Learning Circles Computer Chronicles Elementary - Spring 2008

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Learning Circles Computer Chronicles Elementary - Spring 2008

Entertainment Questions

1. What form of entertainment do you enjoy the most? Why? 2. Are you or a family member involved in the entertainment field? How have you entertained people? Do you perform music or theater? 3. What is your favorite Internet entertainment Web site? Why do you enjoy this site? 4. Who is your favorite performer? Why? 5. Does your school provide any type of entertainment for your community? What kinds of entertainment? Have you aver participated in any school entertainment programs? 6. Do you have a favorite movie or favorite type of movie? What is it and why do you enjoy it? 7. Do you have a favorite cartoon or television show? What is it and why do you enjoy it? 8. What type of music do you like? Why do you like this music? Who are your favorite performers? 9. Do you perform in a local theater or dance group? Tell us about your experience? 10. If you could have a career in any area of the entertainment field, which one would you choose and what would you like to do? Entertainment Learning Circles – Computer Chronicles Elementary - Spring 2008

What I do for Entertainment is play truth or dare with ten people. This is how you play truth or dare you say somebody's name and ask them truth or dare and Something that they have to pick one. If you pick truth entertains me is we have to ask you a question and you probably being at a have to answer the question. If you pick concert. I have not dare we have to dare you to do actually been to a something and you have to do it. If you concert before, but I don't do the dare we all get to hit you in know it will the arm. entertain me because I love music. I cannot live without music. I do not know Chauntiera whom I would love to see, but I think John Muir School my number one choice is probably San Diego, Paramour. That is basically my favorite California, USA band. Concerts can probably be loud, but at my house I always listen to music loud, so I am used to it. I love how they set up concerts. I think I love how the have the lights set up because it is all- colorful. I do not love about concerts is the seating, but I hope my first concert I am in the front row. Concerts are My favorite thing to do for basically my entertainment live or on entertainment, besides IM-ing my TV. friends is gardening. I don't really like to Kalyn plant flowers from seeds, because they John Muir School can scatter & it's hard to remember San Diego, where you planted them. That's why I California, USA like bulbs better. My favorite flowers to plant are Morning Glory's because they For my are very pretty and grow fast. I also like entertainment, I like listening to my to plant tulips because they spread and CDs. I have multiple, but my favorite is are very tall and colorful. One more Lincoln Park. I have three out of all of flower that I like is the Daffidol & the their CDs, and I want to get them all. rose. What I don't like to plant is wild They are my favorite band. My other flowers because I think they look very favorite CD is from Avril Lavigne. She messy when they grow all out of the has songs that I like and describe my place. Creeping flowers are very pretty feelings as much as Lincoln Park does. to me, like one's on vines. Calla Lilies Another CD is from Kelly Clarkson. I are one other that I like. like some of her songs, but not a lot. Also, I like listening to Fall Out Boy. Jessie My favorite CD of all time is "Lincoln John Muir School Park: Metora." San Diego, California, USA

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What I for entertainment I like to play truth or dare because it’s really fun. I usually play with seven or more people. is Sin the This is how you play you pick one founders of the monsters. This film is person and you say "truth, dare, double about war between people and monsters. dare, promise to repeat”. So that one The main hero of the film is Giak. He person ask you truth dare double dare lost his best friend. His sister wants to promise to repeat. so you pick one revenge those person and that person has to do what who had you tell them to do. But if you don't do it created those you have to get socked 10 times by each monsters. The person that’s playing. The reason why I main villain is chose it was because it’s really fun to a woman play and very interesting. whose father began to study Ladae the change of the people. The purpose of John Muir School the main hero is to destroy laboratory San Diego, California, USA and to kill the main villain.

I also like listening to music. My favorite group is Russian size. This Russian group sings interesting songs. It consists of three people. I like their songs such as: the Greek, Why soils silent. My favorite album is “Exit”. I My would to like to become a musician. I favorite games think it’s cool. are S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Ilya Borodin SHADOW OF 6a Grade CHERNOBYL, School7 CRYSIS, Counter-strike, Call of Duty 4 Miass, Russia and Medal of Honor. I also like playing Starship troopers, Postal 2 Apocalypses weekend. My favorite entertainment is I enjoy watching films. My computer games. My favorite game is favorite films are TAXI 2,3,4. World of Warcraft. It’s an online role- playing game. 10 million people from Stas many countries play it: the USA, 6th Grade European countries, Asian countries, and School7 Russia. I like playing RPG (role-playing Miass, Russia game), MMORPG (massive multiplayer online RPG). And I like to play Lineage

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2, Warcraft 3. Lineage 2 is the second activities. most popular MMORPG. I enjoy playing We enjoy it less than World of Warcraft, but it’s drawing, interesting too. Warcraft 3 is most listening to popular strategy in the world. There are music, many maps for it, not only strategy. I watching play World of Warcraft in my own TV and dancing. We always take part in server (not Blizzard). our school performances. Dancing also My favorite web – sites are helps us be cheerful and close friends. Yandex.ru, la2db.ru, Wikipedia.ru. Yandex is a big searching engine – you Nastya and Evelina must only write the key word. La2db is 6th Grade an School 7 information Miass, Russia site where much information is written about My favorite TV shows are professions, Comedy Club and Happy together. items, weapons, armor – about Comedy club is a very funny and everything. Wikipedia is the biggest interesting show. My favorite actor in encyclopedia in the Internet. this show is Garik Bulldog Kharlamov. He’s funny. Ilya Yakovlev Happy together is a serial about an 6 a grade amusing family. They are: father, mother School 7 their son and stupid daughter. They have Miass, Russia a dog called Baron. This family always gets in different funny and clumsy situations. And I enjoy playing football too. My It’s my most favorite entertainment. My favorite group is NTL. It sings Rap. It`s friends say that I am very good at it. very popular in Russia. This group plays I would love to become a comedy actor cool music. It sings Russian Rap. to perform in shows. I know many The Group NTL comes from anecdotes and my friends are never Novosibirsk. Many teenagers listen to bored with me. their music and rap songs. I love group NTL very much. Victor 6th Grade Seva Nekrasov School 7 6th Grade Miass, Russia School 7 Hi, my favorite entertainment in Miass, Russia winter is skiing. Not far from Miass We are 6 grade students: Evelina and there’s Sunny Valley. Sometimes our Nastya. We have many after school

4 Entertainment Learning Circles – Computer Chronicles Elementary - Spring 2008 grade is taken there to ski. It’s very I enjoy hockey because it is a enjoyable. I like these outings. tough sport and it is fun to do. My dad used to play in the Western Hockey Kristina League (and then he got injured). He 6th Grade played for the Brandon Wheat Kings. I School 7 have entertained people by playing Miass, Russia hockey. My favourite website is nhl.com. My favourite movie is “School of Rock”. I have an iPod so I like listening to music. I like rock music and AC/DC is fine with me. I would love to be involved in hockey in some way in my future.

Brendan R. J. Hawkey Elementary School Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

Entertainment Entertainment If I could have a career in any of the entertainment field, I would be a My favourite singer. I would want to be on American entertainment is playing Idol. My family would vote for me. I on the computer hope I would win. If I won, I would be because it’s fun. My so happy that I would jump up and down favourite website on the and scream. After winning, I would Internet is called Dofus make a music CD. I might even make a and I’m a Guy with Wing. The only hit. If I have a hit song, I’ll go on tour. thing I killed was a spider. It was easy; it I’ll be on the radio. Then I’d be rich and is my favourite website because I like to famous. fight stuff on it. My favourite movie is the “Last Legion” because it is a war Bianca show and there is a lot of action in it. I McConnell Elementary really enjoy the show. My favourite Hixson, Tennessee, USA cartoon is the Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show; it is really funny.

Conner R. J. Hawkey Elementary School Airdrie, Alberta, Canada


Entertainment My favourite type of

5 Entertainment Learning Circles – Computer Chronicles Elementary - Spring 2008 entertainment is reading a book because Entertainment I love to read. Some books are educational and some are exciting and I am talented in soccer; I like to adventurous. I am involved in an kick the ball. If I score a goal for our entertainment program called Amazing team I get really excited. If I assist a goal Animation where I use Microsoft I get happy too. I do not perform music PowerPoint to make mini movies to or theatre. Yes, my twin Conner likes to entertain myself and other people. My play soccer too; that is one of his talents favourite internet website is Family.ca also. I like to play World of War Craft because there are a lot of cool and fun on the computer. I enjoy this site games. My favourite cartoon is The because it is an online game. That means Roadrunner Show because it is very you can play with other people from funny. My favourite types of music are around the world and you can be any age hip-hop, pop and rock. I like these types to play World of War Craft. My of music because I think the music is favourite movie is “Scorpion King”. cool and I think a lot of the performers are good singers. My favourite Drake performers are Billy Talent, Miley Cyrus R.J. Hawkey Elementary School and Hannah Montana. If I could have a Airdrie, Alberta, Canada career in the entertainment field I would be a video game designer.

Cooper R. J. Hawkey Elementary School Airdrie, Alberta, Canada


I play Entertainment hockey and baseball to My entertain my family. My favourite type favourite type of entertainment is of entertainment is listening to music. swimming. I like it because I’m good at My favourite website is Addicting it. Another one of my favourite forms of Games. My favourite singer is Billy entertainment is going to the movies. A Talent. favourite movie of mine is called “Enchanted”. I saw it in the theatre with Jacob my mom. I also like listening to music, R. J. Hawkey Elementary School watching TV, and dancing. Airdrie, Alberta, Canada Sarina R .J. Hawkey Elementary School Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

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Entertainment Entertainment

My If I could favourite form of have a career in entertainment is any area of the the video game. My family has not been entertainment field, I involved in the entertainment field. My would choose to be in the National favourite entertainment website is Hockey League (the “NHL”). I would YouTube. I enjoy this website because want to be on the Calgary Flames team. I it’s funny and also it has good videos. I love playing hockey and I would be don’t have a favourite performer. My willing to play any position except school does provide entertainment; every goalie. I would enjoy travelling around grade participates in a musical. My North America and seeing all the cities. I favourite movie is “Transformers” like to fly in airplanes. It would be great because they blow up stuff and I like to meet and play with famous NHL transformers. I do not have a favourite hockey players. My favourite hockey TV show. I do not like music. I do not player is Jerome Iginla. perform in a theatre or a dance group. If I could be involved in entertainment it My favourite form of would be as a video game creator. entertainment is watching movies and television shows. My favourite movie is Noah “Transformers”. I love the action in it R. J. Hawkey Elementary School and I think it is pretty cool. I really like Airdrie, Alberta, Canada the actors who play in the movie. My favourite television show is “Sponge Bob Square Pants”. I like this television show because it is a cartoon and it is funny and silly.

Entertainment Jared R. J. Hawkey Elementary School There are two types of Airdrie, Alberta, Canada entertainment that I like. One of them is reading and the other is TV. The reason I like reading is because it is good for you and it is fun. The reason I like TV is because there is always something funny to watch and good shows to watch too.

Allen R.J. Hawkey Elementary School Airdrie, Alberta, Canada

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In my free time I like to play a lot In my free time I go to my friend of games on my P.C., I especially play Vlad’s house and I come back at 10:00. “Need for Speed,” but I love to play with my dolls also. Catalui 2nd Grade Andreea Bodonea Dan Barbilian School 2nd Grade Constanta, Romania Dan Barbilian School Constanta, Romania A part of my spare time I spend In my free time, I play with my with my friends outside. Together we friends outside, play “Chase” with my play some games like football and grandfather, I read, I draw, I write extra, basketball. The sport, which I practice, is I go on trips with my family. karate. Also I watch TV. And play on P.C. (personal computer). Ionut Dragomirescu 2nd Grade Andrei Asafetida Dan Barbilian School 2nd Grade Constanta, Romania Dan Barbilian School Constanta, Romania

I spend my free time playing I spend my free tennis. On Saturdays and Sundays, I stay time going outside, with my grandparents. There, I play with playing, riding my bicycle, watching bobby, my dog. I ride my bike, I go with TV, playing cards and rummy, and my grandpa fishing, and when it’s bad playing on the computer. Also, when I weather I play “Europolis” with them. go outside I like to play many games with Lefter Stefan the ball. 2nd Grade Dan Barbilian Nicoleta Clinciu School 2nd Grade Constanta, Dan Barbilian School Romania Constanta, Romania

I usually spend my free time In my break time I am playing, thus: I go to school dance where I learn a going to tennis training, watching TV, lot of new steps. I like this sport. Every and many other things. Sometimes I am day I do my homework, I play with my going with my family to the restaurant or lovely cat, and I read poetry. In the we are going to walk. I also meet my evening I watch TV. friends in the park.

Sabina Varga Mara Oprea 2nd Grade 2nd Grade Dan Barbilian School Dan Barbilian School Constanta, Romania Constanta, Romania

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I spend my free time watching EnTeRtAiNmEnT TV, playing in front of the computer, video games, and playing in the yard My with my sister. favorite form of QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor entertainment is are needed to see this picture. Denisa Serban video games. I 2nd Grade enjoy video Dan Barbilian games because School they are really entertaining. Games with Constanta, great graphics seem real, which makes Romania you feel like you’re really in the game. Others don’t have as great graphics, but are really fun. I have an Old Nintendo, I spend my free time this way: I A Gamecube, and a Wii. These are all play the computer, watch TV, play really fun systems to play, and they all outdoors, play the game “Who Laughs have great games. Last” and play lawn tennis and football. Jillian Robert Smadu Fifth Grade 2nd Grade Franklin Township QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor Dan Barbilian School School are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and a Constanta, Romania Quakertown, New TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Jersey, USA Entertainment

What I like to do for entertainment is playing video games. I usually play the Entertainment Xbox 360. When I have my free time I play games like Halo 3. Our favorite type of

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor Nick entertainment is are needed to see this picture. Fifth Grade the computer. Franklin Township School There is so much Quakertown, New Jersey, USA to do on them. We both like to play games on the computer. Jordan and I like to play World of Warcraft and Demolition Man. That is why we love the computer!

Jordan and Will Fifth Grade Franklin Township School Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

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My favorite entertainment is A thing I like to do to entertain playing my electric and acoustic guitars. myself is read Artemis Fowl books. My electric guitar is an Ibanez and my Artemis Fowl is actually a series of acoustic is an Antonio Aprecio. I enjoy adventure books. They are not “…and playing songs by the Beatles and write they lived happily ever after” books, but some of my own. I like playing my they do have exciting endings. The acoustic guitar better because it is a little books are about a 14 to 18 year old more challenging. I really enjoy playing genius named Artemis Fowl who starts guitars. as a big crook in the first book but changes throughout the series. He also Bryan saves fairies a lot. Now I know what Fifth Grade you are thinking, but you are wrong. Franklin Township School They are the bedtime fairies. Their Quakertown, New Jersey, USA enemires are goblins that shoot fireballs from their fists and have to be brought down with a neutrino. A neutrino is a gun that’s non-lethal and just knocks out whomever it shoots. This is what I like to do when I am bored.

Danny Fifth Grade Franklin Township School Entertainment Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

My favorite type of entertainment is video games. I like video games because when you are bored you can play them and try to beat high scores. There are many different types of entertainment such as video games, The video games I have are: computers, televisions, and other types Nintendo DS, of entertainment. My favorite is the Play Station 2, computer because I can e-mail my Atari 2600, and the friends!!! Old Nintendo. Brianna Alison Fifth Grade Fifth Grade Franklin Township School Franklin Township School Quakertown, New Jersey, USA Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

10 Entertainment Learning Circles – Computer Chronicles Elementary - Spring 2008

There is a whole bunch of My favorite form of entertainment in this world! For example entertainment is music. My favorite there is T.V, movies, Broadway Shows genre of music is rock. What I love (plays), a circus, zoos, a whole bunch of about rock is the awesome guitar solos. museums, and much, much more! My favorite solo is the solo to Sweet Entertainment is for entertaining you Child O Mine. The guitarist on the right such as a juggling clown at the circus. (Slash from Guns n’ Roses) is the one Also watching a funny movie at the who plays the solo. He is an awesome movie theaters! You might even have a guitarist. I think he is the second best lot of fun and be entertained by your guitarist of all time. Jimmy Hendrix is friends whether they are funny or not! my favorite guitarist of all time because I There are lots of things entertaining you believe he was the real inventor of rock. every day! I love entertainment because I gave you a website at the bottom to when you are bored and you need listen to a sample of Sweet Child O something to do you can just find Mine. Scroll down the page and go to the something to watch or you can play with samples. Listen to Sweet Child O Mine. your friends or play catch with a sibling! It will melt your mind. That is what entertainment is all about. I love going to the movies with family and Josh friends and going to the circus I even Fifth Grade like going to museums and learning Franklin Township School about things even when it isn’t school! Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

Harlee http://www.amazon.com/Appetite- Fifth Grade Destruction-Guns-N- Franklin Township School Roses/dp/B000000OQF Quakertown, New Jersey, USA

QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

A special THANK YOU to all the A special THANK YOU to Paige for teachers that guided their students in designing the front cover of this contributing to this publication. publication.

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