Board of Direction and Executive Committee 16
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Table of Contents
Preface……………………………………………………2 ICRI Charter…………………………………………… 3 Strategic Plan……………………………………………4 ICRI By-laws…………………………………………….7
Board of Direction and Executive Committee…………16
Technical Activities Committee……………………….. 18
Awards………………………………………………….. 19 Rules
Chapters Guide to Chapter Organization………………… 21 Chapter Operating Policies…………………….. 25
Education……………………………………………….. 29
Fellows………………………………………………….. 30
Finance…………………………………………………. 33
Industry Outreach…………………………………….. 34
International…………………………………………… 35
Meetings and Conventions…………………………….. 36
Membership…………………………………………….. 37
Publications…………………………………………….. 38
1 Preface
This compilation is presented as an aid to members of the Board of Direction and staff in becoming familiar with current policies and procedures of the International Concrete Repair Institute. For Board members, it is a starting point and useful reference when it is desired to know existing policy, if any, on a given subject. It provides guidance to the staff member in carrying out the Board’s decisions and contributes to consistency and uniformity of staff work.
The format of this manual is such that as new policies or procedures are adopted or existing ones revised, headquarters can furnish substitute pages reflecting these changes for insertion. The manual is distributed to all current Board members and will be sent to new members as they are elected.
2 ICRI Charter
The original charter, recorded
The purpose of the Institute, as stated in the Articles of Incorporation,
3 The ICRI Strategic Plan
The Board of Directors of ICRI adopted a strategic plan in Fall of 2004, along with a revised Mission Statement, to guide the Institute’s programs and direction over the next five years. All members should familiarize themselves with the major goals outlined in the plan and direct their efforts in those areas that will help the organization achieve these goals. The result will be a stronger ICRI and a higher-quality concrete repair industry. Following is a summary of the ICRI Strategic Plan:
ICRI Mission Statement
The mission of the International Concrete Repair Institute is to be a leading resource for education and information to improve the quality of repair, restoration, and protection of concrete and other structures in accordance with consensus criteria.
To accomplish the mission of the Institute the following core activities, objectives and goals have been established:
Education: Objective: Provide educational programs to disseminate technical information on repair, restoration and protection of concrete. Goals: 1. Support academic curriculum and research 2. Administer the Scholarship fund 3. Develop educational ICRI programs
Chapters: Objective: Develop policies and guidelines for the operation of U.S. and International Chapters of ICRI and encourage their formation. Goals: 1. Develop local representation of ICRI’s mission through ICRI chapters. 2. Increase support for Chapters through expanded communications and information 3. Expand the network of ICRI chapters to gain higher profile at local levels across the country – “a chapter in every major metropolitan statistical area”.
4 Objective: Recognize ICRI members for significant contributions to the Institute. Goals: 1. Maintain and enhance the professional image of ICRI.
Finance: Objective: Advise the ICRI Board of Directors on the financial aspects of the Institute. Goals: 1. Oversee finances resources to provide long-term stability and resources for expanding ICRI programs and services to benefit the industry and to achieve the Institute’s goals.
Objective: Increase industry presence, membership, and revenue by communicating the value of ICRI.
Goals; 1. Initiate an active membership retention and recruitment program to attract and retain a consensus cross-section of members representative of the concrete repair, restoration and protection industry. 2. Increase the ICRI visibility by communicating the value of ICRI as a leading education and information resource. 3. Develop and maintain an international presence. 4. Improve communication and collaboration with other industry related associations. 5. Administer and promote ICRI awards program. 6. Develop current market research data on concrete repair market (size, dollar value, etc.)
Meetings & Conventions: Objective: Ensure regular meetings in accordance with ICRI By-Laws. Goals: 1. Oversee selection, scheduling, and format for all convention activities.
Publications: Objective: Develop ICRI publication policy and standards.
Technical Activities:
5 Objective: Develop ICRI guidelines and the technical content of convention programs. Develop, disseminate, and maintain technical information for ICRI members, customers, and industry professionals. Goals: 1. Oversee the operation of the ICRI technical committees system. 2. Support the development, presentation, and publication of high-quality technical information related to the repair, restoration, and protection of concrete and other structures. 3. Provide thorough, competent, and understandable technical reviews of technical committee documents. 4. Continue to update and improve the Technical Committee Manual. 5. Encourage development of high-quality sessions at ICRI Conventions
6 ICRI By-Laws
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the INTERNATIONAL CONCRETE REPAIR INSTITUTE. It shall be a non-profit corporation, incorporated in the State of Virginia.
Section 2. The principal office of the Institute shall be in the State of Illinois.
The purpose of this Institute shall be to improve the quality of concrete restoration, repair and protection, through education of, and communication among, the members and those who use their services.
Section 1. Membership: Any company, agency, or individual with an interest in the purpose and activities of the Institute shall be eligible to become a member of the Institute. Each company or agency shall appoint, and certify to the secretary of the Institute, a person to be its representative who shall represent, vote, and act for the member in all the affairs of the Institute. Each individual member, including those who are additional employees of member companies, shall have the right to vote or hold office.
Section 2. Student Membership: A person who is enrolled in a college or university shall be eligible to become a student member of the Institute, subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. Student members shall not be eligible to vote.
Section 3. Life and Honorary Membership: At such times as the Board of Directors may determine, Life or Honorary Memberships may be bestowed to individuals, firms, or other entities. These classes of membership shall carry all the benefits of regular membership, but without the requirement of payment of dues.
Section 4. Voting: Each voting member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote in Institute matters. Proxy voting shall be permitted at general membership meetings, with the Secretary’s certification that such proxy votes are from members in good standing, are in proper order, and are in accordance with any rules regarding proxy voting which may have been passed by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Resignation: Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the President, but such resignation shall not relieve the member of the obligation to pay
7 any accrued dues or other charges.
Section 6. Removal: Members of any classification may be removed for cause by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Board of Directors present at any meeting. For any cause other than non-payment of dues, the member shall be advised of the complaint at least twenty (20) days before the action is scheduled to be voted upon. The member shall have the opportunity to present a defense prior to the vote for removal, and may appeal the decision of the Board of Directors at the next general membership meeting, provided that notice of intent to appeal is provided to the President at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting. A majority vote of members present in person at the meeting at which the appeal is heard, providing a quorum is present, may reverse the decision of the Board. Proxy voting will not be allowed for this purpose.
Section 7. Non-discrimination: No person shall be denied membership or any of the benefits of the Institute because of gender, race, age or religion. For clarity and convenience, individuals are referenced in these bylaws in the masculine; the feminine shall be substituted whenever circumstances deem it appropriate.
Section 8. Equal Treatment: All members of the organization, whether engineers, designers, contractors, manufacturers or others involved with the repair or rehabilitation of concrete, will be treated equally in all respects.
Section 1. The annual dues for each member of all classes of membership in the Institute shall be established by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Members who fail to pay their dues within thirty (30) days from the time the same become due shall be notified by the Executive Director and, if payment is not made within the succeeding thirty (30) days shall, without further notice and without hearing, be dropped from the rolls and thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership. The Board of Directors may at its discretion prescribe procedures for extending the time for payment of dues and continuation of membership privileges upon request of a member showing good cause.
Section 1. The elective officers of this Institute shall be a president, president-elect, Vice President, secretary and treasurer. These officers shall be elected by ballot as described in Section 2, Article XI of the By-Laws and shall serve a term of one year or until their successors are elected. The Secretary and Treasurer may be reelected at the discretion of the membership. The President and Vice President shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office for a period of one year.
8 Section 2. The Board shall consist of fifteen (15 Directors. Of the 15 directors serving at any given time, 9 would be chosen by Chapter regions, and 6 at-large by recommendation of the Nominating Committee. The regions would be grouped as follows:
a. Region 1: The 4 Florida Chapters b. Region 2: The Georgia, Carolinas, and Central Virginia Chapters c. Region 3: Baltimore/Washington and the Delaware valley Chapter d. Region 4: Metro New York, Connecticut, New England and Quebec Chapters e. Region 5: Wisconsin, Iowa Illinois, Chicago Tri-States, and Minnesota Chapters f. Region 6: Northern Ohio, western New York, Pittsburgh and Ohio River Valley Chapters g. Region 7: Rocky Mountain, North Texas, and Houston Chapters h. Region 8: Northern California and Pacific Northwest Chapter i. Region 9: San Diego, LA/Orange County, and Greek Chapter
All fifteen (15) Elected Directors, whether from the regular membership, or the Chapter Regions, shall be elected for a term of office of three (3) years or until their successors are elected. An Elected Director may not serve as such for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall have supervision, control and direction of the affairs of the Institute, shall determine its policies within the limits of these bylaws, shall actively pursue its purposes and shall oversee the disbursement of its funds. It may adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as it deems advisable and may appoint such agents as it may consider necessary.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, President- Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and all Elected Directors. The Executive Director of the Institute shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors without vote.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at least three times each year. The first meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual meeting, the second shall be held within six months, coinciding with the Spring Convention, and the third shall be held at a time coinciding with the Fall Convention. The location of these meetings shall be as agreed upon by the members of the Board of Directors. Special meetings shall be held at the call of the President or six (6) Board members. At least fifteen (15) days notice of all regular or special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be mailed to all Board members.
Section 4. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. In
9 his absence or incapacity, the President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer shall preside, in that order of precedence.
Section 5. Providing proper notice has been given as prescribed in Section 3 of this Article, a quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of the Board members present. However, no authorization for the expenditure of funds of the Institute may be made at any Board meeting with less than one-third (1/3) of the voting members present.
Section 6. An Executive Committee, consisting of the elected officers, the Immediate Past President and the TAC Chairman (without vote) and Executive Director (without vote), shall act for the Board of Directors in any matters requiring attention between regular meetings. The Executive Committee shall also prepare an annual budget for presentation at the Board of Directors meeting at the Fall Convention and for final approval at the Board meeting held in conjunction with the annual meeting.
Section 7. The Board of Directors shall employ an Executive Director who shall be the chief operating officer of the association. He shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall be responsible to the association for the management and direction of the activities of the Institute as prescribed by the Board of Directors. The Board shall delegate to the Executive Director the authority to manage the Institute and he shall serve as Assistant to the Treasurer.
Section 8. Voting rights of a Director shall not be delegated to another or exercised by proxy. However, unanimous action taken by a mail ballot of all members of the Board of Directors shall be a valid action of the Board and shall be reported at the next regular Board meeting. In addition, any or all directors may participate in a Board of Directors meeting through the use of any means of communication such as teleconference, by which all directors may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting; a director participating in a meeting by this means shall be deemed to be present at the meeting.
Section 9. Officers and directors who fail to attend two consecutive Board of Directors meetings without due cause, evidenced by notification in advance to the President or Secretary of the Association, shall automatically relinquish their office and their positions shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws.
Section 10. Officers and directors may be removed only for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board of Directors.
Section 11. Any officer or elected director who ceases to be a Voting Member of the Institute shall automatically cease to be an officer or elected director.
Section 12. Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors between annual meetings shall be filled by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee. An officer or director so elected to fill a vacancy shall serve the unexpired term of his predecessor.
10 Section 13. Voting directors and elected officers shall not receive compensation for their services.
Section 1. President: The President shall be the principal elective officer of the organization, shall preside at all meetings of the membership, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee, and shall perform other duties as are normally incident to the office or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. He shall be an ex-officio member, with voting privilege, of all committees except the Nominating Committee. He shall make an annual report to the membership, and shall communicate to the association or to the Board of Directors such matters as may in his opinion promote the welfare and increase the usefulness of the Institute.
Section 2. President-Elect: The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in his absence and shall succeed to the office of President. He shall also report to the President as set in ICRI’s Policy Manual.
Section 3. Vice President: The Vice President shall report to the President as set in ICRI’s Policy Manual.
Section 4. Secretary: The Secretary shall give notice of and attend all meetings of the Institute and the Board of Directors, shall keep a record of all proceedings, shall attest documents, and shall perform other duties as may be assigned or are usual and normal for such office.
Section 5. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies received and expended for the use of the Institute, and shall make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. The annual business meeting of the membership of the Institute shall be held during the World of Concrete at such time and place as the Board of Directors may designate.
Section 2. Special meetings of the membership may be called by the Board of Directors or the President, and shall be called by the President within thirty (30) days of receipt of a written request of twenty percent (20%) of the voting members in good standing.
Section 3. Regional meetings of the Institute may be held at such time and place as may be approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. At any annual or special meeting of the membership, a quorum shall
11 consist of no less than five percent (5%) of the Voting Members. All actions taken by said members shall be implemented by the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Written notice of any meeting of the Institute at which official business is to be transacted shall be mailed to the last known address of each member not less than ten (10) nor more than forty (40) days before the date of the meeting.
Section 1. The President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall annually appoint such standing, special or subcommittees as may be required by the bylaws or as he may find necessary.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall consist of eight (8) voting memberstwo of whom shall be elected annually by mail ballot of the membership to serve a three-year term. The committee shall be chaired by the most recent Past President of the Institute, who shall remain a member of the committee for an additional year.
Of the 15 directors serving at any given time, 9 would be chosen by Chapter regions, and 6 at-large by recommendation of the Nominating Committee.
The Chapters have to work together within the regions to nominate one person per region, and with nine regions, the cycle per region would be every three years.
The nominated individual would have to agree to all of the current condition for serving on the Board. They would be required to attend all Board meetings, per ICRI By-Laws.
Thre regional nominee also has to meet all minimum requirements spelled out in the
Consensus regional Representative form
In selecting candidates for the at-large positions on the Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee shall make every reasonable effort to insure that equal representation, both by geographical region and by work discipline, is maintained. The Nominating Committee shall nominate a candidate for each position of elected officers, for the Board of Directors (including those from the Chapter Regions), and for the Nominating Committee, and shall notify the membership in writing that nominations are open not less than sixty (60) days prior to the election date, with notification appearing in the Sept./Oct. Issue of the Concrete Repair Bulletin. Anyone wishing to apply for an at- large Board position must fill out the Non-Consensus At-Large Applicant Form.
Nominations will be accepted no later than October 15. The Nominating Committee shall conduct an election by mail ballot, to be completed on January 1, in which each
12 voting member will have one vote to cast for each officer and directorship position to be elected, and for representatives to the Nominating Committee The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected. The results of the election shall be announced no later than the next annual membership meeting. The Board of Directors may, as it deems necessary, prescribe rules to govern elections.
Section 3. The following mandatory standing committees shall be appointed by the President of the Institute, of such size as he deems appropriate: Administrative Committees: Chapters, Education, Fellows , Finance, Meetings and Conventions, Marketing, Publications, and Technical Activities
Technical Committees: Coatings and Waterproofing, Corrosion, Evaluation, Grouting, Repair Materials and Methods, Strengthening and Stabilization, and Surface Preparation
It is desirable to have the Committee Chairman of all standing Administrative Committees to be a member of the Board of Direction; however, at the Executive Committee’s discretion, they may be from the membership at large. The President is responsible for appointing all Administrative Committee Chairs, and the Chairman of the Technical Activities Committee.
The Treasurer of the Institute shall act as chairman of the Finance Committee, and the chairmen of the other committees shall be selected from the members of the Board of Directors, except that the chairman of the Technical Activities Committee may be selected from the membership at large. Each committee shall elect a vice-chairman and a secretary. Each committee shall monitor the activities of the Institute in its respective field, and propose changes and new programs to the Board of Directors for approval. Committees shall operate in accordance with ICRI’s Policy Manual.
Section 1. The Institute shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these bylaws and no part of said funds shall inure or be distributed to members of the Institute.
Section 2. The fiscal year shall be prescribed by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. With recommendations of the Executive Committee, the Board shall adopt an annual operating budget covering all activities of the Institute. Within sixty (60) days following the close of the fiscal year, the Treasurer shall furnish the membership with a financial report for the fiscal year just concluded.
13 Section 1. Chapters shall be chartered as provided in these By-Laws for the purpose of conducting programs and activities which are consistent with, and which will carry out and further the objectives and purposes of the Institute.
Section 2. In any geographical area where there are at least fifteen (15) members of the Institute, the members may petition for the granting of a chapter charter. Such petition must also be signed by at least fifteen (15) voting members of the Institute from the area seeking the charter, which shall include at least two members each from at least three (3) different categories of membership. The petition shall contain the following information:
A. The proposed geographical boundaries of the chapter.
B. Names of the persons who have agreed to serve as the initial officers of the chapter.
C. A statement agreeing to adopt by-laws consistent with the bylaws of the Institute, and to operate the chapter in accordance with the principles and policies of the Institute.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall act on the petition for the chapter at its next regularly scheduled meeting, providing that proper notice has been given. The Secretary shall communicate the Board’s decision to the petitioners as soon as practicable following the meeting.
Section 4. Upon approval of the chapter by the Board of Directors, the President of the Institute shall assign to each Chapter a member of the Board of Directors as Chapter Liaison. This Board member shall maintain contact with the Chapter officers, assisting them as requested and as appropriate, and bringing their concerns before the Board of Directors for action.
Section 5. Each chapter shall establish its own dues structure and maintain its own Treasury.
Section 6. Membership in the Institute shall be a prerequisite for membership in a chapter, but shall not constitute automatic chapter membership.
Section 7. Each chapter shall submit an Annual Report to the Board of Directors no later than May 15 of each year.
Section 8. Each chapter shall adopt bylaws to govern its operation, which shall be consistent with the provisions of the Institute’s bylaws, and shall operate in accordance with the current bylaws and policies of the Institute, as amended from time to time. The bylaws of each chapter shall follow the same rules for the election of officers as the ICRI by-laws, requiring election of officers to be completed not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting, nor after January 1.
14 Section 9. Upon acceptance of the proposed chapter’s application, a charter shall be issued by the Secretary of the Institute. This charter shall remain in effect until:
A. The chapter requests dissolution, or
B. The Board of Directors of the Institute determines that chapter activities have diminished to the point where a chapter does not, in reality, exist, or
C. The Board of Directors of the Institute determines that the chapter’s activities are in conflict with the national by-laws and resolution of the differences is not possible.
On dissolution of the Institute, any funds remaining after payment of all debts shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified non-profit organizations selected by the Board of Directors whose purposes are in furtherance of those tax-exempt non-profit purposes of the Institute.
The rules contained in the current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall govern the conduct of meetings of the Institute in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
Section 1. Methods: One of the methods named in the following sections of this article shall be used to change the Bylaws of the Corporation. The method to be used in each situation shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. General Meeting:
A. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present at a general meeting provided such proposed amendment is circulated in writing at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting of the members.
B. Unless otherwise specified all such amendments shall become effective on the date of the vote.
Section 3. Board Meeting:
A. The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Directors present at a meeting of the Board of Directors, provided such amendment is circulated in writing at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting of the Board.
B. Unless otherwise specified all such amendments shall become effective on the date
15 of the vote.
16 Board of Direction and Executive Committee
Duties and responsibilities of the Board of Direction
The duties and responsibilities of the ICRI Board of Direction are governed by the ICRI Bylaws found in this manual. In addition, general duties include:
1. Establish general objectives for the organization. 2. Determine and establish policies to carry out the intent of the chartered objectives of ICRI. 3. Report annually to the general membership on the state of the Institute finances and affairs (This is done through the Annual report published in the Annual Meeting program and the Concrete Repair Bulletin) 4. Examine, authorize and review budgetary matters. 5. Delegate to administrative committees and the Executive Director authority for the conduct of the affairs of the Institute. 6. Receive and review reports of those to whom authority has been delegated to assure that objectives are being properly followed. 7. Assign specific problems to administrative committees or staff for study, review their recommendations, and adopt courses of action.
Since the Board of Direction collectively is the governing force, no single officer may act independently for ICRI without Board authorization. The Executive Director is the duly appointed agent of the Board for the conduct of ordinary business.
Individual members of the Board of Direction should bear in mind that while their suggestions as to operating details of the Institute are always welcomed by staff, it cannot, on the other hand, necessarily be bound to adopt them. They must be weighed in connection with established policies and procedures which have been demonstrated to be practical and useful. A Board member may in good faith suggest a course of action which has been demonstrated to be less effective in accomplishing a given mission than that which is in effect. A Board member therefore should not feel let down should some of their suggestions not be adopted.
The Executive Director and staff are responsible for the exploration and analysis of present and future problems, development of plans for solving these problems, and for initiative to give the Institute the perpetual life that distinguishes it from the individual.
The Board of Direction has the responsibility to confirm or disapprove management recommendations on major changes and objectives, policies, organization, and single transactions that will have a substantial effect on the stability and success of ICRI.
The Board should be a source of constructive council to the Institute Staff. In this capacity, the Board does not formally approve or direct executive action. Instead, there is
17 an exchange of views as to the technical activities, membership problems, reactions of and relations with other organizations, effect of business conditions, and other factors.
An important function of the Board is to regularly review the results of current operations. This helps to keep Board members informed about ICRI operations which is essential if they are to perform their other duties effectively. It also provides Board members an opportunity to ask questions dealing with the fundamental aspects of ICRI’s operations.
The three regular meetings of the Board each year do not provide time for intimate review of details of the ongoing programs of the institute. Therefore, the Board delegates supervision of these details to the appropriate Administrative Committee, and the Technical Activities Committee.
To ensure strong participation at these committee meetings, each Board Member is required to serve as a member of two administrative committees. These assignments are made by the President at the start of their term of office.
The acronym for the International Concrete Repair Institute is ICRI and will be called I - C - R - I, and not pronounced. 1/3/94
Duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, per ICRI Bylaws, “shall act for the Board of Directors in any matters requiring attention between regular meetings.”
The Executive Committee has responsibility for the contract with ICRI’s management company, including all contract negotiations and annual management company review.
The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of one day (per year) independent of any Board meeting, convention or trade show.
The Executive Committee shall review and update the ICRI Policy Manual annually.
The Executive Committee shall review the status of any Director or Committee Chair who has failed to attend two consecutive meetings and make recommendations of their decision to the Board. 5/16/94
The Executive Committee will determine which organizations or associations that ICRI will join, after discussion with the Executive Director.
18 Technical Activities Committee
Mission Statement: It shall be the mission of the ICRI Technical Activities Committee to: Recommend policies for adoption by the Board of Directors for all activities of a technical nature undertaken by ICRI.
Recommend and implement technical activities consistent with the purposes and goals of the organization. Such activities shall include the production of guideline documents for use by the concrete repair industry as the committee deems necessary and appropriate.
Monitor and oversee all technical activities for progress as scheduled and for compliance with the approved policies.
Committee Makeup: The committee chairman shall be appointed to a three-year term by the president, subject to approval by the Board. There shall be a maximum of three terms which can be served as long as the chair is a member of ICRI. The TAC Chairman shall also be a non-voting member of the ICRI Executive Committee.
The committee shall consist of no fewer than twelve members, with at least one person chosen from any membership category which comprises 15% or more of ICRI members.
The Technical Director of ICRI shall serve as secretary of the committee.
Committee members shall be appointed by the president upon recommendation of the Technical Committee chairman, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The term of service shall be three years, to serve a maximum of six years from the date of appointment. One-third of the members shall be appointed each year.
Absence from two consecutive meetings of the committee shall constitute automatic removal from the committee roster.
The Technical Activities Committee shall operate under the policies and procedures spelled out in the Technical Committee Manual, adopted by ICRI in 2002.
The guidelines should contain a statement such as: “This Guideline shall pertain to U.S. standards and may or may not apply to operations outside the U.S.” 1/29/91
The general membership shall be invited to review guideline documents for comments as to their preference for approval or disapproval; the originating task group is required to consider the results of this non-binding referendum in preparing the final draft of the document. 5/7/95
19 ICRI Project Awards
Judging Criteria
Project of the Year: This award is given to the project that is judged to be the best of all projects submitted. Award of Excellence: This award is given to the project that is judged to be the best (highest score) in a particular category, and in the opinion of the judges, is worthy of an Award of Excellence. Honorable Mention: This award is given to a project that is judged to be worthy of an Award, but not the Award of Excellence. More than one Honorable Mention Award can be given in a category.
1 Project qualifications. The project must either be completed after January 1, 2003 or substantially complete before March 31, 2005. Entries in the Longevity category must be completed prior to December 31, 1999. Entries will be judged on uniqueness, use of state-of-the-art methods, use of materials, functionality, value engineering, cost effectiveness and aesthetics.
2 Submitting company. Entries must be submitted by a company member of ICRI. The portion of the repair project which is performed by the submitting company must amount to at least 25% of the project cost. (Project cost does not apply to design firms nor owners.) For purposes of this determination, a subcontract for the repair portion of a larger project will be considered to be the project.
3 Owner permission. Written permission from the project’s owner MUST be included with the entry.
4 Entry requirements. Each entry MUST include: One copy of the entry form Part I in a sealed envelope, 6 copies of entry form Part II, 6 copies of the project description with photos (see Rule 5 below), and the entry fee of $200US.
The written description of the project must not exceed 2000 words. Entries must be submitted in 3-ring binders. (6 copies of entry, each in separate binder) If possible, please include an electronic version of entry, text only (MS Word or Word Perfect) on a disk. This can be the same disk you use if you are submitting digital photographs.
An abstract of the project, not to exceed 300 words, must be included with the submission.
5 Photographs and drawings. A maximum of five (5) drawings, not to exceed 11” x 17” each, and ten (10) photographs, not to exceed 8.5” x 11” each, may be included with the
20 submission. Photographs must be submitted as prints, not slides. Color photocopies are acceptable; however, the entry MUST include at least one set of original photos. If you have digital photos, you MUST include a disk of these photos with your submission. These photos are also used in the presentation and publicity of winning entries; therefore, only good quality prints should be selected, at least one of which depicts the completed project. If copyright is not owned by the submitter, permission to use must be included with the submission. Video tapes of projects will not be accepted as documentation for judging. If video constitutes the only project record, prints from frames of the tape must be obtained and submitted.
In addition, one photo should be marked by entrant as photo to use for award plaque if project is chosen as an award recipient. This photo should be landscape oriented, not portrait. Also, ICRI displays posters of the winning entries at the Fall Convention. Please mark three (3) photos to be used on these posters.
6 Participant identification. To ensure fairness in judging, all participant identification (Part I) is submitted separately and is not seen by the judges. Therefore, entries must be prepared so that company and product names do not appear as letterheads nor as part of the project description. Product literature should not be submitted, and photos should not display company logos nor product identification.
7 Judging.
Project of the Year: This award is given to the project that is judged to be the best of all projects submitted.
Award of Excellence: This award is given to the project that is judged to be the best (highest score) in a particular category, and in the opinion of the judges, is worthy of an Award of Excellence. Only one Award of Excellence is given in each category.
Award of Merit: This award is given to the project that is judged to be worthy of an Award in a particular category, but not the Award of excellence. More than one Award of Merit may be given in any category.
8 Winning entries. An article featuring each award-winning project will be placed in the November/December issue of the Concrete Repair Bulletin. Project descriptions submitted with entries should be written with this in mind to minimize major rewriting for publication. Winning entries will also have a poster made from their entry displayed during the Awards Banquet Social Hour, immediately preceding the Banquet. All participants should identify 3 photographs or drawings they would like used on this poster.
9 Additional participants. A maximum of five (5) participants in the project will be recognized in the awards program, Concrete Repair Bulletin, or other publicity. The names and locations of the project owner, designer, contractor, and material supplier should be included with the submission. Please make sure this information is complete and correct. If a participant is not listed with the original entry, they will not appear in the Awards Program Book, or the Concrete Repair Bulletin. Exceptions to this rule will be made only by vote of the Awards Committee, whose decision will be final.
21 10 Deadline. Submit entries to ICRI, 3166 S. River Road, Suite 132, Des Plaines, IL 60018. All entries must be received by 5:00PM Eastern Daylight Time on Monday, May 2, 2005. Winners will be notified by July 31, 2004.
11 Any submission that does not fully comply with the rules of the competition will be returned.
22 Chapters
Guide to Chapter Organization
STARTING A LOCAL CHAPTER By following the steps outlined below, as a group of like-minded repair specialists should be able to have a chapter formed and operational over a period of several weeks. ICRI staff stands ready to answer any questions you may have after reading this booklet, so please do not hesitate to call.
Step 1 - Determine Local Interest Level It should go without saying that a chapter has little chance of success if there is not a core group of individuals willing to make it happen. However, if those individuals are all involved in the same or similar businesses, it is much less likely that others will be attracted to take part in chapter meetings and activities.
To determine the level of local interest, contact current ICRI members and any nonmember contacts you may have in your area. The ICRI office will supply a list of members and nonmembers in a given area, so long as the person is an ICRI member. Allow a relatively short response time; if persons are genuinely interested, it will not take long to gather this information.
The ICRI by-laws allow the formation of chapters in areas with at least 15 ICRI members. However, this is a minimal number to depend upon when trying to provide for a viable and growing organization, and it is prudent to have 20-25 persons interested in forming a chapter before proceeding.
Step 2 - Hold an Initial Meeting An initial meeting can be in one of two forms.
If there is a sufficient number of interested persons willing to act as a steering committee, and they represent several facets of industry, you can hold a meeting to determine the structure of the chapter.
The other, and probably more desirable, alternative is to hold an open meeting, to which all ICRI members and potential members are invited. To attract these people to the meeting, feature a technical presentation or panel discussion on an issue relevant to the area.
When sending the invitations, invite people interested in starting the chapter and serving as an officer to attend a meeting prior to the technical presentation meeting. You can then choose your initial officers and board based on the interest of the meeting attendees.
Following the technical meeting, introduce the proposed officers and board to the meeting attendees and tell them whom to contact if they are also interested in serving.
23 Step 3 - Determine the Chapter Structure The steering committee determines a proposed structure for the chapter. The items that need to be determined are:
Chapter name. Geographical boundaries. Frequency and types of meetings. Meeting location(s) (one general location or different communities within the geographic area that the chapter services). Chapter dues. By-laws. This guide includes a model by-laws. Use it to develop by-laws specific to your chapter. Because these are the rules by which your chapter will operate, it is imperative to carefully prepare them. Options are to be selected and blanks filled in to arrive at usable by-laws for chapter activities. Sections may be added or deleted as appropriate. List of pending officers and directors. All chapter officers must be ICRI members. Note: There is no ICRI requirement for a separate secretary and treasurer; these offices may be combined into one position if desired. Standing committee chairs. It is important to appoint Program and Membership Committee chairs as soon as possible.
Step 4 - Assign Officers and Directors The chapter’s Steering Committee should make up the chapter’s first slate of officers and directors, all of whom must be ICRI members. Listing of the chapter officers on the charter, with the signatures of at least 15 local ICRI members constitutes approval of the officers.
The chapter must provide the Chapter Relations Coordinator a complete list of its officers and board.
Step 5 - Apply for ICRI Charter This guide includes a sample application for an ICRI charter. When the organization of the chapter is substantially complete, the application should be forwarded to the ICRI office. The following must be included with the chapter charter and by-laws:
1. Federal Employee ID number (EIN) or tax ID, if applicable. 2. A list of past and upcoming events, so the committee and ICRI board can verify your activities.
The proposed chapter by-laws must be included with the application.
Step 6 – Begin Regular Meetings While the chapter is waiting for its charter to be approved, it should go on with business as usual. Holding technical dinner meetings or a social outing is a great way to generate more interest in your chapter and will show the ICRI Board that the chapter is active.
24 The chapter must provide event announcements and reports to the Chapter Relations Coordinator.
Approval of ICRI Chapter Charter Once a chapter has completed all six steps to starting a local chapter, it must submit all required documentation to the ICRI chapter relations coordinator. The chapter relations coordinator will then verify that all information has been received or if there are any missing information the chapter needs to provide.
Once all documentation is in order, the chapter relations coordinator will send everything to the Chapter Committee Chair and ICRI executive director for review and approval. If all three parties (chapter liaison, committee chair and executive director) approve the charter and documentation, the chapter will be chartered and can begin dues collection as an ICRI chapter. If there are any discrepancies, the chapter will be given the opportunity to make corrections and resubmit their documentation.
Identification Number All chapters must apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) or tax ID, as applicable, as soon as possible. This identification number is required to open a bank account for the chapter.
You can obtain an EIN by phoning the IRS. When applying, be sure to note that you are applying for the number for bank account use only.
Bank Account Chapters must open a bank account in the name of the chapter ONLY. It is recommended that the Treasurer be bonded for his/her own protection as well as the chapter’s protection. ICRI will withhold all dues reimbursement checks until the chapter provides proof of establishing a bank account.
Federal Taxes Filing a Federal Income Tax form (the non-profit form is #990) is not required until and unless the chapter's gross receipts in any one year reach or exceed $25,000.
Literature The new chapter will be supplied with reasonable quantities of promotional literature about ICRI, including issues of Concrete Repair Bulletin, membership applications, ICRI brochures, etc. The value of these items is not used in determining the chapter's initial reimbursement. ICRI will also assist in preparing and mailing notices of organizational meetings, again at no charge.
25 Chapter Supplies The purchase of stationery and other supplies is the responsibility of the local chapter. ICRI can provide the logo to the chapter or start-up chapter upon request.
Representation The chapter’s officers and members must not represent themselves as being the International organization or agents of the International organization. The chapter letterhead and other chapter publications must take this into account, and the chapter name must appear in larger type than the ICRI name. It must be clear to anyone receiving chapter correspondence that the material is from the chapter and not ICRI International.
26 Chapter Operating Policies
Membership – April 1990 A person or firm must be a member of ICRI in order to be a member of a local chapter.
Chapter Officer Membership – November 1997 According to all chapter bylaws, in order for someone to serve as an officer or director for a chapter, that person must be a member of ICRI and the local chapter.
ICRI will periodically send notices to chapter officers, listing their paid and unpaid officers and board members. For those who have not paid dues, ICRI will recommend the chapter elect a new officer or board member to replace that person. ICRI will give the chapter 30 days to either have the board member/officer pay their dues or elect a dues- paying member to replace that person.
Failure to comply may lead to the chapter’s charter being revoked.
Chapter Officer and Board Installation Date – March 2001 The installation date for all ICRI chapter officers and directors is January 1. Chapters can hold elections at a time that works best for them, but all officers and board members will have the same installation date, January 1.
Dues Collection – November 1996 All ICRI and chapter dues must be sent to the ICRI International office and not collected by a local chapter. ICRI will send the chapter secretary a dues reimbursement check each month the chapter has new and renewing members with a list of those members.
For start-up chapters not yet chartered as official ICRI chapters, see the section titled Dues Collection for Chapters Not Yet Chartered.
Chapter Sponsorship and Co-Sponsorship of Events at ICRI Conventions and Annual Meetings – April 1997 If a local chapter wants to hold an event in conjunction with an ICRI convention, ICRI headquarters must approve, in writing, the entire event plan before it can be publicized or finalized.
If a local chapter wants to sponsor or cosponsor an event (e.g., social outing, Welcoming Reception) at an ICRI convention or Annual Meeting, the chapter must conform to the following guidelines.
Full Sponsorship – The chapter pays the TOTAL cost of the event. If the chapter wants to get local business sponsors, it must get the approval of ICRI.
27 Co-Sponsorship – In the case of co-sponsorship, such as contributing to the Welcoming Reception at an ICRI convention, the chapter pays an agreed upon amount. The chapter must commit to the sponsorship in writing.
Note: ICRI recognizes all chapters who co-sponsor social events at ICRI conventions and Annual Meetings.
Chapters Holding Product Demonstrations at ICRI Conventions – October 2002 Chapters must abide by the following guidelines, if interested in having a product or equipment demonstration at an ICRI convention. The host chapter is solely responsible for the demonstration criteria.
The chapter must make the request for this program to the Meetings and Conventions Committee at least one year in advance.
ICRI headquarters will be responsible for providing transportation to the demonstration site (if necessary) and marketing the event.
The chapter must provide and agenda and final plan for the demonstrations to the Meetings and Conventions Committee at least one convention prior to the planned event.
Insurance – April 2002 Normal chapter operations are insured under the blanket ICRI liability policy. Each chapter has a letter from ICRI International’s insurance provider, explaining the chapter’s insurance policy. If your chapter needs a copy of this letter, please contact the ICRI International office.
Chapter Start-Up Cost Reimbursement – April 1990 ICRI will reimburse local chapters up to $400 for miscellaneous start-up expenses such as postage, printing, etc. These payments are made promptly upon receipt by the ICRI office of copies of paid invoices or receipts, and it is felt that these advance expenditures will not constitute a severe hardship on the local organizers. Please contact the ICRI office with any questions regarding initial funds.
Chapter Kits – October 1999 ICRI will provide each chapter, upon approval of its charter, a chapter kit at no charge. ICRI will charge chapters $100 to replace the kit.
Chapters Access to ICRI Brochures – March 2002 ICRI will provide each chapter 100 ICRI four-color brochures each year, should the chapter need stock. If the chapter wishes to acquire more than 100 in any year, the chapter can purchase extra brochures for $75 per 100, to cover printing costs.
Charging Chapter Delegates – March 2002
28 Elected chapter delegates of any ICRI convention are required to attend both the Inter- Chapter Lunch Forum and Chapter Committee meeting. If the delegate fails to attend both of these events, ICRI will invoice the chapter for the full registration fee.
To ensure the delegate and chapter officers are aware of this responsibility, ICRI will send a letter to the delegate and the chapter officers, reminding them of this policy. If the delegate can’t make one or both events, substitute attendees from the same chapter – on a case-by-case basis – can be proposed to the Chapter Committee chair and chapter relations coordinator. This must be done prior to the forum and meeting.
Chapter Annual Reports – October 2002 Each chapter is required to file an annual report with ICRI no later than May 15th of each year. The purpose of this report is to summarize the chapter's activities for the year, list its current officers and directors and provide a financial report as required by the ICRI by-laws.
The failure to submit this very important report may result in the withholding of chapters dues reimbursement checks by ICRI.
Inactive Chapter Protocol – March 2003 If a chapter has not had any activity in close to a year, the chapter coordinator reports the chapter to the Chapters Committee. The coordinator will report on communications he has had with the chapter, including unreturned phone calls, e-mails, etc.
The Chapters Committee chair will contact the chapter officers and board members via letter and a follow-up phone call, informing them that the committee is concerned with their lack of activity and that the chapter may have its charter revoked.
The letter will establish a time line of goals the committee would like the chapter to achieve.
If the chapter still hasn't met the Chapter Committee’s goals by the set deadline, the ICRI president will send a letter to all of the chapter’s members, giving them an extended deadline to fulfill the committee's requirements.
If the chapter members do not meet all of the established goals by the extended deadline, the ICRI board has the right to revoke the chapter’s charter.
Host Chapters Promoting Conventions to Local Colleges -- March 2003 Chapters hosting ICRI conventions, even if they are not planning a special event, need to contact local colleges and universities with concrete or concrete repair programs to promote the convention. Chapters are encourage, but not required, to sponsor one or more students to attend the convention.
International Chapters (Outside of North America) – October 2002
29 When forming an International Chapter. signatures are required from15 members (reduced from 25), and the chapter is required to send a delegate to an ICRI Convention at least once every two years.
30 Education
Scholarship (Need Criteria from committee)
31 Fellows
Fellows Committee
1. Purpose a. The Fellows Committee shall review nominations of proposed Fellows received from Chapters and from the membership and, by majority vote, recommend approval or disapproval of nominees to the Board of Directors. Nominations from Chapters and the membership must be received by the ICRI Executive Director and/or the Fellows Committee Chair on or before September 1 to be considered in the current year. b. The Fellows Committee may nominate and, by majority vote, recommend candidates for Fellows to the Board of Directors. c. The Fellows Committee shall insure that recommended nominees satisfy all established qualifications, including that they have held membership in the association for a minimum of five years. Further, the committee will insure that the number of nominations in any year does not exceed 1% of current Institute membership and that the total number of Fellows does not exceed 3% of current Institute membership. d. All nominations that are not recommended for approval shall be held and reconsidered for two years following their original submission to the committee. e. The Fellows Committee may, by majority vote, prepare other motions and recommendations for presentation to the Board of Directors on any matter related to the general membership, operation, or management of the association.
2. Meetings
The Fellows Committee shall meet during the ICRI Spring and Fall Conventions, at a scheduled time and place, primarily for the purpose of proposing, reviewing, and recommending new Fellows of the Association. The President of the Institute may, by notification to all committee members, call a meeting of the Fellows Committee at other times or in conjunction with the Annual Membership Meeting.
Meetings of the committee during the Spring Convention shall primarily be for the purpose of identifying potential candidates for Fellows, so nominating documentation can be initiated. The meeting of the Fellows Committee during the Fall Convention shall be primarily for the purpose of voting to recommend to approve or disapprove nominations received.
If the Fellows Committee fails to meet during the Fall Convention or meets without a quorum present, all properly completed Fellows nominations received from the chapters and members shall be delivered to the Board of Directors without recommendation.
32 3. Quorum
Four or more committee members (including the Committee Chair) present at the meeting scheduled during the ICRI Spring and Fall Conventions shall constitute a quorum. At any other meeting, presence of 50% of the committee members shall constitute a quorum.
4. Voting.
Only committee members present at a scheduled meeting may cast votes. No proxies are allowed, however committee members who are unable to be present at the meeting may send their vote, in writing, by fax, or email, to the Committee Chairman in advance of the committee meeting and such votes will be cast on behalf of the committee member by the Chairman. Voting at the meeting may be by oral affirmation, show of hands, or if requested by any committee member, by secret ballot. In case of tie votes, the Committee Chair shall cast the deciding vote.
5. Committee Membership.
In an effort to encourage participation of a cross section of Fellows, regardless of tenure, membership on the Fellows Committee shall be rotated. Committee members will serve for a term of two years (except for the first year, where one- half of the committee members will serve one-year terms). Committee members may not serve consecutive terms.
The method of committee membership rotation shall be as follows: A list of ICRI Fellows shall be prepared, organized by year of designation, starting with the year 1999. The list shall then be divided sequentially into groups of six individuals. In the first year, the first individual within each group will be appointed to serve a one year term, the second individual within each group will be appointed to serve a two year term. In subsequent years, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth individuals will be appointed in sequence to serve two-year terms. The year following the appointment of the last individual in the group, the first individual in the group shall be reappointed and the rotation will begin again.
The sequence of the Fellows list or the groups shall not be altered except for the addition of newly designated Fellows at the end of the list, and removal from the list of individuals who are no longer members in good standing of the association.
Should any Fellow leave the membership of the association and subsequently reinstate that membership, that Fellow’s name will be returned to the list in its original position.
33 Should the membership in any group fall to three or fewer, the group shall be merged with the following or preceding group, whichever has fewer members. If groups are merged, Fellows from both groups currently serving on the committee will continue their term(s) on the committee. After merger, the combined group will revert to one appointment per year and the sequence of appointments will follow that of the group into which the smaller group was merged.
Should any Fellow be unwilling or unable to serve on the committee during his rotation, that individual will be passed over until his next rotation and the next individual in sequence shall be appointed.
Committee members are expected to be present at the meetings scheduled during the ICRI Spring and Fall Conventions. Fellows who do not expect to be present for these meetings should indicate that they are unable to serve on the committee.
6. Committee Officers
The incoming President of the association shall appoint a Fellow of the Association to serve as the Fellows Committee Chair for a term of one year. Any Fellow may be appointed as Chair regardless of his/her membership rotation on the committee. The Fellows Committee Chair may be reappointed, but may not serve more than three consecutive terms.
The Fellows Committee Chair may appoint an assistant chair, secretary, or other committee officer from among the members of the committee.
7. Confidential Minutes of Committee Meetings
Minutes of all committee meetings shall be recorded by the Committee Chair or other designated committee member. Copies of the minutes shall be sent to the ICRI Executive Director and the President of the Institute. Minutes of the committee shall be treated as confidential, and shall not otherwise be distributed or made available to other officers or members of the Institute.
34 Finance
The ICRI fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.
The Executive Director will engage a CPA to perform a review audit at the end of each fiscal year.
The Board will be provided a financial statement on an accrual basis prior to each Board meeting.
All committees shall have preliminary budgets to Finance Committee at each Fall convention, so that the Finance Committee can prepare a final budget for approval at the Board Meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. Throughout the year, the ACI Executive Committee or Board of Direction may approve additional revenue or expense items on an item by item basis.
35 Marketing
Mailing List Sales; The Board of Directors has directed staff to sell ICRI’s mailing list at a price negotiated by the Executive Director. This list will be available to sale ONLY to other non-profit and educational institutions. The list may not be sold for commercial purposes.
The Marketing Committee is responsible for determining at which Trade shows ICRI will have an exhibit.
36 International
International Chapters (Outside of North America) – October 2002 When forming an International Chapter. signatures are required from15 members (reduced from 25), and the chapter is required to send a delegate to an ICRI Convention at least once every two years.
When opportunities arise to co-sponsor international activities to get ICRI’s name out, staff has the directive to do this wherever the subject matter relates to ICRI, and where co-sponsorship is with our name and logo, but with no money involved.
37 Meetings and Conventions
Free-standing exhibits will not be allowed at ICRI conventions.
If a local chapter desires to hold an event in conjunction with a national convention (e.g. golf tournament), national headquarters must, in writing, approve the entire event plan before it can be publicized or finalized. 04/06/97
If a local chapter wants to sponsor or co-sponsor an event (e.g. luncheon, cocktail reception) at a national convention, the chapter must conform to the following guidelines:
Full sponsorship - the chapter is paying the TOTAL cost of the event. If they would like to get local business sponsors, national has to approve this plan.
Co-sponsorship - the chapter pays an agreed amount. If the chapter does not commit financial arrangements in writing, the sponsorship is not allowed.
38 Membership
ICRI Members are allowed the use of the logo only when the words “member of ” precede it.
Supporting Memberships include: One additional voting member One free copy of any publication offered by the Association Ten additional copies of each issue of Concrete Repair Bulletin Additional 10% discount on Association-related charges, such as for exhibit space, seminar registrations, advertising, etc. Special mention in each issue of Concrete Repair Bulletin and Who’s Who in Concrete Repair
Employment change policy - In the event that a named individual ends his or her employment with a member company or firm, the member company shall be permitted to name another employee to replace the original named member. The original named member shall be allowed to retain his or her membership as an individual member until the end of his or her current term of membership. 11/19/94
The Finance Committee, with final approval by the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for setting membership dues amounts.
39 Publications
The metric system will be used on all references in the Concrete Repair Bulletin. 4/28/90
Items offered for sale will be on a two-tiered basis, with non-member pricing twice that of member pricing. 5/17/92
In accordance with the mission statement of ICRI, the free circulation of Concrete Repair Bulletin shall be increased to 10-12 thousand distribution. 10/14/95
The Publications Committee is responsible for setting the themes of the Concrete Repair Bulletin, and all publication and advertising policies concerning the CRB.
Policy for copying ICRI Guidelines are as follows: 1. Reprinting (copying) an entire document is NOT permitted. 2. Up to 25 % of a Guideline may be reproduced for educational (non-profit) use, with the written permission of ICRI staff. The unwritten rule apart from above is if someone wants to give a page or two of the document to someone else, this is generally allowable, but any type of mass reproductions are not. When you reproduce entire documents, you are depriving ICRI of income generated from sales, and our income from publication sales helps support many of our non-income generating programs.