Foundations of Physical Education

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Foundations of Physical Education

9th Grade Foundations of Physical Education Mrs. Etter


1. To promote a desire for physical fitness and understanding and how to achieve fitness. 2. To provide students the opportunity to maintain and increase their level of physical fitness through exposure to a variety of activities. 3. To promote cooperation and sportsmanship through a variety of activities. 4. To test and evaluate physical fitness levels. 5. To encourage an interest in lifetime and team sports and activities. 6. To enrich skills, rules and strategy of playing sports and activities correctly. 7. To encourage proper etiquette, concern and care of activities and equipment we utilize. 8. To develop refusal skills, goal setting, drug awareness as part of drug education. .


1. Physical fitness activities and testing, including fitness gram, weight training and aerobics. 2. Team sports: basketball, volleyball, softball, lacrosse, football, soccer, floor hockey and other small games. 3. Lifetime activities: tennis, badminton, golf, archery, pickleball, bowling and other small games. GRADING

1. Teacher observation of effort, cooperation and leadership. 2. Periodic fitness and skill assessment. 3. Proper change of clothing for class. 4. Written health assignments.


1. Students must change for each class unless instructed otherwise by their teacher. a. Specified dress: sneakers, athletic shorts/sweatpants, crew neck t-shirt with sleeves/sweatshirt. b. No school issued athletic gear. c. No clothing may be worn in such a manner that a student’s underwear is exposed. d. Any clothing worn must be a change of clothes. e. Hats may only be worn during outside activities. f. P.E. clothing must follow general school policies. ***Students may notparticipate if their clothing is deemed to be inappropriate***

2. If you are not prepared: a. One warning will be issued per quarter for not having a change of clothes only if the student can still participate. b. Any further infractions will result in 5 pts being deducted each time the student does not change. c. Partial uniform will also result in pt deductions. A student may not participate if they do not have sneakers. No exceptions. d. These pt deductions may not be made up.

3. If you are absent: a. A student may have three excused absences each quarter without penalty. b. Excused absences over three may be made up during study hall as arranged by your teacher. c. Any type of unexcused absence cannot be made up and will result in the loss of all pts for that class period.

4. Class beginning and ending: a. Students have five minutes to change intoP.E. attire at the start of class. b. Students are expected to sit in their squads upon entering the gymnasium. c. One point will be deducted if the student is tardy arriving into the gymnasium. d. Students are not dismissed until the teacher dismisses them. e. A student entering the locker room after the passing bell is considered tardy. f. Students must stay in the locker room at the end of the period until the bell rings.

5. Excuses from P.E.: a. Students with doctor’s excuses will be assigned to Adaptive P.E. if needed. b. P.E. attire is required for students with parental excuses. c. Students with parental excuses may still be able to participate in some activities.

6. Locker rooms: a. Students are responsible for locking away their possessions. b. Clothing may be left in lockers between classes. USE A LOCK. c. The team rooms are locked from 7:30AM until 2:30PM daily. All athletes should stop at the team room before the school day begins. Physical education clothing should not be kept in the team room as it will not be opened during the school day. Team rooms will be open for teams who have early dismissals. d. Consumption of food/drinks, use of cameras or cell phones is not permitted in the locker rooms. Water bottles can be used during changing times but may not be taken out to the gym.

7. Personal Conduct: a. No swearing or foul language. b. Demonstrate sportsmanship.. c. Use equipment only when and as directed by the teacher.. d. No chewing gum or tobacco products. Above all be RESPECTFUL!!Bullying will not be tolerated!

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