Lanercost CE Primary School

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Lanercost CE Primary School

Lanercost CE Primary School

Our School Vision: Believe, Achieve and Care

Number 3 November – 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the second half term; it is certainly going to be a busy one! The children have already started to learn the songs and lines for the Christmas play although we haven’t got the glitter out yet! Please note the dates of all the different events coming up and put them onto your calendar as the next six weeks are fairly hectic!

Many Thanks: Thank you to all the parents who ran the Cumbrian half marathon and raised over £300 which has been put towards the cost of 15 new leotards. Kath Nelson also successfully applied for funding from the Skipton Building Society (£100) and the Cumberland Building Society (£100) and this has also been added to the pot. The new leotards look very smart; our gymnasts have made a really good choice in the style and colours that they chose. If they last as well as the old outfits we should still be using the new ones in twelve years’ time, so although expensive they do represent value for money!

From the collection plate at our harvest festival we have been able to send £70 to the Harvest Appeal which will support farmers in Mali.

Shoebox Appeal: If you are intending to put together a shoebox please can we have them back to school by Monday 14th November in order that we can organise transport for the children who have brought them in for the service on Thursday 17th at the Methodist Church.

Children’s Photographs – Please remember if you intend to buy your child’s photograph all orders need to be back in school by Friday 11th November at the latest. Cheques should be made payable to Tempest Photography and not to the school. Talkin Tarn X Country: Many thanks to everyone who came along and supported their children at Talkin Tarn; we were very proud of all of our children who tried their hardest, many children improved upon their positions from last year. Well done to everybody who took part and especially to our three teams; our mixed team: Fergus, Ben, Ayedon, Amy, Cansu and Hannah; our boys team: Daniel, Tom, Sebastian, Felix, William and Angus and our girls team: Ella, Fern, Zoe, Anna, Olivia and Lucy. It was lovely to see everybody enjoying themselves; many thanks to Mrs Siddall who has helped them to prepare through her running club. I have put some photos of the event up on the website on the sports page.

FOLS Secret Santa - Saturday 26th November 2016, at Low Row Village Hall from 9.00am to 12.00 noon. Please come along and support this event; money raised will be used to offset the cost of these Christmas treats for the children: Nursery & Reception – Walby Farm Park, Nativity & Winter Wonderland Years 1, 2, 3 & 4 – Newcastle Theatre Royal, Goldilocks & the Three Bears Years 5 & 6 – Sand Centre, Jack & the Beanstalk Pantomime FOLS have just recently sent out a letter with more details of the help that they need.

Egyptian Topic: On Monday of this coming week the children will be meeting Aneksi, a poor farmers wife, from the time of the ancient Egyptians. Thursday 24th November: Egyptian art day with Abi Kelfelder from WHS

Flag of the Month: There is a new flag of the month flying outside the school and this will be part of next week’s homework.

RE Week – Christian Values We had a very successful RE Week with the children learning a lot about the Christian values of respect, tolerance, diversity and hope. We have put up a display in the Priory so please have a look. Sporting Fixtures:

November: Monday 14th Year 1 and 2 Cheerleading and trampoline Festival at WHS 3.30 – 4.45 Tuesday 8th Netball tournament 9 – 12 noon at WHS December: Tuesday 6th Year 5 and 6 Tag Rugby Festival 3.30-4.45

Stars of the Week for October: Georgia (Year R) for making fantastic progress in maths and Read, Write Inc. James (Year R) for super writing about Supertato Noah (Year 1) for super work in maths and literacy Freya (Year 1) for some fantastic fast maths Hugo (Year 2) for excellent work on column addition Max (Year 3) for making a super effort with his handwriting during Big Writing Lewis (Year 6) for ending the term with a fantastic attitude and showing enthusiasm in maths

Christingle – Friday 2nd December 3.00pm at the Priory On Thursday 1st December the children will be decorating their own Christingle for the Christingle service at the Priory on Friday 2nd December, which the Mother’s Union is organising. This will be a very child friendly, magical, not to be missed event, where each child’s candle will be lit. It is a wonderful start to the Christmas season. The service will last no longer than 40minutes and we would ask that parents attend to help the children light the candles. As part of this event all children will be bringing home a Christingle cardboard candle in order to collect 1 and 2 pence coins for the Children’s Society. This organisation helps less fortunate children who may not have parents or who live in difficult circumstances and we would ask that the children bring their collection candle into school the week beginning the 28th November. There will be refreshments to follow the service. Please can you fill in the slip at the end of the newsletter to let us know whether you will be attending the service? Christmas Play – ‘There’s Something Amazing Going On’ Afternoon Performance: Thursday 8th Dec 1.45pm Evening Performances; Wednesday 7th Dec 6.30pm Thursday 8th Dec 6.30pm All children have now been cast for the Christmas play and the scripts have been sent home. Please can you encourage your child to learn their lines as it is just over a month before the play will be performed. Letters will be going out shortly asking for costumes. A maximum of 2 tickets per family will be allocated for the evening performance (please indicate which evening you wish to attend NOT both) and two tickets for the afternoon performance; pre-school children are not allowed to attend the evening performances. Return the slip at the end of the letter to request tickets. If you wish for more tickets for either of the evening performances please indicate this on your return slip, any spare tickets will be allocated on Monday 28th November on a first come basis.

Pre- School Christmas Party – Tuesday 13th December 1.30pm – 3pm The Christmas party for pre-school children will be held at Lanercost School on the afternoon of Tuesday 13th December from 1.30 pm. If you know of anyone who might be interested in attending our school in the future please can you let Madeleine know so that an invitation can be sent?

Christmas School Dinner – Wednesday 14th December INCLUDEPICTURE

"" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Once again, Julie, will be providing us with a lovely traditional Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 14th December. Children who normally have a packed lunch will be invited to join us at a cost of £2.50.

FOLS Christmas Treats: Money raised by FOLS is being used to subsidise these events. Wednesday 30th November 9.45 – 1pm Nursery & Reception – Walby Farm Park, Nativity & Winter Wonderland Friday 11th November 10.15 – 2.30 Years 1, 2, 3 & 4 – Newcastle Theatre Royal, Goldilocks & the Three Bears Monday 12th December, 10.15 am - Years 5 & 6 – Sand Centre, Jack & the Beanstalk Pantomime Christmas Party – Thursday 15th December 1.30pm - 4pm The Christmas party for the children of Lanercost School will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 15th December at the Dacre Hall. Children will need to be collected at 4pm.

Carol Service on the last day of term: On Friday 16th December our carol service will start at 1.30pm and will be finished by 2.30pm. Please can you ensure that you are able to pick your children up at the end of the service?

Forthcoming diary dates (please note that these could be subject to change) Dates can also be found on the website:

November Mon 7th Meet Aneski Tues 8th Netball tournament at WHS 9.00 – 12.00 Thurs 10th Remembrance Day special lunch Fri 11th Goldilocks and the three bears ballet (Yrs 1- 4) – Newcastle – 10.15 – 2.30 Mon 14th WHS Cheerleading and trampoline festival for Yr 1 and 2 – 3.45- 5.00 Thurs 17th Shoebox Appeal Service at Brampton Methodist Church 9.30 am Thurs 24th Egyptian art day Mon 28th Service in the Priory 9.15am Wed 30th Winter Wonderland at Walby – Nursery and Reception 9.45 – 1pm

December Fri 2nd Christingle Service in the Priory – 3.00pm Tues 6th WHS Tag rugby festival for Y 5 and 6 – 3.45 – 5.00pm Thurs 8th Christmas play 1.45pm and 6.30pm Mon 12th Jack and the Beanstalk – Y 5 and 6 10.15 am Tues 13th Preschool Christmas party 1.30 - 3.00pm Wed 14th Christmas dinner Thurs 15th Christmas party (YR – 6) 1.30 – 4pm Fri 16th Christmas carols in the Priory 1.30pm Early Finish Date of next newsletter – 1st Weekend of December

Best wishes Alison Clarricoats Headteacher Reply slips:

 ------Christingle Service – Friday 2nd December, 3.00 pm at the Priory

Child’s Name ______

My child will/will not be attending the Christingle Service on Friday 2nd December and I understand that I need to accompany my child (due to health and safety reasons).

Signed ______Printed Name: ______

 ------

Christmas Play Ticket Request

Family Name ______

I would like _____ tickets for the afternoon performance of the Christmas play on Thursday 8th December (maximum 2)

Either: I would like _____ tickets for the evening performance of the Christmas play on Wednesday 7th December (maximum 2 and no preschool children, please)

Or: I would like _____ tickets for the evening performance of the Christmas play on Thursday 8th December (maximum 2 and no preschool children, please)

I would like additional tickets if they become available:

I would like ______extra tickets for the afternoon performance on Thursday 8th

I would like ______extra tickets for the evening performance on Wednesday 7th I would like ______extra tickets for the evening performance on Thursday 8th

Name ______(Please print in capitals)

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