Blood Type Lab Report

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Blood Type Lab Report

Sherman Chen 3B Mr. Boyer Biology 2

Blood Type Lab Report

Sherman Chen

3B Sherman Chen 3B Mr. Boyer Biology 2 Introduction: The purpose, nature, and expected findings of the activity.

In this lab activity, we were first asked to find the blood types and then count the number of blood cells. In the first part of the lab, we had to find the ABO and Rh blood type of four simulated blood samples. We did this by observing the antigen/antibody reaction in each of the four samples of simulated blood; if there was agglutination it meant that was the blood type. In the second part of the lab, we counted/estimated the number of red and white blood cells in the simulated blood sample.

Hypothesis: What I expect of the results from the experiment and explanation.

For the second part of the lab, we think that the number of red blood cells will be much larger than the number of white blood cells because red blood cells carry oxygen around the body and white blood cells are for fighting off diseases.

Materials: Materials needed for the experiment.

 4 Blood typing slides  12 Toothpicks  1 Microscope slide  1 Coverslip  Compound microscope  Marker  4 Unknown blood samples: o Mr. Smith o Mr. Jones o Mr. Green o Ms. Brown  Simulated Anti-A Serum Sherman Chen 3B Mr. Boyer Biology 2  Simulated Anti-B Serum  Simulated Anti-Rh Serum

Procedure: List of steps that we followed to complete the experiment.

Part A: 1. Label each of the four blood typing slides with the names: Mr. Smith; Mr. Jones; Mr. Green; and Ms. Brown 2. Place three drops of each person’s blood in each of the A, B, and Rh wells of every different slide. 3. Place three drops of the simulated anti-A serum in each A well on the four slides. 4. Place three drops of the simulated anti-B serum in each B well on the four slides. 5. Place three drops of the simulated anti-Rh serum in each Rh well on the four slides. 6. Stir each well with a separate clean toothpick for 30 seconds. To avoid splattering the simulated blood, do not press too hard. 7. Observe each slide and record the observations in a table. To confirm agglutination try reading text through the mixed sample. If you cannot read the text, assume you have a positive agglutination reaction. 8. Dispose the materials into the sink. Sherman Chen 3B Mr. Boyer Biology 2

Part B: 1. Shake one of the vials of simulated blood and add one drop of simulated blood to a microscope slide, and cover with a coverslip. Lower the coverslip slowly to avoid air bubbles on the slide. 2. Find one square on the slide using the low power (10x) of the microscope. 3. Switch to high power (40x). Refocus and count the number simulated red blood cells (red spheres) inside the ‘square’. Record the number in a table. 4. Count the number of simulated white blood cells (blue spheres) inside the ‘square’. Record the number in a table. 5. Repeat this two more times with a different ‘square’. 6. Calculate the average of the three red blood cell counts and the three white blood cell counts. Record the results in a table. 7. Multiply the average number of red and white blood cells by the dilution factor to determine the number of red and white blood cells per cubic millimeter. Record each value in a table. 8. Dispose all materials down the sink. Sherman Chen 3B Mr. Boyer Biology 2

Raw Data Presentation: Data showing results from the experiments.

Part 1: Reactions of Simulated Blood to Anti Serums

Anti-A Serum Anti-B Serum Anti-Rh Blood Type Serum Slide #1 Mr. Agglutinated Not Agglutinated A Rh+ Smith Agglutinated Slide #2 Mr. Not Agglutinated Not B Rh- Jones Agglutinated Agglutinated Slide #3 Mr. Agglutinated Not Agglutinated A Rh+ Green Agglutinated Slide #4 Ms. Not Not Not O Rh- Brown Agglutinated Agglutinated Agglutinated Sherman Chen 3B Mr. Boyer Biology 2

Part 2: Blood Cell Count Blood sample: Mr. Jones Blood Cell Cell Cell Total Avg. Dilution Total # Blood Cell Count: Count Count # of # Factor Cells per mm3 Type 1 : 2 : 3 Cells Cells or Avg. # Cells or x Dilution Total Factor /3 Red 296 307 268 871 290.3 150,000 43,550,000 (Red) 3 White 5 4 7 16 5.33 5,000 26,666.67 (Blue)

Processed Data Presentation: Raw data presented in graph form.

Conclusion: What the processed data means.

The first lab was very simple, we only had to find the blood type and Rh factor of the simulated blood. If the blood agglutinated after the serum was added, the blood was that blood type and either Rh positive or negative depending on the agglutination again. In the second lab, we were asked to count the number of red and white blood Sherman Chen 3B Mr. Boyer Biology 2 cells in a ‘square’ of the simulated blood under the compound microscope. From the chart above, we can see that the number of red blood cells is much more greater than the number of white blood cells, just as I predicted in my hypothesis. Human needs lots of red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. Unlike white blood cells, which only operate when there is an infection, red blood cells are needed constantly. A high white blood cell count should not occur unless you have a bacterial, viral or other kinds of infection. Other groups had different totals because of different samples but the ratio of white and red blood cells were all similar.

Although, the ratio could be different if the person had some sort of blood disorder.

Evaluation: Strengths, weaknesses and improvements of the process.

Some strengths we had in the process of doing our lab were: we completed the lab in time; the results were as we predicted; and we did not have much complication in the process of doing this lab. We could have improved on part two of the lab where we had to count the number of blood cells because it was very rough counting since we could not get a clear image of the blood cells from using the compound microscope.

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