New Yorkstate Wildlife Management Association

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New Yorkstate Wildlife Management Association

Volume 14 #4 Page 1 April 7th 2007 New York State Wildlife Management Association Providing Problem Animal solutions For Home Owners and Businesses NEWS Everyone will probably be starting to get busy if not there already but please keep up NYSWMA Meeting Minutes with the newsletter and contact any director or board member with issues that concern The March meeting of the NYSWMA was you. held 3-10-07 at the Ling Ling Restaurant in North Syracuse. It was announced in the Bob newsletter. In attendance were Bob Meakin, President, Dale Stockton, Newsletter Editor Old business and Director, Greg Spiess, Treasurer and Director, Bill Berry, Director, Berton Mead, Election. All officers were re- Secretary, Darrin Pinzer, and Cody elected unanimously. Baciuska. There will be no meeting in May. The The minutes of the February meeting were next meeting after the April meeting will approved. be June 9th at the Ling Ling Chinese Restaurant in North Syracuse at 12:00. President’s Report Seminar review. April 2007 The seminar was a huge success with 42 April already, is all I have to say about the paid attendees. It generally went well and flying time issue but that is what it is. the review sheets indicated it was well Anyway the seminar past in February was received. However, a number of minor another success and many positive items need to be improved for 2008. These comments have been collected towards include having each director identify making next years another enjoyable event. him/her self at the seminar, the session must Already we have secured the same location start earlier, start on time and keep to st in Owego and the date will be March 1 so schedule. There should be a designated MC mark your calendars and make plans to to allow the president to greet people and attend. I want to thank all who helped with handle the initial crises that tend to arise. the seminar as a collective effort spreads the There needs to be a check list to ensure no work out and alleviates the burnout if one or announcements or other items are forgotten. two people do all the work. I was quite The receipts should have a tear off portion to pleased to have several people offer help in allow a user receipt and the NYSWMA to any way and I’m sure that it will be an offer keep a record of the payment. A signature not refused. It was also encouraging to have stamp was suggested for the certificates. A Cody Baciuska from region 4 (Cobleskill) person separate from those doing the offer to be a director. It was decided that we registration should be used for the handouts. would split region 4 to accommodate those For the Chinese Auction, the MC should near Cody to have a closer contact person. read off the winning number rather than We are working on improving have them posted. communications from members to directors to the board on issues concerning members. We should develop a speaker compensation We are also looking into employing NYSTA package based on rational criteria. It was lobbyist Dave Miller to address issues that suggested that the GSA reimbursement are unique to nuisance work helping us levels be used, with speakers allowed one navigate the political arena. night stay and a vendor-speaker two nights. Volume 14 #4 Page 2 April 7th 2007 New York State Wildlife Management Association Providing Problem Animal solutions For Home Owners and Businesses We also should have an outline of the talk to problems rather just killing the pest animals; include in the seminar booklet, to allow even though this may be the only option in attendees to better follow the talk and take some cases. But as always, the conference notes was informative and the program was well balanced, with a good variety of programs. Evaluation Thanks for all your hard work.

There were 27 evaluations completed. The legislative section was good, but should have dealt with our issues more. Lou The results were uniformly favorable with Berchielli; I know it’s human nature, but this all items averaging between very good and part seemed like a bitch session. He excellent. Using a scale of 5 for excellent, 4 provides good information. It is sad that we for very good, 3 for good, the average can’t discuss these matters in a mature scores were manner. Check-in process 4.65 Handouts quality 4.37 You all did a great job. Thank you very Content value 4.37 much. Answers to questions 4.56 Presentation quality 4.71 Should have additional seating. I predict a Visual quality 4.61 larger turnout in the future. Hearing quality 4.71 Likely to attend 2008 4.66 Suggestions for future seminars. Quality of vendors 4.69 Location 4.42 Bird work / control products Facilities quality 4.5 Food quality 4.37 What people liked most from the seminar .

There were also a number of suggestions for Taken from the evaluation sheets changes or additions, which will be considered when planning the 2008 seminar. New products and new methods and ideas. New equipment. Comments and suggestions from attendees Ron Jones and Allan Huot. Presentations. In the future, a list of wildlife rehabilitators Information on squirrels and moles. would be great as a handout. Very informative speakers. The amount of information. Have someone from Ag and Markets come I always learn something. and discuss the department’s regulations and The presentations. perspective on feral cats. Very good quality and diversity of presentations. It was worth the time and money. All the new products available.

Integrated pest management philosophy Thanks to Bert Mead for the work and seems to have taken a backseat to lethal time he spent on this seminar report. control methods this year. Maybe this was just the focus of individual speakers, but in Also congratulations to Bert on receiving my opinion, the future of the business will the President’s award from NYSWMA be more involved with solving homeowner’s Volume 14 #4 Page 3 April 7th 2007 New York State Wildlife Management Association Providing Problem Animal solutions For Home Owners and Businesses for his contributions this past year, it was draft of director’s duties for further well deserved. discussion.

New business The meeting adjourned at 3:15.

Bill Berry moved that Region 4 be split into Respectfully submitted 3 sections with a Director for each, and that Cody Baciuska be appointed to the new Berton Mead Director position. It was seconded by Secretary Darrin Pinzer. It was passed unanimously. Mr. Baciuska accepted the appointment. Other news

Bill Berry announced that Jerry Pickle of New Member; George Miller Pennsylvania was very impressed with our seminar and inquired about the possibility of Members, the address of the NYSWMA a joint NY-PA seminar. No formal action web site is [email protected] to get was taken. Bill was asked to contact him to your business listed on the web site, contact get a better idea of what he has in mind and Jared Quillen at the email address or snail bring it back for more discussion. mail address listed later in this news letter. Buy Sell or Trade section. It was determined that the 2008 seminar will be March 1, 2008 at the same location as Buy, sell & trade: Any buy, sell or trade this year. Potential speakers include Paul items to include in the NYSWMA Curtis (coyotes) Jim Dreisacker (bats or Newsletter should be sent to Dale. They squirrels), Lynn Braband (Relations with should be limited to items connected with Cornell), and Cody Baciuska (bird our profession. identification or other topic). It was emphasized that all speakers must be For Sale: confirmed early to give them time to prepare and for us to prepare a brief biography and Metal Office Desk with chair and goose- an outline of their seminar material to neck light $75 include in the pass out package. Werner Multi-Position Species sheets. The species sheets will be Ladder $100 published in the newsletter over a period of issues. 14 cubic foot upright freezer $75 Rehabbers Council. It was voted to send $40. to the Rehabbers Council for a years Toyota Tacoma Gray carpet floor mat membership. set $40

Directors. How to get the directors more (315)495-5561 or 264-1213 involved in the organization was discussed. One reason may be that the Duties of a Visit our web page at there Director has never been well defined and are numerous links to vendors, the DEC site and that they have never been briefed on what is other organizations. And space for members to expected of them. Bert Mead is to develop a advertise their businesses. Volume 14 #4 Page 4 April 7th 2007 New York State Wildlife Management Association Providing Problem Animal solutions For Home Owners and Businesses Liability insurance; Christian Baker raised RIGHT onto S MAIN ST/US-11. 0.2 miles their upper limit of liability to 2 million dollars. Ling Ling is on the immediate left The cost is about half the price of most of the current insurers and with more coverage. 1-717- Agenda for the next meeting 761-4712. Address; Jim Pace Christian-Baker 1 Disease sheets Co. Camp Hill PA. 17001 or email him at 2 Director Positions [email protected] Address for NYSWMA Correspondence, Form for listing your business on the NYSWMA should be sent to this address. web page. This is available to NYSWMA members only. Bob Meakin 5721 Middle Rd. Name ______Munnsville, NY 13409

Phone (____)______email______Officers

Fax#______President Bob Meakin 315-495-5561 Your web page address______Email [email protected]

Species you handle Vice President ______Tim Kozub 716-655-3620 Email [email protected] Counties you want to receive calls from. Also if you only service a portion of a county; southern, northern Secretary etc. Bert Mead 315-638-1534 ______Email [email protected] ______Send to Jared Treasurer Quillen at [email protected] or 2415 Mt. Greg Spiess 315-597-9683 Claire Ave. Louisville, KY 40217 Email [email protected] Newsletter Editor Next meeting; April 14th. noon at the Ling Dale Stockton 607-648-9250 Ling Chinese Restaurant 604 S. Main St. in Email [email protected] North Syracuse. Phone 315-458-9800. All Directors paid up members are welcome. Region 1. Craig Conway 631-979-2481 From I-90 (and South of Syracuse) Email [email protected] exit #36 to Rt. 81 North Region 3 Take the US-11 exit- EXIT 26- toward Chris Johansen 845-657-8279 MATTYDALE Email [email protected] Region 4E Take the US-11 N ramp 0.2 miles Mike Todd 518-851-5111 Turn SLIGHT LEFT onto BREWERTON Region 4W RD/US-11 Doug Hulick 607-783-2271 N. Continue to follow US-11 N. 1.1 miles [email protected] Ling Ling is immediately on left after you Region 5N open pass Taft Rd. 5S Bob Ryan 518-279-3966 [email protected] From North of Syracuse Region 6 Rt. 81 South Take the TAFT RD exit- EXIT Dan Moyer 315-347-3108 28- toward N. SYRACUSE. 0.3 miles turn Email [email protected] RIGHT onto E TAFT RD 0.7 miles turn Region 7N Bill Berry 315-569-5804 Volume 14 #4 Page 5 April 7th 2007 New York State Wildlife Management Association Providing Problem Animal solutions For Home Owners and Businesses Email [email protected] Region 7S Dale Stockton 607-648-9250 Email [email protected] Region 8E Greg Spiess 315-597-9683 Email [email protected] Region 9 Jack Juran 716-208-5110 [email protected]

Sites of interest you need to visit, especially the Assembly and Senate Our web site New York State Assembly/Senate.

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