Martin Luther Poster Project Due:

Martin Luther was a dedicated monk who was a solid theologian. Luther became disenchanted with the church as he felt many of its practices were wrong. He believed that the Pope was a false authority figure and that the Bible was the sole source of Christian truth. Luther outlined his grievances with the church in his 95 Theses. Due to its content, the church insisted that he recant and apologize which he refused to do. This led to his excommunication from the church. However, Luther’s ideas quickly spread throughout Europe due to the printing press and ultimately fueled the Reformation and the formation of new religions.

Task: You are to create a visual representation of Martin Luther using one of the two options listed below.

Option 1 - Create a “Wanted” Poster as a visual piece on a church door. Be sure to cite examples of crimes committed by Luther against the Catholic Church. Your poster should include-a visual aspect for the illiterate as well as written text, in the vernacular, for those that could read at the time.

Option 2 - Create a church door protest. Luther is attacking the church in Wittenberg Germany. Knowing the bulk of the population can’t read you are to cite examples of the church’s indiscretion through visual protest. Your poster must include the following six grievances that Luther had with the church.

1. The bible should be written in the vernacular 2. The selling of indulgences is morally wrong. 3. The Pope is a false authority. 4. Priests should be respected as teachers and nothing more. 5. Celibacy is no longer necessary for clergy. 6. It is not your actions or deeds but your faith alone that will earn you entry to heaven.

Evaluation: You project will be holistically graded. The project grade will be based on the visual appeal of your poster, appropriate spelling and grammar, creativity, and, most importantly, its historical accuracy. This poster project is worth 35 points. Late projects will lose 10% of their grade for every day it is late.