Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
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Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 Chapter 12: Evolution
1. Define "evolution". theory that species (or populations) have changed gradually over time… evolves as allele frequencies (%) (how often an allele occurs) change due to natural selection
2. Do individuals evolve? Explain you reasoning. No… an individual’s genes stay the same…
3. Do populations evolve? Explain your reasoning. Yes, b/c a population’s gene pool (total genes) may change
4. What are 4 types of indirect evidence for evolution? Fossil record, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, comparative biochemistry (DNA, amino acids, proteins)
5. What do we mean by "direct evidence" for evolution (examples of which are pesticide resistant insects and antibiotic resistant bacteria)? Evidence of evolution that can actually be seen happening over a short period of time
6. Define & give examples of homologous structures. homologous structures are similar structures w/ modifications (& are becoming more different… divergent evolution) & are evidence of common ancestor
ex. human arm, bat wing, bird wing, whale flipper… similar bone structures w/ some minor changes
7. Define & give examples of analogous structures. analogous structures are structures that have a similar function, but not structure due to similar environment/use (becoming more similar… convergent evolution)… do NOT have common ancestor ex. fly’s wing & bird’s wing… both for flying, but made differently (fly no bones & bird has bones)
8. Define & give examples of vestigial structures. vestigial structures are structures with reduced size or function & often no apparent use anymore… evidence that organism has changed… ex. hip bones in whales, 3rd eyelid in human
9. What are Darwin's 4 main points related to his "Theory of Natural Selection". Give a brief description/example of each. Overproduction (of offspring): more offspring are produced than survive, so that some may live to reproduce
Struggle to survive: more organisms than resources to go around leads to competition Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 Variation (w/in a population): range of traits w/in population due to… sexual reproduction, crossing over during meiosis, arrangement of chromosomes during meiosis, mutations (NOT a response to the environment , just happen to be useful)
Successful reproduction: those organisms w/ traits that are beneficial will be the ones that generally survive, reproduce, & pass on their genes (“survival of the fittest”)… more offspring have favorable adaptation than before
Chapter 14: Classification
10. Using the chart below, indicated the characteristics of organisms in each domain/kingdom.
3 Domain system Archaea Bacte Eukaryota (Eukarya) ria 5 kingdom system Monera Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
prokaryotic (no nucleus)/ Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Eukaryotic eukaryotic (nucleus) unicellular (one cell)/ unicellular Unicellular (usually) Multicellular multicellular multicellular multicellular (more than one (usually) cell) autotrophic (makes own either Either heterotrophic autotrophic heterotrophic food)/ heterotrophic (does not make own food) cell wall/ Cell wall NO cell wall Cell wall Cell wall NO cell wall no cell wall (made of (made of chitin) cellulose) examples bacteria Amoeba, Mushrooms, Tree, grass, Human, dog, Paramecium, molds, yeast flower Hydra, worm Euglena
11. What are the 8 taxa (groups) used for classification? Put them in order from broadest (most general) to narrowest (most specific). Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
12. If you are in the same family, are you definitely part of the same kingdom? _____( yes /no)_____
13. If you are in the same order, are you definitely part of the same genus? _____(yes/ no )_____
14. What is "binomial nomenclature"? Linnaeus was the 1st to consistently use binomial nomenclature… 2 name system… written as: Genus species or Genus species… Genus = 1st name, capitalized & species = 2nd name, lower case & descriptive • Ex. Common name Genus & species • Humans Homo sapiens • White Oak tree Quercus alba Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 15. What is a "dichotomous key"? a tool used to classify organisms (or objects) by using paired opposing statements/questions/characteristics
16. Use the key provided below to identify the creatures below. Write the “letter name” on the line to the left of the object.
_B_ _A_ _E_ _D_ _C_
Creatures Dichotomous Key
1a. creature has a wide head……………………..go to 2 3a. creature has 3 eyes……………………………….B
1b. creature does not have a wide head…….go to 4 3b. creature does not have 3 eyes……………..C
2a. creature has a star on its body……………..go to 3 4a. creature has a mouth……………………………D
2b. creature does not have a star on its body…..A 4b. creature does not have a mouth…………..E
Chapter 28: Ecosystems (& Populations)
17. Define and give an example of a "community" (in the scientific sense).
All of the organisms living & interacting in an area ex. all of the people, cats, birds, worms, trees, etc. in Darien
18. Define and give an example of an "ecosystem".
All of the living & non-living things in an area ex. all of the people, cats, birds, worms, trees, water, air, soil etc.
19. Define and give an example of a "population" (in the scientific sense). Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 All organisms of the same type living & interacting in an area ex. all of the white oak trees in Darien
20. What is a limiting factor? limiting factors are circumstances or resources that limit growth, reproduction, or distribution of organisms… provide environmental resistance & prevent population from growing indefinitely (stop when reach “carrying capacity”)
21. Give examples of biotic limiting factors. Competition, predation, disease, symbiosis, etc. Usually described in terms of interactions especially who eats whom or trophic levels.
22. Give examples of abiotic limiting factors. Water, temperature, light, pH, salinity, oxygen, soil, nutrients, etc.
23. How do limiting factors affect population size? Limiting factors prevent population from growing indefinitely (stop when reach “carrying capacity”)
24. Define "symbiosis". Symbiosis is when 2 species live closely together in a relationship over (a long) time.
25. Define and give an example of "commensalism". Symbiotic relationship in which one partner benefits from the relationship & the other neither benefits, nor is harmed (+, 0)… ex. insect that eats fur that falls off of deer benefits (+), deer is not affected (0)
26. Define and give an example of "mutualism". Symbiotic relationship in which both partners benefit from the relationship (+, +). Ex. relationship between sea anemones & clownfish: the anemones provide the fish with protection from predators & the fish defend the anemones against butterflyfish eat anemones
27. Define and give an example of "parasitism". Symbiotic relationship in which one partner benefits (parasite) & the other is harmed (but not usually killed) (host) (+, -)… ex. mosquito (parasite) & human (host)
28. Define and give an example of "predation". A relationship in which one partner benefits (predator) & the other is harmed (killed) (prey) (+, -)… ex. hawk (predator) & mouse (prey) Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
Chapter 18: Reproduction
29. How do offspring compare to their parent(s) genetically in asexual reproduction? ... in sexual reproduction?
In asexual reproduction they are genetically the same… In sexual reproduction they are genetically different…
30. Write the name of each numbered part on the line with the same number.
1. ____petal______
3. ____stigma______2. ____sepal______Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 4. ____style______
5. ____ovary______8. ____anther______6. ____ovule______9. ____filament______
7. = 3 + 4+ 5 together ____ pistil 10. = 8 + 9 together (carpel)______stamen______
31. Write the name of the flower part that is described by each statement on the line.
The entire female structure of the flower _____pistil (carpel)______
The entire male structure of the flower ______stamen______
The sticky tip (of the female structure) that helps trap pollen ____stigma______
The part (of the male structure) that makes pollen _____anther______
The long narrow tube (of the female structure) that pollen travels down to the egg ___style______
The stalk (part of the male structure) that supports the part that makes pollen ___filament______
The swollen base (of the female structure) that contains the ovules ____ovary______
The structure that (is neither female nor male and) protects the young flower bud ___sepal______Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
The part (of the female structure) where eggs are produced ____ovule______
The structure that (is neither female nor male and) is usually brightly colored and often scented (in order to
attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies) ____ petal______
32. Label the parts of the male reproductive system diagram below by writing the letter from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part. Letters will only be used once. ____B______accessory glands ___D______scrotum ___A______vas deferens
____C ______epididymis ___E______testes
____G______penis ___F______urethra
33. Write the name of the part of the male reproductive system that is described by each statement on the line.
tube that joins the epididymis to the urethra & transports mature sperm in preparation for ejaculation ______vas deferens______
add seminal fluids to sperm to form semen ___accessory glands______Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 loose pouch of skin that hangs behind the penis; contains the testes & helps to regulate their temperature ______scrotum______
tube running through the penis that expels semen during ejaculation & carries urine from the bladder to outside of the body (in males) ____urethra______
stores sperm & brings them to maturity (after formation) ___epididymis______
produce sperm in seminiferous tubules _____ testes______
used to insert sperm into the vagina _____penis______34. Label the parts of the female reproductive system diagram below by writing the letter from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part. Letters will only be used once.
___E______cervix ___A______ovary ___C______uterus
___B______fallopian tube (oviduct) ___D______vagina Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
35. Write the name of the part of the female reproductive system that is described by each statement on the line.
tube that joins the cervix to the outside of the body; also known as the birth canal ______vagina______
the lower part/opening of uterus; allows sperm to enter & menstrual blood to exit the uterus ____cervix_____
narrow tubes attached to the upper part of the uterus; serve as tunnels for the eggs to travel from the ovaries to the uterus, fertilization normally occurs here ______fallopian tube (oviduct)______
fertilized egg normally implants here; home to developing fetus (womb) ___uterus______
small, oval-shaped glands; produce eggs & hormones _____ovary______
Chapter 20: Nutrition and Digestion
36. Label the parts of the human digestive system diagram below by writing the letter from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part. Letters will only be used once.
____H______anus ____K______liver ____A______salivary glands ____C______epiglottis ____M______mouth ____F______small intestine ____L______esophagus ____E______pancreas ____D______stomach ____J______gall bladder ____B______pharynx ____I______large intestine ____G______rectum Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
37. Write the name of the part of the human digestive system that is described by each statement on the line.
produces bile ____liver______
helps moisten food, produces enzymes which are secreted into mouth ____salivary glands______
produces enzymes which are secreted into the small intestine ___pancreas______Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
flap that protects trachea (windpipe) when swallowing ___epiglottis______
food enters, mechanical digestion occurs, chemical digestion of carbohydrates/starches occurs ______mouth______
along with the pharynx (above it), connects mouth to stomach ______esophagus______
Feces is stored here _____rectum______
Used to eliminated feces from the body _____anus______
mechanical digestion occurs, chemical digestion of proteins occurs, contains acid & enzymes _____stomach______
digestion of carbohydrates (starches), proteins, and fats is finished here, nutrients are absorbed into bloodstream with the help of villi ____small intestine______
stores bile _____gall bladder______
along with the esophagus (below it), connects mouth to stomach ____pharynx______Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
Water and salts are reabsorbed, solid feces is formed ____large intestine______
Chapter 21: Transport
38. Label the parts of the human heart diagram below by writing the letter from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part. Letters will only be used once.
____A______aorta ____G______left ventricle ____J______right ventricle ____F______AV valve ____B______pulmonary artery ____H______septum ____I______inferior vena cava ____D______pulmonary vein ____C______SL valve ____E______left atrium ____K______right atrium ____L______superior vena cava Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
39. Write the name of the part of the heart/circulatory system that is described by each statement on the line.
oxygenated blood enters this heart chamber after coming from the lungs ____ left atrium ______
muscular wall that separates the left and right sides of the heart so that oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
don’t mix ____ septum______Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
vessel leaving the heart that sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs _____ pulmonary artery ______
heart chamber that pumps oxygenated blood to the body ____ left ventricle ______
prevent blood from flowing backward ____ valves ______
vessels coming from the upper & lower body that bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart
______(superior & inferior) vena cava ______
oxygenated blood leaves the heart and goes to the body through this vessel ______aorta ______
deoxygenated blood enters this heart chamber after coming from the body ______right atrium ______
vessel that bring oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lungs ______pulmonary vein ______
heart chamber that pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs _____right ventricle______
40. Name the three major types of blood vessels and describe their functions. 1. Arteries: move blood AWAY from heart (usually oxygenated blood except the pulmonary artery) 2. Capillaries: “connector” vessels, where exchange of materials occurs by diffusion 3. Veins: bring blood back to heart (usually deoxygenated blood except the pulmonary veins)
41. Name the 4 components that make up blood and describe their functions. 1. Plasma: liquid portion that carries blood cells, nutrients, wastes, hormones, medicines 2. Red blood cells: carry oxygen (w/ help of hemoglobin) 3. White blood cells: immune response (fight of bacteria, germs) 4. Platelets: help heal wounds, involved in clotting
Chapter 22: Gas Exchange / Respiration and Excretion Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 42. Label the parts of the human respiratory system diagram below by writing the letter from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part. Letters will only be used once.
___G______alveoli ___F______capillaries ____A______nose ___I______bronchi ___C______larynx ____B______pharynx ___H______bronchioles ___E______lung ____D______trachea
43. On the diagram above, draw in and label the diaphragm.
44. Write the name of the part of the respiratory system that is described by each statement on the line.
Also known as the voice box; lies between the pharynx and trachea ___larynx______
Large tubes that branch off of the main breathing tube and go into lungs carrying air ___bronchi______
Passageway where air enters and exits body; air is moistened, warmed, & filtered here __nose______
Connect nose to larynx and trachea ___ pharynx______Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 Small sacs that fill with air during inhalation and are where gas exchange occurs; maximize surface area
small tubes that branch off of the large branching tubes that bring air to the air sacs __bronchioles______
main breathing tube (also known as the windpipe) that connects nose to large branching tubes; surrounded by
rings of cartilage; protected by epiglottis when swallowing ___trachea______
45. Describe what happens to the diaphragm, ribcage, air pressure, & air (movement) during inhalation and exhalation.
What happens to the… during inhalation during exhalation
diaphragm Moves down (contracts) Moves up (relaxes)
ribcage Moves up & out (expands) Moves down & in (compresses)
air pressure High outside & low in lungs High in lungs & low outside
Air (movement) Into body Out of body
46. Label the parts of the human excretory (urinary) system diagram below by writing the letter from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part. Letters will only be used once.
____C______bladder (urinary bladder) ____B______ureter
____A______kidney ____D______urethra Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015
47. Write the name of the part of the excretory system that is described by each statement on the line.
Store urine until released from body ______bladder______
Carries waste from kidneys to bladder _____ureter______
Carries urine from bladder to outside of body _____urethra______
Main organ that filters waste from the blood ______kidney______
48. Sketch a nephron (the best you can). Where are nephrons found? What is the nephron’s function?
Nephrons are found in the kidneys. (There are about 1 million nephrons per kidney.)
The nephron’s function (job) is to filter (cellular/metabolic) wastes from the blood.
Chapter 25: Nervous Control
49. Label the parts of the nerve cell diagram below by writing the letter from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part. Letters will only be used once.
__B___ axon __A___ dendrite
__C___ cell body __D___ myelin sheath Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 __F___ Nodes of Ranvier __G___ terminal buttons/end branch of axon
__E___ Schwann cell
50. Write the name of the part of the neuron that is described by each statement on the line.
fatty layer surrounding axon that protects it & allows impulses to move quickly ____myelin sheath______
help send impulses to next neuron or effector (muscle, organ, gland) _terminal buttons/end branch of axon__
contain nucleus & cytoplasm ___cell body______
receive impulses & move them toward cell body __dendrites______
sections of axon between Schwann cells not covered in myelin sheath; help transport impulses quickly
_____Nodes of Ranvier______
carries impulses away from cell body towards end branch ___axon______
make myelin ____Schwann Cell______
51. What is another name for a nerve cell? neuron
52. What is a synapse? Fluid filled space between the end branch/terminal buttons of one neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron…. Impulses are sent across the synapse w/ the help of neurotransmitters. Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 53. What are neurotransmitters? What is the function of neurotransmitters? chemical messengers… they help impulses cross the synapse & move from (the end branch/terminal buttons of) one neuron to the (dendrites of the) next neuron
54. Describe the 5 steps in the reflex arc?
1. Receptors detect stimulus & are activated
2. Sensory neuron transmits impulse towards spinal cord
3. Impulse crosses synapse to interneuron in spinal cord
4. From spinal cord impulse crosses synapse to motor neuron & leaves spinal cord
5. Impulse activates effectors (muscle, gland, organ) which responds appropriately
55. Is the brain involved in the reflex arc? NO!
56. Label the parts of the human brain diagram below by writing the letter from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part. Letters will only be used once.
__B ___ cerebellum __A___ cerebrum __C___ medulla (stem) __D___ spinal cord
57. Name the 3 main parts of the brain and describe their functions.
Cerebrum: speech, reasoning, emotions Cerebellum: controls balance, posture, muscle tone medulla (oblongata): part of the brain stem that controls involuntary actions of internal organs (heart rate, breathing rate, peristalsis, etc.)
Chapter 26: Movement
58. What are the two main functions of the human skeletal system? Support & protection & help w/ movement Name ___KEY______Date ______Period ______Biology 300 Final Exam REVIEW 2014-2015 59. Which type of connective tissue holds bones to other bones? ligaments
60. Which type of connective tissue holds muscles to bones? tendons
61. What is the point where bones connect called? joint
62. Label the type of joint by writing the number from the diagram on the line next to the name of the part.
__ 5___ ball and socket __3___ gliding __2___ pivot
__4___ fixed __1___ hinge 1 2 3 4 5
63. Give an example of
each type of joint.
__shoulder, hip______ball & socket _wrist, ankle, hand, foot, vertebrae_ gliding __head w/ spine, lower arm__ pivot
__skull______fixed __elbow, knee______hinge
64. Muscles always work in _____opposing______pairs.
One muscle is a(n) ____flexor______and it bends the joint when it contracts.
The other muscle is a(n) _____extensor______and it straightens the joint when it contracts.