1 BIL: 4408 2 TYP: General Bill GB 3 INB: House 4 IND: 20020108 5 PSP: Haskins 6 SPO: Haskins, Wilkins, Bingham, Vaughn, Simrill, Altman, Rodgers, Walker, 7 Robinson, Barrett 8 DDN: l:\council\bills\nbd\11024ac02.doc 9 RBY: House 10 COM: Judiciary Committee 25 HJ 11 SUB: Prohibition of Human Cloning Act 12 13 14 HST: 15 16 Body Date Action Description Com Leg Involved 17 ______18 House 20020109 Co-Sponsor added (Rule 5.2) by Rep. Barrett 19 House 20020108 Introduced, read first time, 25 HJ 20 referred to Committee 21 House 20020107 Co-Sponsor added (Rule 5.2) by Rep. Robinson 22 House 20011205 Prefiled, referred to Committee 25 HJ 23 24 25 Versions of This Bill 26 27 28 29 30 TXT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A BILL 10 11 TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 12 1976, BY ADDING SECTION 16-17-745 SO AS TO ENACT 13 THE “PROHIBITION OF HUMAN CLONING ACT” MAKING 14 IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO PERFORM, 15 ATTEMPT TO PERFORM, OR TO PARTICIPATE IN HUMAN 16 CLONING OR TO SHIP, RECEIVE, OR IMPORT AN 17 EMBRYO PRODUCED BY HUMAN CLONING AND TO 18 PROVIDE PENALTIES. 19 20 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South 21 Carolina: 22 23 SECTION 1. This act may be cited as the “Prohibition of Human 24 Cloning Act”. 25 26 SECTION 2. The 1976 Code is amended by adding: 27 28 “Section 16-17-745. (A) As used in this section ‘human 29 cloning’ means human asexual reproduction, accomplished by 30 introducing nuclear material from one or more human somatic 31 cells into a fertilized or unfertilized oocyte whose nuclear material 32 has been removed or inactivated so as to produce a living 33 organism, at any stage of development, that is genetically virtually 34 identical to an existing or previously existing human organism. 35 (B) No person shall knowingly: 36 (1) perform or attempt to perform human cloning; 37 (2) participate in an attempt to perform human cloning; 38 (3) ship or receive for any purpose an embryo produced by 39 human cloning or any product derived from such embryo; 40 (4) to import for any purpose an embryo produced by human 41 cloning or any product derived from such embryo.

1 [4408] 1 1 (C) A person who violates subsection (B) is guilty of a felony 2 and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than one hundred 3 thousand dollars, but in the case of a violation that involves the 4 derivation of a pecuniary gain, not less than one million dollars 5 and not more than an amount equal to the amount of the gross gain 6 multiplied by two, if that amount is greater than one million 7 dollars, or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both. Each 8 violation constitutes a separate offense. 9 (D) A license to practice a profession or occupation issued by a 10 board, agency, or department of this State must be suspended 11 immediately upon conviction of a licensee violating subsection (B) 12 while engaging in that profession or occupation.” 13 14 SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the 15 Governor. 16 ----XX----

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