper or the computer and start putting the information down.
As members of the VFW Auxiliary, we should always strive to be respectful of others opinions and “Bee”-ing kind to one another. Unfortunately too often I hear an Auxiliary having trouble because a member cannot get along with another member or sometimes with a member of the VFW. We then end up losing members. The one being hurt is our Veterans. Let’s make a resolution for the 2017 to resolve our differences and work for our common goal, our Veterans.
Our Auxiliaries are here to help and assist our Veterans and their families. We can’t if we are arguing among ourselves. We are here to “Take Care of Veterans while “BEE”-ing Kind to One Another” while giving “Unwavering Support to Uncommon Heroes”
Jackolin M. Davis Missouri VFW Auxiliary - Chief of Staff 3849 West Hwy 47 Troy, MO. 63379 314-603-9645 [email protected] ROSTER CHANGES Jan – Feb 2017
Past Department President Lora Daily 7460 Kitty Hawk Road Converse, TX 78109 Past Department President Regina Bryant 2426 NE Carousel Court Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 [email protected]
District 1 Auxiliary 858 President Debbie Shannon [email protected]
District 2 Auxiliary 3176 Treasurer/Secretary Charlotte Morgan 118 Liberty Parkway A4 St. Roberts, MO 65584 573 528 5872
District 7 Auxiliary 257 President Linda McCormick 408 N Grand Ave Apt 42 El Dorado Springs, MO 64744-1068
District 8 Auxiliary 6516 Treasurer Diane Hurst 314 540 7316
District 9 Auxiliary 3772 President Maggie Davidson (New Aux.) 10496 Audrain Road 951 Thompson, MO 65285 573 253 1898 [email protected]
Secretary Beth Lower 909 Lakeview Mexico, MO 65265 573 567 5445
District 9 Continued
Treasurer Carley Nance 725 Robinhood Road Mexico, MO 65265 573 473 0828 [email protected] Auxiliary 5651 President Sam Morrison (New Aux.) 11372 Hwy OO Wright City, MO 63690 314 482 0117 [email protected] Secretary Jeffery Schneider 1409 James Wood Lane Foristell, Mo 63348 636 448 1050 [email protected] Treasurer Dennis Brown 1531 Hwy D Foristell, MO 63348 636 828 4733
District 15 Auxiliary 3127 President Dorothy Crump 204 W Davidson Chaffee, MO 63740 573 887 0674
QUESTION #5 Each Auxiliary meeting you conducted 10 points each with a maximum of 120 points THIS HAS CHANGED TO READ: 10 points each with a maximum of 100 points. National By-laws Sec 210 states “Monthly business meetings are encouraged, however every Auxiliary shall hold at least ten (10) business meetings per year.” PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU USE THE NEW REPORT FORM. IT STILL MUST BE IN MY HANDS BY THE DUE DATE OF APRIL 15, 2017 NO EXCEPTIONS! Danetta Wakefield PO Box 306 Monett, MO 65708 417-235-5975 Home 417-236-8112 Cell VFW AUXILIARY DEPARTMENT OF MISSOURI WINTER CONFERENCE AND BANQUET AGENDA FRIDAY – February 3, 2017 (Business Casual)
2:00 p.m. VFWA Department Line Officer Meeting President’s Room
4:30 p.m. District Presidents (92% or better) Presentations Lincoln Room (Behind restaurant on left) DEPT COMMANDER and DISTRICT COMMANDERS meet in front of room to escort in Presidents.
5:30 p.m. VFW Auxiliary “Night on the Town” dinner (invitation only) Leaving from Lobby area
5:00 – 8:00 p.m. VFWA Registration – All Delegates Must Register (Lobby Area)
8:00 p.m. Floor Practice (To be determined)
8:30 p.m. (or immediately floor practice) Sr. Vice President Nelda Clifton meeting with her Officers and Chairmen. Room TBD
SATURDAY – February 4, 2017 (Hazel’s Blue Shirt with Black Slacks, for Line Officers/Floor Team)
7:00 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. District President’s Meeting –Second floor – Room to be Determined
8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Chairmen’s Meeting – Location TBA—use same room as above
7:30 – 8:45 a.m. VFWA Registration – All Delegates Must Register (Lobby area)
9:00 a.m. VFWA Department Council of Administration Meeting (Jefferson Room)
10:30 a.m. Break while room is re-arranged
11:00 a.m. Opening Ceremonies for General Business Meeting
12:00 noon Lunch (Line Officers w/National Rep in Restaurant)
1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Continue General Business Meeting, Chairmen’s Presentations 1:45 p.m Booths listed below will close and prepare for 2:30 announcements
2:30 p.m. Announcements of winners from Buddy Poppy Contest, Baby Picture Contest, Ways ‘n Means Table, Nat’l Candidate Fund
6:00 p.m. Cash Bar open
6:30 p.m. VFW/VFWA Line Officers Reception for VOD/PP Winners & Family
7:00 p.m. Voice of Democracy/Patriot Pen Awards Banquet
Pick up final agenda at front desk upon arrival. Agenda subject to change.