Mablethorpe and Sutton Town Council

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Mablethorpe and Sutton Town Council


Present: Cllr B Dobbs (in the Chair) Cllrs Mrs I Daw A Howard P Jackson G Parkhurst Miss H Parkhurst S Pratley E Rolls Mrs M Rolls Mrs J Taylor C Tebbutt

50. APOLOGIES Apologies and reasons for absence were accepted from Cllr Mrs M Morgan.

51. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr A Howard declared a personal interest in Minutes 53 and 55 as a member of East Lindsey District Council; a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute 54 (ref. N/110/02101/09) as a member of MASCOT; and a personal interest in Minute 54 (ref. N/110/01906/09) as a member of Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board who were consultees.

Cllr Mrs J Taylor declared a personal interest in Minute 54 (ref. N/110/02070/09 and N/110/02315/09) as living in close proximity.

Cllr E Rolls declared a personal interest in Minute 54 (ref. N/110/02070/09) as living in close proximity.

Cllr Mrs M Rolls declared a personal interest in Minute 54 (ref. N/110/02070/09) as living in close proximity.

52. MINUTES It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2009, having been previously circulated, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

53. ELDC PLANNING APPROVALS AND REFUSALS N/110/01761/09 Erection of a two storey beach hut – Mablethorpe promenade. Conditionally approved in accordance with plans. (Town Council supported) N/110/01707/09 (a) Internally illuminated fascia sign, and (b) Internally illuminated projecting sign

1 at 21 High Street, Sutton-on-Sea – conditionally approved: standard conditions for signs and illuminated only when shop is open. (Town Council supported (a); objected to (b) as out of character with street scene.)

N/110/03193/08 Erection of 3 detached dwellings – The Elms, 12 Church Road, Mablethorpe. Application withdrawn.

N/110/01668/09 Erection of 2 semi-detached houses west of Marian Avenue, Mablethorpe. Application refused – not an existing committed development; does not pass sequential or exception test for flood risk; massing and bulk would affect residential amenity of adjacent properties; fails to reflect local character. (Town Council objected – overlooking; over intensive and inadequate access)

N/110/00045/07 Outline erection of dwellings – Linx House, Waterloo Road, Mablethorpe. Application withdrawn.

N/110/01952/09 Erection of bungalow – Lorna Doone, White Row Lane, Trusthorpe. Conditionally approved – schedule and samples of materials to be approved; finished floor level 1 metre above existing; access and turning space to be completed before occupation; first floor window on north side to be obscure glazing. (Town Council supported)

N/110/2003/09/3 Extension to soft play area and car park – Mablethorpe Primary School. Conditionally approved – adequate system of surface water management to be approved. (Town Council supported)

N/110/01953/09 Extension and alterations – 13 Harris Boulevard, Mablethorpe. Conditionally approved – brickwork and tiles to match; finished floor levels no lower than existing. (Town Council supported)

N/110/01870/09 Erection of 3 beach chalets – 18 Trusthorpe Road, Sutton-on- Sea. Conditionally approved – materials to be timber planking and felt roof; to be painted in colours to be agreed. (Town Council supported)

54. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Cllr Mrs I Daw declared a personal interest in planning application N/110/02101/09 as a member of MASCOT.

2 It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That in accordance with Schedule 16 of the Local Government Act 1972, observations on the following planning applications be submitted to East Lindsey District Council:

N/110/02101/09 Extension and alterations to existing tow bar building to provide two ground floor shower rooms and a first floor family room and terrace; and change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing toilet and shower block to machinery store, workshop, mess room and WC – Holivans, Quebec Road, Mablethorpe. That this application be supported. (Cllr Howard left the room during discussion and voting on this item)

N/110/01906/09 Consent to display: (A and B) 2 no. internally illuminated logo signs, (C) 1 no. internally illuminated flagpole to a maximum height of 7 metres, (D) 1 no. free standing non-illuminated hoarding advertising board – Lidl Supermarket, Mablethorpe. That this application be supported. (Cllr Howard abstained from voting)

N/110/01085/09 Change of use, conversion of and alterations to a social club to provide a dwelling with workshop and office and existing WCs and hallway to be demolished – 4 Admiralty Road, Mablethorpe. That this application be supported.

N/110/02220/09 Extension to existing bungalow to provide a conservatory, 2 no. bedrooms and an en-suite bathroom – The Shack, Sea Lane, Sandilands. That this application be supported.

N/110/02261/09 Consent to display 3 no. internally illuminated fascia signs – The Fairhaven, 91 Victoria Road, Mablethorpe. That this application be supported.

N/110/02070/09 Detailed particulars relating to the erection of 1 no. bungalow and 1 no. pair of semi-detached bungalows on the site of an existing dwelling and garage which are to be demolished and construction of a vehicular access in accordance with amended plans – Garth Cottage, 106 Huttoft Road, Sutton-on- Sea. That this application be supported but with concerns over access for two properties onto Huttoft Road. (Cllr Mrs Taylor abstained from voting)

N/110/02315/09 Erection of a boundary wall and entrance gates to a maximum height of 2.4 metres – 72 Huttoft Road, Sutton-on-Sea. That this application be supported if 1.8 metres or less, current 3 proposal could cause visibility problems with vehicles leaving the site. (Cllr Mrs Taylor abstained from voting)

N/110/02182/09 Erection of 1 no. bungalow with rooms in the roof space with an integral single garage and 1 no. chalet bungalow with integral single garage and construction of vehicular/pedestrian accesses – Plots 34 and 35 Henshaw Avenue, Sutton-on-Sea. That this application be supported.


The Clerk outlined briefly that the District Council were committed to reviewing its Gambling Licensing Policy every 3 years, and that the District Council had included its Policy for Casino Premises Licence with that review. The Clerk outlined the core licensing objectives – to prevent gambling from being a source of crime and disorder; to ensure gambling conducted in a fair and open way and to protect children and vulnerable people from harm or exploitation through gambling.

Various comments were raised regarding the Casino Policy, including the need for proper training to secure full time jobs; whether the people in Mablethorpe wanted a casino; whether it was better to have gambling in a controlled environment such as a casino, the prospect of bringing in new work to the area and the need to protect the reputation as a family resort. Cllr Howard advised that any casino proposal would be subject to the competition criteria set out by East Lindsey District Council.

It was agreed to respond to the consultation citing  Need to ensure training results in full time employment for local people  Request that the licensing authority appoint a member of the local council and the police to the Advisory Panel  That the Town Council be kept fully informed regarding any casino development.

56. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The Clerk read out a letter from Lincolnshire County Council Highways  Trusthorpe Road spur – no waiting at any time order to be progressed, site to be monitored to see if no loading needed to be added at a later date.  Mile Lane/Main Street, Trusthorpe – Lincolnshire County Council are contacting Road Safety Partnership for accident data, the signs and markings for the 40 mph limit to be upgraded, Mile Lane to be partly resurfaced. There is a closure order for the work between 16 November and 14 December. 4 The Clerk advised councillors of a meeting with ELDC to be held 8 October 2009 at 11.00 a.m. regarding beach chalets.

An invitation had been received for councillors to attend Eucharist Service at Sutton-on-Sea on 19 October 2009 at 7.30 p.m. As most councillors wished to attend, it was agreed to bring the planning committee meeting start time forward to 6.00 p.m. for that night.

Cllr Dobbs expressed his disappointment that those able to had not attended the asset walks. Cllrs Jackson and Mrs Taylor both apologised for not attending.

Cllr Mrs Daw also expressed disappointment at the number of councillors attending training for the Power of Well Being held at Alford.


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