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Spring 2011

Course Title: UTC Physics II

Section Number: PHY-232

Meeting Times: M W 8:00-9:50

Credit Hours: 3

Course Description: Subjects studied include matter, fluids, temperature and heat transfer, properties of gases, wave motion and sound, light, reflection and refraction, color, and modern physics. Concepts are emphasized through laboratory and lecture.

Pre-requisites: MT100U and MT101U

Instructor: Jim Trepka

Other Instructor Information: Office: 140 Jones Hall Telephone: 398-7146 Email: [email protected] Home Page:

You are welcome to stop by my office anytime that I am there to ask questions. You can also schedule a specific time to meet with me.

If you are encountering problems with the work involved with this class, please call or e-mail me to setup an appointment as early as possible. There are many resources at Kirkwood (academic, financial, and mental health) available to help you, and I will be happy to assist you in accessing them and creating a plan for your academic success.

Course Materials Needed: 1. Applied Physics , 9/e Ewen, Schurter & Gundersen, ©2009 | Prentice Hall | Cloth; 768 pp | ISBN-10: 0135157331 | ISBN-13: 9780135157336 2. RF Clicker

Attendance Policy: Successful completion of this course requires daily attendance. If you are unable to make a class please contact me so that arrangements can be made for you to make up the class material.

Learning Environment Expectations: The classroom and laboratory conditions will be conducive to teaching and student learning. To promote and maintain that environment, all pagers, cellular phones, and other autonomous means of communication shall be deactivated during instructional periods. RINGING

1 OF CELL PHONES DURING CLASS WILL RESULT IN POINTS DEDUCTED FROM YOUR CLASS ROOM PARTICPATION AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT GRADE. Participants are expected to come to class prepared to actively participate in class.

Productive Classroom Learning Environment:

We believe that the best learning takes place in an environment where faculty and students exhibit trust and mutual respect.

Students promote trust by preparing honest and thoughtful work, and by expecting evaluation based on performance. Faculty promote trust by setting clear guidelines for assignments and evaluations, honest feedback, and by assigning bias-free grades.

Students show respect by being prepared and attending class on time, by paying attention, contributing to discussions, listening respectfully to others’ points of view, meeting deadlines, and by striving for their best performance. Faculty show respect by their timeliness and preparedness, by taking students seriously, by valuing their goals and aspirations, and by providing honest feedback.

In a productive learning environment, faculty and students work cooperatively, recognize and respect differences, model the values of character and citizenship, and become lifelong learners.

Class Attendance Policy and College Sponsored Activities:

Class Attendance Policy: Learning is central to our work at Kirkwood Community College. Faculty design educational experiences to facilitate learning, and students learn by engaging in those experiences. Attendance and engagement in all scheduled classes is regarded as integral to learning and is expected of all students. Kirkwood faculty members identify expectations for learning and attendance in their course syllabi. Students are accountable for the learning outcomes for each session, including those sessions that have been missed. Assessments of learning that occur during an absence may or may not be made up, depending on the policies of the instructor and the nature of the absence. Absences that result from participation in college sponsored activities* will be accommodated, subject to the guidelines listed below. For all other absences, authorization of an excuse is the province of the individual faculty member and subject to the standard appeal process.

College Sponsored Activities: Students involved in activities where they are required to represent the college, i.e. college- sponsored activities, must give written notice to the faculty member at least one week in advance of the absence unless last minute schedule changes make this notice impossible. If regular season athletic schedules have been developed, student participants must present written notice of anticipated absences within the first week of the semester. Failure to provide timely written notice may result in loss of this opportunity. Faculty shall accord students the opportunity to independently make up course work or work of equal value, for the day(s) the event was scheduled and to take a scheduled exam at an alternate

2 time. The faculty member shall determine alternate exam times and due dates for missed coursework. These assigned dates may be prior to the date of the absence. Organizers (coaches, faculty and staff) of college sponsored activities shall 1) assist students in planning class schedules to minimize the number of absences; 2) inform students of their responsibilities as described above; and 3) provide written communications to faculty announcing and verifying the need for student class absences. Written notices should be provided at the beginning of the semester if the schedule is known, or as soon as possible after the need for a student absence is determined. * College sponsored activities (excluding practices) include such events as athletic competitions, student academic competitions and conferences, musical and drama performances, and class field trips. Questions on whether an activity is a college-sponsored event for purposes of this policy should be directed to the Vice-President of Instruction. If anticipated absences for a semester appear to be extraordinarily numerous or difficult to accommodate, a faculty member may appeal the need for the full accommodation to the VP of Instruction.

Plagiarism Policy: According to Webster, to plagiarize is “to steal or pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own…to use created productions without crediting the source…to commit literary theft…to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.”

Kirkwood Students are responsible for authenticating any assignment submitted to an instructor. If asked, you must be able to produce proof that the assignment you submit is actually your own work. Therefore, we recommend that you engage in a verifiable working process on assignments. Keep copies of all drafts of your work, make photocopies of research materials, write summaries of research materials, hang onto Writing Center receipts, keep logs or journals of your work on assignments and papers, learn to save drafts or versions of assignments under individual file names on computer or diskette, etc.

The inability to authenticate your work, should an instructor request it, is a sufficient ground for failing the assignment.

In addition to requiring a student to authenticate his/her work, Kirkwood Community College instructors may employ various other means of ascertaining authenticity – such as engaging in Internet searches, creating quizzes based on student work, requiring students to explain their work and/or process orally, etc.

Americans with Disabilities Act: Students with disabilities who need accommodations to achieve course objectives should file an accommodation application with Learning Services, Linn Hall 2063 and provide a written plan of accommodation to your instructor prior to the accommodation being provided.

Learning Outcomes, Objectives, and Course Competencies:

3 1. Differentiate between a scalar and a vector quantity. Calculate the components of a vector. Illustrate graphically and mathematically the resultant of two or more vectors.

2. Give a definition and measure velocity and acceleration, using proper units. Solve problems that involve velocity and uniform acceleration.

3. Using proper units, give a definition and measure mechanical force. State Newton’s Three Laws. Describe and predict what happens in a system when forces are balanced or unbalanced. Solve problems that involve Newton’s Three Laws.

4. Give a definition and measure friction in mechanical systems. Solve problems that involve static and kinetic friction including incline problems.

5. Give a definition and measure work, energy, and power in linear mechanical and electrical systems. Explain the relationship between energy and work. Explain the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. Explain the conservation of energy law. Solve electrical and mechanical problems that involve work, energy, and power.

6. Calculate the mechanical advantages of force transformers in mechanical and fluid systems. Solve problems that involve mechanical advantage in simple machines such as a lever, an inclined plane, a wedge, gears, pulley systems, wheel and axle, screw jack, and belt drive. Construct simple machines and analyze their behavior. Differentiate between ideal mechanical advantage and actual mechanical advantage. Calculate efficiency of a simple machine based on mechanical advantage (actual/ideal) and based on work (output/input).

7. State the equation for an impulse and momentum and explain the terms. Express the law of the conservation of linear momentum mathematically and give examples. Describe a perfectly elastic collision algebraically and conceptually. Solve problems with impulse and momentum. Measure impulse and momentum experimentally.

8. Describe static equilibrium. State mathematically and conceptually the first condition of equilibrium. Create a free body diagram and use the diagram to solve for unknown forces or force components. Illustrate by example and definition your understanding of the term torque. Solve complex problems involving torque. Balance different masses in a system by establishing equal torques.

9. Define mathematically and conceptually angular displacements, angular velocity, and angular acceleration. Apply these concepts to the solution of complex problems. Measure the angular velocity and acceleration of a system.

10. Give a definition and measure work and energy involving rotational inertia. Define angular momentum. Contrast and compare linear system to rotational systems. Solve inertial problems.

11. Actively participate in class laboratories. Assume responsibility for laboratory equipment. Assist other students and contribute to group activities. Conform to all stated safety standards. Use appropriate language in and out of the classroom.

4 Learning Outcomes, Objectives, and Course Competencies:

1. Describe mathematically and conceptually Hooke’s Law. Measure a spring constant experimentally. Solve problems with Hooke’s Law.

2. Define and differentiate absolute pressure, gauge pressure, and atmosphere pressure. Calculate pressures (both absolute and gauge). Construct a manometer and explain the term.

3. Convert between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. Identify the relationship between the Celsius and Kelvin scale. Perform experiments where temperature is measured in Celsius.

4. Solve problems that involve the calculations of calorie, the kilocalorie, the joule, and the British thermal unit (Btu). Perform an experiment where specific heat capacity of various materials is measured. Calculate the specific heat capacity in problems involving different materials and the concept of the conservation of heat.

5. Conceptually describe the Ideal Gas Law. State the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics. Explain why a heat engine cannot be 100% efficient. Solve problems involving the Ideal Gas Law, the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics, and the efficiency of a heat engine and a refrigerator.

6. Describe the relationship between displacement, velocity, and acceleration in simple harmonic motion. Perform experiments on a pendulum and calculate its period based on its length. Solve problems involving frequency, amplitude, and period.

7. Discriminate between transverse and longitudinal. Solve problems that involve wavelength, interference, and resonance in harmonic waves.

8. Perform calculations involving the speed of sound. Explain the Doppler effect and solve problems involving the Doppler effect. Demonstrate sound resonance experimentally.

9. List different types of electromagnetic radiation and compare their characteristics. Solve problems that involve frequency and energy in electromagnetic waves. State the speed of different types of electromagnetic radiation.

10. Describe light as it is represented by rays. Describe how light is processed by mirrors, lenses, and other common optical systems. Identify the special characteristics of laser light. Solve problems that involve the focal length of a lens or mirror and the index of refraction of an optical boundary. State the principles and solve problems of fiber optic systems.

11. Actively participate in class laboratories. Assume responsibility for laboratory equipment. Assist other students and contribute to group activities. Conform to all stated safety standards. Use appropriate language in and out of the classroom.

5 UTC Physics II Textbook Competencies (The wording for these competencies is from PHYSICS, Sixth Edition by Paul E. Tippens)

Properties of Materials I (Elasticity) Objectives 1. Demonstrate by example and discussion your understanding of elasticity, elastic limit, stress, strain, and ultimate strength. 2. Write and apply formulas for calculating Young’s modulus, shear modulus, and bulk modulus.

Properties of Materials II (Fluids) Objectives 1. Define and apply the concepts of fluid pressure and buoyant force to the solution of physical problems. 2. Define absolute pressure, gauge pressure, and atmosphere pressure, and demonstrate by examples your understanding of the relationships between these terms. 3. Define the rate of flow of a fluid and solve problems that relate the rate of flow to the velocity and cross-sectional area. 4. Write Bernoulli’s equation in its general form and describe the equation as it would apply to (a) a fluid at rest, (b) fluid flow at constant pressure, and (c) flow through a horizontal pipe.4 5. Apply Bernoulli’s equation to the solution of problems involving absolute pressure P, density p, fluid elevation h, and fluid velocity v.

Temperature and Matter Objectives 1. Demonstrate your understanding of the Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine temperature scales by converting from specific temperatures on one scale to corresponding temperatures on another scale. 2. Distinguish between specific temperatures and temperature intervals and convert an interval on one scale to the equivalent interval on another scale. 3. Write formulas for linear expansion, area expansion, and volume expansion and be able to apply them to the solution of problems similar to those given in this chapter. 4. Write and apply the relationship between the volume and the pressure of a gas at constant temperature (Boyle’s law). 5. Write and apply the relationship between the volume and the temperature of a gas under conditions of constant pressure (Charles’ law). 6. Write and apply the relationship between the temperature and pressure of a gas under conditions of constant volume (Gay-Lussac’s law). 7. Apply the general gas law to the solution of problems involving changes in mass, volume, pressure, and temperature of gasses. 8. Define vapor pressure, dew point, and relative humidity, and apply these concepts to the solution of problems.

Heat Energy and Its Effects Objectives 1. Define quantity of heat in terms of the calorie, the kilocalorie, the joule, and the British thermal unit (Btu). 2. Write a formula for the specific heat capacity of a material and apply it to the solution of problems involving the loss and gain of heat. 3. Write formulas for calculating the latent heats of fusion and vaporization and apply them to the solution of problems in which heat produces a change in phase of a substance.

6 4. Define the heat of combustion and apply it to problems involving the production of heat.

Introduction to Thermodynamics Objectives 1. Demonstrate by definition and examples your understanding of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. 2. Define and give illustrated examples of adiabatic, isochoric, and isothermal processes. 3. Write and apply a relationship for determining the ideal efficiency of a heat engine. 4. Define the coefficient of performance for a refrigerator and solve refrigeration problems similar to those discussed in the text. 5. Demonstrate by definition and examples your understanding of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. 6. Define and give illustrated examples of adiabatic, isochoric, and isothermal processes. 7. Write and apply a relationship for determining the ideal efficiency of a heat engine. 8. Define the coefficient of performance for a refrigerator and solve refrigeration problems similar to those discussed in the text.

Transfer of Heat Objectives 1. Demonstrate by definition and example your understanding of thermal conductivity, convection, and radiation. 2. Solve thermal conductivity problems involving parameters such as quantity of heat Q, surface area A, surface temperature t, time τ, and material thickness L. 3. Solve problems involving the transfer of heat by convection and discuss the meaning of the convection coefficient. 4. Define the rate of radiation and emissivity and use these concepts to solve problems involving thermal radiation.

Vibratory Motion Objectives 1. Describe and apply the relationship between force and displacement in simple harmonic motion. 2. Write and apply formulas for the determination of displacement x, velocity v, or acceleration a in terms of time, frequency, and amplitude. 3. Write and apply a relationship between the frequency of motion and the mass of a vibrating object when the spring constant is known. 4. Compute the frequency or period in simple harmonic motion when the position and acceleration are given. 5. Describe the motion of a simple pendulum and calculate the length required to produce a given frequency.

Waves Objectives 1. Demonstrate by definition and example you understanding of transverse and longitudinal wave motion. 2. Define, relate, and apply the meaning of the terms frequency, wavelength, and speed for wave motion. 3. Solve problems involving the mass, length, tension, and wave velocity for transverse waves in a string.

7 4. Write and apply an expression for determining the characteristic frequencies for a vibrating string with fixed end points.

Sound Objectives 1. Define sound and solve problems involving its velocity in metal, in a liquid, and in a gas. 2. Use boundary conditions to derive and apply relationships for calculating the characteristic frequencies for an open pipe and for a closed pipe. 3. Compute the intensity level in decibels for a sound whose intensity is given in watts per square meter. 4. Use your understanding of the Doppler effect to predict the apparent change in sound frequency that occurs as a result of relative motion between a source and an observer.

Light Wave Objectives 1. Discuss the historical investigation into the nature of light and explain how light sometimes behaves as a wave and sometimes as particles. 2. Describe the broad classification in the electromagnetic spectrum on the basis of frequency, wavelength, or energy. 3. Write and apply formulas for the relationship between velocity, wavelength, and frequency, and between energy and frequency for electromagnetic radiation. 4. Describe experiments that will result in a reasonable estimation of the speed of light. 5. Illustrate with drawings your understanding of the formation of shadows, labeling the umbra and penumbra. 6. Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts of luminous flux, luminous intensity, and illumination, and solve problems similar to those in the text.

Reflection Objectives 1. Define and illustrate with drawings your understanding of the following terms: virtual images, real images, converging mirror, diverging mirror, magnification, focal length, and spherical aberration. 2. Use ray-tracing techniques to construct images formed by spherical mirrors. 3. Predict mathematically the nature, size, and location of images formed by spherical mirrors. 4. Determine the magnification and/or the focal length of spherical mirrors by mathematical and experimental methods.

Refraction Objectives 1. Define the index of refraction and state three laws that describe the behavior of refracted light. 2. Apply Snell’s law to the solution of problems involving the transmission of light in two or more media. 3. Determine the change in velocity or wavelength of light as it moves from one medium into another. 4. Explain the concepts of total internal reflection and the critical angle and use these ideas to solve problems similar to those in the text.

Lenses and Optical Instruments Objectives 1. Determine mathematically or experimentally the focal length of a lens and state whether it is converging or diverging.

8 2. Apply the lensmaker’s equation to solve for unknown parameters related to the construction of lenses. 3. Use ray-tracing techniques to construct images formed by diverging and converging lenses for various object locations. 4. Predict mathematically or determine experimentally the nature, size, and location of images formed by converging and diverging lenses.

Interference, Diffraction, and Polarization Objectives 1. Demonstrate by definition and drawings your understanding of the terms constructive interference, destructive interference, diffraction, polarization, and resolving power. 2. Describe Young’s experiment and be able to use the results to predict the location of bright and dark fringes. 3. Discuss the use of a diffraction grating, derive the grating equation, and apply it to the solution of optical problems.

Lab Competencies by Experiment (The wording for these competencies comes from Technical Concepts I and Technical Concepts II by ECI Staff published by Energy Concepts, Inc.)

Experiment 1F1 Measuring Specific Gravity Objectives 1. Measure the specific gravity of a liquid using a hydrometer and a pocket hydrometer. 2. Determine the density of a liquid given the specific gravity of that liquid.

Experiment 1F2 Measuring Pressure Objectives 1. Measure pressure above atmospheric pressure with a manometer and a mechanical pressure gauge. 2. Measure pressure below atmospheric pressure with a manometer and a mechanical pressure gauge. 3. Calculate absolute pressure, given atmospheric pressure and measured pressure

Experiment 5MF1 Measuring The Potential Energy Of A Spring Objectives 1. Find the spring constant for a spring. 2. Predict the stretch caused by a known force applied to a spring.

Figure the Experiment 5MF3 Using Energy In Compressed Air To Operate Air Motors Objectives 1. Use energy stored in a compressed air system to operate an air motor. 2. Measure the rotational speed of the air motor. 3. Find the pressure drop across the air motor as it does work.

Experiment 5T2 Thermal Energy And The Specific Heat Of A Metal Objectives 1. Set up a device to find the specific heat of a metal. 2. Find the specific heat of a given metal, and state its units.

Experiment 6F2 Power From Air Motors Objectives 1. Set up and use and air motor mechanism to lift a load. 2. Measure pressure drop across an air motor. 3. Measure flow rate through an air motor. 4. Find the efficiency of the air motor being used.

9 Experiment 9*1 Natural Frequency Of A Vibrating Body Objectives 1. Assemble a system to measure the natural frequency of a simple pendulum. 2. Measure the natural frequency of a simple pendulum. 3. Assemble a system to measure the natural frequency of a vibrating system. 4. Calculate the natural frequency of a vibrating system.

Experiment 9*3 Resonance Of Sound Waves In Hollow Tubes Objectives 1. Find the wavelength of the first four resonant frequencies of an open tube with known length. 2. Find the resonant frequencies for sound of a given wavelength. 3. Measure the resonant frequencies of sound for several open tubes using a function generator, a speaker, a microphone, and an oscilloscope.

Experiment 11F1 Calibrating A Pressure Gauge Objectives 1. Use a U-tube manometer to measure air pressure. 2. Compare pressure measurement made with a differential pressure gauge to that of the U-tube manometer. 3. Calculate the percent accuracy of the differential gauge readings compare to the manometer.

Experiment 13*1/2 Reflection Of Light Objectives1 1. Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection for a plane mirror. By comparing the two angles, demonstrate the law of reflection. 2. Locate the focal point and directly measure the focal length of a concave mirror. 3. Locate the focal point and measure the focal length of a convex mirror, using ray-tracing methods.

Experiment 13*3 Refraction Of Light Objectives1 1. Use a laser and a slab of transparent material to show how light is refracted (bent) when it passes from: Air into the transparent material and the transparent material into air 2. Explain how the angle of refraction relates to the angle of incidence for a light beam passing through two different materials (Snell’s Law).

Experiment 13*4/5 Lens Experiments Objectives1 1. Locate the focal point of a positive lens and directly measure its focal length. 2. Locate the focal point of a negative lens and directly measure its focal length. 3. Design and build a lens system that expands the size of a light beam. 4. Calculate and measure the magnification of a beam-expanding lens system.

Experiment 13*6 Prism Experiments Objectives1 1. Trace a light beam through an equilateral prism. 2. Trace a light beam through a right angle prism. 3. Trace a light beam through a porro prism. 4. Measure the total bending angle in a prism. 5. Find the critical angle in a prism.

Experiment 13*8 Fiber-Optic Data Links Objectives1 1. Use a fiber-optic cable to transmit laser light.

10 2. Assemble a fiber-optic data link. 3. Transmit a signal using the fiber-optic data link. 4. Use a dual trace oscilloscope to compare the input and output signals of a data link.

1. We do not do the UTC experiment, but the students do a similar experiment from PASCO Assessment of Student Learning: Student learning will be assessed via exams, homework, class room participation, and lab reports.

Student Evaluation:

Final Exam – A comprehensive final exam totaling 20% of your final grade will be administered during finals week.

Unit Exams - Exams will be given after every 3 or 4 chapters totaling 40% of your final grade. Missed exams must be made up on or before the next class period. In a rare situation where the exam can not be made up in that time period, the student will need to make up the exam during the final exam week and this exam will be different than that taken by the rest of the class. All exams will be cumulative.

Class Room Participation and Professional Conduct - 10% of your final grade

Points will be added to classroom participation and professional conduct grade based on the following: 1. Arrival at class by 8 am (50 % of class participation grade) 2. Performing in class problems 3. Helping lab partner or other lab groups. 4. Helping other classmates.

Points will be deducted from the classroom participation and professional conduct grade for the following: 1. Complaints during class time. If you have an issue with the class, talk with the instructor outside of class (Your classroom participation will be a 0 for each time you complain in class). 2. Ringing of cell phones in class. 3. Disrupting the class. 4. Leaving class early or not arriving back to class by 9:00, after the 8:00 break. 5. Not cleaning up workspace at the end of the class.

Labs - Labs will be worth 30% of your final grade. Labs will be done in groups of up to four people. You will lose a point per minute late if you are late to a lab. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UP LABS!!!

Grading Scale: A letter grade will be computed using the following grading scale.

A = 94 - 100 A- = 90 – 93.99 B+ = 87 – 89.99 B = 83 – 86.99 B- = 80 – 82.99 C+ = 77 – 79.99 C = 73 – 76.99 C- = 70 – 72.99 D+ = 67 - 69.99 D = 63 – 66.99 D- = 60 – 62.99

11 F = 00.0 - 59.9 FW = Failure to withdraw FW has the same negative affect on your grade point as a F. The FW grade indicates a student failed the course, had not attended after the 60% point of the course, and did not withdraw by the withdraw deadline. That letter grade will then be adjusted according to the attendance policy to compute the final grade for the course.

Late Policy: No late work will be accepted!

Make up Policy: THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UP LABS!!! Missed exams must be made up on or before the next class period. In a rare situation where the exam can not be made up in that time period, the student will need to make up the exam during the final exam week and this exam will be different than that taken by the rest of the class.

Drop Date: Students dropping a class during the first two weeks of a term may receive a full or partial tuition refund. Details of the refund schedule are available from Enrollment Services in 216 Kirkwood Hall. For detailed discussion of drop dates and policies, please read the student handbook. The last day to drop this course is April 12.

Final Exam: Monday May 9 at 8 am


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