Advanced Placement European History (AP Euro)

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Advanced Placement European History (AP Euro)

Mr. Baker AP Euro 0708 Advanced Placement European History (AP Euro) Hub Dates

These are key dates, or hub dates, that you should know. Hub dates are years in which some important events happened. You should also know the important events in the five years before and after the hub date (1784-1789-1794). We will work with these together in class. Underlined hub dates are the five plus one key treaties in European History.

1. 1492 Reconquista

2. 1521 Diet of Worms

3. 1555 Peace of Augsburg

4. 1588 Spanish Armada

5. 1648 Treaty of Westphalia

6. 1688 Glorious Revolution

7. 1713 Peace of Utrecht

8. 1763 Treaty of Paris

9. 1789 French Revolution

10. 1815 Congress of Vienna

11. 1848 Revolutions of 1848

12. 1871 Franco-Prussian War

13. 1905 Theory of Relativity

14. 1919 Treaty of Versailles

15. 1933 Hitler Chancellor

16. 1948 Berlin Blockade

17. 1968 Prague Spring

18. 1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall

19. 1992 Maastricht Treaty Mr. Baker AP Euro 0708 1350 (1345-1355) complete 1346 English defeat French at Crecy 1347.1350 Bubonic Plague kills 1/3 of Europeans 1347 1348 Boccaccio Decameron 1352 Innocent VI 1356 English defeat French at Poiters 1356 Golden Bull allows HR Emperor to be elected by seven great German princes

1492 (1487-1497) complete 1487-88 Diaz rounds Cape of Good Hope 1492 Reconquista in Spain, Granada falls Expulsion of Jews from Spain Most Muslims convert to Catholicism or emigrate Columbus reaches North America Lorenzo d’Medici driven from power in Florence (r. 1469-1492) Pope Innocent VIII died; Alexander VI (Borgia) elected 1493 Pope Alexander VI publishes Inter Cetera Divina dividing world 1494 Charles VIII first French invasion of Italy, captured Naples 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas 1494-1498 Savonarola in power in Florence; executed 1498 1495 Da Vinci’s Last Supper 1495 Diet opens at Worms 1497.1499 Vasco de Gama reaches India by way of south Africa 1497-98 Savonarolla peak of power in Florence 1497 Savonarolla excommunicated, Cabot in New Foundland

1521 (1516-1526) complete 1512 Selim I (the Grim) of Ottoman Empire (-1522) 1512 The Prince by Machiavelli 1512 Martin Luther receives doctor of theology 1512 Michelangelo finishes Sistine Chapel 1513 Pope Leo X 1513 Balboa crosses Panama Isthmus to Pacific Ocean 1514 Francis I leads invasion of Italy 1516 Utopia by Sir Thomas More 1516 Condordat of Bologna between Francis I (Fr) and Leo X on Ecc. Appts 1517 Charles I crowned king of Spain 1517 95 Thesis posted by Martin Luther 1518 License to import 4,000 African slaves to Sp American colonies 1519 Charles I of Spain crowned Charles V HRE 1519 Ulrich Zwingli begins Swiss Reformation in Zurich 1519-1522 First circumnavigation of the globe by Magellen 1519-1521 Hernando Cortes invades and defeats Aztec Empire 1520 Suleiman I (the Magnificent) comes to power 1520 Munzer’s Anabaptist movement in Germany 1520 Martin Luther excommunicated by Leo X, Luther burns the bull 1521 Luther at Diet of Worms 1521 Henry VIII awarded the title Defender of the Faith Mr. Baker AP Euro 0708 1521 Charles V grants his brother Ferdinand control over E Hap lands 1521 Suleiman I conquers Belgrade, invades Hungary 1521-1525 First Hapsburg-Valois War, Battle of Pavia in Italy 1521 Ignatius Loyola begins Exercises 1522 Luther finishes translation of New Testament 1523 Pope Clement VII 1524.25 German Peasants’ Revolt with Munzer 1525 William Tyndale’s translation of New Testament in English appears 1525 Battle of Pavia consolidates Spanish hold in Italy 1527 Sack of Rome by imperial troops

1555 (1550-1560) complete 1545.1563 Council of Trent Baroque Art 1546-1555 Schmalkaldic Wars 1552 Ivan IV (the Terrible) begins conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan 1554 Elizabeth in tower 1555 Peace of Augsburg 1556 Charles V HRE abdicates, lands to Philip II and Ferdinand 1553-1558 Mary I attempts to restore Catholicism in England 1559 Elizabeth I of England (r. 1559-1603) 1559 Institutes of the Christian Religion, Calvin (1536, 1540, 1559, 1560) 1559 Cateau-Cambresis ends Hapsburg-Valois Wars

1588 (1583—1593) complete 1583 Jesuits establish mission in China 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh discovers and annexes Virginia 1584 Death of Ivan the Terrible 1584 William of Orange (the Silent) assassinated 1587 Mary, Queen of Scots, executed for treason against Elizabeth I 1588 Spanish Armada 1588-1589 War of the Three Henrys 1589 Henry Navarre recognized as Henry IV of France, first Bourbon 1593 Henry IV: Paris is worth a mass.

1648 (1643—1653) 1640.1680 Dutch art 1618-1648 Thirty Years War 1642-1645/49 English Civil War 1643 Rocoi 1643-1715 Louis XIV of France rules, Mazarin chief minister 1648 Treaty of Westphalia 1648-1653 The Fronde of the nobles 1648-59 Treaty Of The Pyrenees (Nov. 7, 1659), peace treaty between Louis XIV of France and Philip IV of Spain that ended the Franco-Spanish War of 1648–59. It is often taken to mark the beginning of French hegemony in Europe. 1649 Charles I executed in England 1651 Hobbes’ Leviathan published, English Navigation Acts Mr. Baker AP Euro 0708 1652 First Anglo-Dutch War 1653 Nikon’s reforms in Russia led to church split, Old Believers, Fronde Collapses 1649-1660 Cromwell’s Commonwealth interregum 1652-1660 Deluge in Poland-Lithuania

1688 (1683-1693) 1682-1725 Peter the Great in Russia 1682 Louis XIV’s court moves to Versailles 1683 Turks lay siege to Vienna 1685 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Death of Charles II in England, begin reign of James II 1686 League of Augsburg formed in HRE to resist the French 1687 Newton’s Principia on the laws of gravity 1688 Frederick William, the Great Elector, dies 1688 Glorious Revolution expels James II from England, William and Mary 1689 English Bill of Rights, Peter I seizes power in Russia 1690 Locke’s Two Treatises on Government published

1715 (1710-1720)

1700.1721 Great Northern War 1701.1714 War of the Spanish Succession 1710 1711 1712 Thomas Newcome’s steam engine 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, George Elector of Hanover, becomes King George I Br. 1714 1715 Death of Louis XIV, Regency of Louis XV in France 1720 Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles: stock prices soar and then crash 1763 (1758-1768) 1751-1765 Diderot’s Encyclopedia 1754-1763 French and Indian War in North America 1756-1763 Seven Years War 1757-1761 Pitt the Elder Prime Minister of Britain 1759 Candide published 1762 Rousseau’s Social Contract 1763 Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years War, Britain dominant colonial power, spinning jenny, 1764 Beccaria’s On Crimes and Punishments 1769 Watt’s first steam engine

1789 (1784-1794) 1784 1785 1786 1787 Assembly of Notables reject reform program 1788 Estates General summoned Mr. Baker AP Euro 0708 1789 Estates General proclaims National (Constituent) Assembly 1790 1791 US Bill of Rights, new French constitution 1792 Louis XVI on trial 1792 Mary Wollstonecraft 1793 Louis XVI excuted, reign of terror, committee of public safety 1794 Condorcet 1794 Fall of Robespierre, end of terror 1795 Directory new moderate revolutionary regime

1815 (1810-1820) 1809 Alexander I of Russia breaks with Napoleon 1811-1812 Luddite movement in Britain 1812 Invasion of Russia 1813 Napoleon defeated 1814 Napoleon abdicates 1815 Hundred Days 1814 Congress of Vienna 1816 British corn laws established 1817 Richardo publishes Principles of Political Economy… 1820s Romanticism 1821 Napoleon dies on St. Helena 1821 Beginning of Greek revolution

1848 (1843-1853) 1844 1845-1846 Potato blight in Ireland and Europe 1846 Corn laws suspended 1847 Libreville created by Fr in the Congo for freed slaves 1847 Courbet paints Burial at Omans 1848 Louis Napoleon elected president of French Republic 1848 Communist Manifesto published 1848 Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels 1851 Crystal Palace in London 1852 Louis Napoleon proclaims himself Napoleon III 1853 Ottoman Sultan declares war on Russia, start of Crimean War

1859 Origin of the Species by Darwin

1871 (1866-1876) 1866 Prussia defeats Austria in Austro-Prussian War or Seven Weeks War 1867 Diamonds discovered in South Africa 1867 Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary 1869 Suez Canal opens 1870 Franco-Prussian War 1871 Wilhelm I crowned Emperor 1871 Paris Commune for two months 1871 Kulturkamp against Catholic Church in Prussia 1871 Darwin Decent of Man 1872 The Birth of Tragedy by Nietzsche Mr. Baker AP Euro 0708 1872 Three Emperors’ League Ger, Rus, A-H 1870s Begin of Age of Imperialism 1874 First Impressionist exhibit in Paris 1874 Disraeli becomes Prime Minister in Britain 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

1905 (1900-1910) 1894 Fraco-Russian Alliance 1894-1895 Sino-Japanese War 1898 Spanish-American-Cuban War Hundred Days Reform in China 1899 Boxer Rebellion in China 1900 Second Boer War in South Africa 1902 Hobson’s Imperialism: A Study 1902 The Intepretation of Dreams by Freud 1903, 1907 Russian pogroms against Jews 1905 Einstein publishes papers on relativity and other topics 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War 1905 Russian Revolution 1905 Sinn Fein party in Ireland founded 1906 Algeciras Conference gives control of Morocco to Spain and France 1907 First Cubist Exhibition 1907 Picasso Demoiselles d’Avignon 1910 Madame Curie “Treatise on Radiography”

1919 (1914-1924) 1914 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 1914-1918 World War I 1916 Irish Easter Rebellion 1916-1927 Warlord Era in China 1917 Russian Revolution (July Days and October), Kerensky 1917 Kornilov Revolt Russia 1917 US enters war, 1918 US President Wilson announces 14 Points, 1918 War Communism 18-21, Russ civil war, 1918 End of World War I 1919 Treaty of Versailles 1919 German Spartacist Uprising (January) 1920 Kapp Putsch Germany 1921 New Economic Policy announced in Soviet Union 1921 Famine in Soviet Union 1922 Treaty of Rapallo 1922 Mussolini comes to power in Italy 1923 Beer Hall Putsch in Germany 1923 French seize Ruhr for German nonpayment, hyperinflationary period 1924 Dawes Plan 1924 Lenin dies, Stalin begins rise to power against Trotsky

1933 (1928-1938) 1928 Mr. Baker AP Euro 0708 1929 US Stock Market crash 1930 Great Depression in US reaches Europe 1930-1934 Collectiviszation in Soviet Union 1931 September Japan invades Manchuria 1932-1933 Great Famine in USSR 1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor by Hindenberg 1933 Roosevelt’s New Deal 1933 Reichstag Fire Germany 1933 Enabling Act 1934-38 Great Terror in USSR 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War 1938 Munich Conference on Czechoslovakia

1939 Germany invades Poland (September), Soviet Union, WWII 1940 France falls to Blitzkreig 1940 Battle of Britain 1941 Germany invades Soviet Union 1941 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor (December 7) 1941 Final Solution

1949 (1944-1954) 1944 D-Day France invaded by Western Allies June 1944 Warsaw Uprising (August), crushed November 1944 1944 Bretton Woods establishes International Monetary Fund 1945 United Nations opens in San Francisco (April) 1945 Germany surrenders (May), Japan surrenders (September) A-bomb Japan 1947 Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine 1948 Berlin Blockade 1949 Mao wins Civil War, NATO formed 1950 North Korea invades South Korea 1950-1953 Korean War 1953 Stalin dies, new directions in US-Soviet relations 1954 French defeated at Dienbienphu, exit Vietnam 1955 Khrushchev new Soviet leader

1968 (1963-1973) 1963 France and Germany sign Treaty of Friendship and Reconciliation 1968 Kent State shootings in Ohio 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam 1968 Paris student stage strikes 1968 Prague Spring (Czechoslovakia) 1968 Brezhnev Doctrine follows Prague Spring 1972 Nixon visits USSR 1972 SALT I 1972 Nixon to China 1973 1973 Arab-Israeli War 1973 US exits Vietnam War 1973 OPEC embargo begins Mr. Baker AP Euro 0708

1989 (1984-1994) 1985 Mikail Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster 1989 Fall of Berlin Wall 1989 Revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe 1991 Gorbachev resigns, Soviet Union collapses 1991 Warsaw Pact dissolved 1991 Boris Yeltsin elected Russian president 1991 Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia declare independence 1991 Soviet Union breaks up, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 1992 Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovnia declare their independence from Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) 1992 Georgia breaks off from Russia 1992 Maastricht Treaty establishes EU and Euro dollar 1993 START II agreed upon by Presidents Bush and Yeltsin 1993 Czechoslovakia divides peacefully into Slovakia and Czech Republic in the Velvet Revolution 1994 Nelson Mandela elected president of South Africa 1994 Russia attacks secessionist Republic of Chechnya

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