Minutes of the Meeting of Bmw Committee No. 2 Held on 23.10.2008
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The following officials attended the meeting:- 1. Dr. Anil Kumar, Member Secretary, DPCC 2. Dr. Manju Shukla, Medical Superintendent, G.B.Pant Hospital, Delhi 3. Dr. Chandra Prakash , SEE, DPCC 4. Sh. D.K. Singh, EE(BMW), DPCC 5. Sh. Sanjay Vatts, AEE(BMW), DPCC 6. Sh. Shyam Sunder, AEE(BMW), DPCC
The meeting of the BMW Committee No. 2 , constituted for deciding Application for grant of Authorization under the BMW Rules , and consent under Air Act was held on 23.10.2008 and decision taken by the Committee is given below:
Agenda 1 :
1. Letters be issued in the cases of 237 Health Care Units (HCUs) which have not replied to the letters issued on 04.09.08 and not applied for Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO), to submit CTE and CTO application within 15 days.
2. Letters be issued in the cases of 33 HCUs which have replied to the letters issued on 04.09.08 however not applied for CTE and CTO, with clarification on the points raised by the HCUs in their reply, to submit CTE and CTO application within 15 days.
3. Reminder letters be issued in the cases of 43 HCUs (33 cases of HCUs which have not replied to the letter issued on 04.09.08 + 10 cases of HCUs which have replied to the letter issued on 04.09.08) which have applied for CTO however not applied for CTE, asking for application for CTE and mentioning the deficiencies in the application for CTO, within 15 days. (Sr. No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 74, 95, 127, 166, 192, 198, 200, 217, 218, 224, 225, 234, 236, 237, 244, 252, 257, 258, 266, 270, 275, 280, 296, 358).
4. Consent to Establish under Air and Water Acts granted and reminder letter to be issued seeking application for CTO in the cases of 26 HCUs (17 cases of HCUs which have not replied to the letter issued on 04.09.08 + 9 cases of HCUs which have replied to the letter issued on 04.09.08) within 15 days. (Sr. No. 13, 28, 36, 41, 52, 64, 82, 88, 90, 112, 121, 128, 137, 139, 140, 145, 147, 148, 154, 240, 253, 279, 297, 310, 361, 362).
5. Consent to Establish under Air and Water Acts granted to the 23 HCUs which have applied for CTE and CTO both, and thereafter Inspections to be carried out by a team as decided earlier by the committee. (Sr. No. 4, 11, 26, 35, 44, 54, 59, 61, 65, 115, 130, 150, 157, 158, 169, 179, 196, 203, 223, 278, 291, 339, 347).
Decisions taken w.r.t. Agenda no. 1 (362 Cases of HCUs having bed strength of 10 to 49) are at ANNEXURE 1
Agenda 2 : Decisions taken w.r.t. Agenda no. 2 (6 Cases of HCUs having bed strength of 10 to 49) are at ANNEXURE 2.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair. Sl.No. Name of Address Applied Date of Date Dist Beds Auth. Valid Status / Decision A.T.R. Latest CTE CTO Noise Rema Decision HCE of HCE for Application of S. Status Agreement Remark Taken on w.r.t. status(Repl Applied Applied Monitori rks taken on Auth.on for CTO Appl NO. With s 07.08.08 decision ied/ not ng 23.10.08 icati Operator taken Replied) Report on on for 07.08.08 CTE
1 Khadija A-3123, 19-Mar-07 09.10.07 C- 10 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder National Sir Sayed 107 ation is letter to issued. letter be Hospital Road, valid be issued issued for Tehra upto including CTE and Brahm 30.07.10 installatio deficienci Khan, . Letter n of Solar es in the Daryaganj was Water CTO , New issued Heating applicatio Delhi-110 for DG System n. 002 Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 09.10.07 without noise report. 2 Ram lal Plot -8 7-Mar-07 09.10.07 E- 36 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y Y Reminder Kundan Patpargan 008 ation is letter to issued. letter be laL j Road valid be issued issued for Ortho ,Pandav upto including CTE and Padic Nagar , 30.07.10 installatio deficienci Hospital Delhi-92 . Letter n of Solar es in the was Water CTO issued Heating applicatio for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 09.10.07 with noise report.
3 Holy C-43- 4-Mar-05 27.09.07 E- 20 G Y no Reminder letter N N Y Y Reminder Child 44,East 016 applicati letter to issued. letter be Nursing Krishna on along be issued issued for Home nagar,Del with for CTE and hi-51 affidavit applying deficienci & for es in the agreeme Consent CTO nt to applicatio submitte Establish n. d. Only and for fee installatio submitte n of Solar d with Water 26 MCD Heating Dispensa System ries. and to Previous convert authoriza their tion was ordinary valid bulbs with upto CFLs. 23.09.06 . noise monitori ng report received. 4 Delhi 176, 15-Mar-07 24.09.07 29.0 E- 16 G Y Authoriz EE letter N Y Y N CTE Heart Jagriti 4.08 053 ation is (BMW ), issued. granted, Hospital Enclave valid Concern and EE Delhi-92 upto ed (BMW ), 30.07.10 AEE(BM Concerne . Letter W), and d was Trainee AEE(BM issued will carry W), and for DG out the Trainee Set to inspectio will carry comply n, and out the upto letter to inspectio 27.02.08 be n . . Applied issued for for noise consent monitorin on g report 24.09.07 and without installatio noise n of report. Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 5 Jain 177-178, 25-Oct-04 12.10.07 E- 25 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y Y Reminder Hospital Jagriti 084 ation is letter to issued. letter be Enclave, valid be issued issued for Vikas upto including CTE and Marg 03.05.10 installatio deficienci Extn., . Unit n of Solar es in the Delhi-92 reapplied Water CTO on Heating applicatio 27.07.07 System n. . Letter and to was convert issued their for DG ordinary Set to bulbs with comply CFLs. upto 27.02.08 . Applied for consent on 12.10.07 . Noise report is submitte d. 6 Kukreja D-36. 8-Mar-07 19.10.07 E- 16 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder Nursing Acharya 089 ation is letter to issued. letter be Home Niketan valid be issued issued for Mayur upto including CTE and Vihar, 30.07.10 installatio deficienci Phase-I, . Letter n of Solar es in the Delhi-91 was Water CTO issued Heating applicatio for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 19.10.07 . Noise report for DG set submitte d.
7 Capital E-5/35, 10-Dec-04 E- 10 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Nursing Krishan 189 ation is letter to issued. issued for Home Nagar, valid be issued CTE and ( Unit of Delhi- upto including CTO. capital 110 051 03.05.10 installatio Women . Letter n of Solar & cahild was Water care Pvt. issued Heating Ltd.,) for DG System Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . bulbs with CFLs. 8 Gauri 30, Malka 18-Jun-07 17.10.07 N- 24 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder Hospital Ganj 010 ation is letter to issued. letter be Ltd Road, valid be issued issued for Jawahar upto including CTE and Nagar 03.05.10 installatio deficienci Delhi-7 . Applied n of Solar es in the for Water CTO renewal Heating applicatio of System n. authoriza and to tion with convert agreeme their nt & ordinary affidavit. bulbs with Letter CFLs. was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . Applied for consent on 17.10.07 without noise report. 9 Leprosy Nand 8-Aug-07 04.03.08 NE- 40 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder Mission Nagri 004 ation is letter to issued. letter be Hospital Delhi-93 valid be issued issued for upto including CTE and 03.05.10 installatio deficienci . Applied n of Solar es in the for Water CTO renewal Heating applicatio with System n. affidavit and to and convert agreeme their nt. Letter ordinary was bulbs with issued CFLs. for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . No reply
10 Shahdara W- 14-Mar-07 NE- 10 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter Y N N N Statin Letter be Nursing 18,Navee 076 ation is letter to issued. g issued for home n valid be issued Closu CTE and shahdara upto for re. CTO with Delhi-32 30.07.10 applying clarificati . Letter for on on the was Consent points issued to raised by for DG Establish HCU in Set to and for their comply installatio reply. upto n of Solar 27.02.08 Water . Applied Heating for System consent and to on convert 05.10.07 their without ordinary noise bulbs with report. CFLs. Reply received stating closure. Asking for refund. 11 J.P.mem F-189, 21-Jul-05 27.09.08 27.0 NE- 10 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter Y Y Y Y CTE orial Dilshad 3.08 110 ation is letter to issued. granted, Hospital, Colony valid be issued and EE upto for (BMW ), 03.05.10 applying Concerne . Letter for d was Consent AEE(BM issued to Operate W), and for DG and for Trainee Set to installatio will carry comply n of Solar out the upto Water inspectio 27.02.08 Heating n . . Applied System for and to consent convert on their 27.09.07 ordinary without bulbs with noise CFLs. report. Reply received along with CTE and noise monitori ng report. 12 Hitaishi E-15/154, 29-Dec-04 NW- 15 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder Hospital Sec-8, 139 ation is letter to issued. letter be Rohini,De valid be issued issued for lhi-85 upto including CTE and 03.05.10 installatio deficienci . Letter n of Solar es in the was Water CTO issued Heating applicatio for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 19.10.07 . Noise report is submitte d. No reply.
13 Bhagwat CS/OCF- 10-Apr-07 07.0 NW- 32 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N Y N N CTE i 6, Sector- 8.08 262 ation is letter to issued. granted, Hospital 13, valid be issued and (Sarvoda Rohini, upto for Letter be ya Delhi-85 30.07.10 applying issued for Health . Letter for CTO. Foundati was Consent on issued to (Regd).} for DG Establish Set to and for comply installatio upto n of Solar 27.02.08 Water . Applied Heating for System consent and to on convert 15.10.07 their . Noise ordinary report is bulbs with not CFLs. submitte d. No reply, but received a letter and affidavit for DG set. 14 Spring F-44 East 28-Mar-07 05.10.07 S- 23 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder Meadow of 032 ation is letter to issued. letter be s kailash , valid be issued issued for Hospital New upto including CTE and (P)Ltd Delhi-65 30.07.10 installatio deficienci . Letter n of Solar es in the was Water CTO issued Heating applicatio for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 05.10.07 . Noise report is not submitte d. No reply. 15 Eden B-162, 25-Nov-04 30.10.07 S- 16 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y Y(NOT Reminder Hospital East of 093 ation is letter to issued. MEETIN letter be (P) Ltd. Kailash, valid be issued G issued for New upto including PERMISS CTE and Delhi- 03.05.10 installatio IBLE deficienci 110065 . Letter n of Solar LIMITS.) es in the was Water CTO issued Heating applicatio for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 30.10.07 . Noise report is not submitte d. Noise monitori ng report received not meeting prescrive d limit.CT E not applied.
16 Talwar M-139, 3-Jun-05 03.10.07 S- 15 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter Y N Y N Reminder Medical Greater 202 ation is letter to issued. letter be Centre Kailash- valid be issued issued for II, New upto including CTE and Delhi-48 03.05.10 installatio deficienci . Letter n of Solar es in the was Water CTO issued Heating applicatio for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 03.10.07 . Noise report is not submitte d. 17 Phoenix E-60, 5-Mar-07 27.09.07 S- 15 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter Y N Y N Reminder Hospital Greater 225 ation is letter to issued. letter be Kailash, valid be issued issued for Part-I, upto for CTE and New 30.07.10 applying deficienci Delhi . Letter for es in the was Consent CTO issued to applicatio for DG Establish n. Set to and for comply installatio upto n of Solar 27.02.08 Water . Applied Heating for System consent and to on convert 27.09.07 their . ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 18 K.R. D- 7-Feb-05 05.10.07 S- 15 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder Hospital 19/1519- 250 ation is letter to issued. letter be 520, valid be issued issued for Chatterpu upto including CTE and r Hill, 03.05.10 installatio deficienci New . Letter n of Solar es in the Delhi was Water CTO issued Heating applicatio for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 05.10.07 . Noise report is not submitte d. 19 Welcom A-1/26, 10-Jul-07 07.12.07 S- 15 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder e Health Aya 262 ation is letter to issued. letter be Care Nagar valid be issued issued for Centre & Extension, upto including CTE and Hospital Phase-IV, 03.05.10 installatio deficienci Main . n of Solar es in the Market, Applied Water CTO New for Heating applicatio Delhi renewal System n. with and to affidavit convert and their agreeme ordinary nt. Letter bulbs with was CFLs. issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . 20 Delhi FC-33/13, 21-Oct-05 22.12.06 S- 20 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter Y N Y N Reminder E.N.T. Jasola.Ne 269 ation is letter to issued. letter be Hospital w Delhi valid be issued issued for and upto including CTE and Reserch 20.10.08 installatio deficienci Centre . Applied n of Solar es in the for Water CTO consent Heating applicatio on System n. 22.12.06 and to . Noise convert report is their not ordinary submitte bulbs with d. CFLs. 21 Diagnost A-1/46, 8-Mar-07 29.10.07 SW- 12 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter Y N Y N Reminder ics Poly Mahavir 036 ation is letter to issued. letter be Clinic & Enclave , valid be issued issued for Medical Palam, upto including CTE and Centre New 30.07.10 installatio deficienci Delhi-45 . Letter n of Solar es in the was Water CTO issued Heating applicatio for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 29.10.07 . Noise report is not submitte d. 22 Ayushm Plot No.- 22-Jun-05 19.09.07 SW- 30 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y Y Reminder an 2,IIND & 127 ation is letter to issued. letter be Hospital IIIRD valid be issued issued for FLOOR, upto including CTE and SEC- 03.05.10 installatio deficienci 12,HL . Letter n of Solar es in the GALLER was Water CTO IA, issued Heating applicatio DWARK for DG System n. A, NEW Set to and to DELHI- comply convert 75 upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 19.09.07 . Noise report is also submitte d. 23 Ansari Gali no.6, 9-Sep-05 08.10.07 SW- 20 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder Hospital Main 134 ation is letter to issued. letter be Sagarpur, valid be issued issued for Near upto including CTE and Lakshmi 03.05.10 installatio deficienci Narayan . Letter n of Solar es in the Mandir, was Water CTO New issued Heating applicatio Delhi for DG System n. Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 08.10.07 . Noise report is not submitte d. 24 J.K B-1/4A, 28-Mar-07 12.10.07 W- 13 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N Y N Reminder Hospital Janak 131 ation is letter to issued. letter be Puri, New valid be issued issued for Delhi upto for CTE and 30.07.10 applying deficienci . Letter for es in the was Consent CTO issued to applicatio for DG Establish n. Set to and for comply installatio upto n of Solar 27.02.08 Water . Applied Heating for System consent and to on convert 12.10.07 their . Noise ordinary report is bulbs with also CFLs. submitte d. Noise monitori ng report submitte d meeting norms.
25 JAINAK C-1- 19-Oct-04 W- 16 G Y Authoriz Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MEDIC 127,JAN 328 ation is letter to issued. issued for AL AK valid be issued CTE and AND PURI,N.D upto including CTO. ORTHO ELHI-58 03.05.10 installatio PAEDIC . Letter n of Solar CENTR was Water E issued Heating for DG System Set to and to comply convert upto their 27.02.08 ordinary . Applied bulbs with for CFLs. consent on 22.10.07 . 26 Mahajan K-18 1-May-04 20.02.07 29.0 S- 15 NA Y Previous EE letter Y Y Y Y CTE Imaging Hauz 4.08 238 authoriza (BMW ), issued. granted, Centre Khas tion was Concern and EE Enclave,N valid ed (BMW ), .Delhi-16 upto AEE(BM Concerne 18.03.05 W), and d . Not Trainee AEE(BM applied will carry W), and for out the Trainee renewal inspectio will carry of n, and out the authoriza letter to inspectio tion. be n . Applied issued for for consent installatio on n of 20.02.07 Solar . Noise Water report is Heating not System submitte and to d.noise convert monitori their ng report ordinary received bulbs meeting with the CFLs. norms. 27 Shri B-26-26 1-Jun-04 E- 27 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Ram East 011 on along letter to issued. issued for Singh Krishna with be issued CTE and Memoria nagar, affidavit including CTO. l ND-51 & installatio Hospital agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. A System letter and to was convert issued their for DG ordinary Set to bulbs with comply CFLs. upto 27.02.08 .
28 Metro 14,Ring 28-Jun-07 01.0 S- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N N CTE Hospital Road 7.08 024 on along letter to issued. granted, & Heart Lajpat with be issued and Institute nagar-IV, affidavit including Letter be New & installatio issued for Malhotra Delhi-24 Agreeme n of Solar CTO. Heart nt Water Institute submitte Heating & d. System Medical Previous and to Research authoriza convert Centre tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 26.05.07 CFLs. . 29 Siddhart 17-A/1 2-Jul-04 C- 25 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be ha Asaf Ali 017 on along letter to issued. issued for Medical Road ND- with be issued CTE and Services( 2 affidavit including CTO. p) Ltd. & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 21.06.04 CFLs. . A letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 .
30 Amar B-1/6, 2-Jul-04 W- 45 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N Letter be Leela Janak 010 on along letter to issued. issued for Puri, with be issued CTE and Main affidavit including CTO with Najafgarh & installatio clarificati Road, agreeme n of Solar on on the New nt Water points Delhi-58 submitte Heating raised by d. System HCU in Previous and to their authoriza convert reply. tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 11.07.02 CFLs. .A letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . 31 N.C. Karol 29-Jul-04 N- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Joshi Bagh, 008 on along letter to issued. issued for Memoria New with be issued CTE and l Delhi-5 affidavit including CTO. Hospital & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 08.04.04 CFLs. . A letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . 32 Garg 3675/11, 23-Aug-04 NW- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Nursing Jai Mata 124 on along letter to issued. issued for home Mkt., Tri with be issued CTE and Nagar affidavit including CTO. Delhi-35 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 25.05.07 CFLs. . 33 Sanjeeva 24 9-Nov-04 C- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be n Arakashn 070 on along letter to issued. issued for Medical Road, with be issued CTE and Centre Ram affidavit including CTO. Nagar & installatio pahanganj agreeme n of Solar , New nt Water Delhi-2 submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 26.08.07 CFLs. . Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . Applied for consent on 29.10.07 without noise report. 34 General Janpath, 7-Sep-05 ND- 25 P2 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Williams New 014 on along letter to issued. issued for Masonic Delhi with be issued CTE and Polyclini affidavit including CTO. c & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.08.04 CFLs. .
35 Jain Lane No 6-Jul-06 30.07.07 26.0 E- 15 P3 Y Applied Reminder letter Y Y Y N CTE Charitabl 5, 5.08 082 for letter to issued. granted, e Raghubar authoriza be issued and EE Hospital Pura No- tion with including (BMW ), 2 Gandhi affidavit installatio Concerne Nagar and n of Solar d Delhi-31 agreeme Water AEE(BM nt. Heating W), and Authoriz System Trainee ation and to will carry was convert out the valid their inspectio upto ordinary n . 16.07.07 bulbs with . Letter CFLs. was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . Applied for consent on 30.07.07 without noise report. 36 Manav 72, 17-Jul-06 31.0 S- 10 P2 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y Y N N CTE Rakshak Taimoor 3.08 278 on along letter to issued. granted, Cancer Nagar, with be issued and Hospital New affidavit for Letter be Friends & applying issued for Colony, agreeme for CTO. New nt Consent Delhi submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 16.07.07 and to . convert Undertak their ing that ordinary no DG bulbs with Set is CFLs. submitte d. 37 Bala B-494, 31-Jul-06 SW- 12 P2 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Devi' Budh 140 on along letter to issued. issued for Healthy Nagar, with be issued CTE and Family Inder affidavit including CTO. Puri, New & installatio Delhi agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 30.07.07 CFLs. . 38 Monga J-10, 9-Oct-06 E- 19 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Medical Krishan 106 on along letter to issued. issued for Centre Nagar, with be issued CTE and Delhi-99 affidavit including CTO. & installatio Agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 30.09.04 CFLs. . 39 Agarwal 24/9 24-Jan-07 N- 29 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Dharmar Shakti 009 on along letter to issued. issued for th Nagar with be issued CTE and Hospital Delhi-7 affidavit including CTO. Society( & installatio Regd) agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 17.03.07 CFLs. . No reply. 40 Paschimi B-17 , 1-Mar-07 W- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital New 205 on along letter to issued. issued for Multan with be issued CTE and Nagar, affidavit including CTO. New & installatio Delhi-56 agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.08.04 CFLs. . No reply.
41 Kuber 12,Chand 5-Mar-07 05.0 NW- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N Y CTE Hospital( er Lok 5.08 165 on along letter to issued. granted, A Unit Enclave , with be issued and of Pitampura affidavit for Letter be Dheeraj ,Delhi-34 & applying issued for Hospital( Agreeme for CTO. P)Ltd. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 17.04.07 and to . Noise convert monitori their ng report ordinary and CTE bulbs with submitte CFLs. d. 42 City Bharat 7-Mar-07 NW- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Market 063 on along letter to issued. issued for Main with be issued CTE and Bazar, affidavit including CTO. Samaipur, & installatio Delhi-42 agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 30.09.06 CFLs. . No reply.
43 Popli RZ-E- 15-Mar-07 SW- 40 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N Y Letter be Hospital 2/86-A, 148 on along letter to issued. issued for & Dental Chankya with be issued CTE and Clinic Place, affidavit including CTO. New & installatio Delhi-59 Agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 44 NARUL 179, 22-Mar-07 22.05.07 28.0 E- 10 P2 Y Applicati EE letter Y Y Y Y CTE A MADHU 7.08 185 on along (BMW ), issued. granted, MEDIC BAN, with Concern and EE ARE DELHI- affidavit ed (BMW ), CENTR 92 & AEE(BM Concerne E agreeme W), and d nt Trainee AEE(BM submitte will carry W), and d. out the Trainee Previous inspectio will carry authoriza n, and out the tion was letter to inspectio valid be n . upto issued 22.09.07 for noise . monitorin Applied g report for and consent installatio on n of 22.05.07 Solar without Water noise Heating report. System No and to reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
45 Vidyawa 25/5, Gali 30-Mar-07 E- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be ti No-16, 60 170 on along letter to issued. issued for Nursing Feet with be issued CTE and Home Road, affidavit including CTO. Vishwas & installatio Nagar, agreeme n of Solar Delhi-32 nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.09.06 CFLs. . A letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . No reply 46 Parivar X-41, 13-Apr-07 E- 15 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Sewa Karkardo 207 on along letter to issued. issued for sansthan oma with be issued CTE and Institution affidavit including CTO. al Area, & installatio New agreeme n of Solar Delhi - nt Water 110 051 submitte Heating d. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 47 Mavi B-2, 20-Apr-07 NE- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Nehru 055 on along letter to issued. issued for Vihar,Kar with be issued CTE and awal affidavit including CTO. Nagar & installatio Rd.,Delhi- agreeme n of Solar 94 nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 13.03.05 CFLs. . Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . 48 Delhi Ber Sarai 4-May-07 S- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Govern New 083 on along letter to issued. issued for ment Delhi-16 with be issued CTE and Dispensa affidavit including CTO. ry & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 03.04.07 CFLs. . 49 Tyagi 66/4, 7-May-07 W- 25 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Nursing Ashok 279 on along letter to issued. issued for Home Nagar,ND with be issued CTE and -18 affidavit including CTO. & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 07.06.07 CFLs. . 50 Balak Timarpur 15-May-07 N- 15 P3 Y Applied Reminder letter Y N N N The Letter be Ram , Delhi-54 014 for letter to issued. HCU issued for Hospital authoriza be issued is CTE and tion with including being CTO with affidavit installatio opera clarificati and n of Solar ted on on the agreeme Water as points nt. Heating Day raised by Authoriz System Care HCU in ation and to Centr their was convert e reply. valid their only upto ordinary in 23.04.07 bulbs with which .No CFLs. OPD reply. servi ces are offere d to Patie nts. The only DG Set is not functi onal from very long time. 51 Santom D- 22-May-07 NW- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital 5,Prashant 019 on along letter to issued. issued for Vihar with be issued CTE and Delhi-85 affidavit including CTO. & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 20.05.07 CFLs. .No reply.
52 Jeewan R-226- 22-May-07 10.0 NW- 14 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N N CTE Charitabl 227- 6.08 023 on along letter to issued. granted, e 228,Mang with be issued and Hospital olpuri affidavit for Letter be & Delhi-83 & applying issued for Ayurved agreeme for CTO. ic nt Consent Research submitte to Operate Centre d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 01.07.07 and to . A letter convert was their issued ordinary for DG bulbs with Set to CFLs. comply upto 27.02.08 . No reply. 53 Sanjeeva 4869/24, 24-May-07 C- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be n Ansari 015 on along letter to issued. issued for Medical road, with be issued CTE and Research Daryaganj affidavit including CTO. centre , New & installatio Ltd. Delhi agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion is their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 03.05.20 CFLs. 10. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . 54 Kesar AH-11 , 30-May-07 20.08.08 04.0 NW- 20 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y Y Y Y CTE Hospital shalimar 4.08 024 on along letter to issued. granted, Bagh, with be issued and EE Delhi-52 affidavit for (BMW ), & applying Concerne agreeme for d nt Consent AEE(BM submitte to Operate W), and d. and for Trainee Previous installatio will carry authoriza n of Solar out the tion was Water inspectio valid Heating n . upto System 02.07.04 and to . Noise convert monitori their ng and ordinary CTE bulbs with submitte CFLs. d. 55 MCD 15/5, 30-May-07 N- 15 P3 Y No Reminder letter N N N N Letter be maternit SHAKTI 085 applicati letter to issued. issued for y Home NAGAR, on along be issued CTE and DELHI-7 with including CTO. affidavit installatio & n of Solar agreeme Water nt Heating submitte System d. Only and to fee convert submitte their d with ordinary 26 MCD bulbs with Dispensa CFLs. ries. Previous authoriza tion was valid upto 23.09.06 .A letter received informin g applied for authoriza tion fee not submitte d. 56 MCD YAMUN 30-May-07 NE- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER A 099 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY VIHAR, with be issued CTE and HOME NEAR affidavit including CTO. & PETROL & installatio CHILD PUMP, Agreeme n of Solar WELFA B2- nt Water RE BLOCK, submitte Heating CENTR DELHI- d. System E, MCD 53 Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.09.07 CFLs. .
57 MCD MAIN 30-May-07 NE- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER ROAD 100 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY KARAW with be issued CTE and HOME , AL affidavit including CTO. KARA NAGAR, & installatio WAL NEAR agreeme n of Solar NAGAR CHEST nt Water (MCD) CENTRE, submitte Heating DELHI- d. System 94 Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.09.06 CFLs. . 58 MCD Jangpura, 30-May-07 S- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Maternit MCD, 220 on along letter to issued. issued for y Home ND-14 with be issued CTE and Jangpura affidavit including CTO. submitte installatio d. n of Solar Previous Water authoriza Heating tion was System valid and to upto convert 22.09.07 their . ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 59 Saraswat 347, Gali 31-May-07 20.06.07 02.0 W- 18 P3 Y Applicati EE letter Y Y Y Y CTE i No. 1, 4.08 240 on along (BMW ), issued. granted, Memoria Than with Concern and EE l Singh affidavit ed (BMW ), Hospital Nagar, & AEE(BM Concerne Anand agreeme W), and d Parbat, nt Trainee AEE(BM New submitte will carry W), and Delhi d. out the Trainee Previous inspectio will carry authoriza n, and out the tion was letter to inspectio valid be n . upto issued 03.04.07 for noise . Applied monitorin for g report consent and on installatio 20.06.07 n of without Solar noise Water report. Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 60 Vinod Plot no.4, 1-Jun-07 NW- 12 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital LSC-10, 352 on along letter to issued. issued for Aggarwal with be issued CTE and Rohini affidavit for CTO. Tower, & applying Sector-16, agreeme for Rohini, nt Consent Delhi. submitte to d. No Establish reply. and for installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
61 Orchid C- 1-Jun-07 17.09.08 28.0 W- 20 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y Y N CTE Hospital 3/91,Jank 4.08 016 on along letter to issued. granted, & Heart puri ND- with be issued and EE Centre 58 affidavit for (BMW ), & applying Concerne agreeme for d nt Consent AEE(BM submitte to Operate W), and d. and for Trainee Previous installatio will carry authoriza n of Solar out the tion was Water inspectio valid Heating n . upto System 01.07.07 and to . convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 62 St. Ph.-VI, 4-Jun-07 S- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Mary's Aya 239 on along letter to issued. issued for Medical Nagar, with be issued CTE and Centre/ New affidavit including CTO. Delhi Delhi-47 & installatio Orthodo agreeme n of Solar x Syrian nt Water Church submitte Heating Society d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 18.03.07 CFLs. .
63 Sriram RZ-2, 7-Jun-07 SW- 20 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Raghu 009 on along letter to issued. issued for Nagar, with be issued CTE and Pankha affidavit including CTO. Road, & installatio New agreeme n of Solar Delhi nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 27.09.02 CFLs. . 64 Garg 8, AGCR 11-Jun-07 27.0 E- 20 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N Y CTE Hospital Enclave , 3.08 069 on along letter to issued. granted, Delhi-92 with be issued and affidavit for Letter be & applying issued for agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 24.03.07 and to . convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
65 North 3,Commu 11-Jun-07 18.09.08 28.0 NW- 16 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y Y Y Y CTE Delhi nity 3.08 197 on along letter to issued. granted, Nursing Centre,Ph with be issued and EE Home(p) ase-II affidavit for (BMW ), ltd. Ashok & applying Concerne Vihar, agreeme for d Delhi-52 nt Consent AEE(BM submitte to Operate W), and d. and for Trainee Previous installatio will carry authoriza n of Solar out the tion was Water inspectio valid Heating n . upto System 01.07.07 and to . convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 66 MCD PATPAR 12-Jun-07 E- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER GANJ, 161 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY OPP. with be issued CTE and HOME PANDAV affidavit including CTO. NAGAR & installatio POLICE agreeme n of Solar STATIO nt Water N, submitte Heating DELHI- d. System 91 Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.09.06 CFLs. .
67 Surya 31-34, 14-Jun-07 SW- 18 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Kiran Roshan 092 on along letter to issued. issued for Hospital Mandi,Na with be issued CTE and jafgarh, affidavit including CTO. New & installatio Delhi-43 agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 26.06.07 CFLs. . 68 MCD D- 14-Jun-07 W- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER BLOCK, 299 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY MADIPU with be issued CTE and HOME R JJ affidavit including CTO. COLONY & installatio , NEW agreeme n of Solar DELHI- nt Water 63 submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.09.06 CFLs. . 69 MCD BLOCK- 15-Jun-07 E- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Maternit 8,NEAR 156 on along letter to issued. issued for y Home BUDH with be issued CTE and BAZAR, affidavit including CTO. GEETA & installatio COLONY agreeme n of Solar , DELHI- nt Water 31 submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.09.06 CFLs. . 70 MCD KHICHRI 15-Jun-07 E- 28 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER PUR, 162 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY NEAR with be issued CTE and HOME BLOCK affidavit including CTO. KHICH NO-1, & installatio RI PUR DELHI- agreeme n of Solar 91 nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 23.10.04 CFLs. . 71 Suraksha E-22 15-Jun-07 NE- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Nursing Dilshal 005 on along letter to issued. issued for Home Colony, with be issued CTE and Delhi-95 affidavit including CTO. & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 06.07.07 CFLs. .
72 MCD SRINIW 15-Jun-07 S- 20 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N Letter be MATER AS PURI, 223 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY DELHI- with be issued CTE and HOME, 65 affidavit for CTO with SRI submitte applying clarificati NIWAS d. for on on the PURI Previous Consent points authoriza to raised by tion was Establish HCU in valid and for their upto installatio reply. 23.10.04 n of Solar . Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 73 Mahindr E-1, Kiran 18-Jun-07 W- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be u Gdn.,Utta 178 on along letter to issued. issued for Hospital m Nagar with be issued CTE and Delhi affidavit for CTO. & applying agreeme for nt Consent submitte to d. Establish Previous and for authoriza installatio tion was n of Solar valid Water upto Heating 06.06.07 System . and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
74 Mohan Hospital, 20-Jun-07 04.10.07 C- 25 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N Y Y Reminder eye -11-B 019 on along letter to issued. letter be Institute ,Ganga with be issued issued for Ram affidavit including CTE and Hospital & installatio deficienci Marg, agreeme n of Solar es in the ND-60 nt Water CTO submitte Heating applicatio d. System n. Previous and to authoriza convert tion is their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 03.05.20 CFLs. 10. Letter was issued for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . Applied for consent on 04.10.07 without noise report. 75 Nutech 487 21-Jun-07 S- 19 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Mediwor Hardev 152 on along letter to issued. issued for ld Puri Near with be issued CTE and Father affidavit including CTO. Angel & installatio School Agreeme n of Solar Gautam nt Water Nagar submitte Heating ND-49 d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 08.07.07 CFLs. 76 Goyal E - 4/8 22-Jun-07 E- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Urology Krishan 175 on along letter to issued. issued for &Matern Nagar , with be issued CTE and ity Lajpat Rai affidavit including CTO. Centre Chowk,Kr & installatio ishna agreeme n of Solar Nagar nt Water Delhi-51 submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 17.03.07 CFLs. . 77 MCD Mangolpu 25-Jun-07 NW- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Maternit ri 'A' 269 on along letter to issued. issued for y Home Block, with be issued CTE and Mangolp Delhi-83 affidavit including CTO. uri & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 23.09.06 CFLs. .
78 MCD ALLOPA 25-Jun-07 W- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER THIC 298 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY DISPENS with be issued CTE and AND ARY affidavit including CTO. CHILD CAMPUS & installatio WELFA , agreeme n of Solar RE SUBHAS nt Water CENTR H submitte Heating E NAGAR, d. System NEW Previous and to DELHI- authoriza convert 27 tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.09.06 CFLs. . 79 MCD S- 25-Jun-07 W- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER BLOCK, 300 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY VISHNU with be issued CTE and HOME GARDEN affidavit including CTO. , NEW & installatio DELHI- agreeme n of Solar 18 nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.09.06 CFLs. . 80 Gopal B-1, Jyoti 26-Jun-07 NE- 18 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N Statin Letter be Nursing Nagar(We 043 on along letter to issued. g shri issued for Home & st),Loni with be issued Vipin CTE and Eye Road affidavit including Gupo CTO with Hospital Delhi-94 & installatio ta clarificati agreeme n of Solar Purc on on the nt Water hase points submitte Heating d the raised by d. System Hospi HCU in Previous and to tal their authoriza convert from reply. tion was their Dr. H valid ordinary L upto bulbs with Gupt 16.07.04 CFLs. a as . on 01.07 .08 and tried to run the hospi tal w.e.f. 01.09 .08. 81 Dr. A-19-A 27-Jun-07 S- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N Y Letter be Sharma's Kailash 088 on along letter to issued. issued for Nursing Colony, with be issued CTE and Home New affidavit including CTO. Delh-48 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 06.11.07 CFLs. . 82 Prashant C-1/17 3-Jul-07 24.0 NW- 19 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y Y N N CTE Nursing Prashant 4.08 209 on along letter to issued. granted, Home Vihar with be issued and ND-85 affidavit for Letter be & applying issued for agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 01.07.07 and to . convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 83 MCDMa Railway 4-Jul-07 NE- 20 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be ternity Road 094 on along letter to issued. issued for Home Chandiwa with be issued CTE and la, affidavit including CTO. Shahdara, & installatio delhi-32. agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 21.01.05 CFLs. . 84 City F-10 5-Jul-07 E- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Parvana 027 on along letter to issued. issued for Road with be issued CTE and Opp. affidavit including CTO. Gagan & installatio Vihar agreeme n of Solar Delhi-51 nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 07.10.04 CFLs. . 85 Malik 6, Avtar 6-Jul-07 W- 10 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Enclave, 362 on along letter to issued. issued for Paschim with be issued CTE and Vihar, affidavit including CTO. Delhi-63 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 86 Skin N-Block, 10-Jul-07 S- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N Y (Old) Letter be Institute Greater 039 on along letter to issued. (NMR issued for Kailash-I, with be issued from Pee CTE and New affidavit including Kay CTO with Delhi-48 & installatio Engineers clarificati agreeme n of Solar on on on the nt Water 10.08.04) points submitte Heating raised by d. System HCU in Previous and to their authoriza convert reply. tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 08.04.05 CFLs. .
87 Rural Najafgarh, 13-Jul-07 SW- 22 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Health New 007 on along letter to issued. issued for Training Delhi-43 with be issued CTE and Centre affidavit including CTO. & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 08.04.03 CFLs. . 88 Sama 8,Sirifort 16-Jul-07 29.0 S- 19 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y Y N Y CTE Nursing Rd.ND-49 7.08 063 on along letter to issued. granted, Home with be issued and affidavit including Letter be & installatio issued for agreeme n of Solar CTO. nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 13.10.06 CFLs. . 89 MCD C-7/2, 17-Jul-07 N- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER RANA 082 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY PRATAP with be issued CTE and HOME BAGH, affidavit for CTO. DELHI-7 & applying agreeme for nt Consent submitte to d. Establish Previous and for authoriza installatio tion was n of Solar valid Water upto Heating 23.09.06 System . and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 90 Orthono C-5/29, 17-Jul-07 04.0 S- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y Y N Y CTE va SDA 4.08 025 on along letter to issued. granted, Hospital (Opp. IIT with be issued and Gate, affidavit for Letter be New & applying issued for Delhi-16 Agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 22.08.07 and to . convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 91 Shankar B-6 , 23-Jul-07 W- 11 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Shankar 248 on along letter to issued. issued for Garden, with be issued CTE and New affidavit for CTO. Delhi-18 & applying agreeme for nt Consent submitte to d. Establish Previous and for authoriza installatio tion was n of Solar valid Water upto Heating 22.08.07 System . and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 92 Swami 7/967, 24-Jul-07 S- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Vivekan Hospital 201 on along letter to issued. issued for anda road, with be issued CTE and Hospital Mehrauli, affidavit including CTO. New & installatio Delhi-30 agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 01.07.04 CFLs. . 93 Pentame 7 Local 25-Jul-07 NW- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be d Shopping 021 on along letter to issued. issued for Hospital Centre, with be issued CTE and Derawal affidavit including CTO. Nagar,Guj & installatio ranwala agreeme n of Solar Town Ph- nt Water IV, Delhi- submitte Heating 9 d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 29.07.07 CFLs. . 94 Siddhant D-7, main 30-Jul-07 SW- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be hospital Road, 107 on along letter to issued. issued for Mahavir with be issued CTE and Enclave, affidavit including CTO. Nd-45 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 18.12.04 CFLs. . 95 Bali 20B/3, 3-Aug-07 26.09.07 C- 25 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N Y Y Reminder Nursing D.B.Gupt 018 on along letter to issued. letter be Home a Road, with be issued issued for Karol affidavit for CTE and Bagh, & applying deficienci New agreeme for es in the Delhi nt Consent CTO 11005 submitte to applicatio d. Establish n. Previous and for authoriza installatio tion was n of Solar valid Water upto Heating 29.07.04 System . Letter and to was convert issued their for DG ordinary Set & bulbs with the unit CFLs. has applied for consent with noise monitori ng reprot.su bmitted Noise monitori ng report. 96 Tyagi 210, 13-Aug-07 NW- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital G.T.Road, 249 on along letter to issued. issued for & Sarai with be issued CTE and Maternit Pipal affidavit including CTO. y centre Thala, & installatio Azadpur, agreeme n of Solar Delhi nt Water 110033 submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 22.07.07 CFLs. .
97 Gupta 25, Raj 14-Aug-07 E- 28 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Nursing Bklock, 010 on along letter to issued. issued for Home & Naveen with be issued CTE and Hospital Shahdara, affidavit including CTO. Delhi-32 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 20.04.07 CFLs. . 98 Rural Kh. No. 16-Aug-07 S- 20 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N Letter be Medicar 242, 029 on along letter to issued. issued for e Centre Village, with be issued CTE and Saidulajai affidavit for CTO with b, P.O. & applying clarificati Mehrauli, agreeme for on on the New nt Consent points Delhi-30 submitte to raised by d. Establish HCU in Previous and for their authoriza installatio reply. tion was n of Solar valid Water upto Heating 27.09.02 System . and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
99 MCD 27, 20-Aug-07 N- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N Letter be Maternit Jawahar 080 on along letter to issued. issued for y home, Nagar, with be issued CTE and Malka affidavit for CTO with ganj, & applying clarificati Delhi-07 agreeme for on on the nt Consent points submitte to raised by d. Establish HCU in Previous and for their authoriza installatio reply. tion was n of Solar valid Water upto Heating 23.09.06 System . and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 100 Rashmi JP-6, 20-Aug-07 NW- 16 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N Y Letter be Hospital Maurya 220 on along letter to issued. issued for Enclave, with be issued CTE and Pitampura affidavit including CTO. , Delhi & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 29.08.07 CFLs. . Noise Monitori ng Report Received and CTE not applied. 101 Jain 2559, Tri 21-Aug-07 NW- 18 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be muni Nagar, 356 on along letter to issued. issued for Roshanla Delhi-35 with be issued CTE and l affidavit including CTO. charitabl & installatio e Agreeme n of Solar Hospita nt Water submitte Heating d. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 102 MCD Gulabi 22-Aug-07 N- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Maternit Bagh 081 on along letter to issued. issued for y Home MCD, with be issued CTE and Near chest affidavit for CTO. clinic, & applying Kali Das agreeme for Marg, nt Consent Gulabi submitte to Bag, d. Establish Delhi-7 Previous and for authoriza installatio tion was n of Solar valid Water upto Heating 23.09.06 System . and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 103 Maternit Kamla 22-Aug-07 N- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be y Home Nehru, 089 on along letter to issued. issued for Vivekana with be issued CTE and nd affidavit including CTO. Puri,MCD & installatio ,Delhi agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 17.12.04 CFLs. . 104 Roshan L-1 22-Aug-07 NE- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N Letter be lal Naveen 069 on along letter to issued. issued for Hospital Shahdara, with be issued CTE and Delhi-32 affidavit for CTO with & applying clarificati agreeme for on on the nt Consent points submitte to raised by d. Establish HCU in Previous and for their authoriza installatio reply. tion was n of Solar valid Water upto Heating 22.08.07 System . and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 105 Mangla C-127 27-Aug-07 W- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Aggarwa Ganesh 179 on along letter to issued. issued for l Nagar, with be issued CTE and Medical Tilak affidavit including CTO. centre NagarNe & installatio w Delhi- agreeme n of Solar 18 nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 28.08.07 CFLs. . 106 Metro 85, Old 3-Sep-07 SW- 15 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Life Roshanpu 158 on along letter to issued. issued for Line ra, with be issued CTE and Hospital Najafgarh, affidavit including CTO. New & installatio Delhi 43 agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
107 Flex B-1/4 5-Sep-07 W- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Medical Paschim 108 on along letter to issued. issued for Centre Vihar, with be issued CTE and New affidavit including CTO. Delhi-63 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 28.08.07 CFLs. . 108 MCD G-Block, 6-Sep-07 NW- 15 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Maternit Shakurpur 353 on along letter to issued. issued for y Home with be issued CTE and affidavit including CTO. & installatio Agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 109 MCD Garhi 6-Sep-07 NW- 15 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N The Letter be Maternit Bakhtwar 354 on along letter to issued. unit issued for y Home purpur, with be issued state CTE and Delhi. affidavit including s that CTO with & installatio they clarificati Agreeme n of Solar wish on on the nt Water to points submitte Heating apply raised by d. System for HCU in and to CTE their convert and reply. their CTO. ordinary And bulbs with need CFLs. the nece ssary guide lkines from DPC C. 110 MCD BHAI 6-Sep-07 N- 12 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N The Letter be METER PARMA 083 on along letter to issued. unit issued for NITY NAND with be issued state CTE and HOME COLONY affidavit for d that CTO with , NEAR & applying the clarificati ID agreeme for unit on on the HOSPITA nt Consent is a points L, submitte to non- raised by DELHI-9 d. Establish pollut HCU in Previous and for ing their authoriza installatio unit. reply. tion was n of Solar Patie valid Water nts upto Heating are 23.09.06 System given . and to Inject convert ions their and ordinary Medi bulbs with cines CFLs. etc. No Mach ines are used in the Mater nity Hom e. 111 MCD 793/60, 6-Sep-07 N- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be MATER LEKHU 086 on along letter to issued. issued for NITY NAGAR, with be issued CTE and HOME TRI affidavit including CTO. (MCD) NAGAR, & installatio DELHI- agreeme n of Solar 35 nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 23.09.06 CFLs. .
112 Sabharw 2911-B, 12-Sep-07 28.0 C- 19 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N N CTE al Sir Syed 4.08 088 on along letter to issued. granted, Hospital Ahmad with be issued and Road, affidavit for Letter be Darya & applying issued for Ganj, agreeme for CTO. New nt Consent Delhi-2 submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 24.03.07 and to . convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 113 Sharp 81, 13-Sep-07 E- 10 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be sight Defence 212 on along letter to issued. issued for centre Enclave, with be issued CTE and (east) Vikash affidavit including CTO. marg, & installatio Delhi-92 Agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 114 MCD Naraina 17-Sep-07 SW- 12 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Maternit Village 159 on along letter to issued. issued for y Home WZ-119, with be issued CTE and Naraina, affidavit including CTO. New & installatio Delhi-28. agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 115 Sukhda Shopping 17-Sep-07 17.01.07 17.0 S- 21 P3 Y Authoriz Reminder letter Y Y Y Y(N.M.R. CTE Hospital Centre , 4.08 034 ation letter to issued. is from granted, Pamposh was be issued National and EE Enclave , valid for Physical (BMW ), New upto applying Laborator Concerne Delhi-48 07.10.07 for y which is d . Applied Consent not AEE(BM for to Operate approved W), and renewal and for from Trainee with installatio DPCC.) will carry affidavit n of Solar out the & Water inspectio agreeme Heating n . nt. System Applied and to for convert consent their on ordinary 17.01.07 bulbs with . CFLs.
116 MCD Subhash 20-Sep-07 NE- 20 P1 Y Applied Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Welcom Park Extn. 114 for letter to issued. issued for e Phase-3, authoriza be issued CTE and Meternit Seelampu tion with including CTO. y Home r, Delhi- affidavit installatio and n of Solar agreeme Water nt. Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
117 ESI Ph-III, 20-Sep- NE- 20 P3 Y Applicat Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Dispens JB6, 07 115 ion letter to issued. issued for ary Seelamp along be issued CTE and ur(Welco with including CTO. me) affidavit installatio Delhi-53 & n of Solar agreem Water ent Heating submitt System ed. and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 118 Swastik L-164, 20-Sep-07 E- 13 P3 Y Applied Reminder letter N N N Y Letter be Medical Anand 141 for letter to issued. issued for Centre Vihar, authoriza be issued CTE and Delhi-92 tion with including CTO. affidavit installatio and n of Solar agreeme Water nt. Heating Authoriz System ation and to was convert valid their upto ordinary 07.10.07 bulbs with . CFLs. 119 Orthoplu RZ-B-28, 20-Sep-07 SW- 18 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N Y Letter be s Gopal 070 on along letter to issued. issued for Hospital Nagar, with be issued CTE and Najafgarh, affidavit including CTO. New & installatio Delhi-43 agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 24.10.07 CFLs. . 120 NU- H-8, 25-Sep- SW- 20 P1 Y Applicat Reminder letter N N N N Letter be TECH Green 07 160 ion letter to issued. issued for MEDIW Park along be issued CTE and ORLD Extention with including CTO. , New affidavit installatio Delhi-16 & n of Solar agreem Water ent Heating submitt System ed. and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 121 North S- 25-Sep-07 04.0 S- 26 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N Y CTE Point 357,Panch 6.08 031 on along letter to issued. granted, Hospital( shila with be issued and P) Ltd. Park,ND- affidavit for Letter be 17 & applying issued for agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 29.09.07 and to . convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
122 Kesar W2- 26-Sep-07 SW- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N Y Letter be Nursing 61A/3B, 062 on along letter to issued. issued for Home Vashist with be issued CTE and Park, Park affidavit including CTO with Pankha & installatio clarificati Road, agreeme n of Solar on on the New nt Water points Delhi-46 submitte Heating raised by d. System HCU in Previous and to their authoriza convert reply. tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 27.09.07 CFLs. . 123 Kapoor E- 27-Sep-07 SW- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Medical 18,Narain 061 on along letter to issued. issued for Centre a Vihar with be issued CTE and ND-28 affidavit including CTO. & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 27.09.07 CFLs. . 124 New B-15, 8-Oct-07 E- 15 P3 Y Applied Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Life Gurudwar 163 for letter to issued. issued for Hospital a Road, authoriza be issued CTE and Behind tion with including CTO. Mother affidavit installatio Dairy, and n of Solar Delhi-92 agreeme Water nt. Heating Authoriz System ation and to was convert valid their upto ordinary 22.09.06 bulbs with . CFLs. 125 Westend 11/72, 9-Oct-07 W- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Tilak 288 on along letter to issued. issued for Nagar, with be issued CTE and New affidavit including CTO. Delhi-18 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 24.06.07 CFLs. . 126 Rajdhani 6550 Nabi 25-Oct-07 C- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Chartiabl Karim, 085 on along letter to issued. issued for e & Eye Qutub with be issued CTE and Medical Road,Del affidavit including CTO. Centre hi-55 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 07.10.04 CFLs. . No Reply.
127 Vardaan B-100, 29-Oct-07 25.09.08 S- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N Y Y(NOT Reminder Hospital Malviya 210 on along letter to issued. MEETIN letter be & Nagar, with be issued G THE issued for Medical New affidavit for STANDA CTE and Reserch Delhi & applying RDS.) deficienci Centre , agreeme for es in the nt Consent CTO submitte to Operate applicatio d. and for n. Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 24.11.07 and to . Applied convert for CTE. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 128 Sant Sant 1-Nov-07 03.1 NW- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y Y N Affidavit Affida CTE Nirankar Nirankari 0.08 226 on along letter to issued. for no vit for granted, i Mandal, with be issued DG Set no and Charitabl Nirankari affidavit including submitte DG Letter be e Colony,D & installatio d. Set issued for Hospital elhi-9 agreeme n of Solar subm CTO. nt Water itted. submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 01.07.07 CFLs. . No Reply.
129 MCD PHL 6-Nov-07 NW- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be maternoi Campus 270 on along letter to issued. issued for ty Home Compoun with be issued CTE and d Road, affidavit including CTO. Narela & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 23.09.06 CFLs. . No Reply. 130 Arya 18x,19x 13-Nov-07 23.11.07 02.0 E- 35 P3 Y Applicati EE letter Y Y Y Y CTE Vaidya Institution 4.08 023 on along (BMW ), issued. granted, Sala al Area, with Concern and EE Kottakka Karkardo affidavit ed (BMW ), l oma, & AEE(BM Concerne Ayurved Delhi-92 agreeme W), and d ic nt Trainee AEE(BM Hospital submitte will carry W), and & d. out the Trainee Research Previous inspectio will carry Centre authoriza n, and out the tion was letter to inspectio valid be n . upto issued 09.04.01 for noise . Applied monitorin for CTE g report and and CTO. installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 131 East 1/550, 14-Nov-07 E- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Delhi G.T. 062 on along letter to issued. issued for Medical Road, with be issued CTE and Centre Shadhara, affidavit including CTO. Delhi-32 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 25.08.07 CFLs. . No Reply.
132 Joy J-5/49 F, 23-Nov-07 W- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Nursing Rajouri 145 on along letter to issued. issued for Home Gdn. ND- with be issued CTE and 27 affidavit including CTO. & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 28.08.07 CFLs. . No Reply. 133 Sai Plot no. 27-Nov-07 SW- 15 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital 254, 161 on along letter to issued. issued for Amberhai, with be issued CTE and Sector-19, affidavit including CTO. Dwarka, & installatio New agreeme n of Solar Delhi-75 nt Water submitte Heating d. No System Reply. and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 134 Anand 34/5A, 3-Dec-07 W- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Alrea Letter be Nursing West 039 on along letter to issued. dy issued for Home Patel with be issued appli CTE and Nagar affidavit for ed for CTO. New & applying autho Delhi agreeme for risati nt Consent on submitte to and d. Establish subm Previous and for itted authoriza installatio fee tion was n of Solar for valid Water NMR upto Heating in 29.08.07 System DPC . No and to C Reply. convert Lab. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 135 Upchaar A-95, 4-Dec-07 NW- 10 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Ashok 360 on along letter to issued. issued for Vihar, with be issued CTE and Phase-II, affidavit for CTO. Delhi-52 & applying agreeme for nt Consent submitte to d. No Establish Reply. and for installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 136 MCD G.No. 59, 11-Dec-07 C- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N The Letter be M&CW Regarpura 095 on along letter to issued. unit issued for Center & , Karol with be issued state CTE and Maternit bagh, affidavit including d that CTO with y Home New & installatio the clarificati Delhi-05 agreeme n of Solar unit on on the nt Water is a points submitte Heating non- raised by d. System pollut HCU in Previous and to ing their authoriza convert unit. reply. tion was their Patie valid ordinary nts upto bulbs with are 27.01.07 CFLs. given . No Inject Reply. ions and Medi cines etc. No Mach ines are used in the Mater nity Hom e. 137 Agarwal E-234, 18-Dec-07 05.0 S- 15 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N N CTE Medical Greater 5.08 293 on along letter to issued. granted, Centre Kailash, with be issued and Part-I, affidavit for Letter be New & applying issued for Delhi-48 agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Applied installatio for CTE. n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
138 Kamlesh 423, 24-Dec-07 W- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Medical Bhera 150 on along letter to issued. issued for Centre Enclave,P with be issued CTE and aschim affidavit including CTO. Vihar Nd- & installatio 87 Agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 01.07.07 CFLs. . No Reply. 139 Satya 126/105 24-Dec-07 31.0 W- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N N CTE Bhama Najafgarh 7.08 321 on along letter to issued. granted, Hospital Road, with be issued and Nangloi, affidavit for Letter be Delhi-41 & applying issued for agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 11.02.07 and to . convert Undertak their ing that ordinary no DG bulbs with Set, is CFLs. submitte d. No Reply.
140 Mahesh F1U-41, 28-Dec-07 11.0 NW- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N N CTE wari Pitampura 4.08 174 on along letter to issued. granted, Hospital , New with be issued and Delhi-34 affidavit for Letter be & applying issued for agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 17.04.07 and to . Applied convert for CTE. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 141 Batra ,A-1/6, 31-Dec-07 W- 30 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Rajouri 286 on along letter to issued. issued for & Garden , with be issued CTE and Medical New affidavit including CTO. research Delhi-27 & installatio Centre Agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 27.09.07 CFLs. . No Reply. 142 Gupta A- 1-Jan-08 NW- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y N N N Letter be Hospital 56,Main 135 on along letter to issued. issued for Rd. with be issued CTE and BudhViha affidavit including CTO with r,Ph-I & installatio clarificati Delhi-41 agreeme n of Solar on on the nt Water points submitte Heating raised by d. System HCU in Previous and to their authoriza convert reply. tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 01.07.07 CFLs. . No Reply. 143 Swasthik 14, Gopal 3-Jan-08 W- 18 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Nagar, 273 on along letter to issued. issued for Hari with be issued CTE and Nagar, affidavit including CTO. New submitte installatio Delhi-18 d. n of Solar Previous Water authoriza Heating tion was System valid and to upto convert 22.09.07 their . A letter ordinary was bulbs with issued CFLs. for DG Set to comply upto 27.02.08 . No Reply. 144 Daya A-4/16 9-Jan-08 W- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Paschim 071 on along letter to issued. issued for Vihar , with be issued CTE and New affidavit including CTO. Delhi-63 & installatio Agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 05.12.07 CFLs. . No Reply. 145 Hans 2001-2, 16-Jan-08 12.0 NW- 15 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N N CTE Charitabl G.T.B. 6.08 137 on along letter to issued. granted, e Nagar,Out with be issued and Hospital ram affidavit for Letter be Lines, & applying issued for Kingsway agreeme for CTO. Camp, nt Consent Delhi submitte to Operate 110009 d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 12.01.08 and to . No convert reply. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 146 Dwarkad C-4/12, 24-Jan-08 NW- 20 P1 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N N Letter be heesh Sector-28, 361 on along letter to issued. issued for Hospital Rohini, with be issued CTE and Delhi-85 affidavit including CTO. & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. No System Reply. and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 147 Shubh 57-A, 28-Jan-08 06.0 W- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N Y N N CTE Nursing Hastsal 5.08 254 on along letter to issued. granted, Home Village, with be issued and New affidavit for Letter be Delhi-59 & applying issued for Agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 24.06.07 and to . Applied convert for CTE. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 148 Shubha DD-15 29-Jan-08 21.0 S- 14 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter Y Y N N CTE m ,Kalkaji, 5.08 192 on along letter to issued. granted, Hospital New with be issued and Delhi-19 affidavit for Letter be & applying issued for agreeme for CTO. nt Consent submitte to Operate d. and for Previous installatio authoriza n of Solar tion was Water valid Heating upto System 09.012.0 and to 7. convert Applied their for CTE. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 149 Deepak H-7 Jagat 1-Feb-08 E- 10 P3 Y Applicati Reminder letter N N N Y Letter be Nursing puri, 028 on along letter to issued. issued for Home Parwana with be issued CTE and Road affidavit including CTO. Delhi-51 & installatio agreeme n of Solar nt Water submitte Heating d. System Previous and to authoriza convert tion was their valid ordinary upto bulbs with 29.07.07 CFLs. .No Reply. 150 Kolmet 7B,Pusa 01.10.2004 10.05.07 21.0 C- 39 G Y The EE Letter N Y Y N CTE Hospital Rd ND-5 4.08 013 HCU is (BMW ), Issued. granted, & having Concern and EE Medical valid ed (BMW ), Research authoriza AEE(BM Concerne Centre tion. W), and d Trainee AEE(BM will carry W), and out the Trainee inspectio will carry n, and out the letter to inspectio be n . issued for noise monitorin g report and installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs
151 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Sucheta installatio The Bhavan,1 n of Solar HCU is Lok 1- Water C- having Letter Kalyan A,Vishnu 17.11.2004 30 G Y Heating N N N N 014 valid Issued. Samriti Digambar System authoriza Marg ND- and to tion. 2 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 152 Temple Ansari 28.02.2007 C- 20 G Y The Reminder Letter N N N N Letter be Nursing Road 020 HCU is letter to Issued. issued for Home ,Daya having be issued CTE and Ganj , valid including CTO. New authoriza installatio Delhi-2 tion. n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
153 Reminder The Letter be letter to Hospi issued for be issued tal CTE and for firstly CTO. applying Appli for ed in Establish Com to Operate mitte and e installatio No.2 Plot No.1, n of Solar and Tent Wali Water then Gali, Heating infor Motia System med Khan, The and to the Ram HCU is convert Closu Mangla Marg, C- having their Letter re of 11.10.2005 15 G Y N N N N Hospital Near 056 valid ordinary Issued. Hospi DVB authoriza bulbs with tal on Office, tion. CFLs. 06.06 Near .07 Idgah and Parrk, then Delhi-55 again appli ed in Com mitte e No. 3 as Stren gth of Beds is 5. 154 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and including Letter be Sadar The installatio issued for Thana Sunder HCU is n of Solar CTO. Road , Lal Jain having Water Motia 04.0 C- Letter Charitabl 04.04.2007 10 G Y valid Heating N Y N N Khan 8.08 074 Issued. e Eye authoriza System ,Pahar Hospital tion. No and to Ganj Reply. convert Delhi-55 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 155 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Delhi The installatio 1- Ansari Hospital HCU is n of Solar Road, & having Water Darya C- Letter Vardhma 28.02.2007 12 G Y valid Heating N N N N Ganj, 081 Issued. n authoriza System New Diagnost tion. No and to Delhi-02 ics Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 156 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. 1765, The installatio Pataudi HCU is n of Solar Sahara House, having Water F.N.I C- Letter Dariya 07.03.2007 30 G Y valid Heating N N N N Crises 093 Issued. Ganj, authoriza System Shelter New tion. No and to Delhi-02 Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 157 EE CTE (BMW ), granted, Concern and EE ed (BMW ), AEE(BM Concerne W), and d Trainee AEE(BM will carry W), and out the The Trainee inspectio Hospi will carry n, and tal is out the letter to migra inspectio The Dharams be ted n . HCU is hila issued the Vasundhr having Cancer for noise Bed a 26.0 E- valid Letter Hospital 22.12.2004 21.11.06 49 G Y monitorin Y Y Y N stren Enclave,D 5.08 005 authoriza Issued. &Resear g report gth elhi-96 tion. ch and from CTE Centre installatio 49 applied. n of beds Solar to Water 200 Heating beds. System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs 158 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and EE including (BMW ), The installatio Concerne Walia HCU is n of Solar d G-60 Nursing having Water AEE(BM Laxmi 10.1 E- Letter & 22.06.2006 09.03.07 30 G Y valid Heating N Y Y N W), and Nagar 0.08 009 Issued. Maternit authoriza System Trainee Delhi-92 y Home tion. No and to will carry Reply. convert out the their inspectio ordinary n . bulbs with CFLs. 159 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio A-14, HCU is n of Solar Pushpanj Pushpanja having Water ali li, Vikas E- Letter 29.11.2006 40 G Y valid Heating N N N N Medical Marg 012 Issued. authoriza System Centre Extn, tion. No and to Delhi-92 Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 160 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio 35,Defenc HCU is n of Solar e Delhi having Water Encl.,Vik E- Letter Psychiatr 19.03.2007 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N as 055 Issued. y Centre authoriza System Marg,Del tion. No and to hi-92 Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 161 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio 10-A Grover HCU is n of Solar Kundan Maternit having Water Nagar , E- Letter y and 10.04.2007 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N Laxmi 074 Issued. Nursing authoriza System Nagar , Home tion. No and to Delhi-92 Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 162 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. D-437, The installatio Main HCU is n of Solar Road, having Water Mahesh E- Letter West 28.07.2006 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N Hospital 097 Issued. Vinod authoriza System Nagar, tion. No and to Delhi-92 Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 163 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio B-1298 HCU is n of Solar GDC Malik having Water Mayur E- Letter Nursing 12.03.2007 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N Vihar Ph- 100 Issued. Home authoriza System III, Delhi- tion. No and to 96 Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 164 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio HCU is n of Solar Navjeev B-4 &15 having Water an Shivpuri E- Letter 13.03.2007 16 G Y valid Heating N N N N Nursing Ext. 109 Issued. authoriza System Home Delhi-51 tion. No and to Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 165 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. 31,Mahila The installatio Colony , Passi HCU is n of Solar Main Hospital having Water Rd.,Near E- Letter & 02.02.2007 15 G Y valid Heating N N N N Jheel, 114 Issued. Nursing authoriza System Gandhi Home tion. No and to Nagar, Reply. convert Delhi-31 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 166 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for U-158, including CTE and Vats The installatio deficienci Patel Complex, HCU is n of Solar es in the Clinic Shakarpur having Water CTO Maternit E- Letter , Vikas 06.09.2006 18.02.08 10 G Y valid Heating N N Y N applicatio y & 115 Issued. Marg, authoriza System n. Fracture New tion. No and to Centre Delhi Reply. convert 110092 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 167 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO with The installatio clarificati 1X/2392 HCU is n of Solar Affida on on the Rishabh Street No- having Water Affidavit vit for points E- Letter Medical 12 kailash 22.03.2007 10 G Y valid Heating Y N N for no no raised by 119 Issued. Centre Nagar authoriza System DG sets. DG HCU in Delhi-31 tion. No and to sets. their Reply. convert reply. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 168 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and for CTO. The applying HCU is for having Consent valid to Surgi authoriza Establish centre D-15 tion. and for Nursing Vivek E- Letter 05.11.2004 25 G Y Affidavit installatio N N N N Home & Vihar 138 Issued. Received n of Solar Maternit Delhi-95 for not Water y centre using Heating DG sets System or and to Boilers. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 169 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and EE The including (BMW ), HCU is installatio Concerne having Malik n of Solar d C-218, valid Radix Water AEE(BM Nirman 29.0 E- authoriza Letter Healthca 29.08.2006 29.07.08 21 G Y Heating Y Y Y N W), and Vihar, 7.08 160 tion. Issued. re Pvt. System Trainee Delhi-92 CTO Ltd. and to will carry applied. convert out the No their inspectio Reply. ordinary n . bulbs with CFLs. 170 TIRUPA 6, 14.03.2007 E- 10 G Y The Reminder Letter N N N N Letter be TI GAGAN 168 HCU is letter to Issued. issued for STONE VIHAR, having be issued CTE and CENTR DELHI- valid including CTO. E & 92 authoriza installatio HOSPIT tion. No n of Solar AL Reply. Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
171 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Plot No-8, The installatio LSC HCU is n of Solar Block-B, having Water Varmani Mayur E- Letter 24.04.2007 15 G Y valid Heating N N N N Hospital Vihar, 169 Issued. authoriza System Phase-II, tion. No and to New Reply. convert Delhi their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 172 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio Aditya 32, Chitra HCU is n of Solar Varma Vihar, having Water Hospital Vikas E- Letter 10.01.2007 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N & Maarg, 177 Issued. authoriza System Research Delhi- tion. No and to Centre 110092 Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 173 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. A-1 The installatio MAKK PRIYAD HCU is n of Solar AR ARSHINI having Water MEDIC E- Letter VIHAR, 06.02.2006 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N AL 190 Issued. NEW authoriza System CENTR DELHI- tion. No and to E 92. Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 174 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio Khandel HCU is n of Solar wal B-16, East having Water Hospital E- Letter Krishna 28.07.2005 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N & 195 Issued. Nagar authoriza System Urology tion. No and to centre, Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 175 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio Gansh F- HCU is n of Solar Ortho 15/7,Krish having Water E- Letter Trauma na 12.02.2007 20 G Y valid Heating N N N N 202 Issued. & Nagar,Del authoriza System Medical hi-51 tion. No and to Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 176 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio HCU is n of Solar 23/7, Parmarth having Water Shakti N- Letter Mission 15.11.2006 26 G Y valid Heating N N N N Nagar 050 Issued. Hospital authoriza System Delhi-7 tion. No and to Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 177 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio HCU is n of Solar Sanjivan D-13 having Water i Kamla N- Letter 11.04.2007 11 G Y valid Heating N N N N Nursing Nagar, 062 Issued. authoriza System Home Delhi-7 tion. No and to Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 178 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio Sushruta HCU is n of Solar 9, Maternit having Water Metacalf N- Letter y & 01.12.2004 49 G Y valid Heating N N N N Road,Del 076 Issued. Surgical authoriza System hi-54 Centre tion. No and to Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 179 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and EE for (BMW ), applying Concerne PLOT The for d NO.2,MA HCU is Consent AEE(BM IN having to Operate W), and VINAY ROAD,D valid and for Trainee AK ERAWA 25.0 N- authoriza installatio Letter will carry 01.06.2007 10.10.08 40 G Y N Y Y N HOSPIT L 4.08 092 tion.Repl n of Solar Issued. out the AL NAGAR, y Water inspectio MODEL received Heating n . TOWN,D CTE System ELHI-9 applied. and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 180 The Reminder Letter be HCU is letter to issued for having be issued CTE and valid including CTO. authoriza installatio tion. n of Solar East 38 ,Golf Affidavit Water West Links, ND- Letter 08.03.2007 16 G Y received. Heating N N N N Medical New 012 Issued. Noise System Centre Delhi-3 monitori and to ng report convert not their received. ordinary No bulbs with Reply. CFLs. 181 Mahalux 100 Feet 21.02.2005 NE- 20 G Y The Reminder Letter N N N N Letter be mi Road, 007 HCU is letter to Issued. issued for Diagnost Durgapuri having be issued CTE and ic Centre , Delhi-93 valid including CTO. And authoriza installatio Nursing tion. No n of Solar Home Reply. Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
182 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. HCU is installatio B-2/11, having n of Solar Nehru valid Water B.S.Mav Vihar, NE- authoriza Letter 20.04.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N N i hospital Dayal 014 tion. Issued. System Pur, Affidavit and to Delhi-94 received convert . No their Reply. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 183 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio 1/4649/9B HCU is n of Solar J.D. ,Mandoli having Water Sharma Road,New NE- Letter 09.03.2007 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N Medical Modern 047 Issued. authoriza System Centre Shahdara, tion. No and to Delhi Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 184 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio B-32 East HCU is n of Solar Jyoti Jyoti having Water Clinic & NE- Letter Nagar 06.03.2007 18 G Y valid Heating N N N N Nursing 049 Issued. Loni Road authoriza System Home ,Delhi-93 tion. No and to Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 185 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO with F-20-21, installatio clarificati Dilshad The n of Solar on on the Colony, HCU is Kapoor Water points near Old NE- having Letter Medical 28.02.2007 15 G Y Heating Y N N Y raised by Seemapur 051 valid Issued. Centre System HCU in i Chowk, authoriza and to their Delhi tion. convert reply. 110095 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 186 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar C-3/65-a, HCU is Water Narula Yamuna NE- having Letter 10.07.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N Y Hospital Vihar, 057 valid Issued. System Delhi-53 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 187 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar C-3/64 HCU is Panchsh Water A,Yamun NE- having Letter eel 16.01.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N Y a Vihar 061 valid Issued. Hospital System Delhi-53 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 188 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. 1/9085,W The installatio est Rohtas HCU is n of Solar R.B Nagar having Water Gupta NE- Letter street No- 19.04.2007 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N Nursing 063 Issued. 3. authoriza System Home Shahdara tion. No and to Delhi-32 Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 189 Reminder Letter be The letter to issued for HCU is be issued CTE and having including CTO. valid installatio C-3/51- authoriza n of Solar Raj A , tion. Water NE- Letter Medical Yamuna 25.07.2006 10 G Y Affidavit Heating N N N Y 065 Issued. centre Vihar, and System Delhi-53 Noise and to Monitori convert ng their Report ordinary received. bulbs with CFLs. 190 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio HCU is n of Solar C-1/18 A Sharma having Water Yumuna NE- Letter Nursing 27.04.2005 15 G Y valid Heating N N N N Vihar 081 Issued. Home authoriza System Delhi-53 tion. No and to Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 191 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar C-1/15-A, HCU is Jaslok Water Yamuna NE- having Letter Medical 22.08.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N N Vihar, 097 valid Issued. Centre System Delhi-53 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 192 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and The installatio deficienci 118-A/1, HCU is Jeevan n of Solar es in the GTB having Jyoti Water CTO Chowk, NE- valid Letter Clinic 25.09.2006 14.02.08 18 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio Dilshad 098 authoriza Issued. and System n. Garden, tion. Hospital and to Delhi-95 CTO convert applied. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 193 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. 488/15 The installatio near HCU is n of Solar Radha Sushma having Water Krishan NE- Letter Jindal 23.10.2006 10 G Y valid Heating N N N N mandir, 101 Issued. Hospital authoriza System dilshad tion. No and to garden, Reply. convert Delhi-95 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 194 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The installatio C-3/52, HCU is n of Solar Samra -A-53-A, having Water NE- Letter Hospital yamuna 29.03.2005 14 G Y valid Heating N N N N 109 Issued. P. Ltd vihar authoriza System Delhi-53 tion. No and to Reply. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 195 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The White n of Solar HCU is House C-3/58-A, Water NE- having Letter Hospital Yamuna 19.12.2006 15 G Y Heating N N N N 112 valid Issued. Pvt. Vihar System authoriza Limited and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 196 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and EE for (BMW ), applying Concerne for d Consent AEE(BM Sector-14 The to Operate W), and (Extn.),Ne Bhagwa HCU is and for Trainee ar n 31.0 NW- having installatio Letter Y(Grant will carry Madhuba 29.01.2007 28.02.07 37 G Y Y y Y Mahavir 3.08 015 valid n of Solar Issued. ed) out the n chowk, Hospital authoriza Water inspectio Rohini , tion. Heating n . Delhi-85 System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 197 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The D-4 n of Solar Springda HCU is Prashant Water les NW- having Letter vihar, 23.11.2006 35 G Y Heating N N N N Medical 016 valid Issued. rohini System Centre authoriza delhi-85 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 198 Muni KD- 23.05.2007 27.02.08 NW- 30 G Y The Reminder Letter Y N Y Y Reminder Mayara Block,Pita 018 HCU is letter to Issued. letter be m Jain mpura, having be issued issued for Hospital Delhi valid including CTE and authoriza installatio deficienci tion. n of Solar es in the Water CTO Heating applicatio System n. and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
199 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The B-859-70, n of Solar HCU is Family Avantika, Water NW- having Letter Hospital( Sector-1, 08.08.2006 25 G Y Heating N N N N 020 valid Issued. P)Ltd. Rohini, System authoriza Delhi-85 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 200 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci The n of Solar es in the 64,65/A- HCU is Satyam Water CTO 4/Sec-16 NW- having Letter Hospital 08.08.2006 07.12.06 21 G Y Heating N N Y Y(Old) applicatio Rohini 022 valid Issued. (P)Ltd. System n. Delhi-85 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 201 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The Pragati n of Solar B.D HCU is Mkt. Water Attam NW- having Letter Ashok 27.02.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 046 valid Issued. Vihar-II System & MRC authoriza Delhi-52 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 202 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio 53- The Chawla n of Solar Harsh- HCU is Hospital Water Vihar, NW- having Letter & 04.05.2005 10 G Y Heating N N N N Pitampura 058 valid Issued. Nursing System New authoriza Home and to Delhi tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 203 D.R C-2/3 D.R 28.03.2007 24.09.08 04.0 NW- 10 G Y The Reminder Letter N Y Y N CTE Maternit . House , 4.08 065 HCU is letter to Issued. granted, y & Pragati having be issued and EE Nursing Mkt valid for (BMW ), Home ,Ashok authoriza applying Concerne Vihar -II, tion. for d Delhi-52 Consent AEE(BM to Operate W), and and for Trainee installatio will carry n of Solar out the Water inspectio Heating n . System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
204 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar 711,Mukh HCU is Durga Water erjee NW- having Letter Hospital( 08.06.2005 15 G Y Heating N N N N Nagar 107 valid Issued. p)ltd. System Delhi authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 205 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. A- installatio The 11,Sarai n of Solar HCU is Pipal Water G.T.K NW- having Letter Thalla,Ad 17.04.2007 16 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 119 valid Issued. arsh System authoriza Nagar,Del and to tion. hi-34 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 206 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio Jain The n of Solar Child & AE-7, HCU is Water Maternit Shalimar NW- having Letter 14.09.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N N y Bagh, 144 valid Issued. System Hospital Delhi-88 authoriza and to P. Ltd., tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 207 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar Maharaj D-Block, HCU is Water a Phase-1, NW- having Letter 09.11.2004 30 G Y Heating N N N N Agarsain Ashok 172 valid Issued. System Hospital Vihar authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 208 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio 1616 The Nu-Life n of Solar Outeram HCU is Hospital Water Lines NW- having Letter & 15.04.2005 15 G Y Heating N N N N kingsway 199 valid Issued. Maternit System camp, authoriza y centre and to Delhi-9 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 209 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO with installatio clarificati The n of Solar on on the Ram HCU is Kanjhwal Water points Roop NW- having Letter a, Delhi- 18.05.2005 15 G Y Heating Y N N N raised by Health 218 valid Issued. 110081 System HCU in Centre authoriza and to their tion. convert reply. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 210 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio A-6 The n of Solar Panchwati HCU is Sehgal Water Opp.Azad NW- having Letter Nursing 12.02.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N N pur Subzi 234 valid Issued. Home System Mandi, authoriza and to Delhi-33 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 211 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and Adarsh including CTO with Nagar installatio clarificati E-10, The Sewak n of Solar on on the Dairy HCU is Sabha Water points Marg, NW- having Letter (Regd.) 16.03.2007 10 G Y Heating Y N N N raised by Adarsh 259 valid Issued. Dharmar System HCU in Nagar, authoriza th and to their Delhi-33 tion. Hospital convert reply. (II) their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 212 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The U-61A n of Solar HCU is Narela Lampur Water NW- having Letter Nursing Road,Nar 19.04.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N N 289 valid Issued. Home ela,Delhi- System authoriza 40 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 213 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and for CTO. applying for Consent 195,Deep to R.G.Ston The ali Chowk Establish e HCU is (Outer and for Urologic NW- having Letter Ring 15.12.2005 31 G Y installatio N N N N al 324 valid Issued. Road), n of Solar Research authoriza Pitampura Water Institute tion. ,Delhi-34 Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 214 Hemraj A/6, 04.08.2006 NW- 12 G Y The Reminder Letter N N N N Letter be Jain Pushpanja 337 HCU is letter to Issued. issued for Hospital li having be issued CTE and Enclave, valid including CTO. Pitam authoriza installatio Pura, tion. n of Solar Delhi Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
215 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The G-1/63, n of Solar Sai HCU is Sector Water Drishti NW- having Letter -15, 30.08.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N N Maternit 343 valid Issued. Rohini, System y Centre authoriza Delhi and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 216 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Multi installatio Purpose The n of Solar Communi HCU is Child Water ty Centre, NW- having Letter Survival 28.11.2006 25 G Y Heating N N N N Village- 346 valid Issued. India System Kherakhu authoriza and to rd, Delhi - tion. convert 82 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 217 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for Village- including CTE and The Khizrabad installatio deficienci HCU is Lions (Near B- n of Solar es in the having Hospital Block), Water CTO S- valid Letter & New 12.04.2007 17.12.07 49 G Y Heating Y N Y N applicatio 019 authoriza Issued. Research Friends System n. tion. Centre Colony, and to CTE not New convert applied. Delhi-65 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 218 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and 1- Factory installatio deficienci Road, The n of Solar es in the (Ring HCU is Shanti Water CTO Road, S- having Letter Avedna 03.10.2006 19.02.08 36 G Y Heating Y N Y N applicatio near 021 valid Issued. Ashram System n. Safdarjun authoriza and to g hospital) tion. convert ND-29 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 219 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO with installatio clarificati 15/199- The n of Solar on on the 200, HCU is Sunil Water points Malviya S- having Letter Nursing 02.03.2007 30 G Y Heating Y N N Y raised by Nagar, 023 valid Issued. Home System HCU in New authoriza and to their Delhi-17 tion. convert reply. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 220 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio A48,Freed The Sahara n of Solar om HCU is NACO/ Water Fighter's S- having Letter Michael' 14.03.2007 26 G Y Heating N N N N Colony 027 valid Issued. s Care System Neb Sarai authoriza Home and to ND-68 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 221 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for 3, be issued CTE and MMTC, including CTO. STC installatio Colony, The n of Solar Opp, HCU is Geetang Water Geetanjali S- having Letter ali 16.03.2007 20 G Y Heating N N N N Enclave, 028 valid Issued. Hospital System Near authoriza and to Aurbindo tion. convert College, their New ordinary Delhi-17 bulbs with CFLs. 222 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Sehgal's installatio B-21 The Nursing n of Solar &22, HCU is home& Water Kailash S- having Letter Neurolo 04.06.2005 24 G Y Heating N N N N colony, 030 valid Issued. gical System New authoriza Research and to Delhi-49 tion. Institute convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 223 EE CTE (BMW ), granted, Concern and EE ed (BMW ), AEE(BM Concerne W), and d Trainee AEE(BM will carry W), and out the Trainee inspectio will carry n, and out the letter to inspectio 1, be n . Communi The issued Sujan ty Cnetre, HCU is for noise Mohinde New 25.0 S- having Letter 23.06.2005 13.11.07 22 G Y monitorin N Y Y N r Friends 6.08 033 valid Issued. g report Hospital Colony, authoriza and New tion. installatio Delhi-65 n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs 224 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and Bala installatio deficienci The Sahib n of Solar es in the Guru HCU is Gurudwar Water CTO Harkisha S- having Letter a 08.10.2004 25.04.08 24 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio n 035 valid Issued. Complex, System n. Hospital authoriza Opp. New and to tion. Delhi-14 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 225 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci 90/43 The n of Solar es in the Malviya HCU is Akash Water CTO Nagar S- having Letter Arogya 20.08.2004 10.01.07 25 G Y Heating N N Y Y applicatio New 045 valid Issued. Mandir System n. Delhi- authoriza and to 110017 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 226 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and Banarsid including CTO. as Chandiwa installatio Chandiw la Estate, The n of Solar ala Eye Maa HCU is Water Institute, Anandma S- having Letter 17.10.2007 30 G Y Heating N N N N Diagnost yi Marg, 055 valid Issued. System ic centre Kalkaji authoriza and to & ,New tion. convert Polyclini Delhi19 their c ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 227 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar 1/113, HCU is Bhagwat Water Mehruli,N S- having Letter i 05.03.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N N ew Delhi- 057 valid Issued. Hospital System 30 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 228 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. G.R.Kail installatio 186-B, The a n of Solar Hari HCU is Memoria Water Nagar, S- having Letter l 27.04.2005 10 G Y Heating N N N N Ashram, 105 valid Issued. Charitabl System New authoriza e and to delhi-14 tion. Hospital convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 229 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The 7/5, n of Solar HCU is Healing Sarvapriy Water S- having Letter Touch a Vihar 09.04.2007 11 G Y Heating N N N N 110 valid Issued. Hospital New System authoriza Delhi-16 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 230 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. H-13, installatio The Ratia n of Solar HCU is Health Marg, Water S- having Letter Point Sangam 30.04.2007 16 G Y Heating N N N N 111 valid Issued. Hospital Vihar, System authoriza New and to tion. Delhi. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 231 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO with installatio clarificati B-2, The n of Solar on on the Greater HCU is Helvetia Water points Kailash, S- having Letter Klinic 08.03.2007 15 G Y Heating Y N N N raised by Phase-I, 112 valid Issued. Pvt Ltd System HCU in New authoriza and to their Delhi-48 tion. convert reply. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 232 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The W-33 n of Solar HCU is M.P Greater Water S- having Letter Heart kailash-I, 23.03.2007 11 G Y Heating N N N N 128 valid Issued. Centre New System authoriza Delhi-48 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 233 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Near installatio The Communi n of Solar HCU is ty Hall, Water Mir S- having Letter Aali 25.04.2005 10 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 143 valid Issued. Vihar, System authoriza Badarpur and to tion. ND44 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 234 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci 414, Near The n of Solar es in the N.V.S S.B.I,Mat HCU is Water CTO Badarpur hura S- having Letter 30.03.2007 28.02.08 15 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio Nursing Road,Bad 146 valid Issued. System n. Home arpur, authoriza and to Delhi-44 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 235 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar NTPC/B HCU is Water adarpur Badarpur, S- having Letter 20.04.2007 18 G Y Heating N N N N Thermal Delhi 151 valid Issued. System Power authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 236 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci The Sawan n of Solar es in the HCU is Neelu J- Water CTO S- having Letter Angels 293,Saket 09.03.2007 23.11.07 14 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio 185 valid Issued. Nursing ND-17 System n. authoriza home and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 237 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci The A-9, n of Solar es in the HCU is Shroff Kailash Water CTO S- having Letter Eye Colony, 23.02.2007 23.02.07 15 G Y Heating Y N Y Y applicatio 191 valid Issued. Centre New System n. authoriza Delhi-48 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 238 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. G-48, installatio The Masjid n of Solar HCU is South Moth, Water S- having Letter Point Greater 25.07.2005 30 G Y Heating N N N N 194 valid Issued. Hospital Kailash, System authoriza New and to tion. Delhi convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 239 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and C-201, including CTO. Jawahar installatio Dr. The Park n of Solar Sunder HCU is ,Main Water Lal S- having Letter Deoli 24.06.2005 16 G Y Heating N N N N Memoria 198 valid Issued. Road, System l authoriza Khanpur, and to Hospital tion. New convert Delhi-62 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 240 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and for Letter be applying issued for for CTO. Consent 2, Ring The to Operate road, HCU is and for The Lajpat 22.0 S- having installatio Letter Heart 06.10.2004 24 G Y Y Y N Y Nagar-IV, 5.08 205 valid n of Solar Issued. Centre New authoriza Water Delhi-24 tion. Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 241 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar C-5, HCU is Mohinde Water Green S- having Letter r 13.03.2007 30 G Y Heating N N N N Park Ext, 233 valid Issued. Hospital System N.delhi.16 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 242 All India Khasra. 16.05.2007 S- 15 G Y The Reminder Letter N N N N Letter be Prayer 175, 242 HCU is letter to Issued. issued for Fellowsh Executive having be issued CTE and ip Club valid including CTO. mission Road , authoriza installatio Hospital Shahurpur tion. n of Solar , Water Mehrauli, Heating New System Delhi-74 and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
243 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio Saidulajai The n of Solar b, Neb HCU is Vidyasa Water Sarai S- having Letter gar 08.12.2004 10 G Y Heating N N N N Road,Del 247 valid Issued. Hospital System hi - 110 authoriza and to 030 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 244 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and B-5/24, installatio deficienci SAFDAR The n of Solar es in the JUNG HCU is CENTR Water CTO ENCLAV S- having Letter E FOR 09.01.2007 22.01.08 15 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio E, 249 valid Issued. SIGHT System n. NEW authoriza and to DELHI tion. convert -29 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 245 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for Krishna be issued CTE and Hospital 507, including CTO. ( A unit bandh installatio of Dr. Road, The n of Solar Pradeep Extended HCU is Water Kharban Lal Dora, S- having Letter 17.02.2005 16 G Y Heating N N N N da Village- 252 valid Issued. System Krishna Devli, authoriza and to Memoria New tion. convert l Delhi - 11 their Hospital 0 062 ordinary Pvt. Ltd. bulbs with CFLs. 246 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar 7, Ring HCU is Dr. Water Road, S- having Letter Manchan 16.03.2005 18 G Y Heating N N N N New 256 valid Issued. da Clinic System Delhi-24 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 247 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The A-1, new n of Solar HCU is Friends Water Bansal S- having Letter Colony, 02.05.2006 30 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 273 valid Issued. New System authoriza Delhi and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 248 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio B-28, The East n of Solar Greater HCU is West Water Kailash, S- having Letter Medical 08.03.2007 16 G Y Heating N N N N Part-I, 284 valid Issued. Centre System New authoriza Pvt. Ltd. and to Delhi-48 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 249 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. RZ- installatio Sanjay The 11,Main n of Solar Hospital HCU is Road Water & SW- having Letter Palam 19.07.2007 20 G Y Heating N N N N Maternit 008 valid Issued. Colony , System y Center authoriza New and to (P)Ltd tion. Delhi-45 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 250 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The B-128, n of Solar HCU is Naraina Water BEHL, SW- having Letter Vihar, 24.01.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 011 valid Issued. New System authoriza Delhi-28 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 251 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The Family Plot No. n of Solar HCU is Planning 10, Sec-4, Water SW- having Letter Associat R.K.Pura 14.03.2007 17 G Y Heating N N N N 044 valid Issued. e Of m New System authoriza India Delhi and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 252 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and Vasant installatio deficienci The Vihar, Pt- n of Solar es in the HCU is Holy B, Water CTO SW- having Letter Angels Communi 08.03.2007 19.12.07 30 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio 051 valid Issued. Hospital ty Centre, System n. authoriza New and to tion. Delhi-57 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 253 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and including Letter be installatio issued for Malviya The n of Solar CTO. Malviya Nagar HCU is Water Nagar (Govt of 02.0 SW- having Letter 23.02.2005 10 G Y Heating N Y N N Colony Delhi, 7.08 066 valid Issued. System Hospital New authoriza and to Delhi-17 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 254 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Pt. RZ I/3 installatio The Girdhari Main n of Solar HCU is Lal Road Water SW- having Letter Memoria Palam 05.12.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N N 075 valid Issued. l Sharma Colony , System authoriza Nursing New and to tion. Home Delhi-45 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 255 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio C-141, The Dashmes n of Solar Shiv HCU is h Water Nagar SW- having Letter Charitabl 28.10.2005 15 G Y Heating N N N N Extn. Jail 101 valid Issued. e System road, New authoriza Hosptial and to Delhi-58 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 256 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Khasra installatio No-139- The n of Solar 140, HCU is Water Deepan Najafgarh SW- having Letter 25.10.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital Road, 102 valid Issued. System Kapashera authoriza and to , New tion. convert Delhi their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 257 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci Divya R-37, The n of Solar es in the Prastha Main HCU is Water CTO Hospital Road SW- having Letter 09.03.2007 17.01.08 10 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio & Palam 117 valid Issued. System n. Diagnost Colony, authoriza and to ic Centre N.D-45 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 258 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and C-40, Gl. installatio deficienci The No. 9, n of Solar es in the HCU is Sadh Water CTO Singhal SW- having Letter Nagar, 02.01.2007 30.11.07 10 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio Hospital 118 valid Issued. Palam System n. authoriza colony, and to tion. N.D-45 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 259 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and 662-A & including CTO. 708, 709, installatio The Dr. n of Solar HCU is Gobhani Yograj Water SW- having Letter a Nirog Verma 07.09.2005 15 G Y Heating N N N N 128 valid Issued. Dham Marg, System authoriza Najafgarh, and to tion. New convert Delhi their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 260 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. 85,Old installatio The Roshanpu n of Solar HCU is Metro ra Chawla Water SW- having Letter Plus stand, 27.12.2005 15 G Y Heating N N N N 130 valid Issued. Hospital Roshanpu System authoriza ra, and to tion. Najafgarh convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 261 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and E-6, including CTO. Street No- installatio The 16, Sadh n of Solar HCU is Nagar, Water Vijaya SW- having Letter Palam 18.01.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 143 valid Issued. Colony, System authoriza New and to tion. Delhi - convert 110 045 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 262 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Rural installatio Commun RZ-A- The n of Solar ity 116, HCU is Water Health Mahipal SW- having Letter 18.01.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N N Care & Pur, New 144 valid Issued. System Diagnost Delhi - authoriza and to ic 110 037 tion. convert Centre their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 263 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and RZ-S-43, including CTO. New installatio The RoshanPu n of Solar HCU is ra Water Dr. Shah SW- having Letter Extension, 08.02.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 145 valid Issued. Najafgarg, System authoriza New and to tion. Delhi- convert 110043 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 264 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for Phase-II, be issued CTE and Gopal including CTO. Nagar, installatio Rajwati The Main n of Solar Nursing HCU is Shakurpur Water Home SW- having Letter Road, 31.01.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N N and 146 valid Issued. Najafgarh System Maternit authoriza Road, and to y Centre tion. New convert Delhi - their 110 042 ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 265 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The Jankidas n of Solar HCU is Kapoor Water New W- having Letter Memoria 09.11.2005 35 G Y Heating N N N N Delhi-08 013 valid Issued. l System authoriza Hospital and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 266 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci F-95 Bali The n of Solar es in the Nagar HCU is Khetarpa Water CTO ,Najafgarh W- having Letter Y(Grant l 04.01.2007 30 G Y Heating N N N applicatio Road , 014 valid Issued. ed) Hospital System n. New authoriza and to Delhi tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 267 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The 49 , South n of Solar HCU is Kailash Patel Water W- having Letter Nursing Nagar, 03.04.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N N 017 valid Issued. Home New System authoriza Delhi-8 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 268 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for WZ-26A, be issued CTE and New including CTO. Sahib installatio Pura, The n of Solar Opp. HCU is Family Water CRPF W- having Letter Hospital 04.09.2006 25 G Y Heating N N N N Camp, 019 valid Issued. Pvt. Ltd. System Tilak authoriza and to Nagar, tion. convert New their Delhi ordinary 110018 bulbs with CFLs. 269 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The 2/12 East n of Solar HCU is Sach Patel Water W- having Letter Nursing Nagar, 25.10.2005 20 G Y Heating N N N N 023 valid Issued. Home New System authoriza Delhi-8 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 270 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci The n of Solar es in the FC HCU is Water CTO Tagore Block,Tag W- having Letter 14.05.2007 22.08.07 20 G Y Heating N N Y Y applicatio Hospital ore Gdn. 025 valid Issued. System n. ND-27 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 271 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO with installatio clarificati The A-3, n of Solar on on the HCU is Amit Manak Water points W- having Letter Nursing Vihar Ext. 21.07.2006 15 G Y Heating Y N N Y raised by 034 valid Issued. Home Tihar ND- System HCU in authoriza 18 and to their tion. convert reply. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 272 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio B-52,Near The n of Solar Krishna HCU is Water Anand Park W- having Letter 20.09.2005 18 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital Dholi 038 valid Issued. System Piao,Delhi authoriza and to -18 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 273 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar 19, Bhera HCU is Attam Water Enclave, W- having Letter Nursing 18.01.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N N New 044 valid Issued. home System Delhi-87 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 274 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The A-6/13, n of Solar HCU is Batra Pachim Water W- having Letter Nursing Vihar, 06.03.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N N 049 valid Issued. Home New System authoriza Delhi-63 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 275 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci The D-2/48 n of Solar es in the HCU is -49 , Water CTO Bhagat W- having Letter Janakpuri 08.03.2007 10 G Y Heating Y N Y Y applicatio Hospital 17.01.08 051 valid Issued. , New System n. authoriza Delhi-58 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 276 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The 2B/47-48, n of Solar HCU is Ramesh Water Bhalla W- having Letter Nagar, 07.08.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 052 valid Issued. New System authoriza Delhi and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 277 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio A- The n of Solar 142/1,Gan HCU is Water Central esh Nagar W- having Letter 13.04.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N N Hispital P.O.Tilak 059 valid Issued. System Nagar authoriza and to ND-18 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 278 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and EE for (BMW ), applying Concerne for d Consent AEE(BM C-50, Om The to Operate W), and Vihar HCU is and for Trainee Gandhi Uttam 15.0 W- having installatio Letter will carry Nursing 27.06.2005 09.10.06 25 G Y N Y Y Y Nagar, 5.08 111 valid n of Solar Issued. out the Home New authoriza Water inspectio Delhi-59 tion. Heating n . System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 279 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and for Letter be applying issued for for CTO. Consent The to Operate B- HCU is and for Gupta 5/7,Paschi 09.0 W- having installatio Letter Medical 02.01.2007 10 G Y N Y N N m Vihar 6.08 124 valid n of Solar Issued. Centre NewDelhi authoriza Water tion. Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 280 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci The n of Solar es in the 57, Raja HCU is Handa Water CTO Garden , W- having Letter Nursing 09.03.2007 07.01.08 35 G Y Heating N N Y Y applicatio New 127 valid Issued. Home System n. Delhi-15 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 281 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Hemraj installatio Home The Jain n of Solar -I,Block HCU is Hospital Water C-I , W- having Letter & 08.08.2006 12 G Y Heating N N N N Janak 130 valid Issued. Maternit System Puri, New authoriza y Home and to Delhi-58 tion. Nursing convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 282 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio A-328 The n of Solar Meera HCU is Water Jainar Bagh W- having Letter 17.01.2007 10 G Y Heating N N N Y Hospital Paschim 135 valid Issued. System Vihar, authoriza and to Delhi-87 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 283 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. A-252 installatio The Hari n of Solar HCU is Nagar Water Jasrotia W- having Letter clock 07.10.2005 10 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 141 valid Issued. Tower , System authoriza New and to tion. Delhi -64 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 284 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The A-3/313 , n of Solar HCU is Jawa Pachim Water W- having Letter Nursing Vihar, 06.03.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N N 142 valid Issued. Home New System authoriza Delhi-63 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 285 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO with C-15, C- installatio clarificati The Kartik Block n of Solar on on the HCU is Nursing Communi Water points W- having Letter Home & ty centre , 01.03.2005 17 G Y Heating Y N N Y raised by 158 valid Issued. Urology Jankpuri, System HCU in authoriza Centre New and to their tion. Delhi-58 convert reply. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 286 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO with installatio clarificati The F-131 , n of Solar on on the HCU is Kathuria Rajouri Water points W- having Letter Nursing Garden , 20.03.2007 10 G Y Heating Y N N Y raised by 160 valid Issued. Home New System HCU in authoriza Delhi-27 and to their tion. convert reply. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 287 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. GN-5, installatio F&G The n of Solar Khetarpa Sector, HCU is Water l Shivaji W- having Letter 21.09.2006 14 G Y Heating N N N Y Nursing Enclave, 167 valid Issued. System Home New authoriza and to Delhi tion. convert 110027 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 288 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar A-2-7 , HCU is Water Lok Janak Puri W- having Letter 24.07.2006 15 G Y Heating N N N Y Clinic , New 172 valid Issued. System Delhi-58 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 289 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar HCU is New B-39,Moti Water W- having Letter Medical nagar ND- 04.08.2006 18 G Y Heating N N N N 192 valid Issued. Centre 15 System authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 290 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for 3, Amar be issued CTE and Enclave, including CTO with Village, installatio clarificati The Nawada, n of Solar on on the HCU is R. Main Water points W- having Letter Nayyar Najafgarh 07.03.2007 10 G Y Heating Y N N Y raised by 221 valid Issued. Hospital RD, PO, System HCU in authoriza Uttam and to their tion. Nagar, convert reply. new their Delhi-59 ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 291 Sai A-3/118, 28.07.2006 06.10.08 02.0 W- 15 G Y The Reminder Letter N Y Y N CTE Nursing Janak 4.08 235 HCU is letter to Issued. granted, Home Puri, New having be issued and EE Delhi valid for (BMW ), 110058 authoriza applying Concerne tion. for d Consent AEE(BM to Operate W), and and for Trainee installatio will carry n of Solar out the Water inspectio Heating n . System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
292 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The 25/21 n of Solar HCU is Tilak Water Shishu W- having Letter Nagar, 01.03.2007 15 G Y Heating N N N Y Sadan 252 valid Issued. New System authoriza Delhi-18 and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 293 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The n of Solar M-25, HCU is U.K Water Vikas W- having Letter Nursing 31.07.2006 18 G Y Heating N N N N Puri, New 281 valid Issued. Home System Delhi-18 authoriza and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 294 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. Wz-633, installatio Shiv The n of Solar Western Nagar HCU is Water d Ext.(Near W- having Letter 19.07.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N N Nursing Jail 289 valid Issued. System Home Road ), authoriza and to New tion. convert Delhi-58 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 295 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. WZ- installatio The 409A, n of Solar HCU is Janak Water Lotus W- having Letter Park, Hari 29.08.2006 15 G Y Heating N N N Y Hospital 297 valid Issued. Nagar, System authoriza New and to tion. Delhi-15 convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 296 Reminder Reminder letter to letter be be issued issued for including CTE and installatio deficienci 140 D, The Krishna n of Solar es in the Main HCU is Surgical Water CTO Najafgarh W- having Letter & 07.08.2006 05.12.07 10 G Y Heating N N Y N applicatio Road, 309 valid Issued. Maternit System n. Nangloi, authoriza y Home and to delhi-41 tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 297 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and for Letter be applying issued for for CTO. B- Consent 364,MEE The to Operate SEHGA RA HCU is and for L BAGH,O 26.0 W- having installatio Letter NURSIN UTER 05.04.2005 38 G Y Y Y N N 3.08 325 valid n of Solar Issued. G RING authoriza Water HOME ROAD,N. tion. Heating DELHI- System 63 and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 298 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. A-1/7, installatio Paschim The n of Solar Vihar HCU is Water A-One Main W- having Letter 15.02.2005 10 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital Rohtak 330 valid Issued. System Road, authoriza and to New tion. convert Delhi-63 their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 299 Ashray WHS2/24, 27.12.2005 W- 15 G Y The Reminder Letter N N N N Letter be Medical Timber 338 HCU is letter to Issued. issued for Centre Market, having be issued CTE and Kirti valid including CTO. Nagar authoriza installatio N.Delhi tion. n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
300 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The 8/10, n of Solar HCU is Laparosc Tilak Water W- having Letter opy Nagar, 21.04.2006 15 G Y Heating N N N N 344 valid Issued. Hospital New System authoriza Delhi and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 301 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. B-28, installatio The Kiran n of Solar HCU is Jeevan Garden, Water W- having Letter Jyoti Uttam 09.05.2006 25 G Y Heating N N N N 345 valid Issued. Hospital Nagar, System authoriza New and to tion. Delhi convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 302 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. installatio The 1/8, West n of Solar HCU is patel Water Kalyani W- having Letter Nagar, 30.08.2006 10 G Y Heating N N N N Hospital 350 valid Issued. New System authoriza Delhi - and to tion. convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 303 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio 161/3, tion of Astha n of Solar Pataudi the HCU Nursing Water House C- is Letter & 13.03.2002 16 NA Y Heating N N N N Daryaganj 025 expired. Issued. Maternit System , New Not y Home and to Delhi-2 applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 304 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The KOTHI including CTO. authoriza MEM,BA installatio tion of HADUR n of Solar SANJID the HCU GARH Water A C- is Letter ROAD,B 13.08.2004 16 NA Y Heating N N N N HOSPIT 099 expired. Issued. ARA System AL Not HINDU and to applied RAO,DE convert for LHI-6 their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 305 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of n of Solar A-13, the HCU Life Water Priyadars E- is Letter Line 23.11.2004 24 NA Y Heating N N N N hini Vihar 014 expired. Issued. Hospital System , Delhi-92 Not and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 306 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of F-3/15,F- n of Solar the HCU Ashok 3/16 Water E- is Letter nursing Krishna 26.06.2001 15 NA Y Heating N N N N 024 expired. Issued. home nagar System Not Delhi-51 and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 307 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of 2,Krishna n of Solar the HCU Sharda Market, Water E- is Letter Medical Jhilmill 11.08.2004 15 NA Y Heating N N N N 128 expired. Issued. Centre Colony , System Not Delhi-95 and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 308 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The 30, Shanti including CTO. authoriza Vihar,Nea installatio tion of Shivam r n of Solar the HCU Surgical Geetanjali Water E- is Letter & Apartmen 29.09.2004 10 NA Y Heating N N N Y 132 expired. Issued. Maternit ts,Karkard System Not y Centre ooma, and to applied Delhi- convert for 110092 their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 309 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for 3A,NEW be issued CTE and The VISHWA including CTO. authoriza S installatio tion of NAGAR, n of Solar the HCU A.C.N.H 18 Water E- is Letter OSPITA QUARTE 09.05.2004 15 NA Y Heating N N N N 181 expired. Issued. L RS System Not CHOWK, and to applied SHAHDA convert for RA,DEL their renewal. HI-32 ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 310 Reminder CTE letter to granted, be issued and The including Letter be Bimla authoriza installatio issued for Devi Pl. No. 5, tion of n of Solar CTO. Hospital Pockt-B, the HCU Water (A unit Mayur 25.0 E- is Letter 21.09.2004 30 NA Y Heating N Y N N of Vihar Ph- 7.08 183 expired. Issued. System Dr.Walia II, Delhi- Not and to Charitabl 91 applied convert e Trust) for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 311 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of n of Solar the HCU Maan 1/37 Roop Water N- is Letter Hospital( Nagar, 07.04.2003 20 NA Y Heating N N N N 011 expired. Issued. P)Ltd Delhi-7 System Not and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 312 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio Bansal tion of 3590- n of Solar Hospital the HCU 91,Sita Water & N- is Letter Ram 12.02,2008 15 NA Y Heating N N N N Research 015 expired. Issued. Bazaar,De System Centre Not lhi-6 and to (p)ltd. applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 313 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza 11A, installatio tion of Shahzada n of Solar the HCU Golden Bagh Water N- is Letter Century Extn. 29.03.2004 15 NA Y Heating N N N N 041 expired. Issued. Hospital Shastri System Not Nagar and to applied Delhi-52 convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 314 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The Affida including CTO with authoriza vit installatio clarificati Main tion of Sub n of Solar Not on on the Burari the HCU mitte Water Required points Sant Road, N- is Letter d for 09.11.2004 10 NA Y Heating Y N N due to raised by Hospital Sant nagar 063 expired. Issued. no System not using HCU in Burari Not use and to DG Sets. their Delhi-87 applied of convert reply. for DG their renewal. sets. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 315 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of 790, n of Solar the HCU Kamaal Indira Water NE- is Letter Nursing Chowk, 19.09.2004 10 NA Y Heating N N N N 050 expired. Issued. Home Jafrabad System Not delhi-93 and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 316 Shanti B-1 , 14.10.2004 NE- 20 NA Y The Reminder Letter N N N N Letter be Nursing Panchshee 079 authoriza letter to Issued. issued for Home l Garden, tion of be issued CTE and Ltd Navin the HCU for CTO. Shahdara , is applying Delhi-32 expired. for Not Consent applied to Operate for and for renewal. installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
317 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and Sadatpur The including CTO. Main authoriza installatio Road, tion of n of Solar Karawal the HCU Water Triveni Nagar, NE- is Letter 27.05.2003 14 NA Y Heating N N N N Hospital near 091 expired. Issued. System Yamuna Not and to Vihar, applied convert Delhi for their 110094 renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 318 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio Shishu tion of n of Solar Mangal B-2/30A, the HCU Water Fertility Yamuna NE- is Letter 06.02.2004 14 NA Y Heating N N N N & Vihar, 105 expired. Issued. System Maternit Delhi-53 Not and to y Clinic applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 319 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza Lusa installatio tion of Tower n of Solar Northen the HCU A2/3 Water d NW- is Letter Naniwala 16.09.2004 15 NA Y Heating N N N N Medical 025 expired. Issued. Bagh, System Centre Not New and to applied Delhi-33 convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 320 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio Sarvoda tion of n of Solar ya North the HCU GD-28, Water Ex NW- is Letter Pitampura 07.08.2001 20 NA Y Heating N N N N Hospital 027 expired. Issued. Delhi-34 System & Heart Not and to Centre applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 321 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio Sarvody tion of n of Solar a the HCU GD-28, Water Hospital NW- is Letter Pitampura 06.07.2004 20 NA Y Heating N N N N & 028 expired. Issued. Delhi-34 System Research Not and to Centre applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 322 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of n of Solar Aggarwa the HCU 2528 Tri Water l NW- is Letter Nagar 01.10.2003 10 NA Y Heating N N N N Nursing 032 expired. Issued. Delhi-35 System Home Not and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 323 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of O-12, O- n of Solar the HCU Amar 37, Water NW- is Letter Jyoti Mangolpu 22.01.2004 10 NA Y Heating N N N N 035 expired. Issued. Hospital ri, Delhi - System Not 110083 and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 324 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of B-2/7, n of Solar Citizen the HCU Ashok Water Maternit NW- is Letter Vihar 20.04.2004 28 NA Y Heating N N N N y 061 expired. Issued. Phase-II, System Hospital Not Delhi-52 and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 325 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of n of Solar F-25/97 the HCU Famicare Water sector NW- is Letter Nursing 08.09.2004 10 NA Y Heating N N N N -7,Rohini 116 expired. Issued. Home System Delhi-85 Not and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 326 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO with authoriza installatio Affida clarificati tion of A-216A, n of Solar Affidavit vit for on on the the HCU Gayatri Model Water for no no points NW- is Letter Nursing Town-I, 03.09.2004 15 NA Y Heating Y N N DG SET DG raised by 128 expired. Issued. Home New System submitte SET HCU in Not Delhi-9 and to d subm their applied convert itted reply. for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 327 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza A-6, installatio tion of Pushpanja n of Solar the HCU Hem Raj li Water NW- is Letter Jain Enclave, 05.06.2001 15 NA Y Heating N N N N 138 expired. Issued. Hospital Pritam System Not Pura, and to applied Delhi-34 convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 328 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and including CTO. The unit installatio has Jain n of Solar AE-7 informed Medical Water shalimar NW- that the Letter Centre 30.06.2001 10 NA Y Heating N N N N Bagh , 145 business Issued. Pvt. System Delhi-88 is closed Ltd.,. and to since convert 2001. their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 329 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO with authoriza installatio clarificati tion of 9,Chander n of Solar on on the the HCU Lok Water points Krishna NW- is Letter Enclave, 08.09.2004 10 NA Y Heating Y N N N raised by Hospital 164 expired. Issued. Pitampura System HCU in Not , Delhi-34 and to their applied convert reply. for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 330 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of Lata n of Solar AG- the HCU Maternit Water 35,Shalim NW- is Letter y & 03.09.2004 15 NA Y Heating N N N N ar Bagh 169 expired. Issued. gyanae System delhi-88 Not Clinic and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 331 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza B-158, installatio tion of Gujranwal n of Solar Nirmay the HCU a Town-I, Water The NW- is Letter opp. 22.07.2004 10 NA Y Heating N N N N Diagnost 196 expired. Issued. Model System ic Centre Not Town-2, and to applied Delhi convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 332 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of Sant n of Solar Maternit the HCU Nagar Water y Home NW- is Letter Road, 19.05.2003 12 NA Y Heating N N N N M&W, 271 expired. Issued. Rani Bagh System MC.D. Not Delhi-34. and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 333 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio R.G.Ston tion of n of Solar e F-12, East the HCU Water Urologic of S- is Letter 15.09.2004 25 NA Y Heating N N N N al Kailash, 026 expired. Issued. System Research delhi-65 Not and to Institute applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 334 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of R.R F- n of Solar the HCU Medicar 1,Kalindi, Water S- is Letter e Ring 25.08.2001 20 NA Y Heating N N N N 037 expired. Issued. Services( Road ND- System Not p)Ltd. 65 and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 335 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of n of Solar the HCU Jangpura, Water Sahi S- is Letter New 11.07.2001 20 NA Y Heating N N N N Hospital 038 expired. Issued. Delhi System Not and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 336 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and 25-A , The including CTO. Block authoriza installatio AB, tion of n of Solar Aashlok Communi the HCU Water Nursing ty S- is Letter 20.09.2004 17 NA Y Heating N N N N Home Centre,Saf 042 expired. Issued. System Pvt Ltd dar Jung Not and to Enclave , applied convert New for their Delhi-29 renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 337 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of Chikitsa n of Solar B-4, the HCU Polyclini Water Saket, S- is Letter c 06.01.2005 15 NA Y Heating N N N N New 062 expired. Issued. Nursing System Delhi Not Home and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 338 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of n of Solar A-39, the HCU Jain Water NDSE-II, S- is Letter Medical 28.11.2001 15 NA Y Heating N N N N New 114 expired. Issued. Centre System Delhi-49 Not and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 339 Max N-110, 30.11.2004 29.09.08 13.0 S- 16 NA Y The Reminder Letter Y Y Y Y CTE India Panchshee 6.08 136 authoriza letter to Issued. granted, Ltd. l Park , tion of be issued and EE New the HCU for (BMW ), Delhi-17 is applying Concerne expired. for d Not Consent AEE(BM applied to Operate W), and for and for Trainee renewal. installatio will carry n of Solar out the Water inspectio Heating n . System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
340 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO with C-42, authoriza installatio Statin clarificati Mayfair tion of n of Solar g on on the Gardens, the HCU Mayfair Water Closu points Hauz S- is Letter Nursing 27.09.2004 12 NA Y Heating Y N N N re raised by Khas 138 expired. Issued. Home System w.e.f. HCU in Enclave, Not and to 01.07 their New applied convert .08 reply. Delhi-16 for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 341 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza Gautam installatio tion of National Nagar(Op n of Solar the HCU Chest p. A-133 Water S- is Letter Institute Neeti 29.10.2004 12 NA Y Heating N N N N 148 expired. Issued. & Bagh) System Not Hospital New and to applied Delhi-49 convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 342 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of Rao n of Solar 10/151, the HCU Charitabl Water Daksin S- is Letter e 06.11.2001 15 NA Y Heating N N N N Puri extn. 175 expired. Issued. Nursing System ND-62 Not Home and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 343 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO with authoriza installatio clarificati tion of B-34, n of Solar on on the Vasudev the HCU Shivalik,P Water points a S- is Letter ancheelGi 13.10.2004 15 NA Y Heating Y N N N raised by Nursing 212 expired. Issued. tanjali Rd. System HCU in Home Not Nd-17 and to their applied convert reply. for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 344 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for POCKET- be issued CTE and The V, including CTO. authoriza JASOLA, installatio tion of OPP. n of Solar SANJIV the HCU SARITA Water ANI S- is Letter VIHAR,N 10.06.2003 13 NA Y Heating N N N N HOSPIT 228 expired. Issued. OIDA System AL Not ROAD, and to applied NEW convert for DELHI- their renewal. 25 ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 345 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza Basant installatio tion of Communi n of Solar the HCU Vasant ty Centre , Water SW- is Letter Lok Vasant 11.07.2001 30 NA Y Heating N N N N 006 expired. Issued. Hospital Vihar, System Not New and to applied Delhi-57 convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 346 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio tion of RZH n of Solar the HCU 703/1, Raj Water Dev SW- is Letter nagar 03.07.2001 12 NA Y Heating N N N N Hospital 034 expired. Issued. Palam System Not Colony and to applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 347 Reminder CTE The letter to granted, authoriza be issued and EE tion of including (BMW ), B-92, the HCU installatio Concerne MJLP, is n of Solar d DWAR PATEL expired. Water AEE(BM KA 27.0 SW- Letter GARDEN 31.01.08 31.01.08 30 NA Y It had Heating Y Y Y N W), and HOSPIT 6.08 124 Issued. , applied System Trainee AL KAKROL for and to will carry A authoriza convert out the tion on their inspectio 15.03.05 ordinary n . . bulbs with CFLs. 348 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and for CTO with applying clarificati 369-A, for (Stati on on the The Gopal Consent ng points authoriza Nagar to Closu raised by Bhardwa tion of Main Establish re, HCU in j's the HCU Dhansa and for Oper their Ayushm SW- is Letter Road, 13.11.2006 15 NA Y installatio Y N N N ating reply. an 142 expired. Issued. Near n of Solar only Nusrsing Not Prem Water Ayurv Home applied Nursery, Heating adic for Najafgarh System OPD. renewal. Road and to ) convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 349 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO with authoriza installatio clarificati tion of H -11, 12 n of Solar on on the the HCU Gupta & 14 Water points W- is Letter Nursing Uttam 08.07.08 25 NA Y Heating Y N N Y raised by 021 expired. Issued. Home nagar ND- System HCU in Not 59 and to their applied convert reply. for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 350 Jiyalal 6,Inder 30.07.2001 W- 15 NA Y The Reminder Letter N N N N Letter be Hospital Enclave,N 144 authoriza letter to Issued. issued for & ear Peera tion of be issued CTE and Maternit Garhi the HCU including CTO. y Centre Chowk,R is installatio ohtak expired. n of Solar Road Not Water Delhi-87 applied Heating for System renewal. and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs.
351 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO with authoriza installatio clarificati tion of C- n of Solar on on the the HCU Khanna 4F/245 , Water points W- is Letter Nursing Janakpuri, 29.09.2004 15 NA Y Heating Y N N N raised by 164 expired. Issued. Home New System HCU in Not Delhi-58 and to their applied convert reply. for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 352 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza I-50 Arya installatio Mahajan tion of Samaj n of Solar Children the HCU Road , Water Hospital W- is Letter Uttam 21.09.2004 10 NA Y Heating N N N N & 176 expired. Issued. Nagar System Nursing Not New and to Home applied Delhi-59 convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 353 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. 2979/3,Ra authoriza installatio njit tion of n of Solar Nagar(Ne the HCU Water Nijhara ar Shiv W- is Letter 13.12.2004 10 NA Y Heating N N N N hospital Mandir),S 193 expired. Issued. System outh Patel Not and to nagar,ND- applied convert 8 for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 354 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO with authoriza installatio clarificati tion of The 69/5A, n of Solar on on the Sumerm the HCU HCU Najafgarh Water points al Jain W- is Letter is Road, 17.06.2004 10 NA Y Heating Y N N N raised by Eye 269 expired. Issued. non New System HCU in Hospital Not opera Delhi-15 and to their applied ting convert reply. for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 355 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza 496, Main installatio tion of Najafgarh n of Solar R.P. the HCU Road( Ne Water Memoria W- is Letter ar Krishna 17.02.2004 15 NA Y Heating N N N N l 323 expired. Issued. Mandir),N System Hospital Not angloi,Del and to applied hi-41 convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 356 Reminder Letter be letter to issued for be issued CTE and The including CTO. authoriza installatio Indira tion of n of Solar Gandhi WZ-275, the HCU Water Charitabl Madi Pur W- is Letter 15.03.2004 10 NA Y Heating N N N N e Village,D 324 expired. Issued. System dispensa elhi-63 Not and to ry applied convert for their renewal. ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 357 Patliputr 7,Samay 29-Jan- NW- 10 Y EE Letter N N N N Letter be a Pur 08 206 (BMW ), issued. issued for Nursing delhi-42 Concern CTE and home ed CTO. AEE(BM W), and Trainee will carry out the inspectio n, and letter to be issued to apply for Consent to Operate, Consent to Establish , for submissi on of noise monitorin g report and installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 358 EE Letter N Reminder (BMW ), issued. letter be Concern issued for ed CTE and AEE(BM deficienci W), and es in the Trainee CTO will carry applicatio out the n. inspectio n, and letter to be issued to apply for Consent to B-37, Operate, K.K.Sur East Consent gical & Jyoti to 11-Feb- NE- Maternit Nagar, 08.02.08 10 Y Establish N N Y 08 116 y Loni , for Centre Road, submissi Delhi-03 on of noise monitorin g report and installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 359 EE Letter Letter be (BMW ), issued. issued for Concern CTE and ed CTO with AEE(BM clarificati W), and on on the Trainee points will carry raised by out the HCU in inspectio their n, and reply. letter to be issued to apply for Consent to Operate, Consent 1742 , DEL to Lal Kaun, 20-Jun- C- Nursing 10 Y Establish Y N N N Delhi- 08 110 Home , for 11006 submissi on of noise monitorin g report and installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 360 EE Letter Letter be (BMW ), issued. issued for Concern CTE and ed CTO. AEE(BM W), and Trainee will carry out the inspectio n, and letter to be issued to apply for Consent to R.N Operate, WZ- .Khetar Consent 283/4 pal to Vishnu 19- W- Memori 10 Y Establish N N N N Garden , Mar-.07 222 al , for New Nursing submissi Delhi-18 Home on of noise monitorin g report and installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 361 EE Letter CTE (BMW ), issued. granted, Concern and ed Letter be AEE(BM issued for W), and CTO. Trainee will carry out the inspectio n, and letter to be issued to apply for Consent to Mata C-9, Om Operate, Roop Vihar, Consent Rani Phase-I, to Maggo 14-May- 10.0 W- Metro 20 Y Establish N Y N N & 08 6.08 364 Vihar No. , for Mahindr 709, New submissi u Delhi-59 on of Hospital noise monitorin g report and installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. 362 EE Letter CTE (BMW ), issued. granted, Concern and ed Letter be AEE(BM issued for W), and CTO. Trainee will carry out the inspectio n, and letter to be issued to apply for Consent to Adiva Operate, Women Consent 15, Care to Anand 22.0 S- (AEZ 08.10.08 20 Y Establish Y Y N N Lok, 5.08 302 infratec , for Delhi-49 h pvt. submissi Ltd.) on of noise monitorin g report and installatio n of Solar Water Heating System and to convert their ordinary bulbs with CFLs. Sl. Name Address Dist Date of Date of Date of Beds Valid Decision A.T.R. Latest CTE CTO N.M.R. Status Decision No. of HCE of HCE S. Last Applica Application Agreement Taken on w.r.t. status(Replie Applied Applied / Taken NO. Application tion for for CTE With 07.08.08 decision d/ not Remar on for Auth. CTO Operator taken on Replied) ks 23.10.08 07.08.08 Migrat letter be ed issued A-15, from for CTE Panchwa Comm and ti, Opp. ittee CTO. Parnam Azadpur ______No. 3 i Sabjiman NW- ______due to 1 Orthopa 03.07.07 19 ______N di Bus 291 ______N N N increa edic Stand, _ se in Hospital Azadpur, bed Delhi- strengt 110033 h from nil to 19 B-7, letter be Extn./126 issued A, ______for CTE Sukhm Sufdarju S- ______and 2 ani 19.12.06 15 ______N N N N ng 282 ______CTO. Hospital Enclave, _ Delhi- 110029 B-2,Arjun letter be park issued ______J.M.S.S Najafgar for CTE SW- ______Fresh 3 . h Road, 15.10.08 20 ______and 170 ______Case Hospital New CTO. _ Delhi- 110043 Y 317, letter be Main issued A.R.K. Road for CTE ______Hospital Mauzpur, and E- ______Fresh 4 and Near 22.09.08 15 ______CTO. 223 ______Case ENT Reliance _ Centre Fresh, Delhi- 110053 Y 1402- Letter E/13, ______be main Vallabh S- ______5 road, 28.02.07 10 ______issued Hospital 209 ______Govind for _ Puri, CTE. Delhi. N D-229, letter be ______Tandon Vivek issued E- ______6 Nursing Vihar, 22.06.04 10 ______for CTE 144 ______Home Delhi- and _ 110095 N CTO.