DWG Negotiation Letter HSW-PR08-TM04

Designated Work Groups To: From: Date: June 2, 2018 Subject: RMIT Designated Work Group [Negotiations or Renegotiations]


To [negotiate/renegotiate] Designated Work Groups (DWGs) for [Insert work area].


The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (the Act) includes provisions for the establishment and renegotiation of DWGs within the Organisation and a particular work area. DWGs are negotiated or renegotiated between the employer and the employees.

Renegotiating DWGs is appropriate when changes in the organisation make it difficult for HSRs to represent employees effectively under the current DWG structure. Changes may include:

Alterations to organisational structure or reporting lines;

Employee numbers;

Nature of work being carried out;



Hazards in the workplace;

Hours worked;

Languages spoken by employees.

The OHS Act 2004 s 44(1) directs that only the following particulars may be negotiated in relation to a DWG:

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Page: Page 1 of 3 The manner of grouping employees into DWGs that best and most conveniently:

1. Allows their occupational health and safety-related interests to be represented and safeguarded;

2. Takes into account the need for a HSR for the DWG(s) to be accessible to each member of the DWG;

The number (at least one) of HSRs in each DWG;

The number of Deputy HSRs (DHSRs) (if any) in each DWG;

The term of office (not exceeding 3 years) of each HSR and DHSR (if any);

Whether the HSR/s for the DWG/s are authorised also to represent independent contractors, or a class of independent contractors, engaged by the employer, and any employees of such independent contractors, who work at the DWG’s workplace.

Some factors to consider in negotiating a DWG structure are:

Reporting lines of staff – HSRs who represent staff from more than one reporting line may face complexities in communicating with and influencing management.

Campus and building location.

Number of employees – if there are a high number of staff in one DWG it might be difficult for one HSR to represent them.

The nature of work and the hazards present – if these are too various in one DWG it may be difficult for one HSR to understand all the OHS issues facing staff.


[Insert reason for negotiation/renegotiation of DWGs]

The proposed structure for the DWGs within [insert work area] is:

[Insert the proposed details of DWG including; no. of DWG, staff area/location of each DWG; no. of HSRs and DHSRs for each DWG and term of office for each HSR and DHSR.]


Consider the proposed structure for the DWGs and provide feedback to the nominated employer representative [insert name employer representative and contact details] by close of business [insert date].

[Insert Health & Safety Committee Chairperson Signature] DWG Negotiation Letter HSW-PR08-TM04

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Health, Safety & Wellbeing Printed copies are considered uncontrolled

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