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VA FL Instructional Activity 2002
INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITY TOPIC: “Etymology, not Entomology: Words, not Bugs”
Target Language: French German Latin Spanish Target Level: Beginning Intermediate Advanced SOL CORRELATION: English: 8.2, 8.4, 9.2, 9.4, 9.6, 9.8, 10.1, 10.7, 10.9, 10.10, 11.4, 12.4, C/T8.1- 8.4 History and Social Science: WHI.6 Foreign Language: Cultural and Linguistic Comparisons - LI.7, LII.6 Making Connections through Language - LI.5, LII.4
Students will learn, recognize, demonstrate, and expand their knowledge of Latin roots and affixes (i.e., prefixes and suffixes) by noting the relationship of Latin words to their derivatives in English.
Resources may include textbooks, dictionaries, Internet, and other sources with English words derived from Latin (e.g., periodicals, vocabulary workbooks, etc.).
Web sites VA FL Instructional Activity 2002 PROCEDURE/IMPLEMENTATION:
Key terms: etymology, derivative, cognate, borrowed/loan word, base/root, affix, prefix, suffix, combining forms, connecting vowel, morphology, morpheme
Key roots: Ag, act – do, drive, act Mit(t), miss – send Aud, audit – hear, listen Mon, monit – warn, advise Ced, cess – move, yield Pet, petit – seek, beg, ask Curr, curs – run Put – think Da, ded, dona – give Rap, rapt, rip – take, seize Dic, dict – tell, say, speak Rog, rogat – ask Doc, doct – teach Scrib, script – write Dorm, dormit – sleep Sed, ses – sit Duc, duct – lead Sent, sens – feel Fac, fact, fect, fic – do, make Spect, spic, spec – look, see Fer, tul, lat – bring, carry Sta, stet, stit – stand Hab, hib – have, hold Ten(t), tin(t) – hold, have Ject – throw Ven, vent – come Leg, lect – read, choose Voc, vocat – call Loqu, locut – speak, say Vid, vis – see, look
Key prefixes: Ab, abs, a – away, from Inter – between Ad , ab, ac, af, ag, al, am, an, ap, ar, as, at– Intra – within toward, to Per, pel – through (or simply to emphasize Circum – around the root meaning) Con, col, com, cor – with, together (or Pre – in front, ahead; before simply to emphasize the root meaning) Pro, prod – forward De – down, down from Re, red – back, again Dis, di, dif, dis – apart, in different Se, sed - apart directions Sub, suc, suf, sug, sup, sur, sus – under; Ex, e, ec, ef, es – out, out of below In, il, im, ir – into, in, on; not Trans, tra – across
Key suffixes: Noun ic(s) Adjectives ous, eous, ious, acy, cy ion able, ible ose al ist al, ial y an ity, ty ant, ent, ient ance, ence ive ar, ary Verbs ant, ent ment ate ate ate ory, ary ic er, or er, or ile ify, fy ian, an ive VA FL Instructional Activity 2002 The teacher will introduce and explain the above key terms. 1. The teacher will demonstrate the application of the above key terms by using the following words: Act (root as cognate) Recede (re + cede) Sedative (sed + ate + ive) Transmission (trans + miss + ion) Illegible (il + leg + ible) 2. The students will demonstrate the application of the above key terms by using the following words: Script Affect Fiction Invisible Circumlocution 3. The teacher will divide the class into small groups. 4. The teacher will distribute to each group a set of nine index cards with three roots, three prefixes, and three suffixes. Each card of the set of cards should contain different roots, prefixes, and suffixes. These word parts should come from the above lists. 5. The groups will form three to five English words from these word parts. The groups will write two definitions for their words: one, the etymological meaning, and the other, a current meaning in the group members’ own words. The groups may use an English dictionary for help. 6. The groups will present their created English words and definitions to the other groups. 7. The teacher will facilitate discussion of the development of the current definitions from the etymological definitions. 8. The teacher will assign each student one root and distribute a list of prefixes and suffixes with meanings from the list above. 9. The students, working individually, will form ten or more English words from the assigned root and list of affixes. 10. The students will provide both an etymological and a current definition for each word formed. 11. The students will create a visual using poster board or presentational software (e.g., PowerPoint). The visual should illustrate the root and its meaning and its relationship to the words formed with the affixes (see the attached example). The teacher may choose to display these projects or have the students do an oral presentation. VA FL Instructional Activity 2002 ASSESSMENT:
The following assessment tool may be used to evaluate the visual presentation.
Total Points: 100 pts.
1. Word Creation (10 pts.) 1 point per actual English word 2. Etymological Meaning (20 pts.) 2 points per correct etymological meaning 3. Current Meaning (30 pts.) 3 points per correct current meaning in the students’ own words 4. Visual (40 pts.) Conveying Message (20 pts.) Originality and Creativity (10 pts.) Neatness (10 pts.)
Teachers may use their discretion in assigning the points for each component of the visual assessment. The teacher may also consider awarding up to five points to those students who form greater than ten words for their projects.
Teachers should encourage students to explore other representations of the relationship between the root and its derivatives beside the tree provided in the example. This aspect of the visual may account for the originality and creativity of the project.
Written by: Vickie Scaggs Dennis Wimer Patrick Wright E-mail address: vscaggs@ dbwimer@ jpwright@ School: Manchester HS VSEN Atlee HS Virginia School Division: Chesterfield Henrico Hanover VA FL Instructional Activity 2002