Terms of Reference for the Chief Program Officer (Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation

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Terms of Reference for the Chief Program Officer (Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation

Terms of Reference for the Chief Program Officer (Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Division) Introduction Good Governance is one of the four pillars of Bhutan's overarching development goal and is also one of the National Key Result Areas in the 11th Five year plan. Promulgation of decentralization policy is one of the interventions the Royal Government of Bhutan has initiated to promote the system of good governance. The key objective of the decentralization policy is to devolve powers from the center to the local governments (LGs) to facilitate engagement of citizens at the grass root level in the decision making process. Decentralization in Bhutan has been strengthened continuously during the 9th and 10th Five Year Plan. In addition to adoption of the Constitution of Bhutan in 2008, the most recent major developments regarding decentralization and local governance is re-establishment of Department of Local Governance, under the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, in 2009 to provide coordination, direction and support to the LGs to implement the plans and programs in line with the decentralization policy and other relevant legislations for LGs. The Department of Local Governance was a Division under the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs (MoHCA). The primary mandate of the Division was to function as the central nodal agency to attend to the effective coordination, management and administration of LGs, and development activities implemented at the local level. However, the interim Government in 2007 – 2008 dissolved the Division under the MoHCA to create the Local Development Division (LDD) under Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) Secretariat. The mandate as well as the officials, including the then ongoing projects, of the erstwhile DLG was all taken to the new LDD. Nevertheless, the Government reinstituted and re-established the Department under MoHCA as a fully fledged Department through the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s executive order No. Lhenzhung/CAD/-02/08/1001 dated 14th January 2009 conveying the decision of the 27th Session of Lhengye Zhungtshog convened on 13th January 2009. The substantial increase and enhancement of local related programs and activities demands frequent travel and visits to the LGs. The current pool of staffs is most of the time in the field looking after and managing different activities of the Department in the LGs. The limited number of staffs having to attend to a huge amount of activities results in inefficiency and low quality of public service delivery. The effective delivery of the Department’s mandate and responsibilities is also inhibited by lack of senior officials. Apart from the Director General, all others are junior or mid-level officials in terms of the existing civil service system. This affects the capacity of the Department to implement its mandate effectively, thereby hampering the efficiency and quality of the work. Key functions of the Department Within the countries overall development goals, objectives and priorities, and keeping in line with the provisions of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan and other bye-laws in place on local development and governance, the following shall be the key functions of the Department: 1. Guide the LGs through development and implementation of visions and strategies. 2. Strive to be an agent of change to strengthen and lead the decentralization and democratization process. 3. Enhance the clarity of roles and responsibilities of central and local stakeholders involved in the decentralization process. 4. Provide advisory services to LGs on local governance and development management. 5. Coordinate and facilitate formulation of FYP of the LGs in collaboration with line agencies, and carry out M&E of LG plans. 6. Act as an interface between central and local governments and between local governments. 7. Conduct research on relevant areas of local development and governance, and submit recommendations to the Government for policy adoption. 8. Build/develop capacities of Local Governments in all relevant fields to foster good governance and professionalism in local administration and development management. 9. Build awareness and create effective service delivery culture in order to enhance efficiency, transparency and accountability of Local Governments. 10. Develop and manage local government database that serves as information repository for policy guidelines and strategies on rural socio-economic development and local governance Functions of Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Division i. Coordinate and organize Annual Dzongdag Conference ii. Coordinate and organize DT/GT Chairpersons Conference iii. Coordinate and organize biennial GAO Conference iv. Liaise between central and local governments v. Coordinate cross-sector and vertical cooperation through closer coordination and cooperation among all stakeholders involved in local governance to improve the overall performance of the Government. The Coordination Section will facilitate and foster the exchange among ministries and agencies, as well as between local and central levels of Government vi. Coordinate with Dzongkhags in matters of administrative issues vii. Collect DT minutes and follow up on the issues as may be necessary viii. Facilitate & coordinate with other relevant government agencies on public service delivery. ix. Coordinate and organize monthly coordination meeting of the Department, maintain records of the meetings and spearhead follow-up on the decisions of the meetings. x. Implement related donor assisted/funded project activities xi. Coordination of personnel management and HRD issues of the Department such as promotions, etc; xii. Procurement of equipment, furniture, stationery, etc for the Department in line with annual quotations made by the Ministry; xiii. Support strengthening of LG offices xiv. Provide administrative support services like processing documents for ex-country trainings, processing/maintaining record of leave, maintaining attendance register, etc xv. Coordinate submission and payment of utility bill xvi. Attend tender meetings xvii. Provide logistic services xviii. Coordinate maintaining office equipment xix. Prepare bid documents xx. Circulate Conference minutes/distribute books/reports to Dzongkhags xxi. Manage pool vehicles and store of the Department. xxii. Any other administrative, financial and secretarial activities of the Department. xxiii. Implement related donor assisted/funded project activities xxiv. Coordinate preparation of Five-Year plans and programs including budget of the Local Governments in line with the Five-Year Plan Preparation Guideline issued by the GNH Commission; xxv. Facilitate Local Governments in preparing annual development plans and programs in line with the Local Development Planning Manual and other national development policy guidelines and strategies; xxvi. Participate in Government review meetings such as Five-Year Plan mid-term meetings, annual development plan talks, evaluations, etc, and facilitate the discussion on the progress of implementation of Local Government plans and programs; xxvii. Develop visionary & strategic plan for LGs such as rural development policy. xxviii. Prepare plans and budget of DLG xxix. Implement GPMS/Performance Agreement xxx. Facilitate resource mobilization for LGs xxxi. Implement related donor assisted/funded project activities. Purpose, Duties and Responsibilities of Chief Program Officer The purpose of the Chief Program Officer is to assist or facilitate the Head of the Department in Coordinate cross-sector and vertical cooperation through closer coordination and cooperation among all stakeholders involved in local governance to improve the overall performance of the Government. The Coordination Section will facilitate and foster the exchange among ministries and agencies, as well as between local and central levels of Government. He/She will also facilitate planning, coordinating, monitoring, evaluating and implementation of the program related activities of the department. He/she is also mandated to carry out the functions of the Division as mentioned below: Duties and Responsibilities a) Coordinate cross-sector and vertical cooperation through closer coordination and cooperation among all stakeholders involved in local governance to improve the overall performance of the Government. The Coordination Section will facilitate and foster the exchange among ministries and agencies, as well as between local and central levels of Government. b) Formulate Five Year Plans, projects proposals for programs and ensure the implementation and evaluation. c) Finalize programs and activities with the head of the department. d) Ensure/carry out supervision and monitoring of the program activities. e) Formulate program policies and strategies. f) Preparation of reports of the program activities as required by the government/development partners. g) Coordinate with other related agencies in the government. h) Manage performance and professional development of division staff. i) Ensure effective control and efficient use of resources available to the division. j) Any other task assigned by the Head of the department. Knowledge and Skill The Chief Program Officer should have good leadership skills and decision making qualities. He/she should be proficient in both written and spoken Dzongkha and English. Education: The Chief program officer should have minimum of Bachelors Degree, preferably masters in Program management/ Local development planning/community development. Complexity of work The Position of Chief Program officer involves analytical thinking about the decisions to be made with regard to the programs and activities of the division and the local governments.  Major decision regarding critical matters and issues should be made with consent and approval of the head of the department.  Capability in decision making  Responsible and accountable for all decisions of the division taken pertaining to the programs and activities of the division  Provide strategic direction and technical expertise to programs under the position. Scope and effect of work  The performance of the Chief Program Officer will affect the functioning of the respective division.  The Head of the Department requires his/her assistance in planning, developing and carrying out any vital administrative or professional programs essential for the achievement of the goal and missions of the department.  The officials of the division would depend on him/her for direction, guidance and supervision.  Advice the head of the department in making strategic decision making related to the department.  His/her contribution and commitment is critical to the division and ultimately Department's success. Work relationships The Chief program officer shall;  Discuss with the Head of the Department and his/her subordinates;  Interact with head of ministry as and when required;  Constantly interact and coordinate with LGs.  Constantly Interact with Local Governments across the country. Supervision The Chief Program Officer shall supervise the subordinate staff and render guidance to the staff under the division. Job Environment The job of Chief Program officer requires traveling frequently to the Dzongkhags and Gewogs for supervision, monitoring and evaluation of program activities. It also requires traveling to the LGs to conduct investigations of issues that come from the Local Governments.

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