Advent Decorations

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Advent Decorations

The Chronicles Lutheran Church of the Resurrection RR 12 & Spoke Hill Rd P.O. Box 1087 Wimberley, Texas 512-847-3386

Web page: Interim Pastor: Ann Koopman E-mail: [email protected] Office Admin: Colleen Kaye December, 2012

Advent Decorations

This past week on the Friday after Thanksgiving, I went to the “Lighting of the Courthouse“in Blanco. Before the lights came on, there was a community sing along of Christmas Carols. It was a wonderful event for the community, and I am glad I attended. Yet as a theologian, it was hard to sing about the birth of the Baby Jesus before Advent. OK, I get it; Santa arrives in late November, or early December, but remember Jesus will not come until December 25th. I like Advent, because as I described on Christ the King Sunday, I see Advent as a slow crescendo until the “Angels sing about the Messiah’s Birth “at the top of their lungs. In order to carry through on this crescendo theme, we will be decorating the Church little by little, slowly building to the time we celebrate the birth of the Babe in Bethlehem. We will start with a simple Advent wreath. The next week we will add a Christmas tree and some greens. The third week brings a decoration to the cross at the front of the church, because the cross and the manager are really intertwined. The fourth week brings the Manger scene and any remaining decorations. Christmas Eve we will bring the Baby Jesus to the manger. Finally, the wise men will arrive on Epiphany or January 6th which is a Sunday this year. Another major Advent theme is that Jesus is Emmanuel or “God with us”. This is a concept that is really too big to grasp all at one time. All of our lives we grow in our understanding of this wonderful event. In other words we wrestle with, “Who is this baby, this Jesus.” It was a question the early church struggled with understanding. It is my hope that during my upcoming sermons, I can show how the early church progressed in their understanding of Jesus, which in turn will increase your faith. In a sense we will go on the journey from Jesus to Christ.

Peace in Christ, Pastor Ann

ADVENT MEDITATION BOOK The meditation book is ready. We prepared enough for each family to have one, because I envisioned families sharing the meditations at a meal or family time before bed. Families might consider getting their own Advent wreath to light before the meditation is read each day. However, if a family member wants to have their own copy to read quietly say, over the lunch hour, additional copies can be obtained. Simply ask the church secretary or pastor. William H. Willimon, a modern theology teacher, author, and speaker gave me the inspiration for this meditation book when he wrote, “The modern world tends to think of faith as something that is useful, a means of coping with our problems, a faith that ‘works for me.’ Faith is a human virtue that some of us work up to our advantage. But most of us can testify that this view, though common in the modern world, isn’t fair to how it actually feels to have faith. Faith tends to be something that forms us into different people than we would be without the practice of this faith. It works on us. It doesn’t simply arise out of us but comes to us. Our faith is part of God’s work in us.” The meditation book contains stories of how God brought faith to us through the work of others that God placed in our lives. These stories tell of how we have been formed in our journeys with the Holy Spirit. In Advent, it is good to know that God still works on our behalf, just as God did long ago in a manger in Bethlehem. Continue in the Peace of Christ, Pastor Ann

We Can’t Thank You Enough! Truly I tell you, whatever you do for the Members of LCR and four other local churches responded far least of these brothers beyond expectations to the recent Amigos de Jesús drive for winter and sisters of mine, you wear and blankets. Participating were the Catholic, Episcopal, do it for me. Presbyterian, Methodist and Lutheran churches; and what an Matthew 25:40 abundance and variety of items your generosity yielded!

Early on Saturday morning, November 17th, 26 day laborers came to St. Mary’s Catholic Church fellowship hall to pick up winter essentials for themselves and in some cases, for their other family members. The little clothing that remained at the end of two hours was taken to the families at Garza trailer park for them to choose what they needed. In addition to clothing and blankets, the Amigos de Jesús board also purchased and distributed food staples: cooking oil, coffee, masa, corn flour, pinto beans, white rice; canned meat, tomato sauce, corn and green beans, and fresh produce, including tomatoes, jalapeño peppers, onions, garlic bulbs, and potatoes. Wesley Nurse Rocio Hendrix, who is housed at the Methodist Church, was also present that morning to do blood pressure and other vitals checks for the men. Thank you, LCR, for caring and sharing. Your kindness truly exemplifies the words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “We cannot all do great things, but we can all do small things with great love.” Shirley Schliessmann on behalf of the Amigos de Jesús of Wimberley CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, December 16th following worship we will have our Congregational Meeting. Topics on the agenda include: Mission Investment Plan approval and approval of Constitution and Bylaw changes from 2011. These are the changes where the council membership was reformatted to officers and an at- large membership. Please plan to attend this important December meeting.

UPDATE ON THE TRANSITION TEAM FOR RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH Since being formed in October, the team has met three times with Interim Pastor Ann Koopmann, and is progressing slowly and steadily in clarifying, prioritizing, and starting to work on tasks that help to develop a revitalized sense of ministry as a congregation. So far we have examined formal and informal means of communication in our congregation and researched the demographics of our community. The members of the team are Pastor Ann Koopmann, Doris King, Billie Navarro, Harriet Powell, and Jason Valentine. They will meet again on December 5th at 5:00PM.

NEW DIRECTORY A new directory will be published in January. Please send any new updates to your information to the church office. Shirley Schliessmann is available to take new family pictures, especially families with children. Please check with her about setting up a time.

MEXICAN TRAIN We are taking a break over the holidays so come and join us in January!

HAND & FOOT It’s a card game similar to Canasta and fun to play. In December we will only be playing on the 10th. If you’d like to come and join us please do so. To be on the email reminder list, contact Colleen at 847-3386 or email the church office at [email protected]

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION There is a basket on the welcome table where you can bring those little box tops for education found on many food items. All of these will go to the Wimberley Schools. So check your containers for these box tops before putting them in the trash.

We continue to pray for all who are ill and recovering and receiving treatments or testing and for John Hill, Lori Temoney, John Bradshaw, Pat Strobel, Beth Alexander, Danny Hickman, Betty Spickler, Pat Spickler, Greg Gibson, John Reid, Ruth Ann Heidenmeyer (sister of John Hill), Laura Zeig (daughter of Brenda Adair), Ken Ditty (friend of Dirk Dierking), Sharon Knox (niece of Dirk’s), Virginia Moreri (friend of Carol Dierking), Kerry Johnson (friend of Beverly Ladzinski), Chelsea Livingston (granddaughter of Dorcy Rhea), Mitzi Vasquez, and all care givers that devote their time to care for those they love. Please be in prayer for our family and friends who are serving our country either stateside or overseas. Pray daily for peace in our world and for all who suffer the consequences of war. We continue to pray for those who are hungry and for those who serve them. Please be in prayer for the Lord to replenish the earth as God sees fit. We also lift in prayer the families that are struggling with separation and divorce.

TRAIL OF LIGHTS December 16th is the night LCR will be the Yule Log Host at the Emily Ann Theatre during the Trail of Lights. The festivities start at 5:00PM. To assist with the event you may contact Dianne Kilpatrick.

WIMBERLEY COMMUNITY CHORUS CONCERT “Music of the Ages” will be shared at Chapel in the Hills. Friday & Saturday, November 30th & December 1st @ 7:00pm. Sunday, December 2nd @ 3:00pm.

WE CAN’T THANK YOU ENOUGH! To all those who helped set up the Trail of Lights! To the prayer shawl members, thanks from John and Delores Hill for the shawl he received following his surgery. It was much appreciated.

PRAYER SHAWL MEETING We meet on a monthly basis with the next meeting at Jan Erlandson’s home at 1:00 p.m. on December 8th. Please sign up at the welcome table if you plan to attend. The prayer shawl ministry is open to all knitters and crocheters. We pray, knit or crochet and enjoy some fellowship time as we work on the prayer shawls. These are available to friends and family of our members. We also provide shawls to the CTMC Hospice program. Any questions please talk to Harriet Powell.

ELCA GOOD GIFTS Gifts that make a difference! There is a catalogue on the welcome table for gifts that make a difference in people’s lives and in the world. These gifts support long-term, sustainable solutions that ensure these good gifts last for more than a couple of days or weeks. Gifts include ducks, goats, water purification tablets and much more. Take some time to review the material. Ordering information is inside the cover. Copies of the order form are there for your convenience.

STROKE SUPPORT GROUP Deer Creek started this group in November and will meet again on December 13th at 3:00PM. If you are interested in this you may contact Bo Mrozek at 847-5540 or [email protected].

FLOWER CHART The new flower chart is up for 2013. What a great way to remember family and friends with a gift of flowers for the altar. Look for the chart in the narthex.

FLU SEASON A container of hand sanitizer is at the back of the sanctuary on the usher’s bookcase, available for all to use. ITEMS TO REMEMBER: Prayer Chain Updates – Contact Paula Johnson to add names to the prayer chain. Crisis Bread Basket Donations --- We are making an effort to collect each week. Peanut butter, jelly and cereal continue to be hot items.

Cell Phone & Ink Cartridge Recycling – Not only do we continue to recycle empty ink cartridges, but you might have noticed we also have a box for recycling cell phones. LCR will receive anywhere from $.50 to $30 per phone. The recycling box is located outside the sanctuary.

BEING STEWARDS OF GOD’S MONEY… Make note that December 30th will be the very last day to make offering donations to LCR. Thanks to all who help keep our ministry alive.

Honor the lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all you produce. (Proverbs 3:9)

MARK THE DATE: January January 26 - Sew-In

Happy Anniversary

12-01 Jordan Pearson 12-24 Linda Snyder 12-16 Tammy & Wade Nelms

12-06 Robert Sherwood 12-27 Londa Burns 12-19 Al & Pat Strobel

12-17 Christian Sherwood 12-28 Claire Valentine 12-26 T & Lori Temoney

12-22 Adam Nichols 12-31 Lynda Pyle 12-27 Bob & Lynda Pyle

12-31 John & Joyce Bradshaw

Note: If we missed your special CONGRATULATIONS day or printed it incorrectly, ! please notify the church office…


Readers 10:30 Billie Navarro T Temoney Blaine Nelson Dianne Kilpatrick Beverly Ladzinski

Worship 10:30 Mike Schliessmann Lois Hickman Doris King Shirley Dirk Dierking Assistant Schliessmann Acolytes 10:30 Shirley Bella Raska Hannah Rraska Colten Kilpatrick Colleen Kaye Schliessmann Ushers 10:30 Ellisors Raskas Weirs T. Kilpatrick & Merkords M. Schliessmann Hospitality 10:30 Billie Navarro Lori Temoney Blaine Nelson Shirley Beverly Ladzinski Schliessmann Altar Guild 10:30 Shirley Colleen Kaye Doris King Dianne Kilpatrick Beverly Ladzinski Schliessmann

Counters Schliessmanns Mettenbrink/ James Hollinger Schliessmanns Brandon Merkord Valentine Flowers Poinsettias Poinsettias

NOTE TO READERS: The Scripture readings for the week you serve will be in your box at the beginning of the month. We encourage you to take them home and read through them prior to your Sunday to share your gift with the congregation. Pronunciation Guides are available – one under the Lecturn (where you read) and the other in the Church office. Feel free to take and use them whenever needed. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: If you can’t be present on the Sunday you are signed up to serve, please remember to find your own replacement!! This is vital to making sure all leadership roles are filled each week. Thanks!  Schedule for bulletin folders December 5 – Blaine Nelson December 12 – Shirley Schliessmann December 19 – December 26 – Al & Jan Erlandson


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