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Volume XXXXI No. 2

Minutes of the Meeting of January 9, 2009

The Visitors of James Madison University met Friday, January 9, 2009 in the Festival Conference and Student Center Board Room on the campus of James Madison University. Dr. Meredith Gunter, Rector, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Bowles, Mark Gunter, Meredith, Rector Devine, Ronald Hartman, James, Vice Rector Evans, Vanessa Leeolou, Stephen Forbes, Lois Lodal, Elizabeth Foster, Charles Rivers, Wharton Funkhouser, Joseph Thompson, Fred Harper, Donna, Secretary

ABSENT: Damico, Joseph Rogers, Larry Strickler, Judy

ALSO PRESENT: Rose, Linwood, President Brown, Douglas, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Carr, Joanne, Senior Vice President for Advancement King, Charles, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance Warner, Mark, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs

Green, Marley, Student Member 2008-09 Garren, Steven, Speaker, Faculty Senate Egle, Don, Director of Media Relations Thune, Larson, Student Government Association Knight, Jack, University Counsel Langridge, Nick, Assistant to the President


On motion of Mrs. Forbes, seconded by Mr. Rivers, the minutes of the September 26, 2008 meeting were approved.

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Dr. Rose presented information on the following: (Attachment A) 1) JMU Information Systems Program is among the best in the nation; 2) JMU CyberCity summer program receives ABET Diversity Award; 3) Surgeon General Galson recognized JMU’s commitment to a healthy future; 4) JMU’s Marching Royal Dukes performed in the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade; 5) Dr. Brian Augustine was awarded a 2008-09 Fulbright Scholar grant to teach nanotechnology at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa; 6) His Excellency Ronen Sen, India’s Ambassador to the United States unveiled the Gandhi Statue as a gift to JMU; 7) JMU’s Sustainable Business Plan competition; 8) Visits to the campus by President-Elect Obama and former Congressman Delay; 9) December commencement held on December 13, 2008 with Joseph Damico as the Commencement speaker; 10) Budget reductions announced by the Governor; 11) Recognized Coach David Lombardo for women’s soccer success to NCAA Sweet 16; Coach Antoinette Lucas for field hockey’s winning of the CAA Championship; Coach Mickey Matthews’ recognition as National Coach of the Year and the football team’s success winning 10 games and the CAA Championship; 12) Joseph Funkhouser received the Business Person of the Year award presented by the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County Chamber of Commerce; 13) The Doctorate of Strategic Leadership has been approved by SCHEV; 14) JMU listed as 28th top value (based on academics and cost to attend) in Kiplinger’s Best Values; 15) JMU is on the list in Princeton Review’s 100 Best Values.


Athletics Committee

Mrs. Lois Forbes, Chair presented the report of the Athletics Committee. The minutes from the September 26, 2008 meeting were approved. (Attachment B)

Mrs. Forbes reported on the following topics from the committee meeting: 1) Mr. Bourne recognized Coach David Lombardo, Coach Antoinette Lucas, and Coach Mickey Matthews; 2) Ms. Carter summarized the academic performance of the student athletes; 3) Mr. Polglase reported on the giving totals for the calendar year; and 4) Mr. Bourne provided an update on the construction of the baseball/softball complex and the design of Bridgeforth Stadium.

On motion of Mrs. Forbes, seconded by Mr. Devine, the Athletics report was accepted.

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Audit Committee

Mr. Fred Thompson, Chair presented the report of the Audit Committee. The minutes from the September 26, 2008 meeting were approved. (Attachment C)

Mr. Thompson reported on the following topics from the committee meeting: 1) The State Auditors summarized the plans for completing the financial audit for 6/30/08; 2) Mr. Holsinger reported the status of accomplishing the 2008-09 Audit Plan and the annual goals for 2008-09; and 3) Mr. Holsinger reported on the status of management’s completion of action plans associated with previous audit reports.

On motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mrs. Forbes, the Audit report was accepted.

Development Committee

Mr. Jim Hartman, substituting for the Chair, presented the report of the Development Committee. The minutes from the September 26, 2008 meeting were approved. (Attachment D)

Mr. Hartman reported on the following topics from the committee meeting: 1) Dr. Carr discussed the unofficial fundraising results for the calendar year; 2) Mr. Hatfield reported on national trends, organizational initiatives and opportunities for future fundraising success; and 3) Ms. Long shared a report on the Centennial Celebration.

On motion of Mr. Hartman, seconded by Mr. Devine, the Development report was accepted.

Education and Student Life

Mr. Zie Rivers, Chair, presented the report of the Education and Student Life Committee. The minutes from the September 26, 2008 meeting were approved. (Attachment E)

Mr. Rivers reported on the following topics from the committee meeting: 1) Dr. Mitchell reported on JMU’s participation in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NYSEE); 2) Faculty Senate speaker’s report; 3) Student Member of the Board report; and 4) Student Government report. On motion of Mr. Rivers, seconded by Mrs. Forbes, the Education and Student Life report was accepted.

Finance and Physical Development Committee

Mr. James Hartman, Chair, presented the report of the Finance and Physical Development Committee. The minutes from the September 26, 2008 meeting were approved. (Attachment F)

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Mr. Hartman reported on the following from the committee meeting: 1) Mr. Knight reviewed the quarterly financial report; 2) Mr. King presented the proposed Summer Tuition and Fees; 3) Mr. King updated the committee on the recertification of the early retirement plan for faculty who participate in the Commonwealth’s Optional Retirement Plans; 4) Mr. King presented the university’s proposed 2009-10 Budget and proposed Budget Amendments; 5) Ms. Moore provided an update on Capital Outlay projects; and 6) Mr. Hulvey presented an update on the university’s emergency notification system.

On motion of Mr. Hartman, seconded by Mr. Rivers, the Finance and Physical Development report was accepted.


Dr. Douglas Brown, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs introduced Dr. Ronald Kander, Director for Engineering, who presented information on the School of Engineering. (Attachment G)


Dr. Linwood Rose introduced Mr. David Harnage from Moseley Architects who presented the university’s proposed Comprehensive Master Plan. On motion of Mr. Funkhouser, seconded by Mrs. Forbes, approved the adoption of the Comprehensive Master Plan. (Attachment H)


Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, presented the proposed 2009 Summer Tuition and Fees. On motion of Mrs. Forbes, seconded by Mr. Devine, approved the following summer tuition and fees:

Tuition and Fees (per credit hour) Va Undergraduate $223 Student Services Fee (per credit hour) Non-VA Undergraduate $666 VA Undergraduate $18 VA Graduate $308 Non-VA Undergraduate $18 Non-VA Graduate $885 VA Graduate $18 Non-VA Graduate $18 Distance Learning Courses (per credit hour) VA Undergraduate $273 Room & Board (per week) Non-VA Undergraduate $716 Room $96 VA Graduate $328 Board $96 Non-VA Graduate $905

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Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, presented information on the Governor’s Budget and the impact on higher education and James Madison University. (Attachment I)


Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, presented the university’s proposed budget amendments. On motion of Mr. Rivers, seconded by Mr. Devine, approved the proposed budget amendments. (Attachment J)

Rector Gunter then called for the board to move into Closed Session. Mr. Hartman made the following motion:

“I move the Board go into closed session to discuss the following matters: 1) pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 A-1, to discuss personnel matters involving promotions, retirements, hiring, resignations, salary adjustments, and status changes of various faculty members, administrators and appointees, as well as the award of tenure to faculty members; and 2) pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 A-3 of the Code of Virginia to discuss the acquisition/disposal of real property.”

The motion was seconded by Ms. Evans and the Board moved into closed session. Following the closed session, Dr. Gunter then stated the following:

During the closed session, the board discussed only matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and only those types of matters identified in the motion for the closed session.

RECORDED VOTE: the following is an affirmative recorded, member by member vote: Bowles, Mark Gunter, Meredith Devine, Ronald Hartman, James Evans, Vanessa Lodal, Elizabeth Forbes, Lois Rivers, Wharton Foster, Charles Thompson, Fred Funkhouser, Joseph

Dr. Gunter then asked if there were any motions to come forward.

On motion by Mr. Devine, seconded by Mrs. Forbes, the personnel actions discussed in closed session regarding promotions, retirements, hirings, resignations, award of tenure, salary adjustments and status changes of various faculty and administrators with the new promotion and tenure increments were approved (Attachment K).

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On motion by Mr. Hartman, seconded by Mr. Rivers, approved the purchase of the property at 25 Fairview Avenue at a purchase price of $309,000. On motion of Mr. Hartman, seconded by Ms. Evans, approved the purchase of the property at 10 & 24 Port Republic Road at a purchase price of $300,000.


There being no further business, on motion of Mr. Hartman, seconded by Mrs. Forbes, the Board voted to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm.

______Meredith S. Gunter, Rector

______Donna L. Harper, Secretary

Board of Visitors January 9, 2009