Worldwide Protective Services 2 Solicitation

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Worldwide Protective Services 2 Solicitation

U.S. Department of State

Worldwide Protective Services 2 Solicitation

Section C


Table of Contents INTRODUCTION

The “Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986,” as amended (The Act) established the Secretary of State (hereinafter referred to as “Secretary”) as ultimately responsible for, inter alia, the safety and security of the Department of State (Department) and its employees serving in the US and overseas. The Secretary has delegated these global safety and security responsibilities to the Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS). The Act further authorizes DS to employ individuals or organizations by contract to assist it with this global safety and security mission. The Worldwide Protective Services (WPS) 2 contract, administered and managed by DS, Office of Overseas Protective Operations, Worldwide Protective Services Division (DS/OPO/WPS), supports DS’s global protective and security mission, particularly in elevated high risk/high threat environments, by deploying the additional needed resources (see Section J of the IDIQ contract – Appendix B, “Definitions”) to strengthen DS’ security and protective posture in a surge or long-term capacity. The Department maintains over 270 Posts outside the Continental US (OCONUS). The Foreign Service Act of 1980 gives the Chief of Mission (COM) (i.e., Ambassador, Minister, Minister- Counselor, Counselor, or Chargé d’Affaires) to a foreign country full responsibility for the safety and security of all Government employees serving in that country (except Voice of America correspondents on official assignment and those personnel under the command of a US area military commander) and their eligible accompanying household members. Advising the COM on the execution of security and protective matters is the Regional Security Officer (RSO), DS, Diplomatic Security Service (DS/DSS). The RSO is responsible for implementing and managing the diverse portfolio of security and protective functions at the RSO’s assigned Post(s) abroad, including Contractor provided services provided under the WPS 2 contract. Domestically/Continental US (CONUS), several DS offices share responsibility for the execution and management of security and protective operations that are within the Department’s purview, including Contractor provided services. As used in this section of the IDIQ contract the acronym “DS” refers to CONUS operations and the acronym “RSO” refers to OCONUS operations. When the term “DS/RSO” is used in this section it refers to whichever authority is applicable as identified by the task order (TO) performance location. When the acronym “DS/OPO/WPS” is used, it refers to the WPS program management office. In this section of the IDIQ contract, the term “Contractor” or any variant thereof refers to the prime Contractor and their personnel as well as the Contractor’s subcontractor(s) (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) and their personnel.


The primary objective of this contract is to secure best-in-class and on-time delivery of those Contractor-provided resources and services DS/OPO/WPS deems necessary to meet DS’ global security and protective responsibilities. It is through a strong Government and Contractor partnership that this important overall security objective can most effectively be achieved.


C.3.1 IDIQ Contract Statement of Work and Task Order Requirements and Reductions/Waivers

The IDIQ contract and its Statement of Work (SOW) as well as its referenced attachments include all in-scope requirements, with the TO specifying the actual required services, resources, equipment, supplies, and material to be provided by the Contractor. Task order requirements will not increase the requirements set forth in the IDIQ contract, but may reduce/waive any IDIQ contract requirements (e.g., labor category qualifications, training requirements, etc.), and these reductions/waivers will only apply to that TO.

C.3.2 Task Order Performance Locations Task order performance locations include all of the US and its territories and international locations throughout the world and will be identified in the individual TO.

C.3.3 Task Order Performance Location Business Risks The Contractor shall be capable of effectively managing a wide array of business risks and issues, particularly those associated with working in high risk/high threat and international environments. Such risks include, but are not limited to, exposure to loss, labor disputes, political unrest, exporting/importing regulations compliance especially regarding the manufacture and export of items and services controlled under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and dual-use items controlled under the Export Administration Act, unstable local politics, geographical issues, and vastly different legal systems, all of which can have a profound impact on the Contractor’s ability to meet contractual requirements.


C.4.1 Attachments and Appendices All attachments and appendices referenced herein are included in Section J of the IDIQ contract.

C.4.2 Acronyms/Abbreviations and Definitions

See Sections J, Attachment 11.” C.5 INHERENTLY GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION A. The DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS organizations retain core leadership authority in the direction and control of activities and deployment of resources, including Contractor resources, in carrying out DS’ security mission. This does not, in and of itself, include authoritative direction related to the Contractor’s own internal administration, discipline, or organization B. Nothing contained in this contract shall be construed to limit or impair the authority or responsibility of any law enforcement agency of the US or host nation with respect to investigative, protection, security, or intelligence activities.

Page 3 of 67 C.6SCOPE OF WORK

A. The Contractor shall put into operation the total work effort needed to satisfy the operational and technical requirements of this contract and resulting TOs. At a minimum, this work effort includes the following: 1. Ensuring the safety and security of the Department’s facilities, buildings, property and employees and their accompanying eligible household members, as well as any DS/RSO- designated US and foreign government dignitaries, diplomats, officials, employees, and others. 2. Furnishing fully trained and qualified candidates who are suitable to be granted a national security clearance or public trust certification by the Department, as required. 3. Ensuring required staffing levels are met with DS/OPO/WPS-approved Contractor personnel in accordance with the timeframe(s) established in the applicable TO. 4. Ensuring that DS/OPO/WPS-approved personnel are available to prevent any disruption in service during adverse events (e.g., labor disputes, civil unrest, acts of nature, attacks, etc.). 5. Establishing internal policies, procedures, and processes for use by Contractor personnel performing work under this contract in accordance with this contract and the resulting TO(s). 6. Establishing well-defined and understood lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability for Contractor personnel performing work under this contract. 7. Providing quality program management oversight and assurance. 8. Performing all examinations, inspections, and tests necessary to determine whether the services, equipment, supplies, and material to be offered for acceptance by the Government conform to contract requirements. The Government will also perform inspections to ensure that such services, equipment, supplies, and material conform to prescribed requirements. 9. Delivering timely, complete, and accurate reports to the Government per the requirements in this contract and the resulting TO(s). 10. Accomplishing the required work either in an independent manner or in cooperation with the Government, Government-furnished Contractor resources, and other US and host nation agencies.


C.7.1 General Resource Requirements A. The Contractor shall: 1. Provide continuous supervision of Contractor personnel performing work under this contract from the first day of performance through completion of the TO. 2. Provide all services, resources, and support twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, three hundred [and] sixty five (365) days per year unless otherwise specified in the TO or by the Government. 3. Ensure that their personnel performing work under this contract comply with the contract and applicable TO requirements in an effective, timely, efficient, and courteous manner. 4. Ensure that their operations managers performing work under this contract collaborate with and focus all security and protective efforts through DS/RSO.

Page 4 of 67 5. Ensure that their personnel performing work under this contract have and maintain applicable certifications, licenses, and permits acceptable in the commercial market and required by federal, state, local, and host country laws; and maintain such certifications at the TO performance location and make them available for Government inspection. 6. Ensure that their personnel and canines performing work under this contract are properly equipped in accordance with Attachment 6, Standard Equipment and the TO. 7. Ensure that their personnel who are provided uniforms, personal protective equipment (PPE), and other gear wear, use, and/or employ such equipment, unless otherwise directed in writing by DS/RSO. 8. Ensure that timely notification, when the contractor is required to provide notification, is provided to the Government in accordance with this contract and subsequent TO’s.

C.7.2 Work Restrictions and Requirements A. The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that no Contractor personnel performing work under this contract are working, i.e. actually engaged in the performance of one’s assigned tasks, for more than twelve (12) consecutive hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period, to include work breaks. The following activities are not considered work: roll call/guard mount, commuting to/from work, biometric attendance scanning, equipment issuance/return, and in/out processing. Any additional non-work activities will be identified in the TO. If the individual is performing training, weapons qualification or practice, or any non-task order-related work for the Contractor, those hours shall count against this twelve (12) hour work restriction. 2. Although Contractor personnel performing work under this contract may be DS/OPO/WPS-approved for multiple positions/labor categories, ensure that such personnel do not simultaneously work/fill more that one position/labor category on the same shift. 3. Ensure that Contractor personnel and explosives detection canines (EDCs) performing work under this contract do not assume work under this contract unless the individual or canine has been in a non-working status for a minimum of eight (8) consecutive hours prior to reporting for work. 4. Ensure that guard services personnel performing work under this contract have one (1) twenty-four (24) consecutive hour rest period after no more than five (5) consecutive workdays and one (1) dedicated training day (5:1:1). Ensure that all other Contractor personnel and canines performing work under this contract have one (1) twenty-four (24) consecutive hour rest period after no more than six (6) consecutive workdays, to include training days. During this rest period, personnel and canines shall not engage in any type of training, weapons qualification or practice, administrative functions, or perform any other work assignments. Food-reward canines are exempted from this restriction. Specific work-week scheduling (i.e., X days on, X days off) and staffing patterns within the scope of this requirement will be established in the TO. 5. Ensure that all Contractor personnel performing work under this contract begin work promptly and remain on-the-job until properly relieved (see Appendix B, “Definitions”). 6. Ensure that all Contractor personnel performing work under this contract that are on break:

Page 5 of 67 a. Continuously monitor and maintain radio communication with DS/RSO’s protective and/or security operations. b. Keep all assigned equipment on their person and ready for use. c. Remain available to provide rapid response support.

C.7.3 Subcontracting Requirements A. The Contractor shall directly employ all personnel providing protective and armed guard services unless otherwise authorized by the CO. B. In the event that the Contractor requires the services of subcontractors to perform any obligations under the TO, the Contractor shall obtain prior written consent from the CO. The CO is entitled to review the qualifications of and reject any Contractor-proposed subcontractor that he/she reasonably considers not capable or qualified to perform the requirements of this contract and applicable TO.

C.7.4 Standard Operating Procedures A. After TO award, DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS will provide the Contractor with the applicable Department’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) related to the specific services required by the TO. These SOPs provide step-by-step instructions on how a specific operation, method, or procedure is to be accomplished by Contractor personnel performing work under this contract and resulting TO. These SOPs shall not be modified or revised by the Contractor without the written permission of DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS contracting officer’s representative (COR). B. The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that all of their personnel performing work under this contract are fully familiar with and adhere to the applicable SOPs’ requirements. 2. Submit any suggested modification or revision to any SOPs in writing (via e-mail) to DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS COR. The requested modification or revision shall not be implemented by the Contractor until written authorization is received from the aforementioned Department officials. 3. If the Contractor believes that the Department has made a change to an SOPs’ requirement that calls for effort outside the scope of this contract, the Contractor shall inform (via e-mail) the CO and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM within two (2) calendar days after notification of such change, and shall not proceed with the changed requirement(s) until notified to do so (in writing or verbally) by the CO or DS/OPO/WPS COR. C.7.5 Use of Force A. The Contractor shall ensure that their armed personnel at the TO performance location, which includes those personnel performing work under this contract and any personnel providing security for the Contractor, are provided with, understand, and comply with Attachment 5, “Use of Force” and, if applicable, the “Mission firearms policy.” Additionally, ensure that such personnel are provided with, understand, and comply with all applicable US and host nation laws and regulations restricting authority to carry weapons and rules on the use of force. Inappropriate use of force or unauthorized carrying of weapons by Contractor personnel may subject such personnel to US or host nation prosecution and/or civil liability.

Page 6 of 67 B. The Contractor shall secure a signed and dated certification from all of their personnel who are authorized by the Government to be armed, prior to that individual performing work at the TO performance location. This certification shall state that the individual has read and understood all applicable policy(ies), requirements, and rules (see section C.7.5.A), and be renewed at the beginning of each TO performance period. The original signed certification or a copy shall be filed and maintained in the individual’s personnel file (see section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System”) for Government inspection.

C.7.6 Biometric Time and Attendance System Requirements A. The Contractor shall: 1. Acquire and employ a fully operational real-time biometric attendance system at the TO performance location to be used as a positive attendance checkpoint and identification of the individual operating the system’s terminal. The TO will identify whether the system shall also be used as a time and attendance checkpoint. The system shall be rugged and durable enough to withstand the environment at the TO performance location. The system’s physical, functional, and/or performance features shall include the following: a. Enterprise version that will accommodate unlimited users and terminal locations. b. Windows-IDIQd client/server software with all terminals reporting to and supported by the central server. c. Role IDIQd permissions allowing key designated Contractor personnel access to different levels of information. d. User management with a secure auditing trail that allows modifications to the system’s settings or overwriting of information to be tracked, ensuring dataIDIQ integrity and security. e. Ability to automatically collect data from various terminals to generate daily, weekly, and monthly reports and statistics, which can be filtered by date, site, location, personnel type, terminal, and transaction type. f. Attendance exceptions tracking. g. Multi-level password protection. h. Personnel records locking to prevent unintended data overwrite. i. Flexible configuration of the rounding rules and grace periods. j. Fully customizable to accommodate different business rules. k. Sufficient capacity to store and track attendance and, if applicable, time of all Contractor personnel working at the TO performance location. 2. Deliverable - Upon TO award, provide (via hand-delivery or e-mail) a copy of the manufacturer’s equipment specifications and user’s manual to DS/OPO/WPS COR for usage authorization and DS/OPO/WPS GTM and DS/RSO COR for reference. 3. Maintain the biometric system to ensure maximum availability and operability throughout the TO option period. 4. Ensure that all Contractor personnel performing work at the TO performance location (excluding non-contract line item number personnel) confirm attendance using this system on a daily basis, unless otherwise directed by the TO. This requirement includes the individual confirming arrival at the TO performance location. This daily attendance requirement is waived for personnel who are on overnight mission-related work assignments and lack access to such system. The identity of such excepted personnel

Page 7 of 67 shall be reported to the DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM when submitting the required daily attendance exception report required below. 5. Deliverable - Daily, by close of business (COB), submit (via e-mail) an attendance exception report to DS/OPO/WPS GTM and DS/RSO COR. 6. In conjunction with the Defense Department’s Synchronized Pre-deployment and Operational Tracker (see Section H of the IDIQ contract), ensure that all TO performance-location/contingency operations area Contractor personnel make use of the Joint Asset Movement Management System, as required.

C.7.7 Drug and Alcohol Prohibition A. Contractor personnel performing work under this contract are prohibited from: 1. Using any drug or substance identified in 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 1308.11, Schedule I under the Controlled Substances Act (see A substance need not be listed as a controlled substance to be treated as a Schedule I substance by the Government. A controlled substance analogue is a substance which is intended for human consumption and is structurally or pharmacologically substantially similar to or is represented as being similar to a Schedule I or Schedule 2 substance and is not an approved medication in the US. See 21 United States Code [U.S.C.] §802(32)(A) for the definition of a controlled substance analogue and 21 U.S.C. §813 for the schedule. Cannabis remains a controlled substance under Schedule I of Controlled Substances Act (CSA). 2.. Using any non-Schedule I drug or substance that is identified in the other Schedules in 21 CFR part 1308 except when the use is prescribed by a US licensed medical practitioner who is familiar with the individual’s medical history, is providing care to the individual, and who has certified to DS/OPO/WPS that the substance will not adversely affect the individual’s ability to safely perform any one of the essential functions of the position(s) the individual has been DS/OPO/WPS-approved for or is carrying out under the WPS 2 contract. Androgenic anabolic steroids are controlled substances and classified as Schedule 2I drugs under CSA. 3. Using alcohol while en route to or at their TO place of performance, unless otherwise authorized in the TO.

C.7.8 Rest and Recuperation Rotation Schedule

A. OCONUS - The Contractor shall establish a rest and recuperation (R&R) rotation schedule for US and third country national (TCN) Contractor personnel performing work under the TO, while continuing to meet the staffing and performance requirements of the TO, as follows. 1. US citizens must be in a billing status at the TO performance location for at least sixty (60) consecutive calendar days prior to being eligible for and taking R&R leave. US citizens shall not remain at the TO place of performance, working or otherwise, longer than one hundred [and] twenty (120) consecutive calendar days. US citizens shall be afforded three (3) R&R leave rotations per TO option period. The minimum R&R leave duration shall be no less than twenty-eight (28) consecutive calendar days without prior DS/OPO/WPS COR approval.

Page 8 of 67 2. TCNs must be in a billing status at the TO performance location for at least sixty (60) consecutive calendar days prior to being eligible for and taking R&R leave. TCNs shall not remain at the TO place of performance, working or otherwise, longer than one hundred [and] twenty (120) consecutive calendar days. All TCNs shall be afforded two (2) R&R leave rotations per TO option period. The minimum R&R leave duration shall be no less than twenty-eight (28) consecutive calendar days without prior DS/OPO/WPS COR approval. B. OCONUS - The Contractor shall abide by local labor laws and standards for LN Contractor personnel. C. OCONUS - Rotations for Contractor personnel filling TO designated critical positions/labor categories shall overlap by one (1) day to ensure one hundred percent (100%) position/labor category coverage. Additional overlap days may only occur with prior DS/OPO/WPS COR approval.


The Contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, supplies, amenities, transportation, tools, material, supervision, and other items and non-personal services necessary to perform to the standards of this contract as defined in the TO, except for those items specified in the TO as Government-furnished property (GFP) and services. C.8.1 Protective Services A. The Contractor shall: 1. Provide protective services (PRS) for the personal protection and movement of DS/RSO- designated principals, which includes mission preparation (e.g., mission planning, route and site surveys, pre-mission briefings), venue protection, mission review and documentation, and any other mission essential tasks directed by DS/RSO. 2. Prevent adverse events from occurring to the principal(s), and failing that, minimize the resulting consequences and recover from any effects. 3. Provide a quick reaction force (QRF) to supply enhanced support for protective movements, which includes route reconnaissance, advances, tactical support, armed rapid response, tactical medical evacuation, and other mission essential tasks directed by DS/RSO. 4. Conduct mission essential training (e.g., mission planning, route and site survey, attacks on principals, motorcade operations, rules on use of force, venue protection, etc.) on each scheduled work day that PRS/QRF teams are not assigned a protection mission or performing mission essential tasks. This training shall not be conducted on the team’s scheduled day off in accordance with the requirements of section C.7.2, “Work Restrictions and Requirements.” Advise DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM when training is being conducted in accordance with section C. C.8.1.1 Agent-in-Charge Responsibility and Support DS/RSO personnel, i.e., RSO, assistant RSO, special agent, or security protective specialist, will generally accompany protective movements that involve armed Contractor personnel. The accompanying aforementioned Department official is designated agent-in-charge (AIC). The AIC supervises the protective operation and is responsible for making all decisions related to the safety and security of the principal(s) and protective services detail (PSD) members. Protective

Page 9 of 67 movements may also consist of or be supported by other WPS 2 labor categories, security elements, and/or US/host government protective forces. C.8.1.2 Types of Protective Movements Protective movements are provided through various modes of transportation, can last anywhere from one (1) hour to multiple days, weeks, or months, and are operated at various levels of visibility as determined by DS/RSO. C.8.1.3 Protective Services Standard Operating Procedures After TO award, DS/RSO will provide the Contractor’s PRS/QRF personnel performing work under a TO with the applicable SOPs. C.8.1.4 Deliverables At the end of each month, the Contractor shall submit (via e-mail) to DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS COR a Movement Operations Summary tracking report using the DS/RSO- provided template. The information contained within this tracking report shall be summarized and submitted as part of the “Monthly Performance Status Report,” Appendix L (see section C.9.5, “Deliverables”). C.8.2 Guard Services A. The Contractor shall: 1. Provide guard services for the security of Government-owned/leased/controlled facilities, buildings, property and areas as well as all Government employees and their eligible accompanying household members and other DS/RSO-designated persons. Guard services include, at a minimum, the following: a. Preventing, deterring, detecting, and detaining by use of necessary force persons from attempting or gaining unauthorized access to Government-owned/leased/controlled facilities, buildings, property, and areas. b. Preventing, detecting, and defending by use of necessary force Government- owned/leased/controlled facilities, buildings, property and areas as well as Government employees and their eligible household members and other DS/RSO- designated persons against criminal, terrorist, and hostile acts or attacks, including hostile intent. c. Preventing, detecting, and deterring damage to and theft of Government- owned/leased/controlled facilities, buildings, and property as well as that of Government employees and their eligible household members and other DS/RSO- designated persons. d. Maintaining order within DS/RSO-designated Government-owned/leased/controlled facilities/buildings and areas. e. Providing immediate and detailed warnings of any imminent or actual threat actions related to the Government’s employees, DS/RSO-designated persons, facilities, buildings, property, activities, and information. f. Responding to and bringing any situation under control, i.e. crisis management. g. Calling for necessary emergency response services. 2. Provide an emergency response team (ERT) to defend against criminal, terrorist, and hostile threats or attacks directed at Government facilities/buildings, property, and areas,

Page 10 of 67 in coordination with the guard force, as well as perform any other mission essential tasks and training directed by DS/RSO. C.8.2.1 Off-Site Special Events or Activities In the event that DS/RSO requires guard services to cover off-site, i.e. a location other than the TO performance location, special events or activities, the Contractor shall immediately notify (via e-mail) DS/OPO/WPS COR and CO. The Contractor shall not commit any resources until a notice to proceed or signed contract modification is received from the CO. C.8.2.2 Guard Electronic Monitoring System Requirements A. The Contractor shall use a guard electronic monitoring system (GEMS) to record security incidents and monitor guard force performance at the TO performance location. This system may be Government- or Contractor – acquired or -furnished as specified in the TO. B. Whether Government-furnished or Contractor- acquired or -furnished, the Contractor shall: 1. Maintain the GEMS to ensure maximum availability and operability throughout the TO option period. 2. Obtain DS/OPO/WPS COR approval before making any software changes/revisions to the system. 3. Maintain the system’s integrity. 4. Ensure that data are timely, completely, and accurately entered into the system. C. Deliverable – If the TO requires the Contractor to provide GEMS, upon TO award the Contractor shall provide (via hand-delivery or e-mail) a copy of the manufacturer’s equipment specifications and user’s manual to DS/OPO/WPS COR for usage authorization and DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM for reference. The Contractor provided GEMS shall be fully operational and meet the following physical, functional, and/or performance requirements: 1. Include uniquely identifiable, fault tolerant, battery-operated, portable handheld devices able to collect and record the location, date, and time of the roving patrol or supervisory inspection, as well as the identity of the individual performing such, and download this data to a computer for printing or e-mailing. These devices must have sufficient memory capacity to capture all data collected for an entire shift. The number of required devices will be identified in the TO. 2. Monitor performance of and adherence to the roving patrol requirements established in the Post Orders (see below). 3. Allow monitoring for supervision and quality control of guard services. 4. Record incidents associated with a checkpoint. 5. Have checkpoint/incident/guard media tags that require no external operating power (e.g., touch buttons, barcode media tags, etc.). Do not use radio-frequency identification tags. The number of required media tags will be identified in the TO. 6. Include sufficient recharging stations for all handheld data readers. 7. Be durable and able to operate in extreme environmental conditions. 8. Possess a customizable rule-IDIQd capability to examine patrol activities and allow the Contractor to specify the number of checks required for a group of locations during a specific time frame, in order to generate a variety of custom reports, to include exception reports identifying any missed locations.

Page 11 of 67 9. Include software that has data filtering capabilities to offer a variety of reports in Microsoft Office compatible formats to document guard activity and supervisory oversight. 10. Include backup capability, as well as the ability to archive information for later examination and printing. 11. Provide a secure auditing trail that allows modifications to the system’s setting or overwriting of information to be tracked, ensuring dataIDIQ integrity and security. 12. Provide for separate codes to be assigned to individual guards, guard supervisors, guard posts, and certain defined incidents or events to be contained on an incident card. C.8.2.3 General and Post Orders and Standard Operating Procedures A. General Orders - After TO award, DS/OPO/WPS will provide the Contractor with DS/RSO’s General Orders. These orders provide directions and instructions that apply to all TO Contractor personnel providing or supporting guard services under a TO. B. Post Orders – The Contractor shall: 1. Prior to implementing guard services under the TO, prepare and supply Post Orders for each post and/or venue at the TO performance location for which the Contractor is required to provide guard services under a TO. These Post Orders provide policies, procedures, and guidelines that apply to all TO Contractor personnel providing or supporting guard services. See Appendix C, “Sample Guard Force Post Orders” for sanitized examples of post orders. Post orders are considered SOPs, and the guidance contained in section C.7.4, “Standard Operating Procedures” applies to these orders. Include in these post orders, at a minimum, guidance relative to the following: a. All operational procedures for the specific post/venue. b. Use, inspection, and operational maintenance of all physical security equipment. c. Making detailed, timely, accurate, and legible entries in the post/venue’s log book(s). d. Incident response and notification procedures, as well as the recording and detailed reporting of incidents in the respective post/venue’s log book and the completion and submission of an Incident Report form in accordance with the requirements of section C.10.5, “Incident Reporting.” e. Obtaining emergency and medical assistance when necessary. f. Performing roving patrols, the frequency of such patrols, and the use of GEMS in conducting such patrols. g. Performing supervisory post inspections, the frequency of such inspections, and the use of GEMS in conducting such inspections. h. Use of force rules. 2. Revise Post Orders as needs dictate and within two (2) calendar days of request by DS/RSO or DS/OPO/WPS COR. 3. Deliverable - Submit (via e-mail) initial and any revised drafted Post Orders to DS/RSO for review and written approval prior to implementation. Immediately forward (via e- mail) a copy of the DS/RSO-approved orders to DS/OPO/WPS COR. 4. Translate all DS/RSO-approved and -issued orders, directives, and instructions into English and any other relevant language(s) used by their personnel performing or supporting guard services under this contract, so that all such personnel can make use of and refer to these documents during the performance of their work. This requirement applies to any and all updates and revisions made to such documents.

Page 12 of 67 5. Maintain a copy of both the English and translated orders, directives, and instructions at each post/venue at the TO performance location for which the Contractor provides guard services, so that all such personnel can make use of and refer to these instructions during the performance of their work. C. Standard Operating Procedures - After TO award, DS/RSO will provide the Contractor’s ERT personnel performing work under this contract with the applicable SOPs. C.8.2.4 General Duties, Responsibilities, and Requirements C. Access and Exit Control Posts/Venues A. The Contractor shall assign guards to maintain access and exit control of areas identified by DS/RSO. Such control responsibilities include, at a minimum, the following: 1. Conducting access- and exit-point screening and control of employees, visitors, deliveries/packages, and vehicles to ensure no unauthorized person, vehicle, hazardous devices, weapons, and contraband are allowed into the protected facility/building or area. 2. Checking employee and visitor identification to ensure only authorized access to the protected facility/building or area. 3. Signing in employees, visitors, and vehicles once identification has been confirmed and it has been determined there is valid authorization to enter the protected facility/building or area. 4. Controlling and issuing visitor and vehicle passes. 5. Directing and stopping vehicular traffic outside the protected facility/building or area’s gate(s). 6. Performing emergency procedures for gate closure. 7. For residential posts, preventing, deterring and detecting intruders, calling for assistance, and defending US employees and their household members against all types of violence, and preventing theft and destruction of their property. C. Roving Patrols A. The Contractor shall assign guards to patrol DS/RSO - identified areas at staggered times in accordance with the routes and schedules established in the DS/RSO-approved Post Orders. At a minimum, the Contractor’s assigned roving patrol guards shall be responsible for: 1. Preventing, detecting, and deterring damage to and theft of Government- owned/leased/controlled property as well as that of Government employees and their eligible household members. 2. Ensuring that designated security containers and facilities/buildings are secured. 3. Randomly and timely checking each DS/RSO-designated patrol checkpoint. 4. Ensuring that all discovered security-related incidents are recorded using the GEMS electronic bar code incident card. 5. Ensuring that employee/personnel, visitors, and vehicle identification cards and passes are visibly displayed. C. Observation Posts A. The Contractor shall assign guards to maintain fixed stationary positions at DS/RSO - identified observation posts. At a minimum, the Contractor’s assigned observation post guards shall be responsible for:

Page 13 of 67 1. Maintaining continuous surveillance of activities occurring outside of the protected facility, under all visibility conditions, for signs of potential threats to the facility or area. 2. Providing immediate and detailed warnings of any imminent or actual threat actions. C. Relief Guards A. The Contractor shall: 1. Provide additional guard services personnel to allow relief breaks for guard services personnel as specified in section C., “Rest/Meal Breaks.” 2. Not use working/on duty roving patrol guards to fulfill this requirement. 3. Ensure that such relief personnel are DS/OPO/WPS-approved at the same labor category or higher than those personnel they are relieving. C. Flying Flags A. Only if directed by DS/RSO, the Contractor shall assign US guard personnel to raise and lower the US flag and other flags in locations and at times directed by DS/ RSO or COR. Such assigned personnel shall immediately report the condition of frayed and worn flags to DS/RSO COR for replacement and disposal by the Government. C. Roll Call and Inspection and Pre- and Post-Shift Briefings A. Unless waived by DS/RSO or COR, the Contractor’s guard services management shall: 1. Conduct a daily roll call and inspection of guard force personnel providing work under this contract prior to the beginning of each shift. This roll call and inspection does not count towards the twelve (12) hour maximum work day established in section C.7.2, “Work Restrictions and Requirements.” 2. Ensure that sufficient time is allotted for this official formation in order to perform the following: a. Dispense daily work assignments; alert personnel of any security operations, crucial information, and special instructions; and limited review of learned skills (e.g., maintenance of post/venue logs, observation techniques, etc.). b. Ensure that guard force personnel are properly and professionally attired and that their uniforms are clean, neat, and in good order. c. Ensure that guard force personnel possess their Department-issued personal identification verification (PIV) card and current CLIN card. d. Ensure that guard force personnel are properly equipped in accordance with Attachment 6, Standard Equipment and the TO, and that such equipment is in working order. e. Verify that all Government-approved armed guard force personnel have completed and met their contract required weapon(s) qualification and training requirements as specified in Attachment 3, Firearms Qualifications. f. Verify that Government-approved armed guard force personnel are carrying only those weapons/ammunition authorized by their respective position/labor category. g. Verify that issued weapon(s) and magazines is/are clean, properly maintained, in working order, and that the weapon(s) and magazines have not been modified or altered unless authorized by DS, Physical Security Programs (PSP), Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicles Division (DS/PSP/DEAV). h. Conduct a use of force brief. 3. Ensure that guard force supervisors hold pre- and post-shift briefings.

Page 14 of 67 C. Rest/Meal Breaks A. The Contractor shall: 1. Schedule, record, and provide relief guard(s) to ensure that, at a minimum, guards, screeners, and guard service drivers as well as their immediate supervisors receive a fifteen (15)-minute rest break for every four (4) hours worked, unless otherwise directed by DS/RSO. This record shall be made available for Government inspection at the TO performance location. 2. Schedule, record, and provide relief guard(s) to ensure that guards, screeners, and guard service drivers as well as their immediate supervisors receive a thirty (30)-minute meal break during each full work day unless otherwise directed by DS/RSO. This record shall be made available for Government inspection at the TO performance location. 3. Make certain that rest and meal breaks do not run in succession. 4. Ensure that guard force personnel do not leave their post/venue for rest/meal breaks until properly relieved (see Appendix B, “Definitions”). C. Supervisory Post/Venue Inspections A. The Contractor shall ensure that guard force supervisory personnel conduct unannounced inspections of each post/venue the Contractor provides services for, at least three (3) times per shift and at varying times using GEMS. B. The Contractor shall ensure that the guard force supervisor certifies the inspection immediately after it takes place by signing, dating, annotating, and highlighting this activity in the respective post/venue’s log book (see section C., “Log Books and Office Supplies.” C. At a minimum, this inspection shall ensure that: 1. Each post/venue is properly staffed in accordance with DS/RSO instructions and the Guard Force Weekly Work Schedule (see section C.8.2.5.B, “Guard Force Weekly Work Schedule”). If not, immediately rectify such, and annotate such observation and remedy in the respective post/venue’s log book. 2. All guard force personnel are awake, properly uniformed, equipped, and present a neat, hygienic appearance. If not, immediately rectify such, and if personnel were found sleeping while on duty immediately report (via e-mail) the situation to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM. 3. All English and translated orders, instructions, and directives are immediately available at each post/venue in accordance with section C.8.2.3, “General and Post Orders and Standard Operating Procedures.” If not, immediately rectify such. 4. Each post/venue’s log(s) is/are properly maintained in accordance with this contract and the DS/RSO-approved Post Orders. If not, immediately rectify such. 5. Each post/venue is clean and orderly. If not, immediately rectify such. 6. Each post/venue’s required physical security equipment (e.g., area lighting, door/gate locks, radios, flashlights, vehicle inspection mirrors, perimeter vehicle barriers and gates, etc.) are present and in working order. If not previously notified, immediately report (via e-mail) such identified problem(s) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM and annotate such observation in the respective post/venue’s log book. Track reported problems and the remedy of such. 7. Each post/venue’s metal, explosive and chemical detection equipment and other applicable security equipment is maintained and serviced in accordance with the

Page 15 of 67 manufacturer’s manual/instructions and DS Engineering Service Office guidance. If not, immediately rectify such, and annotate such observation and remedy in the respective post/venue’s log book. C. Log Books and Office Supplies A. The Contractor shall: 1. Provide and equip each post/venue that the Contractor provides services for with an official log book(s) as well as with all necessary office supplies (e.g., pens, indelible markers, paper, paperclips, etc.). 2. Ensure that the log books are hard covered to protect the pages, are bound and sequentially numbered to make removal of any pages immediately evident, and the pages are lined. 3. Ensure that each book is identified, written in indelible marker on the outside cover, by TO performance location, respective DS/RSO post/venue name or number, and period of coverage (e.g. Baghdad, Iraq Embassy, guard post # 3, June 1, 2015 – August 31, 2015). 4. Daily, ensure that guard services personnel document, at a minimum, the following information with the respective dates and precise times, in the post/venue log book(s): a. The day’s activities, actions, duties performed, and notifications. b. Shift activities (e.g., time on and off duty, inspections, breaks, medical visits, etc.). c. Entry and exit of persons and vehicles as specified and directed by DS/RSO. d. Emergency drills (e.g., bomb threats, fire drills, etc.). e. Incidents and emergency services. f. Unusual events and observations. g. Security equipment failure. h. Other information as requested by DS/RSO and COR and/or DS/OPO/WPS COR. 5. Ensure that events or activities are not recorded in the log book before they occur. 6. Ensure that log book entries are made in pen (black or blue ink), printed legibly in English, and in chronological order. 7. Ensure that any entry errors are lined out in pen, initialed by the post/venue’s respective immediate supervisor rather than erased or obliterated, and corrected. 8. Retain completed log books in accordance with FAR 52.215.2 Audit and Records – Negotiation. C. Uniforms A. The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that their guard force personnel performing work under this contract are properly uniformed as prescribed in this contract, the TO and Attachment 6, Standard Equipment at the beginning of their shift and remain in proper uniform until the end of their shift. Any uniform part or accessory not prescribed or provided for herein, or authorized in this contract or TO, shall not be worn. Personnel who are not property uniformed at the times required by this contract will be considered “not working” until properly uniformed in accordance with this contract. The style, design, and color of the uniform will be identified in the TO. 2. Ensure that all uniform clothing fits well, i.e., not too long, short, tight, or loose, and is clean, neat, and pressed. 3. Launder, clean, press, and repair guard force uniforms, whether issued or stored.

Page 16 of 67 4. Beginning with the date of initial issuance, annually replace issued guard force uniforms and footwear. 5. Immediately replace uniforms that are identified by the Contractor’s own personnel or the Government as being ill-fitting, frayed, stained, faded, or worn-out. C.8.2.5 Deliverables A. Guard Force Management and Supervisory Organization Chart - After TO award and within ten (10) calendar days of initial operation, the Contractor shall provide (via e-mail) DS/RSO and COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM with a guard force organization chart that includes the identity, photograph, and contact information for all guard force managers and supervisors, including shift organization. The Contractor shall provide an updated chart to the aforementioned Government officials whenever changes are made to the chart. B. Guard Force Weekly Work Schedule - The Contractor shall: 1. Weekly, by noon on Friday of the previous week, prepare and submit (via e-mail) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM a Guard Force Weekly Work Schedule. The schedule shall define shift schedules, work locations (posts/venues, roving patrols, etc.) using DS/RSO’s chosen name and/or number, and the identity, position and location of all guard force personnel and any specialized security services personnel and canines assigned to work each shift. 2. As part of this schedule, include the training topic(s) that will be covered during roll call each day. 3. Immediately notify (verbally) DS/RSO and COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM of any staffing issues that will result in a lack of full TO- or DS/RSO-required operating coverage at any post/venue. 4. Verbally or electronically advise DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM within one (1) hour of any staffing changes made to the schedule. 5. At the end of the work week, if any staffing changes were made to the initial schedule resubmit (via e-mail) a corrected version of this schedule to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM. C. Guard Electronic Monitoring System Reports - The Contractor shall capture and furnish to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM the following GEMS reports: 1. Checkpoint Incident Report – daily each morning, furnish a report of any incidents detected the previous day that includes date, time, location, and type of incident. This is distinct from other contract-required incident reporting as specified in section C.10.5, “Incident Reporting.” 2. Supervisor Post/Venue Inspection Patrol Report – daily each morning, furnish a report verifying supervisory inspections performed the previous day by post/venue, noting time and date. 3. Exception Reports – daily each morning and on the first day of each month, furnish a report of all missed post/venue inspections and checkpoints and failure to complete the checkpoint route in the allotted time by shift and guard force personnel for the previous day and month. 4. Media Tag Location Report – Initially and whenever any changes are made furnish a report listing the location of all media tags.

Page 17 of 67 C.8.3 Specialized Security Services C.8.3.1 Tactical Operations Center Services A. The Contractor shall provide tactical operations center (TOC) services to monitor, coordinate, and integrate the operations and communications related to protective and security operations, which includes, at a minimum, the following: 1. Ensuring an effective, timely, and efficient response to incidents by integrating threat or incident-related preparedness, response, and recovery actions in coordination with DS/RSO. 2. Ensuring that all DS/RSO identified stakeholders receive timely and complete information. 3. Aiding in establishing priorities among incidents and associated allocation of resources. 4. Providing strategic coordination of US/host government and military response activities. C. Tactical Operations Center Services Standard Operating Procedures After TO award, DS/RSO will provide the Contractor’s TOC personnel with the applicable SOPs C.8.3.2 Threat Research and Analysis Services The Contractor shall provide threat research and analysis services (TRAS) to identify, collect, evaluate, and disseminate risk exposure information critical to DS/RSO and other security- related decision makers in preparation for and in response to attack or threat of violence against US Government interests. The Contractor’s TRAS personnel mines data and gathers key information from various credible sources in order to identify trends, events, or declarations of an intention or expression to cause harm to any US Government interest. C. Threat Research and Analysis Services Standard Operating Procedures After TO award, DS/RSO will provide the Contractor’s TRAS personnel performing work under this contract with the applicable SOPs. C.8.3.3 Language Services The Contractor shall provide interpreters and/or translators to facilitate verbal and/or written communications between non-English speaking and English-speaking individuals. Service forums include meetings, briefings, training, and/or operational support. The prerequisite target languages, skill(s), and proficiency level(s) for each position/labor category will be defined in the TO. C.8.3.4 Surveillance Detection Services A. The Contractor shall provide discreet surveillance detection (SD) services to establish the Department’s surveillance exposure status through assessment, information gathering, and detection of suspected surveillance actions being conducted against DS/RSO-identified facilities, buildings, personnel, and activities. B. The DS/RSO leads the SD team. C. Surveillance Detection Services General and Post Orders and Standard Operating Procedures After TO award, DS/RSO will provide the Contractor’s SD personnel who are performing work under this contract with General and Post Orders as well as the applicable SOPs.

Page 18 of 67 C.8.3.5 Explosives Ordinance Support Services A. The Contractor shall provide explosives ordinance support services. EOD support services may be utilized for, but not limited to, the following: 1. Performing explosives threat assessments. 2. Accessing and rendering safe procedures on any unexploded (UXO) or improvised explosive device. 3. Identifying and assessing ordnance conditions. 4. Conducting post-blast assessments and investigation. 5. Advising on recommended safe withdrawal procedures and distances. 6. Excavating and safely disposing of UXO. 7. Exploiting unknown items for technical intelligence value. 8. Performing light ordinance disposal operations. 9. Performing explosives ordinance disposal survey operations. 10. Performing vehicle recovery support operations. 11. Preparing and presenting explosives awareness classes. B. The need for SOPs relating to any of the services listed above will be defined in the TO. C.8.3.6 Host Country Integration Training Services A. OCONUS - The Contractor shall: 1. Provide PRS and guard force integration training services to LN security forces and/or locally employed staff (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) of the Government. 2. Carry out training services in accordance with the requirements established in section C., “Training Services,” the TO, and the Contractor’s “Training Management Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). 3. Coordinate this training with the RSO. C.8.3.7 Explosives Detection Canine Team Services A. The Contractor shall provide EDC team services to search and detect explosives and related materials as well as to enhance the operational objectives and effectiveness of the protective and security operations. EDC teams may be utilized for, but not limited to, the following: 1. Access control support for explosives detection (e.g., vehicles, visitors, material, etc.). 2. Explosives detection of abandoned/unattended packages. 3. Bomb threat and alarm responses. 4. Open area searches. 5. Building and structure searches. B. The Contractor shall ensure that handlers and canines are assigned and work together as teams, i.e. “one canine, one handler”. C. Explosives Detection Canine Standard Operating Procedures A. Deliverable - Within thirty (30) calendar days of TO award, the Contractor shall: 1. Prepare and submit (via e-mail) their SOPs relating to the management and health care of the canines at the TO performance location to DS/OPO/WPS and CO for review and approval and a copy to DS/OPO/WPS GTM for reference. Prior to submission, the Contractor’s SOPs shall be signed, dated, and certified by a US licensed doctor of veterinarian medicine (DMV) or veterinarian medical doctor (VMD) with a working

Page 19 of 67 knowledge of military/law enforcement working canines and kennel care. The guidance contained in section C.7.4, “Standard Operating Procedures” applies to these SOPs. a. The SOPs shall address, at a minimum: (1) The requirements of this contract. (2) Applicable requirements established in the Animal Welfare Act (i.e. 7 U.S.C. §2131 et seq. and 9 CFR § 3.1 through 3.19 Specifications for Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats). (3) The Scientific Working Group on Dog and Orthogonal Detection Guidelines (i.e. SWGDOG SC 4 - Kenneling and HealthCare). (4) The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) guidelines. (5) The following topics: a) Management and record keeping (e.g., management structure outlining accountability, responsibilities, and authority; establishment, management, and updating of SOPs and protocols; and animal identification and record keeping; etc.). b) Transportation standards and mobile or traveling housing (e.g., responsibilities of personnel, i.e. at point of origin, during transportation, and at the destination, transportation standards, transport enclosures, primary conveyances and notifications, food and water requirements, care in transit, terminal facilities, handling, etc.). c) Health care and husbandry standards (e.g., consideration on intake [behavioral history and evaluation, health status evaluation, minimizing stress, acclimation to destination’s climate and environment, etc.], veterinarian care [e.g., health monitoring and rounds, inspections, nutrition, diet and weight management, food preparation and storage, vaccinations, parasite control, injury and disease prevention and control, emergency medical treatment and care plan, pain management, population well-being, etc.], response to disease or illness [e.g., isolation, diagnosis, veterinarian consultation, and outbreak response], care [e.g., separation, feeding, watering, daily routine, grooming, enrichment and socialization, behavior modification, etc.], exercise, training, etc.), as well as procedures to be followed in the canine handler’s absence for any period of time. d) Population management (e.g., capacity for care, protocols for maintaining adequate capacity for care, monitoring statistical data, i.e., tracking each canine’s incidence of disease, temperature, food and water intake, defecation, and medication delivery, etc.). e) Housing (e.g., kennel housing and housing with the handler) standards and operations to include sound control, lighting, security (i.e. preventing unauthorized access, handler security awareness, and operational security), ventilation, sanitation (e.g., cleaning and disinfecting [sanitation procedures and fomite control], rodent/pest control, etc.). Housing type will be identified in the TO.

Page 20 of 67 f) Trauma management and emergency first aid care (e.g., when and how to obtain veterinary support, handler prevention and emergency first aid for environmental injury such as heatstroke, cold injuries, gastric dilation- volvulus [bloat], and snake bites, administration or application of routine medication, etc.) and euthanasia. g) Emergency response plan that directs the veterinarian, veterinarian technician, kennel master, and handlers when confronted with various types of threats and emergencies, such as fire, explosions, ground assaults by multiple personnel, the employment of weapons of mass destruction, and natural disasters, such as flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. The plan shall address plans to secure the safety of the canine to include, but not limited to: responsibility for plan implementation, veterinary care, alternative kenneling, methods of providing basic needs of the canine, such as food, water, and exercise, donning of a powered air system and nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) resistant cover over the canine’s cage/kennel, and installation of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in the canine’s housing and/or working environment. h) Training (i.e. proficiency and obedience). i) Physical conditioning program, i.e. exercise, designed to achieve peak performance of the canine and cover the three (3) body systems: 1) the musculoskeletal system, 2) the cardiovascular system, and 3) the pulmonary system. j) Transitioning/retirement. k) Procurement and replacement process for a canine that has retired, died, or otherwise left the TO, or when the veterinarian has stated in writing that the canine has a very limited work expectancy remaining. C. Explosives Detection Canine Team Work Requirements A. General Requirements - The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that EDC personnel maintain proper control of canines. 2. Ensure that canines are not left unattended while working or training. 3. Immediately remove from the work environment any canine that behaves aggressively toward an individual. Within eight (8) hours of the event, ensure that the canine is examined by their veterinarian. 4. Except when performing missions, ensure that canines are not removed from the TO performance location without prior notification (via e-mail) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM. Permanent removal of canines requires prior authorization from DS/OPO/WPS COR. 5. Immediately, report (via e-mail) to the DS/OPO/WPS GTM whenever any canine does not have an assigned handler present at the TO performance location (e.g., R&R leave, emergency medical leave, ceases working, etc.). 6. Ensure that there are canine first aid and trauma kits available in the kennel/housing area, training sites, and work areas, including while on PSD missions, and immediately replace any items that are used from the kit with new items.

Page 21 of 67 7. Ensure that all health, training, and utilization records accompany the canine on every permanent transfer. 8. Ensure that canines receive shelter from the sun, rain, snow, cold and/or other severe weather conditions on a frequent and as needed basis, and are afforded recurring re- hydration. B. Work Scheduling - The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that the length of work for EDC teams is consistent with the needs of DS/RSO, taking into consideration the climate and terrain conditions which can enhance or reduce a team’s effectiveness. The standard work schedule for canines is approximately thirty (30) hours per week, which does not include the time that is required and necessary for biological breaks, training (proficiency and obedience), and exercising the canine. This work schedule also does not include the handler’s responsibility for record keeping, the canine’s feeding, grooming, and daily health checks, as well as the inspection, maintenance, and cleaning of the canine’s equipment, housing, and other facilities. 2. Ensure that handlers are not assigned additional duties that interfere with their canine- related duties. C. Work Breaks - At a minimum, the Contractor shall: 1. Schedule, record, and ensure that canines receive a twenty (20) minute biological break for every hour of work. However, if the temperature is over one hundred [and] five (105) degrees, then ensure that the canine receives equal biological break time to work time (e.g., after thirty (30) minutes of work the canine receives thirty (30) minutes of break time). This record shall be made available for Government inspection at the TO performance location. 2. Schedule, record, and ensure that canines receive a twenty (20) minute biological break for every two (2) hours they are housed in a temporary enclosure. This record shall be made available for Government inspection at the TO performance location. C. Criteria and Requirements for Retiring Explosives Detection Canines A. EDC canines providing services under this contract shall be retired: 1. On the day the canine reaches seven (7) years of age. 2. Deliverable - When the Contractor’s veterinarian has recommended that a canine be retired because of injury or disease. The veterinarian may also recommend the appropriateness of euthanasia in lieu of retirement if a condition is likely to leave the canine in pain or with a very poor quality of life. Prior to retiring or euthanizing any canine, the Contractor shall notify (via e-mail) DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM and CO and receive approval (via e-mail) from DS/OP/WPS before retiring or euthanizing any canine. The following list of examples may be causes for retirement; it is not inclusive. a. Hip problems. b. Back and neck problems. c. Arthritis. d. Physical and/or psychological abnormalities. e. Epilepsy/seizures (zero tolerance). f. Skin conditions. B. Deliverable - The Contractor shall make and document every effort to place a retired canine with a suitable owner or US adoption agency, where the canine will be safe and cared for.

Page 22 of 67 Prior to placement, the Contractor shall inform (via e-mail) DS/OPO/WPS and GTM and CO of the canine’s adoption information, including the location’s identity and contact information, for approval. The Contractor shall place a retiring canine by using the following options for placement in order of priority: 1. The current handler. 2. Other US handlers. 3. Contractor personnel. 4. US Government employees. 5. US canine adoption agencies. C. Deliverables Daily, the Contractor shall ensure that the “Monthly Explosives Detection Canine Team Activity Report” is completed in the format depicted in Appendix D, and is used to record the work utilization and find data of each team to include the canine break and training time provided. This record shall be filed and maintained in the team’s file in accordance with section C., “Task Order Explosives Detection Canine Team File.” The utilization and find data contained within this record shall be summarized and submitted as part of the “Monthly Performance Status Report,” Appendix L (see section C.9.5, “Deliverables”). C.8.3.8 Canine Health and Medical Care Service A. The Contractor shall provide canine health and medical care services (H&MCS) for their canines by a US licensed DMV or VMD, with a working knowledge of military/law enforcement working canines and kennel care at the TO performance location. At a minimum, canine H&MCS shall include the following: 1. Providing first aid, vaccinations, examinations, diagnostic, preventive medicine, minor surgery, triage, euthanasia, fitness-for-work evaluations, and stabilization for transport via land, water, or air to a veterinary hospital or confinement. 2. Design and application of a canine physical fitness conditioning program. 3. Sanitary inspections of kennel/housing facilities. 4. Food handling and storage inspections. 5. Professional review of plans for new construction and modification of canine housing, support buildings, and clinics. 6. Prescribing an adequate feeding program. 7. Instructing EDC personnel in all matters related to the canine’s health and well-being. C. Work Requirements A. General Requirements - The Contractor shall: 1. Establish and maintain programs of adequate veterinary care including, at a minimum, the following: a. Appropriate facilities, personnel, equipment, supplies, and services so as to comply with the requirements of this contract and the applicable TO. b. Appropriate methods to control, prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases and injuries. Weekend, holiday, and emergency care shall be readily available. c. Daily observation of all canines to assess their health and well-being. Daily observations may be accomplished by EDC personnel other than the attending veterinarian, provided that a mechanism of direct and frequent communication is

Page 23 of 67 established so that timely and accurate information on problems of canine health, behavior, and well-being is conveyed to the attending veterinarian. d. Guidance provided to the veterinarian technician and EDC personnel involved in the care and working of canines regarding canine health, care, feeding, medication administration, recognition of symptoms of illness or injury, first aid, and emergency care prior to their working under the TO and at least annually thereafter. 2. Establish a medical record, health record, or medical chart for each canine. All entries shall be made in English, blue or black ink, and be legible. Ensure that all such records are accurate, kept current and retained at the TO performance location for the duration of the canine’s performance under the TO. Ensure that all such records are made available to the Government upon request or for examination. Ensure that this record accompanies the canine on every permanent transfer to or from the TO performance location. Retain these records in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records - Negotiation.” B. Examinations - The Contractor shall provide veterinarian services to: 1. Ensure that a wellness and fitness-for-work examination is conducted on each canine not more than ten (10) calendar days after arriving at the TO performance location. 2. Ensure that semi-annually, a wellness and fitness-for-work examination is conducted on each canine working under the TO. At a minimum, the examination shall include: a. Confirmation that vaccinations for canine distemper, canine adenovirus-2 infection (hepatitis and respiratory disease), canine parvovirus infection, parainfluenza, rabies, Bordetella, Corona virus, and Leptospirosis has been administered and are up to date or a serum antibody titer measurement for other than the rabies vaccine reflects that adequate, effective immunity is present. b. An assessment of the canine’s diet, exercise, thirst, breathing, behavior, habits, elimination patterns (i.e., bowel movements and urination), lifestyle, and general health. c. A check and determination of the canine’s general appearance (e.g., eyes, ears, nose and face, mouth, gums and teeth, skin, coat, etc.). d. Auscultation - listening to and assessing the canine’s heart and lungs (e.g., heart rate and rhythm, lung sound, cardio system at rest and upon exercise, respiratory system at rest and upon exercise, etc.). e. Palpate - feeling specific areas of the canine’s body (pulse, lymph nodes, legs and abdomen). f. Confirmation through microscopic evaluation of a fresh sample of the canine’s feces for the absence of parasite eggs. g. Confirmation that the dog does not have heartworm. 3. Ensure that annually, a full health and fitness-for-work examination is conducted on each canine working under the TO. At a minimum, the examination shall include: a. Confirmation that vaccinations for canine distemper, canine adenovirus-2 infection (hepatitis and respiratory disease), canine parvovirus infection, parainfluenza, rabies, Bordetella, Corona virus, and Leptospirosis has been administered and are up to date or a serum antibody titer measurement for other than the rabies vaccine reflects that adequate, effective immunity is present.

Page 24 of 67 b. An assessment of the canine’s diet, exercise, thirst, breathing, behavior, habits, elimination patterns (i.e., bowel movements and urination), lifestyle, and general health. c. A check and determination of the canine’s general appearance (e.g., eyes, ears, nose and face, mouth, gums and teeth, skin, coat, etc.). d. Auscultation - listening to and assessing the canine’s heart and lungs (e.g., heart rate and rhythm, lung sound, cardio system at rest and upon exercise, respiratory system at rest and upon exercise, etc.). e. Palpate - feeling specific areas of the canine’s body (pulse, lymph nodes, legs and abdomen). f. Confirmation through microscopic evaluation of a fresh sample of the canine’s feces for the absence of parasite eggs. g. Confirmation that the dog does not have heartworm. h. Confirmation through blood testing (liver values, kidney values, and a complete blood count), biochemistry profile urinalysis, and thyroid hormone testing that the canine is free of any disorders or physical abnormality. i. Assessment of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and senses, as well as sensory organs. j. Teeth cleaning, if needed. k. Additional x-rays may be performed to assess any signs of degenerative changes in the bones or joints or any signs of subclinical disease. 4. For canines that have behaved aggressively toward an individual, ensure that a physical evaluation is conducted within forty-eight (48) hours of the event. At a minimum, include tests for hormonal balance, structural or soft tissue pain or discomfort, a neurological consultation, urine metabolite screening (especially for excessive levels of glutamine, associated with neuronal death), and allergies. 5. Conduct a wellness examination within three (3) days prior to the canine’s scheduled departure flight and retirement. 6. Deliverable - Within two (2) working days of performing any examination, certify to the canine’s health and well-being and physical capability to work under the Contract. Submit such report and certification to DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM and DS/RSO COR, and update the canines’ medical record accordingly. C. Inspection and Inventory - The Contractor shall provide veterinarian services to: 1. Quarterly, inspect the kennel/housing facility to ensure that proper sanitary standards are being maintained per the Contractor’s SOP. The quarterly inspection shall also include the following elements: a. An examination of the kennel/housing facility(ies) for safety hazards and distractions that may interfere with the rest and relaxation of the canines, to include recommendation(s) if applicable. b. A review of the adequacy of the kennel/housing facility’s structure (particularly for environmental conditions) and feeding and watering schedules, to include recommendation(s) if applicable. c. A review of kennel/housing facility’s sanitation and cleaning procedures and food storage procedures to minimize the risk of disease transmission to the canine, to include recommendation(s) if applicable.

Page 25 of 67 2. At time of delivery and quarterly, inspect food packaging for obvious tears or defects and to ensure that its shelf-life has not expired. Food packaging shall be marked by date of delivery and appropriate keeping time in indelible marker on the outside of the package. 3. Monthly, inspect food packages and storage facilities for condition and possible pest and rodent infestation as well as to ensure that the food is being stored and handled properly. 4. Monthly, inventory food amounts to ensure that at a minimum there is a ninety (90) day supply of food for each canine. With DS/OPO/WPS GTM approval, this minimum supply requirement can be adjusted depending on the ordering, acquisition, supply, and distribution times encountered at the TO performance location. C.8.3.9 Canine Veterinarian Clinic A. The Contractor shall: 1. Provide and maintain a canine veterinary clinic with adequate secure storage space capable of providing H&MCS. Ensure that this clinic meets the standards set forth in sections C., “Facilities and Services” and C., “Storage.” 2. Prepare and employ effective controls and procedures to guard against theft and diversion of controlled substances in accordance with CSA (21 USC § 801 et. seq.). 3. Comply with the CSA’s security standards for storage of controlled substances and List I chemicals. 4. Acquire all equipment, supplies, and material necessary to provide H&MCS as addressed in the Contractor’s “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). Ensure that medications acquired in support of this contract are purchased only from US sources.

C.8.4 Aviation Services

The Contractor shall provide aviation services for search and rescue, medical evacuations, transporting QRF to respond to incidents, and where required by DS/RSO, air transportation for COM or other Government employees. Such services will be defined in the TO.

C.8.5 Logistics Services and Support

This section describes the types of logistics services and support to be provided by the Contractor to sustain their operations under this contract at the TO performance location as well as the Government’s operations. C.8.5.1 Contractor’s Operations Logistic Services and Support C. Facilities and Services A. The Contractor shall: 1. Provide and maintain functional, safe, secure, clean, orderly, and sanitary living, dining, laundry, health, exercise, medical, and other facilities and services related to the welfare of their personnel and canines in accordance with this contract and Attachment 7, “Temporary Labor Camp Standards.” 2. Be considered the “owner and operator” of any such Contractor-provided facilities, and indemnify and hold the Government harmless for its failure to adhere to any applicable law or regulation established to protect human life and safety or the physical environment.

Page 26 of 67 C. Storage The Contractor shall provide secure storage for their property as well as for their personnel’s own belongings. The Government is not responsible for damage to and/or loss of the Contractor or their personnel’s property or personal belongings occasioned by fire, theft, accident, or otherwise. C. Personnel Health and Medical Care Services A. The Contractor shall provide H&MCS up to Role 1 (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) for their personnel at the TO performance location. Medical care services may be performed at varied geographically-dispersed locations. Role 1 H&MCS includes the capabilities for planning and providing first aid, inoculations, immediate lifesaving measures, triage, stabilization and preparation for transport via land, water, or air to a higher level medical facility, and contributing to the health and well-being of Contractor personnel through provision of guidance in the prevention of disease, injuries, and operational stress. B. This is a non-personal health care services contract, as defined in FAR 37.101, “Definition,” under which the Contractor is an independent Contractor. C. The Contractor shall: 1. In an emergency and/or as directed by DS/RSO or DS/OPO/WPS COR and in concurrence with the Department’s Office of Medical Services (MED) provide H&MCS to COM personnel and others in need. MED concurrence is not required in cases of danger to life, limb, or eyesight. 2. Have an operational medical director on staff in order to provide H&MCS. The director shall be a physician licensed to practice medicine from a state or jurisdiction of the US and who is Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine, under whose authority task order H&MCS personnel shall and are authorized to perform care. 3. Upon TO award, establish Clinical Protocols, which incorporate the Department’s “Clinical Protocol Guidance” (see Appendix E), for providing patient care that are issued under the authority of the Contractor’s operational medical director. Also, ensure that their health care personnel are fully familiar with and adhere to the requirements of these treatment protocols. 4. Establish and employ a collaborative communications plan with their health care team to mitigate the fact that the team may not be physically co-located (e.g., multiple sites within an operating area overseen by a single physician, CONUS physician oversight of OCONUS healthcare staff, etc.). 5. Provide and maintain a Role 1 clinic with adequate secure storage space capable of providing H&MCS up to Role 1. Ensure that this clinic meets the standards set forth in sections C., “Facilities and Services” and C., “Storage.” 6. Prepare and employ effective controls and procedures to guard against theft and diversion of controlled substances in accordance with CSA (21 USC § 801 et. seq.). 7. Comply with the CSA’s security standards for storage of controlled substances and List I chemicals. 8. Acquire all equipment, supplies, and material necessary to provide H&MCS as addressed in the Contractor’s “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” set forth in the Contractor’s Task Order Management Plan (TOMP). See Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements.” Ensure that all medications acquired in support of this contract are purchased from sources approved by MED.

Page 27 of 67 9. Deliverable - Within thirty (30) calendar days of TO award prepare and submit a comprehensive “Medical Mass Casualty Site Plan” to DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS for review. Evaluate this plan quarterly during each TO option period to ensure that it is up- to-date and applicable. If applicable, at the beginning of each TO option period evaluate and, if changes occur, update the plan, and record on the plan the date the evaluation took place and the names of the Contractor personnel who conducted the evaluation. Upon completion of this evaluation, electronically submit the plan to DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS for review. This plan shall be made available to the Government upon request or for inspection at the TO performance location. 10. Establish and maintain a complete, accurate, and up-to-date medical record, health record, or medical chart at the TO performance location for all Contractor personnel performing work under this contract. Ensure that this record includes the individual’s complete medical history and documents all of the individual’s visits and prescription and non-prescription medications (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) prescribed and taken. D. The Government may evaluate the quality of professional and administrative H&MCS services provided by the Contractor, but retains no control over the medical and professional aspects of the services rendered (e.g., professional judgments, diagnosis for specific medical treatment, etc.). E. The Contractor shall indemnify the Government for any liability producing act or omission by the Contractor, their personnel, and agents occurring during contract performance and comply with the provisions set forth in FAR 52.237-7, “Indemnification and Medical Liability Insurance,” to include all subcontractors. C. Personnel Morale, Welfare, and Recreation A. The Contractor shall provide and maintain morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) facilities, space, equipment, supplies, and material for Contractor personnel performing work under this contract (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). Such MWR support shall include, at a minimum, the following: 1. Physical fitness facility, space, equipment, supplies, and material. 2. High speed Internet access/service with voice over Internet Protocol capability. 3. Televisions with cable service/subscription or comparable capability. 4. Digital video disk player with related equipment. 5. Mail service. C. Transportation A. The Contractor shall provide all transportation associated with the movement of Contractor personnel and canines performing work under this contract to and from the TO performance location, including: 1. Transportation between such individual or canine’s residence and the TO performance location upon beginning work, authorized R&R leave, emergency leave, training, retirement, and/or termination in accordance with the terms of this contract. 2. Transportation throughout the areas of operation (e.g., shuttle bus services considered necessary within camp(s) or to the performance location, guard vehicle patrols, RSO- approved Contractor administrative and/or morale, welfare, and recreation OCONUS movements, etc.).

Page 28 of 67 B. Any restrictions related to Contractor-provided vehicles and usage will be identified by DS/RSO. C. The Contractor shall make all applicable air travel arrangements on their own or through a commercial travel agency. D. The Contractor shall ensure that canine transport adheres to the DS/OPO/WPS-approved SOPs prepared in accordance with section C.7.4, “Standard Operating Procedures.” E. EDC vehicle type and accessories will be identified in the TO. The minimum standard for EDC transportation is one vehicle per two (2) EDC teams. F. Whether EDC vehicles are Government- or Contractor-provided, the Contractor shall: 1. Place removable warning signs stating “Caution --- Working Dog” in both English and applicable host nation language(s) on all sides and the rear of any and all vehicles used to transport canines, unless otherwise directed by DS/RSO. 2. When in open cargo areas of vehicles, ensure those canines are properly secured in size- appropriate kennels that are appropriately ventilated and allow climatic conditions suitable for a canine’s breed and conditioning to be maintained. 3. Ensure that canines are not left unattended in a vehicle. C.8.5.2 Government’s Operations Logistic Services and Support C. Operations Management Support A. The Contractor shall provide operations management support to directly manage and supervise Contractor personnel performing work at the TO performance location, oversee the successful and timely completion of all tasks, and ensure that all required reporting is accurate and occurs on schedule in accordance with this contract and any additional TO requirements. B. Deliverables - The Contractor shall: 1. OCONUS - Daily, each morning, submit (via e-mail) a complete and accurate “Personnel and Canine Daily Accountability Report” accounting for all US and TCN personnel as well as canines working at the TO performance location in the format depicted in Appendix F to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM. 2. Within the first seven (7) calendar days of each month, submit (via e-mail) a complete and accurate “Personnel Report/Muster Sheet,” covering the previous month’s attendance of personnel and canines, using Appendix G, to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM for review and verification. 3. Upon Government request: a. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the Government’s request, develop and submit a detailed “Demobilization and Closeout Plan” of action with milestones that is: 1) Consistent with the Contractor’s “Mobilization and Transition Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan”). 2) IDIQd on assumptions and information provided by the Government. b. This plan shall be updated on a real-time basis and at the direction of the Government. c. Initial and any updated plans shall be submitted (via email) to DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS for approval prior to implementation.

Page 29 of 67 C. Office Buildings, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies A. The Contractor shall: 1. Provide functional, climate controlled, safe, and secure, and sanitary office buildings, including general business and office space, break rooms, support work stations, and guard shacks necessary for Contractor personnel working under this contact, at the TO performance location, as addressed in the Contractor’s “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” (see Attachment 9, Task Order Management Plan Requirements). 2. Be responsible for the maintenance, repair, security, utility, and janitorial costs associated with such buildings, workspaces, break rooms, and equipment. 3. Maintain clean, healthy, safe, and orderly working areas associated with such office buildings, workspaces, and break rooms; ensuring equipment, supplies, and materials are properly stored and secured at the end of each workday. 4. Provide all office furniture, software, voice and data equipment (e.g., computers, printers, copiers, etc.), supplies, material, and mail service necessary for Contractor personnel working under this contact, at the TO performance location. 5. Provide all office supplies (e.g., pens, indelible markers, paper, paperclip, etc.) necessary for Contractor personnel working under this contact, at the TO performance location. C. Construction Services The Contractor shall provide construction (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) services on Government leased, owned or controlled property. Such constructed buildings, structures, or other real property shall be considered contractor-acquired property (CAP). The location, design specifications and drawings will be identified in the TO. C. Communications and Information Technology Services A. The Contractor shall provide communications and information technology (IT) services to manage, install, diagnose, maintain, repair, modify, and remove Contractor communications and IT systems, as well as Government communications and IT systems if requested by DS/RSO, in accordance with this contract and the TO requirements as addressed in the Contractor’s “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). These services include, at a minimum, the following: 1. Providing and installing IT equipment, i.e. computer workstations and screens, printers/scanners/fax, in their work spaces, as well as all related infrastructure, cabling, and interfacing equipment. The IT system shall be functionally complete, independent, and physically separate from the Government’s IT system and serve all Contractor operations. 2. Providing and installing a functionally complete communication system, which includes, but is not limited to: cabling, fiber optics, patch panels, landing blocks, circuits, private branch exchange and voice mail, phone sets, and other supporting infrastructure and supporting system. The communication system shall be independent and physically separate from the Government’s system and serve all Contractor operations. 3. Ensuring that Contractor-provided radio/communication equipment and systems comply with the TO performance location’s licensing requirements.

Page 30 of 67 4. Ensuring completion of all repairs and return of all communication and IT systems to full operational capability within twenty-four (24) hours of the Government or Contractor’s initial determination of need for repair. 5. Developing or purchasing additional systems to support new requirements, automate existing requirements, and pursue opportunities to utilize IT systems to enhance integration across functions. C. Supply, Receiving, Marking, and Warehousing and Storage A. Supply - The Contractor shall: 1. Forecast, acquire, and maintain adequate initial issuance and replacement of all contract- and TO-required equipment, supplies, and material at the TO performance location to ensure availability at the precise moment needed, and at the lowest possible life-cycle cost. 2. For trace, i.e. metal/explosive/chemical, detection equipment, maintain a minimum of three (3) months’ quantity of items/parts in storage to cover the ordering and shipping time. 3. Notify and coordinate with DS/OPO/WPS GTM in securing needed GFP. 4. Keep DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM fully informed of any operational critical equipment, supplies, and material availability or delivery problems, whether such problems relate to the Contractor’s internal operations, export/importing activities, and/or to an outside vendor’s operations. 5. Conduct periodic physical or virtual inspections or record reviews of equipment, supplies, and material (stored and issued) under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control to determine whether such has become worn or deteriorated, obsolete, or reached the end of its life-cycle, and replace such as needed. B. Receiving - The Contractor shall coordinate with the DS/RSO COR or DS/OPO/WPS GTM when receiving CAP in accordance with 14 FAM 413.5, “Receiving Action”. The DS/RSO COR or DS/OPO/WPS GTM will inspect the CAP in the presence of Contractor personnel, and complete, sign, and retain a copy of form DS-127, “Receiving and Inspection Report” or a system generated receiving report that complies with the requirements established in 14 FAH-1 H-315.5, “Automated System.” C. Marking – The Contractor shall affix a bar-code label on all CAP accountable nonexpendable property received, and enter the bar-code number in the item record (see section C. A., “Government Property Management and Accountability”). The Government is responsible for bar-code labeling and marking GFP. The use of radio-frequency identification tags is prohibited. D. Warehousing and Storage – When storing Government property, furnished or acquired under this contract that is under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, the Contractor shall: 1. Deliverable - Implement an efficient and economical warehousing program with SOPs for the handling and storage of property. Upon TO award provide a copy of these SOPs to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM. 2. Provide adequate secure and controlled facilities, space, and/or containers for storing and warehousing property in accordance with 14 FAM 413.7, “ Warehousing and Storing Property,” 14 FAH-1 H-318, “Warehouse Operations at Post,” and sections C., “Facilities and Storage” and C., “Storage”. Where applicable, such facilitates,

Page 31 of 67 space, and containers shall also meet the requirements set forth in 12 FAH-5, “Physical Security Handbook.” 3. Keep such facilities/space/containers clean, organized, safe, and locked to protect property. 4. Maintain a material safety data sheet, safety data sheet or product safety data sheet in each area where potentially harmful substances (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) are handled in the workplace in accordance with 14 FAH-1 H-318.2-15(A), “Hazardous Commodities” and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR § 1910.1200). As authorized by DS/RSO, make the material’s existence, storage location, and information sheets available to the applicable fire department(s) and emergency responders serving the TO performance location. C. Government Property Management and Accountability A. For all GFP and CAP (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, the Contractor shall: 1. Implement an efficient and effective property management (control, use, preserve, protect, repair and maintain) and accountability (tracking the movements of assets, recording changes in physical condition, verification of physical counts, and inventory disposal) program. a. This program shall be managed in accordance with the following:  This contract.  FAR 52.245-1 Government Property.  The Department’s policies and procedures established in 14 Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) Logistics Management.  Foreign Affairs Handbook (14 FAH-1, “Personal Property Management Handbook”).  12 FAH-9 H-300, “Special Protective Equipment Security and Controls”. b. The Contractor shall address their property management program in their “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). 2. Deliverable – Upon TO award provide a copy of all SOPs for property management and accountability to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM. 3. Deliverable - Upon TO award, provide (via hand-delivery or e-mail) a copy of the manufacturer’s property management and accounting system specifications and user’s manual to DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM and DS/RSO COR. B. Repair - For all GFP and CAP under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, the Contractor shall: 1. Not make repairs to PPE unless DS/OPO/WPS COR specifically directs, in writing, the repair work to be performed. 2. Use only repair parts that are certified and qualified by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and adequate to maintain applicable warranties. 3. Not modify, cannibalize (see Appendix B, “Definitions”), or make alterations to such property, unless the Government specifically directs, in writing, the modification, cannibalization, or alteration work to be performed. C. Physical Inventory Count and Reporting – For all GFP and CAP under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, the Contractor shall:

Page 32 of 67 1. Conduct a physical inventory count and reporting of such property in accordance with this contract (see Department of State Acquisition Regulations [DOSAR] 652.245-71, “Special Reports of Government Property”) and the Department’s policies and procedures established in 14 FAM/FAH, “Logistics Management,” as addressed in the Contractor’s “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). 2. Deliverable - Submit all completed physical inventory counting reports (via e-mail) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM by the inventory counting cycle due date reported DOSAR 652.245-71, “Special Reports of Government Property.’ Such reports must be in Microsoft Office compatible formats (e.g., Word, Excel, etc.). Inventory counting reports involving sensitive property (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) shall be marked “Sensitive But Unclassified” and handled in accordance with 12 FAM 540, “Sensitive But Unclassified Information.” In the event that a report due date cannot be met, the Contractor shall submit a request (via e-mail) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR (with a copy provided to DS/OPO/WPS GTM) requesting approval to submit a late report. Such request shall be submitted thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date on which the report is due, and must include a valid justification for the delay, as well as the date by which the report will be submitted. D. Reporting Lost, Damaged, Stolen, Missing, or Destroyed Government Property – For all GFP and CAP under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, the Contractor shall immediately upon discovery notify and submit (via e-mail) an “Incident Report” regarding any lost, damaged, stolen, missing, or destroyed Government property, in accordance with section C.10.5, “Incident Reporting.” E. Use - The Contractor shall use GFP or CAP only for performing this contract, unless otherwise provided for in this contract, the TO, or approved in writing by DS/RSO COR, DS/OPO/WPS COR, or CO. C. Vehicle Services and Support A. The Contractor shall provide vehicle services and support for the maintenance, servicing, inspecting, washing, repairing, towing, and management and accountability of GFP or CAP vehicles under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control. B. Maintenance and Washing Facilities and Storage – For all GFP and CAP vehicles under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, the Contractor shall: 1. Provide maintenance and washing facilities necessary to maintain service, inspect, repair and wash all such vehicles in accordance with section C., Facilities and Services.” Any limitations on the use of locally available maintenance and washing facilities and providers will be identified by DS/RSO. 2. Provide storage in accordance with section C. D., “Warehousing and Storage.” C. Consumable Materials – The Contractor shall provide all consumable materials (e.g., fuel, windshield washer fluid, oil, radiator fluid, etc.) necessary to maintain and operate all Government vehicles, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control. Any limitations on the providers of such consumable material (i.e., vendors, facilities) will be identified by DS/RSO. D. Maintenance Programs – The Contractor shall:

Page 33 of 67 1. Maintain all vehicles and related equipment to ensure maximum availability and operability throughout the contract period and provide the Government with reliable, fully functional, safe, secure, clean, and comfortable transportation. 2. For all GFP or CAP vehicles under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control: a. Ensure that all O&M identified in this section are performed in accordance with Attachment 8, “Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance” and any warranty conditions as addressed in the Contractor’s “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements). b. Establish a preventive and “condition IDIQd” maintenance program for performing regularly scheduled maintenance work and safety and performance inspections on each vehicle. With DS/PSP/DEAV approval, the preventive maintenance intervals dictated by the manufacturer and the Department can be adjusted by the Contractor IDIQd on the vehicle’s use and environmental conditions. c. Monitor the condition of each vehicle’s components in order to predict pending failure. Diagnosis shall be IDIQd on inspection or trend monitoring to identify imminent failure; the repair shall then be scheduled and performed before the vehicle becomes inoperable. d. Develop and keep current a preventive maintenance and safety and performance inspection table to track when preventive maintenance and inspection work is scheduled to be performed and when it has been performed to ensure that the work is performed at the required manufacturer or Department intervals. e. Develop and keep current a condition IDIQd maintenance table to predict the average replacement cost and pending failure of vehicle components, and track when replacement work is scheduled to be performed and when it has been performed to ensure that the work is performed in accordance with such table. f. Acquire and maintain any and all warranties. g. Ensure that replacement parts conform to manufacturer or Department specification(s) and requirement(s). h. Verify that the work requested to be performed by another vendor on each vehicle was actually performed by that vendor. i. Track vehicle maintenance history, repetitive failures or replacement intervals, and associated costs. j. Establish and maintain a permanent file for each vehicle for Government inspection at the TO performance location. Ensure that such file, at a minimum, contains that vehicle’s history of maintenance, repair, safety and performance inspection documentation, “back-up” information for warranty claims, daily inspection checklists, and accident information and photographs. E. Repairs – For all GFP or CAP vehicles under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control the Contractor shall manage the repair work as follows: 1. Ensure that repairs are made in a timely manner. 2. Ensure Government authorization is received prior to performing any repair work over $3,000. In seeking this authorization, review the vehicle’s replacement schedule and cost estimation record, as well as all costs incurred to date to assist the Department in

Page 34 of 67 determining whether repairs are economically desirable or whether accelerated replacement of the vehicle is a better option. 3. Ensure that replacement parts conform to OEM specification(s). 4. Verify that the repair work requested to be performed by an outside vendor was actually accomplished. 5. Maintain repair documentation in the vehicle’s permanent file for Government inspection. 6. Ensure that armor and ballistic replacement glass is only procured, repaired, and/or installed by a DS/PSP/DEAV-authorized technician. F. Vehicle Towing and Recovery – The Contractor shall: 1. Provide quick and efficient towing and vehicle recovery services for all disabled vehicles in accordance with DS/RSO’s provided SOPs. 2. Ensure their personnel take proper precautions to prevent damage to all Government vehicles being towed as well as to surrounding property. G. Vehicle Inspections – For all vehicles the Contractor utilizes to perform Government protective movements, the Contractor shall: 1. Prior to the start of usage, ensure that a vehicle safety and equipment inspection is conducted using Appendix H, “Vehicle Safety and Equipment Inspection Checklist.” 2. Ensure that this checklist is legibly completed in ink by the vehicle’s driver, or by any Contractor personnel having a basic understanding of the vehicle and its required equipment. The checklist shall be signed and dated by the individual who conducted the inspection. 3. Ensure that any discovered vehicle equipment malfunction and defect and/or missing required vehicle equipment identified in Attachment 6, “Standard Equipment” and the TO, is immediately reported (verbally) to the Contractor’s designated fleet manager prior to operating the vehicle. Unless otherwise authorized by DS/RSO, when a malfunction/defect and/or missing required equipment is detected, which risks safe operating performance; the vehicle shall not be used until such problem is rectified. 4. As an option to inspecting the vehicle’s trauma kit daily, have the DS/OPO/WPS GTM conduct a complete inventory of the kit; securely locking a tag to the kit indicating that it has been inspected by the GTM, is in compliance with the TO requirements, and the date of the inspection. 5. Ensure that if a problem arises during the vehicle’s operation, the driver documents such on the checklist. 6. Ensure that by COB each day, the checklist is turned in to the Contractor’s designated fleet manager for tracking. 7. Ensure that all completed checklists are maintained in the vehicle’s permanent file for Government inspection. H. Vehicle Washing Program – The Contractor shall establish a regular program for the washing and cleaning of the interior and exterior of all vehicles the Contractor utilizes to perform Government protective movements and work under the TO. For armored vehicles, ensure that the vehicle is washed and cleaned in a manner that ensures the vehicle’s security and integrity. I. Deliverables and Tasks 1. At the end of each month, the Contractor shall submit (via e-mail) to DS/RSO and COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM a Contractor developed and accurately completed

Page 35 of 67 “Fleet Availability Report” in Microsoft Excel format covering all vehicles utilized to perform Government movements and business under the TO. This report shall identify which vehicles are off-line (e.g., dead-lined, out of service, being serviced and/or repaired, etc.), shaded in red; which vehicles require service and/or repairs within the next 60-days, shaded in yellow; and which vehicles are overdue for service/repair (shaded in grey). This running monthly summary report shall include, but not be limited to, the following data elements: a. Vehicle ownership (Government or Contractor). b. Department’s VIN, if applicable. c. Vehicle’s make, model, year, and VIN. d. Vehicle’s configuration (e.g., limousine, fight/follow, van, EDC team movement, guard patrol, shuttle, ambulance, recovery, etc.). e. Team/individual vehicle is assigned to. f. Vehicle’s current mileage. g. Service/repair due date. h. Service/repair estimated cost. i. If applicable, identity of the Government official authorizing repairs costing over $3,000 for GFP or CAP vehicles. j. Maintenance, inspection and/or repair description and notes regarding status. 2. Develop and accurately complete a “Daily Vehicle Use Log” to track and identify daily operational use/purpose and account for the total miles driven for each GFP or CAP vehicle under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control. The log data shall include, but not be limited to, the date, driver, to and from locations, purpose of trip, the odometer reading at the beginning and at the end of each trip, and total miles driven. At the end of the month, the log shall be stored in the vehicle’s permanent file for Government inspection. 3. Develop and accurately complete a “Monthly Mileage and Fuel and Oil Consumption Report”, in a Microsoft Excel format, to track fuel and oil consumption for each GFP or CAP vehicle under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control. Receipts for all fuel and oil purchases and expenses shall be attached to the applicable vehicle’s report and incorporated into a consolidated master report covering all vehicles used during the month, to be submitted personally to DS/RSO or COR within the first seven (7) calendar days of the following month. This report shall be used to track the following: a. VIN, make, model, and license plate number. b. Quantity and cost of fuel and oil added. c. The total number of miles driven. d. The odometer reading at the beginning and at the end of the month. e. The total cost of miscellaneous charges for each vehicle. 4. For all GFP or CAP vehicles under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, conduct a physical inventory count and status reporting in accordance with section C. C., “Physical Inventory Count and Reporting.” In addition to the data elements identified in DOSAR 652.245-71, “Special Reports of Government Property”, the report shall also include the following vehicle data elements: a. Department-assigned tracking number. b. Date and mileage when the Contractor received/took possession.

Page 36 of 67 c. Denotation as either GFP or CAP. d. The date placed in service. e. Make, model, year, and color. f. Fuel type. g. VIN and license plate number. h. Diplomatic plate number and amnesty letter existence, if applicable. i. Description (e.g., limousine, fight/follow, van, EDC team movement, guard patrol, shuttle, ambulance, recovery, etc.). j. Use/purpose (e.g., PSD, admin, EDC, etc.). k. Location/custodian (e.g., pool, team, individual, etc.). l. Current mileage. m. Exchange date (information to be provided by DS/RSO COR). n. Identify whether the vehicle has a “push bumper” (yes or no). o. Identify whether the vehicle has a “power upgrade” (yes or no). p. Identify whether the vehicle has glass damage and the location (e.g., windshield, back window, etc.). q. Identify whether the vehicle is “dead lined” and the reason why. 5. Submit all completed counting reports (via e-mail) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM by the inventory counting cycle due date reported DOSAR 652.245-71, “Special Reports of Government Property.” Such reports must be in Microsoft Office compatible formats (e.g., Word, Excel, etc.). Inventory counting reports involving sensitive property (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) shall be marked “Sensitive But Unclassified” and handled in accordance with 12 FAM 540, “Sensitive But Unclassified Information.” In the event that a report due date cannot be met, the Contractor shall submit a request (via e-mail) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR (with a copy provided to DS/OPO/WPS GTM) requesting approval to submit a late report. Such request shall be submitted thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date on which the report is due, and must include a valid justification for the delay, as well as the date by which the report will be submitted. J. Use and Operation – The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that Government vehicles are operated only by authorized Contractor personnel, and only in the performance of official Government business or functions. See 41 CFR, Part 102.34, Subpart D—“Official Use of Government Motor Vehicles.” 2. Ensure that Contractor vehicle operators adhere to the applicable vehicle laws and regulations of the locality where the vehicle is being operated, as well as Government policies and instructions. 3. Ensure that Contractor vehicle operators are fully qualified to use Government vehicles. Document and track all Contractor personnel vehicle and equipment operator licenses and qualifications, and retain such documentation for Government inspection at the TO performance location.

Page 37 of 67 4. Ensure that Contractor personnel operate vehicles in a safe manner. Failure to do so could lead to suspension or revocation of operator driving privileges (see 6 FAM 1944.2, “Causes for Suspension or Revocation”). C. Armory and Ammunition Services and Support A. The Contractor shall provide armory and ammunition services and support for the storage, issuance/return, maintenance, servicing, inspecting, repairing, and management and accountability of all Government weapons, ammunitions, and related equipment, supplies, and material, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control. B. Armory and Storage Containers/Vaults - The Contractor shall: 1. Provide an armory and storage containers/vaults in order to perform maintenance, servicing, inspection, and repair, as well as to provide for the storage and issuance/return of all Government weapons, ammunitions, and related equipment, supplies, and material, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control. 2. Perform these tasks in accordance with the standards set forth in 12 FAH 5 H-456.2-3 (U), “Storage of Weapons”, section C., “Facilities and Services,” and section C., “Storage.” 3. Obtain written approval from DS/RSO for the storage of anything other than weapons, ammunitions, and related equipment, supplies, and material in the armory and storage containers/vaults. C. Maintenance, Servicing, and Inspection Program – The Contractor shall provide a maintenance, servicing, and inspection program for all Government weapons, ammunitions, and related equipment, supplies, and material, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, including the following: 1. Ensuring that all services identified in this section are performed in accordance with Attachment 8, “Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance,” the manufacturer and DS/PSP/DEAV’s lifecycle maintenance and inspection requirements and any warranty conditions as addressed in the Contractor’s “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). 2. Performing regularly scheduled preventative maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on each weapon. With approval from the DS/PSP/DEAV, the PMCS intervals directed by the manufacturer and DS/PSP/DEAV can be adjusted by the Contractor IDIQd on the weapon’s use and environmental conditions. 3. Developing and keeping current a PMCS performance inspection table to track when such work is scheduled to be performed and when it has been performed to ensure that the work is performed at the intervals required by the manufacturer and DS/PSP/DEAV for examination by the Government at the TO place of performance. 4. Conducting an annual safety and serviceability inspection on all weapons in accordance with technical manual standards to determine whether an item meets required safety standards or has any obvious defects. 5. Developing and keeping current a safety and serviceability inspection table to track when such inspection is scheduled to be performed and when it has been performed for examination by the Government at the TO place of performance.

Page 38 of 67 6. Prior to issuance and upon turn-in, conducting a complete maintenance evaluation of all weapons, ammunition, and related equipment and components to determine suitability of the item for use and/or reissue; securely fastening a tag to the weapon indicating that the weapon has been evaluated by the armorer, the date of the evaluation, and whether or not the weapon can be reissued. D. Repairs – For all Government weapons, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, the Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that all repairs are made in a timely manner, in accordance with the requirements established in Attachment 8, “Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance” and as addressed in the Contractor’s “Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). 2. Use OEM replacement parts for the weapon being serviced unless otherwise authorized in writing by DS/PSP/DEAV. Ship all Contractor-acquired OEM replacement parts to DS/PSP/DEAV for use approval and reshipment to the TO performance location. 3. After any repair is made, range-test the weapon to insure proper operation. Following range testing, clean and inspect the weapon, and securely fasten a tag to the weapon indicating that it had been inspected by the armorer, the date of inspection, and whether or not the weapon can be reissued. 5. If applicable, verify that any repair work performed by the manufacturer on any weapon was actually accomplished. 6. Ensure that all armorers keep current their required weapons’ repair certifications. Retain copies of such certifications in the individual’s personnel file maintained at the TO place of performance in accordance with section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System” for Government inspection. E. Deliverables and Tasks –The Contractor shall: 1. At the end of each month, submit (via e-mail) to DS/RSO and COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM a Contractor developed, completed, and accurate “Weapons Availability Report” in Microsoft Excel format. In this report, identify the number of Government weapons, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, by make, model, and SN; shade in red those weapons that are being serviced, repaired, or are unusable (i.e., “dead-lined”). Mark this report “Sensitive but Unclassified” and handle in accordance with 12 FAM 540, “Sensitive But Unclassified Information.” 2. At the end of each month, submit (via e-mail) to DS/RSO and COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM a Contractor developed, completed, and accurate “Ammunition Usage Report” in Microsoft Excel format, covering all Government ammunition, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control. In this report, identify the amount and type of ammunition on hand on the first day of the month, the amount and type of ammunition issued during the month and for what purpose it was issued, and the amount and type of ammunition on hand at the end of the month. Further identify the projected amount and type of ammunition required for the following month and for what purpose it is required. This report shall be marked “Sensitive But Unclassified” and handled in accordance with 12 FAM 540, “Sensitive But Unclassified Information”.

Page 39 of 67 3. For all Government weapons, ammunitions, and related equipment, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, conduct a physical inventory count and status reporting in accordance with section C. C., “Physical Inventory Count and Reporting.” Conduct physical inventory counts of all sensitive property (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) in the presence of DS/RSO COR or DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM. 4. If requested by RSO, assist RSO in conducting its annual physical weapons inventory count. F. Use – The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that Government weapons, ammunitions, and related equipment, supplies, and material, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control, are only issued to Government- authorized Contractor personnel, and are only used in the performance of official Government business. 2. Ensure that Contractor personnel authorized by the Government to possess weapons are fully qualified, licensed, and permitted in accordance with this contract and applicable federal, state, local, and hot country law. Retain copies of such licenses and permits in the individual’s personnel file maintained at the TO place of performance in accordance with section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System” for Government inspection. 3. Ensure that their personnel have all permits and licenses in their possession at all times while working under this contract. 4. Use only factory-loaded ammunition in Government weapons, furnished or acquired under this contract, which are under the Contractor’s accountability, stewardship, possession, or control. C. Training Services A. Candidate/Personnel Training Program – The Contractor shall design and implement a training program for their candidates/personnel, incorporating the training and qualification requirements set forth in this contract, the TO, and Attachments 2, “Training” and 3, “Firearms Qualifications Standards,” as addressed in the Contractor’s “Training Management Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). B. Explosives Detection Canine Team Training Program – The Contractor shall implement a training program for their candidate and employed EDC teams, incorporating the training and qualification requirements set forth in this contract, the TO, and Attachment 10, “Explosives Detection Canine Team Assessment and Certification Standards” and as addressed in the Contractor’s “Training Management Plan” (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). C. Training Facilities - The Contractor shall: 1. Provide and maintain all training facilities, areas, classrooms, firing ranges, and road courses necessary to satisfactorily complete the training requirements for all positions/labor categories, including canines, in accordance with the requirements outlined in this contract and Attachments 2, “Training” and 10, “Explosives Detection Canine Team Assessment and Certification Standards.” 2. Ensure that Contractor-presented training is conducted in an environment conducive to presentation, application and reception of the lesson objectives.

Page 40 of 67 D. Storage – The Contractor shall provide secure storage for all training equipment, supplies, and material (see section C., “Storage”). E. Life Support, Equipment, Supplies, and Material – The Contractor shall provide all life support (i.e. lodging/housing, transportation, food) equipment, supplies, and material (e.g., student handouts, tools, training aids, audio/visual/multi-media support, weapons, ammunitions, targets and stands, radios, etc.) necessary to conduct training. F. Contractor/Government-Provided Training Types and Requirements 1. Contractor-provided Candidate WPS 2 Basic Training – The Contractor shall: a. Provide WPS 2 basic training (see Attachments 1, “Personnel Qualifications and Responsibilities,” 2, “Training” and 3, “Firearms Qualifications Standards”) and ensure that all candidates successfully complete this training prior to their deployment to and starting work at the TO performance location. b. Deliverable - Develop and use their own lesson plans or, when available, DS/OPO/WPS-provided/approved lesson plans, which comply with DS’ training curriculum. Develop and update lesson plans as necessary to meet TO requirements. All Contractor developed lesson plans shall be electronically submitted to DS/OPO/WPS for approval prior to use. All lesson plans developed or provided under this contract are the property of the Government. c. Deliverable - Two (2) weeks prior to conducting this training and quarterly thereafter, prepare and submit (via e-mail) training class schedules in Microsoft Excel format to DS/OPO/WPS. These schedules shall contain, at a minimum, planned training date(s), training locations, course identification (e.g., PRS, guard, non-PRS, supervisory, etc.), subject matter (e.g., tactical driving, motorcade operations, etc.), and instructor and student’s names. d. Immediately notify (via e-mail) DS/OPO/WPS of any changes to the class schedules submitted to the Government. e. Deliverable - Upon the completion of each course, using Appendix I submit (via e- mail) a “WPS 2 Basic Training Status Report” in Microsoft Excel format to DS/OPO/WPS. 2. Contractor-provided Candidate Explosives Safety Training - The Contractor shall: a. Train and certify EDC handlers in the safe storage, transportation and handling of each type of explosive being used as training aids at the TO performance location. This explosives safety training shall be conducted before the EDC handler is deployed or begins work at the TO performance location. Incumbent WPS task order handlers transitioning to a follow-on WPS 2 TO shall be provided explosives safety training within thirty (30) calendar days of TO award at the performance location. b. Ensure that EDC handlers present a copy of their explosives safety training certificate to the DS/OPO/WPS GTM. Such certifications shall be placed in the respective individual’s TO personnel file in accordance with section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System” for Government inspection. 3. Contractor-provided Candidate Explosives Detection Canine Team Training and Government Certification and Recertification a. The Contractor shall: 1) Train new EDC teams to detect explosives as specified in the TO and Attachment 10, “Explosives Detection Canine Team Assessment and Certification Standards.”

Page 41 of 67 2) Upon completion of training, ensure that all EDC teams are assessed and certified by DS/OPO/WPS GTM prior to deployment and starting work at the TO performance location. The Government’s certification location will be identified in the TO. Incumbent WPS task order EDC teams transitioning to a follow-on WPS 2 task order will be certified at the TO performance location by the DS/OPO/WPS GTM. The minimum standard for certification as an EDC team is a ninety-five percent (95%) detection rate. b. The Government will recertify the EDC teams as follows: 1) Every one-hundred [and] eighty (180) days following successful Government performed initial certification or recertification. 2) When the canine is re-assigned to another permanent handler to perform work under the TO. 3) When an EDC team has been separated or has not conducted proficiency training together for forty (40) or more consecutive days. c. EDC teams that fail Government recertification will be allowed no less than thirty (30) calendar days of proficiency training before being retested by the DS/OPO/WPS GTM. If the team fails this retest, the Government may choose to continue training and retesting or the CO may, at his/her discretion, direct the Contractor to immediately remove and replace the canine, handler, or both from the contract. 4. Government-provided Operations Management Orientation Training – DS/RSO will provide initial orientation training to all Contractor operations management personnel performing work under this contract, at the TO performance location. Thereafter, the Contractor shall provide such training for replacement personnel. Orientation training will/shall include, at a minimum, the following: a. Performance location layout and operations. b. Government staffing and organization. c. Communication systems, including proper radio techniques and communication procedures. d. Emergency operational procedures and plans. e. Travel advisories for personnel leaving for R&R. 5. Government-provided Tactical Operations Center Orientation Training – DS/RSO will provide initial orientation training to Contractor personnel performing TOC services under this contract, at the TO performance location. Thereafter, the Contractor shall provide such training for replacement personnel. TOC training will/shall include, at a minimum, the following: a. Access control. b. Communication equipment and procedures. c. Identity of all information stakeholders. 6. Government-provided Security Equipment Orientation Training – DS/RSO will provide initial orientation training on all Government-furnished security equipment in use at the TO performance location, including newly secured Government security equipment, to the Contractor’s operators of that equipment and their supervisors performing work under the contract, at the TO performance location. Thereafter, the Contractor shall provide such training for replacement personnel. 7. Contractor- provided Protective Services Personnel Annual In-service Training – The Contractor shall:

Page 42 of 67 a. Provide and ensure that PRS personnel performing work under this contract receive and successfully complete a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of in-service training annually. Such training shall cover the key WPS 2 curriculum subjects covered during basic training and identified in Attachment 2, “Training,” including any new applicable procedures, policies and topics. Firearms training and qualification do not count toward satisfying this training requirement. b. Deliverable - Prepare and submit (via e-mail) a weekly “Projected In-service Training Class Schedule” in Microsoft Excel format that identifies, at a minimum, the planned training date(s), training locations, training subject matter, and instructor and student’s names. Submit this completed training schedule to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM by noon on Friday of the previous week. Immediately, when any changes are made to this weekly training schedule, inform (verbally) DS/OPO/WPS GTM. c. Deliverable - Quarterly (January, April, July, October), using Appendix J, prepare and submit (via e-mail) an “In-service Training Status Report,” tracking the completion of such required training, in Microsoft Excel format, to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM. d. Ensure that PRS personnel who fail to complete the mandatory annual in-service training within the required time frame are not assigned to work under the TO until they have completed and have been certified as having completed such training. The mandatory annual in-service training requirement begins once the Contractor’s personnel commences work on the TO, through the end of the three hundred [and] sixty five (365) calendar days following, and then begins again on the first day following while the individual is still working on the TO. e. In the event that an individual cannot complete the required annual in-service training within the required time frame, the Contractor shall submit a waiver request (via e- mail) to DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS COR for approval, with a copy to the DS/OPO/WPS GTM. Such request shall be submitted prior to exceeding the deadline requirement date and must include a valid justification for the delay, as well as the date by which the training shall be completed. 8. Contractor-provided Guard Services Personnel Annual In-service Training – The Contractor shall: a. Provide and ensure that guard services personnel performing work under this contract receive and successfully complete a minimum of forty (40) hours of in-service refresher training annually. Such refresher training shall include security equipment training, and key WPS 2 course refresher training (see Attachment 2, Training). Firearms training and qualification, roll call training, training in new procedures and policies, and skills sustainment training (e.g., emergency response drills, lockdown drills, etc.) do not count toward satisfying this training requirement. b. Deliverable - Prepare and submit (via e-mail) a weekly “Projected In-service Training Class Schedule” in Microsoft Excel format that identifies, at a minimum, the planned training date(s), training locations, training subject matter, and instructor and student’s names. Submit this completed training schedule to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM by noon on Friday of the previous week. Immediately, when any changes are made to this weekly training schedule, inform (verbally) DS/OPO/WPS GTM.

Page 43 of 67 c. Deliverable - Quarterly (January, April, July, October), prepare and submit (via e- mail) an “In-service Training Status Report,” tracking completion of such training, in Microsoft Excel format to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM. d. Ensure that guard services personnel who fail to complete the mandatory annual in- service training within the required time frame are not assigned to work under the TO until they have completed and have been certified as having completed such training. The mandatory annual in-service training requirement begins once the Contractor’s personnel commences work on the TO, through the end of the three hundred [and] sixty five (365) calendar days following, and then begins again on the first day following while the individual is still working on the TO. e. In the event that an individual cannot complete the required annual in-service training within the required time frame, submit a waiver request (via e-mail) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR for approval, with a copy provided to the DS/OPO/WPS GTM. Submit such request prior to exceeding the deadline requirement date, and include a valid justification for the delay, as well as the date the training shall be completed. 9. Contractor- provided Weapons Training and Qualification and Certification – The Contractor shall: a. Provide instruction in the nomenclature, functions, and proper and safe use and handling of weapons to Government-authorized armed Contractor personnel performing work under this contract in accordance with this contract and Attachments 3, “Firearms Qualifications Standards” and 5, “Use of Force.” b. Qualify all Government-authorized armed Contractor personnel performing work under this contract with their issued/assigned weapon(s) in accordance with the requirements and schedule set forth in Attachment 3, “Firearms Qualifications Standards” and the TO. c. Deliverable - Weekly, prepare and submit (via e-mail) a “Projected Weapons Qualification Schedule” in Microsoft Excel format that identifies, at a minimum, planned range qualification date(s), range location and the names of the firearms instructors and individuals qualifying. Submit this completed training schedule to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM by noon on Friday of the previous week. When any changes are made to this schedule, immediately inform (verbally) DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM. d. Deliverable - At the end of each month, submit (via e-mail) a complete and accurate “Weapons Qualification Status Report,” tracking the completion of such qualifications, in Microsoft Excel format using Appendix K, to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM. All information reported shall be supported by a Contractor prepared, completed, and maintained weapons record firing score card for Government inspection. e. Ensure that such personnel who fail to qualify with their required weapons in accordance with this contract and Attachment 3, “Firearms Qualifications Standards” immediately surrender their assigned weapon(s) to the armorer and remain unarmed until such time that they are certified as qualified to be reissued such weapon(s) by the firearms instructor. The Contractor may assign those personnel to other duties not requiring the carrying of a weapon. The Contractor shall notify (via e-mail) the

Page 44 of 67 DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM when any individual fails to qualify that day. 10. Contractor-provided Explosives Detection Canine Proficiency and Obedience Training - The Contractor shall: a. Provide and ensure that Contractor EDC teams performing work under this contract complete a minimum of four (4) hours of proficiency detection training each week. The TO will identify the types and provider of the training aids required for proficiency training. b. Coordinate the use of Government facilities for EDC training with and receive pre- approval from DS/RSO COR. c. Ensure that the kennel master or canine trainer monitors a representative sample of the handler conducted proficiency training sessions to identify and correct deficiencies and improve performance. If deficiencies are noted, develop a training plan to eliminate identified weakness. If increased training frequency or length of time is required to correct deficiencies, adjust the canine’s utilization requirements to accommodate such increased training needs and advise (via e-mail) the DS/OPO/WPS GTM. d. Prepare an Explosives Detection Canine Training Record for each EDC team to log the completion of all such proficiency training. Maintain this record in the team’s file in accordance with section C., Task Order Explosives Detection Canine Team File for Government inspection. At a minimum, the training record shall identify the: (1) Handler and canine’s name. (2) Training and detection tasks/categories. (3) Date and total amount of time devoted to detection training on each specific task/category for each day, including the monthly total for each specific task/category. (4) Detection areas utilized (e.g., vehicle, buildings, containers, open area, packages, etc.). (5) Number of training aids planted, as well as the number of correct or false/missed responses. (6) Monthly canine detection proficiency computation. The canine’s proficiency is computed monthly by adding the total number of correct responses, “a” for the month, and adding the total number of false/missed responses, “b” for the month. The two numbers “a” (for total correct responses) and “b” (for total false/missed responses) are used in the following formula to obtain the canine’s proficiency rating: (a) ÷ (a+b) x100 = proficiency rating. For example, during the month the canine made ninety-three (93) correct responses on training aids. The canine also had four (4) false and three (3) missed responses on training aids. Applying these two (2) numbers (a=93 and b=7) to the formula, the following is obtained: (93) ÷ (93+7) x100 = 93 percent. This shows that the canine is working at a ninety-three (93) percent proficiency rating. e. Provide and ensure that EDC teams performing work under this contract complete a minimum of two (2) hours of obedience training each week. Ensure that obedience

Page 45 of 67 training is not conducted during the proficiency detection training or the exercise period. f. In the absence of an assigned handler, ensure that the kennel master or canine trainer exercises and conducts proficiency and obedience training with the unassigned canine until the handler returns or is replaced. 11. Contractor-provided Biannual In-service Explosives Safety Training – The Contractor shall: a. Provide and ensure that Contractor EDC personnel performing work under this contract successfully complete the biannual in-service explosives safety training. b. Deliverable - Prepare and submit (via e-mail) a Projected In-service Explosives Safety Training Schedule in Microsoft Excel format that identifies, at a minimum, planned training date(s), training location and the names of the instructors and students. Submit this completed training schedule to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM by noon on Friday of the previous week that training is scheduled. When any changes are made to this schedule, immediately inform (verbally) DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM. c. Deliverable - Quarterly (January, April, July, October), prepare and submit (via e- mail) an In-service Training Status Report, tracking the completion of such training, in Microsoft Excel format to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM. d. Ensure that EDC personnel who fail to complete the mandatory biannual in-service training within the required time frame are not assigned to work under the TO until they have completed and have been certified as having completed such training. The mandatory biannual in-service training requirement begins once the Contractor’s personnel commences work on the TO, through the end of the one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days following, and then begins again on the first day following while the individual is still working on the TO. e. In the event that an individual cannot complete the required biannual in-service training within the required time frame, submit a waiver request (via e-mail) to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR for approval, with a copy provided to the DS/OPO/WPS GTM. Submit such request prior to exceeding the deadline requirement date, and include a valid justification for the delay, as well as the date the training shall be completed. 12. Government-directed Tabletop Exercises - DS/RSO may periodically conduct tabletop exercises and drills for Contractor personnel working under this contract. Such exercises will be used to assess, practice and improve performance and coordination in prevention, protection, response, and recovery capabilities; testing and validating policies, plans, procedures, training, equipment, and Contractor-Government(s) coordination; clarifying and training all personnel in roles and responsibilities; improving Contractor- Government(s) coordination and communications; and identifying gaps in resources. G. Contractor-Requested Waivers -The Contractor may make a written request (via e-mail) to DS/OPO/WPS COR to waive specific training requirements when an unusual immediate situation exists, making such training unfeasible. C. Life Support Services Provide life support services (e.g., laundry, food, maintenance, etc.) on Government leased, owned, or controlled property. Specifications for such services will be established in the TO.


C.9.1 General

The Contractor shall implement and maintain a solely dedicated program management structure consistent with proven methods of managing diverse technical/operational work efforts under a multiple TO system. The structure shall be capable of responding to WPS 2 requirements for awarded TOs so that the cost, schedule, and quality of performance of each TO are successfully tracked and analyzed and any issues or risks to the WPS 2 program are mitigated. Due to the nature of the WPS 2 program, the Contractor shall ensure that their program management structure is able to meet long- and short-term tasks, on short notice.

C.9.2 Authority of the Program Manager

A. The Contractor shall: 1. Authorize the program manager (PM) to serve as the Contractor’s central point of contact (POC) and represent the Contractor in all dealings with the Government that relate to the performance of the IDIQ contract and resulting awarded TOs. 2. Authorize the PM to commit any and all necessary Contractor resources to ensure satisfactory and timely performance of all requirements set forth in the Contractor’s awarded TO(s).

C.9.3 CONUS Program Management Office

A. The Contractor shall establish a solely dedicated CONUS program management office (PMO) to ensure that program management responsibilities are successfully supported and enhance responsiveness to DS/OPO/WPS. B. The Contractor shall adequately staff the office with dedicated personnel capable of managing and supporting all of the functions and activities (including recordkeeping) associated with performing the contract and awarded TO(s), in accordance with their TOMP. The office staffing shall include, but not be limited to, TO-required CLIN positions (e.g., PM, Deputy Program Manager (DPM), and High-Threat Information Tracking System (HITS) specialist, etc.) and non-CLIN positions (e.g., biographical information (BIO) reviewers, contract and financial managers, administrative personnel, etc.). The specific makeup and size of the Contractor’s PMO shall depend on the scope, size, location, and complexity and requirements of the TO. C. The Contractor’s dedicated CONUS program management workforce shall be operational within a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days of TO award, in accordance with the plans set forth in the Contractor’s TOMP. This operational due date may be adjusted in the TO-IDIQd on scope, size, location, and complexity of the TO. D. No direct costs associated with the PMO shall be incurred unless and until the Contractor receives their initial TO award. Apart from labor charges associated with the program management office CLIN positions, which can be billed directly, all other costs associated with the establishment of any PMO (including costs associated with non-CLIN program management office personnel, office space and furnishings) shall be captured as overhead costs.

Page 47 of 67 E. The fact that the Contractor establishes a PMO upon their initial TO award does not preclude the Contractor, when responding to new TO requests for proposals, from proposing the establishment of additional PMOs. The Government, when issuing an RFP for a new TO, may also require the establishment of a separate/additional Contractor PM to manage that TO. Whether Contractor independently proposed or Government required, in all cases, additional PMOs are subject to the requirements set forth in Section C.9, Program Management.

C.9.4 Calls, Emails and Other Taskings

A. The Contractor shall ensure that the PM, DPM and other Contractor-designated management personnel are personally available to communicate (e.g., telephone, in person, e-mail, etc.) and meet with the Government on a regular basis (at a minimum, daily) and on short notice with little advance warning, regarding any customary, and/or, out of the ordinary aspects of the contract and TO activities. B. In view of international time differences, the Contractor shall ensure the PM or designated representative’s availability and capability for after-hours contact by the Government in the event of an emergency and implementation of Government-provided instructions. C. Should the PM or DPM be absent from work for more than ten (10) consecutive workdays, the Contractor must temporarily fill the position with another DS/OPO/WPS-approved replacement. The Contractor shall coordinate this action with DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR. D. The Contractor shall ensure that the PM and DPM are not simultaneously absent from work. E. The Government may task the Contractor to prepare and provide written and/or oral briefings, status updates, analyses, and/or reports regarding, but not limited to, the following: 1. Security or protective operations. 2. Staffing levels. 3. Recruitment and retention activities. 4. Progress and status of training. 5. Subcontract management. 6. Logistics. 7. Communications and incident reporting. 8. Administrative matters such as assisting in security clearances and approvals. 9. Records processing for overseas-bound Contractor personnel (e.g., obtaining Diplomatic and/or Official passports, etc.). 10. Task order schedules, quality of performance, cost controls, issues, risks and solutions. 11. Contract administration and invoicing.

C.9.5 Deliverables

A. Weekly, the day prior to the regularly scheduled CONUS meeting between the Contractor and DS/OPO/WPS, the Contractor shall submit (via e-mail) a Labor Category Vacancy Report detailing vacancies by position/labor category, to include duration that each vacancy has gone unfilled, to the DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM and DS/RSO COR. Additional labor category vacancy reports shall be submitted at the request of the Government. B. By the tenth (10) day of each month, the Contractor shall electronically provide (via e-mail) a Monthly Performance Status Report covering the previous month’s reporting information to

Page 48 of 67 DS/OPO/WPS and GTM. The report shall include at the contract and/or TO level: a summary of work accomplished, work to be completed, schedule status, critical path impediments, issues that may arise, risks encountered, innovations/solutions/mitigations implemented, and any special or out of the ordinary items of interest. C. Quarterly, by the second day of the new quarter, the Contractor shall provide electronically, and Excel spreadsheet, a by name listing of personnel who have been granted a final clearance/public trust certification and are currently performing on TO. This listing will also have a listing of those personnel who have departed the contract during the past quarter and the reason for departure. The listing will also show who has been cleared and have not yet deployed, indicating the reason why they have not yet deployed. (The purpose of this is to try and manage who is actually performing on contract and who have departed contract performance. This has always been an issue as to the contractor making notification to DS/IS/IND and to the program office when someone has departed contract performance. At least this way we’ll be able to know when someone has departed contract performance.)


C.10.1 Business Requirements

C.10.1.1 Task Order Management Plan A. The Contractor shall identify their approach and methodology for meeting the task order SOW requirements, with definable metrics and specific achievable objectives, in a TOMP, which shall be part of the TO – required technical proposal. The purpose of the TOMP is to ensure that the Contractor has reviewed and understands all task order SOW requirements and has adequately planned for all of the activities, equipment, supplies, material, and support functions needed to successfully (1) start-up; (2) perform the work; and (3) transition out when required by the Government. The TOMP is comprised of specific management elements that must be addressed including the plans identified in C.10.1.1.F below. See Attachment 9, Task Order Management Plan Requirements. B. If the Contractor intends to subcontract any portion of the work required under the TO, the Contractor must append the Subcontractor’s TOMP covering the subcontracted portion of the work to their (the Contractor’s) TOMP. The Subcontractor’s TOMP shall meet the same TOMP requirements to be met by the Contractor. C. The Contractor's TOMP is incorporated by reference and hereby made subject to the provisions of the "ORDER OF PRECEDENCE" clause in Section I of the IDIQ contract. Under the "ORDER OF PRECEDENCE" clause, the Contractor's TOMP shall follow the specifications in the order of precedence. The Contractor shall, therefore, be bound as so incorporated, by the statements and specific plans making up their TOMP, to include that of their subcontractor(s). D. In accordance with DS/OPO/WPS COR or CO written instructions and request, within thirty (30) calendar days the Contractor shall modify and electronically resubmit their TOMP to the aforementioned Government officials for review and approval. E. Deviations from or any changes made to the Government-approved Contractor’s TOMP requires DS/OPO/WPS COR and/or CO prior written approval. F. All planning requirements established below and in Attachment 9, Task Order Management Plan Requirements shall be included in the Contractor’s TOMP. Quarterly, the Government-

Page 49 of 67 approved plans contained within the Contractor’s TOMP shall be evaluated during the entire TO option period to ensure that they are up-to-date and applicable. The Contractor shall develop the following plans as part of their TOMP: 1. Management approach, to include PMO organizational structure, corporate philosophy, subcontract management, adherence to task order language requirements, etc. 2. A Staffing Plan describing how they will ensure that the personnel and canine TO staffing requirements are continually met, taking into account recruitment, screening, and retention. 3. A Training Management Plan describing how they will effectively implement their training program, to include all logistical support thereof, if training services are required by the TO. 4. A detailed Mobilization and Transition Plan describing how they will effectively deploy and provide resources at the TO performance location. The Contractor’s ability to quickly, efficiently, and effectively stand-up the required TO services is vitally important to DS/OPO/WPS and the overall success of DS’ mission. 5. A Logistics and Property Management and Accountability Plan describing how they will effectively acquire, deploy, manage and account for all required resources, equipment, supplies, and material at the TO performance location. 6. A Housing and Temporary Labor Camp Plan describing how they will provide temporary housing and labor camp facilities and services for all OCONUS Contractor personnel performing work under this contract, if required by the TO. 7. A Risk Management Plan to identify, assess, and prioritize risks in order to minimize, monitor, and control the impact of unfortunate and unknown events. As part of this plan, the Contractor shall recommend strategies to manage such identified risks. 8. A Reporting and Information Plan to capture information requirements and ensure that such information is delivered to the appropriate stakeholder in the required format(s) and timeframe(s). The purpose of the reporting and information plan is to identify the appropriate level of communication for each stakeholder, what information should be distributed, and the frequency of communications, in order to meet the information needs of all stakeholders. 9. A Quality Control Plan that describes the methods they will use to review and analyze their compliance with the requirements set forth in this contract and the awarded TO; identify and analyze relevant risks associated with achieving compliance; evaluate how well operations are functioning; and ensure that integrity and ethical values are maintained and demonstrated by management and staff. 10. A Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) addressing how they will ensure continuity of contractually obligated services during adverse events to include, but not limited to, labor disputes, civil unrest, localized acts of nature, technological emergencies, attack on the compound, or any other situation that would negatively impact the Government. In addition to the quarterly review requirement cited above, at the beginning of each TO option period, the COOP must be reevaluated and updated, if changes occur, as well as documenting the date of the review and the names of the Contractor personnel conducting the review. The revised plan and documentation shall then be submitted electronically to DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS for review and authorization. Detailed planning guidance and plan templates to assist in continuity planning can be found at:

Page 50 of 67 C.10.1.2 Quality Control A. The Contractor shall conduct internal quality control (QC) inspections/reviews of their TO performance operations as addressed in their Quality Control Plan (see Attachment 9, Task Order Management Plan Requirements). B. The frequency of such QC inspections shall be on a not less than biannual basis. The DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM and DS/RSO COR shall be notified (via e-mail) no less than seven (7) calendar days in advance of any planned QC inspection/reviews at the TO performance location to ensure availability of the DS/RSO COR or DS/OPO/WPS GTM. C. Deliverable - Within thirty (30) calendar days of completing such QC inspection/review, the Contractor shall provide (via e-mail) a written report to DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM and DS/RSO and COR, documenting the performance and completion of such inspection/review, describing the scope of the work related to the reviewed operations and any identified deficiencies. If any deficiencies were identified during this inspection/review, the Contractor shall also submit with their report a written Corrective Action Plan identifying specific, measurable corrective action with an associated implementation timeline to DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM and DS/RSO and COR. The Contractor shall ensure timely implementation of all corrective action(s) and track the completion of such corrective actions in the Monthly Performance Status Report. C.10.1.3 Personnel and Explosives Detection Canine Team Record Keeping Systems C. Online Personnel Record Keeping System A. The Contractor shall: 1. Establish, maintain and use a secure web-IDIQd personnel record keeping system for filing required records (e.g., documents, certifications, records, etc.) related to all candidates selected to work under this contract. This system must have controls to ensure the integrity, accuracy, authenticity, and reliability of the documents maintained within. 2. Retain paper copies of any documents that cannot be clearly or completely transferred to this system. 3. Allow access to this system only to those DS/OPO/WPS or CO identified (in writing) Department personnel who have a need to know. 4. Retain these files in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records - Negotiation.” C. Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System A. The Contractor shall: 1. Establish a personnel record keeping system at the TO place of performance for filing employment related and required documents associated with each individual working under this contract. This system must have controls to ensure the integrity, accuracy, authenticity, and reliability of the documents maintained within. 2. Within this system, establish a file for each individual performing work under the TO. 3. Retain these files in a centralized site at the TO performance location as well as an identical file at the CONUS PMO. 3. Ensure that all employment related and contract required documents (e.g., training completion records, records of contribution and achievement, warnings and disciplinary

Page 51 of 67 notices, promotions, performance development plans, notes on attendance or tardiness, passport hold requests, certifications, etc.) are kept in this file. 4. Ensure that all such files are kept current and retained at the TO performance location for the duration of the individual’s performance under the contract in any capacity, and are made available to the Government upon request or for examination. Ensure that the file transfers with the individual on every permanent assignment to another TO performance location. 5. Retain these files in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records - Negotiation.” C. Task Order Explosives Detection Canine Team File A. The Contractor shall: 1. Establish a unique permanent file for each EDC team working under the contract. Basic elements of this file shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Name. b. Photograph. c. Microchip number. d. The name and address of the person/company from whom the canine was purchased or otherwise acquired, as well as the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) license or registration number of the person/company. e. The date(s) the canine was acquired, arrived/departed the TO performance location, was adopted, retired, or euthanized. f. The identity of the method of transportation to and from the TO performance location, including the name of the intermediate handler, if applicable. g. Handler’s name(s) and corresponding dates of assignment(s). 2. Ensure that all certifications, proficiency assessments, training, and utilization records are kept in this file. 3. Ensure that all such files are kept current and maintained at the TO performance location for the duration of the canine’s performance under the contract in any capacity, and made available to the Government upon request or for examination. Ensure that the file transfers with the canine on every permanent assignment to another TO performance location. 4. Maintain this file in a centralized location at the performance location as well as an identical file at the CONUS PMO. 5. Retain these files in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records - Negotiation.” C.10.1.4 Code of Conduct A. The Contractor shall develop a code of conduct with corresponding disciplinary actions in accordance with the requirements established in Attachment 4 Standards of Conduct. The Contractor shall hold their personnel working under the task order accountable for their conduct IDIQd on these standards, taking appropriate disciplinary action as may be deemed necessary. B. Once the Contractor is satisfied that their personnel understand the Contractor’s code of conduct, and prior to the individual performing work on the TO, the Contractor shall secure a signed and dated statement from each individual certifying that they have read and

Page 52 of 67 understood the information contained within this document. The signed certification(s) shall be maintained in the individual’s personnel file at the TO performance location for Government inspection in accordance with Section C., Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System.

C.10.2 Contractor Recruitment and Pre-Employment Suitability Screening and Certification Requirements

C.10.2.1 Recruitment A. In addition to the requirements established in Section H of the IDIQ contract, the Contractor shall: 1. Develop and implement recruitment and retention strategies to address current and future staffing needs for all positions/labor categories as addressed in the Contractor’s Staffing Plan. 2. Ensure that applicants are informed about and understand the qualifications and responsibility requirements of the position(s) for which they are applying to (see Attachment 1, Personnel and Canine Qualifications and Responsibilities). 3. Ensure that applicants are informed about and understand the work commitment and importance of honoring the periods of service in the contract between the Contractor and the applicant as well as the consequences for failing to do so. 4. Ensure that applicants are informed about and understand the nature of the mission, the TO performance location, any anticipated threats, and, if applicable, the fact that they will be working and living in dangerous and austere conditions. Have applicants certify that they understand and accept the risks associated with the required contract work in such TO performance location. The original signed certification shall be filed and maintained in the individual’s personnel file in accordance with section C., Online Personnel Record Keeping System for Government inspection. C.10.2.2 Pre-employment Suitability Screening A. The Contractor shall: 1. Address their applicant pre-employment suitability screening and evaluation policy, procedures and process as part of their TOMP (see Attachment 9, “Task Order Management Plan Requirements”). 2. Conduct a pre-employment suitability screening and evaluation process of applicants prior to referring any candidate to the Department for its suitability screening, credentialing and security clearance determination. For guidance in deciding whether or not to recommend a candidate to the Department for consideration and approval see the Office of Personnel Management’s suitability determination factors found at 5 CFR 731.202, “Criteria for Making Suitability Determinations” as well as the Department’s factors which can be found at 12 FAM 232.2, “Matters Bearing on Employment Suitability”. 3. Make certain that their personnel responsible for performing this suitability screening and evaluation process are qualified, experienced, and have demonstrated past work success in performing such activities.

Page 53 of 67 C. Pre-employment Qualification Screening Upon DS/OPO/WPS’ approval of the Contractor’s pre-employment suitability screening and evaluation policy, procedures and process, the Contractor shall screen/vet each applicant’s BIO and perform employment verification, conduct, integrity, character, and performance checks to determine if the applicant meets the Department’s qualification requirements and is eligible for the position(s) to which they have applied for in accordance with Attachment 1, “Personnel and Canine Qualifications and Responsibilities” and the TO. C. Pre-employment Background Screening/Check A. The Contractor shall conduct a pre-employment background screening/check on each applicant the Contractor has determined meets the qualification and eligibility requirements established in Attachment 1, “Personnel and Canine Qualifications and Responsibilities.” This screening/check must be fully completed by the Contractor within thirty (30) calendar days immediately preceding entry of the individual’s complete BIO information and supporting documentation into HITS, which is a DS’ web-IDIQd personnel management system used to vet/screen Contractor personnel and track contract required and related documents and information. In performing this check, at a minimum, the Contractor shall: 1. Confirm the applicant’s identity and present address/residence. 2. Conduct a state and federal criminal history summary check for the past seven (7) years. 3. Conduct a search of the National Sex-Offender Registry to verify the absence of an applicant’s registration. 4. Conduct a national vehicle records search for personnel who are or may be expected to operate a vehicle under the TO. Such records check shall include license information and operator history. 5. Conduct a credit and bankruptcy history check. C. Pre-employment Medical Screening and Certification A. The Contractor shall perform a pre-employment medical screening, to include administering any TO performance location country entry required inoculations and/or medical testing as well as US Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization recommended vaccinations for each candidate. This screening shall be conducted by a physician who is licensed to practice medicine from a state or jurisdiction of the US. In performing this pre- employment medical screening, at a minimum, the Contractor shall: 1. Provide either a statement of the essential functions of the candidate’s prospective position, or the relevant position description and responsibilities portion of Attachment 1, “Personnel and Canine Qualifications and Responsibilities” that the candidate is being considered for, to the physician conducting the medical screening for review, as well as a copy of the requirements of this section. 2. Ensure that candidates taking any drugs (legal or illegal) disclose this as well as their medical condition to the physician during this pre-employment medical screening. B. The Contractor shall obtain a complete medical clearance certification, signed and dated by the screening physician, stating that the candidate examined is physically fit to perform all of the essential functions of the position(s) the candidate is being considered for. The certification shall also report: 1. If applicable, the identity of all drugs (legal or illegal) that the individual is taking.

Page 54 of 67 2. Whether or not these identified drugs are prescribed and used to treat serious and/or complex medical conditions that could likely result in health consequences. 3. Whether or not such drugs will impair the individual’s ability to perform any one of the essential functions of the position(s) the individual has applied to. 4. The identity of the applicable WPS 2 position(s) that were considered for this pre- deployment medical screening. 5. The full name, office address, and telephone number of the screening physician. D. The Contractor shall retain the original completed medical fitness-for-work screening report and medical clearance certification in the individual’s confidential medical file and maintain such in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records - Negotiation.” C. Pre-employment Psychological Screening and Certification A. The Contractor shall perform a pre-employment psychological screening for each candidate. The screening shall focus on the individual candidate’s ability to perform the essential functions of the position(s) under consideration. The assessment procedures shall include a candidate interview, a series of psychological tests, and a review of the candidate’s background. This screening shall be conducted by a psychologist or psychiatrist who is licensed to practice in a state or jurisdiction of the US. In performing this psychological screening, at a minimum, the Contractor shall: 1. Provide either a statement of the essential functions of the candidate’s prospective position, or the relevant position description and responsibilities portion of Attachment 1, “Personnel and Canine Qualifications and Responsibilities” that the candidate is being considered for, to the screening psychologist/psychiatrist, as well as a copy of the requirements of this section. 2. Ensure that candidates taking any drugs (legal or illegal) disclose this as well as their medical condition to the psychologist/psychiatrist during this pre-deployment psychological screening. B. The Contractor shall obtain a complete psychological certification stating that the candidate is psychologically fit to perform all of the essential functions of the position(s) the Candidate is being considered for. The certification shall also report: 1. If applicable, the identity of all drugs (legal or illegal) that the individual is taking. 2. Whether or not these identified drugs are prescribed and used to treat serious and/or complex medical conditions that could likely result in health consequences. 3. Whether or not such drugs will impair the individual’s ability to perform any one of the essential functions of the position(s) the individual has applied to. 4. The identity of the applicable WPS 2 position(s) that were considered for this pre- deployment psychological screening. 5. The full name, office address and telephone number of the screening psychologist/psychiatrist. C. The Contractor shall retain the original completed pre-employment psychological screening report and clearance certification in the individual’s confidential medical file and maintain such in accordance with FAR 52.215.2 Audit and Records - Negotiation.

Page 55 of 67 C. Pre-employment Drug Screening A. The Contractor shall conduct a pre-employment drug screening on all candidates in accordance with Appendix M, “Drug and Alcohol Testing Protocols,” or as amended by the applicable TO. B. The Contractor shall retain drug testing results in the individual’s confidential medical file, and maintain such in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records - Negotiation.” C. Pre-employment Language Proficiency Assessment and Certification For all candidates being considered for language requirement positions/labor categories, the Contractor shall submit an official certification for each candidate indicating the current proficiency level (0 – 5) for each respective skill (e.g., reading, listening, speaking, writing, etc.) and applicable TO-defined target language(s) as well as English as measured by the Interagency Language Roundtable/Foreign Service Institute skill level descriptions found at Candidates whose official or home country (i.e. the country where the candidate was born and raised) language is English do not require English language proficiency testing. In all cases, the test results and certification shall not be more than two (2) years old. The certification shall identify the full name, office address and telephone number of the testing service and be signed and dated by the testing official. C. Pre-employment Physical Fitness Screening The Contractor shall ensure that all Contractor personnel required to maintain physical fitness standards in accordance with Attachment 1, “Personnel and Canine Qualifications and Responsibilities” take and successfully pass the WPS physical readiness test contained in Appendix N, “Physical Readiness Test Protocols and Standards” no more than ninety (90) calendar days prior to commencing work under the TO. The minimum passing standard for each position/labor category is identified in Attachment 1, “Personnel and Canine Qualifications and Responsibilities. “ C. Canine Wellness Screening and Certification A. The Contractor shall provide only canines that are mentally and physically fit, structurally sound, and able to perform the essential functions of the work identified in the contract and applicable TO. B. No less than ten (10) calendar days prior to departure to the TO performance location, the Contractor shall have all canines screened and vaccinated in accordance with the TO and/or destination/TO performance location’s requirements, by a US licensed DMV or VMD with a working knowledge of military/law enforcement working canines. Incumbent canines working under the WPS TO and transitioning to a follow-on WPS 2 TO shall be screened and vaccinated by the Contractor’s veterinarian physician at the TO performance location within thirty (30) calendar days of TO award. C. The Contractor shall provide a statement of the essential functions of the canine’s position to the veterinarian physician conducting the screening for review, as well as a copy of the relevant canine requirements of this contract. D. At a minimum, taking into consideration any additional destination/TO performance location requirements, the canine wellness screening shall include: 1. Confirmation that vaccinations for canine distemper, canine adenovirus-2 infection (hepatitis and respiratory disease), canine parvovirus infection, parainfluenza, rabies,

Page 56 of 67 Bordetella, Corona virus, and Leptospirosis has been administered and are up to date or a serum antibody titer measurement for other than the rabies vaccine reflects that adequate effective immunity is present. 2. An assessment of the canine’s diet, exercise, thirst, breathing, behavior, habits, elimination patterns (i.e., bowel movements and urination), lifestyle, and general health. 3. A check and determination of the canine’s general appearance (e.g., eyes, ears, nose and face, mouth, gums and teeth, skin, coat, etc.). 4. Auscultation - listening to and assessing the canine’s heart and lungs (e.g., heart rate and rhythm, lung sound, cardio system at rest and upon exercise, respiratory system at rest and upon exercise, etc.). 5. Palpate - feeling specific areas of the canine’s body (pulse, lymph nodes, legs and abdomen). 6. Confirmation through microscopic evaluation of a fresh sample of the canine’s feces for the absence of parasite eggs. 7. Confirmation through blood testing that the dog does not have heartworm. 8. Confirmation through blood testing (liver values, kidney values, and a complete blood count), biochemistry profile urinalysis, and thyroid hormone testing that the canine is free of any disorders or physical abnormality. 9. An assessment from review of ventro-dorsal pelvic and thoracic-lumbar junction spinal x- rays that have been taken within the last two (2) years and in accordance with positioning guidelines set out by the AVMA that there are no signs of degeneration in the bones or joints or any signs of subclinical disease. Minimum patient data (i.e. name and other canine identifying data), view identification (i.e. left or right), and date of x-ray shall be imprinted permanently on the radiograph at the time of exposure. 10. Assessment of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and senses, as well as sensory organs. 11. If applicable, an evaluation to determine if the canine will be able to withstand the rigors of travel and the environment of the performance location identified in the TO. E. The Contractor shall obtain a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI), signed and dated by the examining veterinarian, certifying that the canine examined successfully passed all aspects of the examination, is structurally sound, is mentally and physically capable of performing all of the essential functions of the position, and is free of any disorder, infectious disease, or physical abnormality. For canine deployment to OCONUS TO performance locations an International Health Certificate shall be required. F. The Contractor shall ensure that the veterinarian’s wellness screening report, canine’s medical records, proof of vaccinations (i.e. rabies certificate) and/or titer certificate, prescribed medications, and health certificates accompany the canine to the TO performance location. G. The Contractor shall maintain these reports, records and certifications in accordance with section C., “Work Requirements” and FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records - Negotiation.”

Page 57 of 67 C.10.3 Worldwide Protective Services Suitability Requirements

C.10.3.1 High-Threat Information Tracking System A. DS/OPO/WPS approval and authorization is required prior to the Contractor’s filling of any TO position/labor category. B. After the Contractor has conducted and reviewed the requisite pre-employment suitability screenings/checks, and determines from that review that the applicant is suitable for hiring, the Contractor shall fill out a “WPS BIO Application” (see Appendix O) for each applicant. The application, along with all required supporting documentation, shall be entered into HITS or submitted to the Department in accordance with the TO’s instructions. C. The Contractor shall ensure that all entered or provided BIO information clearly supports the contract and TO’s requirements related to the position(s)/labor category(ies) the applicant/candidate is applying for. D. If presenting applicants/candidates for multiple position/labor categories, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a separate package for each position/labor category. E. Deliverable - Daily, upon entering or submitting an applicant/candidate’s BIO information, the Contractor shall submit (via e-mail) to DS/OPO/WPS a HITS BIO/personally identifiable information request roster. F. The Contractor shall keep current the information required by HITS.

C.10.4 Performance Location Requirements

C.10.4.1 Personnel In-Processing A. The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that all Contractor personnel deploying to/arriving at the TO performance location have all required documentation/identification on their person. Contractor personnel not having such documentation/identification may be refused entry to the Government’s facility/area until the situation is rectified. 2. Within two (2) calendar days of initial arrival at the TO performance location, brief all newly hired Contractor personnel performing work under this contract. At a minimum, this briefing shall cover the following: a. Performance location layout and operations. b. Government staffing and organization. c. Applicable Government and Contractor rules, regulations, policies, SOPs, directives, orders, and instructions, to include DS’ use of force policy and, if applicable, the Mission firearms policy, Defense IDIQ Act insurance, and trafficking in persons prohibition. 3. Within two (2) calendar days of first arrival at the TO performance location, ensure that Contractor personnel attend the DS/RSO-provided security and counter-intelligence briefing(s). 4. Ensure that Contractor personnel who are new to performing work under this contract receive a minimum of one (1) day, but not to exceed six (6) days, of on-the-job observational learning on the normal work routine related to their position. Electronically submit any waiver or extension request, with justification, to this requirement to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS COR.

Page 58 of 67 5. Prior to being issued a weapon, ensure that Contractor personnel authorized by the Government to be armed present their current weapons’ qualification certification to the armorer. Such certifications shall be signed and dated by the qualifying firearms instructor, and placed in the respective individual’s TO personnel file (see section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System”) for Government inspection. B. The Contractor shall develop and issue to each individual performing work under this contract a durable, waterproof CLIN card. Such card must be carried on their person while performing work at the TO performance location. The Contractor shall be responsible for updating the CLIN card as appropriate. Contractor-provided CLIN cards shall contain the following printed, i.e. not handwritten, information: 1. Full name. 2. Photo 3. Company name. 4. Approved position(s)/labor category(ies). 5. Authorized carry weapon(s). 6. WPS 2 pre-deployment training completion date. 7. If applicable, additional information as required and identified in the TO. C.10.4.2 Canine In-Processing A. Upon arrival at the TO performance location, canines will be inspected by the DS/OPO/WPS GTM and/or DS/RSO COR for working acceptance. Any canine that has not undergone the required wellness screening and fitness-for-work evaluation (see section C., “Canine Wellness Screening and Certification”); is not accompanied by the veterinarian’s examination report, respective medical records, proof of vaccinations (i.e. rabies certificate) and/or titer certificate, and health certificates; and/or exhibits general health abnormalities along with symptoms of diseases and parasites may be determined unacceptable to work under the TO by the aforementioned Government official(s) and returned to the Contractor. The list of acceptable and unacceptable symptoms of illness or injury are, but not limited to, the following: 1. Acceptable - eyes are bright and clear and the surrounding membranes a healthy pink. Unacceptable - red or yellow color of the membranes and white part of the eyes; paleness of the membranes; white or yellow discharges; cloudiness or other discoloration of the clear part of the eyes(cornea); puffy eyelids; eyelid partially or completely closed; or nictitating membrane or third eyelid that covers more of the eyelid than usual. 2. Acceptable - nose is shiny and moist. Unacceptable – watery, yellowish or red- tinged discharge. 3. Acceptable - ears are clean. Unacceptable – reddish, discoloration of the ear canal; swelling of the ear canal; unpleasant odor coming from the ear canal; consistent shaking of the head, holding the head to one side, twitching the ear, or scratching or pawing at the ear; evidence of pain when the ear is touched; or large amount of wax in the ear canal. 4. Acceptable - mouth, gums, and inner lips are a healthy pink color and teeth are firm and white. Unacceptable – paleness or discoloration of the gums; sores on gums; persistent drooling; bloody saliva; gagging or pawing at the mouth; bad breath; loose or broken teeth; or tartar accumulations on the teeth. 5. Acceptable - coat is clean and glossy, and the skin is soft and pliable. Unacceptable –dirty; scabbing; moist discharges; loss of hair/”hot spots”; or presence of

Page 59 of 67 fleas or ticks. 6. Acceptable - feet and legs are free of foreign objects, cuts, bruises, and abrasions. Unacceptable – long, broken or split nails (nails should not touch the ground when the dog stands); loosely attached dewclaws; long nails on dewclaws (nails should not curl around the pad); lameness; wounds, swelling or sores on legs; or inflamed elbow callus. 7. Genitals. Unacceptable for males – bleeding sheath; swelling, reddening, and/or scabbing of the scrotum. Unacceptable for females – reddening of the vulva or the skin in the genital area and/or discharge. B. Upon arrival and prior to working at the TO performance location, the Contractor shall ensure that all incoming canines are afforded an acclimation period, which includes proficiency and obedience training, This acclimation and training period shall not be less than twenty-four (24) hours and not in excess of fourteen (14) calendar days without DS/OPO/WPS GTM approval. C.10.4.3 Physical Fitness Testing A. On a not less than biannual basis, the Contractor shall conduct physical fitness testing for all Contractor personnel performing work under this contract and subject to the physical fitness standards established in Attachment 1, “Personnel and Canine Qualifications and Responsibilities.” This requirement begins upon the individual’s first billable day through the end of the three hundred [and] sixty five (365) calendar days following, and then begins again on the first calendar day following while the individual is still working on the TO. See Appendix N, “Physical Readiness Test Protocols and Standards.” B. Incumbent WPS TO Contractor personnel currently performing work under a position/labor category that does not require physical fitness testing and who are transitioning to a follow- on WPS 2 TO that does will be granted a grace period of six (6) months from the WPS 2 TO performance start date to take and pass the physical fitness testing required by their position. C. Deliverable - Weekly, by noon on Friday of the previous week, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a “Projected Physical Fitness Qualification Schedule” in Microsoft Excel format that identifies, at a minimum, the planned qualification dates, location, and identity of the individuals being tested to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS GTM. When any changes are made to this projected qualification schedule during the week of testing, immediately inform (verbally) the aforementioned Government officials. D. The TO may identify an alternative physical fitness test other than Appendix N for OCONUS/in-country personnel. E. DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM may direct the Contractor to conduct physical fitness testing at any time, to include specific individuals to be tested. F. Deliverable - Quarterly (January, April, July, October), the Contractor shall accurately complete and submit (via e-mail) a “Physical Fitness Qualification Status Report” found at Appendix P to DS/OPO/WPS COR and GTM and DS/RSO COR. G. Contractor personnel who fail any portion of the biannual or Government-directed physical fitness testing will be afforded a retest within seven (7) calendar days of failing. The retest will include all of the required events established in Appendix N, “Physical Readiness Test Protocols and Standards,” even if the individual previously failed at only one event. C.10.4.4 Replacement and Removal of Personnel A. The Contractor shall maintain for each applicable TO, sufficient Department-approved personnel and canines that are immediately available for replacement to prevent operational

Page 60 of 67 stoppage. Reasons for replacement include but are not limited to illness, injury, humanitarian, removal, retirement, etc. B. The DS/OPO/WPS COR or CO, at their discretion, may direct, in writing, the Contractor to immediately remove and replace Contractor personnel and canines from the TO performance location who jeopardize or interfere with mission accomplishment, disrupt good order and discipline, violate applicable laws, regulations, orders, instructions, policies, or directives, or who fail to comply with or violate applicable requirements of this contract and the awarded TO. The removal of such personnel shall be carried out in a manner that will not adversely affect the performance of obligations under the TO. Such personnel and canine shall be returned to their home-of-record within seventy-two (72) hours of the Government’s directed removal. C. Deliverable - The Contractor shall immediately notify (via e-mail) the DS/OPO/WPS GTM and DS/RSO, DS/IS/IND and COR of the effected personnel/canine’s removal from the TO performance location and the identity of their replacement. This removal and replacement information shall also be included in Appendix F, “Personnel and Canine Daily Accountability Report” identified in section C., “Operations Management Support.” Additionally, when personnel are removed from the TO pursuant to a loss of confidence letter, within thirty (30) calendar days of such removal, the Contractor shall submit a letter on company letterhead to DS/OPO/WPS notifying the Government that such removal has been effected. C.10.4.5 Reinstatement of Contractor Personnel Returning From Medical Leave A. Deliverable - As a condition of restoring Contractor personnel whose leave from working under the TO was occasioned by injury or the person’s own serious health condition that made the person unable to perform their job, the Contractor shall re-submit a medical clearance certification to DS/OPO/WPS following and adhering to the same pre-deployment medical fitness-for-work examination and certification process and requirements described above in section C., “Pre-employment Medical Screening and Certification.” DS/OPO/WPS’ approval and authorization is required prior to the individual re-deploying to the TO place of performance and filling any TO position/labor category. C.10.4.6 Surrender of Government-issued Property A. The Contractor shall: 1. Ensure that Contractor personnel turn in all sensitive property (see Appendix B, “Definitions”) and any other TO and/or DS/RSO-identified property to the Contractor’s designated property manager prior to departure from the TO performance location. 2. Ensure that Contractor personnel who cease working (e.g., removal, replacement, termination, extended leave, etc.) under this contract immediately surrender all issued GFP and CAP to the Contractor’s designated property manager or company management prior to departure from the TO performance location. 3. Ensure that Contractor personnel who cease working (e.g., removal, replacement, termination, extended leave, etc.) under this contract immediately surrender all Government-issued official or diplomatic passports and identification in accordance with FAR 52.204-9 Personnel Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel. This includes revocation of any physical and/or logistical access (as defined by Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-12) granted to such personnel. The DS POC for the surrendering of such items will be identified in the TO.

Page 61 of 67 4. Ensure that Contractor personnel who are transferred to duties under this contract that do not require the use of previously issued GFP and CAP immediately surrenders such issued property to the Contractor’s designated property manager. 5. Ensure that Contractor personnel return all GFP and CAP in the condition it was received, accounting for normal wear and tear. C.10.4.7 Over-the-Counter Drug Consumption Prohibition, Prescription Drug Reporting, and Drug and Alcohol Testing C. Over-the-Counter Drug Consumption Prohibition The Contractor shall ensure that their personnel do not consume over-the-counter drugs that may impair vision, cognition (i.e., ability to think clearly), motor/muscle function (i.e., ability to take action), dizziness, or drowsiness within eight (8) hours prior to reporting to work. C. Prescription Drug Reporting Deliverable – the Contractor shall ensure that Contractor personnel who while working under the TO begin taking drugs (legal or illegal) that were not reported during the pre-deployment medical fitness screening (see section C., “Pre-employment Medical Screening and Certification”) immediately disclose such to the Contractor and the Government’s designated medical unit. The Contractor shall re-submit a medical clearance certification for that individual to DS/OPO/WPS, following and adhering to the same pre-deployment medical suitability screening and certification process and requirements described in section C., “Pre- employment Medical Screening and Certification.” In the absence of an updated medical clearance certification, the individual shall cease working under the TO. C. Drug and Alcohol Testing A. As identified in the TO, drug and alcohol testing will/shall either be conducted by a Department-identified third-party testing service or by the Contractor that complies with Appendix M, “Drug and Alcohol Testing Protocols,” or as amended by the applicable TO. If the TO requires the Contractor to implement a drug and alcohol testing program that complies with Appendix M, the Government retains the ability to monitor the Contractor's testing program. B. In addition to the pre-employment drug testing, Contractor personnel are subject to the following Government-required drug and alcohol testing types: 1. Random Testing – Biannual random drug/steroid testing performed at the TO performance location. 2. Non-random Testing – Government-directed drug/steroid and/or alcohol testing performed at the TO performance location at any time. 3. Post Vehicle Collision, Weapons Discharge, or Unsafe Practice Testing – Government- directed drug/steroid and/or alcohol testing when, IDIQd upon the circumstances of a vehicle collision and/or weapon’s discharge and when the involved individual’s actions are reasonably suspected of having caused or contributed to a collision/weapon’s discharge that meets either of the following criteria: a. The vehicle collision and/or weapon’s discharge results in death or personal injury. b. The vehicle collision and/or weapon’s discharge results in damage to US/host government and/or private property estimated to be in excess of $10,000.

Page 62 of 67 4. Upon Return to Work Testing – Immediately, upon returning to work at the TO performance location after being on leave, undergo dip drug testing, which is a rapid qualitative immunoassay used for the detection of drugs. 5. Follow up Testing – Government-directed follow up drug/steroid and/or alcohol testing.

C.10.5 Incident Reporting A. The Contractor shall: 1. Prepare SOPs for incident notification and reporting by their personnel performing work under this contract in accordance with the requirements of this contract and, if applicable, DS/RSO and DS/OPO/WPS’ direction. 2. Ensure that their SOPs for notification procedures (including internal notification) as well as the preparation and submission of an “Incident Report” are made available to, understood and adhered to by all of their personnel performing work under the TO. For guard force operations, include such instructions in the Contractor’s “Post Orders.” 3. Ensure that their personnel sufficiently and timely document the relevant facts of the incident, including any after action information, using the “Incident Report” form found at Appendix Q. Confirm that such report is accurate, fully completed, signed, and dated prior to forwarding it to the Government. Submit the completed “Incident Report” to the Government within twenty-four (24) hours of the conclusion of the incident requiring such reporting, unless otherwise directed by DS/RSO. Provide the original “Incident Report” to DS/RSO and send an electronic copy to DS/RSO COR and DS/OPO/WPS and GTM. Provide additional follow up reporting or corrective action(s) as required by DS/RSO or DS/OPO/WPS. 4. Monitor the notification and reporting of incidents as well as any required corrective actions to ensure adherence with this contract and other Departmental guidance. 5. Maintain copies of such reports in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records – Negotiation” and for Government inspection. 6. Deliverable - Monthly incident reporting information shall be summarized and submitted as part of the “Monthly Performance Status Report,” Appendix L (see section C.9.5, “Deliverables”). B. Since the Government cannot be expected to project or cover the full range of incidents that may require the submission of an “Incident Report,” the Contractor shall instruct its personnel that if they are uncertain whether or not to submit such a report, to coordinate and request direction from DS/RSO COR or DS/OPO/WPS GTM, and follow such given direction. C. The incident reporting requirements stated herein are not a substitute for nor do they eliminate the need for compliance with any additional reporting requirements prescribed in Federal regulations, Department policy, by DS/RSO, and in the contract pertaining to motor vehicle/transportation mode incidents. C.10.5.1 Security and Facility Infrastructure Incidents A. Deliverable - The Contractor shall ensure immediate notification and submission of an “Incident Report” to the Government officials noted above in C.10.5.A.3., and, if applicable, reporting in the respective post/venue log book by Contractor personnel who are involved in, observe, or suspect the following types of incidents/events:

Page 63 of 67 1. Threatened or actual attacks, sabotage, or terrorist activity directed against the Government’s operations, facilities/buildings and property, critical infrastructure, Government employees and their eligible household members, other DS/RSO-designated persons, and Contractor personnel. 2. Threatened or actual civil disorders or demonstrations, including celebratory shooting sprees that may impact the Government’s operations, facilities/buildings and property, critical infrastructure, Government employees and their eligible household members, other DS/RSO-designated persons, and Contractor personnel. 3. The physical and electronic detection of, or failure to detect, any hazardous devices, weapons, and/or contraband, including canine detection of such items during the course of operational employment. 4. The observation or detection of any suspected or apparent security-related or irregular activity, whether carried through or not. Particularly those people who appear to display an unusual interest in the Government’s operations and its security measures. 6. Security breach. 7. Fire. C.10.5.2 Use of Force and/or Weapon Discharge A. Deliverable - The Contractor shall ensure immediate notification and submission of an “Incident Report” to the Government officials noted above in section C.10.5.A.3, and, if applicable, reporting in the respective post/venue log book by Contractor personnel who are involved in, observe, or suspect the use of any force, deadly or otherwise, to include the firing or discharge of a weapon, intentional or unintentional, by or against Contractor personnel. This includes the use of incendiary weapons (e.g., flash bangs, smoke canisters, rockets, grenades, etc.) and non-lethal countermeasures (e.g., laser optical distractors, acoustic hailing devices, blunt trauma devices like rubber balls and sponge grenades, riot- controlled agency and delivery systems, etc.). B. DS/RSO and other law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction will conduct investigations into incidents involving the use of force and weapon discharges. Contractor personnel shall not conduct or participate in a use of force or weapon discharge investigation, unless requested or authorized by DS/RSO and/or DS/OPO/WPS. C. Pending the results of a use of force or weapon discharge investigation, the involved Contractor personnel may be relieved of their assigned weapon(s) by DS/RSO. If Contractor personnel are relieved of their assigned weapon(s), the Contractor may assign those personnel to other duties not requiring the use of a weapon. However, the DS/OPO/WPS COR or CO may, at their discretion, direct the Contractor to immediately remove and replace the involved individual against whom a proceeding has been taken on criminal charges associated with a use of force or weapon discharge investigation, pending the results of such proceeding. The removal of such personnel shall be carried out in a manner that will not adversely affect the performance of obligations under the TO. Such personnel shall be returned to their home-of-record within seventy-two (72) hours of the Government’s directed removal. Furthermore, such personnel may also be restricted from performing work under any other WPS 2 TO. D. The Contractor shall ensure that a copy of the completed “Incident Report” is stored in the individual’s personnel file (see section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System”) for Government inspection and maintained in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records – Negotiation.”

Page 64 of 67 C.10.5.3 Motor Vehicle Collision A. Deliverable - The Contractor shall ensure immediate notification and submission of an “Incident Report” to the Government officials noted above in section C.10.5.A.3., and, if applicable, reporting in the respective post/venue log book by Contractor personnel who are involved in, observe, or suspect the following types of motor vehicle incidents: 1. Any vehicle collision involving Contractor operated vehicles. For Government operated vehicles involved in collisions, in addition to the “Incident Report,” ensure that the “Accident Report Forms,” Standard Forms-91, 94, and 95 (see are legibly completed in ink by the involved vehicle’s driver, or by any Contractor personnel who were involved in or witnessed the collision. The SF-91 form shall identify, and be signed and dated by the individual who completed it. This form shall be submitted with the “Incident Report” (see Appendix Q) and any photographs to the Government officials noted above in section C.10.5.A.3. The Contractor shall ensure that copies of the completed accident forms and photographs are stored in the vehicle and individual’s personnel file (see section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System”) for Government inspection and maintained in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records – Negotiation.” C.10.5.4 Life Threatening or Serious Physical Injury or Fatality A. Deliverable - The Contractor shall ensure immediate notification and submission of an “Incident Report” to the Government officials noted above in section C.10.5.A.3., and, if applicable, reporting in the respective post/venue log book by Contractor personnel who are involved in, observe, or suspect the following types of incidents: 1. Any life-threatening or serious physical injury caused by or to Contractor personnel and canines. 2. Any fatality caused by or to Contractor personnel and canines. B. The Contractor shall ensure that a copy of the completed “Incident Report” is stored in the individual’s personnel file (see section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System”) or the canine’s file (see section C., “Task Order Explosives Detection Canine Team File”) for Government inspection and maintained in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records – Negotiation.” C.10.5.5 Intelligence Threats A. Deliverable - The Contractor shall ensure immediate notification and submission of an “Incident Report” to the Government officials noted above in section C.10.5.A.3., and, if applicable, reporting in the respective post/venue log book by Contractor personnel who are involved in, observe, or suspect the following types of incidents: 1. Any attempt by a foreign national to establish recurring contact or a close personal association beyond professional or personal courtesies. 2. Contact and/or association with suspected terrorist organizations or persons who threaten harm to the interests, property, or persons of the US and its allies. 3. Contact with a person suspected to be a member of any foreign intelligence service. 4. Any attempt to take any action or provide information that could cause harm to Government or allied interests, property, or persons.

Page 65 of 67 5. Any concern that others may be the target of actual or attempted exploitation by a foreign entity. C.10.5.6 Other Incidents A. Deliverable - The Contractor shall ensure timely notification and submission of an “Incident Report” to the Government officials noted above in section C.10.5.A.3., and, if applicable, reporting in the respective post/venue log book by Contractor personnel who are involved in, observe, or suspect the following types of incidents: 1. Loss, damage, theft or destruction of GFP and CAP. 2. Loss or theft of drugs/medications. 3. Incidents with potential to result in media interest. 4. Alleged criminal, dangerous or unauthorized practice or condition, standards of conduct violations, or a violation of security regulations. 5. Missing personnel. 6. Contagious or life-threatening illness that could adversely affect operational effectiveness. 7. Contractor personnel are under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants or has the odor of alcoholic beverage on his/her breath. 8. Assaults toward or interference with the EDC team. 9. Any clinical signs of illnesses, disease, and/or disorder with the EDC. 10. Any or alleged canine bites or assault to other canines or individuals. In addition to the “Incident Report,” direct the victim(s) to complete the “Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death,” form SF-94 (see Submit the SF-94 and “Incident Report” with any attached photographs of the injury to the Government officials noted above in section C.10.5.A.3. 11. Check point harassment. 12. Any compromise of classified information/documents. B. If applicable, the Contractor shall ensure that a copy of the completed “Incident Report” or SF-94 is stored in the individual’s personnel file (see section C., “Task Order Personnel Record Keeping System”) or the canine’s file (see section C., “Task Order Explosives Detection Canine Team File”) for Government inspection and maintained in accordance with FAR 52.215.2, “Audit and Records – Negotiation.’

C.10.6 Additional Reporting Deliverable - The Contractor shall, at the direction of DS/OPO/WPS COR or DS/RSO and COR, prepare and maintain other records or reports.

C.10.7 Task Order Completion/Termination/Transition A. Transition in/transition out requirements will be established in the TO request for proposal. Unless otherwise specified in the TO, transition timeframes will not be less than one hundred [and] twenty (120) calendar days. B. Upon TO termination/completion, the Contractor shall: 1. Follow property close out requirements in accordance with FAR 52.245-, “Government Property.” 2. Immediately upon termination or completion of a contract, perform and cause each subcontractor to perform a physical inventory, adequate for disposal purposes, of all GFP

Page 66 of 67 and CAP applicable to the contract and TO, unless the requirement is waived by DS/OPO/WPS and CO. 3. Deliverable - Within thirty (30) calendar days of termination or completion of a contract, submit a report (via e-mail) to DS/OPO/WPS or CO covering all GFP and CAP transactions, to include, closure of all loss, damage, destruction, or theft cases; physical inventory; disposals; and return and/or transfer of items. 3. If applicable, cooperate fully in transferring GFP and CAP to a successor Contractor.

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