The School That Cares

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The School That Cares

Term Letter 2/2016 LAERSKOOL LORRAINE PRIMARY The School that Cares

Dear Parents/Guardians

Last year, many projects were undertaken, successfully handled and completed. We are very proud of our school and it is an honour and a privilege to be a part of Lorraine Primary. Once again, thank you very much for your patience and co-operation.

Mrs Debah van Eeden, one of the secretaries at our school for the past 26 years, is leaving our school at the end of April 2016. Her experience, input and contributions will be missed. She did groundbreaking work and helped manage our school’s finances meticulously. We wish her a blessed retirement and our best wishes accompany her on her journey into the future.

At the end of 2015, two of our school buses were stolen. The staff thought it would be a good idea to carry out different fundraising projects this year to raise funds to buy two new buses. This initiative has the approval of the Governing Body. We make a friendly request to you to please support these projects. Your co-operation, positive attitude and loyalty as proud parents and guardians is greatly appreciated.

A barometer will be put up in the hall, to keep the pupils and parents constantly updated about the progress of the fundraising. Each grade will co-ordinate its own fundraising project, but the whole school will be involved in all the projects. The allocation of the fundraising projects is as follows:

GRADE DETAILS OF PROJECTS DATES OF PROJECTS 3 Gr R - Gr 4 Colouring in Competition . R5 entry fee. Prize per grade. Notification: 01/03 Gr 5 - Gr 7 Raffle Tickets R5 per ticket. Hamper per Draw: 18/03 grade. 6 Fun Walk – on school grounds. Every pupil to receive a donation form. Fun Walk: 15/03 Lucky draws. 5 Hamburger Orders 15/05 & 14/10 R Cake Sale – Gr R parents donate cakes. Cake Sale: 27/05 7 Raffle Books – Trolley Dash and other prizes. Each child to receive a Books to be handed book with 10 tickets in it. out: 22/06 Draw: 29/07 2 Music Trivia for parents – Teams of 8 @ R50 per person. This includes a Music Trivia: 19/08 boerewors roll. To take place in the school hall. 1 Spelling Competition – Every pupil to receive words to learn. Pupils get Spelling sponsors/donations per word. Competition: 24/08 4 Dress up as a book/movie character – R10 per entry. Photos will be Dress up Day:16/09 taken and will be available to purchase. Lucky draws.

Thank you very much to those people/institutions who have already made small donations/sponsorships to the school. By means of BiWeekly, circulars, nameplates, our Facebook page and web page, we will acknowledge them. We still need sponsorships for the following: wooden benches for the Aftercare, netball and tennis courts; overalls and safety shoes for our workers; upgrading of our boys’ bathrooms (showers and tiles); the block mounting of sports photos in the Pavilion and sponsorship for our sports teams. Anyone who would like to sponsor any of the above must please contact Mrs Martens, Mr Jacoby or Mr De Witt.

Our sports activities for the term are coming to an end. Thank you for your loyal support throughout the season.

Please note that the second term starts on Monday, 4 April and not on Tuesday, 5 April as shown on the school calendars. At the end of the year we will also close a day later, on Thursday, 8 December. Working in these two extra days will allow us to close the school on 28 and 29 April, making a long weekend. This does not apply to all schools.

The winter uniform will be implemented from the first day of the second term.

Parents, please speak to your children about what they are posting on WhatsApp and Facebook. Some of them do not realise the serious implications of posting things in haste, before thinking carefully about what they are doing. Once they have posted something, it can’t be retracted and it can have serious consequences for them.

Enrolment of Grade R and Grade 1 pupils for 2017 will open on 5 April. You are advised to apply early.

When paying school fees, please ensure that you use the correct reference (i.e. your child’s name, surname and current grade), when making a deposit into the school’s account. If the references are incorrect, the amount can’t/won’t be able to be allocated to your account.

We wish you all a blessed Easter.

Friendly Lorraine Greetings





I, parent/guardian of ……………………………………………………………………………….. (name of child) in

Grade …………………………………………………………… (e.g. 3 Bennett) have received and take note of the contents of the above-mentioned letter.

Signature: …………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………………… Kwartaalbrief 2/2016 LAERSKOOL LORRAINE Die Skool wat omgee

Geagte Ouers / Voogde

Neem asb. kennis van die volgende sake:

Baie projekte is verlede jaar by die skool aangepak en suksesvol afgehandel. Ons is werklik trots op ons skool en dis ‘n eer en voorreg om deel te wees van Laerskool Lorraine. Weer eens baie dankie vir u geduld en samewerking.

Mev. Debah van Eeden, een van die sekretaresses van ons skool vir die afgelope 26 jaar verlaat ons skool aan die einde van April 2016. Haar kundigheid, insette en bydraes sal beslis gemis word. Sy het baanbrekerswerk gedoen en ons skool se finansies met nougesetheid hanteer en help bestuur. Ons gun haar ‘n geseënde aftrede en ons beste wense vergesel haar op haar lewenspad vorentoe.

Teen die einde van 2015 is twee van ons skoolbussies gesteel. Ons personeel het dit goedgedink om verskeie fondsinsamelingsprojekte hierdie jaar te loods om daardeur finansiële bydraes te maak vir die aankope van twee nuwe bussies. Hierdie inisiatiewe dra die goedkeuring van die Beheerliggaam weg. Ons vra vriendelik dat u die projekte sal ondersteun. U samewerking, positiewe gesindheid en lojaliteit as trotse ouers en voogde sal hoog op prys gestel word.

‘n Barometer sal in die skool aangebring word om die leerlinge en ouers deurentyd op hoogte te hou van die fondsinsamelings. Elke graad koördineer sy eie fondsinsameling, maar die hele skool is by elke insameling betrokke. Die indeling van fondsinsamelingsprojekte is soos volg:

GRAAD BESONDERHEDE VAN PROJEK DATUM VAN PROJEK 3 GR. R – 4-INKLEURKOMPETISIE – R5 VIR DEELNAME BEKENDSTELLING OP PRYS PER GRAAD 1 MAART GR. 5 – 7 LOOTJIES – R5 PER KAARTJIE – TREKKING OP 18 MAART SMULMANDJIE(HAMPER) PER GRAAD 6 PRETLOOP – OP SKOOLTERREIN PRETLOOP VIND PLAAS ELKE LEERLING ONTVANG ‘N DONASIEVORM. OP 15 MAART GELUKKIGE TREKKINGS 5 HAMBURGER OP BESTELLING 15 MEI EN 14 OKTOBER R KOEKVERKOPING – GR. R-OUERS SKENK KOEKE 27 MEI 7 LOOTJIES – “TROLLEY DASH” EN ANDER PRYSE. ELKE BOEKIES WORD KIND ONTVANG ‘N BOEKIE MET 10 KAARTJIES. UITGEDEEL OP 22 JUNIE. TREKKING VIND PLAAS OP VRYDAG, 29 JULIE 2 MUSIEKTRIVIA VIR OUERS. SPANNE VAN 8 TEEN 19 AUGUSTUS R50 PER PERSOON. DIT SLUIT ‘n BOEREWORSROL IN. DIT VIND IN ONS SKOOLSAAL PLAAS. 1 SPELKOMPETISIE – ELKE LEERLING ONTVANG 24 AUGUSTUS WOORDE OM TE LEER. LEERLINGE KRY BORGE/DONASIES PER WOORD. 4 TREK AAN SOOS ‘n BOEKKARAKTER / 16 SEPTEMBER FLIEKKARAKTER – R 10 PER INSKRYWING. FOTO’S SAL OOK VERKOOP WORD. GELUKKIGE TREKKINGS Baie dankie aan die persone/instansies wat reeds kleiner borgskappe aan die skool gemaak het. Daar sal erkenning aan hulle gegee word d.m.v. BiWeekly, omsendskrywes, naamplaatjies, Faceboekblad en webtuiste. Ons benodig nog borgskappe vir die volgende: spieëls vir seuns-, dogters-en manstoilette; telborde vir netbal, hokkie en krieket; houtbankies by nasorg, netbal- en tennisbane; oorpakke en veiligheidskoene vir werkers, opgradering van seunskleedkamers(storte en teëls); blok van sportfoto’s in Pavilion en borgskappe van sportspanne. Persone wat as borg wil optree, moet asb. met mev. Martens of mnre. Jacoby of De Witt skakel.

Ons sportaktiwiteite vir die kwartaal staan einde se kant toe. U ondersteuning en aanmoediging is vir die kind en skool baie belangrik. Kom ons doen dit soos trotse en gewaardeerde Lorraine-ouers. Dankie dat ons op u kan staatmaak.

Leerlinge moet asb. winteruniform dra vanaf die eerste dag van die tweede kwartaal.

Let wel dat die tweede kwartaal op 4 April begin en nie op 5 April begin soos dit op die kalenders aangedui is nie. Die skole sluit ook ‘n dag later in die vierde kwartaal, op 8 Desember 2016. Dit het die gevolg dat 28 en 29 April skoolvakansiedae is. Hierdie reëling geld nie vir alle skole nie.

OUERS! Weet u wat u kind op Whatsapp en Facebook skryf? Die skool het alreeds klagtes hieroor ontvang.

Aansoeke vir gr. R en 1 vir 2017 open op 5 April 2016. Skoolfonds: Maak asb. seker dat u die korrekte verwysing(u kind se naam, van en graad) gebruik wanneer u ‘n bankdeposito maak.

‘n Geseënde Paasfees word u toegebid.


………………………………… J.J. Harmse SKOOLHOOF




Ek, ouer/voog van ……………………………………………………………………………….. (naam van kind) in

Graad …………………………………………………………… (bv.. 3 Bennett) erken ontvangs en neem kennis van die kwartaalbrief.

Handtekening: …………………………………………………………………… Datum: ……………………………………………

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