Faculty Support Grants 2006-2007
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Proposal Title:
APPLYING FOR : FACULTY STATUS: Mini Grant Rank Student Support Release Time Tenure Full or Part Time
Proposal Abstract: (must fit in the space below)
Principal Investigator signature: ______
The following signatures indicate approval of the proposal submission:
Department Chair signature: ______Date Dean/University Librarian signature: ______Date CSUEB FSG-Individual 2015-16 Page 1 Instructions: Complete this page using Microsoft Word, and print one copy. Sign as PI, then route to your Chair and Dean for signature and return one hardcopy to ORSP, LI2300 and one unsigned electronic copy to [email protected] by the deadline.
NARRATIVE: (Sections A-E must not exceed 6 pages) The following formatting is REQUIRED: Font – TimesNew Roman, 12 point, double-spaced, 1” margins. If you paste text into this Word template from another document, make absolutely sure that you apply the above formatting to the pasted text.
A. Summary Description: (In words understandable to colleagues in other fields, a summary description of the proposed project indicating the significance of the project to your field, the University, and to society.)
B. Methods and Procedures: (A description of the research support students will receive, and the methods and procedures to be employed. Explain how students will be involved in the project and/or the educational impact of the project on students.)
C. Timetable: (Provide a timetable for each project activity.)
D. Regulatory Compliance: (If applicable, the status of IRB (human subjects), IACUC (vertebrate animals) or IBC (recombinant DNA/biohazards) approval of the project). If none apply, check N/A.) Human Subjects If yes, Pending or Approved Vertebrate Animals If yes, Pending or Approved Biohazards If yes, Pending or Approved N/A
E. Relationship of the project to prior work and anticipated future work: (Include prior, present and future funding of such work.)
CSUEB FSG-Individual 2015-16 Page 2 BUDGET (must not exceed 2 pages)
Budget Details for Mini-Grants: Justify that requested items are not already available on campus. Provide details on specific expenses, e.g. Student assistants (how many students x $X hourly wage x Y hours), Supplies, Equipment, Photocopying, Consultants, Participant Stipends, Travel (airfare from X to Y location; hotel at $X per night x Y nights; per diem @$62/day; meeting registration fees, local transportation--rental car/shuttle cost or personal mileage reimbursement at $0.575/mile).
Budget Details for Release Time and Student Support: Release time (# of units x $1,200 per unit). Student assistants (how many students x $X hourly wage x Y hours).
DESCRIPTION REQUIRED FOR ALL PROJECTS: If the award is intended to cover only a portion of your project costs, explain how this portion fits into a plan for completion of the whole project. What other sources of funding will cover the additional costs?
Graphics/Tables: (OPTIONAL – not part of the review criteria. No page limit. May be single-spaced and any font, font size and margins.)
Literature Cited: (OPTIONAL – not part of the review criteria. No page limit. May be single-spaced and any font, font size and margin.)
Curriculum Vitae: (REQUIRED – Attach CV. Limit 5 pages. May be single-spaced and any font, font size and margins.)
CSUEB FSG-Individual 2015-16 Page 3 CSUEB FSG-Individual 2015-16 Page 3