Second Conference of Intellectuals from Africa and the Diaspora
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Addis Ababa, 22– 24 March, 2007
Vision 2050 for Africa
Future generations will curse the present, A legacy of disaster they will resent, Unless the present works to repent, Laying the foundation that accounts even for a cent, Africa is owed to the future tenant, We should be responsible at this moment, Indeed our millennium has been epic, We were ever and ever sick, We will make the coming one eventful, And remain forever powerful.
“A New Africa is Possible!” The Pledge of the present Generation
Project – Triple F Initiative (FFF) - “Fast Forwarding toward the Future” Hosting Organization – Mwengo Launching Host – FDC, Foundation for Community Development Launching - September 2004, Maputo-Mozambique
1 Introducing Triple F
“Our present realities, our future aspirations – creating the world in which we will live!”
What is Triple F?
Fast Forwarding to the Future (FFF), popularly known as Triple F, is the brainchild of young African academics and activists, working with Mwelekeo wa NGO (MWENGO), a reflection and development centre for NGOs in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), whose mission is to nurture a community of values by strengthening and mobilizing African human resources in support of organizations fighting for social justice.
It is a branch of MWENGO’s Research and Development (R&D) Unit and an initiative for Africans, by Africans who believe that a brighter future for the continent is possible and if they can dream it, they can achieve it.
Unveiled in February 2003, Triple F was born out of the realization that Africans are ultimately responsible for their continent and its future. It is therefore, a deliberate step, by Africans to reclaim their right, responsibility and ownership of the continent, as well as determine its destiny.
Overall objective
To enable citizens of the region to play an effective role in shaping the destiny of the region by constructing a vision for its development and securing overall ownership of it.
Motivation behind Triple F
The initiative was inspired by the vision of a better continent and the belief that another world is possible.
Africa has always had to react to the dictates of global trends rather than evolve in her own way and at her pace, much to her detriment. Triple F, however, believes and is based on the premise that as a global player, Africans have a stake and the right to determine their destiny independently.
Triple F therefore presents an opportunity for Africa to develop a more confident relationship with the future, by imagining what could be and creating a clear, desirable vision and that can be translated into reality.
The challenge
MWENGO brought together a team of young people of diverse backgrounds, talents and skills, to form a nucleus team known as the Core Group, whose challenge is to lead the process of constructing a practical and achievable vision for ESA by 2050.
2 Aim/ Key objectives
The initiative, through the Core Group, aims to develop:
A vision to which the region can aspire A road map with indicators that point out the direction towards this desirable future The framework of a possible advocacy agenda A set of projections with an indication of assumptions and requirements in order to approach the milestones that have been set Guidelines to inform decision making processes by regional leaders
Selection of the Core Group
Having developed initial ideas, MWENGO reached out to its network and sought nominations for outstanding young people who, through demonstrated interest, were well suited to play a role in this initiative.
Profile of the Core Group
The Core Group consists of 30 young people from various countries in the region, whose ages range from 25 to 35 years. It involves creative and dynamic individuals who have an abiding interest in and concern for the ESA region.
Members of the Core Group were selected for their creativity, commitment, dynamism and energy. They are also people that have displayed their ability to spearhead and contribute towards a totally new approach to addressing the needs of the continent.
The Core Group members have key qualities that contribute towards the success of the vision. Such attributes include;
Interest in the future of the region Demonstrated leadership potential Demonstrated outstanding resourcefulness Commitment Reliability Willing to volunteer their time Unquestionable integrity
In order to give the group the best chances for representing the aspirations of civil society in the region, a deliberate attempt was made to ensure that Core Group’s profile remains as close to that of the region as possible, for instance 52 percent female and 48 percent male representation.
Strengths of the initiative
The Triple F initiative takes place at an opportune time and despite the challenges, there are also prospects that contribute towards its success such as:
3 A large pool of well exposed, dynamic young people who are willing to dream, take calculated risks and make a difference for the region A passion, vigour and romanticism in youth which can be harnessed and used effectively. After all it is to the young that the older generation will cede their responsibilities in time The advent of Information technology (IT) offers many new opportunities to get over the sheer distances that have been a barrier in themselves Current trends towards regional integration on account of forces that our leaders were able to ignore in the past
Although the Triple F initiative is being spearheaded by the Core Group, the process is guided by a team of facilitators and interlocutors who play an advisory role to the implementers of the project. The pool of facilitators consists of a crew of experts from diverse backgrounds. Occasionally, the facilitators present some ideas to stimulate the Core Group’s thinking.
Method of operation
The Core Group meets occasionally to make crucial decisions and share ideas. However, given the vast geographical spread of the region and the difficulties associated with physical barriers and boundaries, the Core Group conducts its work through;
• Regular use of electronic communication. • Use of information technology (IT), through a portal that allows interaction, debate and a variety of conversations that stretch our collective thinking over time.
Other/related projects
While formulating the long-term vision, the Core Group has initiated other projects that represent tangible outputs of the initiative. These projects include:
• a web-portal • a glossary of concepts • the Knowledge Crucible
Future plans
Following the formulation of the vision and as ideas of the most desirable future begin to take root, the Core group will extend its thinking and influence to other young people within the region. As the initiative develops confidence, strategies for selling the emerging vision to other young people are being devised.
Once the vision is created, the group will work backwards in ten year blocks, to identify appropriate indicators that will need to be in place in order to eventually get to the desired future. The indicators to be identified are for;
2040 2030 2020 2010. 4 On reaching this series of indicators, the Core Group will work more closely with those set for 2010, with the task being to:
Develop ideas on how to get to these indicators given the reality of the situa- tion the region. Review the state of the region in line with the vision and the indicators. Develop a clear advocacy agenda for civil society by creating a set of activi- ties that will need to be implemented in order to address specific needs and identifying resource and other requirements for the way forward.
How to participate in Triple F
Although the initiative is led by the Core Group, there is room for participa- tion by other young people who feel they can contribute towards its success. Participation to Triple F is open to people aged between 25 and 35 years, who share the values of the Core Group.
To find out how to participate, contact the MWENGO secretariat.
Benefits of joining Triple F
Triple F is an opportunity for the youth in the region to dream and create an Africa of their choice by 2050. It is a roadmap to freedom from poverty, disease, underdevelopment, corrup- tion and all the vices besetting the ESA region. It is a chance to influence trends and events towards a better life for Africans in the region. Vision 2050 – Africa the Human Face of the World
Vision – Dream, Mental Picture, Future Image – The ability to imagine how a country, society, industry, organization, party, social movement, etc/ can develop in the future and to plan towards this image (Triple F's Definition).
FFF – Fast Forwarding to the Future (Triple F Initiative) – 30 young Africans from 17 countries from Southern and Eastern Africa regions identified and supported by Mwelekeo WaNGO (Mwengo) composed the intial Core Group of the Initiative and started the Dreaming.
Started in February of 2003 – envisioning the Africa they would like to see and live in after the realization by grown ups Africans that Africans are ultimately responsible for this continent and its future. Reclaiming their right, responsibility and ownership of the continent, as well as to determine its destiny.
Inspiration - Vision 2050 is inspired by the resilience of the citizens of the continent, our fore parents whose dreams and visions eventually set the African continent free from
5 colonial powers and our collective desire as young people to move towards sustainable peace, prosperity and true self-determination.
As Nkwame Nkrumah once said: “We Face neither East nor West: we face forward!”
Samora Machel used to say: “A Luta Continua!”
The struggle and fighting continues in my understanding for the development, for poverty alleviation, equity building and common understanding about the challenges and the way forward about social, economical, political and cultural problems in the way to achieve the Vision in the year 2050 in Africa!
Composition of the Vision (Pillars)
Identity and Culture Innovation and creativity Interconnectedness Sustainable Peace
Resulted after long discussions among Triple F Core Group members on the major obstacles towards a better Africa by the year 2050. After listing the obstacles, the Core Group proceeded to discuss what would constitute the ideal situation in Africa – clustered the ideas constituting the ideal situation into four groups – the pillars.
Definitions, Proverbs and Key Principles (Pillars)
FFF Definition for Identity and Culture - An evolving set of unique values, norms and beliefs, based on a rich heritage, that passed on from one generation of Africans to another. This uniqueness informs our posture and attitudes. Community-centered values are unique aspect of Africa.
Related Proverbs: Umuntu Ngumunntu Ngabantu (Zulu/Ndebele) - “I am because we are, since we are therefore I am!”
Key principles related to the Pillar: Diversity, uniqueness, collectivism and individualism, synergism, afro centrism...
FFF Definition for Innovation and Creativity - Africa's natural ability to imagine, envision, invent or to discover.
Key principles related to the pillar: Self-love, authenticity, reclamation (to rescue from an undesirable state), affirmation, recognition of africentrism.
FFF Definition for Interconnectedness - A Consolidated feeling of oneness amongst Africans, deriving from the links between people, countries and the use of the continent's human and natural resources to benefit the continent, boost economies and enrich relations.
6 Related Proverbs: Umoja ni nguvu, utengano ni udhaifu (swahili) - “Unity means strenght, division means weakness”.
Key principles related to the pillar: Respect, equity, unity, mutualism (the practice of mutual dependence as the conditions of individual and social welfare), Equality.
FFF Definition for Sustainable Peace - A perpetual state of the absence of violence among human beings. Sustainable peace is achieved when basic human needs are met, equality between the sexes, races, minority groupings, etc, achieved, the right to human dignity for every woman, man, girl or boy is respected and guaranteed, and when tolerance is the guiding principle for the building of nation states and for relations with other nations.
Related Proverbs: Induku Kayakhi Muzi (Ndebele) – Violence does not build a home!
Key principles related to the pillar: Diversity, human rights, equality, dignity, respect.
Vision 2050 for Africa
The current situation in Africa is unbearable, undesirable, and unsustainable.
We, as young Africans, from various youth organizations in East and Southern Africa, present for discussion and debate, for endorsement and support by the citizens of the continent, a Vision for Africa in 2050.
We hope that this Vision will trigger action by different actors at different levels for a better Africa.
Acknowledging our rich heritage, both human and natural, Aware of the failures and triumphs after the attainment of independence, Conscious of the present widely shared despair and hopelessness, Committed to the inherent oneness of all of Africa, Convinced by the possibility of the revitalization of that solidarity, Mindful that colonialism was a negative era in our history, Remembering that Africa is the cradle of civilization, Reminded of the bravery that carried the struggle for self-determination, Seeking, in the end, a peaceful, progressive, prosperous and long lasting Africa, for generations to come,
Now declare this Vision 2050 as the expression of us, African youth, of our desired destiny, to which we are passionately committed; and in which we regard the role of all Africans at all times as necessary, important and useful for the attainment of this Vision.
… 2050 Sustainable Peace: “tolerant and united in diversity” As a people we can learn to recognize and understand potential areas of conflict (ethnic et al) and devise, creative and non-violent ways of diffusing areas of such potential. In 2050, Africa is a continent whose leadership values and nurtures peace as the cornerstone
7 of development and sustainability: a continent that tolerates, appreciates and benefits from its diversity through the creation of systematic and contextual ways of managing resources while preventing and managing conflicts; a continent that ensures a fair distribution of resources among its people to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, the violation of people’s physical well-being and the abuse of their human rights; and one which upholds the rule of law.
In politics, African governments derive their legitimacy from popular participation by their citizens through systems of governance that have been selected by the people.
The laws and policies that govern us and our institutions, are just, as well as crafted and executed in an open and consensual manner.
We ensure food security, water and sanitation, together with shelter, as fundamental human necessities. Our security services are professional as well as disciplined while the production and use of arms of war for containing acts of internal and external aggression and terrorism are well minimized. As individuals, there is peace within ourselves, and we deem our role important in influencing overall peace in society.
… 2050 innovation and creativity: centre of the World As a people, we acknowledge the beauty of the continent, its citizenry and culture. We understand, value, harness, nurture and benefit from our endowed resources.
In 2050, Africa is proactive in preserving and promoting indigenous knowledge systems, devising creative ways on how to fully exploit and manage its resources. Our continent is distinguished by a robust, dynamic and vibrant economy that embraces technology, creativity and progress; as well as a culture of hard-work and commitment. Africa continues to discover, manufacture, test, package and benefit from its own products such as vaccines and medicine. In addition, the continent makes and offers choices from which others select. In 2050, Africa is alert and vigilant with creative ways of safeguarding and protecting her resources physical, human, intellectual from any form of abuse by external or internal factors. Africa has invested in a streamlined educational and training system that effectively responds to the economic, social, cultural and political challenges that confront the continent. We are proud of being African, with the ability to adapt to any situation through creativity and innovation.
… 2050 interconnectedness: In 2050 we are a people without boundaries, governed by a common interest in prosperity and sustainability. We thus fairly share, protect and preserve available resources. There is a greater connection, equity and appreciation between generations and across the ethnic divide. We draw our wisdom and culture from the elderly for the sake of posterity.
While celebrating our diversity, we are more closely bound together culturally, with greater social integration leading to better common understanding and mutual appreciation. This translates in respect among different communities, giving rise ultimately to a common
8 purpose. Africa has identified her potential and strategic interests in the advancement of trade and economic interests, while our infrastructure provides accessibility and potentialities for economical and political advancement.
We converse in a common economic language, which enables us to ensure that regional blocks and economic processes provide space for easy access to markets. We also boast of a common currency for the purpose of fair trade and economic prosperity. In as much as we are connected we remain competitive between ourselves as African economies as much as with the rest of the World. In 2050 Africa has an inclusive information network, has developed a greater capacity in various types of technology and encourages as well as promotes indigenous knowledge systems. We share human resources across the continent, who work together towards finding collective solutions to our contemporary problems.
… 2050 Identity and Culture: heart and soul In 2050, Africans are identified by diversity in the way they behave, their dress, style, beliefs and morals, portrayed to the rest of the world. Although we continue to speak our mother tongues, we are bound by one common business language. As Africans we are not divided by our differences in beliefs; we accept and nurture these as part of our uniqueness. Our values rest upon the spirit of the family institution, brotherhood and sisterhood. Africa is a rejuvenated and revered art, cultural and sporting location. Africans visualize, share, understand, appreciate, and pride themselves in and market their art and artists. Africans are themselves the niche market for their works of art. While our culture is dynamic, we retain the aspects that contribute positively to humanity and have earned Africa its reputation\in as the human face of the world. Following Paths after production - Launch of it was in September 2004 in Mozambique – Presided by Nelson Mandela, Graça Machel, Joaquim Chissano and other Leaders of the liberation era from Africa!
Current Challenges that need attention
Dissemination capacities for the whole continent and the Diaspora; Lack of Resources for a program and action plan implementation; Young people's understanding and follow up for its achievement as a real status in the year 2050; Multi-sectoral and multi-social need of support and successful guiding by main stakeholder and interested parties; Set up or use of continental platforms and processes for its ownership by all or almost all young people continent wide; Being adopted institutionally at the African Union level for its continental ownership and follow up;
More involvement and intervention of interested and willing actors into the Vision 9 2050 proposals and their improvement if considered necessary, All useful inputs for the realization of the Vision for Africa; Being adopted institutionally at the African Union level for its continental ownership and follow up; Being supported by all interested and willing stakeholders for its follow up. Contact Details MWENGO FDC Address: 20 McChlery Avenue, Eastlea, Harare, Av 25 de Setembro 12504, Time Square Building, Zimbabwe Bloco II, 2nd Floor Tel: 263 – 4 – 700090/ 721469 Tel.: +258 21 355 300 Fax :263 – 4 - 738310 Fax.: +258 21 355 335 [email protected] Att.: Ezra Limiri Mbongori Marta Cumbi or Helder Malauene [email protected] [email protected] or [email protected] or Another Africa is possible!