1St Scene: in Benevento. Italian Students Are Planning Their Visit to Berlin S Friends

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1St Scene: in Benevento. Italian Students Are Planning Their Visit to Berlin S Friends

1st scene: in Benevento. Italian students are planning their visit to Berlin’s friends. They start to contact their friends abroad

1st scene: at Galilei Vetrone school

1st Italian student Hi friends! Are you ready to leave for Germany?

1st Indian student Of course we are! And what about you?

2nd Italian student We too! We are counting the days and we’ve also brushed up our magic flying carpet! Let’s ask our friends from Portugal! Hi, Have you fixed your helicopter yet? It looked a bit unstable last year!!!

1st Portuguese student

3rd Italian student And what about you, Angelina, Hedvig and Frida ?

Angelina, Hedvig Yes we are ready!

Frida We will come in a hot air balloon and we’re so excited

Thea I’m not ready! I’m afraid of flying...

The others Yes, you ARE READY!!!

Thea Ok ... let’s go! (she looks frightened)

Other nationalities Write your contributions HERE!!!

1st Italian student We are all going to Berlin and didn’t ask our German friends iff they are going to host us 2nd Italian student How could we be so rude? The Italian students contact their German friends on Skype 3rd Italian student Hi friends! What do you think if we fly to Berlin tomorrow?

1st German student What a wonderful idea! How many will you be?

1st Italian student Well, (he starts counting) three Italians, four Swedish, four Indians, three or four Portuguese, and... 2nd German student That’s ok! That’s ok! There’s plenty of room for everyone!!! At the Youth hostel, of course... 2nd Italian student Perfect! We’re coming soon!!! 2nd scene: friends are travelling  Swedish students fly in a hot air balloon  German students: school-bus:  Portuguese students: a helicopter  Indian students: submarine  Other nationalities. Suggestions: a dragoon, a cloud, a plane, a train, etc. Swedish students: Oh, it’s so high! I won’t look down! Thea

Angelina I can’t breathe

Frida It’s maybe the thin air?

1st German student Hello friends? Are you tired after your ... well... adventurous journeys?

1sr Italian student: We’re not tired at all we were just wondering where we shall go first...

Indian students

Portuguese students

Swedish students

Other nationalities Write your contributions HERE!!!

1st German students Well, there’s a special surprise for our friends from Italy... First of all we’ll go to Agostino’s pizza restaurant! Portuguese students What does an Italian pizzaiolo have to do with our trip?

2nd German student Well, he’s been living in Berlin for 20 years, knows all sorts of people here and is a world-famous expert on Berlin popular meeting places and landmarks, believe it or not! All students together Ah the Italiaaaans!!! 4th scene: First they are in Agostino’s pizzeria. Then they fly to the TV tower

Agostino Hallo friends! Do you want to see Berlin in a 360 ° radius? Or first you want a 360 degrees pizza? Aheeem... All students together Pizza pizza pizza!!

Agostino Now you’ve filled your bellies we can discover the mysteries of this amazing city. Follow me! All students together Let’s go!

Agostino Now, let’s fly on top of the TV tower Students flying...

Agostino Now we are on top of the TV tower. From 203 meters you can see the

2 whole city with its many attractions:

the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate and the central station and as well the Olympic Stadium, Museum Island or the Potsdamer Platz.

With almost 1.2 million visitors annually the Berlin TV Tower is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Berlin, soon after my pizza restaurant, of course!

Other nationalities: WOW! Amazing! Fantastic!

Agostino I’m really happy you like it! Next stop will be Kurfürstendamm

Indian students Kurfürsten... dam! Is it a bad word?

1st German student: No of course! And don’t discuss what Agostino says... 5th scene: Agostino shows their friends Kurfürstendamm

2nd German student Pfew! All Berliners call it Kudamm.

Agostino Well, I’m Italian inside, after all… So the Kudamm is the biggest shopping street in Berlin. It’s absolutely awesome and you can buy everything here. Here are some famous and important buildings like the KaDeWe, that means Kaufhaus des Westens (in English: shop of the West?)

And now YAMM e YAMM!!

2nd Italian student Agostì! Have you come back to your origins… YAM means “Let’s go!” In Naples! Agostino I’m not speaking Neapolitan… You know… YAMM is the place we are going right now! 6th scene: Agostino shows the kids YAAM Agostino This place here is called YAAM. The river you see over there ( points at the river) is called Spree. The letters YAAM stand for Young African Art Market. Portuguese student And what kinds of people go here?

Agostino All kinds of people, that’s the beauty of it. It’s a place for everyone from everywhere. It’s a meeting point for people from all cultures and nationalities . Just like my pizza restaurant! Indian student And what can you do here?

Agostino At daytime you can play basket ball, volleyball or just hang out at the riverside. You can also buy food from different cultures, for example: African food. Let’s go to the Bergmannstr now! 3 7th scene: Agostino shows the kids Bergmannstr Swedish student Is this Bergmannstr? What is it??? We never heard of it….

Agostino It’s an alternative shopping street in the borough Kreuzberg. It’s famous for its second-hand shops, cafes and restaurants. In fact it is exactly where my pizza restaurant is situated… let’s go inside and have a pizza. Portuguese student Oh cool!!! The students have another pizza… Italian student Can we go shopping after the pizza?

Agostino Yes, of course. We can go to the Marheineke Hall or to Colors. That’s a gigantic second hand shop, one of the biggest in Berlin. Maybe today is one of the famous street festivals. Indian students Let’s go!!! 8th scene: Agostino shows the kids Mauerpark Portuguese s What can you do in the Mauerpark?

Agostino: A lot of things. For example on Sundays there is a big flea market. And you can sing karaoke. It’s very funny.

Indian s.: Really? How nice. Why is it called Mauerpark?

Agostino: The Park is named after the Berlin-wall, which was built here in 1961. It split up the two boroughs Wedding and Prenzlauer Berg

Ahi! Portuguese What’s the matter?

Agostino I’m feeling a pang of nostalgia. To be honest I miss Naples. Let’s sing together O’ sole mio Swedish student Yes, but just for once..

All the students sing: Oh sole mio! 9th scene: Agostino shows their friends Brandenburg gate

Agostino Well, we are in Berlin now and in front of you there’s the Brandenburg gate in German it is called “Brandenburger Tor”. You can see the gate on the coin of 10, 20, 50 cent. Swedish students How much are they worth? What can you buy with them?

Agostino Certainly not the Branderburger gate! And not even my pizza Margherita… German students Don’t be silly Agostino… 4 Agostino Ok! Ok! I didn’t mean to be rude.

German s. I’ll forgive you but just for once!

Agostino The Branderburger gate’s one of the main symbols of Berlin and Germany. It’s located near the city centre on the west side of “Potsdamerplatz”. The gate was built in 1734 and it takes a big place in the Berlin and German history. 10th scene: German students show their friends Badeschiff Agostino: Here we are at the Badeschiff, where you can go swimming in the Spree.

Indian student C ool! Will it be very expensive?

Agostino Have you got a fixation about money? After all, Berlin is not so expensive as they say… The pool, in fact, is nice and warm and only costs four Euros for the whole day. 3rd Italian student Then we can afford it!

Agostino (bored) Yes, we can! The Badeschiff is also different from any other swimming pool because most of the area is covered in sand. It’s like being on a tropical resort! Others that sounds nice!

German student If you don’t feel like going swimming, you can always order something from the bar which has a tremendous amount of beverages to please you at any time. Agostino If you’d rather prefer going to a club and partying, then there is a nice club right next door that stays open until morning. Like Italian Dolce vita. Indian student Let’s go! I’m very hungry and thirsty!

Swedish student Yes, a burger and a beer (a non alcoholic one, of course) it’s really what I need!

11th scene: Students (all of them!) are eating hamburgers (or vegetable burgers) and drinking (non alcoholic beer)

Portuguese student Oh now it feels like really being in Berlin!

German student it’s a pity that there isn’t a drop of alcohol in your beer!

Agostino Well, you look drunk the same!

German student Haha yeah, there are tales that the curry wurst was invented in Hamburg, but if you tell this to somebody from Berlin, he won’t believe you. Indian student This sausage is really tasty.

5 Swedish student I would rather say: yummy yummy!

German student Well, this is really one of the best currywurst stores in Berlin.

Agostino I hope you’re in a very good mood because now I’m going to show you something which will make you feel really sad… Indian student What is it?

Agostino Oh I think I’ve guessed: it’s the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Yes, it’s really a place which make you feel sad...

12th scene: in Benevento. Students visit the Holocaust Memorial Museum

German student This is the Holocaust Memorial.

Agostino: The Holocaust-memorial is a memorial + museum. It stands for the killed Jewish people during the National Socialism and the Holocaust. The so called “Stelenfeld” is above the museum and consists of gray stone- blocks. It is next to the Brandenburg Gate.

Portuguese student It should remind us of the Jewish people, who were killed during the National socialism in Nazi-Germany and concentration-camps.

Indian student What are these grey blocks?

German student These gray blocks are called “Stelen”. They stand for the killed Jewish people.

1st Italian student How sad! I can’t believe men are capable of doing this...

German student There are 2711 blocks and under them is a museum.

Indian student What’s the name of the archict who did this?

German Students: The architect is called Peter Eisenmann and he got the price of the American Institute of Architects.

German Students: Over 5 million people visited the “Stelenfeld” + museum until 2005. 13th scene: German students show their friends checkpoint Charlie Agostino: Now we are going to visit another place which is very sad too. Here we are at the checkpoint Charlie, it was in the time of the Berlin wall (the time when Berlin was divided between 13. August 1961 and 9. November 1989, cold war after second world war) a border crossing. It was called like that, because it was the third American border crossing in Berlin. Lots of people got shot down when they tried to cross the border! Portuguese student That’s not possible…

6 Agostino But today it’s just a part of a shopping street and has a museum with its history! Indian student So if you say it’s a shopping street, let’s go shopping!

Agostino: Yes yes, but before we want to see the other sights of our pretty city.

15th scene: in Benevento. German students say goodbye to their friends


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