Greetings Parents/Guardians
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Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 2015-2016 Greetings Parents/Guardians:
My name is Karen Knight, and I am excited to have your student in my Microsoft Office Specialist class this year. As a 30+ year teacher of CTE/Business Education and I have seen many changes over the years. These changes are exciting and have motivated me to be a life-long learner. In this class your student will learn important skills needed to exist in today's world of computers while developing leadership and employability skills which will help him or her have a thriving career one day.
Please read the attached course syllabus and information about Future Business Leaders of America. FBLA is a student leadership organization that allows students to showcase their business talents and interests.
If you have any questions throughout the year, please contact me at:
Ms. Karen Knight, CTE Teacher Tumwater High School, 700 Israel Road SW, Tumwater, WA 98501 360-709-7672 [email protected] (preferred)
I encourage you to view your student's class progress from your home computer through Skyward. If you don't have family access to Skyward, contact Jana Tyrrell at 360-709-7616 (THS Career Center). Skyward tips are included on the following pages.
Please fill in the blanks below to make it easy for me to contact you with kudos, concerns, or info about your student. (Printing would be appreciated, especially for email address.)
Please cut on the dotted line and return the portion below to your teacher. Keep the rest for your information. Computer Applications (Please Print Below)
Which period of the day are you in Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)? ______
Student Name: ______
Name of parent/guardian living with student: ______
Daytime phone number of parent/guardian: ______
Parent/guardian e-mail address: ______
1 CTE/Business Education | Knight | Swart | Jensen Syllabus/MOS 2015-2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 2015-2016 Please sign, detach this portion and ask your student to return this to show that you have read and are familiar with the attached information.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
2 CTE/Business Education | Knight | Swart | Jensen Syllabus/MOS 2015-2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 2015-2016
Length of Class One Year. Satisfies occupational credit toward graduation.
Lab Fee $10 payable to THS. Please pay in the ASB Office and show your teacher the receipt. The fee covers paper, toner, and color printing.
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) In today’s competitive job market, having the latest technology skills can give your student an edge when applying for that first job. Whether your student is planning for a career in technology, science, or business, the Microsoft® IT Academy Program gives them hands-on experience with the latest technology to help them succeed.
As a Microsoft® IT Academy school, our goal is to prepare students to enter the workforce with technology skills that are in demand by employers. Students may earn Microsoft® Office Specialist Certification (MOS) to provide evidence of their computing skills to potential employers. While in this class, students will receive training on Microsoft® programs and will take Microsoft® Certification tests.
Assignments and Tests Point values (ranging from 5 to 100) for assignments and assessments vary based on the formative or summative nature of the task. Watch the overhead, white board and/or written rubrics for assignment details, points possible, and due dates. It is extremely important that you have regular attendance and that you arrive to class on time to ensure that you don’t miss out on demonstrations, directions, and lab time.
When absent you will miss something and you will need to make up what you missed. Your teacher will explain how you find out what you missed during your absence(s). Students may need outside of class time to complete assignments and testing. Time is available during CORE/FLEX, by appointment, or before/after school most days.
During this class, you will learn how industry uses the following Microsoft® 2013 Applications: Word Core, Excel Core, and PowerPoint. This class will be a combination of teacher led demonstrations and student independent work. You will be using technical manuals for each software application, as well as completing “Learn the Skill” exercises as formative assessments. Once the required assignments are completed to expectation, you will use an on-line training/testing program called GMetrix®. This will further prepare you for the summative test known as MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Certification. Students who earn Core Level Certification will have the opportunity to achieve a Microsoft Office Master Certification by training and testing at the Expert Level for Word and Excel, as well as one additional program from the Office Suite.
Testing Procedures: 1. Read the lessons and complete the assigned learn the skills. 2. Complete assigned GMetrix training and practice tests. 3. Take the MOS Test. (Retake is available) Retake Testing Procedures (Outside of Class Time): 1. All lessons and GMetrix must be completed before retaking a test. 2. This work can be done before/after school or during CORE/FLEX. 3. Retakes must be completed within two weeks of the original test. 3 CTE/Business Education | Knight | Swart | Jensen Syllabus/MOS 2015-2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 2015-2016 4. Up to one hour after school will be needed to complete this test.
Leadership/21 st Century Skills Leadership is an integral part of all CTE (Career and Technical Education) courses, and we encourage students to continue building upon the skills learned in class by participating in a CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization). One such option at Tumwater High School is Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). Please see the attached letter and contact your teacher if you are interested in joining.
Attendance (Follow School Policy) Tardies—Teacher contact with guardian and office referral Unexcused Absence/Truancy—We will enforce the steps outlined in the student handbook. Disruption of Learning Environment—First, the teacher will talk to the student to get to the root of the problem. If the behavior continues, the teacher will email/call home to seek parental support. Finally, the teacher will refer the student to the office (see student handbook).
Individual Class Folder (Provided by Teacher) Keep the folder in the classroom and in the appropriate class period basket. Purpose—store graded work, handouts, and work in progress.
Grading Categories 10% Assignments/Quizzes (Formative) 90% Tests (Summative)
Grading (Use Skyward Family Access to check your grades often)
A 93-100 B+ 87-89 B- 80-82 C 73-76 D+ 67-69 F 0-59 A- 90-92 B 83-86 C+ 77-79 C- 70-72 D 60-66
Skyward Tips Use Skyward, located on the THS home page, to access your assignments and grades. To get student and/or parent/guardian access, contact Jana Tyrrell at 709-7616. To conserve paper and help students develop responsibility, students and guardians should access Skyward to stay current on progress. Please read comments that may be provided by your teacher for assignment scores. A score of zero indicates an assignment has not been completed or has not been turned in. Occasionally, students may have the file saved on their H Drive but may not have printed it or submitted it to our drop box. Please note that Skyward uses an asterisk (*) to denote that no grades have been posted yet for an assignment and a message appears indicating that the assignment is missing and past due. However, in Computer Applications an asterisk means that we have entered an assignment description, point value, assigned date and due date but that we have not corrected and/or entered the score into Skyward. In the case of asterisks, please be patient with us.
4 CTE/Business Education | Knight | Swart | Jensen Syllabus/MOS 2015-2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 2015-2016 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Enter the room quietly and look at the overhead for the daily lesson. Be here on time and take part in class activities. Stay on task. No food or drink in the room. No electronic devices to be seen or heard Sit in your assigned seat—attendance will be taken based on the seating chart. No Internet or games without permission. Say and do only appropriate things for the classroom—Time, Place, Manner. No talking/computer use while your teacher is demonstrating or talking or while others are talking. Respect substitutes and do as you know your teacher would expect. Never leave the room without your teacher's permission and without the hall pass.
Internet/Technology Use See separate handout for technology expectations in this class. We will use Web based curriculum in this class. Therefore, a loss of Internet privileges occurring outside this class and/or during this class, will affect your entire schedule and prevent you from completing assignments while at school.
Please realize that school technology is not your personal property and your H Drive and Internet use will be monitored by our technology staff. Please do not modify the desktop settings to meet your individual needs. This includes changing color schemes, themes, adding desktop icons, unplugging components, etc.
The Tumwater School District Electronic Resources Policy and Procedures is located on the TSD Home Page Departments Technology Policies and Procedures and will be reviewed in class.
Parents: How Can You Get Involved? All Career and Technical Education departments have an advisory committee that consists of volunteers from their respective industry. In our case, we have members from the business and marketing industry. We are always looking for new members to join our committee and share their knowledge of the job tasks and competencies required for related occupations, related labor market needs and courses necessary to meet these needs. The committee provides our department (CTE/Business Education) direction and guidance for the continuous improvement of our program offerings. Our committee meets a minimum of three times each school year with the BHHS Business and Marketing instructors and we ask for a minimum of three years service. If you or anyone you know may be interested in serving on our committee, please contact THS business education department coordinator, Karen Knight at [email protected].
5 CTE/Business Education | Knight | Swart | Jensen Syllabus/MOS 2015-2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 2015-2016 Leadership/21st Century Skills
EXPLANATION. Leadership/21st Century Skills are referred to as "soft skills" and we will emphasize them in our Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes. To help you develop excellent work habits/21st Century Skills, we will hold you accountable for your actions throughout the entire class period. Employers tell us that this is very important. The goal is to improve your employability skills from week to week. Deductions are not negotiable.
What does it look like if you don't Traits Work Definition What does it look like in class? exhibit the behavior? Gets work done on time regardless Off Task Willing to do whatever it Puts work before fun Goofing around Strong takes to get the job done Stays focused Procrastinating Work Ethic well; takes initiative Helps others Doing the minimum Doesn't finish work On time and regular attendance Tardiness Works bell to bell Absences Can be counted on in Follows class expectations Excessive Hall Pass Use attendance and job Follows district technology use Doesn't put books, folder, stand Dependable assignments guidelines away and Follows oral and written directions Constantly reminded to get to work Responsible Self-motivated; able to Communicates effectively Doesn't ask for help during class accept mistakes without Takes responsibility for self Doesn’t use outside of class time to blaming others Keeps classroom folder organized complete assignments Cleans up workspace Able to handle change; Adjust to technology glitches Complains about change Flexible willing to take on any Change priorities if need arises assignment Works with anyone Tells truth Changes computer settings Respects equipment Messes with equipment Provides constructive criticism to Mocking and insulting Honest and Does not badmouth peers Zones out Respectful of others Respects others personal space Distracting others Actions match words Talks at appropriate times Plagiarism Listens at appropriate times Cheating Works together Asks questions appropriately Does not try new things Willing and able to gain Continuous Seeks information on own Does not accept alternatives new knowledge and Learner Problem solves Copies answers learn new skills Stubborn Able to overcome Does not give up Gives up Resilient and adversity (setbacks) and Ignore rude or unproductive Persevering stay focused comments Inspects own work; Proofreads work Doesn't log off/shut down Attentive to follows through with All parts of assignment are Missing assignment components Detail details of job completed and turned in assignments
6 CTE/Business Education | Knight | Swart | Jensen Syllabus/MOS 2015-2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) 2015-2016 Future Business Leaders of America Tumwater High School Chapter
September, 2015
Dear Parents of CTE/Business Students:
Being involved is important! The Tumwater High School Business Department would like to encourage ALL business students to enroll in FBLA. We are fortunate that we are able to offer this organization as a co-curricular activity at our school. We will hold meetings during the school day at "Club Time" on Friday's. The meetings will emphasize building teamwork, reaching individual potential, learning what FBLA can offer you and much more. Occasional after-school activities will be service, social and sales oriented.
Fall, winter, and spring leadership conferences are planned by our Capital Region Adviser and State Officer. The fall conference (November) provides exciting entertainment, excellent workshops, and the chance to network with other students from around the region. The winter conference (January) is highlighted with the regional competitive events and election of regional officers. The state conference will be held in April in Seattle this year.
FBLA is a national high school organization and is known as Phi Beta Lambda on the college level. Dues for the 2014-15 year are $20 per member. This rate includes national dues and state dues. At our first "Club Day" meeting in September, membership forms will be passed out to take home. Our hope is that you and your student will discuss the opportunities that FBLA provides and then return the membership form and receipt of payment to a business teacher or to Ms. Knight, Adviser in room B4 (next to the student store).
If you have any questions about this organization, please contact Ms. Knight, adviser at [email protected] or 360-709-7672. Also, you may visit the State FBLA website at or the national website at for more information.
Tumwater High School CTE/Business Department Karen Knight, Melissa Swart, Arne Jensen
7 CTE/Business Education | Knight | Swart | Jensen Syllabus/MOS 2015-2016