Meridian School District Curriculum

Teaching Foreign Languages Spanish Curriculum

Middle School

Standard: Communication (939.01.a-d. 939.02.a,c)

I. Enduring Understanding: Foreign languages are used in ordinary daily conversational situations in a variety of cultures.

II. Enduring Understanding: Information, concepts and ideas require verbal and non-verbal communication in different world cultures.

III. Enduring Understanding: Purpose drives topics, structures and delivery in written and oral communication among diverse cultures.

Exploratory Skills

Listening  Discriminate between phonetic sounds of the alphabet.  Demonstrate comprehension of single words and common phrases.

Speaking  Use basic words in the oral context which relate to familiar material and vocabulary. o Numbers o Colors o Days of the week o Months of the year o Weather conditions o Food and clothing

Writing  Write basic single words which relate to familiar topics and vocabulary: o Numbers o Colors o Days of the week o Months of the year o Weather conditions o Food and clothing

Reading  Read single words and word groupings on familiar material and assigned topics. Meridian School District Curriculum

Teaching Foreign Languages Spanish Curriculum

Middle School

Standard: Culture (937.01.a, 937.03.a-b)

I. Enduring Understanding: Different cultures have different social etiquettes and dining customs.

II. Enduring Understanding: Geography directly influences the culture and history of a people.

III. Enduring Understanding: Culture influences the music and art of a society.

IV. Enduring Understanding: Language and culture are interdependent.

Exploratory Skills

Listening  Demonstrate comprehension of basic form of address and of Spanish-speaking countries of the world.

Speaking  Compare social etiquettes and dining customs of Americans to Hispanics.  Describe specialty foods of Mexico and Spain.  Ask and answer questions on familiar cultural topics.

Writing  Answer written questions about: o Common greetings o Expressions of courtesy o Location of Spanish-speaking countries of the world o Specialty foods o Social etiquettes and customs

Reading  Read cultural topics about food, art, music and geography. Meridian School District Curriculum

Teaching Foreign Languages Spanish Curriculum

Middle School

Standard: Connections (935.01.a, 935.02.b, 935.03.a-d, 937.01.b-c, 937.02.b, 939.02.a-b)

I. Enduring Understanding: The study of foreign languages reinforces and integrates information from other disciplines.

II. Enduring Understanding: Countries with common language share cultural and geographical connections.

III. Enduring Understanding: Foreign language skills enhance and contribute to future job opportunities.

Exploratory Skills

Listening  Demonstrate comprehension of knowing that a foreign language can increase future job opportunities.

Speaking  Questions  Responses to visual and oral cues  Future job opportunities  Reinforce other disciplines through foreign languages

Writing  Utilize the Internet to research careers which require foreign language proficiency.  Create travel brochures about a Spanish-speaking country.

Reading  Research about future job opportunities which require knowing a foreign language.  Collect and read current newspaper articles about Spanish-speaking countries. Meridian School District Curriculum

Teaching Foreign Languages Spanish Curriculum

Middle School

Standard: Comparisons (935.01.b, 935.02.a,c, 939.01.d)

I. Enduring Understanding: Basic communication involves fundamental vocabulary and structure.

II. Enduring Understanding: There are similarities and differences in vocabulary among languages.

III. Enduring Understanding: The study of culture promotes an awareness of cultural similarities and differences.

Exploratory Skills

Listening  Demonstrate comprehension of cognates between English and Spanish.  Comprehend basic vocabulary words and phrases.  Demonstrate comprehension of cultural similarities and differences.

Speaking  Utilize, in the oral context, basic vocabulary words and structure on familiar topics, cognates, etc.  Discuss cultural similarities and differences.

Writing  Write comparisons about cultural topics (customs, holidays, etc.)  Write familiar vocabulary words, paragraphs, essays on assigned topics.

Reading  Read articles about cultural similarities and differences. Meridian School District Curriculum

Teaching Foreign Languages Spanish Curriculum

Middle School

Standard: Communities (935.01.a, 935.02.d, 939.02.b)

I. Enduring Understanding: Foreign languages extend beyond the classroom in real-life situations.

II. Enduring Understanding: People who learn foreign languages can increase their opportunities for work, travel, personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Exploratory Skills

Listening  Demonstrate comprehension of common words and basic phrases in the community.

Speaking  Utilize familiar material, vocabulary and common phrases in real-life situations.

Writing  Write about a personal encounter with the Hispanic culture.

Reading  Read basic realia, such as magazines, menus, etc.