We should We should pray We can say a always start out every morning, silent prayer at our prayer by night and before any time we START saying, Dear meal time. need help from Heavenly Heavenly Father Father.

After we You We should fold We don’t address remembered to our arms, close always get the Heavenly be quiet during our eyes and answer we want Father, we the prayer, bow our head when we say a thank Him for move ahead 3 while the prayer prayer to things the things spaces! is said. Heavenly he gives. Father.

After we thank Heavenly Father, we ask Him for things that we need.

We should always pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ. HEAVENLY FATHER PROMISES When we make mistakes, we can pray and TO HEAR MY PRAYERS AND ask Heavenly Father to forgive us. ANSWER THEM.

We should help remind our families to pray together often.

You We hear a Sing the 2nd You were tired remembered to prayer for the verse of the and it was late, pray, move bread and a primary song, so you went to ahead 3 spaces! prayer for the “I Pray in bed and didn’t water before we Faith” CS, say your partake. prayers. Go back 3 spaces. When I feel In the scriptures Joseph Smith We end our sick, I can ask a Alma the prayed in a prayer by priesthood Younger prayed grove of trees saying, in the holder to say a to Heavenly and asked God name of Jesus prayer and help Father and which church he Christ, Amen. make me feel asked him to should join. better. forgive him.

You reminded your family to pray before eating dinner. Move ahead 3 spaces.

Read the scripture 2nd Nephi chapter 32, verse 9

The Lord is slow to hear our You prayed for Name a time You used vain Read Doctrine We can say a prayers when the when you repetitions in and Covenants silent prayer if we are not missionaries. prayed for your prayer, section 112, we are in a bad obeying His Move ahead 2 something. move back 3 verse 10. situation. commandments. spaces! spaces.

Repeat the prayer that is Name Read Doctrine FINISH said before something or and Covenants someone is someone you section 19, verse baptized. See can pray for. 38 D&C 20:73 START

HEAVENLY FATHER PROMISES TO HEAR MY PRAYERS AND ANSWER THEM. FINISH Sharing time- Prayer with Pretzels/ Heavenly Father answers prayers

In about 610 A.D. a very creative Alpine Monk decided to make use of the pieces of dough left over from baking bread. The Monk formed them into thin strips folded into a looped twist to represent the folded arms of children in prayer.

This scrumptious treat was given to the children as they learned their prayers. They began calling the treat "Pretiola", which is Latin for "little reward". Soon it was known the world over as a pretzel.

The secret of making great pretzels is not only in the baking but also in the shaping. We, like pretzels, are made from the best ingredients, by the best hands available, the hands of our Father in Heaven.

Have you ever seen a broken pretzel, or one that's lost its shape? We too, can lose our shape when we don't pray always to keep our spirituality intact. Even in the midst of our greatest trials, we must remember, as did Job, to call on the Lord. The simple shape of the pretzel, arms folded in prayer, reminds us to pray each day. Our "Pretiola" or "little rewards" are the blessings we receive.

Every time you see a pretzel, remember prayer. Check to see if your arms are often folded in prayer and have not lost their shape.

So we are going to play a game that tests what you have learned this month about prayer. We are going to all play as one team. All of you are going to work together to help your team get further in the game. We may not have time to finish the entire game. Your marker will move spaces on the gameboard and the spaces may have a direction, question, statement, or tell you to move forward or back. You will be collecting pretzels along the way. If you land on a pretzel, your team will be asked a question. On the question is a number. You will earn that many pretzels for your team by getting the question right. Our goal is earn 20 pretzels and there may be a reward! If you are told to move backward, you have to give a pretzel back for every space you move backward. Hopefully we can earn more than 20 pretzels!

Questions about prayer

1. What does a pretzel have to do with prayer? 2 pretzels

2. What word do we use instead of you? 3 pretzels

3. What is the first reason for praying? 3 pretzels (To thank our Heavenly Father for the many blessings he gives us.)

4. What could we thank Heavenly Father for in our closing prayer today? 2 pretzels 5. What are the steps of saying a prayer? 3 pretzels (Begin by addressing Heavenly Father, thank for blessings, Ask for needs, end in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen)

6. What could we say in a prayer during Primary? 2 pretzels

7. What does our body look like when we pray and why? 1 pretzel

8. Name a time when prayer has helped you in your life? 1 pretzel

9. Name a story in the scripture that you can remember someone praying? 3 pretzels

10. Why is it important to pray to our Heavenly Father? 2 pretzels

11. How can you help younger siblings or other family members pray? 1 pretzel

12. Name a Primary song that has to do with prayer. 2 pretzels

13. Name someone that you could pray for? 2 pretzels

14. Where can we pray to Heavenly Father? 1 pretzel

15. What was important about Joseph’s Smith’s prayer to Heavenly Father? 3 pretzels

16. Name a time when a prayer has been answered after reading the scriptures? -----