Business Studies 3.6: Summary of Requirements Prepared by Sue Mcveigh for Edcursec 638B
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AS 91384 3.6 ~ Carry out, with consultation, an innovative and sustainable business activity
Summary of requirements
This document captures advice from TKI and from the moderator’s clarification statements.
The 9 credits associated with this standard reflect the significant amount of time required for teaching/learning and assessment. It is suggested that the assessment take 7-9 weeks of in- and out-of- class time, with an additional 6-8 weeks of in- and out-of-class time for the learning programme.
For the purpose of this standard, innovative refers to originality, invention, commercialisation or improvement with reference to business formation, functions, people, management and environment. Sustainable refers to economic, social, cultural (including ethical) and environmental outcomes.
Students are required to: o Thoroughly develop a business pitch to highlight the innovative aspects of the activity and present a business case o Engage in consultation with specialist advisors in relation to the innovative, sustainable and ethical aspects of the business activity o Comprehensively evaluate the business activity against desired economic, social, cultural (including ethical) and environmental outcomes using an analytical tool such as the quadruple bottom line
The business activity may be carried out using any relevant methods such as online selling, regular market stalls, selling through outlets, etc.
Students work in groups but their individual contribution to the group output is taken into account. They each produce a portfolio of evidence to facilitate assessment. Teacher/student conferencing and/or snapshot videos of collaborative processes are other ways of verifying student contribution.
Working collaboratively with others and successfully consulting with experts are important aspects of this assessment activity. The teacher assists students to locate an external business expert to act as their adviser and to build an ongoing relationship with this person. This consultant may provide guidance during the assessment in order to ensure effective planning is undertaken.
‘Activity’ indicates that the students need to, as a minimum, make their product available for sale.
Student progress is assessed at the following points: after groups have finalised their business plan, which incorporates their pitch and amendments made to the plan thereafter After the activity has been carried out After the activity has been evaluated
1. Undertake thorough planning Group o Choose an innovative and sustainable business activity
1 Business Studies 3.6: summary of requirements ~ prepared by Sue McVeigh for EdCurSec 638B o Establish an ongoing relationship with a specialist external (to the school) adviser or advisers. Continue to consult with the adviser. o Create a business plan Individuals Collect evidence for their portfolios that may of assistance in their evaluations.
2. Prepare and present a plan and business pitch Group o Select an appropriate format for the pitch, for example, a report or presentation or prototype display. o Prepare a thorough business plan that develops a thorough business pitch focusing on the innovative and sustainable aspects of the business activity. Consult with the teacher and adviser as the pitch is prepared. Integrate relevant business knowledge and Maori concept/s where relevant. o Present your business pitch to an independent panel set up by the teacher. This panel may include local business leaders, parents and other interested parties. o Update the business plan based on the guidance provided in the pitch and other discussions based on the preparation and evaluation of the pitch. Individuals Update portfolio of evidence. For example, record their individual actions and contributions to the pitch, feedback from the expert and the panel, reflections on the feedback, etc.
3. Carry out the business activity Group Carry out the activity, continuing to consult with the teacher and external aspects, and taking note of how the activity develops or changes over time. Individuals Demonstrate ongoing management and their personal contribution to the activity. Issues to consider are: measures of business success and sustainability outcomes, recording evidence of decision-making in uncertainty, recording executive decisions, providing evidence of collaborative behaviour.
4. Thoroughly evaluate the business activity Group Thoroughly evaluate the business activity with regard to economic, social, cultural, ethical and environmental outcomes. Use the quadruple bottom line model to measure the performance of the business activity. Continue to consult with the teacher and external adviser. Individuals Use portfolios to evaluate decisions made, actions taken and the outcomes of these ~ evaluation of the business plan, pitch and activity; evaluation of the activity on the basis of sustainability; integration of relevant business knowledge and Maori business concept/s where relevant to fully support explantions.
Business Studies 3.6: summary of requirements2 ~ prepared by Sue McVeigh for EdCurSec 638B [Type the date]