Regular Monthly Meeting s1

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Regular Monthly Meeting s1


Mayor Gerald A. Billingsley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Town Council Members Present: Devada R. Allison, Jr. Evan H. “Skeet” Ashby, III Gabrielle “Bria” Grumbacher – arrives late Stanley L. Heaney, Sr. Van M. Loving Patrick T. Nelson

Town Staff Present: Town Administrator Sharon G. Lee Town Attorney Andrea Erard Town Clerk/Treasurer Kimberly A. Bowrin Town Superintendent James E. Steward Police Chief Charles T. Proffitt

Guests Present: Brian Scannon, Commander – Remington American Legion Post 247, Tama Allison, David Kidwell

Mayor Billingsley introduced each person in attendance and invited everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

CITIZENS' TIME Mr. Scannon shared with the Council upcoming events with the American Legion. Mr. Scannon also shared that all the paperwork has been sent to VDOT for the renaming of the Tin Pot Run bridge. He stated that the Legion is looking at a June time frame for the ceremony.

COMMITTEE REPORTS CEMETERY COMMITTEE: Chair – Grumbacher Member – Loving Council Member Loving shared with the Council that another local cemetery was the victim of vandalism. Mr. Loving suggested that everyone be vigilant for any suspicious activity in the Remington Cemetery.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Chair – Heaney Member – Ashby Council Member Heaney gave the monthly report for March. Mr. Heaney stated that there are some CD’s coming up for renewal. He stated that the committee will be looking at some different options available such as money markets through the LGIP. The Council discussed the proposed 2017-18 budget. Town Administrator Lee shared that all funds are balanced with the exception of the Trust Fund, which is projected to have an excess. Mrs. Lee is requesting to authorize advertising for the budget public hearing. April 17, 2017 Council Member Ashby motioned to authorize to advertise a public hearing for the budget as presented. Council Member Allison seconded the motion. Town Clerk Bowrin stated that the public hearing would be Monday, May 8th at 7 p.m. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: Absent: Grumbacher

WATER SYSTEM COMMITTEE: Chair - Loving Member – Heaney Town Superintendent Steward gave a brief presentation on the water meters that the Town may install. Mr. Steward stated that a representative will be coming to show the staff and the committee how the meter works with our current billing system. There was a discussion on the subject. Mayor Billingsley asked Mr. Heaney to prepare a presentation when the time gets near to purchasing. Mr. Billingsley asked that the presentation have the cost of the item, how much the Town would be saving, and how it much it is going to cost the Town to install. Town Superintendent Steward also shared that the staff has started the right of way cleaning close to the Lee’s Glen subdivision. Town Superintendent Steward stated the pump at the Lee’s Glen well is going to need to be pulled. He stated that there are holes in the drop pipe. Mr. Steward explained the price quote from Valley Drilling to address the problem.

Council Member Allison motioned to authorize Mr. Steward to spend no more than $6000 for the repairs. Council Member Ashby seconded the motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0 Absent: Grumbacher

Mr. Steward shared that the leak repair at Lee’s Glen subdivision is finished. He stated that the approximate cost is $5800. Town Attorney Erard shared that the developer is not holding any bonds so the Town cannot try to collect from them.

PERSONNEL/POLICE COMMITTEE: Chair – Ashby Member – Nelson Council Member Ashby did not have anything to new to report. Council Member Allison thanked the Police Department for covering the RVFRD Spring Bash held on the previous Saturday.

PUBLIC FACILITIES COMMITTEE: Chair –Nelson Member – Allison Council Member Nelson shared that the committee is getting prices to repair a section of sidewalk on East Main Street and at the corner of Franklin Street. There was a short discussion on the subject. Council Member Loving suggested that the Council authorize a not to exceed amount so that the staff can proceed with the getting the repair done instead of waiting until the May meeting to get approval.

Council Member Loving motioned to authorize up to $4000 from Burton & Robinson to reface the sidewalk that is already marked on Main Street and on Franklin Street. Council Member Heaney seconded the motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Heaney, Loving, Nelson 2 Nays: 0 Absent: Grumbacher

April 17, 2017

Town Superintendent Steward shared that there is a strip of sidewalk across from BB&T bank that does not go anywhere. After Town Attorney Lee showed the Town Attorney the sidewalk and a short discussion followed, Ms. Erard stated it was fine to take the sidewalk up and fill it with gravel.

Council Member Heaney motioned to pull the piece of concrete out, dispose of it and fill with gravel on John Stone Street across from the bank. Council Member Ashby seconded the motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0 Absent: Grumbacher

CO MUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Chair – Allison Member – Grumbacher Council Member Allison shared that the RVFRD Spring Bash was a success. Mr. Allison also shared that the first movie night is scheduled for the upcoming Friday. He stated that Piedmont Environmental Council will be giving serving dinner and will be giving a presentation on walkways in Remington.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS The Council discussed the subject of cutting back the exemptions of business license fees from 2 years to 1 year. Discussion followed on the subject. The Council asked the Town Attorney if this could be in conjunction with the budget public hearing. Ms. Erard stated it could if time allows since the ad for this public hearing would need to run twice as opposed to the budget public hearing that only needs to run once. Council Member Loving brought to the Council an additional item for consideration. He stated that he would like the Town to adopt an Ordinance that a business can’t cover their windows with cardboard or paper. He suggested that the windows could have curtains or signs advertising the business. At this time, Council Member Grumbacher joined the meeting. A discussion followed. The Council asked Ms. Erard to research other localities ordinances. The Council returned to original topic of business license fees.

Council Member Ashby motioned that the Town go to 1 year free on Business License Fee. Council Member Heaney seconded the motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

Council Member Allison motioned to advertise the Ordinance change and combine it as much as possible with the public hearing coming up in May. Council Member Ashby seconded the motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

Mayor Billingsley addressed the subject of the People Inc. grant application to renovate the Remington Garden Apartments. Mr. Billingsley stated the Council could take no action at all or vote in support of the project. Mr. Billingsley stated that since this has been a sensitive subject between the Council, he would open the floor to give each Council Member a chance to speak on the matter.

3 April 17, 2017 Council Member Ashby motioned to write a letter of recommendation for the People, Inc. to renovate the Remington Garden Apartments. Council Member Heaney seconded the motion. Mayor Billingsley kept the floor opened to make sure that each person had a chance to speak on the subject. The motion carried by a roll call vote. Allison – Nay Ashby – Aye Grumbacher – Aye Heaney – Aye Loving – Aye Nelson – Nay

Returning to the subject of paper or cardboard covering operating businesses windows, Town Attorney Erard stated that it would need to be addressed as a zoning ordinance. She continued to state it would be a joint public hearing with the Planning Commission. Ms. Erard stated that she could prepare a draft ordinance for review at the next regular meeting.

NEW BUSINESS Council Member Allison addressed the Council on the subject of boundary line adjustment. Mr. Allison stated that he discussed the subject with Lee District Board of Supervisor Chris Butler. Mr. Allison stated that Mr. Butler would support a boundary line adjustment incorporating Remington Landing into the Town. Council Member Loving stated his opposition on annexing residential areas into the Town because of the cost to the Town. Mr. Loving continued to state if the property was commercial, it would benefit the Town and he would support it. A discussion followed.

NEW TOWN HALL REPORT Council Member Nelson did not have anything to report.

STAFF REPORTS Town Administrator There was no report from the Town Administrator.

Police Chief Chief Proffitt introduced David Kidwell to the Council. Chief Proffitt shared with the Council Mr. Kidwell’s biography and requested to bring him on as an auxiliary officer with the Town.

Council Member Allison motioned to bring on Mr. Kidwell as an auxiliary officer. Council Member Ashby seconded the motion. Council Member Loving asked that that the Chief provide a credential report. A discussion followed.

Council Member Allison amended his motion to include pending a credential report from the Chief. Council Member Ashby seconded the amended motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

Town Superintendent

4 Town Superintendent Steward shared with the Council that the line locator has been broken. Mr. Steward stated that the equipment is 15 plus years old. Mr. Steward stated that the cost is approximately $3200.00. Mr. Steward stated he will have the pricing on it by the May meeting.

April 17, 2017 Town Clerk Town Clerk Bowrin addressed the Council on the subject of the copier for Town Hall. She stated that at the last meeting, Council approved to replace the broken Okidata with another Okidata. She continued by sharing that since the last meeting, she spoke with the company that provided the Town with the Okidata. She told Council that the representative from the company was willing to keep the replacement Lexmark when the Okidata broke at the same leasing rate agreement. She shared that the Lexmark fits the needs of the office better and that the Lexmark is a better copier.

Council Member Heaney motioned to replace the Okidata with the Lexmark. Council Member Ashby seconded the motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

Town Clerk Bowrin also addressed the subject the DMV printers. Ms. Bowrin gave a brief history on the current DMV printers. She shared price quotes from two different companies on a Lexmark printer and a HP printer. She also gave the Council pricing if they wish to lease printers. A discussion followed. Ms. Bowrin suggested that the Council consider obtaining 2 printers, whether it be the lease or buy option. The Council discussed the options presented to them.

Council Member Ashby motioned to replace the DMV printers with 2 HP laser jet printers including cartridges in the amount of $2100 after first calling Warrenton DMV to see what they have. Council Member Heaney seconded the motion. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Billingsley asked for any questions for the Treasurer’s Report and Bill Listing. Mr. Billingsley also asked for any additions or corrections to the draft minutes as presented.

Council Member Ashby motioned to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. Council Member Allison seconded the motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

Council Member Loving motioned to go into a closed meeting Pursuant Virginia Code 2.2-3711(A)(3) for the discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose because discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the Town Council. Council Member Heaney seconded the motion. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

By the motion of Council Member Ashby and a second by Council Member Grumbacher, the motion carried to reconvene. 5 Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0



WHEREAS, The Remington Town Council has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act: and

WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires certification by this Council that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council certified that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempt from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters were identified in the motion convening this closed session were heard, discussed, or considered by the Town Council.

VOTE – 6 FOR Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

With no further business before the Council, Council Member Ashby motioned to adjourn with at second by Council Member Grumbacher. The motion carried. Ayes: Allison, Ashby, Grumbacher, Heaney, Loving, Nelson Nays: 0

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

______Gerald A. Billingsley, Mayor Evan H. Ashby, III., Recorder

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