Country Inputs

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Country Inputs


THAILAND Expectations Resources Needs Suggestions The collaboration of all 10 Human resources who can Speakers from IAEA in Arrange an international conference on member countries to perform the following: ASEANTOM meeting Biodosimetry establish ASEANTOM biodosimetry network, Dicentrics assay Technical support especially cytogenetic Micronucleus assay from IAEA to FISH-based translocation assay biodosimetry network: strengthen the PCC Gamma H2AX network Set up the criteria, process and scope for Molecular Biology lab. Financial support to interlaboratory comparison maintain the activities Biodosimetry Facility Organize interlaboratory comparison

Training and workshop for new technologies (Train the Trainer approach) Organize “ASEANTOM meeting” every 2 years and rotate the organizer Indonesia Expectations Resources Needs Suggestions Strong commitment  Biological Safety For IAEA to conduct  Our country still need trained man power related networks Cabinet (1) need training course on for the analysis method specially for intercomparison revitalize Intercomparision technician between exercises for

biodosimetry  CO2 Incubator 2 members.  Intercomparison scoring dicentric (By laboratory for the image) study should be done periodically ASEAN level  Centrifuge (2) New IAEA CRP on applications of  To set up intercomparison networking at  Waterbath (1) Establishment biodosimetry the Asian level Intercomparison methods in radiation  Light Microscope (5) collaboration for oncology, nuclear medicine, diagnostic ASEAN BIODOSNET  Metasystem ( 3 and interventional  Have the knowledges for strengthening hosted by OAP Software : M-Search, radiology. the applications for biodosimetry Ikaros/Banding, methods in radiation oncology and ISIS/FISH) (1) clinical. Molecular Biology lab.

Human Resource  3 researchers 3 technicians Malaysia Expectations Resources Needs Suggestions EXPCTED OUTCOME Automated scanning 1. Training for Hands-on session for next bidose workshop microscope new - To enhance skills of personnel Research collaboration between member countries Personnel Completed facilities to do Dicentric, MN and FISH study 2. Training for Regular meeting to share outputs from each interlab - To practice for construction preparation of mass 4 trained personnel and dose casualty assesment for each method - To share knowledge 3. Participate in between member the new IAEA countries CRP on…

- To strengthened 4. Blood the irradiator networking between bidose lab in ASEAN region Myanmar Expectations Resources Needs Suggestions As an ASEAN member Department of To set up the national 1.To organize the e-learning technical state, the following Medical Research Network among Ministries training programs and lab visits main outcomes were Clinial Application (Ministry of Education, programs among MS regions and IAEA fruitful: for radiation Ministry of Health and biodosimetry laboratory as well Obtaining Technical laboratory Sports, Ministry of Home Affairs and other relevant Knowhow on 2.To provide technical help and biodosimetrymethods National Health Organizations) in Myanmar Laboratory for collaboration in implementation of automated imaging and international system and other procurement for standard procedures awareness raising , capacity Molecular building and strengthening biological dosimetry lab work through to establish a Technical Cooperation projects or other radiation genetics of radiation safety and biodosimetry laboratory security (especially in clinical laboratory applications) 3. To assist Myanmar in practices of biodosimetry assays (such as Dicentric, From the experience To get the technical support micronucleus and biomarkers of other MSs, and training programs from techniques) and validation of knowing the crucial ASEAN member states as constructing standard curve for roles of biological well as from IAEA for human biodosimetry lab. dosimetry in clinical resource development (HRD) use and (well trained strengthening the personals/manpower and radiation EPR systems experienced technicians) in Myanmar To cooperate in the sustainable ASEAN network (as in intercomparison and data collection framework,etc.) for biological dosimetry researches and radiation EPR systems Country Expectations Resources Needs Suggestions Philippines Stronger linkage with Biodosimetry laboratory: Blood irradiator To propose a RAS project (Regional project for Asia ASEAN counterparts Microscope and the Pacific) on Biodosimetry capability CO2 incubator Automated metaphase enhancement for the following purpose: Biosafety cabinet finding system Centrifuge Regional training courses on the different Ultralow freezer, -200C Inter-laboratory biodosimetry techniques Autoclave exercises Freezers refrigerators New IAEA CRP on …. Slide warmer Vortex mixers

Molecular Biology Laboratory: Real time PCR Electrophoresis PCR machine

Manpower: 5 researchers: 3 trained at Hirosaki University 1 trained at Leyden University, Netherlands

FINANCIAL (2018) Possible support for upgrading of biodosimetry facility Singapore Expectations Resources Needs Suggestions mutual assistance only DCA for now, 2 dicentric 1. Inter-lab comparison exercises (frequency: 1 and knowledge members, biodosimetry exercise every 1-2 years depending on the sharing, laboratory laboratory (BSC, comfort level of each country): and technical visits fumehood with some hands-on incubators 2. To start with sharing of respective laboratories’ exercises centrifuge dose response curve and its parameters to pipettes understand the differences and harmonization Establishment of portable aspiration units of the processes and protocols, ASEAN biodosimetry metaphase spreader network MetaSystems Metaphase 3. use of images of 3-6 blinded doses to begin (1st finder system (Isis, 2 years) and followed by slides (1st 2 years). karyotyping, MNScore, DCScore (brightfield and fluorescence) and 4. Blood samples when harmonization between secondary monitoring labs is obtained (to reduce the need of having to detectors for temperature and re-do curves ** very painful**), maybe 3rd or 4th CO2 for ISO-related purposes year onwards or earlier.

5. Reporting of results in triage and normal modes, preferably to reach high standards of 1 week (triage) and 1 month (normal) for reporting of results eventually.

6. Maximum samples to be used for each exercise: 10 blinded doses.

7. Funding: each lab to fund its own resources (manpower, consumables and expenses) ie funding from international bodies ie IAEA or government

8. Future: MN, PCC exercises when respective dose response curve is ready

Vietnam Expectations Resources Needs Suggestions Promoting regional Manpower: For IAEA to sponsor a For Thailand to conduct an international conference network. 3 researchers (cytogenetics) training course on on biodosimetry 1 technician. cytogenetic techniques Exchanging the on biodosimetry knowledges and Equipments: Conduct inter- informations of AXIO Imager Z2 Microscope, comparison exercise biodosimetry Metafer 4.0, DCscore, between members MNscore, Ikarios, Comet, ISIS Participate in the new and Experts. softwares, Nikon Microscope, IAEA CRP on…. CO2 Incubator, Clean bench, Invert microscope, Coulter counter, centrifuge, Hybridizer, High deep freezer… Data for biodosimetry: CA background, calibration curves for Co-60 at low and high dose rate and for mix neutron – gamma rays. Intercomparision exercises: RENEB 2014 and RENEB 2017, KIRAMS 2016. Cambodia Expectations Resources Needs Suggestions Strongly NONE YET Need to participate the Set up international cooperations with Biodosimetry training, training course on Asean countries in Biodosimetry member state Need assistance to set up the Biodosimetry plan, Set up the biodosimetry Need equipment’s to install building, for Biodosimetry,

Set up the national Need expert to train in network on Biodosimetry course, Biodosimetry Need assistance from Establish the ASEANTOM countries Biodosimetry and other countries that laboratory have experience on Biodosimetry

Need support from IAEA and ASEAN countries to improve the knowledge and Human resources.

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