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Communication from the European Union

WORLD TRADE TN/TF/W/149/Rev.3 12 March 2012 ORGANIZATION (12-1352)

Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation Original: English



The following communication, dated 6 March 2012, is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of the European Union.



This submission provides an update of the EU Member States Projects in the area of Trade Facilitation/or with Trade Facilitation elements. The previous list of programmes was submitted in document TN/TF/W/149/Rev.2 of 13 November 2009. Examples of EU Member States Projects in the area of Trade Facilitation/or with Trade Facilitation Elements TN/TF/W/1 49/Rev.3 FINLAND Page 2

Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) EU - Africa Infrastructure Trust Africa Support towards infrastructure development in Africa. 2008-2010 5000 Fund In consortium with other donors, Finnish customs and taxation Cafao project in partnership with Albaniam Serbia, FYROM experts to provide assistance on, among others, customs 2006/2007 n.a. Eurocustoms/EU funding legislation. The objective is to build the capacity of customs and police, Twinning project in Consortium including ensuring the effective implementation of relevant Bosnia Herzegovina with other EU Customs and Border legislation and rules, to combat cross border crime and fraud. This 2007-2008 n.a. agencies is to be achieved in part through the transfer of knowledge and best practices. Caricom CARICOM Development Fund Support towards regional trade integration 2009 300 Customs legislation and procedures TA for further alignment of Legislation with the Acquis in the FYROM project / Lead Human Dynamics / field of Customs; gap analysis, legal drafting, procedures and 2009/2010 n.a. EU funding training

The aim of the studies is to clarify the customs procedures and WCO Columbus programme / administrative/management systems used in beneficiary countries 2006 - Global n.a. Phase I and Phase II participation and to make proposals for future cooperation/assistance activities. ongoing Beneficiaries to include Tanzania, Azerbaijan and Nepal.

Finland provided support EUR 7 million in 2007 to multilateral Support to several multilateral trade Global trade and development organizations, including WTO, EIF, ongoing 7000 related organizations. UNCTAD, ITC and UNIDO.

WTO DDA Trade Facilitation Support to WTO trust fund to provide assistance to developing Global 2007-2009 In-kind assistance Needs Assessment Project countries to perform trade facilitation needs assessments

WB Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Global Support to a range of trade and development related projects 2008-2010 2000 Trade and Development Customs activities at external Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, border, cooperation between Study visits 2009/2010 n.a. Belarus and Ukraine authorties Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) FIN-RUS bilater project: General aim is to facilitate trade/traffic between Finland/EU and Russia through improving both the TN/TF/W/1 Customs co- Russian (mainly North West Customs administration) customs 1993 - 49/Rev.3 Russia coperation/Neighbouring area 730 service and specific border crossings. The projects cover land and ongoing Page 3 Programme sea traffic, with approximately 10 projects annually - providing training, technical assistance, tools. Projects in cooperation between customs and private sector on Russia Barents Euro Customs cooperation simplification of the border crossing procedures (in cooperation 1999 -ongoing 200 Arctic region with Sweden and Norway) UNDP Wider Europe: AFT for Aid for Trade support for the region, including to develop trade SPECA Central Asia, South Caucasus and 2009-2010 1600 corridors. Western CIS Technical assistance to Customs and Tax Customs / tax projects within administrations/development of activities e.g. in the process of Western Balkans 2007-2009 n.a. TACTA partnership / EU funding stabilization, fighting organized crime and raising state revenues and facilitating trade. IBM project / Lead IOM – together Western Balkans and with several EU Customs and Strengthening of IBM 2009/2010 n.a. Turkey Border agencies / EU funding


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Infrastructure Capacity Building Financing and staffing of the AfDB to implement Capacity Africa Initiative for Regional Economic 2007-2011 4000 Development measure in the area of infrastructure development. Communities in Africa (BMZ, GIZ) Sustainable Port Development in Improve the quality and efficiency of selected harbours in terms of ASEAN 2009-2012 2500 the Asia Region (BMWi, GIZ) environmental and safety management.

Support regional economic integration by strengthening the Promotion of economic cooperation Asia institutional capacities of the Facilitation Centre, transboundary 2004-2011 4000 in BIMP-EAGA (BMZ, GTZ) private sector promotion and private-public dialogue.

Support of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Support of intra-regional trade (SAARC) Trade Promotion Network and its member institutions planned 2012- Asia 2000 potential in SAARC (BMZ, GIZ) with the goal of increasing trade and regional economic 2014 integration. TF Element. Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) TN/TF/W/1 The programme supports one of four regional Asian initiatives with the participation of China – the Pan-Beibu Gulf Initiative. 49/Rev.3 The objective of this initiative is to support technical exchange Page 4 Regional economic cooperation and Asia and the pilot implementation of best practices with the aim of 2010-2015 5000 integration Asia-China (BMZ, GIZ) strengthening regional economic integration (possible future areas of action touch upon issues such as cross-border trade, investments, transport logistics and the maritime economy). Facilitate training, dialogue and networking with relevant actors in the political, private and civil arena and thus contribute to an Caribbean (all Capacity Building to support EPA enabling environment for trade and business development with CARICOM/CARIFORU implementation in the Caribbean 2009-2013 963 special focus on the challenges and opportunities presented by the M countries) (BMZ, GIZ) Caribbean-EC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) for the private sector.

Sustainable Economic Support regional economic integration by strengthening capacities Central America Development in Central America and technological competences of SMEs. Support the reduction of 2006-2012 8500 (BMZ, GIZ) trade barries, focused in the promotion of trade between SMEs.

Support of Regional Economic Reduction of administrative and technical barriers to trade in Central Asia Cooperation Central Asia (BMZ, 2007-2012 8550 Central Asia to facilitate trade GIZ & CIM)

Set up marketable service offer to support business development institutions in selected regions in the preparation of regional economic development concepts and promotion schemes for Central Asia (Usbekistan, Regional Business Development in SME. Promote the introduction of sustainable logistic concepts to 2008-2013 6046 Kirgistan, Tadjikistan) Central Asia (BMZ, GIZ) improve efficiency and safety of commercial transport and contribute to the strengthening of SMEs' international competitiveness and of trade within the region.

Strengthen the institutional capacities of EAC as well as capacitiy Capacity Development for Regional to coordinate/moderate and govern the process of regional EAC 2008-2012 11700 Integration (BMZ, GIZ) economic integration of customs and harmonisation of tariff systems Strengthen performance ECOWAS secretariat to enable the Strengthening of ECOWAS ECOWAS secretariat to deal with new strategic tasks like transport 2005-2013 18240 Secretariat (BMZ, GIZ) facilitation; TF elements Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Regional networking of relevant political actors and providing Regional dialogue and capacity professional and methodological expertise for specialists and TN/TF/W/1 building in support of economic Egypt, Jordan and Syria executives in the areas of regional and international trade 2009-2011 1300 49/Rev.3 reforms in Egypt, Jordan and Syria agreements, trade in services, SPS and TBT, Rules of Origin, Page 5 (BMZ, GIZ) Trade Data and analysis Activities in the area of trade facilitation are covered as part of 2003 Global WTO/DDAGTF 1000 per year this WTO Trust Fund (ongoing) Global UNCTAD Trust Fund Project for WTO-Accessions of selected countries 2005-2010 280 Global Trust Fund (World Trade Net, South-south Trade Global ITC (WTO/UNCTAD) Promotion, E-Trade Bridge, Export-led poverty reduction ongoing 280 programme, joint integrated techincal assistance programme)

The project (i) supports the Lao PDR Government regarding Supporting Lao's integration into regional and sub-regional economic integration (ii) helps to regional markets within the context increase business awareness on trade opportunities arising from Laos 2011-2013 850 of the Enhanced Integrated regional trade integration; (iii) helps to implement selected Framework (BMZ, GIZ) priority measures identified in the current or updated Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) action matrix. TF elements

Support for pro-poor growth. Also As part of the programme, the coherence and coordination of the support of the coherence between trade, customs and investment policies of the Economic Nigeria 2011-2014 20000 regional and national trade policies Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on the one side (BMZ, GIZ) and Nigeria on the other side are supported.

Supporting the implementation of Support relevant institutions on regional and national level to North and Latin America Economic Partnership Agreements 2009-2014 4000 implement EU/CARIFORUM EPA (BMZ, GIZ) The programme "Train for Trade" aims at strengthening the private industry and its constitutional bodies in the SADC region through capacity building and training, supporting them to benefit SADC Train for Trade (BMZ, GIZ) from opening markets and liberalised trade. Through specific 2010-2014 11126 further education and training measures within the components comprising export promotion and Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs); TF elements Strengthen the institutional capacities of SADC, especially Trade, Strengthening of economic and Industry, Finance and Investment Directorate, as well as capacitiy SADC trade political capacitities and 2010-2012 5000 to coordinate/moderate and govern the process regional economic competences in SADC (BMZ, GIZ) integration, including customs union. Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) TN/TF/W/1 Strengthen performance of customs authorities by providing International Leadership Training 49/Rev.3 advanced training for customs officials in standard customs on "Global Trade - New Challenges Page 6 SADC, EAC, ECOWAS procedures as well as customs management, customs policy and 2005-2012 10684 for Customs Policy and Customs legislation, international trade law and non-tariff trade rules, the Administration" (BMZ, GIZ) multilateral system of trade and international trade relations;

The project aims at strengthening regional economic integration Support of a socially and (trade) by supporting the economic subsystem of SIECA. In order ecologically sustainable trade SIECA to improve consensus-building and to facilitate dialogue in the 2010-2012 800 integration with SIECA (BMZ, policy process, a multi-stakeholder-forum will be established; TF GIZ) elements.


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) WTO Doha Development Agenda Activities in the area of trade facilitation are covered as part of Global 2010-2011 3306 Global Trust Fund this WTO Trust Fund WTO Trade Facilitation National Support to providing assistance to developing countries to perform Global 2010 103 Needs Assessment Trust Fund trade facilitation needs assessments The Trade Facilitation Facility (TFF) is a multi-donor trust fund that supports operational activities that help developing countries take better advantage of global trade opportunities by reducing trade costs. This facility enables the World Bank Group to World Bank Trust Fund for the Global respond to increased demands from developing countries—in the 2009-2012 7738 Trade Facilitation Facility framework of their national development strategies—to overcome trade bottlenecks imposed by weaknesses in trade logistics, customs, testing and certification, and other aspects of trade facilitation regimes. The aim of the project, which is implemented by UNECE, is to Trade Facilitation Implementation develop a guide for how to implement trade facilitation measures Global 2006-2010 546 Guide and to carry out a series of regional workshops in order to disseminate the content of the guide. UNCTAD Trust Fund for WTO The intent of the Trust Fund is to ensure a DDA TF negotiations Global Negotiating Process on Trade result that is adapted to the needs and implementation capacities 2009-2012 145 Facilitation, T4CO of developing and least-developed countries Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Informing exporting firms about trade rules and procedures in Global Open Trade Gate Sweden 2010 310 Sweden/Europe TN/TF/W/1 The programme is implemented by the World Customs 49/Rev.3 Organization (WCO) and aims at contributing to the development Page 7 Regional Africa WCO Columbus Programme of harmonized, effective and fair customs authorities in sub- 2008-2012 4632 Saharan Africa. It includes, inter alia, capacity-building and diagnostic studies. International Training Programme South-East Africa Training programme regarding trade facilitation implementation. 2008-2009 412 on Trade Facilitation Increased regional trade and integration by capacity building in customs and bordermanagement. Development of one-stop-border 2010-2012 4838 Rwanda TradeMark East Africa posts The programme aims at strengthening participating countries´ capacity to participate in regional and international trade by enhancing managerial and technical skills, focusing on trade facilitation in the Eastern region of Africa. It is also aimed at raising awareness of the relation between trade facilitation as a Training programme on Trade tool against corruption. The programme is directed towards East Africa 2010 380 facilitation policymakers, trade and customs advisors in governemnt agencies and ministries, as well as key persons in trade organizations. The programme includes a 2-week training in Stockholm, Sweden, followed by a 1-week training in Mombasa, Kenya after six months. The training programme is organised by the Swedish National Board of Trade. Global Open Trade Gate Sweden Provides information to companies exporting to Sweden/Europe 2011 on trade rules and procedures. 322 Global Trust Fund for Financing of The trust fund provides financing for the participation of experts 2011-2012 Participation of Experts from from developing countries in UNCTAD expert group meetings, Developing Countries and including meetings on trade facilitation. Countries with Economies in 54 Transition in UNCTAD Expert Groups Meetings Tanzania TradeMark East Africa Increased regional trade and integration by capacity building in 2010-2013 customs and border management. Development of one-stop- 3226 border posts. Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Southern Africa (SACU) Training Programme in Trade Capacity building programme on trade facilitation carried out by 2011-2012 TN/TF/W/1 facilitation the National Board of Trade. The training programme includes: a 49/Rev.3 preparatory phase, two training phases of which the first part is Page 8 carried out in Sweden and the second part is carried out in one of the participants' countries, an intermediate phase and a follow-up phase including mentoring. The purpose of a regional focus in the 308 selection of countries is to build and strengthen existing regional cooperation on trade facilitation. The programme is aimed at key professionals involved in trade facilitation in both public and private sectors.

Global WCO Language Funds Funds for the translation of key trade facilitation instruments (e.g. 2008 – 2011 the revised Kyoto convention, the SAFE framework of standards, the revised Arusha declaration) into Spanish, Portuguese and 993 Arabic.


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Colombia, Panama, Peru, Assistance Project on Authorized Project for the development and implementation of the figure of Dominican Rep. and Economic Operator 2010/2011 n.a. Uruguay the AEO. Other countries will follow. Latin-American countries UNODC-WCO Container Control Learning programme on control of containers and implementation 2009/? n.a. Programme of risk criteria. Colombia, Panama, Peru, Assistance Project on Authorized Project for the development and implementation of the figure of 2010/2011 n.a. Dominican Rep. and Economic Operator the AEO. Other countries will follow. Uruguay Latin-American countries UNODC-WCO Container Control Learning programme on control of containers and implementation 2009 n.a. Programme of risk criteria. Multilateral aid to least Enhanced Integrated Framework The EIF Programme aims at strengthening LDC's capacity to use 2009-ongoing 5,000 developed countries (LDCs) (EIF) trade as a development tool by mainstreaming trade into national development strategies, identifying supply-side constraints to trade and leveraging resources of trade-related technical assistance to overcome these constraints. Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Multilateral aid to Doha Development Agenda Global The aim of the DDAGTF is to enhance human and institutional 2001-ongoing 3,004 developing countries Trust Fund (DDAGTF) capacity of developing countries to better understand and TN/TF/W/1 implement multilateral trade rules and to take full advantage of 49/Rev.3 multilateral trade liberalisation processes. Page 9 Multilateral aid to UNCTAD's project on Capacity This project aims at assisting developing countries members of 2005-ongoing 615 developing countries Building in Developing Countries WTO in better understanding the issues at stake, in defining their & Least Developed Countries to position regarding the treatment of trade facilitation within the Support their Effective context WTO negotiations on trade facilitation, and in formulating Participation in the WTO the modalities for an effective implementation of the negotiated Negotiations Process on Trade commitments. Facilitation


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Multilateral aid to Standards and Trade Development The purpose of this programme is to strengthen the capacity of developing countries Facility (STDF) developing countries to analyze and implement SPS standards to 2005-ongoing 3.084 increase these countries' market access. Multilateral aid to least Enhanced Integrated Framework The purpose of the EIF is to increase LDC's capacity to identify developed countries (LDCs) (EIF) and analyze constraints to increased trade and to develop, 2009-ongoing 4.026 mobilize resources for and implement strategies to overcome these constraints in a coordinated manner. Multilateral aid to International Trade Centre (ITC) The purpose of the International Trade Center is to work with developing countries private sector in developing countries to enhance their export 2009-ongoing 3.49 preparedness and capacity. Multilateral aid to WTO Global Trust Fund The purpose of the activities financed by the Global Trust Fund is developing countries to enhance developing countries capacity to analyze and 2009-ongoing 1.208 implement the WTO agreements and to prepare and participate in trade policy negotiations.


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Palestinian Authority Coalition for accountability and Totalling 116.8 integrity AMAN Establishment of an anti-corruption organization 2010–2013 for 2009 and 2010 Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) South Africa WCO Regional Training Centre TN/TF/W/1 Totalling 41.08 2006–2010 49/Rev.3 for 2009 and 2010 Page 10 Nicaragua CEI Totalling Support of a Centre for Export Promotio - TF elements 2009–2013 1454.201 for 2009 and 2010 Bosnia Support to export and trade Totalling 721.122 Support to a centre for export promotion - TF element 2009–2011 for 2009 and 2010 worldwide ICTSD support 2009 - 2010 Totalling Increasing developing countries' capacity to engage in trade 2009–2011 1839.685 for 2009 negotiations and 2010 South Africa TRALAC support Capacity building for African countries' bilateral trade Totalling 138 for 2010–2011 negotiations 2009 and 2010 worldwide Centre for the support of imports from developing countries Capacity building for BSOs and private sectors ability to export 2009– 2013 2966.6 annually worldwide Support to STDF Developing capacity for working with technical standards in trade 1252.849 in 2009, 2008–2012 (development facility) 3032.391 in 2010


Recipient country / region Project title Start/End Amount (in Project description date € thousands) Non Specific Country UK contribution to the Enhanced LDCs able to produce and effectively implement national Integrated Framework (114301) development plans into which trade has been mainstreamed 2008-2013 43624

Non Specific Country UK contribution to the World Bank The Trade Facilitation Facility is a multi-donor trust fund that Trade Facilitation Facility (200640) aims to help developing countries to reduce costs of engaging in 2009-2012 143503 international trade. Southern Africa Trade Mark Southern Africa To improve Southern Africa's trade performance and Programme (114050) competitiveness for the benefit of poor women and men 2008-2014 114857 East Africa Regional East Africa Integration To facilitate greater regional economic and social integration in Programme (REAP) 2008/2013 East Africa 2008-2013 16933 -200092 Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Africa Regional Support to West Africa Regional Improved West Africa's regional trade performance and Integration Programme (200239) competitiveness ensuring poor women and men benefit TN/TF/W/1 2010-2014 12628 49/Rev.3 Page 11 Non Specific Country Fairtrade Labelling Organizations Fairtrade is a global movement for change (MDG8) that International Partnership contributes to making trade fair, enabling producers to enjoy Agreement (201718) sustainable livelihoods and combat poverty (MDG1). 2010-2014 13776

Non Specific Country AITIC Supporting LDCs To To strengthen the capacity of LDCs to participate in WTO Trade Negotiate Trade Facilitation And Facilitation and SPS negotiations 2009-2011 432 SPS (200881) Caribbean Caribbean Aid For Trade And To support Caribbean implementation of the CARICOM Single Regional Integration Trust Fund Market & Economy (CSME) and the Economic Partnership 2009-2012 11595 -114489 Agreement (EPA)

Caribbean IDB Aid For Trade Thematic Fund Strengthen Caribbean countries' capacity to integrate into the global economy and to benefit from liberalized trade and 2009-2012 1044 -200945 increased market access.

Yemen International Finance Corporation Help stimulate private sector growth and sustainable poverty Programme To Help Stimulate reduction through the creation of new investment, job and income Private Sector Growth And opportunities in Yemen 2008-2011 10243 Sustainable Poverty Reduction. (113786) Kenya Kenya - Promoting Better To facilitate better functioning and regionally integrated markets Regulation Investment Markets & with wider participation of the poor in domestic and international Employment (Prime) (200294) trade 2009-2014 10332

Rwanda Trademark East Africa Rwanda Greater Regional Integration and Trade Competitiveness in Rwanda 2010-2015 9184 -201685

Tanzania Trademark Tanzania (200713) Support to regional integration programme 2010-2012 20778 Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) East Africa Africa Regional Programme East Africa Transit Improvement Programme - EATIP TN/TF/W/1 2009-2013 28700 (200624) 49/Rev.3 South Asia (India, South Asian Regional Trade and To increase the value of formal private sector trade and Page 12 2010 517 Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan) Investment – IFC (202012) investment across the South Asian Region South Asia Private Sector led integration in To support ADB Regional Technical Assistance on Private Sector 2010-2011 103 South Asia – ADB (202122) led Integration and Free Trade Agreement in South Asia Burundi Trade Mark East Africa – Burundi To increase growth and poverty reduction in Burundi through Window greater regional integration and trade competitiveness 2010-2012 7490 Uganda Trade Mark East Africa – Uganda To increase regional integration and trade competitiveness Window 2009-2014 11362


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Moldova/Ukraine EU Border Assistance Mission to Participation of Customs experts in EU Border Assistance Mission 2009-2011 N/A Moldova and Ukraine to Moldova and Ukraine Kosovo EULEX Mission Kosovo Participation of Customs experts in EULEX Mission Kosovo 2009-2011 N/A


Start/End Amount (in € Recipient country / region Project title Project description date thousands) Objectives of the Project: to modernise Customs processes in Ukraine and Moldova, to assist in the preparation of legislation and to modernise the Ukrainian and Moldovan national Customs Ukraine Lithuanian and USA Technical transit according to the New Computerized Transit System Assistance to Support Customs (further – NCTS) operating within the European Union (further – Services of Ukraine and Moldova EU). in Implementing USA Millennium 2007-2009 Challenge Corporation Threshold Two officers of the Lithuanian Customs have been moved Country Plans in Ukraine and temporarily till the end of 2009 to work as resident assistance co- Moldova Moldova ordinators for the Ukrainian and Moldovan Customs services. Short-term missions of Lithuanian Customs experts were organized. More than 100 trainings were organized.

Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Six Lithuanian Customs officers participate in the EU Border Moldova Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine for establishing an EU Border Assistance Mission to international customs control on the Transnistrian segment of the 2006-2011 Moldova and Ukraine common border. Since 2010 there are 2 customs officials working TN/TF/W/1 Ukraine in this mission. 49/Rev.3 Page 13 Ukraine Consultations, trainings in Ukraine and Moldova, study visits to Technical Assistance for Ukraine's the Lithuanian Customs on Customs Valuation subject. Financed and Moldova Customs Officers in by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania 2006-2009 108 Moldova the Field of Customs Valuation under the framework of the Development cooperation policy of the Republic of Lithuania

Consultations, trainings in Moldova, study visits to the Lithuanian Technical assistance project for the Customs were organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Moldova Moldovan Customs Service in the 2006-2009 Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania and the Embassy of area of origin of goods and audit the United Kingdom in Chisinau (Moldova)

The expert of the Lithuanian Customs has been moved to Tbilisi as a EUSR Border Support Team's Border Police Team of the EU Special Adviser/Customs expert. The main task – support to the Georgian Georgia Representative (EUSR) Border 2007-2011 authorities in all customs aspects of the newly adopted Border Support team in Tbilisi Management Strategy, drafting of a detailed plan for the implementation of the strategy.

Lithuanian Customs expert conducted trainings and provided Twinning Light project PHARE consultations to the Customs Administration and Department of 2005 HR 05 IB ST 03 TL Croatia Statistics of Croatia under the project, implemented by the Danish 2007-2008 145 "Statistics on Trade of Goods - Statistics Administration. Intrastat" A study visit was carried out in the Lithuanian Customs. Technical Assistance to Customs Lithuanian Customs internal audit expert worked at the and Tax Administrations (TACTA) consortium ITACA, led by the Italian Customs Agency, on Albania programme for the Customs and 2008-2009 N/A implementing the EC TACTA programme in the Republic of Tax Administrations in the Albania. Republic of Albania. Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) TN/TF/W/1 The Lithuanian Customs has joined a consortium led by the 49/Rev.3 International Organization for Migration (IOM) for Page 14 Strengthening Integrated Border implementation of the project. The objective is to enhance the Management in the Western development of functional, effective and integrated systems of Western Balkans and Balkans and Turkey border management in line with EU standards in the Western 2009-2011 1 632 Turkey (EuropeAid/127538/C/ACT/Multi)" Balkans and Turkey through the enhancement of inter-agency, under EU IPA programme bilateral and regional cooperation and coordination. Lithuanian Customs expert has conducted Specialized trainings on Risk analysis in all beneficiary countries in July-October 2010.

Ukraine TAIEX study visit The study visit on issues of handling goods detained by customs 2009 N/A for Ukrainian customs officials in Vilnius.

Moldova Technical assistance project for the Consultations, trainings in Moldova and a study visit to the Moldovan Customs Service in the Lithuanian Customs. Financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2010 10 field of post-clearance audit of the Republic of Lithuania under the framework of the Development cooperation policy of the Republic of Lithuania. Eastern Partnership states Seminar on the Customs valuation This seminar was organized in Vilnius in cooperation with the (Armenia, in the framework of the Eastern European Commission according to the Eastern Partnership Azerbaijan, Georgia, Partnership Integrated Border Integrated Border Management Flagship Initiative Programme, February 2010 N/A Moldova, Ukraine and Management Flagship Initiative the purpose of which is to draw the activities of the Customs Belarus) Programme services of the Eastern Partnership states closer to the specification of the EU rules. Turkey TAIEX study visit The study visit on cash control for Turkish customs officials in April 2010 N/A Vilnius. Bosnia and Herzegovina TAIEX study visit on customs The study visit for customs officials from Bosnia and Herzegovina information system in Vilnius to share best practices in upgrading the customs June 2010 N/A declaration processing system. Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Ukraine Network development Project of the State customs service of The Lithuanian Customs in cooperation with the US Department TN/TF/W/1 Ukraine of Justice ICITAP Project Office is providing Technical 49/Rev.3 Assistance in the Ukraine on the subjects of E-customs Page 15 implementation, Creation of risk analysis system in the Ukrainian Customs, Development of transit corridor between the Baltic Sea 2010-2011 N/A and Black Sea (Ukraine–Belorussia) implementing „Technical assistance to support projects on development and implementation of e–customs, facilitated and secure international transport corridors and fighting infringements".

Moldova Technical assistance project for the Moldovan Customs Service in the Consultations, trainings in Moldova and a study visit to the Lithuanian Customs. Financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs field of post-clearance audit 2010 10 of the Republic of Lithuania under the framework of the Development cooperation policy of the Republic of Lithuania.

Eastern Partnership states Seminar on the Customs valuation (Armenia, in the framework of the Eastern This seminar was organized in Vilnius in cooperation with the Azerbaijan, Georgia, Partnership Integrated Border European Commission according to the Eastern Partnership Moldova, Ukraine and Management Flagship Initiative Integrated Border Management Flagship Initiative Programme, February 2010 N/A Belarus) Programme the purpose of which was to draw the activities of the Customs services of the Eastern Partnership states closer to the specification of the EU rules.

Turkey TAIEX study visit The study visit on cash control for Turkish customs officials in April 2010 N/A Vilnius. Bosnia and Herzegovina TAIEX study visit The study visit for customs officials from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Vilnius to share best practices of upgrading the customs June 2010 N/A declaration processing system. Ukraine Network development Project of the State Customs Service of The Lithuanian Customs in cooperation with the US Department Ukraine of Justice ICITAP Project Office provides Technical Assistance in Ukraine on the subjects of E-customs implementation, Creation of risk analysis system in the Ukrainian Customs, Development of transit corridor between the Baltic Sea and Black Sea (Ukraine– 2010-2011 N/A Belarus) in frames of project „Technical assistance to support projects on development and implementation of e–customs, facilitated and secure international transport corridors and fighting infringements" . Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) TN/TF/W/1 Two long-term customs experts work on the project at the present. 49/Rev.3 Within the project the Lithuanian Customs experts conduct Page 16 trainings and seminars for the customs officers in Ukraine .

Ukraine Technical assistance project for the Consultations, trainings in Ukraine and a study visit to the Ukrainian Customs officers in the Lithuanian Customs. Financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2011 5,8 field of customs valuation of the Republic of Lithuania under the framework of the Lithuanian Development cooperation policy. Moldova Technical assistance project for the Consultations, trainings in Moldova and a study visit to the Moldovan customs officers in the Lithuanian Customs. Financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2011 11,6 field of customs valuation of the Republic of Lithuania under the framework of the Development cooperation policy of the Republic of Lithuania. Afghanistan, Tajikistan Study visit of Tajik and Afghan The visit is financed by Organization for Security and border guard officers November Cooperation (Europe Office in Tajikistan) and organized in N/A 2011 cooperation with the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service. Eastern Partnership Eastern Partnership – IBM Flagship countries (Armenia, Initiative Training Project (EaP Experts of the Lithuanian Customs were selected to conduct Azerbaijan, Belarus, IBM FIT) trainings in the framework of the project. The preparatory 2011 N/A Georgia, Moldova and seminar was conducted by the Lithuanian Customs expert. Ukraine) Georgia Team of the EU S^pecial The expert of the Lithuanian Customs worked in Tbilisi as a Representative Border Support EUSR Border Support Team's Border Police Adviser/Customs Team Tbilis expert. The main task is to support to the Georgian authorities in March 2007- N/A all customs aspects of the newly adopted Border Management February 2011 Strategy and drafting of a detailed plan for the implementation of the strategy.


Recipient country / region Project title Start/End Amount (in Project description date € thousands) Ukraine, Turkmenistan, IT support for Eastern Europe and Belarus, Kazakhstan, other countries Support for the introduction of information technologies for 2008/2009 110 Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, electronic data interchange Mongolia Mongolia Support of small and medium-sized Support of small and medium-sized enterprises in Mongolia – 2009 22 enterprises in Mongolia seminars, conferences, expert exchange IRELAND

Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) TN/TF/W/1 Global WTO Doha Development Agenda Core funding. The DDA GTF is the main source of funding for 49/Rev.3 2009/2010 1200 Global Trust Fund (DDA GFT) WTO Technical Assistance and capacity building. Page 17 Global WTO Standards and Trade Core funding. Global programme in capacity building and Development Facility technical assistance to assist developing countries in trade and 2009/2010 325 SPS measures Indonesia, Sri Lanka, UNCTAD Train for Trade Port The project relates to a programme of UNCTAD's Training and Ghana, Tanzania, Training Programme for Port Capacity Building Branch which aims to build capacity in Malaysia, The Maldives Communities of English Speaking developing countries' ports through strengthening their human 2009/2010 281 Developing Countries resource base, particularly through the training of port managers who would then act as trainers.


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST Technical Assistance to Customs Visit to Algeria 2008 1.64 Algeria Customs Valuation Visit to Algeria 2008 3.05 Training on posteriori control Visit to Algeria 2008 3.05 Benin Training on posteriori control Mission to Bénin 2009 2.1 Evaluation of the customs Burkina faso Mission to Burkina Faso 2009 3.11 administration development WCO–Programme Columbus Burundi Mission to Burundi 2009 3.1 phase I Lutte contre la fraude, Mission to Cameroun 2008 8.22 renseignement Cameroun Technical Assistance to Customs Mission to Cameroun 2009 4.71 Technical assistance to customs Mission to Cameroun 2009 5.55 Gabon Technical Assistance to Customs Mission to Gabon 2009 3.68 Training on economc systems Mission to Guinée Conakry 2009 2.47 Guinea Conakry Economic systems Mission to Guinée Conakry 2009 3.86 Iran Customs Formalities Visit to France 2009 1.74 Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Customs controls Mission to Lebanon 2008 2.76 TN/TF/W/1 Customs controls Mission to Lebanon 2008 2.61 49/Rev.3 Lebanon WCO – Programme Columbus – Page 18 Mission to Lebanon 2009 6.75 phase I Training Customs Informatic Mali Mission to Mali 2008 3.86 Programmes Low risk goods controls Mission to Morocco 2009 2.08 Morocco Control of Customs Valuation Mission to Morocco 2009 2.21 Technical support to the Customs Central African republic Visit to Central African Republic 2009 4.95 Directorate general Syria Control of Customs Valuation Mission to Syria 2009 6.39 Chad Technical Assistance to Customs Mission to Chad 2009 6.89 Tunisia Authorised Economic Operator Mission to Tunisia 2008 3.29 EUROPE Macedonia Authorised Economic Operator Visit to Moldovia 2008 1.51 Moldavia Tariffs Visit to Moldovia 2008 1.67 Serbia Posteriori Controls Visit to Serbia 2008 3.02 NIS Customs controls train and flight Visit to France 2008 1.48 Kazakhstan Authorised Economic Operator Visit to Kazakhstan 2009 3.3 Kirghizistan Customs controls train and flight Visit to France 2008 1.48 Usbekistan Customs controls train and flight Visit to France 2008 1.48 Russia Informatisation - goods in transit Visit to France 2009 6.2 Tadjikistan Customs controls train and flight Visit to France 2008 1.48 Turkmenistan Customs controls train and flight Visit to France 2008 1.48 Asia Customs controls - maritime Visit to China 2008 5.57 China Customs controls flight Visit to France 2009 2.93 Laos Costums values Mission to Laos 2009 2.52 AMERICAS Scanning Visit to Ecuador 2008 3.52 Ecuador Scanning Visit to Ecuador 2008 3.33 Non-intrusive Inspection Visit to Guatemala 2008 2.18 Guatemala Non-intrusive Inspection Visit to Guatemala 2008 2.48 Honduras Non-intrusive Inspection Visit to Honduras 2008 2.1 Panama Non-intrusive Inspection Visit to Panama 2008 4.82 Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Chile Authorised Economic Operator Visit to France 2008 4.6 Algeria Electronic Data exchange between Mission to Algeria TN/TF/W/1 port authorities 2011 5.03 49/Rev.3 Algeria AEO Mission to Algeria 2011 2.73 Page 19 Algeria Express shipment Mission to Algeria 2011 1.36 Burkina Faso Specificities for Petrol Products Mission to Burkina Faso 2011 4.91 Burkina Faso Specificities for Petrol Products Mission to Burkina Faso 2011 4.91 Burkina Faso Technical Assistance - Customs Mission to Burkina Faso Informatic programmes SYDONIA 2011 3.89 Burundi Technical Assistance - Customs Mission to Burundi Informatic programmes SYDONIA 2011 5.9 Cap verde Technical Assistance - Customs Mission to Cap verde Informatic programmes SYDONIA 2011 3.58 R.D. Congo Technical Assistance - Customs Mission to Congo Informatic programmes SYDONIA 2011 6.1 Gabon AEO Visit to France 2011 1.92 Morocco Technical Assistance Customs Visit to France external trade statistics 2011 2.19


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) 10 countries, Congo, Côte Organizing and building the Formation of 18 Customs officers in the Belgian school of d'Yvoire,Gabon, Togo, 2008-2009 capacity of Africa's Customs Verification during 9 months Congo (Dém), Comores, n.a. Administrations for Trade Tchad, Niger, Formation of 29 Customs officers in the Belgian school of Facilitation 2009-2010 Centrafrique, Burundi Verification during 9 months Organizing and building the Training for the trainers by Belgian trainers in the countries; capacity of Africa's Customs Training sessions at the Belgian Customs Training Centre, 1998 - Madagascar Administrations for Trade n.a. cooperation on a wide range of opportunities accoding to ongoing Facilitation - Techn ical Assistance countries' individual needs protocol signed in 1998 Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Organizing and building the Training for the trainers by Belgian trainers in the countries; TN/TF/W/1 capacity of Africa's Customs Training sessions at the Belgian Customs Training Centre, 49/Rev.3 Togo Administrations for Trade cooperation on a wide range of opportunities accoding to 2011 n.a. Page 20 Facilitation - Techn ical Assistance countries' individual needs: Managementand location of goods; protocol signed in 1998 Training on Petrol products; Free Zone; AEO Organizing and building the Training for the trainers by Belgian trainers in the countries; capacity of Africa's Customs Training sessions at the Belgian Customs Training Centre, Under Gabon, Mauritius, Niger Administrations for Trade n.a. cooperation on a wide range of opportunities accoding to negotiation Facilitation - Techn ical Assistance countries' individual needs protocol signed in 1998 FPS and Cooperation to Study visit during two weeks of Megaports in Anvers, Training on Morocco Study visit of Maroccan Officer 2009 Development FPS Radioactivity of goods and safety (BTC) joint financing Mission to Kinshasa on invitation of Conglese Customs Convention on documentation and Administration of two Belgian customs officials - singaturesof 2009 6.1 training between Belgian Customs convention Administration and Conglese Customs Adminstration Training missions - 2 trainers 2010 15.1 Training mission - train the trainers in Risk Management field 2010 7.9 Auditing mission to Matadi Port for improvement of IT Dem. Republic of Congo Simplification of customs 2010 14.1 procedures in Matadi Port procedures - 3 experts Second hand Radio equipment : Assessment, delilvery and 2008 - in kinds training on the spot ongoing Donation of equipment by Belgian Customs Scanning exquipment: Financing, delivery and installation by Belgian authorities to be arranged following identification of tbc in kinds exact, safe venue by Congolese Customs.


Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) Ukraine Transit procedures and CSI Study visits 2009 5 Training systems on customs Belarus Study visits 2009 2 procedures LATVIA

Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) TN/TF/W/1 Core funding. The DDA GTF is the main source of funding for 49/Rev.3 Global WTO/DDA GTF 2008 14 WTO Technical Assistance and capacity building. Page 21 To improve the professionalism of Moldovan authorities and services in the area of food distribution and veterinary monitoring, Optimization of the Moldovan Food Moldova which would promote the functioning of a common monitoring 2008 79 and Veterinary monitoring system system, safe food distribution to the consumer and inclusion of the country in international markets EU Border Assistance Mission to Participation of Customs experts in EU Border Assistance Mission Moldova/Ukraine 2008-2009 41.8 Moldova and Ukraine to Moldova and Ukraine led by EUBAM Upgrading the capacity of Within the project framework, 11 students from Belarus Belarus international cooperation undertook MBA studies at the Riga Business School in the 2008 36 management in Belarus enterprise management and organization programme The aim of the project is to analyse strategy documents of the Kyrgyzstan State Veterinary Department and to prepare Improvement of the food and recommendations. Training of specialists of the veterinary Kyrgyzstan veterinary monitoring system in 2008 71 diagnostic centre, assessment of the performance in the field of Kyrgyzstan food testing and monitoring and preparation of recommendations for improvement Support to the Improvement of Legal and Technical Aspects of Azerbaijan Twinning project Food Quality and Safety Assurance and Certification 2008-2010 29 Requirements of Azerbaijani Fishery Products Programme on technical assistance Montenegro to Customs and Tax administrations Consultations 2008 0 (TACTA) Rwanda Capacity building Training 2008 n.a. SLOVENIA

Start/End Amount (in TN/TF/W/1 Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) 49/Rev.3 Page 22 Non –refundable aid for the project of integrated customs tariff The Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (Agreement between the Customs contributed to the upgrading of the customs information system in Serbia 2008/2009 308 Administration of the Republic of the Republic of Serbia by granting it a non-refundable aid in the Serbia and the Republic of form of of right of use of TARIC software. Slovenia)

(Agreement between the Customs The Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia Administration of the Montenegro contributed to the upgrading of the customs information system in Montenegro and the Republic of Slovenia)Non- 2008/2009 320 the Montenegro by granting it a non-refundable aid in the form of refundable aid for the project on of right of use of TARIC software. integrated customs tariff

Former Yugoslav Republic Study visit Organization of laboratory, work with equipment, Establishing customs laboratory 2008/2008 1.47 of Macedonia application of analysis methods, analysis and quality system

Strengthening the mechanisms of Mission to FYROM - Introduction of electronic information Former Yugoslav Republic customs control, pre-arrival exchange between customs services; use of information for risk 2008/2009 3.2 of Macedonia information and exchange of assessment. information Seminar on EU customs guidelines West Balkan EU customs guidelines for the Western Balkan countries 2008/2008 0.553 for the Western Balkan countries Harmonisation of the articles from Former Yugoslav Republic the Customs European Law Study visit in Slovenia - exchangeof practical experience 2009/2009 1.47 of Macedonia referring to taking over procedures and selling of confiscated products. Start/End Amount (in Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands)

Harmonisation of articles from the TN/TF/W/1 Customs Law with the Customs Former Yugoslav Republic Study visit in Slovenia - Calculation,payment and organization of 49/Rev.3 European Law concerning payment 2009/2009 1.47 of Macedonia customs dept, preparation of manuals and their implementation Page 23 of the amount of the customs debt (art. 217-231)

Introduction of the concept of Mission to FYROM - Preparation of study, introduction of simple Former Yugoslav Republic Authorised Economic Operator and procedures for AEO, contracting agreements between Customs 2009/2010 3.2 of Macedonia simplification of procedures for and AEO authorised economic operators

Former Yugoslav Republic Exchange of experience concerning Study visit to Slovenia - Introduction of EU instruments 2009/2009 1.47 of Macedonia custom debt

Technical assistance concerning Former Yugoslav Republic relation between Customs Visit to Slovenija - Participation of the Customs Authority in the 2009/2009 1.47 of Macedonia Authority and REM and REC Committees Committees Western Balkan's Hosting study visits and practical Establishment of customs information system, Risk analysis, countries (Bosnia and technical assistance on various Simplified customs procedure, Implementation of various 2010/2010 17 Herzegovina, Macedonia, customs subjects preferential rules of origin, Customs procedures at the airport Albania, Serbia) Risk Analysis and Management Establishment of the IT supported RA and RM system and Montenegro 2011/2012 500 Information system technical assistance for operational management Former Yugoslav Republic Memorandum on international Technical assistance on various customs matters 2011/2012 99 of Macedonia cooperation and development Establishment and practical assistance for operational managing Former Yugoslav Republic Customs information system of the Customs Information System including Integrated customs 2011/2012 500 of Macedonia tariff database. ITALY

Start/End Amount (in TN/TF/W/1 Recipient country / region Project title Project description date € thousands) 49/Rev.3 This Project is aimed at strengthening the regional cooperation Page 24 and implementing the capacity building of the Customs Administrations of the Beneficiary Countries. In particular, this multi-lateral cooperation is aimed at:  developing facilitations and simplifications of Customs Balkans Area (Albania, procedures, in order to speed up legal trade, ensuring the Bosnia-Herzegovina, The Balkans Area Customs Project, same time high levels of security; Bulgaria, Macedonia 2010-2012 900 financed by Italian Government.  developing operational synergies between the Italian Customs Montenegro, Kosovo, Agency and the Customs Administrations of the Beneficiary Romania and Serbia) Countries and among the same Administrations;  providing technical assistance to the Customs Authorities of the Beneficiary Countries, so as to reduce the slow-down of Customs clearance operations, as well as the increase in transport costs from/to Italy.


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