Summer Vacations Homework- Class Xiith

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Summer Vacations Homework- Class Xiith

Summer Vacations Homework- Class XII th Vacations start from 13/5/2016 to 21/6/2016. Sr Subject Details of homework need to be done during vacations. No. 1 INFORMATICS 1) Write syntax and examples(any 2) of all programming constructs in your note . PRACTICES book. a )if…. b)switch c) for.. d) while… e) do….while 2) Learn and write all the properties and functions of all the controls. 3) Do error type, conversion type, output type and GUI based questions in your note book.( 5 each type) 4) Complete Java revision Tour in you note book. 5) Make GUI part of project (i.e. software ) on the assigned topics.  Mobile Show Room  Car Show Room  General Store  Bike Showroom  XYZ Electronics (IP)  ABC Mall  Marvelous Furniture Mall  Hotel Management System  The Hut ( Footwear showroom) 2 ECONOMICS Q1. Why is there a need for economizing of resources? . Q2. What does a rightward shift in the PPC indicate? Q3. Define the term ‘Marginal Rate of Transformation’. Q4. What will be the shape of PPF if the marginal opportunity cost is decreasing? Q5. What do you mean by the term economy? SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS - 3 OR 4 MARKS Q1. Explain the central problem of ‘What to produce’ in an economy. Q2. What is a ‘Production possibility frontier’? Explain with the help of an imaginary schedule and a diagram. Q3. Why is a PPC concave to the origin? Explain. Q4. A lot of people died and many factories were destroyed because of a severe earthquake in a country. How will it affect the country’s PPC? Show withthe help of a diagram. Q5. State any three points of difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Q6. Distinguish between Movement from a point within the production possibility curve to a point on the curve. A movement from a point on the lower production possibility curve to a point on a higher production possibility curve. Q7. An economy produces two goods X and Y .Find the marginal rate of transformation from the given information: Output of Good-Y Output of Good-X 800 10 680 20 520 30

CHAPTER 2 - CONSUMER EQUILIBRIUM VERY SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS - 1 MARK Q1. Write the equation of the budget line. Q1. State the law of equi- marginal utility. Q2. How is total utility derived from the marginal utility? Q3. What is the value of marginal utility when the value of total utility is maximum? SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS - 3 OR 4 MARKS Q1. Explain the relationship between the total utility and the marginal utility derived from\ a good with the help of a suitable diagram. Q2. Why is an indifference curve convex to the origin? Explain. Q3. Explain why the consumer equilibrium is attained at a point when the marginal utility of a product in terms of the money is equal to its price . Q4. A consumer consumes only two goods A & B. At certain consumption level, he finds that the ratio of marginal utility to price in case of good A is higher than that in case of good B. Explain the reaction of the consumer in order to attain equilibrium. Q5. Starting from the initial situation of consumer’s equilibrium, suppose MU of rupee increases, keeping price constant. Will it increase or decrease the quantity demanded of the product? LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS - 6 MARKS Q1. Explain the condition of consumer’s equilibrium in case of two commodities with the help of indifference curve analysis. Q2. For a consumer to be in equilibrium why must the ratio of marginal utility to the prices of the two goods be equal? NUMERICALS Q1. A chocolate is sold at a price of Rs. 20 in the market. Radha, who likes chocolate, has already consumed three. Her marginal utility from eating three chocolates is Rs. 80 .Suppose that the marginal utility of a rupee is four, when should she stop the consumption of chocolates? Q2. A consumer consumes only two goods X and Y. Her money income is Rs.40 and the prices of goods X and Y are Rs. 4 and Rs. 2 respectively. What will be the value of MRSxy when the consumer is in equilibrium? Explain. CHAPTER 3 - DEMAND Q1. What causes a downward movement along the demand curve of a commodity? Q2.When is the demand for a good said to be inelastic? Q3. Define the term ‘market demand’. Q4. If the total expenditure on a commodity does not change with a change in its price, what can you say about the elasticity of demand for the commodity? Q5. In order to encourage tourism to Goa, the Government of India suggested that Indian airlines should reduce the airfare to Goa. How will this affect the market demand curve for the air travel to Goa? SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS - 3 OR 4 MARKS Q1. Explain the point method of measuring price elasticity of demand for a downward sloping straight line demand curve. Q2. Explain the relationship between price of other goods and demand for the given good. Q3. Distinguish between the concepts of ‘increase in demand’ and ‘expansion of demand’. Q4. When would a consumer buy more of a commodity at a higher price? Give any three reasons in support of your answer. Q5. Explain the relationship between income of the consumer and demand for the given good. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS - 6 MARKS Q1. The price of a commodity and its demand are inversely related, Ceteris paribus. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer. Q2. Explain any three factors affecting price elasticity of demand with the help of suitable examples. NUMERICALS Q1. A consumer buys 160 units of good X atRs. 8 per unit. The price elasticity of demand for the good is (-) 2. At what price will he be willing to buy 240 units of the good? Q2. When the price of a commodity falls by Rs. 2 per unit, its quantity demanded increases by 10 units. Its price elasticity of demand is (-) 1. Calculate the quantity demanded at the price before change which was Rs.10 per unit. Q3. The quantity demanded of a commodity at a price of Rs.8 per unit is 600 units. Its price falls by 25% and as a result its quantity demanded rises by 120 units. Calculate its price elasticity of demand. Q4. The price of a commodity is Rs.50 per unit and its quantity demanded is 500 units. If its price rises to Rs.60 per unit its quantity demanded falls by 90 units. Calculate its price elasticity of demand. Q5. As a result of 10% fall in the price of a commodity, its demand rises from 400 to 450 units. Find the price elasticity of demand. Q6. When price of a commodity falls by Rs. 5 per unit, its quantity demanded increases by 80 units. Its price elasticity of demand is (-) 0.8. Calculate the original quantity demanded if the price before change was Rs.50 per unit. 3 English Q.1. Write notice on the following topics:- . a) Study camp being organized during winter break by your school for board classes. b) Blood donation camp organized in your society. c) Excursion tour to Dehradun. d) Meeting of staff and student council to discuss about the annual day celebration in the Vidyalaya. e) Fete fair organized on the occasion of Children’s Day. Q.2: Write articles on the following topics: a) Road Rage and Violence. b) Importance of Time Management. c) Communal riots. d) Women Empowerment/How safe are women? e) Deteriorating Values amongst the youth. Q.3: Solve passages of Note – Making from CBSE Question Papers 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 from CBSE Website. Q.4: Solve passages for reading comprehension from CBSE Question Papers 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 from CBSE Website.

4 Maths Solve 10 Question from each of 4 chapters Relation and function, inverse . trigonometry,Matrices, Determinants other than text book which was asked in board examination pinup those papers and submit after the summer vacation.

5 BUSINES 1. “If the organization is heading towards higher levels of . S achievement, it signifies an existence of good management and vice STUDIES versa.” State the feature of Management highlighted in the statement. 2. State the meaning of Efficiency and Effectiveness in Management.

3. To attain the objectives of the firm , the management of “Tata Motors” Spends a considerable amount of its profits for the Mission “Educate the Girl child” State the objective it strives to achieve.

4. Which level of Management is referred as “First line Managers”

5. How do Principles of Management help in “Scientific decisions”

6. “Anything - Management = Zero” Comment.

7. Define the term “Coordination” State two features of coordination. 8. State three functions of Operational Level of Management.

9. State three differences between cooperation and coordination.

10. What is meant by “Simplification” State two objectives?

11. Mr. Mohan, the supervisor of the factory was ill and had to take a leave for A week,in his absence, Mr.Rajan, the senior most worker was entrusted with the responsibility of Managing and allocation of resources, especially spare parts, tools etc. But he found it very difficult as the resources were not placed at right place, so they could not be traced quickly. Which principle of Fayol is overlooked by Mr. Mohan? Explain briefly.

12. Discuss the concept of “Mental revolution” in scientific Management.

13. Discuss four features of the principles of Management. 14. State the basic objective of the following techniques of scientific Management- a. Time study b. Motion study c. Method study d. Fatigue study Management is a pure Art” Comment

6 ACCOUNT General Instructions: . ANCY (i) The holiday homework contains chapter wise short answers questions and long answers questions. (ii) The students are required to attempt them in a separate register. (iii) Show your working notes clearly.

Chapter: Partnership--Fundamentals Q.1. What is a partnership deed? Q.2. List any five contents of a partnership deed. Q.3. What are the provisions to be followed according to Indian Partnership Act,1932 in the absence of a partnership deed? Q.4. Calculate the duration for which interest on drawings will be calculated when a uniform amount is withdrawn at a uniform interval of time. (i) Fixed amount is withdrawn on first day of every month over a period of 12 months. (ii) Amount withdrawn in the middle of each month over a period of 12 months. (iii Amount withdrawn on the last day of each month over a period of 12 months. (iv) Amount withdrawn in the beginning of each quarter. (v) Amount withdrawn in the middle of each quarter. (vi) Amount withdrawn at the end of each quarter. (vii) Amount withdrawn in the beginning of each half year. (viii) Amount withdrawn at the end of each half year. Q.5. X & Y started business on 1st April, 2013 with capitals of `2,50,000 and `1,50,000 respectively. On 1stOct ,2013, they decided that their capitals should be fixed at`2,00,000 each. The necessary adjustments in the capitals were made by introducing or withdrawing cash. The interest on capital is allowed at @8% p.a. Calculate the interest on capital as on 31stMarch, 2014. Q.6 Give the formula for calculation of ‘Goodwill’ by ‘Capitalisation of average profits’ method. Q.7 If the partners’ capital accounts are fixed, where will you record the following items: i) Salary to the partners ii) Drawings made by a partner iii) Interest on capital and iv) Share of profit earned by a partner. 2 Q.8 Mona, Nisha and Priyanka started a firm three years ago by contributing `50,000 each as capital three years ago. At that time Priyanka agreed to look after the business as Mona and Nishawere busy. The profits for the past three years were `15,000, `25,000 and `50,000 respectively. While going through the books of accounts, Mona noticed that the profit had been distributed in the ratio of 1:1:2. Instead of the ratio of 1:1:1.When she enquired from Priyanka about this, Priyanka answered that since she had been looking after the business she should get more share in profit. Mona disagreed to this and it was decided to distribute profit equally retrospectively for the last three years. (a) You are required to make necessary corrections in the books of accounts of Mona, Nisha and Priyanka by passing an adjustment entry. Q.9 Asgar, Chaman and Dhamija are partners in a firm. Their capital accounts stood at `4, 00,000, `3, 00,000 and `2, 00,000 respectively on 1st April, 2012. They shared profits and losses in the proportion of 5:3:2 respectively. The Partners are entitled to get an interest on capital @ 10% per annum. Chaman is entitled to a salary of `2,000 per month and Dhamija@ `3,000 per quarter as per the provision of the partnership deed. Dhamija’s share of profit (excluding interest on capital but including his salary) is guaranteed at a minimum of `50,000p.a. Any deficiency arising on that account shall be met by Asgar. The profits for the year ended 31st March, 2013 amounted to `2, 00,000. Prepare a Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended31st March, 2013. Q.10 A, B and C are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1 respectively with a guarantee of minimum profits to C for `15,000. The total profits of the firm for the year ended on 31stDecember,2012 amounted `1,20,000. Any excess payable to C on account of such guarantee shall be borne by B. Prepare a Profit and Loss appropriation Account to show the distribution of profits as per terms of the partnership deed. Q.11. Renu and Reshma shared profits in the ratio of 7:3 respectively. They decide to admit Rehana as a new partner.Rehana is a physically challenged lady and is admitted with a 1/4th share in profits. Renu and Reshma gave her a guarantee that her share of profit will never be less than `1,20,000 p.a., the profits for the last two years ended 31stMarch, 2011 and 31st March, 2012 were ` 1,60,000 and ` 2,40,000 respectively. Identify the human value involved in this case and prepare a Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the past two years. Q.12. The average net profit expected in future by G.Lal and Co. is `30,000 per year. The average capital employed in the business by the firm is `2,00,000. The normal rate of return on capital employed in a similar business is 10%. Calculate the goodwill of the firm by: (i) Super Profit Method on the basis of two years’ purchase and (ii) Capitalisation of Super Profit Method. (b) Identify any one value which was not practised by Priyanka while distributing the profits. 3 Chapter: Reconstitution of Partnership: Change in Profit Sharing Ratio Q1. State the ratio in which the partners share profits or losses on revaluation of assets and liabilities, when there is a change in the profit sharing ratio amongst the existing partners. Q.2. Vaishali, Vinod and Anjali are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 4:3:2 respectively. From April 1,2011, they decided to share the profits equally. On that date their books showed a credit balance of `3,60,000 in the Profit and Loss Account and a balance of `90,000 in the General Reserve. You are required to give an adjustment Journal entry for distribution of these profits and reserves. Q.3. Keshav, Meenakshi and Mohit were sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 1:2:2 respectively. However they decided to share future Profitequally with effect from April 1, 2013. On that date general reserve showed a balance of ` 2,40,000. The Partners do not want to distribute the reserves. You are required to give an adjustment Journal entry. Q.4 A, B, C and D are partners sharing profits & losses in the ratio of 4:3:3:2 respectively. Their respective fixed capitals as on March31,2013 were `60,000, `90,000, `1,20,000 and `90,000. After preparing the final accounts for the year ended March31,2013, it was discovered that interest on capital @ 12% p.a. was not allowed and the interest on drawings amounting to `2,000, `2,500, `1,500 and `1,000 respectively was also not charged. Pass the necessary adjustment Journal entry showing your workings clearly. Q.5. Ram, Shyam and Mohan are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1:2respectively. Their fixed capitals were `3, 00,000, `1,00,000 and `2,00,000 respectively. The interest on capital for the year 2012 was credited to them @ 9% p.a. instead of 10% p.a.. Showing your working notes clearly, pass the necessary adjusting Journal entry. Q.6. Amit and Kajal were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2 respectively. With effect from January1, 2012, they agreed to share profits equally. For this purpose the goodwill of the firm was valued at ` 60,000. Pass the necessary Journal entry. 4 Chapter: Admission Of A Partner Q1. What are the two main rights acquired by an incoming new partner in a partnership firm? Q2. In case of admission of a partner, in which ratio will the profits or loss on revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities shall be divided? Q3. Pass the Journal entry for increase in the value of assets or decrease in the value of liabilities in the Q6. Enumerate the matters that need adjustment at the time of admission of a new Partner. Q7. Give the two circumstances in which Sacrificing Ratio may be applied? Q8. Why is it necessary to revalue assets and reassess liabilities of a firm in case of admission of a new partner? Q9. Under what circumstances the premium for goodwill paid by an incoming Partner will not recorded in the books of accounts? Q10. A and B share profits and losses in the ratio of 4:3respectively, they admit C with 3/7thshare; Of which he gets 2/7thshare from A’s share and 1/7thshare from B’s share. What is the new profit sharing ratio? Q 11 A and B are partners sharing in the ratio of 3:2 respectively. C is admitted. C gets his 3/20thfrom A’ share and 1/20th Share from B’s share. Calculate the new ratio and sacrificing ratio. Q.12. X and Y are partners in a firm sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 3:2 respectively. Z is admitted for 1/6thshare in profits. Z acquires his share from X and Y in the ratio of 2:1 respectively. Calculate the new profit sharing ratio of the partners. Q. 13. A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3 respectively. A surrenders 1/5thof his share, whereas B surrenders 1/3rdof his share infavour of C, a new partner. Calculate the new profit sharing ratio. Q.14. A, B and C are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2:1 respectively. They admit D for 1/6thshare. C would retain his old share. Calculate the new ratio of all the partners. Q.15. A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits and loss in the ratio of 3:2 respectively is admitted as a new partner. A surrenders 1/5thof his share and B 2/5thof his share in favour of C. For purpose of C’s admission, goodwill of the firm is valued at `75,000 and C brings his share of goodwill in cash which is retained in the business books. Journalise the above transactions. Revaluation A/c? Q4. At the time of admission of a partner where will you record ‘unrecorded investment’? Q5. At the time of admission of a new partner, workmen's compensation reserve was appearing in the Balance sheet at `1,000. Give journal entry if workmen's compensation at the time of admission is estimated at `1200. 5 Q.16. Anubhav and Babita are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2 respectively. On April 1, 2013, they admitted Deepak as a new partner for 3/13th share in the profits. Deepak contributed the following assets towards his capital and for his share of goodwill : Land` 90,000, machinery ` 70,000, stock ` 60,000 and debtor ` 40,000. On the date of admission of Deepak, the goodwill of the firm was valued at `5,20,000. Record necessary Journal entries in the books of the firm. Show your calculations clearly. Q.17 A, B, C and D are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:3:2: 2 respectively. D retires and A, B and C decide to share the future profits in the ratio of 3 :2 : 1 respectively. The Goodwill of the firm is valued at `3, 00,000. Goodwill already appears in the books at `2, 25,000. Give the necessary Journal entries to record Goodwill. Show your calculations clearly. Q.18. A and B are partners with capitals of ` 26,000 and ` 22,000 respectively. They admit C as Partner with 1/4thshare in the profits of the firm. C brings `26,000 as his share of capital. Give journal entry to ` Assets ` record the goodwill on C’s admission. Liabilities Creditors 56,000 Cash in Hand 77,000 General Reserve 10,000 Debtors 42,000 35,000 Investment Fluctuation 4,000 Less: Provision for 21,000 Fund 2,31,000 Doubtful Debts 7,000 98,000 Capiatl A/cs: 3,01,000 Investments(Market 70,000 Annu 1,19,000 Price `19,000) 3,01,000 Mannu 1,12,000 Building Plant and Machinery

7 HISTORY (HUMANITI Q1 Write five question, along with answer of any ten passage of first part of history? ES) Q2 label all the maps of first part of history? Q3 Complete all notes, text book questions, additional questions etc of first part of history? Q4 Practical work of history should be completed and checked after vacation?

8 HUMANITIE Q1 Past 20 cartoons of news papers and write a brief description about it, in about 50 S words? (POLITICAL Q2 Label all maps of both books on the concerned maps? SCIENCE) Q3 Complete all notes, text book questions, additional questions etc of both books? 9 Chemistry 1.Solve previous five years question paper from chapter 1&2. 2.solve all important question from chapter 1&2. PROJECT 1.tabulate all types of crystal system . 2.Explain all types of colligative poroperties with diagrammatically. 3.explain ideal or non ideal solution. N.B- Write the answers in your class work copy only

10 BIOLOGY 1.Collect minimum last five years question cbse previous year & solve it, for 1st unit. PROJECT 1.Male reproductive system. 2.female reproductive system. 3.Make ppt. on any one topic in unit 1. N.B- Write the answers in your class work copy only

11 Physics 1.Solve all the questions given in the exercise of ch.-1 and ch.2 of class- XII FROM NCERT book of question 1.1 to 1.24. 2.Draw the following grphs. 1.Electric lines of force and equipotential surface due to positive point charge , negative point charge and a dipole . 3.write the properties of i)electric lines of force ii)equipotential surface.iii)a conductor in a electric field . N.B- Write the answers in your class work copy only

12 Hindi 1 अपठठित गदयययांश 1

2 अपठठित पदयययांश 1

3 पत्र 2

4 ननिबयांध1

5 पपयांट ममीडडियय40 पशनि

6 फफीचर1 7 आललेख 1

8 पपसतक सममीकय1

9 अरर्थग्रहण सले सयांबननधत पशनि(पदय) 1

10 सरयहनिय सले सयांबननधत पशनि (पदय) 1

11 अरर्थग्रहण सले सयांबननधत पशनि(गदय) 1 13 Geography Q.1 countries of Europe and Asia with negative growth rate of population? Q. 2 African countries with growth rate of population more than 3 %? Q. 3 Write a brief note on M.P.’s population growth and density? Q. 4 Explain the sex and age structure of M.P. by pyramid. Q. 5 According to the water problem in India give your suggestion on saving the water. Q. 6 What kind of planning made by Indian Govt. to reduce the growth of population. Q. 7 What kind of employment programs run by M.P. Govt. for poor. Q. 8 Locate the Geographical HOT spots on world map.

14 SUPW Ques - Complete Any two charts from any lesson of your text book.

15 Library Write use of library in your higher studies on A4 size page

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