Julia Driver Brief CV
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Julia Driver Brief CV
Department of Philosophy, Box 1073 Washington University in St. Louis One Brookings Drive St. Louis, Mo 63130 314-935-8267 [email protected]
Positions: 2008-present Professor of Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis 2003-2008 Professor of Philosophy, Dartmouth College (Acting Chair and Chair, 9/1/2001-6/30/2004) 1999-2003 Associate Professor of Philosophy Dartmouth College 1994-1999 Associate Professor of Philosophy Brooklyn College, CUNY (with an appointment at the CUNY Graduate Center, @ 1996-1999) 1990-1994 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Brooklyn College, CUNY 1989-1990 Instructor of Philosophy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Education: B.A. The University of Texas at Austin, 1983 M.A. The Johns Hopkins University, 1988 Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1990
Honors and Awards: Laurance S. Rockefeller Fellowship at Princeton’s Center for Human Values (1992-3) Young Scholars Award, Cornell University’s Program on Ethics and Public Life Visiting Fellowship, Australian National University (2001) NEH Fellowship, 2004-5, for work on a book manuscript (Consequentialism) 18th James Wilbur Award from the Conference on Value Inquiry HLA Hart Fellowship, Oxford University, for Trinity Term 2014
Publications: (Selected, focusing on the last 10 years) Books: Consequentialism, Routledge, 2012 Ethics: the Fundamentals, Blackwell, 2006 Uneasy Virtue, Cambridge University Press, 2001
Articles and essays: “Contingency and Constructivism,” forthcoming in Reading Parfit – On What Matters, edited by Simon Kirchin (Routledge)
“Virtue and Moral Deference,” forthcoming in a special issue of Ethics and Politics
“Individual Consumption and Moral Complicity,” forthcoming in Stirring the Pot, edited by Ben Bramble and Bob Fisher (Oxford University Press)
“Appraisability, Attributability, and Moral Agency in The Nature of Moral Responsibility, edited by Randolph Clarke, Michael McKenna, and Angela Smith (Oxford University Press, 2015)
“Private Blame,” in Criminal Law and Philosophy (February 2015)
“The Consequentialist Critique of Virtue Ethics,” in the Routledge Companion to Virtue Ethics, edited by Michael Slote and Lorraine Besser-Jones (Routledge, 2015)
“Meta-cognition, Mind-reading, and Humean Moral Agency,” in Moral Psychology and Human Agency, edited by Dan Jacobson and Justin D’Arms (Oxford University Press, 2014)
“Mill, Moral Sentimentalism, and the Cultivation of Virtue,” in Cultivating Virtues: Multiple Perspectives, edited by Nancy Snow (Oxford University Press)
“Kantian Complicity,” in Reason, Value, and Respect, a volume on the work of Thomas Hill, jr., edited by Mark Timmons and Robert Johnson (Oxford University Press)
“Moral Expertise: Judgment, Practice, and Analysis,” Social Philosophy & Policy, 30 (2013), 280-296.
“Moral Bookkeeping and Carbon Offsets,” in Consequentialism and Environmental Ethics edited by Leonard Kahn and Avram Hiller (Oxford University Press), 164-173
“Moral Sense and Sentimentalism,” in The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics, edited by Roger Crisp (Oxford University Press, 2013)
“What the Objective Standard is Good For,” in Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics (2), edited by Mark Timmons (Oxford University Press, 2012)
“Luck and Fortune in Moral Evaluation,” in Contrastivism in Philosophy, edited by Martijn Blauuw (Routledge, 2012)
“Promising Too Much,” in Promises and Agreements edited by Hanoch Sheinman (Oxford University Press, 2011)
“A Humean Account of the Status and Character of Animals,” in the Oxford Handbook on Ethics and Animals, edited by Thomas Beauchamp (Oxford University Press, 2011)
“For Every Foot its Own Shoe: Method and Moral Theory in Iris Murdoch’s Philosophy,” in Iris Murdoch, Philosopher edited by Justin Broackes (Oxford University Press, 2011)
“Justice, Mercy, and Friendship in The Third Man,” in Ethics at the Cinema, edited by Samantha Vice and Ward Jones (Oxford University Press, anticipated in 2011)
“Caring and Empathy: On Michael Slote’s Sentimentalist Ethics,” Abstracta V (2010): 20-27
“Memory, Desire, and Value in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” in volume on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, edited by Christopher Grau (Routledge, 2009)
“The Actual in ‘Actualism’,” in Minds, Worlds, & Conditionals: Essays in Honor of Frank Jackson, edited by Ian Ravenscroft (Oxford University Press, 2009)
“Imaginative Resistance and Psychological Necessity,” in Social Philosophy & Policy 25 (Winter 2008) 301-313, edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, et. al.
“Attributions of Causation and Moral Responsibility,” in vol. II of Moral Psychology edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (MIT Press, 2007)
“Humble Arrogance,” in Metaphilosophy (as a comment on Bernard Gert’s “Moral Arrogance”)
“Cosmopolitan Virtue,” in Social Theory and Practice 33 (October 2007), 595- 608
“Dream Immorality,” Philosophy (January 2007), 5-22
“Autonomy and the Asymmetry Problem for Moral Expertise,” Philosophical Studies (April 2006), 619-44
“Moral Psychology,” in the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition, edited by Donald Borchert (Macmillen Reference, 2006)
“Virtue Theory,” in Contemporary Debates in Ethical Theory, edited by James Dreier (Blackwell, 2006)
“Moralism,” in a special issue of The Journal of Applied Philosophy, edited by C. A. J. Coady (August 2005), 137-151.
“Ideal Decision Making and Green Virtues,” in Advances in the Economics of Environmental Research, vol. 5, Perspectives on Climate Change, edited by Richard Howarth and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (Elsevier, 2005)
“Consequentialism and Feminist Ethics,” Hypatia (Fall 2005), 183-99.
“Normative Ethics,” in The Oxford Handbook to Contemporary Analytic Philosophy, edited by Frank Jackson and Michael Smith (Oxford University Press, 2005) “Artificial Ethics,” in Philosophers Explore the Matrix edited by Christopher Grau (Oxford University Press, 2005) this essay is based on the essay on the Matrix web site
“Pleasure as the Standard of Virtue in Hume’s Moral Philosophy,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2004), 173-94
“The Conflation of Moral and Epistemic Virtue,” Metaphilosophy (April 2003), 367-83. This article also appears in a book entitled Moral and Epistemic Virtues edited by Michael Brady and Duncan Pritchard (Blackwell, 2004).
Recent and Future Professional Activities: Selected Presentations 2011-2015:
2016: TBA, University of Miami, January 15, 2016
2015: “Appraisability and Accountability: an Updated Humean Account,” Saint Louis University, January 23, 2015 “Appraisability and Accountability: an Updated Humean Account,” Duke University MADLAB presentation, January 28, 2015 “Virtue and Moral Deference,” Duke University Philosophy Department, January 29, 2015 “Undermining Promises,” Princeton University, February 2015 “Virtue and Moral Deference,” Keynote, 22nd Annual Graduate Student Philosophy Conference, University of Waterloo, March 13, 2015 “Undermining Promises,” University of Southern California, April 11, 2015 Panel Presentation on Global Climate Change, Princeton University, April, 2015 “Virtue and Moral Deference,” Hebrew University, May 15, 2015 “Undermining Promises,” Hebrew University, May 17, 2015 “The Sophisticated Epistemic Consequentialist,” Keynote, conference on Epistemic Consequentialism, University of Kent at Canterbury, June 26-28, 2015 “Undermining Promises,” Birkbeck College, University of London, June 29, 2015 “Undermining Promises,” Keynote, Society for Applied Philosophy Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 3-5, 2015 “Undermining Promises,” RoME 2015, Boulder, Colorado, August 2015 “Anscombe, Foot, and Murdoch,” Ghent University, Belgium, October 5, 2015 “Undermining Promises, Boston University, October 9, 2015 “Undermining Promises,” North Carolina State University at Raleigh, October 22, 2015 TBA, Keynote, New Orleans Workshop on Agency and Responsibility, November 5-7, 2015
2014: “Moral Complicity,” Gertrude Bussey Lecture at Northwestern University, March 5, 2014 “Attributability and Moral Agency,” The University of Calgary, March 14, 2014 “Hume on Appraisability and Moral Agency,” Brown University, March 20, 2014 “Love and Morality,” Keynote Address at the Illinois State University Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, April 25, 2014 “The ‘No-Bad-Attitude’ Account of Virtue,” New York University Institute of Philosophy workshop on Value and Virtue in Ethics and Epistemology, May 16, 2014 “Appraisability and Moral Agency in Hume’s Account of Virtue,” Oxford University, May 26, 2014 “Appraisability, Attributability, and Humean Moral Agency,” University of Edinburgh, June, 2014 “Hume on Minimal Virtue,” The University of Rome, La Sapienza, June, 2014 “Contingency and Constructivism,” University of Kent, June, 2014 “Appraisability and Accountability: an Updated Humean Account,” Stanford University, October 17, 2014 “Virtue and Moral Deference,” Workshop on Moral Expertise and Moral Testimony, University of Zurich, November 28, 2014 “Virtue and Moral Deference,” Keynote, The Scots Philosophical Association Meeting, University of St. Andrews, December 5, 2014
2013: “Moral Expertise,” Workshop on Normativity, University of Arizona, January 2013 “Affect and Moral Agency” presented as a Keynote at the 39th Value Inquiry Conference, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, April, 2013 “Consequentialism and Moral Complicity,” presented at a conference on New Developments in Consequentialism, at the University of Erlangen, Sept. 23-25, 2013 “Love and the Objective Stance,” SUNY-Brockport Oct. 11, 2013 “Affect and Moral Agency,” delivered as a Keynote at the Illinois Philosophical Association meetings, Nov. 2, 2013
2012: “Empathy Deficit Disorders and Humean Moral Agency,” Florida State University, Jan. 2012 “Useful Fictions,” University of Texas, San Antonio, Feb. 2012, this paper was delivered as a Keynote at a conference in honor of my work on virtues and consequentialism “Fictions in the Development of Consequentialist Moral Philosophy,” Harvard, Safra Center, March 21, 2012 “Proportionality in Emotional Evaluation,” presented at a conference on Proportionality in Theory and Practice, Frankfurt, Germany, June 14, 2012 “Hume and Animal Welfare,” presented as a Keynote at the conference Minding Animals, Utrecht, July 5, 2012 “Self-Governance and Self-Regulation,” presented at a Workshop on Moral Psychology at the University of Michigan, June 18-22, 2012 “A Kantian Account of Moral Complicity,” presented at the University of Ghent, Sept. 2012 “A Kantian Account of Moral Complicity,” presented at the University of Amsterdam, Sept. 2012 “A Kantian Account of Moral Complicity,” and “A Humean Account of Moral Agency,” presented at the Indiana Association of Philosophy meetings, Keynotes, Nov. 2012 “A Humean Account of Moral Agency,” presented at the University of Helsinki, Nov. 2012 “Meta-Ethics and Moral Psychology,” presented at The University of Nebraska, Oct. 2012
2011: “Humean Moral Agency,” presented at (1) Department of Philosophy, University of South Carolina, Dec. 2, 2011 (2) Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas, Oct. 20, 2011 (3) the Normative Ethics conference held in Dubrovnik in June, 2011, organized by the Philosophy Department at Ohio State University “Normative Expertise,” presented at (1) the workshop on moral expertise at Princeton University, April 29, 2011 (2) the Department of Philosophy, the University of Buffalo, April 15, 2011 “Ignorance and Virtue,” presented as part of author meets critics session on Dan Russell’s Practical Intelligence and the Virtues, at the Central Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association in Minneapolis, Wisconsin, March 31, 2011 “Objective Consequentialism,” presented (1) as a Keynote address at the Workshop on Normative Ethics, University of Arizona, January, 6, 2011 and at (2) the Political Theory Workshop at Washington University in St. Louis, April 8, 2011
Other Recent Professional Activities:
7/01/2012-6/30/2015 Chairman, Committee on the Status and Future of the Profession, American Philosophical Association 7/01/2009-6/30/2012 Central Division divisional representative, American Philosophical Association Associate Editor, Ethics Associate Editor, Nous Co-editor, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy Section Editor, Ergo