Chesterfield Cycle Campaign Meeting The cycle path along Loundsley Green Road was very overgrown, NP 9th April 2013 complained and the council spent 3 days clearing the grass and hedges’

Minutes The Traffic lights at Hasland will be re-examined by DCC after a schoolboy Present-Paul Balderson, Alastair Miekle, Megan Cook, Barry Kay, was injured at the junction. We will keep an eye out for any plans to try to Joe Clark, Jennifer Briddon, Nigel Vernon. make the infrastructure better.

Apologies-Chris Allen. There was a recent public consultation on the Town Centre Gateways, and the public could vote which schemes should go ahead. The Derby Minutes of the last meeting (March 2013): Rd/Hornsbridge roundabout and the approach from the station to The minutes were accepted as a true record. Corporation street were the winners, there is £½ million pounds available to enhance these route. Matters arising: The CTC membership issue has still not been sorted. Some people cycled from Belgium along the Transpennine trail to AM emailed to see if a DCC highways officer was going to the Cycle Chesterfield, they commented that there is nothing to mark the end of the Liaison meeting, Simon Tranter did not attend, but it was minuted at that trail. There is an empty notice board there so hopefully we can get it filled meeting that he should attend. At this meeting the Wingerworth Coking with a map. plant was discussed (AM and PB raised it). DCC and Sustrans are keen on cycle infrastructure and it will be look into, we will keep pressing for it. The library have thanked us for the staffing of the recent cycle campaign Unfortunately Wayne Bexhill, Greenways officer, is leaving his post and we stall there and asked if we would like another next time. had built up a good relationship with him. Work on the TPT will start in Bike Week at Hollingwood hub, hopefully it BK will try to book the Pie and Pea supper at the Crispin. will not impinge on our ride, the work is supposed to be stopped for weekends. Membership report: 298 Webmaster: OK

Treasurer’s report: Items: £2406.31. The newsletter and ride leaflet printing costs have been paid as Hipper Valley 3: Glynn Carter, who has been active in getting HV3 well as £30 to Sustrans. £4.00 to Canal Trust is owing. organised contacted us to say the application was withdrawn on the day it should have gone to planning., AM enquired, it seems there was a legal Secretary’s report: problem, a technicality. It is estimated it will only slow the work down by a Tapton Lock Area-The route from the end of the Stonegravels way (Casa few weeks, but due to local government election it could take longer. hotel) to Pottery lane. DCC are trying to get a path around Tesco into Pottery lane, but Tesco not responding. AM and PB suggested that they put Mayday: We have booked 2 stalls in the winding wheel which opens at 12 a path between the river and the bypass, which will then join up with Pottery noon, we need some volunteers to help run the stall. People are also lane, DCC owns this land and some money is already available. Isabel welcome to join in the march (with a slow bicycle ride at the back) at Mullingan is taking this suggestion to Lee Wright, he has already replied to 10.45am for 11.00am outside the town hall. AM and wants to meet him. Bike Week: Sunday 16th June from Tapton Lock at 1pm to Staveley via the TPT and back via the canal lead by AM. June 19th Spire club freewheelers event. June 19th Hasland Gala, 100th year of Eastwood park. June 21st Pie and pea supper, venue t.b.c. June 29th and 30th (10am-4pm)-Canal festival, we have booked a stall and need volunteers to run it on the Saturday.

Other Events 18th May Thoresby Hall festival of cycling with penny farthing and grass track racing. 7-15th September Peak District cycle festival. 5th October-Chatsworth Road festival, featuring the “cycle in style” ride.

A.O.B. A new church is being built on Sheffield Road and has plans for 5 covered cycle racks. BK suggested that a right turn land should be provided on Foljambe road, when turning into Albion road, AM to bring up at the next cycle liaison meeting. CA will be signing the TPT and Brimmington road routes. Nigel Vernon has volunteered to do the Holmebrook Valley Trail, AM will assist.

Saturday 27th April there will be a ceildh/barn dance at Loundsley Green Community Centre, £7.00 entry which includes a pie and pea supper, bring your own drinks. 7.30pm-10.30pm, the Brampton Band will be playing.

Sunday 21st April 10.30-1.30pm at Loundsley Green Community Centre there will be a bike maintenance workshop for £2.00, bring a bike.

The meeting ended at 8.10pm

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 14h May 2013, 7.00pm at The Town Hall, Chesterfield.