Student Profile Form

Name: Contact email: Contact tel: Age: Programme/Course: Year of Study: Nationality: Full or part-time: Did you come to GCU direct from college? And if so, into what year?

Why did you choose your programme at Glasgow Caledonian?

What are you enjoying most about life at the university?

What are you enjoying most about your programme?

Do you belong to any university clubs or societies? If so, which ones?

What is your best experience so far? What advice do you have for people considering applying to university?

What do you think about Glasgow?

What single word sums up your GCU experience so far?

Any other comments/experiences?

What do you plan to do after you graduate/what are your career aspirations?

Your profile will be used solely to promote the activities of Glasgow Caledonian University and will be held for a total of 5 years from you providing permission. It may be used in printed and electronic form, and may appear in different publications (including web sites, television and large scale exhibition panels), within the UK and overseas. Do you give the University permission to use your profile for this purpose?

Yes/No* Date: *(please delete as appropriate)