Table S1. List of Samples and Genbank Accession Numbers

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Table S1. List of Samples and Genbank Accession Numbers

Table S1. List of samples and Genbank accession numbers.

Specimen catalog Cytb COI Rag1 DNA or tissue sample Tissue or toepad number (with Species a Origin (no specimen in from other tissue or toepad relation) specimen used b samples)

S. azurea Captivity DNA MAR 1737 KJ467129 KJ467140 KJ467108

S. canadensis USA Tissue AMNH JP810 LSUMNS B2411 U63402c KJ467141 KJ467109

S. carolinensis USA Tissue AMNH JP1292 AMNH JP1291 U63398c KJ467142 KJ467110

FMNH 347927 KJ467130 KJ467143 KJ467111 S. cashmirensis Nepal DNA MAR 3326 FMNH 347926

S. europaea France Tissue MNHN- H18 U63397c KJ467144 KJ467112

MNHN 1940- KJ467131 KJ467145 KJ467113 S. formosa Vietnam Toepad 1051

S. frontalis Thailand Toepad MNHN 1989-53 U63400c KJ467146 KJ467114

AMNH U63399c KJ467147 KJ467115 S. himalayensis Nepal Tissue AMNH DOT5598 DOT5633

S. krueperi Turkey Tissue UWBM 64846 U63405c KJ467148 KJ467116

S. ledanti Algeria Toepad MNHN Holotype MNHN Paratype U63406c KJ467149 KJ467117

NHM NHM KJ467132 KJ467150 KJ467118 S. magna Burma Toepad 1948.80.2492 1948.80.2491

Gaoligong Shan, KJ467133 KJ467151 KJ467119 S. nagaensis Blood MNHN 14-45 Yunnan, China S. neumayer Iran Tissue MNHN 11-36 KJ467134 KJ467152 KJ467120 S. oenochlamys FMNH 357577 FMNH 357578 KJ467135 KJ467153 KJ467121

S. przewalskii China DNA MAR 5783 KJ467136 KJ467154 KJ467122

S. pusilla Louisiana, USA Tissue LSUMNS B0151 LSUMNS B2481 KJ467137 KJ467155 KJ467123

S. pygmaea California, USA Tissue LSUMNS AC24 LSUMNS B1530 U63401c KJ467156 KJ467124

S. tephronota Iran Tissue MNHN 11-38 KJ467138 KJ467157 KJ467125

S. villosa North Korea Tissue MNHN 29-06 U63403c KJ467158 KJ467126

Asco, Corsica, U63404c KJ467159 KJ467127 S. whiteheadi Blood MNHN H11 France

Zhongdjan, KJ467139 KJ467160 KJ467128 S. yunnanensis Tissue MNHN 19-32 Yunnan, China AY352523d AY666487g AY056983e From genbank C. familiaris AY352540d DQ434181h AY057032e From genbank S. vulgaris AY352547d EU442324f AY057038e From genbank T. aedon aFollowing Harrap (2008). AMNH: American Museum of Natural History, New-York, USA FMNH : Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA LSUMNS : Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science, Baton Rouge, USA MNHN: Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France NHM : Natural History Museum, Tring, UK UWBM: University of Washington Burke Museum, Washington, USA MAR: tissue collection J. Martens at Mainz University bFor these samples, only partial DNA sequences have been obtained and used for validation. cPasquet (1998), dBarker (2004), eBarker et al. (2002), fKent et al. (unpublished), gHebert et al. (2004), hKerr et al. (2007).

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