Msc Global Supply Chain Management

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Msc Global Supply Chain Management

MSc Global Supply Chain Management

1. Programme title MSc Global Supply Chain Management 2. Awarding institution Middlesex University 3. Teaching institution Middlesex University 4. Programme accredited by N/A 5. Final qualification Master of Science Postgraduate Diploma Postgraduate Certificate 6. Academic year 2013-14 7. Language of study English 8. Mode of study Full Time / Part Time / Distance Learning

9. Criteria for admission to the programme (all qualifications) A UK Honours degree (normally classified 2.2 or above) or equivalent. Equivalence of overseas qualification will be determined by NARIC. Successful applicants must have competence in English language. For international applicants whose first language is not English the requirement is that they have IELTS 6.5 (with minimum 6.0 in all four components) or TOEFL internet based 87 (with at least 21 in listening & writing, 22 in speaking and 23 in reading).

10. Aims of the programme The programme aims to:  develop a core understanding of the theories and contemporary issues in global supply chain management ;  develop the ability to apply global supply chain theories to business contexts;  enable students to make strategic decisions on global supply chain structures;  enable students to manage processes related to global supply chains;  develop, at an advanced level, the management skills and critical thinking required to manage effectively global supply chains. In the case of Masters awards these aims will be realised in full. For earlier exit awards, achievement of aims will be as follows: for the Diploma, all aims stated above will be achieved in full, with the exception of completion of global supply chain project. For the certificate exit award, aims will be achieved at an initial core, but not specialist, level. 11. Programme outcomes Knowledge and understanding On completion of this programme the successful student will have knowledge and understanding of:

1 2013/14 1. Key concepts, and current theories and models related to global supply chain management; 2. Contemporary issues related to global supply chain management; 3. The role of global supply chains within international business context; 4. Key concepts, and current theories, models and issues in international logistics; 5. Integration of global supply chains through planning and control; 6. The tools and techniques used in the design and optimisation of global supply chains. B. Cognitive (thinking) skills On completion of this programme the successful student will be able to: 1. Employ a wide range of analytical skills to manage and optimise global supply chains; 2. Develop and demonstrate critical skills when applying theory to practice in the supply chain management context; 3. Apply conceptual and analytical frameworks to inform effective global supply chain management practices; 4. Select appropriate and justifiable methods/ approaches to complex managerial problems in global supply chain management context.

C. Practical skills On completion of the programme the successful student will be able to: 1. Communicate effectively to a wide range of audiences including written and/or oral presentations, demonstrating an awareness of cross-cultural contexts; 2. Analyze, interpret and present results from a variety of decision-making and/or problem-solving techniques; 3. Collaborate effectively with peers from different national/cultural backgrounds; 4. Demonstrate a capability for self-managed and self-directed learning; 5. Demonstrate appropriate research skills, particularly applied to global supply chain management.

12. Programme structure (levels, modules, credits and progression requirements)

12. 1 Overall structure of the programme MSc Global Supply Chain Management

Postgraduate Diploma Global Supply Chain Management

Postgraduate Certificate Global Supply Chain Management

2 12.2 Levels and modules Starting in academic year 2010/11 the University is changing the way it references modules to state the level of study in which these are delivered. This is to comply with the national Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. This implementation will be a gradual process whilst records are updated. Therefore the old coding is bracketed below. Level 7 COMPULSORY OPTIONAL PROGRESSION REQUIREMENTS Students must take all of the Students must also choose at following: least two from the following: Students must pass all six level 7 modules (120 credits) MGT4300 (30 Credit) MGT4610 (15 Credit) to progress onto their MGT4100 (30 Credit) MGT4550 (15 Credit) dissertation MGT4580 (15 Credit) MGT4600 (15 Credit) MGT4590 (15 Credit) ACC4150 (15 Credit) MGT4920 (60 Credit)

12.3 Non-compensatable modules (note statement in 12.2 regarding FHEQ levels) Module level Module code Note All modules are non-compensatable.

13. Curriculum map See attached

14. Information about assessment regulations

3 2013/14 Middlesex University and Business School Assessment Regulations apply to this programme, without exception.

15. Placement opportunities, requirements and support (if applicable) Not applicable to this programme.

16. Future careers (if applicable) The programme will develop candidates to take roles in global supply chains and its management. These roles will be specialised roles the supply chain management functions of the companies. The global dimension will provide an extra advantage to the student obtaining this degree, as they will be ready to take role that require international business and supply chain knowledge. Some of the roles that graduates can take are: buyer, senior buyer, procurement manager, category manager, vendor managed inventory planner, supply chain planner, supply chain manager, supply chain analyst, supply chain consultant, logistics manager. The students may come from different disciplines of study, work experiences and even from a career break but this specialised master’s programme will develop them into supply chain management professionals. The students can also become an entrepreneur by starting a business in the area of supply chain management.

The University Employability Service offers postgraduate students support in planning their career.

17. Particular support for learning (if applicable)  English Language and Numeracy support offered by the Learner Development Unit  Learning Resources  Programme Handbook and Module Handbooks  Induction and orientation programme  Access to student counsellors  Student e-mail and internet access

18. JACS code (or other relevant coding N210 system) 19. Relevant QAA subject benchmark Masters Awards in Business and Management group(s)

20. Reference points  QAA Guidelines for programme specifications  QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ)  QAA Subject Benchmark Masers in Business and Management  QAA Codes of Practice  Middlesex University Regulations

4  Middlesex University Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy  Middlesex University Learning Framework – Programme Design Guidance, 2012  Middlesex University Business School Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy  Middlesex University Business School Mission and Vision

21. Other information Indicators of quality:  Student achievement  Buoyant enrolment  Student feedback evaluation forms  External examiners reports  Student employability

Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning are:  External Examiner reports  Quality Monitoring reports  Board of Study  Student focus group  Module evaluation and report  Peer teaching observations  Student evaluation  Validation and review panels

See Middlesex university’s Learning and Quality Enhancement Handbook for further information

Please note programme specifications provide a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve if s/he takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information about the programme can be found in the rest of your programme handbook and the university regulations.

5 2013/14 Curriculum map for Global Supply Chain Management

This section maps programme learning outcomes against the modules in which they are assessed. Programme learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding Practical skills A1 Key concepts, and current theories and models related to C1 Communicate effectively to a wide range of audiences including global supply chain management written and/or oral presentations, demonstrating an awareness of cross-cultural contexts A2 Contemporary issues related to global supply chain C2 Analyze, interpret and present results from a variety of decision- management making and/or problem-solving techniques A3 The role of global supply chains within international business C3 Collaborate effectively with peers from different national/cultural context backgrounds A4 Key concepts, and current theories, models and issues in C4 Demonstrate a capability for self-managed and self-directed international logistics learning A5 Integration of global supply chains through planning and control C5 Demonstrate appropriate research skills, particularly applied to global supply chain management A6 The tools and techniques used in the design and optimisation of global supply chains Cognitive skills B1 Employ a wide range of analytical skills to manage and optimise global supply chains B2 Develop and demonstrate critical skills when applying theory to practice in the supply chain management context B3 Apply conceptual and analytical frameworks to inform effective global supply chain management practices B4 Select appropriate and justifiable methods/ approaches to complex managerial problems in global supply chain management context.

6 2013/14 MSc Global Supply Chain Management

Module Title Module Programme outcomes Code A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C3 C4 C5 by Level International Supply Chain MGT4300 X X X X X X X X X X X Management International Business Strategy MGT4100 X X X X X X e-Supply Chain Planning and MGT4580 X X X X X X X X Control International Logistics MGT4590 X X X X X X X X X X X Management Lean and Sustainable Supply MGT4610 X X X X X Chain Management Managing Projects MGT4550 X X X X X Computer Assisted Supply MGT4600 X X X X X X X X Chain Optimisation Financial Analysis for ACC4150 X X X X X International Managers Global Supply Chain Project MGT4920 X X X X X X X X X X

7 2013/14 Postgraduate Diploma Global Supply Chain Management

Module Title Module Programme outcomes Code A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C3 C4 C5 by Level International Supply Chain MGT4300 X X X X X X X X X X X Management International Business Strategy MGT4100 X X X X X X e-Supply Chain Planning and MGT4580 X X X X X X X X Control International Logistics MGT4590 X X X X X X X X X X X Management

Plus do any two from below

Lean and Sustainable Supply MGT4610 X X X X X Chain Management Managing Projects MGT4550 X X X X X Computer Assisted Supply MGT4600 X X X X X X X X Chain Optimisation

8 2013/14 Postgraduate Certificate Global Supply Chain Management

Module Title Module Programme outcomes Code A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C3 C4 C5 by Level International Supply Chain MGT4300 X X X X X X X X X X X Management International Business Strategy MGT4100 X X X X X X

9 2013/14

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