Board Authorized Course Proposal
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Board Authorized Course Proposal
Course Proposed: Leadership 10
District Name: School District 67 Okanagan Skaha
Developed By: Terry Grady
Date Developed: January 31, 2004
Principals Name: Mr. Peter Corcoran
Grade Level Of Course: Grade 10
Hours Of Instruction: 120 Hours or 60 Hours
Number Of Course Credits:4 credits or 2 credits
Prerequisite: N/A
Equipment Required: LC Projector and Lap Top Computer
Course Synopsis:
This course has been developed to help make students at the grade 10 level become aware of their abilities and capabilities to influence or lead others in positive ways. Students will develop lifelong skills in the areas of self-image, goal setting, time management, public speaking, school and community service, public relations, conflict resolution and understand a variety of leadership styles.
This course has been created to help students develop, explore and enhance their leadership abilities. Students will learn that there are many skills that can be used and developed to positively enhance and lead events and people. Using these skills, students will promote in school events and activities for the student body, as well as assisting senior leadership students with their respective community events and activities. Students will review, reflect and report on their events and activities, focusing on what went well and what can be refined to better an event. Organizational Structure:
Unit/Topic Title Time
Topic 1 Influence 4
Topic 2 Communication 5
Topic 3 Problem Solving 10
Topic 4 Individual VS Group Work 4
Topic 5 Opinions 4
Topic 6 Vision 4
Topic 7 Reflection 5
Topic 8 Leadership VS Managing 4
Topic 9 Community Relations and Implementation Of Projects 20
Topic 10 Student Projects 60 Topic Descriptions:
Topic 1: Influence 4 Hours
Students will become aware that they have the ability to influence others, negatively and positively, in a variety of ways. They will identify their own personal circle of influence, as well as identifying their own personal influential limitations. By identifying their circle of influences, students will become more effective at influencing others.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• become aware that they have more influence over some age grade students than others.
• become aware of what influences age grade students
• become aware of the different factors that influence male vs female students.
• become aware that they have the ability to influence others in a variety of ways.
Curriculum Organizer – Creation It is expected that students will:
• create ways of influencing others to participate in the student leadership event(s)
Curriculum Organizer – Analysis It is expected that students will:
• identify their circle of influence as well as their personal influential limitations.
• identify their own circle of influence and hone these influences to become more directed, focused and effective at influencing others.
• understand that their circle of influence has limitations.
Curriculum Organizer – Technology It is expected that students will:
• identify technology that can be used to influence. Topic 2: Effective Communication 5 Hours
Students will investigate different styles or methods of communication. Understanding the variety of communication techniques and methods, they will identify the most effective method(s) of communication for specific events.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• identify the culture, age, grade and gender they are attempting to communicate too and adapt their method of communication accordingly.
• be sensitive to age, grade gender differences.
• learn the technique of listening to people to understand vs just listening
• seek to understand what is being said before they try to speak to be understood.
• develop and demonstrate enhanced public speaking skills.
Curriculum Organizer – Creation It is expected that students will:
• develop a variety of appropriate, effective methods of communicating to their intended audience.
Curriculum Organizer – Analysis It is expected that students will:
• identify the differences between “sending” and “receiving” communication.
• have the opportunity to practice and improve both speaking and listening skills in small and large groups.
• review methods of communication to determine the most effective methods of delivering intended messages.
Topic 3: Problem Solving 10 Hours
During group development sessions, students will determine and predict potential problems with proposed events or activities. They will adjust or adapt to address these identified areas. Identified problems will be viewed as growth potential areas. As well, student will review events and activities identifying what went well and what can be improved on. Students will be encouraged to adjust or adapt a project while it is running, to address a potential unforeseen problem (Crisis intervention).
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• modify or change ideas or concepts based on societal or culture sensitivities.
• develop and apply problem solving skills.
Curriculum Organizer – Creation It is expected that students will:
• identify “forecasted” problems or concerns during the development stages and modify/adapt accordingly.
• recognize that problems are challenges that can be solved.
• recognize that problems, when identified and addressed, are areas of growth.
Curriculum Organizer – Analysis It is expected that students will:
• review and identify problems or concerns – adapt accordingly. Topic 4: Individual vs Group Work (Team Building) 4 Hours
Student will recognize the advantages and the disadvantages of working as individual’s vs in a group setting. Students will learn to delegate roles and responsibilities. They will also learn that when they take on responsibility, they need to be accountable. Student will work as individuals and in groups, to generate ideas for projects.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• learn to be trusted and to be accountable.
• work cooperatively and productively in a group setting. TEAM – together everyone achieves more.
• Demonstrate an understanding of team/group dynamics through the application of collaboration skills.
• Demonstrate an understanding of the value of interdependence.
Curriculum Organizer – Creation It is expected that students will:
• generate ideas as an individual.
• generate ideas within a group setting.
Curriculum Organizer – Analysis It is expected that students will:
• in groups, review the over all operation of group project. Topic 5: Opinions 4 Hours
Students will recognize that people are entitled to have and voice their own opinions. Students will learn to listen and value the opinions. While the students may not agree with other peoples opinions, they will learn to listen to understand. Other opinions often can be a source of new or innovative ideas.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• respect an individuals right to have their own opinion.
• recognize opinions – they are critical - they are simply ones “opinion”.
• learn to listen to understand opinions rather than speaking their own.
• recognize that other people’s opinions can be positive and beneficial.
Curriculum Organizer – Analysis It is expected that students will:
• analyzing opinions often are a source of new and innovative ideas.
• Develop skills in the area of coping with perceived failure/success and dealing with criticism/praise.
Topic 6: Vision 4 Hours
Students will share or “brain storm” ideas with other students. By way of brain storming, students will talk through the creation of a project. Predicted short falls or obstacles will be identified with resulting modifications being made in attempts to fine tune the concept. Once this walk/talk through has occurred students will decide if it still maintains the integrity or the initial vision the student had for the event.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• share their personal vision for an event or activity.
• “brain-storm” through the event, identifying foreseeable problems – adjusting accordingly.
• revisit the idea – does it maintain the initial vision the student had envisioned.
• develop a plan with the end in mind, carry it out. Topic 7: Reflection 5 Hours
Students will understand that reflection in thought and discussion is often a very effective and productive way at revisiting a project. Reflection allows the students to make recommendations on how to do fine tune events or projects so they can make the necessary changes to the event to make it a better event in the future.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• practice self reflection – what could they have done differently to make an event better.
• practice self reflection – what was done well and should continue being done that particular way.
• practice group reflection, reflecting as a group what could be have been done differently to make an event more effective.
• design and implement assessment tools for personal, peer and teacher evaluation with regard to project planning and implementation.
Curriculum Organizer – Creation It is expected that students will:
• reflect as an individual and meet as a group to discuss different, possibly more effective ways of hosting and delivering an event.
Curriculum Organizer – Analysis It is expected that students will:
• identify as individuals and as a group, the points or ways that could make an event more effective. Topic 8: Leadership vs Management 4 Hours
Students will be able to identify the fundamental differences between being a manager versus being a leader. They will also recognize times that are appropriate to be a manager and when it is appropriate to be a leader. Students will analyze and explore the qualities of a positive and effective leader.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of leadership styles.
• demonstrate an understanding of management styles.
• demonstrate an understanding of what makes an effective and positive leader.
Curriculum Organizer – Creation It is expected that students will:
• research and identify the difference between leadership and management.
• identify exemplary leaders and managers in society today.
Curriculum Organizer – Analysis It is expected that students will:
• analyze the qualities that make a modern day leader and manager successful at what they do.
Topic 9: Community Relations and 20 Hours Implementation Of Projects
Fundamental to the success of student leadership is the development of leadership beyond the classroom and into the school and greater community. Students will be able to demonstrate the planning, implementation, evaluation of individual/group projects while incorporating marketing and community relations skills.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• demonstrate leadership skills through application and reflection on individual and/or group projects at the school, local or global levels.
• demonstrate a variety of marketing strategies in the promotion of project implementation.
• increase the understanding of techniques used to develop positive school and community climates.
Curriculum Organizer – Creation It is expected that students will:
• identify area(s) the individual believe(s) they are able to influence.
• as individuals or in groups, students will design projects/events that will help address the area(s) they have identified as an area they believe they can influence
Curriculum Organizer – Analysis It is expected that students will:
• identify what exactly the students want to do when creating an event or project.
• review the event(s) to see if the identified goal or purpose of the event was achieved.
Topic 10: Student Project Hours 60 Hours
Students will log project/event hours from the very first meeting of vision sharing of a concept or idea to the final review or reflection on the event. Logged hours will be submitted by students to the teacher on log sheet.
Curriculum Organizer – Social and Cultural Issues It is expected that students will:
• demonstrate leadership skills through application.
• demonstrate active participation by logging hours of work in projects
Curriculum Organizer – Creation It is expected that students will:
• compile a log of all hours invested in the leadership course.
Direct Instruction Indirect Instruction Peer and Partner Instruction Interactive Instruction Experiential Learning Modeling Brainstorming Group Work Independent Study Analysis of Self/Peer Feedback/Performance Guest Speakers Self-Evaluation Leadership Theory and Resources ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS
Type Of Category Details Weighting % Assessment Self and Peer Formative Project/Events 80% Combined Evaluation Review With Logged Hours Written Practical Leadership vs 20% Work/Summaries Application/Summative Management Service/Logged Practical Application Logged Hours 80% Combined Hours Formative With Self and Peer Evaluation
Covey, Sean, Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Teens
Covey, Steven, Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People
Various Student Conferences (Local, Provincial, National)
CASAA Newsletter
BCASAA Newsletter/Website Internet
Digital Camera
Lap Top Computer – LC Projector
In order to afford grade 10 students the opportunity to take Leadership 10 and yet allow them the opportunity to take an academic course load, Leadership 10 has been developed in such a way that it can also be effectively taught outside of the regular school timetable. ie at lunchtime.
Leadership 10 is an excellent introductory course. Leadership 11 and 12 has different expectations for students. Leadership 10 however should not be a prerequisite course for Leadership 11 or 12. Likewise Leadership 11 should not be a prerequisite course for Leadership 12.