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PA LA T KA CA MPUS 50 01 ST . J OH NS A V EN UE PA LA T KA , F L 32 17 7-3 80 7 | (3 86 ) 31 2-4 04 0
ST . A UGUST IN E CA MPUS 2 99 0 CO LL EG E DR IV E S T . A UGU ST IN E, FL 3 20 84- 11 97 | ( 90 4) 8 08- 74 07
O RA N GE PA RK CA MPUS 2 83 C OL LE GE D RI VE O RA NG E PA R K, FL 32 06 5-7 63 9 | (9 04) 27 6-6 74 9
SJ Rs ta te . e du EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/EQUAL ACCESS COLLEGE St. Johns River State College Career Pathways Postsecondary Adult Vocational (PSAV) Scholarship 2018-2019
Procedures for Applying: Submit the following in time to meet the deadline of April 1, 2018. Late submissions will not be considered:
1. SJR State Admission Application on-line: (Dual Enrollment students complete the update application) 2. SJR State Career Pathways (PSAV) Scholarship Application 3. Current Official High School transcript 4. The results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) SJR State must have the FAFSA results by the application deadline, apply early. Documented need is required for this scholarship.
Eligibility and Renewal Requirements: The applicant must be a 2018 graduate of a SACS accredited high school in Clay, Putnam or St. Johns County and demonstrate financial need as determined by the financial aid office. The applicant must have a minimum unweighted overall grade point average of 2.8 and a minimum unweighted grade point average of 3.0 in the Career Pathways program of study. Recipients must enroll full time in a career education (PSAV) program with a minimum program length of 400 hours beginning with the Fall Term or when the next class is scheduled to begin. Provision of this scholarship does not guarantee acceptance into a PSAV program. Additional application requirements apply. Visit: and Application must be returned to:
Briana Kelley, Workforce Advisor, Palatka Campus, St. Johns River State College St. Johns River Career Pathways Consortium 5001 St. Johns Avenue Palatka, Florida 32177
Scholarship Amount: The student will receive a scholarship paid in portion each block with the payments totaling $500 over the length of the PSAV program. The scholarship can be used for tuition, lab, and other fees, but cannot be used for books and is limited to the amount stated. Students withdrawing from the program or failing to register for the expected classes towards completion will forfeit the remaining balance of the scholarship.
Renewals: Students are not eligible to renew this scholarship. However, students who receive scholarships for 2018-2019 who satisfactorily complete the hours of the career education (PSAV) program are eligible to submit another Career Pathways Scholarship application to pursue an additional career education (PSAV) program or a college credit degree or certificate program during their second year of college. Applications will not be accepted beyond two years following high school graduation. Requests for exceptions may be considered by the Scholarship Committee. ST. JOHNS RIVER STATE COLLEGE Career Pathways Postsecondary Adult Vocational (PSAV) Scholarship Application 2018-2019
For Student Use Only
(This section must be typed)
High School:
High School Career Pathways Program of Study:
SJR State Vocational Certificate Program: Number: 0 (Eligible programs: Corrections Officer 0540 and Law Enforcement Officer 5005) List extra-curricular activities, offices held, and/or honors received while attending high school:
A one page essay must be attached to this application. This essay should address how the Career Pathways program helped prepare the applicant for a career and how attending SJRCC will assist in achieving that career goal.
Student Signature Date
For High School/Registrar/Principal Use Only
I certify that the above student has earned the overall G.P.A as indicated below:
Unweighted G.P.A. at time of application 0.00 (minimum 2.8 overall)
Unweighted G.P.A. in career pathways program of study 0.00 (minimum 3.0 overall)
Do not certify or submit this application if applicant does not meet the minimum requirements.
Signature of Principal or Counselor Date Applications will not be reviewed if documents are missing or anything is left blank or unsigned.