Electrical Engineering Department
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This manual has been compiled and made available to you for your benefit and convenience. While it is possible to obtain notebooks and information from students who have taken this class before you and thus shortcut a bunch of work, you are encouraged to confront each and every design project on your own, with a fresh outlook towards stimulating your own creativity. It is not possible to benefit fully from this class unless you attempt the work on your own. The answers are usually a simple extension of what you have seen in the lecture portion. Note that this manual contains only the statement of design projects; specifically it does not contain any instructions as to what to do or how to do it. Part of your design is the specification of the test procedures to be used to verify the design - in a sense; you have to construct your own "experiments" (procedures to be done in lab). The design is complete when you have demonstrated the performance of your circuit to an instructor, had him/her initial your data as verification, and documented what you did, how, and the outcome.
You are encouraged to discuss the projects with your contemporaries (fellow students taking the class), work on ideas in groups, and in general spur one another on in the thinking process. What I hope for is that you will use this opportunity to show yourself (and others) what you have learned in all your classes, your own unique individuality and creativity as applied to the design projects outlined below.
You should at the very least read the appropriate sections of your textbook, checking other references in the library is not only OK, but encouraged. In addition, make certain that you have looked up the characteristics of the devices you are about to use - check the data sheets and note the pertinent parameters, facts, etc. Record ALL your thinking, data gathering, doodling, schematics, test procedures, etc. in your engineering notebook in a form that anyone reading your notebook can duplicate what you did and also understand why you did.
Good luck and have fun learning, Michael M. Cirovic
April, ‘03 Copyright 1997,8,9 200,01, 02, 03 Michael M. Cirovic. No portion of this manual may be Page 1 of 5 copied or duplicated in any way shape or form without the expressed and written permission of the author. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAL POLY, SLO PROJECTS
Project Title Due Date1 1 Amplifier Week 2 2 V-I Converter Week 2 3 Insolation Meter Week 3 4 Absolute Value Circuit Week 3 5 General Sinusoidal Oscillator using Week 4 Synthetic Inductor 6 Bandpass Amplifier Week 4 7 Notch Filter Week 5 8 Automatic Light Control Week 7 9 HO Train Throttle Control Week 8 10 Retriggerable ONE-SHOT using 555 Week 9 Lab Final Power Supply Design Week 10 Project
DESIGN PROJECT #1 Project Title: AMPLIFIER DESIGN Statement: Design an amplifier with a gain of 26 dB. Implement the design three times: use three different OP AMPS in the design and check what the effect is in the input and output impedance as well as the 3-dB bandwidth depending on the type of OP AMP. Also check conditions for slew-rate limiting in each. Requirements: The amplifier is to be non-inverting with a gain of 26-dB +/- 1.5 dB. DESIGN PROJECT #2 Project Title: V-I CONVERTER Statement: Redesign the ground-referenced V-I converter discussed in class to be able to drive a 1kOhm load. Requirements: Use a 741 OP AMP working from +/-12V supplies and make certain that the output current (sink or source) does not exceed 15 mA. Plot the pertinent test results to show VI independent of level (within the stated range) and load (within the stated range).
1 Design projects are due by 2 PM on the Friday of the specified week with the exception of the Lab Final, which is due at the end of the lab period on the 10th week of classes. April, ‘03 Copyright 1997,8,9 200,01, 02, 03 Michael M. Cirovic. No portion of this manual may be Page 2 of 5 copied or duplicated in any way shape or form without the expressed and written permission of the author. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAL POLY, SLO DESIGN PROJECT #3 Project Title: INSOLATION2 METER Statement: Design an insolation meter. You are to use an existing battery-powered digital voltmeter for the readout.
Requirements: The maximum insolation is to be 125 mW/cm2 at which time the DVM should indicate 1.25V (i.e. the display conversion is 1V/100 mW/cm2). Use a solar cell for the sensor and state how you would calibrate your insolation meter.
Project Title: ABSOLUTE VALUE CIRCUIT Statement: Design an absolute value circuit. The output voltage is to be equal to the input voltage if the input is positive; it is to be equal to the negative of the input voltage if the input is negative. Requirements: The circuit is to provide an overall gain of 10 and exhibit no discernible distortion at 1kHz.
DESIGN PROJECT #5 Project Title: SINUSIODAL OSCILLATOR Statement: Design a sinusoidal oscillator of the general form using a non-inverting amplifier (reference Millman and class notes). The oscillator is to operate at 500 Hz. Derive all the equations, which yield the component types and values. Use a synthetic inductor in your design; however, check the operation of the inductor in an RLC circuit first.
Requirements: Your oscillator has to be self-starting, it must have automatic amplitude control. The frequency of oscillation shall be 500 Hz +/- 20%; determine component values and tolerances.
Project Title: TAPE-DECK PRE-AMPLIFIER Statement: Design an audio amplifier to function as a pre-amp for a cassette tape deck with a bandwidth of approximately 12 kHz. Requirements: The amplifier is to be a bandpass type with a midband gain of 20 (26 dB). The lower 3dB frequency is to be 20 Hz, upper 15 kHz. The maximum output peak amplitude is to be 5V. Make certain that the OP-AMP you choose has the appropriate slew-rate to be bandwidth limited over the desired range of amplitude and frequency. Make certain that your amplifier has no frequency distortion, i.e. is not slew- rate limited. (Hint: your amplifier may contain one or more OP AMPs).
Project Title: NOTCH FILTER Statement: Design a notch filter for use in an Electro-Cardiogram (EKG) monitor. Requirements: The circuit is to provide a minimum of 34-dB attenuation at 60 Hz and have a Q>100.
2 No it is not misspelled, the word is INSOLATION. Please look up in dictionary if at all uncertain as to meaning April, ‘03 Copyright 1997,8,9 200,01, 02, 03 Michael M. Cirovic. No portion of this manual may be Page 3 of 5 copied or duplicated in any way shape or form without the expressed and written permission of the author. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAL POLY, SLO DESIGN PROJECT #8 Project Title: AUTOMATIC LIGHT CONTROLLER Statement: Design a circuit to provide automatic light control for a given room. Use a photo-device of some sort (justify your choice) to sense the light intensity. When the intensity falls below a stated level (to be adjustable), i.e. when it gets dark outside, you are to provide a signal to turn on whatever light appliance is desired, as well as to turn it off when the light level raises above a stated level. Requirements: You are to turn a relay on and off to turn the light appliance on and off. The relay requires 10 V @ 20 mA to be on, 0 V to be off. The ambient light intensity at which you turn the light on is to be adjustable over a reasonable range (justify whatever range you choose).
DESIGN PROJECT #9 Project Title: ELECTRONIC HO TRAIN THROTTLE Statement: Design a circuit to provide electronic throttle control for an HO train. The train speed is to be linear with position of the throttle. Requirements: You are to first characterize operation of a typical HO train. (One is available at the lead checkout station). Design the circuit realizing that HO trains utilize DC motors, which have non-linear voltage vs. speed characteristics. In addition, you must design and implement the test scheme to verify the operation of your circuit (i.e. measure speed as a function of throttle setting).
DESIGN PROJECT #10 Project Title: RETRIGGERABLE ONE-SHOT Statement: Design a circuit using a 555 Timer chip to function as a retriggerable one-shot. Requirements: Besides the circuit design for a one-shot timing of 10 ms, you are to devise a test to verify operation as a retriggerable one-shot.
April, ‘03 Copyright 1997,8,9 200,01, 02, 03 Michael M. Cirovic. No portion of this manual may be Page 4 of 5 copied or duplicated in any way shape or form without the expressed and written permission of the author. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAL POLY, SLO FINAL DESIGN PROJECT Project Title: Power Supply Design Statement: You are to design and implement a system power supply Requirements: The system you are to supply with power uses both analog and digital circuits. The input is 120V 60Hz nominal, the desired output voltages and maximum current ratings are as shown in the table below:
Output Voltage Maximum Output Current +5 . 025 Volts 1 Ampere +12 . 025 Volts 150 mA -12 . 025 Volts 90 mA Unregulated Supply: You need not implement the transformer, rectifiers and filter, but need to do the design and specify all the components. You must estimate the range of raw DC voltages (typically 20% of nominal over load and line variation) You must implement and demonstrate the three regulators specified above (you will use the lab bench supplies to simulate the raw DC supplies needed).
April, ‘03 Copyright 1997,8,9 200,01, 02, 03 Michael M. Cirovic. No portion of this manual may be Page 5 of 5 copied or duplicated in any way shape or form without the expressed and written permission of the author.