HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, February 2, 1987 the House Met at 12 Noon
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February 2, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2381 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, February 2, 1987 The House met at 12 noon. The SPEAKER. The gentleman committee and to the House, to the The Chaplain, Rev. James David from California [Mr. EDWARDS] is rec Congress, and to the country. Ford, D.D., offered the following ognized for 1 hour. She was one of those ladies, beauti prayer: Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. ful of person as she was beautiful of Gracious God, Your Word has told Speaker, I yield myself such time as I spirit. She cast a radiance wherever us that blessed are the peacemakers may consume. she went of that nobility of character for they shall be called the sons of Mr. Speaker, as we drove to the Cap for which she was so eminently distin God. On this day, 0 God, we specially itol today, we saw with great sorrow guished. remember the peacemakers of our the flags at half mast, meaning that Everybody who knew SALA BURTON world, those who are willing to risk we have lost our dear colleague from loved her because one cannot but love their personal safety and freedom for California, SALA BURTON. a person of such beautiful character the sake of the freedom and safety of SALA passed away last night at and such noble presence. The Commit others. We reach out to all who follow George Washington Hospital here in tee on Rules will never be the same the practices of understanding, re Washington, DC, early in the evening, without SALA being down there at the spect, and good will among individuals 8:21 p.m., I believe. end in her accustomed seat, to whom and nations, aware that that goal is She passed away in her sleep. She we listened with such respect and ven not limited by vocation, but is the re had lost a brave battle against cancer eration. sponsibility of each of us. Impress that she had been fighting for some Just a little while ago we thought upon us, 0 loving God, how we can months. she was well again and we sort of sent become peacemakers in our day and We are going to miss SALA very her a toast to her recovery and then, a time, using the abilities You have much. little while later, the bad news came. given us to further the vision of the Mr. Speaker, the funeral will be in Mr. Speaker, I am grateful that the promise that the peacemakers will be California, San Francisco, this Thurs Lord gave me the privilege of walking blessed and shall be called Your day. Arrangements are being made by the Sergeant at Arms for transporta a part of the way along the journey of people. Amen. tion to San Francisco, leaving first life with so great, so gracious, so lovely thing in the morning on Thursday. It a lady as SALA BuRTON, and we vener ate her distinguished career and shall THE JOURNAL will be announced where we will meet. I believe we will meet on the steps of always cherish with noble affection The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex the Capitol, on the House side, about her residence and service among us. amined the Journal of the last day's 8:30. Mr. EDWARDS of California. I proceedings and announces to the Anybody desiring to go, and I know thank the Senator. House his approval thereof. we are going to have a great many Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the who will want to attend the services woman from California, BARBARA Journal stands approved. and be part of the services in San BoxER, who shared San Francisco with Francisco, please get in touch with the SALA. Sergeant at Arms, Jack Russ. Mrs. BOXER. I thank the gentle THE LATE HONORABLE SALA Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, will the man from California, the senior BURTON gentleman yield? member of our delegation, who was Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. Mr. EDWARDS of California. I yield such a dear and close friend to SALA Speaker, I offer a privileged resolution to the chairman of the Committee on BURTON. <H. Res. 60) and ask for its immediate Rules. I know that he gave her great com consideration. Mr. PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, I thank fort in her final days. I want to thank The Clerk read the resolution, as fol the distinguished Member from Cali him for that, from all of us in the Cali lows: fornia for yielding to me. Last night, fornia delegation, all of us, both Re as darkness was closing in on our Na publicans and Democrats, in this H. REs. 60 House. Resolved, That the House has heard with tion's Capitol, a beautiful spirit was profound sorrow of the death of the Honor also passing away. This is a tragedy of personal magni able Sala Burton, a Representative from the It was a great loss to the State of tude for many people. For San Fran State of California. California, where her cherished dis cisco, it would be the first time in Resolved, That a committee of such Mem trict lay, to the House of Representa more than two decades that San Fran bers of the House as the Speaker may desig tives, in which she had rendered such cisco will not be represented by a nate, together with such Members of the eminent and distinguished service to Burton, a family which had such Senate as may be joined, be appointed to the Committee on Rules, of which she pride, dignity and courage and com attend the funeral. mitment to making this a better world, Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of was such an eminent member. the House be authorized and directed to I remember very well, Mr. Speaker, for bringing peace and social justice. take such steps as may be necessary for car when a vacancy occurred on the Com SALA carried that on for her hus rying aut the provisions of these resolutions mittee on Rules, and I spoke to the band, Philip. For me, personally, it is a and that the necessary expenses in connec Speaker at the time, Speaker O'Neill, shock, because when I came to Con tion therewith be paid out of the contingent about it. I said, "Mr. Speaker, you gress I was here but 2 months when fund of the House. might wish to consider one of the lady Philip passed away. Now SALA has Resolved, That the Clerk communicate Members of the House for the vacan passed away. these resolutions to the Senate and trans mit a copy thereof to the family of the de cy." He said, "I do. And I will tell you I just wonder about life. All you can ceased. whom I want to name. I want to name hope is that what they stood for will Resolved, That when the House adjourns SALA BURTON." And he immediately be carried on. I certainly believe that today, it adjourn as a further mark of re named SALA BuRTON to that place. She that will be done because they leave a spect to the memory of the deceased. rendered very eminent service to the great void in this body. 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 2382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE February 2, 1987 I say to the gentleman that I am not and good to so many people. She was a 0 1215 going to speak anymore today, but will lovely person. Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. have further comments to make. I She was Byron's lady who "walked Speaker, serving with SALA from our know many of my colleagues are in in beauty, like the night, of cloudless shock right now. area is the very distinguished gentle climes and starry skies; And all that man from California [Mr. MILLER], I strongly support this idea that we was best of dark and bright, met in her go to California and pay our respects and I yield now to the gentleman. aspect and in her eyes." Mr. MILLER of California. Mr. personally. I will miss her dreadfully. Mr. EDWARDS of California. We Speaker, I thank the gentleman for Mr. EDWARDS of California. I yielding. certainly at a later date plan a fuller thank the gentlewoman from Louisi afternoon or evening of eulogies about Mr. Speaker, this is a very sad ana. moment for all of us, and a very sad SALA. So today will be not a discourse Mr. Speaker, I yield to the distin in full. moment for me because the Miller guished minority leader, the gentle family and the Burton families have Mr. Speaker, I yield now to a dear man from Illinois [Mr. MICHEL]. friend of SALA's, the very distinguished been long intertwined in the pursuit of Mr. MICHEL. I thank the gentle political office and in taking stands on gentlewoman from Louisiana [Mrs. man for yielding. BOGGS]. issues that were of concern to us. Mrs. BOGGS. I thank the gentle Mr. Speaker, I was very sorry to In such a short period of time, to man for yielding. learn this morning of the passing of now have the disappearance from this Mr. Speaker, I also thank the gentle our dear friend, SALA BURTON. I came Congress and from public policy the man for arranging this resolution and to know her quite well when she was, Burton family is really a very tragic this time on the House floor and for obviously, the wife of our former event.