Based on DFD Master Specification Dated 07/26/2017
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1 SECTION 32 92 20 2 NATIVE SEEDING 3 Based On DFD Master Specification Dated 07/26/2017 4 5 This section has been written to cover most (but not all) situations that you will encounter. Depending 6 on the requirements of your specific project, you may have to add material, delete items, or modify what 7 is currently written. The Division of Facilities Development expects changes and comments from you. 8 Modify this document to account for project specific conditions. Use “Track Changes” when editing 9 and providing review submittals. 10 PART 1 - 11 PART 2 - PART 1 - G E N E R A L 12 13 SCOPE 14 15 The work under this section shall consist of providing all work, materials, labor, equipment and supervision 16 necessary to complete seeding, mulching and maintenance as indicated on the drawings. Included are the following 17 topics: 18 19 PART 1 - GENERAL 20 Scope 21 Related Work 22 Submittals 23 Delivery, Storage and Handling 24 Equipment 25 Planting Season 26 Guarantee 27 PART 2 - MATERIALS 28 Native Seed 29 Native Seed Mix 30 Nurse Crop 31 Water 32 Mulch 33 Erosion Control Blanket 34 Erosion Control Fiber Mesh 35 Nonselective Herbicides 36 PART 3 - EXECUTION 37 Weed Control 38 Preparation 39 Sowing 40 Seeding Rates 41 Mulching and Erosion Control 42 Cleaning and Repair 43 General Maintenance 44 Maintenance 45 Warranty 46 Warranty Inspections 47 48 RELATED WORK 49 50 Applicable provisions of Division 1 govern work under this Section. 51 52 Section 31 25 00 – Erosion Control 53 Section 32 92 00 - Plants 54 Section 00 00 00 – (Section Title) SUBMITTALS 55
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -1 1 Provide seed samples and data showing seed mix composition and a guarantee of germination. 2 3 Provide seed mixture. 4 5 Provide anticipated planting dates. 6 7 Provide information on method of sowing seed. 8 9 Provide recommended maintenance procedures to be established by DFD Construction Representative for 10 maintenance of native seeding areas during a calendar year. Submit before expiration of required maintenance 11 periods. 12 13 Provide mulch, erosion control blanket, and Erosion Control photodegradable mesh sample. 14 15 PART 3 - DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 16 17 Seed shall be delivered to the site in its original, unopened container, labeled as to weight, analysis, and 18 manufacturer. Store any seed delivered prior to use in a manner safe from damage from heat, moisture, rodents, or 19 other causes. Any seed damaged after acceptance shall be replaced by the Contractor. 20 21 EQUIPMENT 22 23 All equipment brought into project site shall be clean and free of weed seed or seed from previous applications. The 24 intent is reducing the spread of noxious and invasive plants and weeds within the State of Wisconsin. 25 26 PART 4 - PLANTING SEASON 27 28 The regular seeding season is considered May 1 to June 30 and Dormant Seeding is October 30 to snowfall. 29 30 PART 5 - GUARANTEE 31 32 The Contractor shall guarantee the germination of seed installed during the regular seeding season. 33 34 35 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 36 37 PART 6 - NATIVE SEED 38 39 Forb and grass seed shall conform to the Wisconsin Statutes and Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter ATCP 40 regarding noxious weed seed content and labeling. 41 42 Test forb and grass seed according to the methods and procedure used for sampling and analyzing seed for purity, 43 germination, and noxious weed seed content specified in the current edition of Rules for Testing Seed, Published by 44 the Association of Official Seed Analysts. 45 46 Use seed within one year of the test date appearing on the label. 47 48 Inoculate legume seed unless it has been pre-inoculated by the vendor. Follow the inoculation instructions that come 49 with the culture purchases. Avoid exposure of the culture or inoculated seed to the sunlight, and in no case shall any 50 exposure exceed ½ hour. 51 52 Store any seed delivered before use in a manner that protects it from damage by heat, moisture, rodents, or other 53 causes. Discard and replace any previously tested and accepted seed that becomes damaged. 54 55 Seed carrier (only when hand broadcasting) shall be inert material, sawdust, perlite, peat moss or vermiculite mixed 56 with seed at a ratio of not less than two parts seed carrier to one part seed. 57 58 Verify seed mix based on project specific conditions. Delete seed mixes that do not apply. DNR projects 59 may require specific seed mixes to be ecologically compatible to the Ecotype of the Natural Area and 60 limit the PLS source locations. 61 62 PART 7 - NATIVE SEED MIX 63
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -2 1 Provide seed of grass species and varieties, proportions by weight, and minimum percentages of purity, germination 2 and maximum percentage of weed seed as indicated below. 3 4 Species composed of pure live seed (PLS) shall contain no named or improved varieties. PLS shall be from 5 Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, Northeastern Iowa or Eastern Minnesota nurseries specializing in growing native 6 species from Wisconsin genotypes. 7 8 Grasses classified as “agriculture grasses” shall be PLS as specified. Other seed shall be “clean” according to high 9 quality industry standards. All seed shall be cold, dry stratified; legumes shall be inoculated with proper rhizombia 10 immediately prior to planting (three hours or less). Legumes shall be kept out of the forb mixture until after 11 inoculation. Seed mixture shall be blended by the vendor and ratios of various species shall be guaranteed by the 12 vendor in writing as specified. Minimum percent purity for native species is 90 percent. Any substitutions of 13 species due to availability must be approved by project architect or engineer. 14 15 Native Seed Mixes: 16 17 Seed Mixture A- Dry Prairie: full to part sun, dry sand to gravely soil: per landscape schedule 18 Seed Mixture B- Dry-Mesic Prairie: full to part sun, well drained loam, sandy loam and silt loam soil: per landscape 19 schedule 20 Seed Mixture C- Mesic Prairie: full to part sun, clay to heavy clay soil: per landscape schedule 21 Seed Mixture D- Woodland Edge shade to part shade, rich loam, sandy loam and clay loam soils: per landscape 22 schedule 23 Seed Mixture E- Moist Prairie: full to part sun, moist loam, sandy loam and clay loam soil: per landscape schedule 24 Seed Mixture F- Northern Wisconsin Woodland Edge species, shade to part shade, rich loam, sandy loam and clay 25 loam soils: per landscape schedule 26 27 LANDSCAPE SCHEDULES 28 PART 8 - 29 Seed Mixture A Dry Prairie: A mixture shall be from a minimum of 20 of the following forbs and legumes, with 30 no more than ten percent by weight of any one species and five of the grasses listed. Use a seeding rate at ¼ lb per 31 1000 square feet (approximately 8-10 lb per acre). 32 33 Forbs and Legumes*: 34 Common Name Botanical Name 35 *Leadplant Amorpha canescens 36 Beach Silvermound Artemesia caudata 37 Butterflyweed Asclepias tuberosa 38 Sky Blue Aster Aster azureus 39 Smooth Aster Aster laevis 40 Frost Aster Aster pilosus 41 White Aster Aster ptarmicoides 42 *Canada Milk Vetch Astragalus canadensis 43 Lanceleaf or Sand Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata 44 *Purple Prairie Clover Dalea purpurea 45 Pale Purple Coneflower Echinacea pallida 46 Flowering Spurge Euphorbia corollata 47 Showy Sunflower Helianthus laetiflorus 48 Downy Sunflower Helianthus mollis 49 False Boneset Kuhnia eupatoriodes 50 *Roundheaded Bushclover Lepedeza capitata 51 Rough Blazingstar Liatris aspera 52 *Lupine Lupinus perennis 53 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 54 Dotted Mint Monarda punctata 55 Beardtongue Penstemon grandiflorus 56 Prairie Cinquefoil Potentilla arguta 57 Yellow Coneflower Ratibida pinnata 58 Rosinweed Silphium integrifolium 59 Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 60 Showy Goldenrod Solidago speciosa 61 Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohioensis 62 Hoary Vervain Verbena stricta 63 Grasses: 64 Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardi
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -3 1 Sideoats Grama Bouteloua curtipendula 2 Canada Wild Rye Elymus Canadensis 3 June Grass Koeleria cristata 4 Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 5 Indiangrass Sorghastrum nutans 6 Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis 7 8 Seed Mixture B Dry-Mesic Prairie: A mixture shall be from a minimum of 20 of the following forbs and legumes, 9 with no more than ten percent by weight of any one species and five of the grasses listed. Use a seeding rate at ¼ lb 10 per 1000 square feet (approximately 8-10 lb per acre). 11 12 Forbs and legumes*: 13 Common Name Botanical Name 14 Lavender Hyssop Agastache foeniculum 15 Nodding Pink Onion Allium cernuum 16 Meadow Anemone Anemone canadensis 17 Sky Blue Aster Aster azureus 18 Smooth Aster Aster laevis 19 Arrow-leaved Aster Aster sagittifolius 20 New Jersey Tea Ceanothus americanus 21 *Canada Milk Vetch Astragalus canadensis 22 Lanceleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata 23 Prairie Coreopsis Coreopsis palmata 24 *White Prairie Clover Dalea candida 25 *Purple Prairie Clover Dalea purpurea 26 Shootingstar Dodecatheon meadia 27 Pale Purple Coneflower Echinacea pallida 28 Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 29 Rattlesnake Master Eryngium yuccifolium 30 Western Sunflower Helianthus occidentalis 31 *Roundhead Bushclover Lepedeza capitata 32 Rough Blazingstar Liatris aspera 33 Meadow Blazingstar Liatris ligulistylis 34 Prairie Blazingstar Liatris pycnostachya 35 Wild Quinine Parthenium integrifolium 36 Smooth Penstemon Penstemon digitalis 37 Great Solomon’s Seal Polygonatum canaliculatum 38 Mountain Mint Pycnanthemum virginianum 39 Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 40 Stiff Goldenrod Solidago rigida 41 Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis 42 Hoary Vervain Verbena stricta 43 Grasses: 44 Sideoats Grama Bouteloua curtipendula 45 Canada Wild Rye Elymus Canadensis 46 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 47 Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 48 Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis 49 Needle Grass Stipa spartea 50 51 Seed Mixture C Mesic Prairie: A mixture shall be from a minimum of 20 of the following forbs and legumes, with 52 no more than ten percent by weight of any one species and five of the grasses listed. Use a seeding rate at ¼ lb per 53 1000 square feet (approximately 8-10 lb per acre). 54 55 Forbs and legumes*: 56 Common Name Botanical Name 57 Nodding Pink Onion Allium cernuum 58 Smooth Aster Aster laevis 59 New England Aster Aster Novae-angliae 60 *Canada Milk Vetch Astragalus canadensis 61 *Blue False Indigo Baptisia australis 62 *White False Indigo Baptisia lactea 63 *Wild Senna Cassia hebecarpa 64 Lanceleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -4 1 Purple Prairie Clover Dalea purpurea 2 Pale Purple Coneflower Echinacea pallida 3 Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 4 Rattlesnake Master Eyrngium yuccifolium 5 Ox Eye Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides 6 Prairie Blazingstar Liatris pycnostachya 7 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 8 Wild Quinine Parthenium integrifolium 9 Smooth Penstemon Penstemon digitalis 10 Yellow Coneflower Ratibida pinnata 11 Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 12 Sweet Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia subtomentosa 13 Brown Eyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba 14 Compassplant Silphium laciniatum 15 Prairie Dock Silphium terebinthinaceum 16 Stiff Goldenrod Solidago rigida 17 Culver’s Root Veronicastrum virginicum 18 Grasses: 19 Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardi 20 Canada Blue Joint Grass Calamagrostis canadensis 21 Canada Wild Rye Elymus Canadensis 22 Switch Grass Panicum virgatum 23 Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium 24 Indiangrass Sorghastrum nutans 25 26 27 Seed Mixture D Woodland Edge: A mixture shall be from a minimum of 20 of the following forbs and legumes, 28 with no more than ten percent by weight of any one species and each of the grasses listed. Use a seeding rate at ¼ lb 29 per 1000 square feet. (approximately 8-10 lb per acre). 30 31 Forbs and legumes*: 32 Common Name Botanical Name 33 Purple Hyssop Agastache scrophulariaefolia 34 Wild Columbine Aquilegia canadensis 35 Jack in the Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum 36 Calico Aster Aster lateriflorus 37 *Blue False Indigo Baptisia australis 38 *White False Indigo Baptisia lactea 39 Pale Indian Plantain Cacalia atriplicifolia 40 Tall Bellflower Campanula americana 41 Shootingstar Dodecatheon meadia 42 Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea 43 Sweet Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium purpureum 44 Wild Geranium Geranium maculatum 45 Woodland Sunflower Helianthus strumosus 46 Prairie Alum Root Heuchera richardsonii 47 Rough Blazingstar Liatris aspera 48 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 49 Glade Mallow Napaea dioica 50 Smooth Penstemon Penstemon digitalis 51 Great Solomon’s Seal Polygonatum canaliculatum 52 Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 53 Sweet Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia subtomentosa 54 Brown Eyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba 55 Solomon’s Plume Smilacina racemosa 56 Elm-leaved Goldenrod Solidago ulmifolia 57 Culver’s Root Veronicastrum virginicum 58 Golden Alexanders Zizia aurea 59 Grasses and sedges: 60 Woodland Brome Bromus purgans 61 Woodland Sedge Carex sprengelii 62 Silky Wild Rye Elymus villosus 63 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 64 Bottlebrush Grass Hystrix patula
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -5 1 Rice Cut Grass Leersia oryzoides 2 3 4 Seed Mixture E Moist Prairie: A mixture shall be from a minimum of 20 of the following forbs and legumes, with 5 no more than ten percent by weight of any one species and each of the grasses, rushes and sedges listed. Use a 6 seeding rate at ¼ lb per 1000 square feet (approximately 8-10 lb per acre). 7 8 Forbs and legumes*: 9 Common Name Botanical Name 10 Nodding Pink Onion Allium cernuum 11 Red Milkweed Asclepias incarnata 12 New England Aster Aster novae-angliae 13 *White False Indigo Baptisia lactea 14 *Wild Senna Cassia hebecarpa 15 Joe Pye Weed Eupatorium maculatum 16 Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum 17 Dogtooth Daisy Helenium autumnale 18 Ox Eye Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides 19 Wild Iris Iris shrevei 20 Blue Flag Iris Iris versicolor 21 Prairie Blazingstar Liatris pycnostachya 22 Dense Blazingstar Liatris spicata 23 Great Blue Lobelia Lobelia siphilitica 24 Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis 25 Monkeyflower Mimulus ringens 26 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 27 Wild Quinine Parthenium integrifolium 28 Smooth Penstemon Penstemon digitalis 29 Yellow Coneflower Ratibida pinnata 30 Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 31 Green Headed Coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata 32 Sweet Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia subtomentosa 33 Brown Eyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba 34 Common Arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia 35 Ohio Goldenrod Solidago ohioensis 36 Stiff Goldenrod Solidago rigida 37 Blue Vervain Verbena hastata 38 Ironweed Vernonia fasciculata 39 Culver’s Root Veronicastrum virginicum 40 Golden Alexanders Zizea aurea 41 Grasses, Rushes and Sedges: 42 Bluejoint Grass Calamagrostis canadensis 43 Canada Wild Rye Elymus canadensis 44 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 45 Bebb’s Sedge Carex bebbii 46 Bottlebrush Sedge Carex comosa 47 Porcupine Sedge Carex hystericina 48 Awl Fruited Sedge Carex stipata 49 Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea 50 Common Rush Juncus effusus 51 Dark Green Bulrush Scirpus atrovirens 52 Woolgrass Scirpus cyperinus 53 54 Seed Mixture F Northern Wisconsin Woodland Edge: A mixture shall be from a minimum of 20 of the following 55 forbs, grasses, sedges, and legumes, with no more than ten percent by weight of any one species and each of the 56 grasses listed. Use a seeding rate at ¼ lb per 1000 square feet (approximately 8-10 lb per acre). 57 58 Forbs and legumes*: 59 Common Name Botanical Name 60 Purple Hyssop Agastache scrophulariaefolia 61 Wild Columbine Aquilegia canadensis 62 Jack in the Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum 63 Wild Ginger Asarum canadense 64 Heart-leaved Aster Aster cordifolius
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -6 1 Calico Aster Aster lateriflorus 2 Big–leaved Aster Aster macrophyllus 3 Pale Indian Plantain Cacalia atriplicifolia 4 Tall Bellflower Campanula americana 5 Northern Bedstraw Galium boreale 6 Wild Geranium Geranium maculatum 7 Rough Blazingstar Liatris aspera 8 Bishop’s Cap Mitella diphylla 9 Bergamot Monarda fistulosa 10 Glade Mallow Napaea dioica 11 Sweet Cicely Osmorhiza claytonii 12 Smooth Penstemon Penstemon digitalis 13 Jacob’s Ladder Polemonium reptans 14 Great Solomon’s Seal Polygonatum canaliculatum 15 Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 16 Sweet Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia subtomentosa 17 Brown Eyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba 18 Solomon’s Plume Smilacina racemosa 19 Elm-leaved Goldenrod Solidago ulmifolia 20 Golden Alexanders Zizia aurea 21 Grasses and sedges: 22 Woodland Brome Bromus purgans 23 Woodland Sedge Carex sprengelii 24 Silky Wild Rye Elymus villosus 25 Virginia Wild Rye Elymus virginicus 26 Bottlebrush Grass Hystrix patula 27 Rice Cut Grass Leersia oryzoides 28 29 PART 9 - NURSE CROP 30 31 Nurse crops such as annual rye or oats can be planted with the native seed to stabilize the soil and reduce weed 32 growth. Use Oats (64lbs/acre) or Annual Rye (5 lbs/acre) for spring planting. Use Annual Rye (15lbs/acre) for late 33 fall planting. 34 35 PART 10 - WATER 36 37 Use water free of wastewater effluent or other hazardous chemicals. 38 39 MULCH 40 Delete mulch if using erosion mat 41 42 Clean straw or marsh hay that is well-seasoned, and free of rot, mildew and the seeds of noxious weeds. 43 44 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 45 46 100% biodegradable weed free wood excelsior, straw, or coconut-fiber mat enclosed in a biodegradable netting 47 stitched with biodegradable thread/yarn, (biodegradable within 12 months of installation) or net free. Include 48 manufacturer's recommended steel wire staples, 6" (150 mm) long or biodegradable anchoring staples, T shaped 49 with barbed head and shoulders, 6” (150 mm). Wisconsin DOT approved Class 1 Type B Urban erosion mat or 50 similar are acceptable. Biodegradable materials are intended to avoid entrapment of animals. Erosion mat shall be 51 American Excelsior-Curlex Net-Free, Erosion Control Blanket-S32BD, Western Excelsior-Excel SS-2 All Natural, 52 Ero-Guard EG-25 (NN), Erosion Tech ETRS2BN or approved equal. 53 54 EROSION CONTROL FIBER MESH 55 56 100% biodegradable twisted jute mesh. Include manufacturer's recommended steel wire staples, 6" (150 mm) long 57 or biodegradable anchoring staples, T shaped with barbed head and shoulders, 6” (150 mm). 58 59 NONSELECTIVE HERBICIDES 60 Herbicide use will need to be determined by site and proximity to water areas. 61
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -7 1 EPA registered and approved glyphosate-based herbicide (broad spectrum, non-persistent) intended for vegetation 2 removal while preparing seed beds and for maintenance during establishment period and recommended surfactants 3 and adjuvants. 4 5 6 PART 3 - EXECUTION 7 8 WEED CONTROL 9 10 On a daily basis, prior to entering the project site all equipment to be used at the project shall be sprayed clean of all 11 dirt, sod, or foreign matter with high-pressure water in an upland location outside of the project site that does not 12 drain to the site or in Contractor’s shop. Equipment cleaned shall include, but is not limited to, all dozers, scrapers, 13 backhoes, trucks, shovels, picks, and hand tools that enter the project site. Special care shall be taken to cleanse the 14 underbody, suspension, tracks, wheels, tires, and wheel wells of all motorized equipment. If necessary, hand tools, 15 brushes, or scrapers may be required to remove heavy accumulations of debris from any item. After a thorough 16 cleaning and inspection, each item of equipment shall be allowed to enter and be used on the project site. If it is 17 necessary for the equipment to leave and reenter the project site, each item shall be cleaned and inspected. 18 19 PREPARATION 20 21 Complete grading, shouldering, topsoiling before permanent seeding. Just before seeding, work the area with discs, 22 harrows or other appropriate equipment to obtain a reasonably even and loose seedbed. If grading operations are not 23 completed within the established planting season, the site shall be seeded with an approved cover crop to protect the 24 soil in place until the next appropriate and approved planting season. The cover crop may be hydroseeded in lieu of 25 erosion control mat. The cover crop would require mowing before permanent seed sowing. 26 27 No seeding shall occur on frozen ground or at temperatures lower than 32o F (0o C). 28 29 For spring planting mow vegetation to 4 inches or less in height 4-6 weeks before seeding. Ten days after mowing, 30 spray vegetation with a broad spectrum, non-persistent glyphosate-based herbicide per manufacturer’s instructions. 31 Retreat vegetation with broad spectrum, non-persistent glyphosate-based herbicide after initial application if live 32 vegetation persists. Seeding or planting should occur after time period specified by manufacturer. 33 34 For fall planting mow vegetation to 4 inches or less in height 4-6 weeks before seeding. Ten days after mowing, 35 spray vegetation with a broad spectrum, non-persistent glyphosate-based herbicide per manufacturer’s instructions. 36 Retreat vegetation with broad spectrum, non-persistent glyphosate-based herbicide after initial application if live 37 vegetation persists. Seeding or planting should occur after time period specified by manufacturer. 38 Verify seed sowing rate based on project specific conditions. 39 PART 11 - 40 PART 12 - SOWING 41 42 Sow the selected seed mixture with a No-Till type drill with one or more seed boxes that can be calibrated 43 independently to deliver different sized seeds uniformly at the required rate equipped with area-mounted press wheel 44 for each seed drop tube or by scattering it uniformly over the areas to be seeded. If seeding into existing vegetation 45 use a rangeland type drill with a no-till attachment that can cut through the thatch in front of the V disc and seed 46 drop tube. If the configuration of the area to be seeded allows, apply at ½ the specified seed rate and apply the 47 second ½ in a perpendicular direction. 48 49 Hand broadcast seeding may be used for small areas with difficult access on prepared seedbeds. Follow by light 50 raking or dragging to cover the seed with approximately ¼ inch of soil. If the seedbed is too loose or if the seedbed 51 contains clods that might reduce seed germination lightly roll or compact the areas using suitable equipment, 52 preferably the cultipacker type. Do not roll slopes steeper than 1:3. 53 54 SEEDING RATES 55 56 Use the following seed rates for seeds in pounds per 1000 square feet of area: ¼ lb per 1000 square feet 57 (approximately 8-10 lb per acre). 58 59 PART 13 - MULCHING AND EROSION CONTROL 60 61 A covering of 1-2 inches of weed-free straw or marsh hay after seeding holds moisture and increases germination. 62 This is particularly important on dry sandy soils and heavy clay soils. Straw should completely cover the soil 63 surface. Chop and blow straw onto the area. On steep slopes and windy sites hold the straw in place by staking 64 down a jute mesh netting over it or apply a light erosion control blanket instead of straw mulch.
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -8 1 2 In bio-infiltration areas, bio-swales an erosion mat is required to prevent movement of mulch and clogging drainage 3 systems. 4 5 Erosion control mat shall be installed on slopes of 30% or greater and other locations where indicated. 6 7 PART 14 - CLEANING AND REPAIR 8 9 Waste and excess material from the seeding operation shall be promptly removed. Adjacent paved areas are to be 10 cleaned, and any damage to existing adjacent turf areas shall be repaired. 11 Verify maintenance watering and mowing requirements based on project specific conditions. 12 PART 15 - 13 GENERAL MAINTENANCE 14 15 Immediately reseed areas which do not show a developing stand of cover. Reseeding shall be the same as that 16 originally specified for that particular area. As native mixtures are difficult to assess the first year of growth, 17 satisfactory establishment of the cover crop and general erosion control in these mixes shall constitute baseline 18 establishment. Development of native seeds will be assessed as noted below. 19 20 Correct damage resulting from erosion, gullies, rills, or other causes by filling with topsoil, tamping, and reseeding 21 if damage occurs prior to end of warranty period. 22 PART 16 - 23 PART 17 - MAINTENANCE 24 Verify maintenance requirements based on project specific conditions. 25 26 Begin maintenance immediately after each area is planted and continue until acceptable Native Seeding is 27 established. 28 29 Maintain Native Seeding for the first growing season following initial acceptance and through the [second] [third] 30 growing season. 31 32 Maintain by mowing the planting when the nurse cover or weed vegetation reaches a height of 10”-12”. Mow to a 33 height of 6” except for first mowing which shall be to a 4” height. Mowing can be expected approximately every 3-4 34 weeks the first season depending on the weed species present. Raking and removal of clippings shall occur when 35 greater than 50% of the plant height is removed. 36 37 Water just enough to keep the soil moist, every other day for 15 minutes to half an hour to maintain adequate surface 38 soil moisture for proper seed germination. Watering shall continue for not less than 30 days following seeding. 39 After the first eight weeks water only if it does not rain for one week, continue watering until final acceptance. 40 41 During the second and third growing seasons one mowing is required in early June, mow to a 6” height. Mow using 42 a flail type mower, which will finely chop and not smother the new seedlings. 43 44 Selectively treat with a broad spectrum, non-persistent glyphosate-based herbicide aggressive weeds such as Canada 45 Thistle and Horsenettle. Treat only on cool windless days preferably by gloved hand wiping method. 46 47 Prior to Initial Acceptance and during the Warranty period beginning with the Initial Acceptance: 48 49 Weeding Inspection: Inspect the seeded areas at a sufficient frequency to ensure that weeds do not re-seed 50 themselves. Minimum inspection frequency shall include a spring, summer, and fall inspection. 51 52 Notify the DFD Construction Representative and Architect/Engineer [Agency Contact] of the inspection no 53 less than 48 hours prior to an inspection. The inspections shall be performed with DFD Construction 54 Representative and Architect/Engineer [Agency Contact] in attendance. A report of the findings will be sent to 55 the Contractor including agreed upon maintenance required. 56 57 Implement the appropriate weed control approach(es) within 7 calendar days of the inspection, as conditions 58 allow. If weather and/or site conditions would cause unnecessary damage to the site, 59 60 Notify the DFD Construction Representative and Architect/Engineer and provide a schedule for implementing 61 the maintenance protocols. 62 63 Maintain the weed coverage at less than 10 percent of the seeded area. Weed control methods shall be approved 64 by DFD Construction Representative and the Architect/Engineer.
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -9 1 2 Track maintenance activities performed (including herbiciding, weeding, seeding, and 3 watering) and provide a written report to the DFD Construction Representative and Architect/Engineer at the 4 end of the first full growing season documenting the completed activities. 5 6 Other maintenance activities may be completed at the Contractor’s discretion to meet the Warranty performance 7 criteria. Notify the DFD Construction Representative and Architect/Engineer [Agency Contact] of planned 8 additional maintenance activities prior to implementation. 9 10 WARRANTY 11 12 Contractor shall warranty all seeding for a period of one full growing season, beginning with the Initial Acceptance. 13 PART 18 - 14 After one full growing season, all areas receiving seed: 15 16 The seeded species including cover crop shall provide at least 65% coverage with no area devoid of the seeded 17 species greater than 9 square feet. 18 19 The weed coverage shall be less than 25%. 20 21 Notify DFD Construction Representative and Architect/Engineer [and Agency Contact] to set up an end of 22 first full growing season warranty inspection. 23 24 If the Contractor fails to meet the Warranty performance criteria at the end of the first full growing season, the DFD 25 Construction Representative, Architect/Engineer and Contractor shall agree to an approach for increasing the density 26 of the seeded species and/or decreasing the density of weeds, which may include but not be limited to: 27 28 Herbiciding portions of or the entire seeded area. 29 30 Re-seeding portions of or the entire seeded area. 31 32 Selective use of live plants. 33 34 If over 25 percent of the seeded area requires non-selective herbiciding and re-seeding at the end of one full growing 35 season, the Contractor shall provide additional Maintenance for one full growing season following the Warranty 36 period for the re-seeded areas. 37 PART 19 - 38 WARRANTY INSPECTIONS 39 40 DFD Construction Representative, Architect/Engineer, [and Agency Contact] will perform a warranty inspection at 41 the end of the first full growing season. 42 43 The inspection will consist of visual inspection [and establishing two (2) Transects] [and establishing two (2) 44 Quadrants (1 meter square)] of each predefined seeded areas. 45 46 The visual inspection [and the assessment [Transects] [Quadrats]] will be used to determine conformance with 47 warranty provisions. 48 49 After the warranty inspection, a written inspection report will be provided to the Contractor documenting the 50 findings and listing the suggested approach for meeting warranty provisions. 51 52 PART 20 - END OF SECTION 53
DFD Project No. 32 92 20 -10