Section 31 25 00 - Erosion & Sediment Control

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Section 31 25 00 - Erosion & Sediment Control





A. Section Includes: 1. Soil erosion. 2. Water pollution control.

B. Related Sections: 1. Section 31 10 00 - Site Clearing. 2. Section 31 20 00 – Earth Moving


A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data identifying product characteristics and limitations.

B. Samples: Submit 12" x 12" sample of each type of silt fence to be used.


A. Comply with applicable Federal, State, and Local statutes and regulations.

B. In the event of a conflict the more restrictive statutes or regulations shall govern.

C. The Associate will arrange a field pre-construction conference with Contractor and regulatory agencies if required.


A. Coordinate with permanent erosion control features to extent practical to ensure economical effective, and continuous erosion control throughout construction and post construction period.

B. Include temporary control measures as required by statutes, regulations, Associate, and State Inspector to protect fish and wildlife, prevent soil erosion, and comply with other pollution control laws as art of Work of this Section.


A. Schedule and perform Work to minimize amounts and times when soil erosion and water pollution could occur.

B. Be responsible for executing the plan as prepared for this project. If the Contractor deviates from this plan without the necessary approvals or the Associate observes any unsatisfactory construction procedures or operations, the Associate may suspend the performance of any construction until satisfactory conditions are corrected.

C. Such suspension shall not be the basis of any claim by Contractor for additional compensation from the Owner nor for an extension of contract time.



1221 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL 312500-1 WESTFALL SCHOOLS 2017 PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS A. Silt Fence (Filter Fabric Fence): Design, construct, and maintain in accordance with Local and State Standards and Specifications.

B. Straw Bale: Design, construct, and maintain straw barriers in accordance with Local and State Standards and Specifications.

C. Stakes: Wood, minimum 2 x 2 x 36 inches long.



A. Proposed plan objectives: Minimize erosion and subsequent sedimentation caused by the construction activities outlined in project scope.

B. Obey following guidelines during construction: 1. Minimize the area and time of exposure. 2. Save existing vegetation, especially trees. 3. Install temporary or permanent measures to control stormwater runoff in order to protect soil bared by construction. 4. Practice proper fine grading and excavation; hold line grading and excavation to a minimum. 5. Establish temporary vegetation until such time that permanent vegetation can be established. 6. Establish permanent vegetation as soon as possible and no later than 10 days after project completion. 7. Lay suitable protection, such as erosion netting, fibermats, etc., over disturbed area when work will cease for a period greater than one day.


A. Divert runoff from areas above the project site away from excavation areas, where possible.

B. Control soil erosion and sedimentation created by stormwater which naturally flows across, over and/or through areas disturbed by construction by use of a sediment basin, straw bale barriers, or silt fences placed along the contour, and in accordance with the temporary erosion control details for disturbed areas perpendicular and parallel to the ground slope, as well as the TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS portion of this Plan.

C. Divert stormwater runoff from open excavations or trenches. If any trench or excavation dewatering or well point pumping is necessary, direct pump discharges to a dewatering sediment basin, whenever possible.


A. Control soil erosion and sedimentation during initial earthmoving by placing filter fabric fence on low side of the limit of area to be disturbed prior to engaging in any such activities.

B. Use staked straw bale barriers and filter fabric fence to control soil erosion and sedimentation from entering streams during construction activities. Install temporary controls prior to earth disturbance whenever possible.

C. Install temporary erosion controls for excavation as shown on either of the two typical details, Temporary Erosion Control Perpendicular to Slope and Temporary Erosion Control Parallel to Slope, as shown on Drawings, for whichever slope prevails.

D. Be responsible for installing and maintaining temporary erosion controls for disturbed areas on this project in accordance with this report and the Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Plans & Details provided in Contract Drawings.


E. Where possible, stake straw bale barriers around perimeter of catch basin grates for the purpose of controlling eroded soil and sedimentation from entering the storm sewer inlets.

F. Excavate a four-inch deep anchoring trench as wide as the bales. Place straw bales in the trench and stake. Place straw bales so that the twine holding the bales together is not in contact with the ground. Drive stakes a minimum 18 inches below ground elevation. Backfill and compact anchoring trench to a density equal to or greater than that of undisturbed site soils.

G. Inspect straw bale barriers weekly or after every precipitation event, whichever is more frequent. If bales become ineffective, dislodged, clogged, or inoperative, repair or replace immediately. Remove accumulated sediments when their height reaches 1/3 of the minimum above ground height of straw bale barrier. Immediately repair undercutting or erosion of the anchor toe with compacted backfill materials.

H. Place filter fabric fences on the contour. Extend both ends of a section of fence uphill, 45 degree angles, to the point that the bottom of the fence equals the top of the fence elevation.

I. Excavate a 6 inch deep by 6 inch wide trench continuously along the bottom of fence. Lay bottom 6 inches of filter fabric fence in the trench and backfill with excavated material. Compact backfill material to a density equal to or greater than that of undisturbed soil.

J. Inspect filter fabric fence weekly or after every precipitation event, whichever is more frequent. If filter fabric fence becomes ineffective, immediately repair and replace as necessary. Remove accumulated sediments when their height reaches 1/2 of the above ground height of the fence. Immediately repair undercutting or erosion of the toe anchor with compacted backfill materials.

K. Leave temporary erosion and sedimentation controls for improved surfaces in place until such time that permanent controls, paving, riprap, etc., are installed. Keep temporary erosion and sedimentation controls for unimproved surfaces in place until such time that a uniform 70 percent vegetative cover is established to stabilize the soil of disturbed area. Once acceptable cover is established, convert sediment basin to permanent detention basin; the details as provided on Drawings and these Specifications.


A. Excavate depth of trench for pipelines such that pipe in its installed position complies with the line and grades shown on Drawings, or with the line and grades established by Owner's Representative in field.

B. In excavation for pipelines where made in open cut and where space permits, excavate trench banks from ground surface to a depth not closer than I foot above the top of the pipe to non-vertical and nonparallel planes.

C. Do not permit trench side walls in pipe zone, defined as that trench area below a point 12 inches above the top of pipe in its installed position, to be other than vertical and parallel planes equidistant from the pipe centerline. Horizontal distance between the vertical planes: be no greater than outside diameter of pipe plus 24 inches nor less than outside diameter of pipe plus 12 inches.

D. Where the available space does not permit and where existing or proposed above ground or underground structures may be endangered, excavate trench sides above the pipe zone to vertical and parallel planes. Horizontal distance between the vertical planes: be no greater than necessary to permit construction of pipeline with required sheeting, shoring, and bracing in place.


A. Before beginning excavation and filling, strip topsoil from areas to be affected to a depth of at least 6 inches and store at a location approved by Associate or Engineer. Excess topsoil shall be disposed of as discussed in the DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIAL portion of these specifications. Place Filter

1221 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL 312500-3 WESTFALL SCHOOLS 2017 PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS Fabric Fence around low sides topsoil storage areas. Seed and mulch topsoil storage piles in accordance with SEEDING and MULCHING portions of this Plan.

B. Prior to beginning excavation on any areas which currently have impervious surfaces, strip the impervious surface and dispose of it separately at an approved site as discussed in the DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIAL portion of this Plan.

C. After completion of the major construction work, replace topsoil as the upper layer of backfill to a depth of not less than 6 inches so that the final grade will be as required by the Drawings.

D. In general slope grade away from the installed or existing structures to drainage ditches, storm sewer inlets, or culverts. Thoroughly loosen those areas which are not occupied by structures or pavement by harrowing or discing and then rake by hand. Remove stones over 1&1/2 inches, rubbish, and debris. Uniformly space topsoil in piles and distribute by an approved method.

E. Supply additional topsoil required over and above that salvaged from site in order to maintain a minimum of 6 inch depth over entire area defined above, if the area is to be seeded. Correct any surface irregularities to prevent formation of low places where surface water may pool. Do not place topsoil when the subgrade is frozen or when it is excessively wet or dry; do not handled when in a frozen or muddy condition.


A. Permanently seed, or if specified, sod grounds disturbed by operations necessary to complete the work for this project, unless occupied by structures or paved. Accomplished as soon as possible after construction and not later than 10 days.

B. If seeding cannot be completed within the 10 day period due to weather conditions, mulch disturbed area with straw at rate of two bales per 1,000 sq. ft. Anchor straw with mulch netting according to manufacturer's recommendations or other appropriate means.

C. Use temporary seeding to protect exposed land surfaces which will not be permanently protected for a period more than 10 days. Temporary vegetation will provide short-term rapid cover until permanent vegetation or other protection can be established.


A. Purpose of temporary cover: to provide short-term, rapid cover for control of runoff and erosion until permanent vegetation or other stabilization material can be established. Apply temporary cover on sediment producing areas where the period of exposure will be more than 10 days. Provide mulch cover for no less than two months' exposure.

B. The site preparation and establishment of temporary cover shall be conducted according to the following guidelines: 1. Install needed surface water control measures. 2. Perform all cultural operations at right angles to the slope. 3 . Apply ground limestone according to test or at the rate of 100 lb./1000 sq. yd. 4. Apply uniformly recommended analysis fertilizer according to soil test or 10-10-10 at the rate of 10 lb./1000 sq. yd. 5. Work in lime and fertilizer to a depth of 4 inches using any suitable equipment. 6. Temporary cover seed mixture: consist of 100 percent annual ryegrass; apply seed uniformly at rate of 10 lb./1000 sq.yd. 7. Cover grass seed with 1/2 inches of soil with suitable equipment.

C. Establish temporary grass cover in the following areas: 1 . Seed stockpiles where soil stockpiles are to be exposed for a period greater than 20 days. When the soil stockpile will be exposed for a period greater than two (2) days, but less than twenty (20) days, cover stockpile with mulch or protective erosion control fabric.

1221 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL 312500-4 WESTFALL SCHOOLS 2017 PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS 2. Where waterways or ditches will be used to divert stormwater entering the work area, seed those waterways along the bottom, sides and 3 feet above and below the waterway. After construction is completed, seed or sod permanent waterways or ditches according to this Plan. Restore temporary waterways or ditches restored to natural grade and permanently seed according to this Plan. 3 . Install waterways or ditches on slopes above the work area as required. 4. Where disturbed land surfaces will not be permanently protected for a period of more than ten (10) days.


A. Permanent Materials: 1. Topsoil: be acceptable friable loam; reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, brush, roots, weeds, and objectionable organic material stones, other inorganic material larger than two inches in any dimension, litter, and other materials harmful to plant growth. 2. Lime: be pulverized agricultural limestone containing a minimum of 85 percent total carbonates, ground so that at least 90 percent passes a No. 20 sieve and at least 50 percent passes a No. 100 sieve. 3. Commercial fertilizer: be a dry formulation of 10-20-20 analysis delivered in bags showing weight analysis and manufacturer's name; conform to the standards of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 4. Slow-release Nitrogen Fertilizer: conform to Publication of 408, Section 804.2 (a) 3. 5. Clean and fresh grass seed: be premixed packed in sealed bags with inspection tag showing net weight, composition of mix, date of germination tests and supplier's name. 6. Grass seed formula: in accordance with ODOT Construction and Material Specifications. 7. Mulch: in accordance with ODOT Construction and Material Specifications.

B. Application: 1. Topsoil: a. Apply topsoil to all areas to be turfed except slopes 2:1 or greater. b. Prepare areas to receive topsoil by loosening soil to a depth of two inches. Remove stone and other foreign material two inches or larger. c. Spread and compact to a uniform six inch depth. Compact with a roller, weighing not over 120 lbs. per foot or roller, or by other acceptable methods. d. Excess topsoil if any, becomes property of Owner; stockpile and stabilize as directed by Associate. 2. Lime and Fertilizer: a. Apply pulverized agricultural limestone at a rate of 800 lbs. per 1000 S.Y. b. Apply 10-20-20 analysis commercial fertilizer at a rate of 140 lbs. per 1000 S.Y. c. Work lime and fertilizer into soil to two inch minimum depth by raking, discing, or harrowing. 3. Seeding: a. Apply in accordance with ODOT Construction and Material Specifications. 4. Mulching: a. Apply mulch within 48 hours after seeding in accordance with ODOT Construction and Material Specifications.

C. Maintenance: Reseed areas and spots damaged or gullied or otherwise not showing a catch of grass. Repeat until a complete coverage is obtained. Keep seeded areas moist until 70 percent catch of grass is established. Mow areas where weeds are smothering new grass seedlings.


A. Clean and grub right-of-way according to above procedures.

B. Earthmoving vehicles: Do not discharge any petroleum product or accumulated sediment to the stream.

1221 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL 312500-5 WESTFALL SCHOOLS 2017 PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS C. Store excavated soil on side of trench farthest from stream.

D. If a pipe trench or excavation is dewatered during construction, remove water from pipe trench or keep excavation free of suspended sediment prior to entering any established drainage way. To remove suspended sediment, pump water into sediment basin as discussed in the DEWATERING portion of this Plan.

E. Construction activities within surface water conveyance channels: require utilization of erosion control measures to protect stream banks and stream bed.


A. Hydromulch, fertilizer and seed unimproved areas disturbed during construction, including all drainage channels, as soon after completion of backhoe operations as is practicable; establish a growth, and minimize pollution of streams from erodible fill, backfill, and other materials.

B. Employ a satisfactory method of sowing using hydraulic seeders and other approved equipment where applicable.

C. Drainage channel seeding mixture: consist of 45 percent winter rye, 45 percent tall fescue, and 10 percent perennial ryegrass, or an equivalent ryegrass base formula suitable for drainage channels. Apply drainage channel seed at rate of 3-5 lb./1000 sq. yd. Do seeding only at such times as climatic condition, temperature, and moisture are suitable for growth.

D. Stabilize channels which cannot be stabilized with vegetation with jute matting or specifically designed products approved by Associate.


A. Disposal of excess material resulting from project construction.

B. Excess material includes but may not be limited to: material resulting from excess material resulting from imbalance of cuts and fills; that material within the pipe zone; material deemed by Associate to be unsuitable for use as backfill material; excavated pavement material; excess material resulting from use of select backfill i.e. beneath improved surfaces; and excavated areas being replaced with a rock riprap lining.

C. Secure an approved on-site waste area for disposal of these materials. If sufficient area is not available on-site, the contractor shall secure an approved off-site waste area for disposal of the excess materials.


A. Areas Disturbed by Contractor's Operation. Bring areas, including those areas used for storage of excavated material, equipment, etc., up to within 6 inches of final grade indicated on Drawings by methods specified. Where not indicated on Drawings, establish final grade equivalent to existing grade unless otherwise specified in field by Owner's Representative. In general slope grade away from the installed or existing structures to drainage ditches, storm sewer inlets or culverts. Thoroughly loosen those areas which are not occupied by structures or pavement by harrowing or discing and then rake by hand. Remove stones over 1 1/2 inches, rubbish, or debris. Uniformly space topsoil spaced in piles and distribute by an approved method.

B. Additional Topsoil Required. Provide additional topsoil required over and above that salvaged from the site in order to maintain a minimum of 6 inches of depth over the entire area defined above if the area is to be seeded, or 4 inches of depth if the area is to be sodded or planted. Correct surface irregularities to prevent formation of low places where surface water may pool. Do not place topsoil when the subgrade is frozen or when it is excessively wet or dry; do not handle when in frozen or muddy condition.



A. Be responsible for securing and maintaining an assembly/stock yard for storing equipment and materials for use on this project. Provide such secured areas with their own erosion and sedimentation control plans submitted to Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for review and approval if necessary.

B. Be responsible for obtaining necessary approvals and permits required for such areas. Utilize and maintain such areas in accordance with laws, rules, and regulations of agencies having jurisdiction over the same.


A. The foregoing procedures and requirements of these Specifications are contractual obligations of Contractor performing actual construction work. Said requirements also apply to subcontractors working on the project.

B. At such time, review in detail the final standards and specifications concerning seeding mixtures, cover requirements, barrier and sediment basin location, and any other such items as may be required to complete the Contract work in accordance with the rules and regulations of that agency, and in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations of other authorities having jurisdiction over the required construction work.

C. The requirements relative to temporary control measures, early permanent restoration, minimizing work areas, are of the most important factors affecting construction performance. In view of those circumstances, it is believed that this particular plan, on this particular project, will be implemented throughout the course of work.


A. As previously stated herein, this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared in response to and in accordance with certain rules and regulations promulgated by Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

B. The handling of stormwater, the topographic features described, the staging of earthworm, the temporary and permanent control measures, and the interpretations and opinions stated in the foregoing pages are to be used only for the purpose of eliminating, minimizing and/or controlling pollution of the streams and waterways from materials anticipated to be eroded from the earthworm to be disturbed as a result of construction of the Contract.


A. Make periodic inspections to determine if proper vegetative growth is taking place. Reseed and mulch areas as needed.

B. Remove and restore rock construction entrances when access provided by the entrance is no longer necessary.

C. Store topsoil along side the trench in a separate pile from other excavated material. Store no material within two feet of trench excavation.

END OF SECTION – 31 25 00


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