Tel Aviv University,Tel Aviv 69978 ISRAEL

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Tel Aviv University,Tel Aviv 69978 ISRAEL

last update 20/3/2013

Oz Rittner

Zoological Museum, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978 ISRAEL Tel: (972)-3-6409042 Email: [email protected]

Personal information

Birth date: 25.03.1975 Birth place: Israel Marital status: Married+1

Scientific publications

34. Mienis, H. K. & Rittner, O. Have invasive freshwater Gastropods conquered the Lower part of the tanninim River in israel?. Tentacle No. 21—March 2013. pp37-38. 33. Mienis, H. K., Rittner, O. & Vaisman, S. Terrestrial gastropods of the Horbat Qarta nature reserve and their role in differentiating between two types of kurkar outcrops in Israel. Tentacle No. 21—March 2013. pp27-29. 32. Buse, J., Assmann, T., Friedman, A.L.L., Rittner, O. and Pavlicek, T. Wood- inhabiting beetles (Coleoptera) associated with oaks in a global biodiversity hotspot: a case study and checklist for Israel. Insect Conservation and Diversity (2013). doi: 10.1111/icad.12023 31. Mienis H.K., Rittner O. 2013. On the distribution and status of the River limpet Ancylus fluviatilis O.F. Müller, 1774 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Planorbidae) in Israel. MalaCo, 9 : 460-462. 30. Mienis H.K., Rittner O. 2013. Various notes concerning Milax barypusBourguignat, 1866 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Milacidae). MalaCo, 9 : 457-459. 29. Rittner, O., Rothman, B.S., Shlagman, A. & Mienis, H. K. Notes on Olepa schleini (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) in Israel, with records of new host plants. Boll. Mus. St. Nat. Venezia, 2012. 63: 107-114. 28. Rittner, Oz & Assaf Nir. 2013. First record of Myrrha octodecimguttata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Epuraea ocularis (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from Israel. Zootaxa 3609(3): 349-350. 27. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, & Ben-David-Zaslow R. Progress report for the Mollusc collection. The National Collections of Natural History, Tel Aviv University. Annual Report 2011/2012. 26. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O. & Konstantinou, G. Additions To The List Of The Inland Molluscs Of Cyprus. Triton, No. 26, Nov. 2012. p.36-40. 25. Mienis, H.K. & Rittner, O. A First Record Of A Sinistral Sphincterochila zonata From The Iris Reserve Near Dimona, Negev, Israel. Triton, No. 26, Nov. 2012. p.34-35. 24. Mienis, H.K., Ben-David-Zaslow R. & Rittner, O. First Records Of Alectryonella plicatula From The Mediter-Ranean Coast Of Israel (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Ostreidae). Triton, No. 26, Nov. 2012. p.4-5. 23. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O., Rilov, G. & Almog, O. Some Additional Records Of Two Hardly Known Lessepsian Migrants Among The Molluscs From The Mediterranean Coast Of Israel. Triton, No. 26, Nov. 2012. p.1-3. 22. Tauzin, P. & Rittner, O. Cetoniinae of the Levant, chorological general survey. Le Coléoptèriste (supplement) Sep. 2012. 21. Mienis, H.K. & Rittner, O. On the Presence of the Invasive Seminole Rams-Horn Planorbella duryi in Israel and Palestine (Gastropoda, Planorbidae). Ellipsaria Vol.14 – No3. Sep. 2012. p.17-19. 20. Mienis, H.K. & Rittner, O. On the Presence of the Invasive Mimic Lymnaea Pseudosuccinea columella in Israel (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae). Ellipsaria Vol.13 – No2. June 2012. p.17-20. 19. Sabatinelli, G., Miessen, G. & Rittner, O. Studies on the genus Glaphyrus Latreille, 1807, with a description of Glaphyrus orbachi from Negev, Israel. Lambillionea CXII,1: 1-12. May 2012. 18. Shefer, S., Feldstein, T., Mienis, H. K. Rittner, O. & Gur, A. First records of Mimachlamys sanguinea (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Mediterranean coast of Israel (Bivalvia, Pectinidae). Triton, No 25 April 2012. p.1-2. 16. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O. & Vaisman, S. A first record of Cecilioides tumulorum from Israel. (Gastropoda, Ferussaciidae). Triton, No 25 April 2012. p.34-35. 15. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O. On the presence of Physella gyrina in the Botanical Garden of the Tel Aviv University and elsewhere in Ramat Aviv, Israel. Ellipsaria, vol. 14 No.1. March 2012, p. 16-17. 14. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O. & Vaisman, S. New records of land snails for the Nature Reserve and National Park of the Nimrod Fortress on Mount Hermon, Israel. Tentacle No. 20—January 2012. p. 17-18. 13. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O. & Vaisman, S. The Spike awlsnail Lamellaxis clavulinus in Israel. Tentacle No. 20—January 2012. p.15-16. 12. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, & Ben-David-Zaslow R. Progress report for the Mollusc collection. The National Collections of Natural History, Tel Aviv University. Annual Report 2010/2011. p. 52-57. 11. Henk K. Mienis, Nir Stern, Ya'arit Levitt, Oz Rittner, Menachem Goren, Bella S. Galil & Ariel Diamant, 2011. First records of Eledone cirrhosa from the Eastern Mediterranean off Israel (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Octopodidae). Triton, 24: 1-4. 10. Galia Pasternak1, Roni Ziv, Gal Eyal, Sigal Shefer, Henk K. Mienis, Oz Rittner and Bella S. Galil. On the population of Chromodoris annulata Eliot, 1904 (Mollusca: Opistobranchia: Chromodorididae) off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Aquatic Invasions (2011) Vol 6, Supplement 1: S91–S93 9. Rittner, O., A revised checklist of the genus Scarabaeus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) occurring in Israel with a first record of Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) irakensis Stolfa. Animma.x. August 2011. 8. Mienis, H.K., Rittner, O. & Vaisman, S. Another riddle from Israel: How can we explain the presence of a Pyrgophorus species in the Taninim River Basin? Ellipsaria Vol.13 - No.1. March 2011. p.17-18. 7. Rittner, O., Sabatinelli, G. The Genus Oxythyrea, Mulsant in Israel. Israeli Journal of Entomology, Vol. 40, 2010, pp. 11-19. 6. Mienis, H.K. & Rittner, O. On the presence of Helix lucorum Linnaeus, 1758 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Helicidae) in Le Vesinet, a western suburb of Paris. MalaCo, 6 : 266-267. 5. Mienis, H.K., Vaisman, S. & Rittner, O. A first interception of Otala constantina at border crossing in Israel (Gastropoda, Helicidae). Triton, No 22 September 2010. p.31- 32. 4. Sabatinelli, G., Rittner, O. & Tauzin, P. Tropinota vittula Reiche & Saulcy, 1856 is a good species. Lambillionea CX,1, Avril 2010 – Tome 1. 35-42. 3. Mienis, H.K., Vaisman, S. & Rittner, O. A first interception of the edible land snail Hemiplecta distincta at an airport in Israel (Gastropoda, Ariophantidae). Triton No 21 March 2010. 28-30 2. Sama, G., Buse, J., Orbach, E., Friedman, A. L. L., Rittner, O. & Chikatunov, V. 2010. A new catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Israel with notes on their distribution and host plants. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 5 (1): 1-55 1. Friedman, A. L. L., Rittner, O. & Chikatunov, V. 2008. Five new invasive species of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Israel. Phytoparasitica, 36: 242-246.

In preparation:

On the Genus Cydistus in Israel The genus adoretus in Israel with a description of a new sp. Newly recorded Oedemeridae species from Israel Catalogue of type specimens of beetles (Coleoptera) deposited in TAU Zoological Collections


1. A field Guide to the Molluscs of inland Waters of the Land of Israel by Milstein, D. Mienis, H.K. & Rittner, O. Israel Nature and Parks Authority, 2012. 2. Cetoniinae of the Levant, chorological general survey. Tauzin, P. & Rittner, O. Le Coléoptèriste (supplement) Sep. 2012.

Photographs in Scientific publications (not written by O.R.):

Ovadiah, A. The Roman altar dedicated to Zeus from Velico Tarnovo – Bulgaria: Reconsidered. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua Vol. 29, Núm. 2. p. 35-39. 2011. Ziani, S. & Gudenzi, I. Commenti sulla sistematica generica degli Scarabaeini del bacino del Mediterraneo con una chiave dicotomica per il loro riconoscimento (Insecta Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Quad. Studi Nat. Romagna, 36: 115-158 (dicembre 2012) Mifsud1, D. & Colonnelli, E. The Curculionoidea of the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean) (Coleoptera). Bulletin of the entomological society of malta (2010) Vol. 3 : 55-143 Novoselsky, T. & Freidberg, A. Corythauma ayyari (Drake) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) a new pest of ornamentals in Israel. Phytoparasitica. Galil, S. B. & Mendelson, M. A record of the moon crab Matuta victor (Fabricius, 1781) (Crustacea; Decapoda; Matutidae) from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. BioInvasions Records (2013) Volume 2. Mienis, H. K. What is the Correct Generic Name of the Invasive Tropical Thiarid Species Occurring in Israel and Elsewhere that was Described Originally as Buccinum scabrum Müller, 1774? Ellipsaria Vol.13 – No2. June 2012. p.14-16. Mienis, H. K. Apameaus is a junior synonym of Syriomargarya (Gastropoda, Viviparidae), with some notes on records of fossil taxa belonging to Syriomargarya from Israel. Triton, No 25 April 2012. p.36-38. Goren, M. et al. The reef-associating butterfly fish Chaetodon austriacus Ruppell, 1836 in the Mediterranean: the implication of behavioral plasticity for bioinvasion hazard assessment. Aquat. Invasions., 2011, 6 (suppl.1):S143-S145. Goren, M. et al. On the occurrence of the Indo-Pacific Champsodon nudivittis (Ogilby, 1895) (Perciformes, Champsodontidae) from the Mediterranean coast of Israel, and the presence of the species in the Red Sea. Aquat. Invasions.,2011, 6(suppl.1):S115-S117. Mienis,H.K. A new or little known land and freshwater Molluscs from Israel. 3. Xerocrassa simulate lothario, A new subspecies from some kurkar outcrops. Triton No.23 April 2011. Mienis,H.K. A new or little known land and freshwater Molluscs from Israel. 2. Mercuria tchernovi nomen novum. Triton No.23 April 2011. Mienis,H.K. Samarangia lewinsohni, a new species from the Red Sea. Triton No.23 April 2011. Mienis,H.K. Remarks concerning Turbo pustulatus, T.pyropus and Collonia gestroi, with the description of Tayonia: a new genus for small Turbinid species from the Red Sea. Triton No.23 April 2011. Ariel-leib-leonid Friedman & Amir Sagiv. Review of the genus Brachycerus Olivier in Israel (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Brachyceridae: Brachycerinae), Israeli Journal of Entomology, Vol. 40, 2010, pp. 25-70. Velázquez de Castro et al. Sitonini of Israel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae), Israeli Journal of Entomology, Vol. 40, 2010, pp. 71-108. Heemstra et al. First record of the Atlantic island grouper Mycteroperca fusca in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records. 2010. Mienis, H.K., Remarks concerning the description and status of Murex forskoehlii mediterranea. Antwerpen, 49 (3-4), September 2010, p.79-83. Mienis, H.K., New or little known land and freshwater Molluscs from Israel. 1. Xerocrassa shoshanae, a new species from the Negev. Triton, No 22 September 2010. Por, F. D. Climate Optimum rejuvenates the Mediterranean marine world. Integrative Zoology, 5: 112–121. 2010. Świętojańska, J. The immatures of tortoise beetles with bibliographic catalogue of all taxa : (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Wrocław : Biologica Silesiae, 2009. Friedman, A. L. L. Review of the biodiversity and zoogeographical patterns of the weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) in Israel. ZooKeys 31 (2009) Special Issue Mienis H.K., Lyrocardium anaxium and Lunulicardia orlini: Two new Cardiid Bivalve taxa from the Red Sea. Triton, No 19 March 2009. Friedman, A. L. L. The vegetable weevil, Listroderes costirostris Schoenherr (Curculionidae: Cyclominae): a new invasive pest in Israel. Phytoparasitica (2009) 37:331–332 Tauzin,P. Contribution à la connaissance du genre Cetonia Fabricius, 1775 au Proche-Orient et Moyen-Orient (Coleoptera, Cetoniinae, Cetoniini). Cetoniimania, Volume N° 1 – Juillet 2009

Articles / photos in popular magazines: (selected list)

National Geographic (in Hebrew): October 2012 – A field Guide to the Molluscs of inland Waters of the Land of Israel National Geographic (in Hebrew): October 2011 – Xerocrassa davidiana picardi (article and photo) National Geographic (in Hebrew): September 2009 – Lucanus cervus (article and photo) Teva Hadvarim' March 2009 (article and photos) Iton Hay' articles and photos in different volumes Ecology and Enviroment (in Hebrew) March 2012 (photos) 'Beshvil HaAretz' (in Hebrew): no.48, 2012 (article and photos) Reptiles & Amphibians Magazine March 2012 – Discoglossus nigrienter (Hula painted frog photo)

Photographs in Scientific books and field guides: Moths of Great Britian and Ireland Sean Clancy, Morten Top-Jensen & Michael Fibiger, 2012. Butterflies of Britain and Europe: A Photographic Guide Hannu Aarnio, Kimmo Saarinen, Pekka Ojalainen, Tari Haahtela, 2012 Butterflies of Europe & the mediterranean area Vadim Tshikolovets 2011 (36 photographs) Butterflies of Egypt Atlas, Red Data Listing & Conservation Francis Gilbert & Samy Zalat 2007 (42 photographs) ‘Priceless or Worthless’ The Zoological Society of London and IUCN project highlighting the world's 100 most critically endangered species. Sept. 2012. Late chalcolithic and early bronze age I remains at Nesher-Ramla quarry Vladimir Wolff Avrutis

Photographs in educational and popular books (Partial list):

Zahlen, Bitte! Ulrich Vogot (in german) ABC-Welten Ulrich Vogot (in german) , Schoning What's Jewish about Butterflies? Maxine Segal Handelman, Deborah L. Schein Ect.

Personal websites:

Israel Insect World - (field guide to Insects and other animals of Israel) Insects of Argentina -

Insects named after:

Eulasia rittneri Uliana & Sabatinelli, 2010 Uliana, M. & Sabatinelli, G. Revision of Eulasia genei Truqui, with description of Eulasia rittneri n. sp. from Israel and synonymic notes on related species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Glaphyridae). Zootaxa 2436: 28– 56 (26 Apr. 2010)

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