1. James Shone a Ray of Light at a Mirror As Shown Below

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1. James Shone a Ray of Light at a Mirror As Shown Below

1. James shone a ray of light at a mirror as shown below.

incident ray mirror

angle of incidence angle of reflection

reflected ray

diagram 1

He measured the angle of reflection for different angles of incidence. His results are shown below.

angle of incidence (º) 30 40 50 60 70

angle of reflection (º) 30 40 50 65 70

(a) Which angle of reflection was not measured accurately?

...... °

How can you tell this from the table?



Bishop Challoner Catholic School 1 1 mark

(b) James set up a different experiment as shown below.

glass block incident ray

angle of incidence angle of refraction

refracted ray

diagram 2

He measured the angle of refraction for different angles of incidence.

His results are shown in the graph.


20 angle of refraction (º)


0 0 20 40 60 angle of incidence (º)

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 2 Use the graph to answer the questions below.

(i) When the angle of refraction is 20°, what is the angle of incidence?

...... ° 1 mark

(ii) What conclusion could James draw from his graph? Complete the sentence below.

When light passes from air into glass, the angle of incidence is

always ...... the angle of refraction. 1 mark

(c) On diagram 2, draw a line to continue the refracted ray as it leaves the glass block. 1 mark maximum 4 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 3 2. A teacher has a small torch. He switches it on and points it towards a mirror.



(a) A ray of light from the torch reflects off the mirror. Use a ruler to draw the ray of light:

(i) from the torch to the mirror; 1 mark

(ii) reflecting off the mirror. 2 marks

Add arrows to the rays to show the direction of the light.

(b) A laser beam is a very bright and powerful beam of light. It is very dangerous to point a laser beam towards people or animals. Which part of the body can be most easily damaged by a laser beam?

...... 1 mark Maximum 4 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 4 3. (a) The diagram below shows a ray of red light entering a glass block.


glass block ray of air red light

(i) Most of the light goes into the glass block, but some does not. What happens to the light which does not go into the glass block?


...... 1 mark

(ii) As the light goes into the glass block, it changes direction. What is the name of this effect?

...... 1 mark

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 5 (b) The diagram below shows white light passing through a prism and forming a spectrum on a white screen.

white screen

ray of white light prism spectrum

The spectrum contains light of all colours. Red is at one end of the spectrum. Write blue, green and violet below in the order of the spectrum.


1 mark

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 6 (c) A pupil puts a green filter in the ray of white light. What happens to the spectrum on the screen? Tick the correct box.

The whole spectrum turns green.

The green part of the spectrum disappears, but the other colours stay the same.

The green part of the spectrum stays the same, but the other colours disappear.

The whole spectrum disappears.

1 mark Maximum 4 marks

4. (a) The diagrams below show how much heat is lost from different parts of a house every second.

Through which part of the house above is most heat lost?

...... 1 mark

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 7 (b) Part of the house is insulated to reduce the loss of heat. This is shown below.

(i) Which part of the house has been insulated?

...... 1 mark

(ii) Explain your answer.


...... 1 mark

(c) The table below gives information about three fossil fuels that can be used to heat a house.

energy Does the fuel produce these fuel physical released substances when burned? state when 1g is sulphur burned (J) water dioxide

coal solid 25000 yes yes

oil liquid 42000 yes yes

methane gas 55000 yes no

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 8 (i) Which fuel in the table releases the least energy when 1 g is burned?

...... 1 mark

(ii) Methane can be compressed. Which information in the table shows that methane can be compressed?

...... 1 mark

(iii) Sulphur dioxide causes acid rain. Use the table to explain why burning methane does not produce acid rain.


...... 1 mark maximum 6 marks

5. Susan has a small fan to keep herself cool. When she switches it on, a motor turns the blades to blow air.



Bishop Challoner Catholic School 9 (a) The diagrams below show the symbols for a battery, a motor and a switch.


battery motor switch

In the space below, draw a series circuit diagram for the fan using these symbols.

1 mark

(b) (i) Which part provides energy for the circuit?

...... 1 mark

(ii) Some of this energy is used to turn the blades. The rest of the energy is wasted.

Complete the sentence below. Choose words from the list.

chemical heat light sound 1 mark

When the blades are turning, energy is wasted as

...... energy and ...... energy. 1 mark

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 10 (c) Susan built a circuit using a battery, a motor and a switch. She closed the switch to turn the motor on.

(i) Susan added a bulb to the circuit. The current in the circuit decreased.

How did this affect the motor?

...... 1 mark

(ii) Susan removed the motor from the circuit. The current in the circuit increased.

How did this affect the bulb?

...... 1 mark maximum 6 marks

6. (a) Alfie made a model of part of the solar system. He used metal balls for the Sun, the Moon and the planets.

• E goes around D. • B, C, D, F and G go around A.

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 11 Give the letter that is used to label:

(i) the model Sun;

...... 1 mark

(ii) the model Earth;

...... 1 mark

(iii) the model Moon;

...... 1 mark

(iv) the model planet with the largest orbit.

...... 1 mark

(b) The bar chart shows the force of gravity on eight of the planets.

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 12 (i) The gravity on Neptune is 12 N/kg.

On the chart above, draw a bar for the planet Neptune. Use a ruler. 1 mark

(ii) Give the name of a planet where you would weigh more than you weigh on Earth.

...... 1 mark

(iii) On which planet would a spaceship need the largest force to take off?

...... 1 mark maximum 7 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 13 7. (a) Sita made a model of three parts of the solar system, the Sun, Earth and Moon. She used a marble, a torch and a tennis ball.

Draw a line from each part of the solar system to the object she used.

Draw only three lines.

part of the solar system object






tennis ball 2 marks

(b) The table below shows the order of some of the planets in our solar system.

Complete the table to show the positions of the Earth, Neptune and the Sun.

Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus

2 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 14 (c) The diagram shows a satellite in orbit around the Earth.


orbit of Earth satellite

not to scale

(i) Give one use of a satellite.



(ii) Which force keeps the satellite in orbit around the Earth? Tick the correct box.

gravity friction

air resistance magnetism

2 marks maximum 6 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 15 8. (a) The diagram below shows the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth during a solar eclipse.

Write numbers (1–4) on the diagram below to label the features during an eclipse.

1. the Earth 2. the Moon 3. the Sun 4. a region where the total eclipse of the Sun is taking place

not to scale 2 marks

(b) Scientists discovered a regular cycle of eclipses. It is called the Saros cycle. The table below shows the dates of some eclipses in this cycle.

Complete the table by predicting the date of the next eclipse in the Saros cycle.

eclipse date

eclipse 1 20th July 1963

eclipse 2 31st July 1981

eclipse 3 11th August 1999

eclipse 4

2 marks maximum 4 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 16 9. Michael cut his knee while he was playing football.

A first-aider put a bandage over the cut.

(a) A bandage helps to stop a cut getting dirty or infected. Give the name of one type of micro-organism which can infect a cut.

...... 1 mark

(b) While he was cleaning Michael’s knee, the first-aider wore rubber gloves.

(i) Give one reason why wearing rubber gloves is important for the first-aider’s health.


...... 1 mark

(ii) Give one reason why it is important for Michael’s health that the first-aider wears rubber gloves.


...... 1 mark Maximum 3 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 17 10. The table shows the recommended daily intake of energy and some of the nutrients needed by different groups of people.


minerals, group of energy, protein, carbohydrate, fat, in g people in kJ in g in g in g calcium iron

male 15–18 11510 55.2 360 109 1000 11.3

female 15–18 8830 45.0 276 84 800 14.8

male 19–50 10600 55.5 331 100 700 8.7

female 19–50 8100 45.0 253 77 700 14.8 pregnant 8900 81.0 278 84 700 14.8 female

(a) (i) Explain why two 16 year-old males of the same weight might need different amounts of energy.


...... 1 mark

(ii) Which two types of nutrient provide most of the energy in our diet?


2...... 2 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 18 (b) (i) Calculate the difference in the recommended daily intake of calcium for a 15 year-old male and a 30 year-old male.

...... mg 1 mark

(ii) Calcium is needed for healthy bones. Explain the difference in the amount of calcium needed each day by a 15 year-old male and a 30 year-old male.


...... 1 mark

(c) Look at the table. Explain the difference in the amount of protein needed by a 25 year-old pregnant female and a 25 year-old female who is not pregnant.


...... 1 mark

(d) Iron is needed to make blood. Explain why a 15 year-old female might need more iron than a 15 year-old male.


...... 1 mark Maximum 7 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 19 11. An alloy is a mixture of elements. The table shows the mass of each element present in 100 g of five different alloys, bronze, solder, steel, stainless steel and brass.

mass of each element in 100 g of alloy

alloy lead tin copper zinc carbon iron chromium nickel (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)

bronze 4 95 1

solder 62 38

steel 1 99 stainless 70 20 10 steel brass 67 33

(a) Which alloy in the table above contains an element which is a non-metal?

...... 1 mark

(b) Which two alloys in the table contain only two metals?

...... and ...... 1 mark

(c) Another alloy called nichrome contains only the elements chromium and nickel. 100 g of nichrome contains 20 g of chromium.

How much nickel does it contain?

……… g 1 mark

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 20 (d) Before 1992, two-pence coins were made of bronze. Steel rusts but bronze does not rust.

(i) Why does bronze not rust? Use information in the table above to help you.


...... 1 mark

(ii) Rusting requires water and a gas from the air. Give the name of this gas.

...... 1 mark maximum 5 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 21 12. The drawings show the amounts of different substances in 100 g of full-cream milk and 100 g of skimmed milk.


water 87 g water 91 g

fat 4 g fat 0.1 g

protein 3 g protein 3 g

sugar 5 g sugar 5 g

calcium 120 mg calcium 120 mg

vitamin C 1 mg vitamin C 1 mg

(a) Use the information in the drawings to complete the sentence.

When skimmed milk is made from full-cream milk, most of the

...... is taken out. 1 mark

(b) (i) Look at the drawings. Which substance in milk do we need for strong bones and teeth?

...... 1 mark

(ii) How are substances carried around the body?

...... 1 mark

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 22 (c) (i) Which animals produce milk to feed their young? Tick the correct box.

amphibians birds

mammals reptiles

1 mark

(ii) A baby fed on its mother’s milk gets fewer infections. What is the reason for this? Tick the correct box.

The milk contains antibodies.

The milk contains water.

The milk is at body temperature.

The milk is a liquid.

1 mark maximum 5 marks

13. Burning fossil fuels causes air pollution.

(a) (i) Give the names of two fossil fuels.

...... and ...... 1 mark

(ii) Some fossil fuels contain sulphur.

Complete the word equation for the reaction between sulphur and oxygen in the air.

sulphur + oxygen → ...... 1 mark

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 23 (b) Burning fossil fuels leads to the formation of acid rain. Acid rain has collected in this lake. A helicopter is dropping calcium hydroxide into the lake.

Calcium hydroxide dissolves in water to form an alkaline solution.

(i) What effect does an alkali have on the pH of an acidic lake?

...... 1 mark

(ii) When calcium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid in the lake a calcium salt is formed.

What is the name of this salt? Tick the correct box.

calcium carbonate calcium chloride

calcium nitrate calcium sulphate

1 mark

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 24 (c) The photograph below shows trees damaged by acid rain.

(i) The trees have lost their leaves and have died. Explain why leaves are needed for a tree to grow.


...... 1 mark

(ii) What effect does acid rain have on buildings made from limestone?


...... 1 mark maximum 6 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 25 14. (a) Amy’s family are at the beach during the summer. Amy and her sister have a bucket containing seawater and sand.

Read the following statements. Which are true and which are false?

Tick one box for each statement.

true false

Water is a solvent for salt.

Sand sinks in water because water is more dense than sand.

When a solid dissolves in water, the solid is called a solute.

2 marks

(b) Seawater contains dissolved salt. Describe what Amy can do to separate and collect pure water from seawater.


...... 2 marks

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 26 (c) Draw a line from each of the substances below to the group that it belongs to. Draw only three lines.

Draw a line from each group to the correct description. Draw only three lines.

substance group description

It contains two or more seawater compound types of atoms or molecules which can be physically separated.

It contains only one salt mixture type of atom.

Two or more types of oxygen element atoms are chemically joined together.

2 marks maximum 6 mar

Bishop Challoner Catholic School 27

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