Fargo - Moorhead

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Fargo - Moorhead



The Fargo - Moorhead Ground Transportation Center (GTC) has been the downtown transfer center for Fargo Metro Transit and Moorhead Metro Area Transit since July 7, 1984. This center facilitates the transfer of passengers within each city’s bus system as well as between the Fargo and Moorhead bus systems.

An existing GTC Joint Powers Agreement requires that the Cities of Fargo and Moorhead jointly develop and approve detailed operating and management policies and procedures. And that subsequent to the completion of such policies and procedures, the City of Fargo will annually prepare and submit a GTC operating budget to each City for their concurrence.

Thus the purpose of this manual is to set forth the required operating and management policies and procedures to assure the maximum utilization and efficiency of the GTC. GTC OPERATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES


The following details general rules to be followed to ensure the efficient operation of the GTC:

1. The GTC will be open to the public between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. on Saturdays. The GTC will not be open to the public on Sundays or any of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

2. The following activities will not be allowed on the GTC’s premises: loitering, gambling, drinking of alcoholic beverages and /or use of illegal drugs. If there is such an occurrence, the Fargo Police Department will be contacted for prompt action to remedy the situation.

3. Vending machines are to be located in a designated area for the convenience of GTC patrons and employees. Types of vending machines allowed shall be determined by representatives of the City of Fargo and shall be consistent with City of Fargo policies.

4. Advertisement space for products or services offered by companies other that Fargo or Moorhead Metro Area Transit (MAT) can be purchased and displayed in a designated area of the GTC. Such ads shall be consistent with City of Fargo’s policies and shall not in any way be construed to be anti-transit or of an objectionable character. All advertising requires the written approval of the City of Fargo/City of Moorhead Transit Administration prior to implementation.

5. Information displayed on the Central Dispatching Counter shall include but not limited to: MAT bus ride guides, current MAT promotions, and MAT brochures. Such information shall be displayed in an attractive manner.

6. No vehicles shall be allowed to park on the bus deck at any time, unless authorized by the City of Fargo/City of Moorhead.

7. Pay phones for general public use is located in the north entrance of the GTC.

8. The GTC is a smoke free building. Smoking is permitted outside in designated smoking areas.

9. The GTC Dispatch area is a restricted area which is off limits to unauthorized personnel, which includes drivers of both Fargo and Moorhead systems and the general public.

10. Should a driver require ride guides, transfers or any other material, they should ask a Dispatcher for assistance. DISPATCHING PROCEDURES The Dispatcher(s) will act as the focal point for all Fargo-Moorhead bus route information, field complaints and concerns, inform drivers of transfers, delays, and any other applicable information.

Dispatchers will be employees of the Contractor for driver services and, as such, will be the employer of record. The Contractor's personnel policies and procedures shall apply to all Dispatchers. The Contractor's Project Manager will supervise dispatchers accordingly.

The following are operating rules and regulations for the position of Dispatcher to ensure the smooth daily operation and coordination of Fargo and Moorhead MAT:

1. Dispatchers are to answer the phone in a polite and courteous manner. The telephone may be the public's first impression of MAT - be professional.

2. Dispatchers will disburse MAT schedules and brochures to the public upon request.

3. The Dispatchers will answer all questions relative to Fargo-Moorhead bus routes, timetables, fares, transfers and assist the passenger as to the proper usage of riding the bus; comments; and complaints either by phone or in person in an effective and friendly manner.

4. All complaints relative to Fargo operations will be forwarded immediately to the Fargo Transit Administrator or Transit Planner. In addition, all complaints relative to Moorhead operations will be forwarded immediately to the Moorhead Transit Manager by facsimile.

Fargo: Julie Bommelman, Transit Administrator Work: 701-476-6737 Home: 701-293-8992 502 NP Ave, Fargo, ND 58102

Fargo: Mike Simonson, Transit Planner Work: 701-476-6660 Home: 701-239-9138 502 NP Ave, Fargo, ND 58102

Moorhead: Lori Van Beek, Transit Manager Work: 218-299-5378 Home: 218-233-3811 500 Center Ave, P.O. Box 779, Moorhead, MN 56560

All complaints will be documented by the dispatcher on the adopted complaint/comment form with dates, names, etc. This information will become a permanent record of the GTC files. It is the Dispatcher's responsibility to listen and attempt to identify a legitimate complaint. Dispatcher's are to handle complaints, if possible, and record what steps were taken to resolve the complaint. In responding to complaints, the Dispatcher is to follow MAT’s “Guidelines for Taxi Ride Authorization,” a copy of which is attached. DISPATCHING PROCEDURES (continued)

5. Dispatchers shall ensure the proper dispatching of all Fargo and Moorhead buses.

 All Dispatchers and Drivers will use the same clock to assure proper departure synchronization of routes. The clock to be used is located in the GTC Dispatcher Center and is to be reset each Monday by the Dispatcher to Greenwich Mean Time according to procedure.

 There is an intercom system for both inside and outside of the GTC. It is located on the departure control panel. As buses pull in and are waiting for loading of passengers, the Dispatcher shall use the intercom to make announcements to the public and Drivers.

 Dispatchers will announce routes for departure two (2) minutes prior to the scheduled time for all buses to leave. A second announcement will follow one (1) minute later. Drivers will be on their bus at the second announcement - one (1) minute before departure.

 A bus will be held no more that two (2) minutes after it's scheduled leave time in order to accommodate transfers - until :17 &/or :47 minutes past each hour. The bus with transfers must be entering the lot before :17 &/or :47 in order for a bus to be held beyond these times.

 Buses shall be released when passengers have entered the bus and it is safe to leave. If a Driver(s) is not ready at the scheduled release time, they will be held until the above conditions are met.

 Release procedures: :45 after: at :43 after: “All routes due in at this time are now in except (ones missing). Routes will depart in 2 minutes” at :44 after: “Routes will be departing in 1 minute. This is your final call for boarding” at :45 after: “Routes are now departing”

RELEASE (in this order) - 18, 16, 14, 12, 6, 2, 4, 1, 13, 11

:15 after: same verbiage, but

RELEASE (in this order) - 17, 15, 13, 11, 6, 2, 4, 1, 14

 The Dispatcher's order of priorities (in descending order) are as follows: (1) respond to radio traffic; (2) assist customers; (3) respond to telephone calls.


 Current Rates: Passes: $32 regular, $20 Discount/Senior or youth, ($20 Summer youth pass) Tokens: $18 Regular (20 per package), $10 Discount (20 per package)

 Definitions: Regular: Anyone over 18 (without a qualifying disability) Discount: Anyone over 18 that has a Special User Card (purple) or a Medicare Card (Red white and Blue) Youth: Anyone between the ages of 6 (or kindergarten) and 18 (or 12th Grade) Senior: Anyone over the age of 62.

 Phones are to be answered as follows: “Metro Area Transit and Ride Share, this is “first name”, may I help you?”

There are 2 lines coming IN, but 4 lines available to put people on hold. If the phone is ringing while you are on the phone - ask to put them on hold, put the ringing line on hold and return to initial call.

6. Dispatchers with the aid of the "tv monitor", shall determine that NO pedestrians are walking or standing beside or behind a bus. Buses when released by the Dispatcher, will not stop for any passenger attempting to board a bus. All switches will be engaged in the "red light" position at all times. Only when releasing buses will the "green light" and a verbal "go" signal be given indicating that the driver may depart. After buses have been released, all switches will then be engaged in the "red light" position. This process is followed until all buses have left the lot.

7. Dispatchers will sell tokens, monthly passes, semester passes, and other associated items to the general public and other agencies. Sales will be recorded on the approved daily sale sheets provided by the City of Fargo.

8. Dispatchers will keep a daily log of the day's events, indicating on the log late bus arrivals and departures, problems with routes (trains or detours) or drivers, weather conditions and any other applicable event.

9. The AM Dispatcher will be responsible for the following:  All lights will be turned on.

 All necessary doors to the GTC will be unlocked no later than 6:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. on Saturdays.

 Both radio systems for the Fargo system and the Moorhead system will be turned on. These switches are located behind the doors of the control panel. DISPATCHING PROCEDURES (continued)

 All release switches for buses must be individually keyed to red on the control board.

 The American Flag will be put on display on the flag pole located on the NW corner in front of the GTC (facing NP Avenue).

 The Saturday Dispatcher will replace and log the tape for the security cameras by 7:30 a.m.

10. The PM Dispatcher will be responsible for the following:  All doors to the GTC will be locked no earlier than 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

 Both radio systems will be turned to the "off" position.

 All bathrooms and elevator will be checked for patrons.

 All monies will be secured in the safe located in the token room.

 All lights, except security lights, will be turned off when leaving (including restrooms).

 The American Flag will be removed from the flag pole in front of the GTC and placed in the token room.

11. If a Fargo bus breaks down, the Dispatcher will call the Fargo City Garage at 241-1453. Information given tot he mechanic includes: bus number, route number, and the location of the bus and the nature of the problem. Moorhead drivers will also radio the dispatcher who in turn will call the Contractor to notify them of the mechanical problem. The same information given above to the Fargo City Garage will also apply for Moorhead.

12. If an advertising sign falls off the bus, the Dispatcher will notify Trans ad at 701-293- 8330.

13. If a passenger loses money in a vending machine, the Dispatcher will record the date, the vending machine, the passengers name and telephone number, the time and the amount. The Dispatcher will not reimburse the passenger - it is up to the vending company to do so and the passenger is responsible to make those arrangements.

14. Various contract for maintenance will be on file in the Transit Administrator's office. Telephone numbers of contractors to contact are also on file.

15. It is the Dispatcher's responsibility to keep the Dispatch counters clean. At the end of each shift, Dispatchers will wipe off the counters and replenish the schedules and brochures in the display racks. In the event that supplies are low, Dispatchers will contact either Fargo or Moorhead administration and order additional supplies. DISPATCHING PROCEDURES (continued)

16. Dispatchers are responsible for receipting all money received during their shift. There are approved City of Fargo forms to utilize. Monies collected will be prepared for deposit by the PM Dispatcher and placed in the deposit bag and secured in the safe until the following morning. At that time, the City of Fargo Paratransit AM Dispatcher will verify the deposit, place it in a locked bag, and hold it until it is transported to Fargo City Hall.

17. No personal calls will be made by or received for drivers, dispatchers, or passengers. The only exception will be for emergencies.

18. Dispatchers will be assigned other duties as needed by the City of Fargo or Moorhead.

19. Annually, all GTC Dispatchers will, in writing, acknowledge receipt a copy of the GTC's Operating Policies and Procedures. This acknowledgement will be maintained as part of the GTC's permanent records and the employee's personnel file.

20. Dispatchers must document in the log book, every time a Fargo driver calls in that they have gone to "by-Pass" on Fargo's electronic registering fareboxes. Time of request, bus number, and driver number must be documented. GUIDELINES FOR TAXI RIDE AUTHORIZATION FARGO-MOORHEAD METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSIT


There are circumstances when providing an individual with alternative transportation is good public relations. The following guidelines have been established for use by the GTC Dispatcher to ensure that:

 individuals are treated fairly and equally in the implementation of this policy, and  payments for taxi rides are made by the responsible party.

Not every circumstance can be perceived or addressed. The passenger should be assisted in any way possible.


The dispatcher is authorized to offer the passenger a taxi ride under the circumstances listed below. A log of such rides is to be maintained, including date, time, passengers name, reason for the ride, and person authorizing the ride. Under no circumstances is a contracted employee authorized to utilize their personal vehicle to transport an individual.

DELAYS DUE TO WEATHER, TRAINS, TRAFFIC: NO taxi rides may be authorized for individuals who are missed due to adverse weather, train and traffic delays, or when another bus will be available within one-half hour.

DRIVER OR DISPATCH ERROR: The dispatcher is to verify to the extent possible that the passenger was missed due to driver or dispatch error and the next bus trip or transfer bus is more than 1/2 hour away. Examples: (1) Bus was more than five minutes early, (2) a rider requested service and the driver did not deviate to pick them up, (3) driver didn’t call in transfers and passenger was left. The contractor employing the driver or dispatcher who made the error shall pay for the taxi ride under this category.

MECHANICAL FAILURE, ACCIDENT OR MEDICAL EMERGENCY: Generally, another bus or driver would be dispatched to resume the route. The Dispatcher must contact the applicable garage to confirm if a replacement bus will be on the scene within 1/2 hour. If the mechanical failure is on a wheelchair lift, and MAT Paratransit is not available for more than 1/2 hour, contact Ready Wheels as they are certified by Minnesota for Special Transportation Service. The applicable City will pay taxi rides under this category.


Doyle Taxi Company: 701-235-5535 Ready Wheels: 701-280-1863 DISPATCHER:

Annually read the GTC Operating Policies and Procedures, then sign and date the form. Return this form to your supervisor upon completion.


I hereby acknowledge that I, ______, as a GTC Dispatcher, (print full name) have received and read a copy of the "Fargo-Moorhead Ground Transportation Center Operating Policies and Procedures". I further understand that my employment is based in part, on my adhering to these policies and procedures.

Signed: ______Date: ______

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