From the Pastor S Desk s2

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From the Pastor S Desk s2

The“LAKEVIEWER”“LAKEVIEWER” LAKEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Reformed Church in America June 2011 Rev. Timothy Bush, Pastor

Newsletter of Lakeview Community Church From the Pastor’s Desk... Reformed Church in America

Déjà vu… I have on my desk a book entitled Hard Sayings of the Bible. The title reminds me of another hard-to-say saying, “Good Bye.” These are the words I wrote for my final Pastor’s Desk article for the March, 1998, edition of the Red River Reformed Church Newsletter in West Fargo, North Dakota. We were concluding 14 years at Red River Reformed Church. Called as a founding pastor and wife team, Marilyn and I began the 30 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14612 work in Fargo with a Bible study in our home in 1984. (Incidentally, while we traveled west to begin a church in WORSHIP SERVICES: Fargo, a neighbor and classmate, Dave Stout, began his June 5, 12, 19, & 26 pastoral ministry by traveling east to Rochester, New York, ONE Sunday Service at 10:00 AM and a Lakeview Community Church.) Now at the close of our No Sunday School during Summer ministry here, it seems like we have come full circle. Although Coffee Hour follows Worship Service similar thoughts and words seem to fit, our leaving Lakeview NO Nursery Service during Summer will be quite different.

Contact Lakeview: At the time of our leaving the church in West Fargo, leaving our kids and grandchildren, leaving friends, and Phone: 585-227-4910; Fax: 585-368-0261 E-mail: church members, we knew our leaving was a must. Our [email protected] personal health and the health of the church were at stake. Website: And Marilyn and I left at drastically different places LakeviewCommunityChurch.Net spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We were burned out —hadn’t crashed yet, but we were burning! Accessible to the Handicapped That was then and this is now! To physically leave our Looped for the Hearing Impaired Lakeview family is going to be difficult and painful. We know our leaving is for your good. And it is also getting exciting for us! We still have some time left together. On June 5th we can Inside: continue to celebrate our victories, share our stories, our tears, ...Committee Events our hopes, our joys, and our God! And if ever in Wisconsin, ...For Your Information there is a room open for you! ...Lakeview Ladies’ Group Information ...Youth Group News Blessings, Pastor Tim


lives. You and Marilyn should feel confident that you leave Lakeview with solid, committed-to-the-Lord leadership, a strong vision for the future, and lots of fond To Pastor Tim memories to cherish. and Marilyn: You have fed your lambs, tended your sheep with your love of Christ; and now, with your retirement, this faithful Consistory will Blessed Retirement, Fishing is continue to feed your sheep during our mine! search for a new pastor. May God bless you and Marilyn in your retirement and all that God places in your retirement pathway.

Your Faithful Consistory, Chris Dorland, Becky Hibbard, If people concentrated on the really Dave Goodrich, Rich Ives, important Donna Tijou, Carol Bremner, things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing Audrey Blocchi, and Bob VanAlstyne poles. ~Doug Larson

Seriously, on behalf of the Consistory 2011 COMMUNION SCHEDULE of the Lakeview Community Church, we June 12 – Pentecost – Communion wish and July 17 – Communion August 28 – Communion pray that retirement for you and Marilyn is October 2 – World Communion Sunday rewarding and fulfilling in all that you do. November 27 – First Sunday in Advent – Communion As you move on, we reflect on your service December 24 – Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion here and Elders are available to serve communion to persons unable to receive it at church. elsewhere; and it is without doubt both of Please call an elder if you wish communion to be you have shepherded many to the Lord in served at your residence (Chris Dorland, 723-5929; your journey with Christ our Lord and Dave Goodrich, 392-3384; Rich Ives, 227-2649; or Savior. Oh, by the way, keep on doing that Rebecca Hibbard, 392-4110). last part. 

You will be missed for certain at MEN'S PRAYER TEAM Lakeview Community Church as a Pastor, friend, and mentor to many. Both of you have made a difference in our lives in as Next Meeting: June 4, 9:00 AM, Pastor’s Study much we have made a difference in your   WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY CHOIR

Meetings on June 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 7:00 PM, Founders’ Room of Church  Choir Director: Jim Dalberth Organist: Donna Birrittella MONTHLY MISSION Regular rehearsals will resume on Thursday, September A special collection will be received on June 12 for the 8, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM, in the Sanctuary. If you have Volunteers of America. Checks for the monthly mission any questions please call Jim Dalberth at 458-6370 or should be made out to “Lakeview Community Church.” email [email protected]. If you have any questions, contact Linda Viney at 392-  1996.  LAKEVIEW CARE GROUPS VISIONING FOR lAKEVIEW MISSION SHARE Four special meetings of the Care Groups were held in Community Outreach Center May. Responses from these meetings were e-mailed to those with e-mail accessibility and hard copies for those Where Love Touches People without access to e-mail were placed on the table in the Tom Hakes, Director. Narthex. Faye Cole, Lakeview Mission Share Representative Grace and Peace, Your Consistory Needed: Toilet paper, spaghetti sauce, feminine products, and shampoo. Basket for donations is located Elders: Chris Dorland, Dave Goodrich, Becky by Pastor’s Study. Hibbard, and Rich Ives; Deaons: Donna Tijou, Bob Van Alstyne, Audrey  Blocchi, and Carol Bremner  SUNDAY SCHOOL Debbie Gill, Sunday School Superintendent. CONSISTORY During the summer, there are no Sunday School classes at Lakeview. Our regular Sunday School classes resume on September 11, RALLY DAY! The worship service will be followed by a Coffee Hour. Next Meeting: June 28 (Tuesday) – 7:00 PM, Founders’ Room NURSERY There is no Nursery service provided at Lakeview during FROM YOUR CONSISTORY the summer. However, to comfort a child, please feel PASTORAL SEARCH PROCESS UPDATE free to walk to the rear of the Sanctuary or make use of the Nursery facility located off the Fellowship Hall. Your Consistory continues to prepare for the retirement Nursery service will resume on September 11, 2011. of Pastor Tim, plan for the pastoral search process, Please consider signing up to be an attendant in the and prepare for the day-to-day operation of our church Nursery on Sunday mornings during the 11:00 AM after Pastor Tim leaves. Here is a status update on our service. We try to have an attendant work in the Nursery most recent activities: only once or twice a year. To become one of this 1. We continue to hold "special" planning meetings dedicated group, contact Dotti at the Church Office beyond our regular Consistory meetings. Meetings (227-4910). were held on March 29 and May 3. 2. We have welcomed Reverend Dan Griswold from 10. We have been conscientious about keeping Dotti, Trinity Reformed Church as our Supervising Pastor and our church secretary, up to date on details as we move Preaching Elder, Lois Fiegl, from Pultneyville Reformed ahead. Church as our Supervising Elder to our Consistory As we move forward with this transition, we thank God meetings and meetings of our Search Committee. for His guidance. We also thank you, our Lakeview 3. To accommodate the schedules of Dan and Lois, Family, for your input, understanding, and patience as we have moved our regular monthly Consistory God takes us into the future. meetings from the second Tuesday each month to the In His name, fourth Tuesday. We will start that schedule on May 31. Your Consistory 4. A special “Retirement Reception” for Tim and Marilyn has been set on Sunday, June 5, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Refreshments are being planned by Sheila Williams and Dagmar Doland. Invitations have been sent to all in our Lakeview family as well as to COMMITTEE REPORTS many people who know Tim and Marilyn outside our church. 5. We have secured pulpit supply to fill in at BUILDINGS & GROUNDS... Sunday worship services for the month of June. Watch the bulletins for dates of the next meetings. Preaching Elder, Dorothy Meyerink, will preach on the Buildings & Grounds Committee: Chris Dorland, Chairman first, third, and fourth Sundays. Pastor Bill Hoffman & Consistory Rep., Dave Goodrich, Don Barry, Paul will be in our pulpit on the second Sunday. Marvin, Bob Howe, Ken Mahon, Dave Schuth, and George 6. Dave Goodrich and Rich Ives have identified 24 Bremner more names from the RCA list of Specialized Interim Ministers to contact relative to their availability and While the Chairman, Chris Dorland, is traveling for work, George Bremner will be filling in on day-to-day issues. interest in coming to Lakeview. Rich will e-mail them. George can be reached at 392-7092. 7. In the meantime, we have made contact with a potential "pre-interim," John Loeser, who is interested in This year is bringing a lot of changes for us at Lakeview filling in between the time Pastor Tim leaves and when and the Building and Grounds Committee is no we get an "official" interim. We will be interviewing exception. Our custodians, Jan and Ken Mahon, will be John on May 29 after the 10:00 AM service. moving to Williamson on May 31st and the distance, …continued on next page… while only down the road a bit, makes it difficult for them to continue their position as custodians here at Lakeview. Both have done an outstanding job and contributed to the custodian position over and above what was needed. Also, both have been very active 8. Four well-attended Care Group meetings were held in early May where we gathered extensive information about: (1) What is good about Lakeview past and present?, (2) What should Lakeview look like members of the B&G Committee helping out on those in the future?, and (3) What are some personal/pro- assignments as well. fessional characteristics of a new Pastor? All the responses were typed and e-mailed for all to see and To Jan and Ken from the Buildings & Grounds compare. There are also some copies on the table in the Committee: We wish to "thank you" for Narthex. The responses will help the Consistory, along the unparalleled service you both have provided to this with the Search Committee, to establish a church profile church family. Stay in touch! and a list of pastor characteristics for the Search We are still in need of a permanent custodian. Please Committee to use. contact Chris Dorland (B&G Chair) at 330-9261 or 9. We received a number of positive responses to our email me at [email protected] if you have an search committee letter. Using these responses and our interest in this position or know of someone who would search committee criteria, we are presently attempting to be interested. In the meantime, from June 1 on we have form the committee. As soon as the committee is an Interim Custodian, Nicholas Dorland, who helped formed, we will announce and publish the names of the out years ago as custodian and has had a cross-over members. meeting with Jan and Ken already. Nick is home on his summer break from college and is also working at Education Team: Debbie Gill, Chair; Molly Ives, and Audrey Seabreeze as a ride operator. Blocchi, Consistory Rep. On a different topic—if you have been in church Sunday School classes are not held during the summer at recently, we had our new riding lawnmower on display. Lakeview but will resume on RALLY DAY, A big thank you to all that helped on the fundraising September 11. from organizing the details to actually making donations. We came together again as a church and made it happen! I want to especially want to thank Bob Howe and Dave FINANCE... Schuth who helped narrow down the final selection of Finance Committee: Linda Viney, Chair; George Bremner, make and model based on our needs. While on display in Chris Dorland, Bob Howe, Julie Hettel, Rich Howell, and the Narthex, we had a hard time making sure Pastor Tim Mary Hart; Dave Goodrich, Consistory Representative didn't take it for a spin around the Fellowship Hall. We 2011 Finance Committee Meetings: hid the keys from him! We still have the old mower and June 13, July 11, August 8, September 12, will utilize it at the Parsonage till its final days have October 10, November 14, & December 12 come. It also gives Dave Schuth another project to All Finance Committee meetings are open to anyone dabble in. Dave has done a terrific job in maintaining wishing to attend. Meetings are held on Mondays at and fixing up our old mower over the past decade or so. 7:00 PM in the Founders’ Room. Our committee is busy planning some upgrades and maintenance to the parsonage once Pastor Tim and Marilyn move out. That includes new kitchen counter top, new stove, shed painting, furnace maintenance, and Congregational giving and expenses for the month any other things that come up during our survey in the of April, 2011: next few weeks. Income = $13,523; Expenses = $15,853 I welcome anybody who wants to join the Buildings & May data not available yet. Grounds Committee. We are never out of things to do, that is for certain. God has blessed us with some extraordinary talented and gifted people on this team. And lastly, have a great summer!

LIBRARY... Lakeview Library Committee: Rosanne Ehle, B&G Workday - Spring “WORK DAY” Gladys Brenner, Marlene Morrison, and Donna Tijou planned for June 4 from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Our Library is growing and we have something for everyone. Stop in to browse, relax, or just enjoy the COMMUNITY LIFE... adventure of reading. Community Life Committee: Sheila Williams, Chair; Jane Egan, JoAnn Kehrli-Merlau, Marsha Wright, Stacy Dorland, Kathi Kehrli, Mary Hart, Ida Lewis; and Carol Bremner, Consistory Rep. OUTREACH... On Sunday, June 5, the Community Life Committee Outreach Team: Bob Van Alstyne, Chair & Consistory Rep.; will host an “OPEN HOUSE” for Pastor Tim and and Linda Perrotte Marilyn. Everyone is invited to attend this Retirement Coming in June, some great Gospel Music with a couple Reception which will be held from 1:00 to 5:00 PM at of added attractions. Coming in July, the great Lakeview. Lakeview Garage Sale. If you have items for the garage Thanks, Sheila Williams sale, call Amy Piccarreto (621-8525) and she will try to use it in our garage sale.

EDUCATION... PROJECTION TEAM… Projection Team: Rich Ives, Kevin Griffith, Dottie Mason, Dave Goodrich, Ted Pawlicki, Bob Van Alstyne, and Neil which rise during the summer months. This increase is Montanus mainly due to children being out of school and no longer Slides for our 8:30 services are prepared by Dottie receiving subsidized breakfasts and lunches there. Mason; slides for the 11:00 services were prepared by To help fill the shelves with needed supplies, we will be Pastor Tim. Present operators of the Projection System focusing on peanut butter and jelly and macaroni and on Sunday mornings are: 8:30 - Dottie Mason, and cheese for the month of June. As food prices rise due to 11:00 - Charlie Tijou, Ken Gill, and Dave Griggs. We high gas prices and flooding of farmland, donations are looking for others to operate the projector at the 8:30 drop. Lakeview has a wonderful record when it comes service. to generous donations, no matter what circumstances arise. We are always ready to help out in our WORSHIP... community. Worship Committee: Richard Ives, Chair and Consistory Rep.; Jim Dalberth, Carol Hutchins, Holly Lawrence, Kevin Watch for sales and coupons, and be aware that Griffith, and Jean Dibble Wegman’s has frozen the price of their peanut butter at $1.29 until the end of the year. Keep your kids involved Next Meeting: August 2, 7:00 PM, Founders’ Room —let them compare prices and brands. If everyone stays YOUTH… involved, we can fill our big baskets to overflowing! Youth Committee: Suzanne Pettifer, Chair; Jim Raymond, Thank you all for your ongoing support of this important Erica Stepanek, Amy Piccarreto, Pastor Tim, and Donna mission. Tijou, Consistory Rep. Blessings,  Debbie Gill & Joan Marvin Watch for news about our August “Challenge!” 

LAKEVIEW LADIES' GROUP FOR YOUR INFORMATION Faye Cole, Chair Rebecca Hibbard, Consistory Representative … Announcements: … CARDS – June 7, 14, 21, & 28; 1:00 to 3:00 PM, ***Due to rising costs, copies of the newsletter are being Fellowship Hall. You don’t need to call, just show up e-mailed. Copies of the June “Lakeviewer” have been and join the fun! placed on the table in the Narthex for those who do not … Ladies’ Summer Picnic - All women of the church have e-mail access—along with a few extra copies. are invited to a picnic at the home of Rosanne Ehle ***Articles for the JULY “Lakeviewer” are due on (4290 Dewey Avenue) at 11:30 AM on Tuesday, June Sunday, June 19. 21. Please bring a dish to pass and enjoy some time ***Jeffrey Hart, Sabrina Hart, Tyler and McKayla relaxing in the sunshine Hart, and Matt & Sheila Wolf will be received into the membership of Lakeview on Sunday, June 5. ...P rayer & Share Group – Meets June 1; 9:45 AM, in … Prayers are requested for: the Founders’ Room (The Prayer & Share Group will Neil & Audrey Montanus, Ida Lewis, Debbie Gill, not meeting during the summer, but meetings will Leah Booth, Joann Kehrli-Merlau, James Perrotte, resume on Wednesday, September 14). and Chuck Krenzer  


Hopefully, the cold, rainy weather is behind us and summer is on the way. Each year at this time we try to help fill the needs of the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf


June 06 – Nicholas Marshall SR. YOUTH GROUP June 07 – Peggy Kirk Leaders: Suzanne Pettifer & Jim June 07 – George Romansky RaymondJR. YOUTH GROUP June 15 – Amy Piccarreto Postion of Leader - Vacant June 20 – Kevin Griffith June 20 – Shantih Wright At the end of May, Amy Piccarreto and Erica June 20 – Kimberly Dorland Stepanek stepped down as leaders of the Jr. Youth June 20 – Angela Marshall Group. A special thank-you to Amy and Erica for all June 26 – Colleen Dox-Griffith their time and effort spent with our Jr. Youth and we June 26 – Dagmar Doland wish them well with their future endeavors. June 29 – Jan Mahon Please contact Suzanne Pettifer, Youth Committee June 29 – Nick Dorland Chair, if you would be interested in becoming the Jr.  Youth Group Leader of Lakeview. 


One Service on Sundays in June at 10:00 AM

CHILDREN’S MESSAGES Boy Scout Troop 18 June 05 – Colleen Dox-Griffith Scout Leader: Kurt Weigand June 12 – Pastor William Hoffman Regular Meetings: June 6 and 13, 7:00 PM June 19 – JoAnn Kehrli-Merlau Court of Honor: Tuesday, June 20, 6:30 PM June 26 – Angela Marshall First Fun Night: Tuesday, June 27, 7:00 PM (All meetings held at Lakeview.) GREETERS June 05 – Sheila Williams June 12 – Sandy Rogalski June 19 – Dave Goodrich June 26 – Fred & Holly Lawrence

NURSERY Daisy Girl Scouts NO Nursery Service during June Scout Leader: Leah Booth Meeting: June 16, 6:00-7:30 PM Fellowship Hall PRAYER LEADERS  June 05 – Suzanne Pettifer June 12 – Chris Dorland June 19 – Chris Dorland June 26 – Rebecca Hibbard COMMITTEES, GROUPS, AND TEAM CHAIRS Buildings & Grounds – Chris Dorland SOUND SYSTEM Community Life – Sheila Williams June 05 – Paul Marvin Education – Debbie Gill June 12 – Rich Howell Finance – Linda Viney June 19 – Chris Ehle Greece Food Shelf – Joan Marvin/Debbie Gill June 26 – Dave Griggs Lakeview Ladies’ Group – Faye Cole Library – Rosanne Ehle SCRIPTURE READERS Mission Share – Faye Cole Nominations – Dave Goodrich June 05 – Sally Drenth Outreach – Bob Van Alstyne June 12 – Tom Drenth Projection Team – Rich Ives June 19- Sheila Williams Sunday School Superintendent – Debbie Gill June 26 – Linda Viney Vacation Bible School – TBD  Worship – Rich Ives Youth – Suzanne Pettifer Jr. Youth Leaders – Looking CONSISTORY 2011 Sr. Youth Leaders – Suzanne Pettifer and Elders: Deacons: Jim Raymond Chris Dorland, VP Donna Tijou, Chair Classis Representatives: Dave Goodrich Bob Van Alstyne Elder Rep – Chris Dorland Rich Ives Carol Bremner (Alternate – Dave Goodrich) Rebecca Hibbard Audrey Blocchi Deacon Rep – Bob Howe Clerk of Consistory: Linda Viney Custodian: Nick Dorland  Financial Secretaries: Linda Viney and Mary Hart Treasurers: Richard Howell and Julie Hettel

The “Lakeviewer” LAKEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 30 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14612 Rev. Timothy B. Bush, Pastor

Website: LakeviewCommunityChurch.Net E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: (585) 227-4910; Fax: (585)368-0261

Accessible to the Handicapped Looped for the Hearing Impaired

Pastor Tim will be retiring as of June 5, 2011. You’re invited to an “OPEN HOUSE” at Lakeview on Sunday, June 5, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, to help Pastor Tim and Marilyn celebrate. Join us as we say “Goodbye!” JUNE 2011 Lakeview Monthly Planner and *Birthdays

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 May Pray er & Sha re Grou p Men 's Pray er Te am Mee tin g - Mee tin g - 9:45 AM, 9:00 AM, Pa sto r's Stud y S M T W T F S Fo unde rs' Ro om W ORKDAY at Ch urch - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B ible St ud y - 7 :00 PM , 7:00 AM to 1 :0 0 PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fo unde rs' Ro om 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Prea ching El de r, Doro th y Sc outs - 7 :00 PM, Fe llow- CARDS - B ible St ud y - 7 :00 PM , Grandv iew Hei g hts Assoc ia - Mey erink, will be ship Hall 1:00 -3:00 Fo unde rs' Ro om tion Me eting - 7:00 PM, Prea ching *Ni cho l as M ar shal l PM, Fe llo w- Fo unde rs' Ro om New Mem be rs Rec eived ship Hal l OPE N HOUSE for Pa stor Tim *G e or g e Ro m ansk y & Marilyn - 1:0 0-5: 00 PM *P eg gy K i r k

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Com m u ni on - P e ntec ost Fina nce Com m i tte e Mee tin g - CARDS - B ible St ud y - 7 :00 PM , Daisy Sco uts' Mee tin g - Greece Ga rd en T our - Usin g Rev. W ill iam Hoffm a n 7:00 PM, Fou nders' R o om 1:00 -3:00 Fo unde rs' Ro om 6:00 -7:30 PM , Fel lowship Pa rk ing L ot of Ch urch Prea ching Sc outs - 7 :00 PM, Fe llow- PM, Fe llo w- *Am y P i cc a r re to Hall 10 :0 0 AM to 4:00 PM Mon t hly Mi ssio n: Vo lun- ship Hall ship Hal l teers of Am eri ca

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Sc outs' C ourt of Hono r - L adi es' Pi cnic a t h om e o f B ible St ud y - 7 :00 PM , 6:30 PM, Fel lowship Hall Rosann e E hle - 11: 30 AM Fo unde rs' Ro om *K i m b e rl y D or la nd CARDS - FATHER'S *K e vi n G r i ffi th 1:00 -3:00 *Ang e l a M a r shal l PM, Fe llo w- DAY *S hanti h W r i gh t ship Hal l Grandv iew B ea ch Associ a- Prea ching El de r, Doro th y tion Me et ing - 7:00 PM, Mey erink, Prea ching Fe llo wship Hall

26 27 28 29 30 Prea ching El de r, Doro th y Sc outs' First Fun Nigh t - CARDS - B ible St ud y - 7 :00 PM , July Mey erink, Prea ching Mee t a t C hu rch at 7:0 0 1:00 -3:00 Fo unde rs' Ro om *D ag m ar D ol an d PM PM, Fe llo w- *Ni ck D or la nd S M T W T F S *C ol l e e n Do x-G r i ffi th ship Hal l *J an M ahon 1 2 Consist ory Mee tin g - 7:00 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PM, Fo und ers' Room 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Printed by Calendar Creator Plus on 5/26/2011

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