Hanover Township Sewer Authority

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Hanover Township Sewer Authority

Hanover Township Sewer Authority January 17, 2011 Hanover Twp. Building

Mrs. Dawn Paden called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board members attending were Vice-Chairman Dawn Paden, Treasurer John Lavalla, Secretary Tim Seech, Dr. Leonard Pensis, Project Engineer John Rae, Solicitor John F. Salopek, New Board Member Nancy Voelker, Office Manager Diane DiBattista. Also, Supervisor Herb Grubbs, Al Contumelio, as well as approximately 20 township residents/property owners.

Mrs. Paden welcomed the New Board Member Nancy Voelker.

Reorganization was the first order of business. Mrs. Paden opened the floor for nominations:

Chairman: Mrs. Voelker nominated Mrs. Paden as Chairman. Mr. Seech nominated Mr. Lavalla. Dr. Pensis made a motion to close the nomination for Chairman. Mrs. Voelker seconds the motion. Motion carried. Roll call, Mr. Seech – Mr. Lavalla; Dr. Pensis – Mr. Lavalla; Mrs. Voelker – Mrs. Paden; Mrs. Paden – Mrs. Paden; Mr. Lavalla – Mr. Lavalla. Mr. Lavalla as Chairman.

Vice-Chairman: Mr. Lavalla nominates Mrs. Paden as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Seech seconds the motion. Mr. Seech made a motion to close the nomination for Vice-Chairman. Mrs. Voelker seconds the motion. Motion carried. Roll call, Mr. Seech – Mrs. Paden; Dr. Pensis – Mrs. Paden; Mrs. Voelker – Mrs. Paden; Mrs. Paden – Mrs. Paden; Mr. Lavalla – Mrs. Paden. Mrs. Paden as Vice-Chairman.

Secretary: Mr. Lavalla nominations for Secretary. Dr. Pensis nominated Mr. Seech. Dr. Pensis made a motion to close nomination for Secretary. Mrs. Paden seconds the motion. Motion carried. Roll call, Mr. Seech – Mr. Seech; Dr. Pensis – Mr. Seech; Mrs. Voelker – Mr. Seech; Mrs. Paden – Mr. Seech; Mr. Lavalla – Mr. Seech. Mr. Seech as Secretary.

Treasurer: Mr. Lavalla nomination for Treasurer. Mr. Lavalla nominated Mrs. Voelker as Treasurer. Mr. Seech made a motion to close the nomination for Treasurer. Mrs. Paden seconds the motion. Motion carried. Roll call, Mr. Seech – Mrs. Voelker; Dr. Pensis – Mrs. Voelker; Mrs. Voelker – Mrs. Voelker; Mrs. Paden – Mrs. Voelker; Mr. Lavalla – Mrs. Voelker. Mrs. Voelker as Treasurer.

Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Mr. Lavalla asked for nominations for New Office of Assistant Secretary/Treasurer for the Hanover Township Sewer Board. Mr. Seech nominated Dr. Pensis for Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Mrs. Paden made a motion to close the nomination for Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Mrs. Voelker seconds the motion. Motion carried. Roll call Mr. Seech – Dr. Pensis, Dr. Pensis – Dr. Pensis, Mrs. Voelker – Dr. Pensis, Mrs. Paden – Dr. Pensis, Mr. Lavalla – Dr. Pensis. Dr. Pensis as Assistant Secretary/Treasurer.

Solicitor: Mr. Lavalla asked for a motion to appoint Solicitor. Mrs. Paden made a motion to re-appoint Mr. Salopek as Solicitor, Dr. Pensis seconds the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Salopek as Solicitor.

Open Record Officer: Mr. Lavalla asked for a motion to appoint an Open Record Officer. Mrs. Paden made a motion to re-appoint Mrs. DiBattista as the Open Record Officer, Mr. Seech seconds the motion. Motion carried. Mrs. DiBattista as Open Record Officer.

Mr. Lavalla asked for a motion to authorize a Bond for Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs. Paden made a motion to authorize a Bond for Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Seech seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Mr. Lavalla asked for a motion to authorize mileage and a rate stated by the IRS for the Members and Office Manager to travel pertaining to official sewer authority business. -2-

Mrs. Paden made a motion to authorize mileage and a rate stated by the IRS for the Members and Office Manager to travel pertaining to official sewer authority business, Mrs. Voelker seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Meetings: Mr. Lavalla make a motion for ‘2011’ Hanover Township Sewer Authority will have two regular scheduled monthly meetings on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm, Mrs. Paden made a motion for ‘2011’ Hanover Township Sewer Authority will have two regular scheduled monthly meetings on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm, Mr. Seech seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Engineer: Mr. Lavalla make a motion for Gannett Fleming Project Engineer. Mrs. Paden made a motion to hire Gannett Fleming Project Engineer, Mrs. Voelker seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Auditors: Mr. Lavalla make a motion to appoint Houston Walker as our Auditors. Mr. Seech made a motion to re-appoint Houston Walker as our Auditors, Dr. Pensis seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Mr. Lavalla make a motion to appoint PNC as our Bank Institution. Mrs. Paden made a motion to appoint PNC as our Bank Institution, Mrs. Voelker seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Mr. Lavalla make a motion to approve the Washington Observer as our official Newspaper. Mrs. Paden made a motion to approve the Washington Observer as our official Newspaper, Mr. Seech seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Public Information Officer: No Motion was taken at this time.

Mr. Lavalla make a motion to approve the Rate and Fee Schedule. Mrs. Paden made a motion to approve the Rate and Fee Schedule, Mr. Seech seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Mr. Lavalla make a motion to accept the minutes of December 20, 2010. Mrs. Paden made a motion to accept the minutes, Dr. Pensis seconds the motion; Mrs. Voelker abstained; Motion carried.

Mr. Lavalla presented the Treasurer’s Report with beginning balance in the Operating and Expense Account as of December 1, 2010 of $34,101.34, December deposits of $21,422.21, transferred $8,195.57 from Tap Fund Account to Operating Account #8787, and December expenditures of $23,292.88 with an ending balance of $18,741.98 on December 31, 2010. Balance in the Pennvest Account on December 31, 2010 was $38,499.67, transferred 21,684.26 from Operating Account #8787 to Pennvest Account. Balance in Tap Fund Account on December 31, 2010 was $204,178.51. Mrs. Paden made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented; Mr. Seech seconds the motion; Motion carried.

Mrs. DiBattista provided invoices paid prior to the meeting of $2,310.35 and bills to be paid $15,066.23 for a total amount of $17,376.58. Mrs. Paden made a motion to pay the bills as presented; Mr. Seech seconds the motion; Motion carried.

Under correspondence, Mr. Lavalla mentioned StarPointe request for meter readings Mrs. DiBattista will contact PAW to set up the readings for StarPointe.

Mr. Lavalla mentioned the letter from Mr. Miller regarding storage. Mrs. Paden talked with Mr. Lavalla to have the equipment stored at other location and brought it up at the Township Meeting Thursday night. Supervisors agreed to lease the upstairs meeting room of the old Township building for a $100.00 a month, month per month Mrs. Paden said that their Solicitor will prepare everything and we will just sign. We will have to be responsible for insurance. The equipment does not have to be moved by a forklift the equipment that is left can be lifted by two men to be moved. Mrs. Paden read a letter that sent to us from Mr. Miller that the storage rates will change from $600.00 a month to $500.00 a month the rate change were negotiated with Chairman – Mr. Kladakis on December 22, 2010 agreed upon by David Miller and Stephen Kladakis. Mr. Seech mentioned it was talked about previously of getting the rate reduced but it was not voted on Mr. Kladakis was going to talk to him of being reduced. -3-

Mr. Seech said that if we are going to move them to the building and save $400.00 a month and we will need to pay Mr. Lashhorn and a helper to load it. The pumps that are left should be paid by the resident for personal time whatever the situation would be. Concern on the handrail to enter the old township building. Mr. Salopek mentioned that we have to contact our Insurance Company and let them know we will be leasing the old township building upstairs for storage of pumps. Mr. Seech said we will have to check on the kind of insurance we would need. Mr. Salopek mentioned that we would need to check on Renters Liability and on the Units. Mrs. DiBattista will check on the insurance companies on standard coverage they will provide in the cost. Mr. Lavalla mentioned that once we get the insurance cost and the Solicitor’s papers. We will look at it next meeting to get approval.

Mr. Salopek explained the Agreement on the WCCED on the original agreement and there is a first amendment on August 5, 2009, there was a meeting to discuss the second amendment prior to three Board Members being here. The three new Board Members on the two agreements, we will have a meeting to update the entire Board on; Mr. Salopek will meet with the entire Board to talk about positions and discussions, Mr. Rae and Mr. Salopek will have discussions surrounding the meeting for the second amendment. Plan to do in next two weeks.

Under old business: Mr. Lavalla mentioned we received Selective Insurance (B&W Insurance) Policy Quotes there were no rate increase for the year. We will check on the Renters Liability on Storage. Mr. Lavalla make a motion to accept the Selective Insurance coverage of $3,411.00. Mrs. Paden made a motion to accept the Insurance coverage of $3,411.00; Mrs. Voelker seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Mrs. Paden said we need to send Norrine Lerczak, Perkins Lane a letterhead from the Board stating that we are not responsible for the repairs on her property. She sent a bill of $1,885.00. We will have to continue looking into this situation.

Emergency Management Plan; Mrs. Paden mentioned we have the panels and we are getting the equipment and doing the changes to them to make three of them equipped for generators so we would be able to go out with the assistance and the fire department and Mr. Donohue (Township Emergency Coordinator) we will meet with him once we get it scheduled. Mr. Lavalla make a motion for $630.00 for two control panels. Mrs. Dawn made a motion to accept $630.00 for two control panels. Mr. Seech seconds the motion. Motion carried.

Solicitor Report Mr. Salopek last Wednesday, 01-12-2011, the Township approved the two (2) debt guarantee ordinances so we are moving forward with PNC and the Pennvest Loans.

Engineer Report Mr. Rae mentioned backwater valves that we are going to install on the two Weirton connections pursue it now that the DEP approved the Part 2 Amendment that work was included in the Amendment. Now you can proceed with obtaining materials and arranging for installation for that work. Request bids on that do not have to be a project manual like we put together for the construction contracts. Simple bid form, spec sheet for the valves, vaults and hatches depending on how the prices come in, the operator can call and get some prices and it indicates that it will be over $10,000.00 than we would have to advertise it. If it is under $10,000.00, you do not have to bid. Mr. Lavalla make a motion for purchase of material authorized on spec sheet for the valves, vaults and hatches. Mrs. Paden made a motion for purchase of material on spec sheet for the valves vaults and hatches. Mr. Seech seconds the motion; Motion carried.

Mr. Lavalla make a motion to approve Requisition #67 in the amount of $12,719.33. Mr. Seech made a motion to accept Requisition #67; Mrs. Paden seconds the motion; Motion carried. -4-

New business: Letter to Mr. Kladakis pertaining to Hanover Township Sewer Authority mail.

Mrs. Paden to authorize Mr. Lashhorn to purchase spare parts at Interstate on our Account in the cost of $300.00 to $500.00. Mr. Lavalla mentioned that we need spare parts in case something would happen at an unusual time of day. Mr. Lavalla to make a motion to authorize to have spare parts. Mr. Seech made a motion to purchase supplies for Mark Lashhorn to not exceed $900.00. Mrs. Paden seconds the motion; Motion carried.

Mrs. Paden mentioned that the manhole liner pans have cracked. Mr. Lashhorn needs to have about 12 to replace. Mr. Lavalla make a motion to purchase 18 manhole inserts. Mr. Seech made a motion to purchase 18 manhole inserts not to exceed $1,500.00; Mrs. Paden seconds the motion; Motion carried.

Mrs. Paden mentioned need a spare wet well pump. Mr. Lavalla will call Mr. Moll and mentioned with the exchange of extra parts we need 2 wet well pumps ordered.

Mr. Rae mentioned that the funding applications are processing on line. Someone needs to replace Mr. Kladakis signing on Pennvest on line. All notices come by E-mail. At the time HTSA did not have an E-mail that is how Mr. Kladakis received them. Mr. Lavalla and Mrs. Paden mentioned that everything should come to the office and forwarded to the Board Members.

Mr. Lashhorn mentioned what are we planning on doing with Siemens Purchase Order are we going to get a credit or a check. Mr. Seech – credit; Dr. Pensis – credit; Mrs. Paden – credit; Mr. Lavalla – credit. Credit will be issued from Siemens.

At approximately 9:33 p.m., Mr. Seech made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mrs. Paden seconds the motion; Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted

______Tim Seech, Secretary

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