Advanced Composition Daily Plans (Metzler)

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Advanced Composition Daily Plans (Metzler)



Metz Intro(get to know you “machines”)  Push me down/ Help me up demo  you need to help yourself & become an active participant for others to be effective in helping you Books & binders (letter/syllabus) Intimidation Exercise:

-“Everyone take out blank sheet of paper” -Stare at it  what are you feeling? A bit scary? Now look at the blank electronic word document on my destination (same deal?) -We’re going to try to get to the point where this vast void, this white wasteland excites us rather than intimidates us. Start tonight by considering the following question. We’ll type up your responses in class tomorrow.

HW: Read “Keeping a Portfolio” and sleep on this question: “Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world? What if you had to do it with your bare hands?”

When you finally sit to write tomorrow, I’d like to be able to clearly see your point of view on paper. Why would you/would you not do it? What considerations? I also want to hear your voice, your personality, come through in your writing. Don’t be afraid to have attitude or passion.


Finish Metz intro quickly  Writing response on computers or by hand -keep electronic and hard copy portfolios

 Follow up: What would happen if I asked you to turn in your pre-writing? -Why is this? Hand out “Design, Draft, Damn” -You need to see writing as a PROCESS & that means you must leave yourself and your mind and your fingers time to breathe -Wouldn’t you have notes for a speech??

 Small groups share sample writing & pick 3 great sentences to put on board  Whole class discuss -why are these great? -is it the way the words go together? -is it the choice of words?

 Submit to Metz for quick read  no evaluation


Didn’t finish day 1 housekeeping. Done on day 3. Bumped everything up.

 essays returned to portfolios  Grammar pre-test  Look in books for usage errors -WFC 669-757; G&C 141-163 -pick 3 for daily dose journal

HW: Read/review prepositions (G&C 26-28) & sentence structure (G&C 34-46)


 Journal: “karma” powerpoint (see journal file) Finish signing out books so kids can use after test  Grammar pre-test  Look in books for usage errors -WFC 669-757; G&C 141-163 -pick 3 for “Daily Dose” section of journal

HW: Read/review prepositions (G&C 26-28) & sentence structure (G&C 34-46) DAY 5

 Daily Dose  Review of whole class performance on Grammar Pre-Test -Metz keep these

 Journal: Silence  in order to be a good writer, you need to reflect  Jigsaw: groups of 6 people (2 per topic) -prepositions -subject/predicate (verb) -complements

HW: Read/Review Phrases/Clauses (GNC 46-66)

DAY 6  Daily Dose  Journal: Music or Book of Questions  Whole group wrap-up of previous day’s jigsaw topics  Video: “Conjunction Junction” (see Mary Hawkins)  Jigsaw: groups of 6 (2 per topic) -conjunctions (29-31)  will need to remember these!!! -phrase (46-55) -clause (58-65)

 Handout Phrase/Clause (P/C) worksheet  solo, small group, whole class

HW: Fun/Misc. phrase/clause worksheets

DAY 7  Daily Dose  Journal: Free Write (see list in binder)  Phrase/Clause worksheets  groups pick most confident & put on board  Jigsaw: Sentence types (4 or 8 per group  8 preferred) -simple, compound, complex, compound-complex (GNC 67-70)  Pre-test sample sentences (or as homework) HW: S/C/C-C Handout (odds); memorize conjunctions


 Daily Dose  Journal:  Review S/C/CC sentence types  “Grammar Rock Unplugged” (3 groups??) -create live sentences where each person is an element we’ve covered (could be phrase, clause, conjunction, punctuation, etc.) -use markers and paper to hold up front -longest, grammatically correct, silliest sounding gets +5 on test (must be able to explain elements and why you’re right) - in past we’ve tried 2 dependent clause, 2 ind clause, 1 coordinating conj,, 1 transition, & 1 “mechanics manager” or “professor punctuation”

 Run-ons (GNC 70 – a few + handout) & Fragments (GNC 74 – 5 ways)


 Daily Dose  Journal:  Test practice (GNC 76)  Use U of C essay (or other from file) to identify elements

HW: Grammar test Day 10______

DAY 10

 Daily Dose  Grammar Test when finished, read something  primal scream: “Goodbye Grammar Grind!!”  Journal: Computer lab  respond to Metz’s “On Second Thought” DAY 11

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Launch 6 Traits -examine each element using Jigsaw -can they find these elements in their first essay? Then discuss it in your jigsaw group & pick illustrations to use for home group

HW: Review 6 traits packet on your own, and come w/questions

DAY 12

 Daily Dose  Journal: observe action (details of what people are doing) -orchestra practice, p.e., computer typists??  Read “Bear”  Assign Action Description -rough draft due on day 14 ______-final draft due day 15 ______(weekend?)  proofread partner, spell check poem, other fun handouts  “Show vs. Tell” sensory words (also see creative writing pieces)  “Show vs. Tell” action  Baldwin (2 examples)  consider “springstein” or other creative writing pieces  Do 3 concrete words/ share (homework??)

DAY 13

 Daily Dose  Journal: “Goofy World”  metz sing or John Prine CD -looking for figurative language; don’t abuse it  Sentence starts worksheet w/ first essay + sheet of participial phrases for sentence variety  Tom Wolfe: “Feel it”!!  Workshop time DAY 14

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Roughs & peer edit (use tall column roster to do rough draft score & peer edit score  this can then be handed back to editor rather than on writer’s paper for privacy issues)  Metz remind of “proofread partner” & other sources

DAY 15

 Daily Dose  Journal:  share Action Description essays (small group + peoples’ choice)

HW: Read “Character Sketch”  try to do a person you know using the bullet point questions (don’t write actual sketch yet)

Then read “Mother’s Eyes”

REMINDER: Need “HOW” handbook by day 19

DAY 16

 Daily Dose  Journal: draw a picture of a person you know -in what way did you try to capture their essence? -what details, traits, distinctive attributes did you include? -a character sketch does this with words

 Show how to use WFC text as reference by looking up “Character Sketch” -you’re welcome to read more in this text  show creative writing character profile sheet used to develop characters from scratch -this is good info to get on any character, real or invented -feel free to use this as well

 Metz read C/S samples - Always Running - Message From My Father - A Prayer for Owen Meany - David Sedaris (brother, sister, woman in French class) -

Launch Character Sketch Essay DUE on Day 20 ______

DAY 17

 Daily Dose  Journal: pass out laminated photos of characters -write a good few sentences to capture the physical traits -write in a few words a single impression of this person (disengaged, burdened, youthful, etc.)

 Finish reading C/S sample pieces  Workshop

DAY 18

 Daily Dose  Journal: Breana Goldfarb teenage diary -any good character descriptions in her piece?  Return Action Description essays -Metz talk through -have kids read their great excerpts (“PP” = powerful passage) -kids to work thru portfolio critique

Workshop DAY 19

 Daily Dose: do “HOW” handbook -walk thru irregular verbs (62)  each student reads 1 aloud) -indicate that p 50 ff is great reference -add “II. Sentence Correctness” (53ff A-O) to our Daily Dose -we’ll do student selections + these

 Journal:  Peer edit of Character Sketch

DAY 20

 Share Character Sketch – small group + peoples’ choice

DAY 21

 Daily Dose  Journal: do “farmer” after “when I was 5” -in a childhood narrative, you’ll be taking us back to a place – we need to see it

 Launch Childhood Narrative -“When I was 5” hands -Assign essay DUE Day 24 ______

 Read samples -Parrot in the Oven – baseball glove -Mango Street – Rice Sandwich -Always Running – Rano (if not done in C/S) -David Sedaris – speech lessons (“Go Carolina”???)

HW: Read WFC: 145-150 Complete side one of “Long, Long Ago”

DAY 22

 Daily Dose  Journal:

 Workshop for Childhood Narrative

DAY 23

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Peer edits of rough drafts for C/N

DAY 24

 Daily Dose  Journal:  share Childhood Narratives

HW: Read invention articles overnight

DAY 25

 Daily Dose  Journal: Fill in the blanks. “You know what we need? We need a _____ that will ______!”

 Creativity Exercises: Stick & puzzles  Launch Invention Project (It’s both expository & persuasive) - in phase 1, write so that I can see it w/o the picture - in phase 2, you’ll get to be persuasive DUE on DAY 27______

DAY 26

 Daily Dose  Journal: Use Julie’s “shapes” exercise from expos file  Invention workshop

DAY 27

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Check in Inventions during journal time  Share Inventions (students keep them overnight for strategy)  Present Gatorade Ads with sample strategy

HW: Strategy due tomorrow (I’ll collect & return in class)

DAY 28

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Collect Ad Strategy & invention  Students brainstorm ad ideas while Metz checks strategies - They need to recall their benefit & support  Metz returns strategies/inventions, having graded as many as possible

HW: Rough Ads due tomorrow

DAY 29

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Check in roughs  Workshop HW: Final ads due tomorrow

DAY 30

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Share Ads  Preview WFC (187-221, exclude 162-186 – technical)

HW: Finish reading WFC

- Pay attention to the various types of writing that fall into this category

DAY 31

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Intro “graph” exercises as journal  Jigsaw 7 types & share

DAY 32

 Daily Dose  Journal: Must be quick if at all  “Sandwich” writing model  Outline – use Metz “Normal” example, or create new one  Launch Expository Essay  groups generate ideas for essays (2 from each group go on board)  Pick 1 for class -back to groups to generate thesis topics & support points -share

HW: Expository outline due on day 34 ______DAY 33

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Critique Metz’s “Normal” piece - Where elaborated & explained? - Where in need of improvement?

 Unity & coherence exercises

HW: Outline tomorrow!!

DAY 34

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Check outlines  Intro & Conclusion review  Workshop

HW: Roughs due Day 37 ______

DAY 35

 Daily Dose  Journal: “Hiakawa’s Ladder” exercise – share/discuss  Any leftover lessons/exercises  Workshop

DAY 36

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Workshop

HW: Roughs due tomorrow DAY 37

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Peer Edit: Expository

DAY 38

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Workshop for final draft DUE TOMORROW!

DAY 39

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Collect Expository Essay  Launch Persuasive Essay  Argument exercise  Kevin’s articles: I.D. Thesis, support, etc. (tell stories)  Controlling statement  Explore potential topics (No research here. Write from current knowledge base, using reason, logic)

HW: Read “Redskins Lose” & “Slopes”

DAY 40

 Daily Dose: All week: Revise for wordiness/conciseness (end of intro section)  Journal:  Talk through articles  If quoting, be exact! (Derek’s article?)  Work through persuasive assignment questions  generate topic ideas in small group (on board & share)

HW: begin brainstorm & outline (to be run by Metz tomorrow in class) DAY 41  Daily Dose  Journal:  Check outlines in class

DAY 42  Daily Dose  Journal:  Draft

HW: Rough draft due tomorrow

DAY 43  Daily Dose  Journal:  Peer Edit

Final due on day 45 ______

DAY 44  Daily Dose  Journal:  Workshop (if kids need extra day, give day 46 option)

DAY 45  Daily Dose  Journal: see below  Collect Persuasive Essays  Launch Research: - Journal: “I want to know ______” - Remember the purity of the childhood pursuit of understanding - How do we find answers to our questions? (Primary & Secondary) - Here we focus on secondary!  Group research contest (see “?” handout) - consider all possible sources of information to answer questions - list sources & strategies on the back - PRIZES for winners HW: “Research Steps” (packet cover) + WFC (284-293) DAY 46

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Gary Schwartz note-taking show  Browse

DAY 47

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Microfilm demo  All day browse – topic due at end of period/ sign up sheet!

HW: 5 Bib cards due end of day tomorrow

DAY 48

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Demo bib cards/Notecards (use WFC model, but note format + explain why/how the bib card has the info it has)  check in 5 cards each

HW: 5 more bib cards due tomorrow/ 20 notecards due end of day 50

DAY 49

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Give kids a visual research calendar?  Check 5 bib cards

DAY 50

 Daily Dose  Journal:  check in 20 notecards (20 more due on day 52; outline day 53) DAY 51

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Keep researching

DAY 52

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Check 20 more notecards

HW: Outline due tomorrow

DAY 53

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Check outlines  Keep researching

DAY 54

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Quotations lesson  Parenthetical documentation lesson  Works Cited lesson (use WFC model)

HW: Rough draft due Day 56

DAY 55

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Keep researching DAY 56

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Rough draft due

HW: Final Research Due in 2 days (or the next Monday)

DAY 57

 Daily Dose  Journal: see below  Launch Group Inquiry Project - Journal: “If I were running this (school/city/state), the first thing I’d do is ______” (why??) - 3 groups (OHS/City/State) go to halls and survey the masses (what are the issues? - Read assignment: pick groups & topics

DAY 58

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Collect Research Papers (or nearest Monday)  Secondary source search (Media Center)  Feasibility Study due at end of period (1 per group)

DAY 59

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Questionnaire Design

DAY 60

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Questionnaire Design DAY 61

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Collect Data (Includes surveys & Interviews)

DAY 62

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Collect Data

DAY 63

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Collect Data

DAY 64

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Metz show samples of previous work  Draft Project –Final Due Day 67 (2 copies) ______

DAY 65  Daily Dose  Journal:  Draft Project (Edit Tomorrow)

DAY 66  Daily Dose  Journal:  Draft & Edit (within Group – Need Yellow Proof sheet)

HW: Final project Due Day 67 (2 copies) ______DAY 67  Daily Dose  Journal: “Do men still control women?”  Collect Group Inquiry Projects  Launch Literary Analysis - Assignment? - Lit Analysis PowerPoint presentation  Read “The Yellow Wallpaper”

DAY 68  Daily Dose  Journal: A loved one (parent) is on his/her deathbed. S/he says that there’s just one thing s/he wants from you so s/he doesn’t die in vain. You respond, “Anything.” S/he responds: “Dump your boyfriend/girlfriend” (whom you love more than anything next to your parents). The parent goes to sleep and dies. What do you do? What considerations/emotions?

 Read “Act of Vengeance”

DAY 69  Daily Dose  Journal: Consider a time when someone tried to make you into something you were not or didn’t wish to be. What happened? What did do/feel?  Read “Boys & Girls”

DAY 70  Daily Dose  Journal: “What excites you about growing up & leaving your family? What frightens you?”  Read “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”

DAY 71  Daily Dose  Journal:  Outline & Draft

HW: Handout Film Letter to be signed DAY 72

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Drafting

Peer Edit Tomorrow!

DAY 73

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Peer Edits

DAY 74

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Drafting – Due Day 75

DAY 75

 Daily Dose  Journal:  Collect Lit Analysis Essays  Launch Film - Film Frenzy (binder or web) - PowerPoint for Film Analysis (on CD-ROM – too big for website) - Figure schedule from here on out…… - (Vertigo, Smoke, Citizen Kane)

Film Analysis schedule to be determined by time available.

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